View Full Version : Season 3, Episode 1 [IC]

2013-04-19, 02:43 PM
Sunnydale High Library

Quinn looked up from the article on the latest exhibit on Egyptology at the museum in his paper as Hannah and Tim walked in.

“So, what's the latest rumblings from Sunnydale's own Hellmouth? Vampires, demons, principal Snyder? Anything bad and scary needing its butt kicked this week?” The two of them sat down opposite Quinn as he casually lit another cigarette.

“I'm happy to say things have remained fairly quiet of late.” He replied to the pair. “I haven't seen Lucy yet today, but from what she has told me recently, aside from the occasional vampire, Sunnydale seems to be quite dead at the moment. In the good way.”

Restfield Cemetery

Lucy ducked away from a straight-arm blow and rolled over a headstone, coming out of it with a snap kick that knocked one vampire onto its back. The second vamp was quick to follow, leaping over the tombstone with fangs bared and going straight for her neck. A sidestep and a quick elbow to his throat stunned him, then Lucy pulled her stake and buried it in his heart. He had barely dusted when the first vamp leaped to his feet and lunged her, wrapping the Slayer in a bear hug that dropped them both to the ground. Lucy pulled the momentum into a backward roll, flipping him head over heels and landing on top of him, stake drawn. She plunged it down and he too burst into a pile of ash. The Slayer paused a moment to catch her breath before standing.

The arm grabbed her from behind. It was strong, sharp claws and thick skin. It picked her off her feet and slammed her into the wall of a crypt before turning her around as though she were nothing more than a toy. A demon towered over her, half again her height, with long horns curling around its face and protruding from the corners of its mouth like tusks. Its skin was grey and leathery, its eyes narrow and red. It grinned at her as it dangled her above the ground. She tried to lash out at it, a well-placed kick merely bouncing of its hide, her blows bouncing harmlessly off its arm.

“Stick around, Slayer. I look forward to meeting you.” Its voice boomed around her as it clenched its other hand and slammed its claws into her stomach. Her eyes widened in pain.

Sunnydale High Library

A nervous cough came from the entrance to the library. Quinn looked over the top of his newspaper to see a student standing awkwardly by the counter, looking expectantly at him. Their eyes met, and he stared in confusion at her for a long moment.


“Um, you're the librarian, right? I'm looking for a book?”

“Library? Oh, yes, I suppose it is. I forget sometimes, nobody ever comes here.” She glanced at Hannah and Tim, who were watching the exchange. “Well, they hardly count.”

“It's actually my own book that I'm looking for; it's gone missing and the secretary at lost and found suggested I check here in case anybody found it and returned it here by accident. It's just a silly fantasy book about magic and dragons and stuff, Alderac's Almanac? Can you check for me?”

Sunnydale High Hallway

Reggie put the rest of her books in her locker and turned to go to class. Walking down the corridor, looking thoroughly lost, was a new girl she hadn't seen before. She had a large history text clutched between her arms and was trying to navigate the press of kids going to and from class, obviously trying to get her bearings but without avail.

“Excuse me, can you tell me where...no? Hello? Excuse me, will you...” She continued down the hallway, peering in classroom windows and trying meekly to get the attention of students that barged past her without pausing.

Sunnydale High Classroom

Lucy snapped her eyes open with a gasp, her hands instinctively moving to her stomach. She was unharmed and uninjured, except for the thin trickle of drool from the corner of her mouth. The rest of the class giggled at her exclamation as they packed up their books and filed out. Ms. Finch sat and stared at her from her desk, waiting until the rest of the students had left before getting up and approaching the chagrined Slayer.

“I see today's class held your interest about as much as usual, Miss Wilder. You know that monitoring what you do in your free time is hardly my job. In fact, being responsible for your academic success, or lack thereof, is not my job either. I am here to teach, you are here to learn. If you do not want to learn, I cannot teach, this does not bother me. But when you allocate your evenings as party time and my class as nap time, you disrupt the rest of the class, and that does bother me. You need some direction in your life, Miss Wilder, some purpose. That isn't my job either. But we have a new guidance counsellor here after Mr. Darrin's...mishap. I'm going to suggest that you go and see him, soon. And if I hear that you haven't, I will make you an appointment myself and drag you there during my next class. At least you'll have a comfortable office to sleep in instead of these hard chairs. Are we clear?”

2013-04-19, 07:09 PM
Closing her locker, Reggie checked her bag again to make sure she had everything she needed for the upcoming periods. For once she felt relatively "fresh", not battling a splitting headache or the aftermath of one of her now infamous nightmares. Readjusting the strap of her messenger bag on her shoulder she turned and started to head off to class like everyone else. Except, she couldn't help but notice a thoroughly lost looking girl unsuccessfully trying to get help from their peers. Chyeah, good luck with that...

Sighing, she went on over, putting on a small smile. "Hey. You look painfully new here. Need some rescuing?"

2013-04-19, 09:08 PM
Tim Yearly
Sunnydale High, Library

Tim waved as the girl who'd just entered the library glanced over. As she finished explaining what she needed, he turned to Hannah.

"I -would- poke fun, but you probably have a signed copy at home yourself, eh?"

He gave the weary half-smile that had become commonplace for him as of late, and got up from his chair.

"I'll take a look for you. He's got that 'I'll get to it after this article' look to him."

I assume Tim's hung out enough here to know where the even-less-used-than-the-library Lost and Found box is. He'll give it a look.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-04-21, 03:33 PM
Hannah Camilla Rosatti AKA 'Rosy'
Sunnydale High, Library

Hannah glanced up from her latest Popular Mechanics magazine, peering over it at Tim for a moment, "I don't really go in for that magic stuff. Besides, science is much cooler, and I don't have to worry about summoning demons or getting trapped in a hell dimension when I do it. Usually I just have to worry about burning my eyebrows off."

She watched her werewolf pal get up to help the unfortunate student and then returned to her magazine, "Hmm. 'How To Build A Starship'..."

2013-04-29, 05:20 PM
Sunnydale High Hallway

The girl looked at Reggie, an expression of relief on her face that someone had finally deigned to acknowledge her. "Oh, thank you! Yes, my family just moved here from LA. I swear I got a tour of the school when I got here, but I can't remember where anything is. I'm trying to find History 12? She giggled nervously. I swear I'm such an airhead. Someone tells me where all my classes are, and five minutes later everything looks totally different! Thank you so much for helping.

Reggie was in fact on her way to that class herself, so showing her the way shouldn't be an inconvenience.

Sunnydale High Library

Tim examined the nearly empty Library returns box and the entirely empty lost-and-found box without any success.

If everyone in the Library would like to roll a Perception+Notice check.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-04-29, 05:49 PM
Hannah Camilla Rosatti AKA 'Rosy'
Sunnydale High, Library

Hannah flipped a few more pages before setting the magazine aside, not finding anything of interest to her. She reached to the small pile of comics that were nearby, taking another look around the library first.

Perception + Notice Roll: [roll0]

2013-04-29, 06:10 PM
Tim Yearly
Sunnydale High School, Library

Tim walked back from the dusty, unused Lost and Found box with an apologetic gesture.

"Sorry, no dice. It was a long shot - people don't usually... leave a whole lot of stuff here. When they do come here. Which they don't. Anyway..."

PER 4 + Notice 3 (add +2 if it involves taste, smell, or being surprised/ambushed) =[roll0]

2013-04-29, 06:18 PM
Regina "Reggie" Grayson

Well if that wasn't a coincidence... Reggie nodded slowly, gesturing towards a spot further down the hall. "Lucky for you that's where I'm headed. It's just over there." Then, she started to lead the new student to their mutual destination.

"So. L.A. huh?" Yeah, new girl definitely should've stayed there instead of coming here to Sunnydale of all places. Reggie sort of felt sorry for her -- though there was no guarantee she'd end up in the clutches of some crazy vampire. Or worse. Still, the chances were there...

The Grue
2013-05-01, 02:45 PM
Quinn Westermark
Sunnydale High Library

Once Reggie and the new girl have left the library, Quinn puts down his paper and goes to stick his head out the door into the hallway to make sure the two are out of hearing distance.

That done, he moves to the back of the library and pulls his copy of Alderac's Almanac from the top shelf, checking to make sure no one's been fiddling with it.

"Tim, Hannah," he says, walking back into the library proper, "if you should happen to come across her book, best bring it to me. I'm sure, em...what was her name? I'm sure she has no idea what it really is but I don't want to risk...well anything."

The Grue
2013-05-01, 03:14 PM
Perception + Notice: [roll0]

2013-05-04, 02:12 PM
Sunnydale High Library

The girl gave Hannah a confused look when she mentioned magic and hell dimensions, then quietly left as Tim pronounced the absence of any books in the library.

Quinn dropped his copy of her missing book onto the library table, displacing a fine layer of dust from its cover, then settled back into his chair with his newspaper.

Sunnydale High Classroom

"...so then I stand up and say 'hah, I could take you!' Not exactly the smartest thing I've ever done!" Karen bust into a fit of giggles as the two seated themselves in class. Once Reggie opened her up, the girl had proven to be quite a chatterbox, telling her about stories from LA and her recent move to Sunnydale.

"Well that sounds exciting. What did you do?"

"What're you talking about, Grayson? Who are you talking to?" Reggie turned her head to see Bruce Phillips seating himself in the chair beside her, filling the space that had been occupied a moment ago with Karen. There was no trace of the girl.

From outside the classroom door came a scream.

L.A. Warehouse district

Quinn whirled as he heard a scream echo between the empty buildings. His gun was already in his hand, his police badge hanging around his neck. There was something familiar about this case, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. A sense that he'd already done this before.

The body of a young girl, still warm and only moment old, yet white as a sheet and drained completely of blood. But that couldn't be right. He hadn't found any body yet, only heard a scream.

Another cry for help, this one sharper and more intense, rising to crescendo...

Sunnydale Library

A shriek ran through the halls, followed by the stampeding of feet. Newspaper draped over his face, Quinn snored gently and shifted in his seat.
From the hallway came a snarl, primal and animalistic. The sound of something being dropped, and another cry, higher and more panicked.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-04, 02:35 PM
Hannah Camilla Rosatti AKA 'Rosy'
Sunnydale High Library

Hannah's pile of comics was knocked over as she whirled around, the sound of the scream making her jump. She should have gotten over that by now, given how often screaming seemed to be a common occurence at the school. Still, she looked to Tim, the sleeping Quinn, and then rushed out the door.

"Uh.. Uh oh. Nice doggies. Good doggies. Um, some help, please?!"

2013-05-04, 03:25 PM
Tim Yearly
Sunnydale High School, Library

"Hannah, wait a s... damn it."

Tim rushed over through the library's doors, to see the two demon dogs causing chaos throughout the halls. He turned to Hannah.

"Get Quinn, and a weapon. I can hold them off until then!"

He lets out the closest thing the human body can approximate to a growl at the two giant dogs, trying to draw their attention.

He's not going to transform in the middle of the crowded hallway. Yet. In the meantime, he'll try to intimidate the dogs into focusing on him.

WIL 3 + Influence 4 + 1d10 = [roll0]

Unless it's already combat, in which case...
Initiative: Dex 5 + Fast Reaction Time +5 (plus a d10? the book's fuzzy on this)
Defend myself and/or Hannah against their two attacks, if they happen.
Attack: After they attack, slam-tackle one
(The book doesn't have anything on attempting to defend others, so I guess by the rules, I'm just batting them out of the way?)

Possible Rolls Involved:
Dodge/Parry: (d10+10)
Slam-Tackle: (d10+9, 10 Bash, Target must make a STR or MUS/2 to not fall, and I get a free Leg Grapple if they do fall)

2013-05-07, 12:29 AM
Regina "Reggie" Grayson

Karen wasn't half-bad company. Maybe a bit too boisterous, but Reggie could live with that as long as it didn't cross into annoying territory. Into class they went, getting seats as they continued chatting.

And then moments later, after she'd turned away briefly to grab a book out of her backpack, things got... weird. Bruce Phillips was suddenly sitting where Karen had been, questioning Reggie about who'd she'd been speaking to. The blonde teen blinked in confusion.

"What do you mean? I was talking to Kar-"

Oh. Wait. She paused as realization slowly began to dawn on her. One moment, Karen was there. The next, she wasn't. That had to mean... Grooooan.

She didn't get much time to dwell on that piece of information before a scream rang out from the direction of the outside hallway. Whirling around in her seat she narrowed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

"Not today..."

The Grue
2013-05-10, 01:16 AM
Quinn Westermark
L.A. Warehouse district

The girl's scream still echoing through the air, Quinn readied his sidearm and yelled, "Hey! LAPD, come out where I can see you!" Not waiting for a response, and against his better judgment, he charged into the dark alleyway.


Sunnydale High Library

Between snores, Quinn mumbled "Mmf...police..." along with a few less-intelligible sounds.