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View Full Version : Best DIVINE necromancy classes

2013-04-18, 06:57 PM
I need a good divine base class for a PRC I know Cleric is there. So anyone else got any Ideas for me?

2013-04-18, 06:59 PM
Cleric is definitely one of your top choices, though Archivist (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) is pretty strong if you don't need turn/rebuke undead.

Dread Necromancer is arcane.

2013-04-18, 07:03 PM
I noticed though that about dread necro. the PRC has insane buffs to the Turning so I couldn't hamstring it like that. ITs too cool how it handles it. it lets you spend two uses to make it command instead of rebuke undead. o-o so basicly makes it useable on the powerful undead at much lower level. I was hoping thier was another seeing as we already have a cleric in the group. o-o Oh well I guess cleric it is for base unless someone else has one for me.

2013-04-18, 07:19 PM
There aren't that many divines beside cleric. And dread necro is arcane, I believe...:smalltongue:

Well, even if you find another class, the best are cleric and dread necro. Wizard necro is better for his spells, not his creation of undead.

When creating undead, get an unholy, turn someone into a wight (like a defenseless prisoner) at afternoon, tie them down, and have fun "capturing" it, and there comes your giant army.
For prcs, master of shrouds is okay.
Tricks like fell animate and other cheese is fun.

Silva Stormrage
2013-04-18, 07:21 PM
What do you wish for Necromancy? For minionmancy the cleric is your best bet. If you want save or dies Archivist is probably a bit better.

I always liked the Blighter from Complete Divine but the class itself is pretty terrible.

Overall Cleric is going to be better than any other class for necromancy divine classes. Look up the divine magician ACF for more necromancy spells usually reserved for Wizards.

2013-04-18, 07:33 PM
Well the requirements for the PRC I want to use are divine spell-caster, Knowledge (Religion) 9 ranks, Handle Animal 4 ranks, and being evil. So its looking like cleric. Because like I said above it gives you massive bonus to rebuking and commanding. as well as a few options to make undead servants without magic using rituals and such to make you useful even if you did tap out your spells for the day. as I don't see the adventure having many breaks to rest my character and get them back so I need that option. The cleric seems solid because hes at least half good at melee and has good armor. he might not be fighter good at it without the help of spells. But at least he passable. I only need 6 levels in cleric and then I can PRC out into the other class. I am still open to other Divine classes for the BASE though.

also what book or webpage is the divine magician on and page number if a book it will save me a lot of searching.

Silva Stormrage
2013-04-18, 07:35 PM
Well the requirments for the PRC I want to use are divine spellcaster, Knowledge (Religion) 9 ranks, Handle Animal 4 ranks, and being evil. So its looking like cleric. Because like I said above it gives you massive bonus to rebuking and commanding. as well as a few options to make undead servents without magic using rituals and such to make you useful even if you did tap out your spells for the day. as I don't see the adventure having many breaks to rest my character and get them back so I need that option. THe cleric seems solid because hes at least half good at melee and has good armor. he might not be fighter good at it without the help of spells. But at least he passable. I only need 6 levels in cleric and then I can PRC out into the other class. I am still open to other Divine classes for the BASE though.

What PRC is this? I don't think I know it and it seems interesting.

2013-04-18, 07:39 PM
Its the Lord of the Damned. Its home brewed but seems to be fairly narrow in its gains. Mainly in the necromancy department. Here is the link: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Tome_of_Necromancy_%28DnD_Other%29/Necromancy_with_Class : its a pretty neat class. It boosts pretty much all your necromancy while keeping your casting up. It does hurt your fort save a good bit though. It keeps your melee up to I think It might be a little lower then normal. but otherwise seems to keep with the theme of a supreme lord of the undead. o-o

2013-04-18, 08:03 PM
Master of Shrouds from Libris Mortis is nice. The 9/10 casting makes it not completely ideal for high level play, but at mid levels it works very well. If you do any early entry tricks that burn a second caster level (e.g. entering at fifth level, with cleric 4/binder 1 or something similar) then you get something that's a real powerhouse at around levels 5-10 or so.

Silva Stormrage
2013-04-18, 08:08 PM
Its the Lord of the Damned. Its home brewed but seems to be fairly narrow in its gains. Mainly in the necromancy department. Here is the link: http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Tome_of_Necromancy_%28DnD_Other%29/Necromancy_with_Class : its a pretty neat class. It boosts pretty much all your necromancy while keeping your casting up. It does hurt your fort save a good bit though. It keeps your melee up to I think It might be a little lower then normal. but otherwise seems to keep with the theme of a supreme lord of the undead. o-o

Ah got it, I don't really like Tome of Necromancy as I feel its classes are a bit overpowered. But for that prc cleric is definitely going to be the best bet you are going to get.

You could get Dread Necromancer to qualify if you take southern magician or some other way of getting them to cast divine spells if you wanted.

2013-04-18, 08:09 PM
we plan to go epic level so that might not be the best thing. We plan on bring elder evils and other such power houses into the mix to keep things interesting. The way most of the players play their characters almost all the elder evils would rub them the wrong way making us into anit-heros at the least.

Its not that overpowered it makes fort saves much harder one of the undeads biggest weaknesses. It also dosn't make your spell casting insane like some PRCs giving much more power then this. as for the other classes some of them seem a little off balance but not any more then the cleric and wizard already are with the other power PRCs.

not to mention some of the lower classes like fighter and rouge get a slight boost in the combat department while not making them too insane power wise. still making them under the cleric and wizard in most cases but at least it makes them fun and interesting to play. adds some flavor to it I guess.

2013-04-18, 08:30 PM
Nightstalker (Dragonlance: Races of Ansalon) - Can make an okay divine necromancer. They get Rebuke Undead, divine spellcasting with a lot of necromancy spells and Advanced Learning to pick up more, and 3 ghost cohorts.

2013-04-18, 08:44 PM
I do not have the dragonlance books so that ones kinda out of my reach at the moment.

2013-04-18, 09:53 PM
I noticed though that about dread necro. the PRC has insane buffs to the Turning so I couldn't hamstring it like that. ITs too cool how it handles it. it lets you spend two uses to make it command instead of rebuke undead. o-o so basicly makes it useable on the powerful undead at much lower level. I was hoping thier was another seeing as we already have a cleric in the group. o-o Oh well I guess cleric it is for base unless someone else has one for me.

Wait, sorry, what was that thing that lets you spend two Rebukes as a Command? That sounds really cool.

2013-04-18, 10:24 PM
That would be the Heel of the master ability of the Lord of the Damed in the link above. Its a nice necro class but not alot of people seem to like it because its not in the books and is homebrew. Its not that unblanced when compaired to the clerics and wizards other PRcs.