View Full Version : Pathfinder: How do boost my rogue's fort saves?

2013-04-18, 05:10 PM
Right now my rogue is rather straight forward and focusing entirely on evasion, with 22 dexterity and intelligence, with dex and int both applying to armor class and reflex saves. I even got a feat that adds intelligence to initiative checks, and later plan to go assassin. I even got agile combatant for a bonus to my combat maneuver defense.

However, despite this, I am having a very rough time with my dm. Apparently, every npc in the world while I am only level 5 is capable of hitting me easily. He doesn't even try to hide the fact he didn't roll for it, he immediately says if it hits or not. My character has a very low pool of hit points, and he manages to score hits left and right. If i dodge an attack, suddenly a new attack hits me from say, a sniper we didnt realize before or something. And now, ontop of that, he specifically sends fort-saved based enemies to beeline me, knowing I have the lowest in the group. He sent a IRON GOLEM AFTER US AT LEVEL 1.

So, he ignores my 26+ ac (30 when full defensive mode), and allows spells like burning hands from novice wizards manage to do full damage to me with a +13 and higher reflex bonus, and hes almost killed me now 4 times from fort saved based attacks, poisons, nausea inducing rain and apparently a touch attack from a novice wizard with a shocking grasp that apparently managed to roll 15 damage... when i was level 1. I only lived from those situations due to our hero point system, and now i am out.

Besides the fact that my dm wants my head and im literally out of luck, is their any way I could add my dexterity or intelligence to fortitude saves or get a large boost to fortitude saves with a level in a different class, feat, etc? I was considering going just 1 into monk (dex, int, and wis to ac fun times) just for the boost in fort/will saves. If I could boost my fort saves, I wouldn't have to worry so much about SOME "RAIN". -_-

2013-04-18, 05:16 PM
If you maxed out your reflexes and AC so that you couldn't be hit by attacks that are hitting you anyway because the DM isn't rolling, he's just saying "they hit" then why would boosting your Fort help?

You could have a Fort save of 30 and the DM would probably say "you fail, take 1d10 Con damage" every second encounter or so.

This sounds like it's a DM with control issues, not a gameplay one. You're better off talking with the other players and the DM about it, or just leaving.

2013-04-18, 05:19 PM
If the DM is deliberately cheating in this manner, call him out on it and tell him to stop being a **** (in a diplomatic way). Because if this guy is seriously doing all this targeting you and not doing similar stuff to the other players, he has no excuse. Even if he treated the other PCs in the same manner, this would be pretty douchy behavior, imo. The odd fudged roll to make a better story is one thing. Ignoring all rolls in order to maximize the pain is just uncalled for.

I've been on the other end of this, seemingly targeting one PC with crappy saves and hp and rolling unfortunately high (I even fudged a few rolls to not outright kill the PC). It wasn't deliberate except in universe, because a squishy sorcerer tends to feel damage and Fortitude saves more than a paladin, a cleric and a dwarf fighter, plus spamming damage spells makes you a nice target. Take out the squishies first, then get on to the tough ones.
Now the sorcerer has better AC, more HP and a better Fortitude save than the cleric.

2013-04-18, 05:21 PM
As VanIsleKnight said, I don't know if any numbers are going to help you too much. If the DM doesn't bother rolling for attacks and either sets arbitrarily high save DCs or is wholly unconcerned with making encounters even vaguely CR-appropriate, I doubt having a higher modifier would help much; as you say, your +13 reflex save isn't letting you dodge any of the damage from a first-level wizard's burning hands. I'd try talking to the DM about it, since this is a problem with the DM, not the rules.

2013-04-18, 05:28 PM
Go to the next session. Don't mark damage correctly. Change numbers, ask for save DC's then roll and say you made a 23 to the 18 etc.
Ok but seriously

Sit him down
Ask him what is up Doc
Talk with him why he is picking on you. Or at least why you feel he is picking on you(even thought he clearly is)
Point out he's not rolling and that is unfair
Pulling things out of nowhere when attacks miss
Also make sure he knows that spells don't roll max dice to start. He could be very slow and that shocking grasp does not do 5d6 right at level 1
If all else fails walk away

2013-04-19, 08:59 AM
Go Necropolitan. As an undead you're flat-out immune to all that fort crap he's throwing at you, and 1d8+CHA will probably give you more hit points than 1d6+CON.

2013-04-19, 09:06 AM
Go Necropolitan. As an undead you're flat-out immune to all that fort crap he's throwing at you, and 1d8+CHA will probably give you more hit points than 1d6+CON.

Difficult in Pathfinder.