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View Full Version : Help me spend 7 million gold?

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-19, 11:01 AM
Making a level 34 Gestalt

Currently Level 20 Warblade/Level 2 Deepwarden/12 Undecided//Level 20 Dwarf Sorcerer/14 undecided

And I have 7,000,000 million gold to spend on him. Help?

2013-04-19, 11:05 AM
All gear aside, you could probably use an estate or castle of some kind.

2013-04-19, 11:42 AM
List of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851)

Probably not able to spend all 7 million on tricking yourself out with those, but it's stuff you need.

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-19, 11:48 AM
All gear aside, you could probably use an estate or castle of some kind.

Possibly, but I'm specing my guy out first

List of Necessary Magic Items (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851)

Probably not able to spend all 7 million on tricking yourself out with those, but it's stuff you need.

Thanks, I forgot all about this resource

2013-04-19, 11:51 AM
Buy 7000 water clocks.

Or, alternately, 6999 water clocks and a catapult.

Out of curiosity, why is anyone with seven million gold going on an adventure? I mean, you could just hire several whole groups of adventurers to, you know, weave baskets or something.

2013-04-19, 12:11 PM
Open your Magic Item Compendium/DMG/any other books with magic items in them. Buy everything that looks cool. Don't worry about slot conflicts, you can afford the premiums for jamming it all into one item. Don't bother with most of the Epic Items in the Epic Level Handbook, they're pretty much all gigantically overpriced for what they do. Two exceptions: You probably want an Epic weapon (+6 or greater base enhancement value) for DR concerns, and if Epic Spells are on the table the Rod of Excellent Magic is useful as a source of re-usable and not excessively cheesy mitigation (1/day it'll pay up to 2,000 XP for you, so you can stick a 2,000 XP cost in a long-term buff spell and not worry about it.)

2013-04-19, 12:13 PM
After the advanced immunities list, Initiative, all of the stat boosters and a Belt of Battle...get a cool sword? Possibly a discipline weapon of all of your disciplines.

If you're considering a King of Smack kind of build, IHB has various purities of Orichalcum weaponry, which are obscenely expensive but multiply the weapon's base damage. +180k gold gets you a 1.5 multiplier.

Epic constitution items could be worth your while. Additionally, pumping your Str in ways that don't turn off in an AMF can increase Con under IHB virtual size category rules. The worthwhile cutoff points are 25 and 40, I think.

Really, just blow money on whatever sounds cool after you get the must-haves. Epic Level Handbook equipment make great goldsinks, if overpriced. That's what we're doing with the money, by and large. Passive stuff means less to keep track of.

EDIT: Epic spells also cost lots, and can be seriously powerful. Also, ask Permissive!DM if Orance Ioun Stones stack, and if they do, never worry about spell resistance ever again.

2013-04-19, 12:23 PM
I was gonna write up a post, and then I remembered that I already made one! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12514880&postcount=17)

With 7 million gold, you can pretty much abandon all restraint. Buy everything that might possibly be helpful, because why not? Except epic items, as tyckspoon said, they're pretty much all terrible (except for a +6 weapon and the rod).

I definitely want to emphasize the Silithar Grafts from Lords of Madness though. Those are something most people don't think about, but are quite handy- untyped physical stat bonuses? Sure. Yes, they're expensive, but a few hundred thousand gold is nothing when you have millions. And the fast healing one at least gives you a constant, EX source of healing, which just simplifies things for you. There's some other stuff worth looking at too, just check it out.

2013-04-19, 12:30 PM
Okay, forget the ELH items aside from the exceptions, then. You can have epic spells that give you +lots to Con and Cha anyway.

2013-04-19, 12:39 PM
how about a flying and/or teleporting fortress bristling with +1 ballista and catapults and enough henchmen to man them all?

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-19, 12:47 PM
Ok... this is a lot of magic items to go through.

I've been digging through them all for a while now and it may be for a while longer.

Thanks guy, my guys currently gaining immunities to almost everything.

2013-04-19, 01:10 PM
Beware being immune to almost everything. A DM's recourse in these situations is usually to throw equal-op monsters of vastly superior HD, or to invent stuff designed to exploit build weakness. This is doubly so at epic levels.

Jade Phoenix Mage let's you dump your metric ton of spells slots (rings of wizardry and slotless hands of glory) into extra damage, and you don't really even need to finish the PrC. It's in ToB, and is great for a ToB gish (which seems to be your character design).

I know people poo poo the ELH items, but I like a couple things:

- Boots of Swiftness. Just nice. Never worry about not being fast enough again, counts as that ring of evasion, and some nifty skill bonuses. Unless you are thinking of persisting haste, they also serve that function as well. You can hardly complain about overpriced when you have that much cash.

- Rod of the Wyrm: It's a wyrm dragon, and an excellent way to blow money. It is a great guard for your keep, and it seems to me that you can psychic reformation it's feats, skills and spells and design yourself a custom minion to do crafting, healing, tanking, etc. Maybe not up to par with the challenges at ECL 34, but, if nothing else, it makes for a SMOKING HOT MOUNT.:smallwink:

2013-04-19, 01:23 PM
All of it on Shapesand!

Do iiiiit!:smallfurious:

2013-04-19, 01:41 PM
buy an island, hire adventurers to bring you dragon eggs...
breed flights and flights of any kind of dragons... let em loose in the world...
now you have an empty island, maybe a million left, and you have to confront
all these dragons AND all these nations that are after you for the destruction
your actions caused!


stronghold builders guidebook..
build your starship! go to a galaxy far far away , get trained into jedai (or sith)
combat, get your light saber and any exotic metals/materials you like! go to
EARTH! go at the local coffee shop and bring me an apple pie and a coffee :)

hire wizards, make em discover new fancy spells! maybe time travel!

so, so many ideas... but just these for now!

Gwazi Magnum
2013-04-19, 01:46 PM
Ok, I'm going to have to stop working on this for the next few days.

But this is what I bought so far:


Edit: Never mind, the program broke and my **** is lost... -.-

Yea, I'll get back to this later.

Pretty much what I got was

-epic armor to add SR, DR and death immunity
-shield with +5 AC and heavy fortification
-anything that increased concetration and constitution
-a weapon with +5 attack roll
-immunity to mind effecting status

Note: tactic is to use manuevers that replace damage and saving throws with concentration. Hence the focus on concentration and lack of focus on weapon damage.

2013-04-19, 02:51 PM
For those levels you haven't assigned yet: Consider Swiftblade. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327) 50%, Extraordinary, not-Illusion-based (so it's not broken by True Seeing) Miss Chance against physical attacks and targeted spells, your Cha bonus to your Initiative, using Haste to cast Time Stop, and of course an extra Standard Action (so another Strike or spell) every round.. it's good stuff. In normal play it has a major downside in its dropped caster levels, but you're looking at playing far enough into Epic that it's not a big deal.

Edit: Oh, and don't forget the Extraordinary Freedom of Movement and that Haste itself becomes Extraordinary for you. Makes a nice AMF Fighter if you want to go that way, since you keep all the Swiftblade bonuses and can rely on your maneuvers while your more dangerous foes will have many of their attacks and defenses disabled.

2013-04-19, 05:24 PM
After spending money on your guy, I have a good idea for a base of operations:

1) buy a large building, castle works fine, but it just needs to be big enough to act like a train station or airport.

2) Make permanent teleportation circles from the castle to every city/ large city in the nation/world you will play in.

3) open up similar small terminals around every circle and charge per person per transport. Maybe even charge for heavy loads.

At level 34, you should have plenty of experience to build this (4500 xp per circle) and even if the construction is expensive, you can make all of that money back in no time depending on how much you charge versus payment for your guards (which you will probably want just keep things running smoothly). At 7M gp, you could probably also afford to build a bunch of golems as guards, instead of people. You will still want some casters capable of true seeing/arcane sight just to prevent shenanigans.

2013-04-19, 05:47 PM
Well in my group our rogue has spidering slippers of haste which he made into more of sandals and they have come in handy a lot.

The Glyphstone
2013-04-19, 05:49 PM
After the advanced immunities list, Initiative, all of the stat boosters and a Belt of Battle...get a cool sword? Possibly a discipline weapon of all of your disciplines.

If you're considering a King of Smack kind of build, IHB has various purities of Orichalcum weaponry, which are obscenely expensive but multiply the weapon's base damage. +180k gold gets you a 1.5 multiplier.

Epic constitution items could be worth your while. Additionally, pumping your Str in ways that don't turn off in an AMF can increase Con under IHB virtual size category rules. The worthwhile cutoff points are 25 and 40, I think.

Really, just blow money on whatever sounds cool after you get the must-haves. Epic Level Handbook equipment make great goldsinks, if overpriced. That's what we're doing with the money, by and large. Passive stuff means less to keep track of.

EDIT: Epic spells also cost lots, and can be seriously powerful. Also, ask Permissive!DM if Orance Ioun Stones stack, and if they do, never worry about spell resistance ever again.

Then spend the rest of your surplus on extra boxing gloves for the monkey.

2013-04-19, 05:57 PM
Then spend the rest of your surplus on extra boxing gloves for the monkey.

We need his hands free to flip through the book and randomly pick a monster to fight. :smallwink:

2013-04-19, 05:58 PM
buy ladders. huuge amount of ladders. and give them to random people so they can start making a lot of money, and destroy the economy of the entire world

2013-04-19, 06:21 PM
Shax's Indispensable Haversack (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=148101). This gives you loads of cheap utility. Keep it on a document where you can Ctrl+F search it (and easily mark off items you've used), because you already have far more abilities and items than you can be reasonably expected to remember.

2013-04-19, 06:24 PM
Some of the epic items can be good. The ring of ironskin grants DR 15/adamantine for 400k, for instance. And are custom items allowed? If so you can start doing things like make an item that casts heal on you once a round, for example.

2013-04-19, 10:41 PM
Amulet of Continuous Time Stop


To my knowledge, nothing says you can't have one, and it's just core, so it can't be too overpowered.

By that same token, ring of continuous Shapechange might be nice as well, and only costs 459,000.

An anything of Spell Storing with Shivering Touch costs an additional 9k, 16k if nonmagical already. Caltrops come to mind. Drop them over a village for a bit of fun.

A wand with Wish would wake Wee Jas with woe and wonder (I'm not a poet, don't judge me.)

A ring of Greater Teleportation at will probably shouldn't cost more than 1 mil.

If you wanted to spend all 7 mil, you could get a headband that gives an Armor Bonus of 83. If you wanted.

Every Bonus 9th level spell per day costs a measly 81k. You could get like 90 of those.

And remember, you can REDUCE these costs even further! Just have the guy who makes it for you make it "Usable by only those of a specific skill and class." That reduces the cost by 10% and 30% respectively.

I always wanted a flying preying mantis that I could use as a mount. You can get one of those, but make it so incredibly magiced up that it doesn't suck. Why? Because it's a preying mantis.

I would probably find a bartender in a local village and tell him "I will invest 5000g in your business for you to use however you'd like. I just want you to give me free drinks for life." Then somehow make yourself immortal. Maybe ring of "I never age because I have enough money to do whatever I want."

Once I needed glass marbles for a spell component. Due to a clerical error, I spent 100 gp on them instead of 1 gp on them. So I got like 5 bags of holding filled. Imagine how many you could get with 7 million gold.

Make a potion to end all potions. Enlarge Person, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, somehow double the effects of all of those, then make it turn you into like a tank or something and give you Enervation at will as a free action. Call it Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator. Then make like a thousand of those. And put it in the water supply. This should cost approximately no fraction at all of what you have.

Umm...buy The Elemental Plane of Water.

Commoner Gladiators, anybody?

Make a personal army of Level 6 Dungeoncrasher Fighter Goliath Half Minotaurs. Don't know where to find them? Pay some egghead wizard to breed some. Then give them all spell resistance 40 and rings of continuous enlarge person. And big swords.

Find a way to get to the moon and then find another way to blow up the moon. You have the funds for it.

I think in one of the Fiendish Codex's there's a list of drugs. Buy a lot of drugs.

I would pay for someone to genetically engineer a pokemon for me. Pay a wizard to make you a pokemon. Why does this system not have a Genetics-mancer?

I'm almost out of ideas...maybe just like a big boat of cats...and send them to some empire overseas.

I forget where I say this, but an orgy costs 500 gp per person per night. So a whole party could have a 93 month long orgy. Just something to think about.

Graphing Calculators seem to cost a lot. Get one of those.

I'm done.

2013-04-19, 10:55 PM
Amulet of Continuous Time Stop


To my knowledge, nothing says you can't have one, and it's just core, so it can't be too overpowered.

When a post starts like this you just know its going to be solid gold.

Alternately, buy fence posts made of solid gold. Never debate another character, when confrontation is imminent just hammer a post into the ground and walk away. Speculating on your motives is for the poor.

2013-04-20, 12:37 AM
I forget where I say this, but an orgy costs 500 gp per person per night. So a whole party could have a 93 month long orgy. Just something to think about.

We have a winner. Bonus points if you spend the entire campaign orgying, especially during dungeons. Epic bonus points if you use Diplomacy to make all your enemies stop fighting you and join in your 7-year orgy.

2013-04-20, 12:56 AM
There are a great deal of nice grafts and no explicit limit to how many you can have. They aren't cheap, especially the beholder grafts, but some of them are nice.
You can also grab some Symbionts.

This has a list of a good deal more gear.

2013-04-20, 01:06 AM
If you are going for an epic caster, you are going to want a good spellcraft check for epic spells. A magic item granting +30 or more would be nice.

2013-04-20, 08:50 AM
Amulet of Continuous Time Stop


To my knowledge, nothing says you can't have one, and it's just core, so it can't be too overpowered.

By that same token, ring of continuous Shapechange might be nice as well, and only costs 459,000.

An anything of Spell Storing with Shivering Touch costs an additional 9k, 16k if nonmagical already. Caltrops come to mind. Drop them over a village for a bit of fun.

A wand with Wish would wake Wee Jas with woe and wonder (I'm not a poet, don't judge me.)

A ring of Greater Teleportation at will probably shouldn't cost more than 1 mil.

If you wanted to spend all 7 mil, you could get a headband that gives an Armor Bonus of 83. If you wanted.

Every Bonus 9th level spell per day costs a measly 81k. You could get like 90 of those.

And remember, you can REDUCE these costs even further! Just have the guy who makes it for you make it "Usable by only those of a specific skill and class." That reduces the cost by 10% and 30% respectively.

I always wanted a flying preying mantis that I could use as a mount. You can get one of those, but make it so incredibly magiced up that it doesn't suck. Why? Because it's a preying mantis.

I would probably find a bartender in a local village and tell him "I will invest 5000g in your business for you to use however you'd like. I just want you to give me free drinks for life." Then somehow make yourself immortal. Maybe ring of "I never age because I have enough money to do whatever I want."

Once I needed glass marbles for a spell component. Due to a clerical error, I spent 100 gp on them instead of 1 gp on them. So I got like 5 bags of holding filled. Imagine how many you could get with 7 million gold.

Make a potion to end all potions. Enlarge Person, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, somehow double the effects of all of those, then make it turn you into like a tank or something and give you Enervation at will as a free action. Call it Brawndo, the Thirst Mutilator. Then make like a thousand of those. And put it in the water supply. This should cost approximately no fraction at all of what you have.

Umm...buy The Elemental Plane of Water.

Commoner Gladiators, anybody?

Make a personal army of Level 6 Dungeoncrasher Fighter Goliath Half Minotaurs. Don't know where to find them? Pay some egghead wizard to breed some. Then give them all spell resistance 40 and rings of continuous enlarge person. And big swords.

Find a way to get to the moon and then find another way to blow up the moon. You have the funds for it.

I think in one of the Fiendish Codex's there's a list of drugs. Buy a lot of drugs.

I would pay for someone to genetically engineer a pokemon for me. Pay a wizard to make you a pokemon. Why does this system not have a Genetics-mancer?

I'm almost out of ideas...maybe just like a big boat of cats...and send them to some empire overseas.

I forget where I say this, but an orgy costs 500 gp per person per night. So a whole party could have a 93 month long orgy. Just something to think about.

Graphing Calculators seem to cost a lot. Get one of those.

I'm done.

I think you forgot the <item> of continual True Resurrection...

Granted, the 93 month orgy is probably a better deal.