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2013-04-19, 01:41 PM
Link to the OOC thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15025697#post15025697)

When you all end up in Croatia, each of you separately is called to a meeting. All you were said is that there is an employer requiring an adventurers team and that he chose you as an appropriate one for the job. The meeting is supposed to happen in a tavern "Under a Full Mug"today at noon (it's morning right now).

2013-04-19, 08:18 PM
Natsu Dragoneel stands in the center of town and takes in a deep breath. Today he was going to do something! He had forgotten any details about any mission he was on, but he was sure he was in the right city! "Crow-something, city of crows!"

"Croatia, not Crow-something. Nobody here is a crow." Yipped Ripsnarl, Natsu's draconic blinkdog companion.

"Eh? Oh, well, regardless! We should see if anyone has seen a dragon, and then go to the mayor's place for our job!" Natsu flexed a bit, then smiled, earnestly looking forward to the day.

"Our job is at the 'Under a Full Mug' tavern." If not for his more attentive companion, Natsu would likely get lost very easily. Fortunately, Blinkdogs are rather intelligent, and this one pays special attention to Natsu's obligations. After all, Natsu pays for the dog to eat, and is generally very nice to be around.

"Right!" With that Natsu spends the first half of the morning coming up to random people and asking them if they have seen a dragon lately. One hour before noon, at 11 am, Natsu will walk into the tavern, and order a large meal.

2013-04-20, 12:33 PM
Hafthyer spat on the ground. The stench of the city disgusted him. He missed the scent of the rain as it fell on grass. The sound of the birds in the trees. He sighed. There was a job that he had found, or rather his spirit wolf had sniffed out and pointed him to. He wasn't sure why he should be going to this bar, but he had learned to trust his guide.

Walking inside, he noticed many more fat city-folk drinking more grog, making them fatter and lazier. Hafthyer sighed. Even the mead here was weak and not worth buying. He quickly noticed a few fey and relaxed a little. At least there were a few spirits in this place...

2013-04-20, 12:47 PM
Mosroda Forgehands wanders around the city for most of the morning; taking in sights and learning a bit of the lay of the land. She questions random people about interesting things, trades some less fortunate a gold or two for a story or a bit of overheard gossip before making her way to the tavern at noon. As she enters; she heads to the bar, asking for a wet rag she can buy to wash the road dust from her joints and polish her shield with while she waits.

((OOC: spending about 10gp through the wanderings, didn't really listen to the gossip and such, so much as wasting time; extra 2gp spent for the rag and tip so the establishment has no problem with somebody not there to spend any money on booze or food.))

2013-04-21, 11:57 AM
A lone figure clad in finely crafted clothes were making his way towards the "Under a Full Mug" tavern idly observing the buzz of the town yet seemingly lost in deep thought. An interesting turn of events to say the least. Garmine Hadar mused over the possibilities that had presented themselves recently. Several talented individuals.. Yes, this was certainly interesting enough to be worth his time. I shall take my time and learn all I can about their potential, and if they are worthy.. well.. His face broadens in a wide predatory grin, brushing aside a man asking about a dragon before continuing towards the tavern.

2013-04-29, 08:59 AM
Were she in any hurry, the pixie would simply have flown. Walking slowly towards through the town, Sakura merely watched the people scurry about, left to her own thoughts, ignoring the looks that many people gave her. A beautiful woman in exotic clothing with large translucent wings tended to have that effect on people.

As always these mortals flit from place to place.

Without really realizing it, she found herself in front of the requested meeting place, an establishment called Under a Full Mug. Imperceptibly shrugging, she enters, sits at a table on the far side of the room, and orders a cup of tea. Many give her second looks, but unlike errands from which they could be interrupted to gawk, alcohol generally required their full, undivided attention and so they could not spend too much time on her.

2013-04-29, 09:11 AM
After you enter you are all asked by a barmaid to follow her. She leads you to a room and then leaves.

There is noone in the room besides you five.

(OOC: You may introduce yourselves to each other now, if you wish)

2013-04-29, 11:14 AM

Mosroda leans againsit a wall;the wall creaking in protest of the weight it suddenly holds. She says nothing; assuming if any of these are the ones that called her here; they would speak up.

She looks around at each person; her gaze stopping to assess them each in turn.

Using Detect evil as I look at each (At Will Incarnate Ability.)

2013-04-29, 04:33 PM
Natsu grabs a leg of pork to bring with him and munches on it while he waits, looking at the other people. A metal guy, a tiny girl thing with wings, and ... other people.

"Introduce us!" Ripsnarl yipped in the language of blink dogs.

"Eating." Natsu replied in the same, likely not understood tongue.

"Give me the meat and do it."

Natsu sighed and tossed the meat to the waiting jaws of his draconic canine friend. "Hello people." Natsu crossed his arms and frowned. "Since all of you were obviously waiting in the bar, I doubt none of you are the hiring person, right? Which means we are likely to be comrades. So, I'm Natsu. This is my friend Ripsnarl. His dad named him that so he would grow up to be ferocious. But he's not really. Anyways... uh... I'm not good with introductions. I punch things with fire. Ripsnarl is a blinkdog. Just ask if you needed to know anything else." Natsu sighed as he finished his speech in the common tongue he assumed everyone else would know.

Natsu took the meat back from Ripsnarl and went back to eating it, provoking a low growl from the dog. "Hush." Natsu said in the canine language.

2013-04-29, 08:24 PM
Hafthyer grunted and began to speak in common, harshly accented common, "I suppose we are." He nodded at the man with the dog-spirit, his spirit guide could seen. The other fey pleased him, they were generally the more pleasant of the spirits he had encountered.

He leaned back, stablizing himself with his arms, while one ghostly arm reached up to scratch his head. "I'm not from around here, thankfully," he said coolly, "And I'm glad to see many of you aren't either. I think we'll get along just fine. I will be useful in a fight and during travel--I trust you will all be the same. Anyway, down to business, who knows what the job is?"

2013-04-29, 11:41 PM
Sipping her tea, the pixie looks around the room.

"I sincerely doubt it. I expect we'll find out soon enough though."

2013-04-30, 12:44 AM
Natsu chewed his meat thoughtfully for a moment. "You don't known he job either? I thought I was just dumb and forgot. I hope we were going to get paid a lot. I'm broke. Mr. Not-From-Around-Here, why don't you like this place? Crow-whatever?

2013-04-30, 03:38 AM
Garmine have been observing the small group of people from his vantage point by the hearth, listening in on the conversation.At will: Detect magic on each person in turn.

"I would not be so hasty as to accept only based on my current monetary status, Master Natsu." A small smile playing on his lips. "I noticed that apart from Master Natsu, no one has had the courtesy of offering a name... While I generally approve, it makes conversation slightly taxing. You may refer to me as Garmine if you so choose." He bows slightly.

2013-04-30, 04:43 AM
You detect faint aura coming from everybody but the human. If you want more details, go to their sheets, I don't want to go into listing magic auras of every single piece of equipment they wear =]

Suddenly, door opens and someone in black robes enters the room. His whole body is covered in black fabric, so it's impossible to discern his/her race, but he is propably a man. On his chest there is a symbol:
Knowledge (Religion): 25 to recognize the symbol
It's a symbol of Vecna
Following his enters a human woman in her 30s, also wearing mostly black clothing, but not as covering. The same symbol can be seen on her chest.

The man goes to stand by the window, to see all of you. The woman goes and stands by his side.

He starts waving his hands, moving his fingers at the same time.

The woman starts to speak:
My master would like to welcome you and thank you for arriving when he wanted you to.
First of all, he would like to warn you, that any information you get here must be kept to yourselves. If any of you is not prepared to keep a secret or to engage in dangerous activities, he is free to leave now.

There is a moment of break for anyone of you to leave. For the ones that stay (OOC: I hope everyone) they continue.

It is well known to us that all of you are proficient adventurers capable of dealing with dangerous tasks. Today, we are going to ask you to take care of a more... delicate matter. There are some cultists, who apparently don't want to belong to the cult anymore. We are afraid they might leave the shelter they're currently occupying, and spread around anything they might know about us. We need you to deal with them.
Since it can't be broadly known that you're fighting Vecna's followers, because then there would be questions about who sent you, you need to have a cover story as to where exactly are you travelling.
It is a lucky coincidence, that a Blue Dragon is living in the vicinity, so I need you to at least tell everybody that that's your target, or maybe even kill him, someone will propably reward you for that too...

She then unrolls a map she has been carrying. It looks as if it were a map of the country. She points at a place right next to the mountains located 2 or 3 days north from the city, and then at a place directly within the mountains.

Here is the apostates' shelter and here is the location of dragon's lair. Unfortunately, we can't provide you with specific information as to what exactly constitutes their shelter, but you can be pretty sure they're hiding inside one of numerous caves there. They propably have some scouts on the outside, so if you can take any of these out, they could lead you to their asylum if proparly... persuaded.

Any questions?

2013-04-30, 06:15 AM

I am assuming it's pretty basic knowledge that Vecna is "bad" without having to do a religion knowledge check; even if I don't know deeper about it without making checks or having a RP background. If it's not; I'll edit this post out and accordingly

The Metal Being stands up straight; the wall creaking heavily in relief of the lessened weight on it's load.

"I have no problem with killing followers of Vecna; nor trying my skills againist a dragon; but I have questions 2." the Warforged speaks in a surprisingly female tone; but deep and with almost a faint squeal of rusty metal.

"I mean no disrespect..but what is with the hands?" with which she gestures a charicture of what the man was doing. "I've not seen this before."

Before anybody can awnser the first; she asks the second "Why. Why would we.....I.. work for somebody who has admitted working with followers of Vecna close enough for them to worry you with thier knowledge?" and with that she glares deeply at the man and women; judgingly.

Using Detect Evil on Both of these two.

2013-04-30, 07:14 AM
Looking between the cultists and the metal... person of indiscernable gender, Natsu frowns and looks to his canine friend who huffs. "Blue dragon? Not red?"

Natsu isn't concerned with the petty squabbles of different religions. And if this job ended up being bad, he just wouldn't do it after taking it. Maybe he would even help the little cultists who quit. Talking to a dragon would be nice. A dragon might know where his foster father is.

2013-04-30, 07:33 AM
The man starts manipulating with his hands again:
My master is mute. He's using secret Sign Language to communicate, and I'm the one to translate his speech to Common, so that you might understand it.
You do not HAVE to work for us now, you can still back away, provided you keep whatever you were told here a secret.
But if you percieve Vecna's followers as "evil" you could think of this as an opportunity to kill some of them, not as a job for us.

2013-04-30, 07:38 AM
Natsu frowns deeper. "That's dumb logic. Even I can see that. If they are quitting the cult, and someone hated the cult, they would seek to protect those who no longer wished to be a part of it. I mean... right?" A look of minor confusion, and a little bit of disgust is plain on Natsu's face. Either his logic is sound and these people are dumber than he is, or he is dumber than he thought he was.

2013-04-30, 07:40 AM
They didn't stop worshipping Vecna, all they did is separate from the main cult. We're sorry if our words convinced you otherwise.

2013-04-30, 07:42 AM
Sighing, Natsu looked down and scratched his arm. "Oh." is all he said in response. This is why I shouldn't do any more talking than I need to.

2013-04-30, 09:13 AM
Hafthyer noticed the symbol of Vecna but kept it to himself for now. He cocked an eyebrow "And what might we get for this expedition? I have no problem with the job, but what's on the table?"

2013-04-30, 09:42 AM
"That we act for death is enough to have me be willing to accept this mission, but I must concur with the human. What are you offering for our services?"

2013-04-30, 09:44 AM
We can easily offer 3000 gold pieces to each of you. We don't suspect any of you would be interested in receiving services from our cult as a part of the reward, am I right?

2013-04-30, 11:44 AM
Hmm... Natsu scratched his head. "And buy us lunch?" Natsu asked hopefully. "Or at least pay our tab at the tavern here?"

2013-04-30, 12:32 PM
Yeeah... Sure, why not?

2013-04-30, 05:33 PM
Hafthyer furrowed his brow. He wasn't sure that something wasn't awry with this employer to begin with. The cloak and robes, the symbol of Vecna, the general shady nature of this whole meeting. And how did they even find these people? Looked like a powerful group regardless.

"Sounds good enough, though perhaps I can convince you to give me my share in information?"

It's possible we're doing Vecna's dirty work, but we'll see. If anything else, the world doesn't need more cultists and blue dragons are nasty beasties to begin with.

2013-05-01, 05:32 PM
At the mention of services Garmine smiles and joins the conversation. "The gold.. while convenient, is of minor importance to me. I for my part, am quite convinced that your service could be of potentially far greater value..." Detect magic on the pair and Sense motive:[roll0]

Garmine is sure he has seen that symbol before... Yet it seems to have slipped his mind for the moment.

"One thing that I have seen as rather odd is your mention of secrecy. Yet you have told us several sensitive things about the mission, before anyone of us have signed a contract. Either you are sloppy... Or you have some insurance that we won't talk even if we refuse. Am I right?"

2013-05-01, 05:42 PM
Natsu isn't really sure what sort of services are being offered, or what kind the Garmine guy expects, but he might as well ask a question: "Would these services include something like telling me where a red dragon is? Specifically Igneel?"

Natsu didn't remember hearing any secrets. Some people were trying to leave a cult... at where somewhere... and something else... Nothing secretive, or even memorable. I hope Rip remembers all that. I wasn't paying attention.

2013-05-01, 07:45 PM
Turning towards Naru while still awaiting the response of the black clad pair. "Is that so? Finding a specific red dragon? I could help you with such a task easy enough, for a price of course."

2013-05-01, 11:53 PM
Natsu frowned at Garmine. "I just said I'm broke. I can't pay anything. And I have bills to pay."

2013-05-02, 12:24 AM
Mosroda: ((OOC: {} will be used to detonate personal thought for me.))

Mosroda leans back againist the wall; thinking about the merits of taking this on...

{I could always come back here and take care of this afterwards. Should they prove to be on the worse side of things.}

Hearing Garmine's and Natsu's..."conversation" she responds "I think he means after this; you will have some money then."

She turns to the Two employers then "Yea...I'll do it"; she turns head towards garmine/natsu "I'm not sure these two are up for it though.."

2013-05-02, 03:08 AM
Natsu exchanges a look at Rip, then laughs. "Not up for fighting some cultists? I grew up brawling with dragons. I just have money problems. And if I am being paid the amount they've said, I still won't have any money after this job. Like I said, bills to pay. I'm not sure you're up for this... you can't even follow a conversation..."

Natsu laughed again, and nudged hid friend who growled at him. "Errr... right. Actually, Rip says I shouldn't judge people based on their intelligence. Sorry." This comment provoked another growl from his canine companion. "Errr... I guess I should have worded that better. I'm sure you're not too dumb."

Rip whined, obviously sighing at the blurting of words from Natsu. Natsu crossed his arms and yipped at Ripsnarl, then added in common: "Ok, ok, ok. Maybe you just didn't put two and two together. You could just be..." Natsu was interrupted by a sharp bark from the dog.

"Right. Anyways, maybe you'll be fine, Mr. Metal. Garmine, Ripsnarl says we should wait and see how things turn out before we discuss things any further."

((I decided to not include the blinkdog conversations, because nobody else understands it.))

2013-05-02, 04:10 AM
"I am certainly interested, and if you recall good mister Natsu. I mentioned earlier that gold was not my primary concern. If you are interested in finding this Igneel, we could make a different arrangement. But enough of that.. You can't have a arrangement without the proper etiquette." Garmine makes a court gesture towards the robed pair."Were are the contracts? Let us read the fine print and then we should have a satisfactory deal."

2013-05-02, 05:07 AM
Crossing his arms, and leaning back Natsu frowned at Garmine a little bit. "Etiquette? I was raised in the wilderness by a dragon, who ditched me just as I became old enough to survive without him. I'm not very good with savoir faire. I hope you'll excuse me. If you don't need gold, I can try my best to provide a service. I don't know what I could do, but we should talk about an arrangement later. As for those contracts... um... we don't need those. Just pay us, and we'll go do the job. It's not going to be easy for us to find you, but you wouldn't have hired me without knowing me. I won't not do the job unless you lied about the job. Secretive types like you disappear too easily. Whereas people like me are easy to find."

2013-05-02, 05:09 AM
Your hunch tells you that you can trust whatever these two are saying. Detect Magic detects that they are surrounded by magical auras (not enough time to learn any specifics)

Whatever else, remember to maintain discretion, we do have our ways to know if you've had too long toungues.

You will find that you have a week's worth of staying in this tavern paid for. You won't be able to contact us if you want to discuss something later on, when the mission is over return to the city, we will find you and contact with you.

Now, if you'll excuse us...

After these words they leave the room.

2013-05-02, 06:15 AM

Mosroda walks over to the table to take a closer look at the map they left on the table and the area they pointed to.

While she studies the map; she speaks out to who's in general left in the room. "My Name is Mosroda; A Warforged if you've heard of them..." her voice trails off to a moment of silence as she pick up the map; rolling it up nicely and tucking it into her overcoat; after which she turns to the rest.

"Do any of you need the week to prepare?; or a day to at least secure horses, ponies..or whatever one rides these days?"

She looks expectantly at the 4; judging thier level of fitness.

{Can They keep up with me I wonder?}

2013-05-02, 06:17 AM
Arrrg.... people who want to pay after don't always pay at all... especially the secretive types.

They did agree to pay his tab though. It was time to binge eat! But first, he should probably see if his new comrades had any plans that involved him.

To respond to the metal person, who Natsu finally discovered was named Mosroda, Natsu said "I don't really ride horses... I could be done by the end of tomorrow, but I'd prefer to eat and drink a little while its on their tab. I bet we don't get too much city food again for a while..."

2013-05-02, 08:28 AM
Hafthyer rolled his eyes as he heard the talk about money problems. He wasn't exactly sure what to make of the "warforged" either. There may be no spirit inside which made him distrust that one...

"I'm ready as soon as now. I cannot deal with this city for much longer though, so I will wait on the outskirts until everyone else is ready." However, he made no motion to leave as he felt it was necessary to mention the symbol. "Who else noticed the symbol of Vecna our employers were wearing? We may wish to confirm these really are displaced cultists before we start destroying them, and we are not doing Vecna's dirty work by eliminating her enemies..."

2013-05-02, 08:49 AM
Garmine let's his thoughts wander for a moment before he answers the metal creature. <So.. They left before we could negotiate any of the conditions regarding those favours.. No matter, I will claim my right after our task is done..>

"I have no problems with leaving as soon as possible..." Garmine pauses and looks a bit inquiringly at Mosroda before finishing. "..Lady Mosroda?"

"Yet, Master Natsu make a compelling point. Lets make the most out of our employers "generosity" while we have the chance. We will probably find out the hard way if we are doing the work of the" Garmaine spits in disgust. "..Lord of secrets."< I knew I had seen it somewhere before.. >

Then he heads out of the room and over to the owner of the tavern.

Finding his target just behind the bar he walks up and introduces himself. "I am called Garmine Hadar, a pleasure to meet you. I trust you have been informed that our employer have paid our expenses a week in advance?" Garmine sighs deeply.

Diplomacy: 31+10 = [41] (Take ten due to bound vestige: Naberius)

"Yet it seems like we regrettably won't be able to grace this establishment with our presence more than a night." continuing with a sad voice. "It would be a shame for you to not be able to rent out our empty rooms only because we left early. But fear not, I am convinced that a fine person as yourself would never charge for rooms not used. Garmines face broadens in a heartfelt smile. "You know what we could do to make things right? If you could prepare some of your finest meals for travel for four persons for say... a months travel? I would be deligthed and you would not have to return more than the gold for the last two days to us." Still smiling at the barkeep he adds. "You know what? I like your sense of fairness so much I might even play a bit of music later."

2013-05-02, 09:08 AM
Yes, indeed I've been paid for your and your... companions rooms for a week, yet, I won't exchange it for any other favours. You might get at most the food for a week if you leave early, and I'd still be only thanks to my generosity.

(OOC: Don't expect Diplomacy to work exactly as written, I'll most often apply a lot of modifiers to it, because RAW, it's simply broken. In this example, it made him even consider the possibility of supplying you with food at all.)

2013-05-02, 09:42 AM
Garmine bows slightly. "You are most generous indeed, and rest assured between you and me.. It might be for the best that we leave quickly anyway, the assimar with the dog looked like he could devour an entire stable by himself for breakfast. And still have room for a small pony!" Germine smiles again.

"Nevertheless I'm still inclined towards playing a few notes if only for practice. Do you perchance have a favorite tune you would like to hear?"

Garmine picks up his fiddle and begins to expertly tune it before playing a few quick melodies.

Perform: Fiddle:[roll0]

"Or should I choose something more.. Rural?"

(OOC: I expected as much. ;) Are you using the giants own fix? http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=172910 It makes it more of a haggeling proccess and takes things as wisdom and lvl into consideration and I find it balances it very much without making high diplomancy chars "hit or miss" (unlike high intimidate/bluff as those have combat applications as well.))

2013-05-02, 09:49 AM
Sing whatever you like, I don't care, as long as you won't scare other guests away!

((OOC:Yeah, Giant's Diplomacy fix seems OK, but I still fiddle with modifiers some more from time to time, so that you won't know for sure how well you convinced someone, even though you'll know your rolls))

2013-05-02, 10:11 AM
"Exelllent, very well then! I highly doubt that the guests would be frightened away by a bit of fiddling. I will gather up the food early tomorrow, and if you don't mind I would like to have some cheese and wine for dinner later."

Garmine spends a few hours playing for his own amusement in the tavern.

Perform: [roll0]

2013-05-02, 02:19 PM
Your play is pretty well welcome, some people offer you a drink.

2013-05-02, 06:25 PM
Natsu patted Hafthyer on the back. "I agree, cities are terrible, but they have work and better food. So you should try to get used to them. Unless you are a really good cook... and you don't need a job... Then I guess you could just not get used to them and live in the wilderness. That would be nice. As for the Vecna-thingy, don't worry, we won't just blindly kill people. We have to make sure the people are bad first. We can't trust people in all dark clothes who don't even pay you first."

He had done a lot of talking, and since his food was paid for, he decided he had talked plenty and went to order more food and drink; expensive tasty food, and cheap filling food, enough for him and his friend.

When Garmine started singing, Natsu listened with interest. Natsu loved a good song, and he cheered at the end of many of them. "Sing something about food!" Natsu yelled at the end of one of his songs. "Tasty, tasty food song!"

Natsu wasn't sure about the quiet little flying girl, or the metal thing, or even the other what's-it-called, but he like Garmine!

2013-05-02, 09:03 PM
Hafthyer grumbled "I don't even eat."

He studied the map for a good while. Seeing as no one had made a considerable effort to head out, he mentioned to Natsu and Sakura that he'd be on the road out of town when they were ready.

2013-05-02, 10:10 PM
The pixie simply sips at her tea, while the hustle and bustle continues.

Nodding to herself as if deciding something, she takes out both of her warfans and gets flies up onto a table near the performer.

Wordlessly, after he finishes a song, she enters an odd stance. As she does, a number of glowing butterflies swirl around her, only their outlines possessing any real substance. She then begins a slow rhythmic dance, very slowly are measuredly picking up momentum.

Hopefully the singer will play some fitting music for my own performance.
Sakura enters in to the Deadly Dance stance, more for effect than anything else.
Perform (dance) [roll0]

Reaching a state of a frenzy of light and movement, before anyone quite realizes it, the butterflies disappear, the fairy has stopped, and is pointing at a young man in the tavern with the lesser of her fans.

This lasts for just a moment before she nods, gets down from the table, and asks for another cup of tea, plum if they have it; after receiving the cup, she sits silently at a table, gazing distantly across the room.

The boy shall soon perish.

2013-05-03, 03:27 AM
The crowd seems amazed by your performance, some of the more tipsy men even try to offer you a drink. The youngster you've pointed your fan at gives you a strange stare as he comes out of the tavern.

2013-05-04, 11:54 AM
Mosroda sighs and shakes her head at these...humanoid antics.
She heads outside and takes a seat outside the place; a reasonable distance from the door so she doesn't get mistaken for a bouncer of some sort.

She takes a kit out from her cloak and slowly and surely works kinks and dints out from her shield; polishing each piece meticulously while she waits out the night of the rest of her..."companions" revelry.

2013-05-04, 12:33 PM
Some passing people give Mosroda strange look, but generaly leave him be.

2013-05-05, 09:51 AM
Garmine observes the skill of the dancing fairy, yet keeps holding back his own performance. <No reason to make this too spectacular. Secrecy is still key.> He keeps making mental notes of the pixie's movements. <She is quite skilled.. Is that.. a martial stance? Interesting..>

When the show is over. Garmine retrieves some of the books in his small "library" and starts to go trough specific pages of "Fate and Faith", "Arcane Mysteries" and "Grand history of the realm" and after some afterthought even some sections in "Natures bounty and beasts".

<Let's see.. Cult of vecna... Here it is! Hmmm, yes.. as I thought.. Blue dragons.. Weak to.. Strengths.. Red Dragons... Hmm>

Garmine is spending the rest of the time researching vecna and his cults, dragons and local history and wildlife of the two locations marked on the map they are heading towards tomorrow.

Take 20 or 10 if possible:
Religion: 35 or 25
Arcane: 35 or 25
History: 35 or 25
Nature: 35 or 25



2013-05-05, 10:04 AM
You can take 20 in this situation. The books are also giving you a circumstance bonus, so you're getting a 37 on each of the rolls. That should give you basically all info on them that would not be extremaly secret (which only applies to vecna's cult). I hope you don't need me listing all the stuff your character remembered/learned?

2013-05-05, 03:26 PM
Well, any info as to what we reasonably could encounter on the way and some such. Any local info on the cult, or the blue dragon (age, name, etc) thing like that. So I can choose an appropriate Vestige to bind.

2013-05-07, 08:39 AM
Nothing paculiarities about the local cult. The blue dragon is about 40 years old, so not the biggest of wyrms. The area you're going to is unguarded, so a lot of lesser animals and some bandit groups fester in the area. Some undead were also spotted in the area, but you can easilly account these to the Vecna's cult.

The next day... you all wake up (except these that need not sleep).

2013-05-07, 08:14 PM
When Natsu wakes up, he gets dressed and does his morning stretches. Once he feels limber enough to fight dragons, he heads down stairs to orders a breakfast fit for a dragon.

Since Hafthyer said he would be waiting down the road for him, Natsu ate quickly, bagged any left overs, gathered supplies, asked for any supplies left for his journey that the innkeeper may have left for him, and took said supplies with him to go find Hafthyer, the thing that doesn't need to eat.

2013-05-07, 10:57 PM
Sakura is on top of the inn's roof by dawn, watching the sun rise. Thus sated, she heads down to the inn's commonroom, and leisurely eats a couple of simple biscuits with jam.

The sun is barely above the horizon when the pixie arrives at the designated meeting point.

2013-05-08, 09:48 AM
Hafthyer waited out the night, he spent his time moving around, getting the lay of the land. He remembered some of the map and had a good idea the direction to go. His spirit-wolf was happier now, and spent some time, rubbing up against him wagging his tail. He felt happy to be outside the city finally.

The morning was spent in peaceful meditation and preparing his spells, bindings, and meldshaping. How do people have time to sleep? he wondered.

He saw the pixie approach. He quickly stood from squatting down waiting and raised one arm to wave, "Hail spirit! Happy to be back on our way to the wild as well?" he asked.

2013-05-08, 01:57 PM
Natsu leaned against a tree and yawned. He scratched Ripsnarl's head, then slide down the tree, and gave his canine friend a more through neck rub, back scratch, and flank pat.

They spoke briefly in blinkdog, with Natsu teasing Ripsnarl for being too domesticated, and Ripsnarl saying Natsu was too wild to be a pet owner.

2013-05-08, 11:59 PM
"I certainly cannot begrudge you your desire to do so, but I care little one way or another. You'll find I'm not the most...conventional fey."

Waiting for the rest of her companions, the pixie began idly twirling her smaller fan.

2013-05-09, 03:39 AM
Garmine woke up from his reverie and unrolled one of his contracts.
<"Travel... I believe I shall call upon the service of the knight...">

Just as he is about to begin the necessary steps of invoking the contract. A stray thought hits him and he hesitates. <"That was.. A rather impressive dance last night..."> He unrolls another contract and stares at it unblinking for a moment. <"Heh.. Yesss.. The dancer.. "> Smiling to himself as he prepares the ritual.


A bit later Garmine arrives at the outskirts of town to join his new companions. Carrying the supplies the innkeeper promised safely inside his pack. <"A deal well struck."> He was in a good mood today and greeted the small group with a smile on his lips. "A most beautiful morning to begin a dragon-hunt! Is it not?" Not waiting for any reply he approached Hafthyer and nodded to the others. "I don't believe we had the time to acquaint ourselves last evening. I am usually known as Garmine and your name.. I did not quite catch it earlier."

2013-05-09, 08:59 AM
Mosroda Wanders in last; At least..it looks somewhat like Mosroda.

Gone is the Beaten, abused and weathered metal walking monstrosity; and before you stands a shiny; almost smooth chrome metal man, with a few glaring oddites; Like the Gauntlets that seem to have sparks flying between the fingers in a seemingly random beat, to the legs having a sky blue tone from the knee down to the boots; or maybe it's the Bracers of the Same color and the etheral image of an angelic being that surrounds her.

"Are we all here?" she asks; as if nothing is unusual.

"I see you all seem to have decided to walk.." she states with a sigh of disapproval.

2013-05-09, 09:12 AM
An unconventional fey...perhaps this spirit has been corrupted Hafthyer mused as he watched her spin her fans.

He saw the Shee approach and ask about him. "I go by Hafthyer, spirit, well met. I do not believe our job necessitates dragon-hunting, but I am not opposed to a little diversion..." He smiled, it might be a fun day after all.

The metal man was here now too...Hafthyer did not entirely trust this one.

2013-05-09, 02:03 PM
"What's wrong with walking? I'd much rather trust my own legs than make some poor animal carry me when I am perfectly capable of carrying myself. Plus horses make me dizzy."

Natsu stood up and did another quick set of stretches. Staying limber meant staying ready for action. "Which way are we going? I never looked at the map. Slipped my mind."

2013-05-10, 03:29 PM
"Speed is not of essence if you remember Lady Mosroda. We have got six days head start and I for one are not planning on walking anywhere. If you really are in such a hurry and find us fleshlings slow.." Garmine chuckles. "We could always buy a cart and you could pull us all the way. "

With that Garmine snaps his fingers and his shadow seems to elongate and creep up along his back, attaching itself at his shoulders and then spreading out like a large pair of dark butterfly wings. "To show my appreciation for your performance last night my lady." He winks to Sakura and takes wing. Hovering a couple feet of the ground he turns towards Hafthyer. "Lead on Master Hafthyer, I believe you are in possession of the map Master Natsu spoke of."

2013-05-10, 05:50 PM
Mosroda stares at Garmine for a moment before laughing.

"That I could; I never thought of that." she says along with giving a nod of approval.

2013-05-10, 07:51 PM
Garmine is a bit taken aback by Mosroda's reaction at his jest. But sensing an opportunity to asses the worforged's abilities, he quickly replies a bit intrigued. "Then if the lady wills it, shall we procure a cart that suits that purpose?"

2013-05-10, 08:35 PM
Hafthyer points and says "It would be this way, unless we are truly considering using this one as a metal horse." He moves closely to Mosroda and cautiously taps on the warforged as if knocking on a door. "It seems sturdy enough..."

2013-05-10, 08:40 PM
She looks around to the party; "Unless somebody has objections; I can keep us moving the whole way there; get there before anything but magic could alert them"

She laughs lightly as Hafthyer gives her armor a knock; "It's only hollow up here" she says as she points to her head

2013-05-10, 10:41 PM
After Hafthyer introduced himself...

"Well Hafthyer, now that I think on it I don't believe I properly introduced myself yesterday. I am Tsuisoku Sakura, sometimes referred to by people who think they are out of earshot as "the Grim Faerie."

At the current time...

"I have little objection either way, I could as easily fly if need be."

2013-05-11, 05:16 AM
Natsu sighed. "I'll only ride in a cart if I can lay down and I don't ha e the energy to walk. I'm not lazy enough to be carried and if I hustle, I'm sure I can at least keep up with the metal Lady while she carries everyone else. Carts also make me dizzy."

Natsu crossed his arms and frowned. What a bunch of lazy people... I guess I can respect the metal lady though.

2013-05-11, 08:57 AM
Garmine notices Natsu's hesitation and sees the opportunity to spend the trip reading up on their foe and avoiding potential ambushes crumble due to misguided pride, so he speaks up. "Think of it this way Master Natsu. The quicker we get there the quicker you get your gold and a good meal. Time is money as they say." He strokes his chin as if in thougt and looks at the rest of the group and then back to Natsu. "But... You could always arrive heroically two days late and congratulate Lady Mosroda and the rest of us on a job well done." He smirks. "If I am not entirely mistaken the Lady do not need any kind of rest at all?" Garmine looks quizzingly at Mosroda for confirmation. "Fascinating really!"

2013-05-11, 10:50 AM
Natsu groans, and his body droops. Not showing up for the action would really suck too...

"That's... blackmail..." Natsu complained. "I don't really need my gold all that quickly, and there is plenty of food to be had in the forest... But I don't want to be left behind..."

Hunched over, head down, Natsu walks in the direction Hafthery indicated before. "Fine..." Natsu whined. "But I'm going to lay down in the cart, and only when it's dark out."

Ripsnarl whined a bit, and Natsu barked back. "And Ripsnarl will ride in it the whole time... Because he is lazy..." Ripsnarl replied with a playful growl, but Natsu just sighed again.

His normal positive attitude is pretty deflated by the idea of riding in a cart for several days.

2013-05-12, 06:24 AM
Before anybody rethinks this dicision she might of forced upon them; just a bit... she waves and joyousally says "I'll be back as soon as I can with a cart then" and she hustles back into town; hoping she remembered who sold carts.

She nods as Garmine Joins her and when they get to the seller; lets him do the talking; as he seems to be quite good at it. asking only for a bar to be attached at the front for ease moving the cart.

2013-05-12, 06:42 AM
Looking at Natsu's sagging shoulders and waning enthusiasm Garmine quickly adds "You could always run beside it if you enjoy physical exercise to that extent." Then he turns to Mosroda and makes a gesture for the city. "Well then Lady Mosroda. Lead on and let us fetch ourselves a carriage!"

Garmine haggles with the merchant for a good price on one of his finest carts.
Diplomacy [roll0]

"Yes, it looks sturdy enough.. What about some seats or padding in the back.. Yes, yes. That would work just fine. What do you think my lady? We have a deal? Then lets get the others and be on our way."

2013-05-12, 07:18 AM
The merchant, thanks to your succesful haggling decided to put seats in the back for mere 5g; total cost for the cart would be 20g.

2013-05-12, 07:41 AM
Mosroda hands over the 20g after the seats get installed again; and her bar request.

"Hop in for the maiden voyage" she says with a joyous voice to Garmine.

2013-05-12, 08:38 AM
Garmine laughs merrily at the strange development and takes wing. Landing himself in one of the seats. "It would be my honor, my lady." Saluting both the merchant and Mosroda in the process. "Then let us pick up the others and be on our way!"

2013-05-12, 09:40 AM
Very well, Hafthyer exclaimed, amused by the situation. "Let's see what you can do, metal horse. If you break down, we can always walk!"

2013-05-12, 10:05 AM
Upon seeing the cart arrive, Natsu grins. "That actually looks like fun. I could help you pull the cart until I get tired. Unfortunately for me, I still get tired, but I can push quite a bit. Maybe like... half a ton or so?"

If the metal lady consents, he will push it with her. After all, 4600 pounds is almost half a ton.

2013-05-12, 10:37 PM
Simply watching in amusement as her party decides their travel arrangements, Sakura calmly seats herself in the cart when it arrives.

"However we are to be off, can we do so sooner rather than later?"

2013-05-14, 05:08 AM
You travel for some six hours without anything worth noting happening; some peasants and merchants passing you on the road gave you surprised looks, but otherwise the road was uneventful.
The road was becoming less and less populated and for the last half an hour you haven't seen a living thing.
In a distance of about 500 feet you can see a pile of broken wooden... things. It is immediately obvious that it could be nothing else but a barricade.
You can see some humanoidal shapes walking here and there, but you are too far away yet to count them or to get exact estimates as to their species.
((OOC: It's the time for you not to go forward if you wish))
Unless you don't move closer to the barricade
The tireless machine pulls you closer to the barricade. You can see someone, propably their leader, standing up on a platform of sorts, as to be better seen by you. Both the leader and his followers are all Human.
If you wish to pass the road you have to pay the toll. You seem to have a little overabundance in gold, but since I'm goodhearted by nature, I'll let you pass for mere 2000 gold pieces. Do not try any tricks, I have a dosen archers ready to shoot at you at any sign of offensive action on your side.
Perception 10
You can count about 13 archers beside the barricade.
Perception 15
Something's amiss with some of these archers.
Perception 20
You can see that six of these "archers" don't move at all! They are simply straw figures, propably made to make the bandits looke more numerous.

2013-05-14, 06:12 AM
Mosroda; not seeing any real issue with this; keeps pulling the cart closer to the barricade.

{I wonder how much it would take to break this}
she wonders; moments before somebody says something about archers.

2013-05-14, 09:21 AM
[roll0] SPOT

Hafthyer stood, stretching all four of his arms in front of him. "I have no money, never needed it," he said solemnly. Hafthyer raises one hand into the air and invokes the spirits of fire. Cast Produce Flame A orb of fire erupts into one hand which he raises in front of his face.

"What I do have is fire and you have a wooden barricade with straw archers. So you have a choice. You can try to charge us money we don't have and not find enough on us to rebuild your barricade as it burns down or simply let us pass. It makes no difference to us, my metal horse does not burn."

2013-05-14, 09:22 AM
Garmine have a look of total disbelief on his face as he addresses the would-be-bandit. "You only have what? Thirteen archers at a glance? And... You presume to threaten us with this number?" His disbelief turns to mirth and Garmine begins to laugh. "THAT!" He says trying to contain his merriment. "Is the single most blatantly stupid thing I have heard all day!" Steadying himself he continues. "Tell you what. I am in a good mood today so how about this instead?" The tone of his voice suddenly changes to one with a clear promise of pain. Intimidate: [roll0] Entropic warding "I'll let you and you archers live for mere a 2000 gold pieces. Be my guest, try whatever trick you find appropriate. It won't be enough." Dark shapes seems to form around the fey creature as he speaks.

How far away are the bandits? Readies action to cast Glitterdust on the archers depending on the response. Save DC 22

2013-05-14, 09:45 AM
Oh my, oh my, looks like you want to play heroes... Well, so be it. It's not like strapping your corpses for money and worthwile items will be very hard.

After these words he gives a mark, and archers start shooting, but not before 2 of them (the most within any 10 ft radius) being affected by Glitterdust. Then you are all under fire from a flurry of shots.
It is at this point all of you realize, that there are fewer of the archers than it first looked like: some of them are simply straw puppets.

Will Saves: (they save only on a Nat 20)
Miss Chance: (1 is a miss, 2 is a potential hit)
Attack Rolls: (first four shots are the Glitterdusted ones); at: 2x Garmine, 2x Haftyer, Natsu, Mosroda, Tsuisoku
[roll2] each at +4
Critical Confirmation Rolls:
[roll3] each at +4
Damage Rolls:
Critical Damage Rolls:
((OOC: Seems like our bandits have ill luck today :smallbiggrin:))

Roll Initiative.

2013-05-14, 01:49 PM
Garmine laughs as the arrows begin to fall all around him. Seeming to care little for the deadly rain. "Then you look like you have chosen to play the helpless mooks. I would say something about the shame of wasting your lives but its little use in engaging in conversations with dead men."

Initiative: [roll0]

Current AC:Total[29] Touch[24] Flat footed[25] and ranges attacks against him has 20% miss chance due to entropic warding.

2013-05-14, 06:26 PM
Inititive: [roll0]

AC 21 (Shield not at the ready); Flatfooted: 20, Touch 12

2013-05-14, 07:01 PM
d20+1 Natsu initiative
[roll0] Ripsnarl's

Ripsnarl Ac is 17 with 50% miss chance (blinking at the sign if a barricade.)
Natsu's AC is 24.

Mucked up my roll, random space ruined it. Maybe edit can fix it.

2013-05-14, 07:17 PM
[roll0] Init

AC is 24

2013-05-14, 10:28 PM
In the "screw you guys" phase, Sakura would have started a deadly dance and drawn both fans.
Perform Dance for the next four rounds, as needed:
[roll0] +4
[roll1] +3
[roll2] +5
[roll3] +3


2013-05-14, 10:37 PM
If we can retroactively say what we would have done, I think Natsu would have drawn both his fists and readied to ignite their baracade with his dragon breathe. And on following rounds ran into the fire, using Ki trip to trip people into the fire and punch anyone who is one fire. Fire. Obviously the "on follwing roiunds isn't readied, it's just why he was going to set things on fire. Garmine gave him the idea.

2013-05-15, 10:33 PM
I only said it as a retroactive because I wasn't here all day. Unfortunately, my schedule is such that I can only generally post in the evening.

2013-05-18, 10:13 PM
Immediately after the fight begins, Natsu unleashes his readied dragon's breath onto the barricades and as many foes as he can with the 30ft cone.

Before Natsu can catch his breath, Ripsnarl teleports to the nearest, not dead archer, ripping into him and then phasing out of reality.

On his initiative, Natsu charges into battle, punching the leader if he can, an archer if not.

Dragonbreathe 1/day
[roll0] fire damage in 30ft cone aimed at baracade and enemies.
Reflex save of 18 for half.

Move Action: move adjacent to an enemy (Not actually charging.)

Standard Action: Punch with Elemental Fists feat.
[roll1] To Hit
[roll2] Damage

Free Action: Dimension Door to Archer
Full Action: Full attack
[roll3] Bite
[roll4] Claw
[roll5] Claw 2


Free Action: Blink (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blink.htm) as Caster level 8

2013-05-19, 03:38 AM
{This barrier is in the way; time to remove it.}

Mosroda Attacks the Barricade; planning on smashing it to peices.

Free Action: Quickdraw - Longsword
Swift Action: Realign Essentia - 3 Into Lightning Guantlets, 3 into Blue Steel Bracers (+6 Damage and +3d6 Electricty Damage to Melee Attack)
Rushing the Barricade and Initiating a Normal Attack

IF Close enough to initiate a Full Attack:
Attack: 1: , 2:[roll1]
Damage: 1: [roll]1d8+5+3d6+6+2d6 (Lightning Gauntlets+Crystallized weapon 2pp Expenditure) 2: 1d8+5+6

If Not Close Enough; Move Action to Move Close enough and Ignore 2: on attack and damage.

2013-05-19, 03:41 AM
[OOC:I hate the die roller sometimes.]

Damage Rolls: Damage: 1: [roll0]+[roll1]+[roll2] (Lightning Gauntlets+Crystallized weapon 2pp Expenditure) 2: [roll3]

2013-05-19, 09:22 AM
Not being a man to go back on his word, Hafthyer flies into the air closer to the archers and hurls his orb of flame onto the barricades to ignite them.

This is kind of a not-mechanical post since I'm not familiar with rules for attacking a wooden barricade to set them on fire, but if you want an attack roll [roll0] damage [roll1]

2013-05-19, 01:44 PM
Garmine force his hands together palm to palm. With a smile he makes a gripping motion with his right hand and somehow the air seems to thicken as he pulls out a glaive-like shape from his palm. With a nod to Sakura he proclaims. "Life is but a dance with death and now the music fades." Garmine takes wing and with suprising speed and graceful movements he spins through the ranks of archers in beautiful yet terrible dance. Casting eldrich glaive and then activates Paimons "Dance of death" trying to get as many of the archers as possible. Dance of death: Attacks every foe he can reach within his movement range. [80 feet] He also got has 10 ft reach from glaive. He ends his movment with as many enemies as possible in his Jinx aura,

[Su]:Jinx 30 ft Radius centered on Garmine. Enemies within get -6 to hit.

[Su]:Luck 30ft Radius. If any one in the group is within the aura they get +6 to hit instead.

Just disregard the later rolls if he can not reach that many archers.
Attacks and damage in order:
VS touch ac:
Firsttarget: [roll0], [roll1]
Secondtarget: [roll2], [roll3]
Third target: [roll4], [roll5]
Fourth target: [roll6], [roll7]
Fifth target: [roll8], [roll9]
Sixth target: [roll10], [roll11]
Seventh target: [roll12], [roll13]
Eight target: [roll14], [roll15]

2013-05-19, 08:50 PM
The pixie seems to discorporate into hundreds of glowing butterflies.

As she does, four fans shoot out from the swarm, turning into more of the glowing butterflies midflight.

Free action greater invisibility, still in Deadly Dance. Target is the boss if he's still up, whoever is closest otherwise. Target is flatfooted.
Full attack
Larger Weapon
Smaller Weapon

Finally, a swift action to White Raven Tactics on Hafthyer to bring him up to Initiative 24.

2013-05-21, 02:43 PM
((Sorry for the delay, I've been surprisingly busy lately, but from now on I'm finished with school, so I'll have much more time to attend to games led by me :smallbiggrin:))

Barricade is completely obliterated.

Garmine's flurry of blows hit each of all targets, he finishes his move in range of all 7 archers.

Tsuisoku's hits finish off the leader who was previously a little burned by Natsu's fire.

When the archers see what happened to their leader and see they can not stand against you, they all try to run away (Garmine, feel free to AOO any one).

((Each of you gain 560 XP))

2013-05-22, 03:41 AM
Garmine lashes out quick as a viper. Catching one of the bandits as he turns to run.
Aoo:[roll0], Dmg: [roll1]

The fey rises up in the air on dark wings and follows the fleeing bandits.

"So the dead men starts to run? You can neither run nor hide from your fate! If you stop right now I won't hunt you like a wolf hunting hares!"

Intimidate: [roll2]

2013-05-22, 10:57 AM
Natsu was akin to agree with Garmine, bad guys need to be beaten. With a yip, he told Ripsnarl to hunt. With Natsu's speed, and Ripsnarl's teleportation, the bandits were doomed.

Charging up to 100ft away, going for furthest bandit.

[roll0] to hit
AC is 22 for this round but 26 for AoO

Blink - off
Dimension door to furtherest archer he can reach other than the one Natsu is after
[roll2] to hit bite
[roll3] to hit claw 1
[roll4] to hit claw 2

[roll5] damage bite
[roll6] damage claw 1
[roll7] damage claw 2

2013-05-22, 10:58 AM
confirming Ripsnarl's crit

2013-05-22, 11:16 AM
Knowing she has no chance to equal either Garmine or Natsu in bursts of speed over short distances; She instead turns her attention to cleaning up the remains of the obliterated barricade from the road.

2013-05-22, 11:31 AM
Flying after the fleeing bandits with a sigh. "Fools never learn do they? Very well, I believe a promise was made!" Garmine assists the half-dragon and the blinkdog in their man-hunt. Closing the distance quickly using his wings and then unleashing bolts of crackling energy from his fingers at the unfortunate would-be-bandits.

Do we have to roll for this? I'm pretty sure the bandits have little chance of escaping at this point. If rolls: Some Eldrich blasts: Touch[roll0], [roll1]
Touch[roll2], [roll3]
Touch[roll4], [roll5]
Touch[roll6], [roll7]
Touch[roll8], [roll9]
Touch[roll10], [roll11]
Touch[roll12], [roll13]
Touch[roll14], [roll15]

2013-05-22, 11:34 AM
Critt confirm: Touch[roll0], [roll1]

2013-05-22, 12:39 PM
((I see no sense in continuing this for further rounds))

All bandits have been killed, none escaped your pursue.

The roads are a little more safe now.

2013-05-22, 01:01 PM
When they were finished, Natsu streched again, cooling down his muscle. "Garmine, looks like you kept your word. I can respect a man who keeps his word. Even if it was a morbid promise."

With nothing more to say, Natsu grabbed as many corpses as he could, and dragged them into a pile. "I'm going to dig a hole, thrown them in it, and then cremate them. You can go ahead without me if you want, I can catch up. Or you can help."

2013-05-22, 02:16 PM
Seeming a bit distant Garmine replies. "Morbid or not, a man's word is his life." Then he shrugs and starts to fly back towards the cart. "Do as you wish." Suddenly he hesitates and turns around with a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Though.. it would be a shame if you burned something we could use against the cult. Hmm" Garmine starts turning over the bodies as they collect them, searching for usable things. As he at last finally starts searching the bandit leader he whispers in the dead mans ear. "You should have taken my offer. Quite the ironic situation don't you agree?" The dead man is silent. Chuckling to himself Garmine returns to the cart.

2013-05-22, 02:19 PM

All of the rangers have only mundane equipment about them.

The leader has some trinkets, which might turn out to be magical.

They have a combined wealth in gold, silver and copper pieces of about 3000 gp all around, propably robbed from previous victims.

2013-05-22, 03:08 PM
Counting the coins, Garmine shakes his head in disbelief. "They even had enough to go through with the deal... Foolish humans.. I wonder if the had a camp nearby?" Poundering the thought for a while. Then he shrugs and turns to Mosroda "Good job on removing the barricade. As soon as Natsu is done with their last rites. I vote we forget this small distraction and move on to more important matters." Then he sits himself down in the cart and makes a few strange gestures over something in his hand. Lost in concentration for a long time Casts: Identify on the ring.

2013-05-22, 06:14 PM
"A bit blood-thirsty there, weren't we? Common thugs are a waste of life though. Perhaps they shall have better luck in the next." He nodded at Garmine's comment, "I agree. A man's word is his life. I see no reason to bury and burn them though, let the soil take them," he said addressing Natsu.

Hafthyer looks closely at Mosroda, maybe he is more of metal ram than a metal horse...

2013-05-22, 06:52 PM
Natsu shrugged to Hafthyer. "The earth prefers ashes to corpses. Everyone knows that. What makes a tree grow strong? Ashes or corpses?" Looking at the looting, Natsu shrugs again. "That money is ill-gotten. It should be donated to the poor, or something. We can't return it to the people who were robbed, since we've no idea who that would be, but we could buy bread with it and give it to the peasants. It's tainted coin. I guess you don't have to, but I'll likely spend at least some of any share I get on the poor."

Natsu takes out a shovel and hastily digs a pit that his fire won't be able to escape from, and thus not risk starting a forest fire once he ignites the corpses.

"We could also donate the mundane equipment to a church, or something. They always need more clothes, even damaged ones can be repaired cheaper than new ones made."

Once he's done, he strips the corpses naked, and sets the clothes aside and then he dumps the bodies inside and ignites them with his will of fire. If they waited for him, he will load the mundane items onto the cart. If not, he will figure out some way to carry it all. He's got rope and a lot of strength, maybe he can tie something together. Or make a sled from the debris of the barricade.

2013-05-22, 08:53 PM
The pixie simply looks over the proceedings. Before Natsu ignites each of the corpses, she places a copper on each of their foreheads.

When Natsu does light the flame, the pixie looks on the pyre in a reverence. As the fire dies, she concludes with a pronouncement.

"Delaken etria velshat."

People who know Necril:
"Under the fallen petals, sleep everlasting."

"With the fallen properly seen to, I agree that we should be off."

2013-05-26, 02:33 AM
"I've Never really understood the point of burials. It's a sign of respect I'm told; but would not the world be better served if the beasts could do what they do and pick it clean?" Mosroda says to nobody in particular.

"we should probably get a move on; I believe we have a few hours yet till the dark starts to set in; Unless you would all like to camp for the night?, I'll admit I'm not very perceptive of when it's time for such things."

If we keep on; I keep it at a more moderate pace so anybody could keep up on a good speed walk with me.

If we stop for the night; I check out the stuff Natsu put in the cart and make minor repairs to it as skill/materials allows while the others do what they need to do for sleep.

2013-05-26, 04:14 AM
((OOC: I'm terribly sorry for the delay, somehow missed the OOC reminders...))

You start moving again and on late afternoon you reach a village, the last one on your road if the map you've been provided with is to be believed.

It seems like a typical huntsman and lumberjack village, propably selling their goods to Croatia.

Most villagers try to avoid you, looking at you from afar, you can see they are afraid of why would you come with all that weaponry of yours.

Some old (around 50) man, who is propably the village's elder comes closer to you and speaks.
Welcome strangers. What is it you seek in Oldwood? You don't seem like merchants and all these weapons of yours are making us all wonder; did you come here to recruit our men for war?

2013-05-26, 04:36 AM
Natsu frowns at the elder. What war? He wonders, but he feels compelled to allow someone else to do the talking here. Instead he crosses his arms and tries to look unassuming. Perhaps his lack of weaponry will help.

2013-05-27, 06:39 AM
Garmine looks thoughtfully at the old man, gears grinding in his head. "Well, that depends on you good sir. I might be looking for able men that are interested in hunting dragons. We have heard of a blue one currently residing close by and we are looking to make sure it's not a threat to the region any longer. We might give you some of the spare equipment for any interesting information. If you have any other troubles we might be able to look into it as well." <If the reward is worth my time>

2013-05-27, 06:54 AM
Well, we don't have many men who would be of much use in a fight with a dragon, we're mostly hunters here. We don't need your bows or daggers though. There is nothing we'd like you doing more than killing this dragon, but honestly, we're too poor to offer you anything of any great magnitude. The most we could do is offer you a shelter for the coming night, because it seems the shadows are becoming longer...

2013-05-27, 03:12 PM
Hafthyer furrowed his brow. They make comments like they are under siege and offer no help. Shadows are at times what the less sophisticated people call spirits.

Hafthyer concentrates and opens his mind to see if any spirits are nearby.

Casts detect spirits.

"And what shadows have troubled you recently? My people know a thing or two about the shadows..."

2013-05-27, 03:16 PM
Shadows? Trouble us? What do you mean? I was merely telling you that nightfall is coming...

2013-05-27, 09:17 PM
Hafthyer squints at him and mutters to himself "Why do city-folk always say the words that mean things without meaning them..."

2013-05-28, 12:51 AM
"If you'll have us; I'm sure my companions will agree we could use a nights rest." Mosroda says; attempting to be as soft and diplomatic sounding as possible; especially surrounded her by pushy...and possibly crazy well armed companions.

{Shadows?, huh, thats a new one}

"If somebody would be willing to guide us to where this dragon tends to reside in the morning; I would welcome the direction; even be willing to pay for the assistance. Any Information would do well either way"

[OOC]Mosroda doesn't see any reason to being civilians into this; but knows she isn't the best tracker; and doesn't know if any of you are.
And yes; this payment she speaks of would be outta her own pocket.

2013-05-28, 01:46 AM
Natsu sniffs, the air, then looks around the sky a bit. "If a dragon is nearby, I'll find it. No need for weaklings to come into harms way." Uncrossing his arms, and putting his hands on his hips he takes a deep breath. "No, offense to the villagers, but to let a dragon live nearby is either friendship, foolishness or weakness. If you are ok with us slaying it, it clearly isn't your friend, and you don't seem like foolish people, so you must just be weak. But don't worry, not everyone is strong enough to slay dragons, but not everyone is skilled enough to run a farm, or manage a whole village." Suddenly awkward, Natsu adds, "What I mean is... I don't want you to come, or you'll die. Just point in the right direction and we'll be off. In the morning of course."

Scent Aided Tracking to see if I can get any clues about the direction just from scent.


If I can't pick up a trail immediately, I will stop and wait to do it in the morning.

2013-05-28, 03:55 AM
No dragon's scent is felt by you.

Of course we can show you the general direction, we could also delegate someone to led the way and come back as soon as you reach the dragon's lair. But first, of course, I'd like to lead you to your room for the night.

And so he does, you end up in a room with 4 beds, propably made there only to rent it to merchants travelling this way.

2013-05-28, 04:42 AM
Natsu drops his bag in front of one of the beds and flops down. Ripsnarl curls up at the edge of the bed and rests his head. They have a brief exchange in their shared tongue, and Ripsnarl closes his eyes, apparently going to sleep.

When they are alone, Natsu asks "So, are we going right after the dragon, or are we going to do some recon for our second mission?"

2013-05-28, 10:29 AM
Hafthyer shrugs. "It doesn't matter to me, but I'll slip away outside while you sleep. I have no need to stay cooped up in here. I don't trust these people though, they take from the forest and talk in riddles..." he said looking around suspiciously.

2013-05-30, 02:03 AM
Garmine seats himself on one bed and assumes a meditative pose. "Well, Master Natsu. I figured we could actually ask the dragon if it knows something about the cult and as they say.. Kill two kobolds with one rock."

2013-05-30, 03:15 AM
Natsu frowned. "Interrogate and then kill the dragon? I'm not very good at that kind of stuff, but if you want to try... I'll do my best not to tip it off that we plan to murder it afterwards."

2013-05-30, 03:18 AM
Mosroda takes a seat near the door on the floor; not trusting the beds to take her weight.

"I worry that if we take the dragon on first...the cult might hear about it and go into deeper hiding." "But if we go after the cult first...we might not be in the shape to fight a dragon in short order if we need to.." Mosroda states with a sigh.

"I really wanna fight that dragon..." she states...more to herself than anybody else in the room

2013-05-31, 06:54 AM
Garmine opens his eyes and answers his companions, keeping his pose. "According to my sources, Lady Mosroda. The dragon is pretty young and should not pose a large problem to us."

Then he turns towards Natsu raising one eyebrow. "Murder? Now who is the bloodthirsty one I wonder? Why on earth would we want to murder the dragon if it helps us dispose of the cult? We simply claimed we would make sure it was no longer a threat to the region, and there are other ways to do that besides killing."

2013-05-31, 07:04 AM
Natsu squinted at Garmine for a moment, obviously thinking then nodded. "I guess that's right. If we convince it to go somewhere else, then it can terrorize some innocents some place else. We'd be keeping our words by the letter! Just not what I thought we were going to do... I guess. Is it bloodthirsty to think "removing as a threat" means killing? I guess so."

Natsu crossed his arms and thought about things for a few moments, then shrugged. He'd do what he thought was right in the moment. Whatever that ended up being, no need to worry about that now. "Just let me know what the plan is in the morning. I'm just going to go to sleep, unless anyone needs anything."

2013-06-01, 06:49 AM
"If your sure that the dragon isn't to much a problem, we should probably take care of what we came this way to take care of."

Mosroda sighs

"if you need anything sharpened or repaired, please leave it with me; This will be a long night already with little to do"

Mosroda looks to Hafthyer, "Unless you'd like some company?"

2013-06-01, 03:45 PM
Hafthyer replied, "I don't see why we can't do both. If we're swift enough, I doubt either will the word of the other's demise unless they were more intertwined than we think."

Turing to Mosroda, he said "Company would be welcome. I have little to do tonight, perhaps I could help you with repairs or whatnot."

2013-06-05, 05:03 PM
((I'm terribly sorry, I have no idea why I keep skipping this game...))

You all wake up in the morning, except for these not needing sleep.
((I assume you don't have anything specific to do in the early morning, feel free to interrupt))

As soon as you leave your room you stumble upon the village elder, accompanied by a youngster (not more than 16-years old).

Good Morning! Here's the boy who would show you the way towards the dragon's lair. Would you depart immediately or would you rather leave later on? I hope you're not going to take this cart with you to the dragon? You could leave it here and take it back on your way back. We'll make sure nobody touches it or it's contents.

2013-06-05, 06:54 PM
Natsu sized the boy up, wondering why such a young man would want to take such a dangerous trip when they only needed to be pointed in the bright direction. "I'll try to keep him alive." Natsu said calmly. "Once I am confident I've got the dragon's scent he should go home. I've trained for fighting dragons."

2013-06-07, 07:22 AM
Garmine studies the face of first the man then the boy. Sense motive:[roll0] Hiding his surprise that the guide is not a seasoned hunter. "What is your name young sir?"

2013-06-07, 08:31 AM
The old man seems confident and trustworthy. The boy seems a little anxious.

My... my name is Greg, sir. I might not seem like it, but I can take care of myself in the wild.

That much is true, he's one of our better hunters, despite his young age. But he is obviously no match for a dragon so he will simply leave you once he's sure you know the way towards your destination... He then turns towards the boy: Right?

Yes, yes, of course I will, why would I want to risk my life?

2013-06-07, 11:09 AM
Natsu exhaled brimstone. "You won't." He glared at the boy, letting his draconic appearance, and fiery magic lend to his implied threat. Not being one for subtly, he added a less subtle threat. "The death the dragon would give you would be far too painful. I won't let that happen, even if I have to give you a swift death."

[roll0] Intimidate.

2013-06-07, 11:36 AM
Of course he won't, he has already said as much.

2013-06-07, 11:42 AM
"Oh, I know. He just asked a question, and I answered him."

Sure seemed like the boy was lying to me. And not well. Maybe I misinterpreted the tone.

2013-06-07, 12:00 PM
Your sense motive confirms your suspicions. The boy seems to be affected by your intimidation attempt.

2013-06-07, 02:22 PM
Garmine chuckles at the fiery display of concern for the boys safety. He addresses Natsu and the elder with a jovial tone to his voice. "Are you done pestering this brave young man with your concerns?"

Then he speaks to the boy. "Greg, I have faith that you will help us find this dragon and what you do afterwards is your choice to make."

Leaning in closer and whispering so that only greg might hear. "I see in your eyes that you know that a dragon is a most powerful creature.You want that power too. That freedom the power brings.. I can help you in that regard. Seek me out later and we may talk..."

Standing up straight. "Do we understand one another?" Then he turns to his companions. "We should get a move on as soon as possible."

2013-06-08, 01:23 PM
The boy seems shocked by what he has heard and doesn't say a word.

I wish you good luck then and may all of you return safely.

Then the old man leaves you.

2013-06-08, 01:45 PM
"Alright, well, Greg, I am Natsu. I'm a professional monster hunter dragons are one of my specialties. My friend here, the blinkdog, is called Ripsnarl."

With a short yawn he gestured at the others. "These are the others. They can introduce themselves."

2013-06-10, 12:51 PM
"Hafthyer," he grunted. He had no intention of letting the boy come in harm's way. He felt it was a bit stupid to let this kid out of the town in general.

Hafthyer turned to Natsu and said, "The boy does not even look to be blooded. He could just tell us the way instead, so he will not be killed..."

2013-06-10, 02:17 PM
I couldn't agree more, however, under our watch he will be safer, and maybe get a little glimpse of adventure. But once the dragon scent is strong enough that I can track it...
Natsu eyed the boy carefully I'd send him home. Sounds like you would too. Youth have no business dying to dragons with strong seasoned fighters right there...

2013-06-10, 08:11 PM
Garmine listens in on the conversation. "I generally would agree. But one have to start somewhere if one aspires to become an seasoned adventurer."

He looks at Greg and winks. "I am called Garmine." He turns back towards his companions. "And I for one think you are exaggerating the danger. As I said my research tells me this dragon is a young one." Looking to the elder for confirmation. "It's been here for around forty odd years I believe, is that correct?"

2013-06-10, 10:06 PM
Garmine, do you know what you are saying? An infant dragon, minutes from his egg, could raze this boy's village if it wanted to. Unless I missed someone truly powerful. As far as I am concerned, you're telling this boy an obviously suicidal action for him is perfectly safe. An exhalation at one of us in his direction would kill him instantly. Are you actually actively trying to cull this poor boy for his foolish actions, or do you just not understand the power difference between an unseasoned boy and a dragon?

Natsu's rant seemed to take most of his energy. He took a deep breathe and continued, however. I can't understand your motives. I hope they are from ignorance. I will not let this boy die today over some stupid desire he might have for glory. He will die... Natsu sighed. painfully.

2013-06-11, 03:39 AM
The boy seems encouraged by Garmine's support.
Master Natsu, sir, I can just stay in a distance and watch, it's all I want, I won't come into harm's way. I do realize how dangerous a fight against a dragon might be.

2013-06-11, 03:43 AM
Natsu crossed his arms and frowned. From 100ft away, minimum, and you need to go tell the village good bye before we go, just in case. Dragons can be wiley. He might come after you just to spite us. If he does that, you're toast. I'm not leaving the dragon to live and pillage in exchange for one headstrong boy. If you can agree to that, fine. Your fate will be in your own hands. But I won't babysit you. I've got a dragon to slay.

2013-06-11, 03:47 AM
Thank you master Natsu, sir. I promise I will stay out of harms way, propably hide somewhere from where I will be able to watch the fight.

2013-06-11, 09:16 AM
The pixie simply looks at the boy for a moment, lost in thought. Shrugging, she simply introduces herself.

Tsuisoku Sakura." She has a faint smile as she says it, a mildly disturbing effect.

2013-06-12, 08:12 AM
Looking at Natsy with a thoughtful expression as the half-dragon keeps swearing the death of the blue one. "Greg, out of curiosity.. Have this dragon 'sewn terror across the region!', 'Plundering villages!' and the like? Or... is it more of a threat to the local wildlife?"

Looking eyes with the would-be dragonslayer "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them?" Waiting for a response from the fire-puncher. "Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement."

Garmine lets out a disarming smile to ease the tension in the room.

"Let us see if this dragon is something we can reason with before you resort to steel and claw."

2013-06-12, 01:52 PM
As... as a matter of fact it did not master Garmine, sir. The dragon was not very threatening to the area. It was simply that it was scaring the animals and well, it's a dragon living nearby, nobody wants it to one day have a mood and burn a nearby village.

2013-06-12, 04:08 PM
Can I personally return life to the dead? No. Plenty of other people can. I already agreed to let you chat with the dragon first. But if that fails, which it may due only to the stubbornness of dragons, another method must be employed. Wasn't it a blue dragon? Known for enjoyment of death and destruction, typically worshippers of Tiamat, whose goals would spell ruin for the races who would not be slaves to the Dragon Queen? Maybe its an unfair generalization, but I usually don't try to reason with chromatic dragons, mindflayers, demons or other creatures known to want to bring about the end of everything I love. But you can, if you want. Natsu shrugged and gave the boy an exasperated look.

2013-06-12, 06:29 PM
Slightly annoyed for having to repeat himself Garmine replies. "Yes. A Blue Dragon. Known to be vain and territorial but also known to keep their word. Even if they are not to be considered honorable creatures. Likes gemstones."

He fires a mischievous look towards Greg.

"They are also known for thinking retreat is cowardly and so if it comes to fighting it will probably be rather fierce."

Then, almost as an afterthought, he adds. "Regarding demons.. Any man would be a fool to reason with a creature born of evil and chaos and I almost take offence for your suggestion that I would be such a fool."

2013-06-12, 08:40 PM
I meant no slight to you, just indicated other creatures in the category I put chromatic dragons in. Blue Dragons are evil, and their leader aims to destroys everything I think is good about the world. So I don't want to parley with them, I want to fight them. But, I said you could try. I mostly am letting you try because it would be interesting to see that succeed. I've never heard of someone convincing a territorial creature to leave it's territory and never return.

Natsu scratched his head, a little puzzled. And whats this about gemstones?

2013-06-13, 05:18 AM
Garmine shrugs. "Blue dragons prefer gemstones over other kinds of treasure. It is knowledge that might come in handy."

Then he looks at Natsu with a curious expression. "Yet, you know a red dragon by name..Why is that? As the red dragons are by far the most treacherous and dangerous of the chromatic brood. Do you seek revenge or something?"

2013-06-13, 05:28 AM
Natsu frowned at kicked at a rock. No.He said moodily.

After a long pause he added:It's nothing like that. Igneel worships Bahamut and stuff. He was sanctified, and now struggles to redeem himself of his crimes by doing good and stuff. And I'm worried about him and stuff. I haven't seen him in a long time... almost 20 years. He's different. Natsu's whole demeanor has changed. His shoulders droop a little and his fire seems to have died.

2013-06-13, 06:46 AM
Mosroda stands off to the side; not really having much to input on the matter.

After Natsu's small swing of mood she interjects; "Shall we get a tracking while there is still some daylight?"

2013-06-13, 03:41 PM
Looking a bit apologetic, Garmine quickly answers.
"Well of course my Lady! We have been wasting too much time as it is."

Bowing slightly before Greg.
"Lead on, Master Greg."

2013-06-14, 05:23 AM
Greg takes the lead. After about about three hours you turn left from the road and start going through the woods. The boy does seem like he has taken this path many times, even though there is no path to be seen. After some more hours of travelling through not-seeming-to-change scenery you come to a clearing.

Okay, this is the place I would advise to make our camp for the night, since there is no better place within 2 hours of marching. See that mountain there? That's the place we're heading. There were always a lot of caverns within that mountain, and the dragon occupies the largest of them all. We will be propably able to reach it's lair around tomorrow noon.

2013-06-14, 07:55 AM
For now, Natsu just tries to pick up a scent, or tracks or other signs of this dragon. [roll0] tracking check.

2013-06-17, 05:16 AM
It would seem the dragon flied through this area quite recently (within last week for sure). It was flying from the general direction you came from in the direction of the mountain he is said to reside in.

2013-06-28, 02:35 PM
Garmine studies the mountain range with a thoughtful look.
"Anything else you could tell us about the dragon young master Greg?"

2013-07-05, 04:32 PM
Not really, no master Garmine. Nothing unusual about it. From what we in the village know, it is just an average dragon and you propably know more about these than I do.

2013-07-09, 04:16 PM
"Even if that is true, it is almost always a good idea to try to get more information. You never know when small pieces of trivia could save your life. Remember that well." He then walks to the base of a tree with thick foliage and makes a gesture and snaps his fingers. "Like that most dragons hunt from the air." Suddenly there what appears as a large moss covered boulder where Garmine stood only a moment before. "Come, we might as well make camp and plan our meeting with the blue one. Just walk into the boulder."

Cast: Tiny hut

2013-07-09, 04:25 PM
Greg silently follows as ordered.

2013-07-09, 07:00 PM
"Good lad!" He pats the boy on the shoulder as he enters. Casting tongues on Greg. Then he continues the conversation in another tongue without skipping a beat.

Abyssal:"I am rather curious as how a young man like yourself became such a good hunter, the elder spoke highly of your capabilities." He laughs merrily. "Wait, let me lighten the room a bit." He makes a couple of hand waves and says a few incantations. Cast: Detect thoughts (Greg gets a will save DC 22 to resist) and command the tiny hut to increase the illumination "There! A bit more comfortable." He nods in satisfaction."Where were we.. Yes, here you are! Hunting dragons with a band of adventures like you were born to do it! Is that what you wish for young master Greg? To become a famous and powerful adventurer?"

Sense motive: [roll0] + trying to pick up Greg's thoughts throughout the conversation.

2013-07-10, 05:44 AM

Greg apparently resisted your toungues spell, and is thus can't understand you.
Additionally, you are unable to detect his thoughts.

2013-07-10, 06:45 PM
Garmine looks at the boy a bit surprised at his apparent fear. "I just asked you as how a young man like yourself became such a good hunter?" He furrows his brow and then breaks out in a laugh. "You didn't understand me?" He laughs again. "Haha! Marvoulus! The elder was right! You are something special! You see I cast a spell that would have enabled you to understand every word I just said!" Garmine shakes his head in amusement. "But even though it was completely harmless, you seem to have such a strong mind that you resisted it's effects! I'm impressed! You got the makings of a hero young sir!"

Opening his pack and taking out some cheese and bread and for himself he mentions for Greg to take some. Still shaking his head while he looks for some dried fruit. "Hunting dragons with a band of adventures like you were born to do it! Is that what you wish for young master Greg? To become a famous and powerful adventurer?"

2013-07-11, 02:36 AM
It's not really important what I would or wouldn't like. My village needs me, I can't just choose to become an adventurer, no matter how much I'd like to.

2013-07-11, 09:40 AM
Mosroda sits outside of this...shelter...; happy enough to keep out of the conversation inside and keep an eye out around them..

2013-07-11, 10:38 AM
Natsu walks around, antsy now that he can smell prey. If it were up to him, he would track down this dragon now, and defeat it before resting.

But not everyone had the thrill of the hunt, and Natsu knew this, so instead he just sniffed at the air and did his best to just keep the scent fresh in case they decided to press on.

Since Garmine tottered off... do the rest of you also want to play friends with the dragon and ask him to leave?

2013-07-11, 10:41 AM
"Personally; I want to duel the dragon; Not that I'm sure you'd let me..." Mosroda says with a wistful laugh.

2013-07-11, 01:11 PM
Natsu laughed with the metallic would-be duelist. Actually, I wouldn't be opposed. I'd step in if I thought you were going to die though. But fighting dragons is plenty of fun. I wouldn't take that from you.

2013-07-11, 05:55 PM
Garmine takes a bite of the bread and considers Gregs words. "Well, you don't as much choose adventure as it chooses you I would say. One way or another it seems to come to those who have a knack for it." He begins to make a few arcane gestures but then he suddenly stops and looks at greg. "Where are my manners today.." He shakes his head "If you don't mind I am going to increase the light a bit more." Try again shall we: Cast: Detect thoughts (Greg gets a will save DC 22 to resist) and command the tiny hut to increase the illumination further "There! To show you what I meant with adventure finding the adventurer... " He rummages through his pack and pick out one of his many books. "Here it is! Grand history of the realm III.. In this you find the story of Thom, the reluctant knight, that went from a poor hunter to a to dragonslayer in less than two years." He opens the relevant page and shows the boy. "He got his own fiefdom for the deed but as you can read in the first chapter, he was never looking for glory. " Leaving the book open he continues. "But you should be proud that you are needed in the village. Is it your family or your hunting skill that keeps you there? Or something else entirely?"

Sense motive: [roll0] + reading the boys mind to understand if he really wants to adventure or not.

2013-07-11, 06:39 PM
He's thinking about adventure, dragons, but also his village.
After your suggestion he's confused and undecided, then he makes on his mind.

Thank you for the light. It really is that I don't feel leaving my village will be good, it would be egocentric really. That's the primary reason why I'd prefer to stay with them, it's the right thing to do.

2013-07-11, 08:52 PM
Garmine gave the boy a broad smile. "Ahh.. I like your dedication. But wouldn't it also be the right thing to do, to chase after ones dreams?" Garmine ask as he chuckles a bit. "Remember that there are several that would argue that slaying dragons and similar beasts is "The right thing to do", your elder is one of those persons after all." Garmine keeps reading the thoughts of the boy and like a skilled fiddle player he tries to pluck the right strings to kindle the boys ideas of adventure. Diplomacy? Take ten: 41 "You are still young and there is so much in the world that you have yet to see and experience. I can see it in your eyes that you want to adventure and there is no betrayal in wanting." He sizes up the boy visibly comes to a decision. " I tell you what. You should at least have the opportunity to have this dragon hunt to remember as you grow old in the village and your strength vanes." He taps his cheek. "I.. Don't know if I really should tell you as it would probably make Natsu mad at me later." He winks to Greg. "But.. I do have a way to turn things invisible for a time.. You see where I'm going with this don't you? But you will have to promise me to not use this power to get too close to the dragon. It might still hit you by accident."

2013-07-12, 02:17 AM
You might be right... I have to think about it.

Hiding in order to break my word? I'd never do that! I promised master Natsu not to get any close.

2013-07-12, 04:53 AM
Garmine flinches as if struck. "I would never suggest you to break a wow!" He points a finger at greg and speaks in a much more serious tone than before. "A man is only as good as his promises master Greg. I am frankly a bit offended that you would think I suggested such a thing!" He scowls and continues in a softer voice after the reprimand. "Sorry about that.. I Just told you not to get close. It simply gives you the opportunity of a better vantage point and should you need it an easier way to both support us or run away. You must learn to not draw conclusions too quickly." "Besides if I remember correctly, hiding and watching the fight was just the thing you said to us that you would do. Hiding better is doing the right thing."

2013-07-22, 07:26 AM
Yeah, I guess you're right. It's a good idea.

2013-07-24, 09:57 AM
"Being careful is always a good idea. Except when it's not."
He picks out another book from his pack and hand it to Greg. "This one has some beautiful drawings of dragons and contains useful things about their habits and such things." "You may read it while I meditate if you wish."

2013-07-24, 10:00 AM
"Being careful is always a good idea. Except when it's not."
He picks out another book from his pack and hand it to Greg. "This one has some beautiful drawings of dragons and contains useful things about their habits and such things." "You may read it while I meditate if you wish."

This... This is master's Kalier book? I've long wished to read one of his books! This is a truly great opportunity. Thank you master Garmine!

2013-07-24, 11:41 PM
Hearing the conversation to be over, Natsu turns towards the rock. Greg. I'm going to have a look around to try to get a feel of the land before I head to bed. I could use an extra pair of eyes, but more importantly a mind who knows the area already. Do you have a minute?

2013-07-25, 01:58 AM
Sure, why not?
Then he goes out of the Tiny Hut and follows Natsu.

2013-07-25, 03:40 AM
Thanks. Natsu says and heads out of the campsite. It's entirely possible the dragon will come out of his lair, so I just want to get a feel for this area, and discuss the other areas along the way. I suppose if we make it to his lair with no sign of him, we try could ambush him in his lair, but he might catch wind of us, and trap us inside, so I'd rather keep to the open until we can trap him, or he engages us. So, what do you know?

Natsu walks quickly as he talks, but slow enough he thinks the boy can keep up. As he talks he sniffs the air, and looks around the area, getting a feel for where and any information the dragon may have left behind. Perhaps the dragon's scent mingles with that of cattle or swine. He isn't looking for anything in particular, but damaged trees the scent with which dragonflame taints the land; anything.

[roll0] Spot
[roll1] Survival to track the dragon
[roll2] Survival to find food, because why not? I'l already looking around.

2013-07-25, 03:55 AM
I don't really know anything more that what I've already told you. It's not like I went into the area often.

You can spot some trees damaged with fire, propably by the dragon's lightning.
All the tracks you can find lead either directly to the dragon's cavern or directly from it.
You seem to have tracked a deer, which passed not so long ago.

2013-07-25, 04:04 AM
Ok. What do you feel then? Natsu picked up some dirt and let is fall through his fingers. You're a tracker, a hunter, you have instincts, or you'd be terrible at your job. Your leader has faith in you, so I have faith in you. Let's see what we can figure out. Natsu pointed out some less obvious signs of the dragon, then asked again What do you feel, what do you think, what do you know?

Ignoring the deer, he felt the base of a tree whose crown was burnt by the dragon. Where has he been recently? And so where will he go soon? Can we learn anything now that will help us later?

2013-08-11, 04:16 AM
{{OOC: I'm terribly sorry for the unexplainable delay}}

I don't really know much about this particullar dragon, but I can make some guesses. I think this dragon feeds on the wildlife on one side of the forest, since I've not heard of any attacks on human settlements. People simply feel threatened by it's mere presence in the area.
That would also mean it may not have much encouncers with humans, what would make him unfamiliar with human tactics and way of thinking. Additionally, he propably doesn't know common, but I'd guess you'd know draconic of all people, master Natsu.
I don't know if there is anything more to know from the few leads we were given.

2013-08-12, 04:30 AM
Natsu snapped his fingers, Solid observation. He will be unused to our tactics, and could fall for our ruses. If he only has hunted animals, he only know what prey do, and not how to handle an apex predator like us. He may know how his prey hides, but he cannot hide like his prey hides. And he cannot hide from me, anyways.

Natsu smiled and nodded. Well done. Now about this fight, I trust you'll do what you think is right. I'm sorry I yelled at you before. I have seen too many fools die for nothing. He patted the boy on the shoulder. If you die, your village will suffer, and your family will suffer even more. I don't like to see people suffering. Anyways, let's get back to camp. I plan to get up early to scout.

2013-08-16, 05:29 PM
{{OOC: I have no idea why I keep skimming over this game... I don't have such a problem with any other of my PbP games...)

Yeah, we should get back.

You both succesfully return to camp, Greg seemed as if he was thinking on the whole way, but didn't say a single word.

2013-08-16, 10:04 PM
Natsu approached the stone-house of Garmine rapped on the entryway, and walked in. Garmine. I'm going to get up early and scout around a bit. It looks like the dragon is fairly young. Did you still plan on trying to try diplomacy? I'm of the mind that any agreement you make with it will either last a very long time, or be broken in the near future. Even if it is honest in its promises now, it may change its mind later, as it ages and becomes more powerful. I'd rather set up an ambush.

2013-08-22, 09:37 AM
Garmine nods. "I see. Your assessment of the dragons age matches my research so that is good confirmation." Tapping his chin in thought he continues. "There is merit to your concerns but if the ambush fails we will definitely have turned the dragon hateful against this region and its inhabitants."

"And if the dragon turn out to be an oathbreaker.." He spits out the word with a hint of anger. "Then it will feel the vengeance of a broken bargain. Yet, I know of your wish to destroy the beast and I am not above changing my mind. What did you have in mind?"

2013-08-23, 02:49 AM
Natsu chuckled a bit, and shrugged. I'm not much of a planner. My plan was more or less, hide down wind of his lair, and then when he leaves, hide inside his lair. When he returns he will have eaten, and thus be sluggish. Block his escape and attack. Like a snake who snares a rabbit in its burrow. I'd rather someone else spruce up my plan than try to figure out anything else. But in all seriousness, what could you do against an oathbreaking dragon? How could you word something to not be manipulated so he could justify breaking the spirit but not the word of his agreement? And lastly, how would you even know he had done anything? I'm going to guess I was hired for this for my reputation as a dragon hunter. Either our employer wants us to appear more legitimate, or wants us to slay the dragon. Slaying the dragon will do both those things.

2013-08-23, 03:36 AM
Garmine smiles. "There are ways..By using words that have no loopholes. "Leave this area and never return" is a good start of this particular deal. Although a very boring one. There are of course finer details that has to be seen to but that covers the basics. We could even make a deal between you and me to create a binding contract that would force a dragons cooperation in one given task. My payment would of course be one document in your possession" He laughed lightly.

Looking into the eyes of the dragonman the dark fey continued. "How do you know how to breathe when you sleep? How do you know how to walk without thinking about it? How do you make your heart beat?"

With a dismissive wave of his hand he finished. "An oathbreaker always pays the price and the price is high indeed."

2013-08-23, 03:47 AM
Natsu frowned, and stared at the strange man for a few seconds then snorted. Glad I don't break my oaths. His frown deepened slightly, and looked to the side. Look, here is my problem. Pushing the dragon from this land to other human lands doesn't solve any real problems. It just moves the problem. Makes it someone else's problem. I don't like that. I'd rather solve the problem. By the way, what sorts of arrangements do you make? You seem a little odd, to be frank. But I'd like to understand you.

2013-08-23, 06:06 AM
"So all we have to do is move it to non-human lands? That makes things easier." He answered, amused at Natsu's signs of discomfort. "Oh? A bargain? That depends on the timeframe involved.. What are you looking for?" Garmine taps his fingers together as he weighs his answer carefully "Hmm.. I could tell you some truths about myself.. But.. Are you willing to pay the price for that knowledge?" The eerie smile always present. "What would be an equal exchange I wonder." He clasps his hands together. "Of course... A piece of my life for a piece of yours.. The price is that of the blinkdog Ripsnarl. A fair but perhaps steep price for that particular information. Other things would not have such a grand cost. "

2013-08-24, 02:56 AM
Natsu scowled at the mention of his friend. What do you mean the price is Ripsnarl? You cannot own him, he is his own person. I am not so curious about you to give my friend's freedom away, nor am I able. If your life is such a secret it would cost me for the privilege of knowing more about you, I am not interested. I was merely asking because I thought you could potentially be a comrade, but I only ally with certain sorts.

Natsu crossed his arms as all his curiosity turned into suspicion.

2013-08-24, 10:26 AM
Garmine sensing the shift in Natsu raises an eyebrow. "You are a curious creature indeed. You ask to hold my life in your hands. You ask me for a price and I give it to you. Then you feel insulted that the price were higher than you were willing to pay? A life for a life is fair but steep and a man has only his word. Would you expect anyone you recently met to place his throat in your jaws at your beck and call?" Inclining his head slightly he continues. "Yet it seems you do not even know the weight of the question asked? Perhaps you would understand what you were asking if you knew. But that too has it's price." After a moment of silence the fey creature speaks with some hesitation. "I would give you three answers in exchange for three questions. But know that this is balancing at the limit of what is fair."

2013-08-24, 03:17 PM
Natsu arches an eyebrow, then uncrossed his arms to place his hands on his hips. Your life wasn't my goal, I just wanted to get to you know. Your asking price was something I do not, and cannot possess. Ripsnarl is his own person, and I cannot give him to you. I could give you my questions, which would reveal something about myself, I think. You would better know how I think and what my motives are based on what I decided was most important to ask. If it eases your mind, I'll offer you the same bargain. I'll answer three of your questions, one for each of mine you answer.

Natsu scratched at his chin, pondering what questions were important. Alright. I have a question. Garmine, what do you value?

2013-08-24, 05:45 PM
"Then the deal is struck and thus a bargain have been made." Garmine nods towards Natsu.


The answer is short but sure and filled with an almost unnatural clarity.

"Why do you seek battle with the blue dragon instead of... Say it's conversion to bahamut?"

The curiosity clear in his eyes and voice.

2013-08-25, 02:14 AM
Natsu pauses and ponders Garmine's answer and then nods. Certainly a worthwhile goal. As for me... why...? Natsu holds his chin, rubbing his jawline. Doubt, mostly, I guess. With a sigh, Natsu sat crossed legged on the ground. Natsu pondered silently again, unsure of his next question before finally asking: What happened to the last person to break an oath to you?

2013-08-25, 10:59 AM
Enjoying this exchange tremendously he answers with a hint of a smile.

"No oath has yet been broken."

He only seems to think for a little while before he opens his mouth again and with a playful gleam in his eye, he asks the next question.

"Would you keep a promise made, no matter the cost?"

2013-08-25, 12:33 PM
Yes and No. I would never enter into an agreement I was not sure I could keep. And if I did enter into an agreement, I would rather die than break my word. Unfortunately, I might die before keeping all my promises, though... Natsu explained carefully. In my youth I've made a few that have yet to keep. But I have never broken one yet...

Natsu shook memories from his head. Not sad memories, but distracting ones. Interesting. You seemed to have some idea what happens to people who break oaths, but no one has broken one of your oaths. You don't really know what will happen if someone does, then, it would seem. Nasty shrugged, I hope you never find out.

Well, my last question: why do you want our young friend so close to and so involved in the dragon encounter?

2013-08-25, 01:51 PM
Garmine makes a gesture with his left hand and picks up a small pebble, studies it for a moment before he lets it fall to the ground. "You know that the rock falls when you drop it. I know what happens when an oath is broken."

"Young Greg? Because he wants it."

Looking at the pebble that now rests in front of him he then looks up at the half-dragon.
"I am tempted to keep this last question for another time.. But you reminded me that one of us might be dead tomorrow and then no one will learn anything, which is a pity."

Lifting up the pebble once more and holding it between three fingers. He turns his gaze first to the pebble and then to Natsu and asks the final question.

"What is most precious to you Natsu?"

2013-08-25, 02:38 PM
Family, mine and other's. Natsu says firmly, then stands back up. Greg is a valuable member of his community. They need him more than you may be aware. It is selfish of anyone to try to remove him from his community. I'll see you in the morning, I'm going to sleep for now. I'm glad we spoke. You're nearly as mysterious as you were before, but at least you seem trustworthy now.

Natsu paused, smiled then left the rock hut, and found a patch of grass in which to lay down.

2013-09-01, 06:41 AM
Next morning brings clear sky and a gentle western breeze.

2013-09-01, 02:38 PM
Natsu waits for Greg to wake up, then gestures with his head at the sky. Let's approach the lair from down wind.

2013-09-01, 03:04 PM
Yeah, that's definitely a good idea. Tell me master Natsu, were you ever a hunter? You seem to be quite knowledgeable and expertised in this area.

2013-09-02, 12:37 AM
Hmm. Natsu shrugged. More or less. I grew up abandoned in a forest. I learned to hunt by watching predators and learned to hide by watching prey. I was eventually adopted and my father taught me some magic.

2013-09-17, 06:08 AM
That's... remarkabe. On the task at hand: is there anything I could do to help? Non-combat-wise of course.

2013-09-17, 05:33 PM
Natsu nodded, and grinned. Track with me, watch my back. Help me find this beast, help me set us up to corner him in his cave. Once we've set up our ambush, you can decide what you want to do. You can try to hide nearby, or you can hide far away. You can't fight, for obvious reasons. I'm not going to stop you if you try, because I've decided that you are your own man, and a respectable one at that, but we know how that would end. Let's move though, I don't know when he hunts, but if he hunts in the morning, I want to see him leave.

Maybe we should time jump. Others seem to have lost interest. Perhaps we should jump to when we start setting up the ambush?

2013-09-18, 03:24 AM
Garmine sat inside the shelter with his contracts spread before him. <Killing this dragon is not the most efficient use of the tools we have at our disposal but if it comes to that.. Hmm.. The service of the madman perhaps? Yes, and that of the huntress. It would not do if I lost any more companions.>

He chuckles to himself as he ponders the possibilities and gather up his things. <This will prove to become an interesting day.> A while later the rock is dispelled and Garmine goes searching for his two companions.

2013-09-18, 12:57 PM
{{OOC: Yeah, skipping up is a good idea}}

You reach a point right outside the dragon's cave, he has left about 10 minutes ago flying west and didn't appear to have noticed any of you.

2013-09-18, 11:20 PM
Well, Garmine, my plan is to wait for him to re-enter his cave, and then block the exit. If you want to chit chat with him, you can, but he'd better convince me pretty well that he's going to be nothing but a saint from here on out, or I'll protect the area the only way I know actually works. Natsu says, giving Greg a sidelong glance, gauging his reaction.

2013-09-19, 10:47 AM
"Hmm.. Guilty until proven innocent?" Garmine shrugs. "Very well. Do you have a plan for when we have lined up ourselves perfectly for it's lightning breath by blocking the entrance? I rather not have to dispose of the cult by myself later. Perhaps we should search the cave for anything useful for us that might aid in the ambush or as a bargaining chip." Garmine approaches the cave and peers inside. "By the way Natsu.. How do you know the dragon is a he? Can you read that from it's tracks?"

Detect magic as he looks around. Consider this skill always active as it is an at-will ability.

2013-09-19, 08:01 PM
Natsu shrugged Yes, guilty until proven innocent. I suppose that's not fair, but it is my most hated foe, and one of the most destructive and evil creatures who live on the material plane. I'd say the same of demons as well. Devils at least keep their word.

Gesturing for Garmine to enter, Natsu sighs. The dragon will smell your intrusion, but by the time it notices your scent it will be to late. As for the breath weapon, don't bunch up. I'll go in front and appear the most threatening to attract it's ire. I don't mind a little jolt.

Natsu lurched, nearly losing his balance at the last question. He's.. well.. Hmm... Actually, we've just been referring to it as a he. I guess that's because Greg and I are hunters and normally when you hunt, you go for the males. The difference from the norm, I guess, is this time we are not hunting prey, but a predator. Maybe it's a female. I wonder if it's immoral to not eat the meat...

2013-09-20, 03:22 AM
Garmine flashes a mischievous smile at Natsu. "Oh, but I don't leave neither scent nor tracks behind, so it should not be a problem."

He raises an eyebrow at the question of consuming their soon to be foe. "If your father is a dragon is it not a bit too similar to eating your evil cousin? Not that I would presume to judge.." As he is peering into the cave he almost as an afterthought adds. "If we proceed to slay this dragon I could offer you a deal for some dragonscale armour."

Garmine is under the effect of Entropic warding.

2013-09-20, 02:26 PM
You'll have to show me how to do that. Natsu grinned back, always easily infected by other's smiles.

As for eating my cousin, I don't mind if you eat my evil extended family members. I'm not sure if I would be a cannibal or not, but it might be a crime to not eat what we hunt. Natsu lost his grin and he thought about morality, but he soon made his decision and went back to grinning. I wouldn't mind a dragon scale scarf. But a full set of armor would slow me down. Either way, I plan to collect its heart scale.

2013-09-23, 12:06 PM
Garmine winked at Natsu. "Sure I could teach you.. For a price." He chuckled as he entered the cave.

If Garmine sees anything he might possibly consider being a magical trap/mundane trap or some such he will stop. Detect magic and Spot: [roll0] Search:[roll1]

2013-09-23, 04:28 PM
The only magical auras in the vicinity are some faint ones produced by various magic items within the treasure.

{{OOC: It seems there only 2 of you left, still wanna continue? Maybe I should rerecruit, for the new two to join you in the well-known-by-you-village?}}

2013-09-23, 06:20 PM
Your price, thus far, has been reasonable. And you seem to be trustworthy. I'll probably have to take you up on that offer. Natsu said, watching Garmine look around for a while, but turning to watch the skies after he is sure Garmine will be fine searching on his own.

We should probably re-recruit, but maybe, after we deal with the dragon and return to the village is when they should pop in, for realism's sake.

2013-09-24, 03:26 AM
Laughing merrily as he continues towards the hoard he replies to Natsu. "Then we will work on the terms after we dealt with this particular situation." Going straight to the magical auras he detected earlier.

I'm okay with a re-recruitment after this particular arc. Preferences for a divine caster of some sort. Or we could just keep this a duo-game and rely more on NPC's for stuff we can't do on our own. We know that both me and dark has invested a bit in this game and we probably wont just quit. :smallwink:

Regarding leaving no trace. Basicly Garmine can teach you to get a level in warlock for the incantation or in a few levels create a magic thingy that does the same thing. Or he will find another way to do it.

2013-09-24, 03:38 AM
You can detect: Faint Divination, Faint Conjuration and 3 Faint Illusion auras.

I'll get right to posting a recruitement thread.

2013-09-26, 09:48 AM
Garmine callously picks up the items he deems could be of some value in the coming confrontation and then walks back out. Looking over the things from the hoard as exits he approaches Greg with a smile playing on his lips. "You wanted to see the action and not break your wow to Natsu of being too close... I happen to have something in mind that will keep both of you happy." Nodding acknowledgement towards Natsu before continuing. "Remember when I told you of helping you hide better? Well, I found a much safer way for you to observe the encounter."

Garmine picks up a coil of rope from his pack. "Natsu? Is this the spot you wish to stand to block the blue one?" He walks over to the cave mouth and makes a few strange gestures and the rope seems to float up into the rock face above. With a wink at both Natsu and Greg he climbs it and as he reaches the top he disappears from the face of the earth. Then he suddenly appears again with a joyous smile. "I have created a dimensional pocket in which Greg may watch us deal with the blue one. The dragon can't see it if you pull the rope up after yourself and I believe Natsu can also use it to jump down and block the dragons escape after it has entered the cave. No spell or breath-based attack from the dragon can pass through the opening, but you will be able to see out of it much like looking through a window." Obviously rather pleased with himself Garmine makes a bow and makes an inviting gesture towards the rope.

Cast "rope trick" just realized I had this spell... It is freaking awesome! Get me cask of acid flasks or something similar and you have a near perfect ambush. ;)

2013-09-26, 08:39 PM
Alright, if you think this ... plan thing will keep Greg safe. Natsu says with reluctance, not sure if he completely trusts a dimensional hole and a little bit of rope to be of much use. This is as good of a spot as any. Let's get inside.

2013-09-27, 01:56 AM
Wow. That's amazing master Garmine. Thank you wholeheartedly. But won't the dragon have some mystical abilities on his own?

2013-09-27, 05:27 AM
Garmine smiles even broader. "Excellent question Master Greg. The benefits of this particular little trick is that the actual focus of the spell and the spell itself is pulled up into the dimensional pocket after you enter as it is centered on the rope. In effect the magic is also hidden away by the same shelter you yourself is hiding in. So even if a dragon utilize powerful mystic abilities I highly doubt that a dragon of that age is able to cast spells that bridges the very fabric of the multiverse. The main problem with this magic is that while it can hold up to eight persons you may only go in and out of it one at a time, but as you are not to exit it until Natsu and I are done either beating or getting eaten by this dragon well.. It will perform it's function remarkably well. "

2013-09-27, 06:18 AM
That's... remarkable. Thank you for such a great opportunity.

Then, after you do perform the Rope Trick, he enters the shelter.

2013-10-02, 03:26 PM
{Trying to speed up so that the re-recruited won't have to wait for you}

(You did all hide into the Rope Trick, right? That's what I understood was the idea)

After few minutes you can see the dragon flying into the cave. He shows no sign of knowing you're here.

2013-10-02, 03:47 PM
{Yes that was basically the plan I think. Going to make a better post later. }

2013-10-02, 04:45 PM
Natsu stiffens as the dragon swoops in, then feels his blood boil. Talk to him quickly Garmine. I'm already regretting not charging it while we have the element of surprise.

2013-10-03, 04:23 AM
Garmine looks upon Natsu with a curious frown and then breaks out in his trademark smile. "Well then let us keep the element of surprise throughout the conversation Master Natsu." Garmine begins to chant and weaves invisible threads in the air around them inside the small space they occupy. Muttering under his breath "Strength of sap. Yoke of law. Evil bane. Foil the eye. Voice of serpent"

Cast on Garmine: Magic circle against evil,
Magic circle against law, Barkskin, Invisibility sphere, Tongues.
Bolded should affect everyone. Toggle warlock flight

"There.. If we follow the previous plan then come after me and block the exit of the cave. I will try to see what information I can glean from the blue one." His shadow creeps up along his back like boiling rolling mist and condenses into two draconic wings and with a nod to Natsu he exits the shelter.

Silently flying down he enters the cave by air, trying to avoid making any sound, and settles down at the side of the entrance inside of the cave.

Making a few silent invisible gestures and then he speaks.. His voice coming not from the place he is standing but from much further inside the cave and on the opposite side.
Cast: ventriloquism

"Greetings great scaled one. I apologize for not making myself known to you as I find it a necessary but unfortunate precaution when speaking with a being of such great power such as yourself."

Garmine would take ten if possible as he doesn't want to botch this roll but in case he can't.
Edit: well I guess the dice though it didn't matter.

2013-10-05, 08:21 AM
The dragon responds, turning towards the source of the voice.

Who are you? Why are you here?

2013-10-07, 01:43 PM
Keeping himself hidden Garmine answers the dragon with his disembodied voice keeping the tone both awed and pleasant. Trying to get a measure of the creature and its intentions.

"Fair questions your magnificence and I apologize again for breaking the peace in your home. May I inquire about your name your greatness, so that I may offer you the amount of respect one such as yourself deserve.. As for myself.. I am one who knows of beings that wishes you harm your grace and I am here in part to tell you that you have been robbed by these very beings. Have you heard of the cult of vecna that resides a few days travel from here?"

Observing the dragons reaction to his words from his vantagepoint the dark fey watches in anticipation.

2013-10-12, 10:27 AM
I think it would be more appropriate for you, as the intruder to introduce yourself first, but know that I'm Tarquis.
You're saying that there are some that plan to harm me and have robbed me already? How and why would they do that? Have I ever done anything against them? Additionally, what proof do you have? How do I know that you're not the one who would mean me harm, since you already are in my lair and hiding. Show yourself and then we may speak on equal terms.

2013-10-12, 03:32 PM
Tch. Natsu looked at Greg. That invisible voice is the only thing between that stupid dragon and my wrath. But he thinks the voice is out to get him. Heh. Great. Well, sit tight, I'm sure our friend Garmine won't enjoy having to gain the bastard's trust. Maybe he will give up sooner than I thought. And even if he doesn't, I'm not very patient. Natsu whispers, just over his breath.

2013-10-14, 02:29 PM
"You are correct mighty Taquis and I apologize for my lack of etiquette. I am known as Garmine. I was waiting for your magnificence to return when I happened to observe the deed as it took place and the culprit clearly had something to do with the cult. Yes, I dare say that the plan I overheard was most certainly a plan to attempt to take your life as it was mentioned that they wanted to make use of pieces of your grand armored body as crafting materials. As for what you have done they seemed to think of the mighty Taquis as more of a future threat that needed to be removed."

"Then great Tarquis I will reveal myself to you that we may continue on more favorable terms."

Using shield other ability of delver nar on the dragon to end the invisibility
DC: 23 to resist

2013-10-14, 04:00 PM
That's... quite a disturbing thought. And here I had hoped that my non-interference into humans' lives would make them leave me alone.
Where could I find these Vecnulithies?

{{OOC: Have I written the cultist's name correctly? I'm not that good english speaker}}

2013-10-14, 08:42 PM
"Humans are sadly shortsighted creatures sometimes, unlike yourself lord Tarquis. As to your earlier question regarding me being here. I sought out your lair to speak with you in part to find out if you knew anything about the red wyrm Igneel, but that question can wait if you need assistance in dealing with these Vecnulithies. As you now see I am not of human stock and I am more than willing to help one of the great scaled ones if they so wish, and yes I have ways to find this despicable cult for you if you should seek it."
Garmine bows deeply before the dragon in a graceful movement.

"Yet.." Garmine makes a gesture of hopelessness. "I am bound by custom strong as any law to ask a boon in return for that assistance great Tarquis." Then his face lights up at a thought and he snaps with two fingers. "But, if you would give me the honour of your company and join my travels until the Vecnulithies are no more that would be boon enough to appease those laws and I would be able to assist the great Tarquis in his quest. What do you say great Tarquis, is that acceptable?"

I think that is the correct term yes. (The save with DC 23 was a will save)

2013-10-15, 03:59 PM
That is... quite generous of you. But it would seem this is quite a coincidence, that both times my lair has been visided within last few years has been within one day.

Also, I've not heard of a dragon with that name.

Even though this whole situation is quite unbeliveable, I'm willing to trust you, at least for now. If you lead me to them and I recover the stolen goods I'd even be willing to let you have some.

2013-10-16, 05:14 AM
"Then we have reached an accord and I shall lead you to the cultists great Tarquis." Garmine smiles and bows before the dragon. "Do your Lordship need time to prepare or should we head out immediately?"

This triggers Garmines "Dark bargain" ability I believe.

The deal as it is stands for Garmine. Lead Tarquis to the cult and assist in the retrieval of his stolen goods. Garmine's payment, some of the stolen goods.

2013-10-16, 02:27 PM
We shell set ofrom immediately. Do you have a means of flying Garmine? I could probably keep you on my back were we to get there as quickly as possible. How far away is it?

I'd say it does.
Knowledge Local or Geography 15
The hideout was about a day of walking away from the village.
Knowledge Geography 20
This should take about 6 hours of dragon's flight from this point.

2013-10-16, 05:10 PM
With a quick bow towards the dragon Garmine makes a mention towards the cave mouth and straightens his back. "Then let us be on our way immediately! It is not far at all, about 6 hours of dragon's flight from your lair your excellency. I would be honored to travel on your mighty back Lord Tarquis."

If allowed to ride Tarquis, Garmine makes a few hand signs when they pass under the window to the rope trick to indicate to those within that everything is going good and to follow. Otherwise he flies first and hovers just below the opening and makes the same attempt.

2013-10-16, 06:05 PM
Natsu watches Garmine leave, then looks at Greg. Loot the cave to the best of your ability. Keep everything of value hidden, as to not attract the attention of any bandits, and then head through the forest, taking no trails. Once you're home, stow the stuff someplace safe. I'm thinking an even quarter split between you, Garmine, the village as a whole and myself seems fair enough. I'm gong to chase after Garmine.

With that, Natsu jumps down form the dimensional pocket, turn and sprints after the dragon, keeping it in sight to visually track the lizard. The rush of adrenaline is enough to keep him running at top speed.

2013-10-27, 01:39 PM
Read up to where the quest-givers left, albeit primarily just DM posts. I'm...assuming we're starting off in the meeting with them and they pretty much explained everything they had previously, basically anticipating similar questions. Also working on the assumption that they made us aware of the other adventurers we'll be joining. Correct me if I'm wrong and I'll edit post as needed.

Elric leaned back in his chair, considering the offer. He had never much considered himself an assassin. "In the likely vain hope that this can be resolved without recourse to rampant violence, does this mission have any victory parameters that don't include the complete destruction of your former followers? I would assume convincing them to rejoin the fold would be sufficient, though I hardly feel qualified to proselytize for any religious group. And, to be blunt, yours less than usual. But would, perhaps, securing a contract to ensure their silence be enough for you to consider the matter settled?"

"Also, if negotiations are possible, it would not hurt to have some background on these former-cultists. In particular, why they left the fold."

2013-10-27, 01:53 PM
Dkag listened to the pitch, and to his companions response. He stayed silent, preferring to let the man speak for the both of them. He had no real preference, he'd follow Elric if he decided to take the bounty, and he'd also join him if he decided to refuse. He could use the gold though.

2013-10-27, 02:57 PM
We would much prefer, if it was resolved through violence to be honest. We don't need them silenced, we need them dead.

2013-10-27, 09:51 PM
Well, I'm sure these guys deserve it, don't they? I'm sure they've done some really evil things, and the only morally acceptable action is to rid the world of their influence forever

Dkag looked at their host, and attempted an extremely obvious wink.

Isn't that right, Ace?