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View Full Version : Bluestone 42: The Search for Fisherman's Friends

Brother Oni
2013-04-19, 06:49 AM
Found this series on the BBC that I think is worthy of being better known.

Bluestone 42 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p014vls5) (pronouced 'Four-Two') follows the daily life of a bomb disposal team in Afganistan and while it may sound rather harrowing and overly serious, I feel it accurately presents the general relaxed attitude the British Army has towards soldiering, making it a rather effective comedy (it's been described as 'The Hurt Locker meets M.A.S.H.').

The website also has some fun short sketches, like two rank and file soldiers trying to come up with a use for the SA80's bipod.

As with anything involving soldiers, there's a warning of strong language.

Apologies to Americans and other aliens outside the UK who are probably blocked from being able to watch the BBC iPlayer (I'm sure there are alternate means).