View Full Version : Please suggest ideas/mechanics for an Ascending character (PC or NPC).

2013-04-19, 08:48 PM
If you have read Deities & Demigods you know the following:

1. Gods are rated by ranks. 0-Rank being a "Hero-Deity" (such as a Demonlord or Animal Lord or a great hero on the path to ascension), I believe 1-5 being Demigods, and then it goes on to Lesser Deity, Intermediate Deity, Greater Deity, and finally Overdeity.
2. Deities become deities by gaining a divine "spark". They can gain these either by worship (cheap and easy way), self-study/improvement, having a deity grant it (i believe having to give some of their own), and finally if you can somehow steal it (although there was this one deity of Lichs that just happened to be at the right place and time and got VERY lucky...).

In my cosmology of almost five years now I have it so the "true deities" (aka deities or planar powers of demigod level and up) are truly immortal in the sense that even after being killed they remain as ghost-like beings within their realms. They simply can not die. Also, they are bound by an ancient pact to never be able to directly enter and manipulate the Material Plane, since last time they kinda crushed much of it fighting...

Anyway, "Hero Deities" are not quite true gods (they can truly die still, and don't have a realm usually). I treat them in my cosmology as having a single divine spark, or perhaps in the process of "sparking" their first spark within them (not sure yet).

Anyway, I have had two PCs ascend already, which sadly basically meant the end of them playing them. I would rather, if it happened again, that they start going down the Hero Deity path of being rank 0. Or maybe starting to "spark" and starting on that path during the game. I want there to be bonuses for achieving that and earning (key word in my games as a DM) such a character. However, I want it to be noticeable but not game-breaking. Something(s) he may have over his fellow PCs, but he earned it so it's OK by me, but that does not overshadow the other players.

Also, I plan on getting heavily into spelljammer for 3.5, and I plan on making the (or perhaps a single or coupling pair of) Reigar (http://lost.spelljammer.org/ShatteredFractine/critters/monsters/reigar.html) a prominent part of this campaign. However, I think I will treat them much like the Ancients of D&D. Their race almost gone, and having almost run out of possible "artistic" endeavors they can possibly create in their current forms and level of existence (even with their insanely high level of technology) the remnants of their race is looking for a way to ascend - the last great act of art they have yet to achieve in their limited mortal forms. Essentially, I want them to spark. But I can't have them too isnanely powerful so a) the PCs can be of use to them, hence a campaign, and b) if the PCs decide to try and stop one or all of them. I might have one or more (or perhaps all but a single coupling pair) trying to ascend the way the Time Lords in Doctor Who were planning. Essentially they were gonna destroy the universe and time itself and use the ashes to power their ascension as a race. I might limit this to solar speheres, or the Material Plane as a whole, but perhaps extend it to the whole multiverse meaning the gods themselves would get involved for fear of the succeeding and surpassing them as greater deities (and possibly destroying them along with the multiverse?).

Please give me your thoughts and ideas.

Many pikas in advance!

2013-04-19, 09:27 PM
My epic level DM has a quasi deity class that is pretty excellent. Let me see if I can copy it over. It's a 6 level epic class that ends with hero deity hood, but once you start it, you have to finish before taking any other class.

____Here starts the description_________________

To become a quasi-deity a character must fulfill all the following requirements.

Special: The PC must have an ECL of at least 20 (you can take 1st level of quasi-deity no earlier than 21st level) and be extraordinary, in the opinion of the DM, even compared to other PCs. Likely candidates include characters with powerful templates, like the half-celestial, half-fiend, and half-dragon, characters of extreme alignments, like the paladin and blackguard, and characters who through their extreme behavior exemplify some personality trait, like braveness, nobility, kindness or greed. A half-celestial paladin, for instance, would make a much better candidate than some nondescript fighter. Taking the quasi-deity class does not prevent a paladin or monk from taking further paladin or monk levels. An ex-paladin or ex-monk cannot, however, regain lost paladin or monk abilities simply by taking levels of quasi-deity.

Class Skills
A quasi-deity gets no additional class skills.

​Skill points at each level: none

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the quasi-deity prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: You gain no new proficiency with weapons, armor, or shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier than leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pocket, and Tumble.

...(I can't figure out how to paste the table, but I believe it's all below.......

Ability: At each level of quasi-deity you gain a +1 increase in 3 ability scores.

Action Points: If you are a PC, you gain the Heroic Surge feat, which grants you an extra 3 action points per hit die. If you already have the Heroic Surge feat, you retrain the feat to another feat for which you could have qualified when you originally took Heroic Surge.

An NPC deity gets full action points like a PC, so at 1st level an NPC quasi-deity gains action points a though he were a PC of his quasi-deity class level. At 2nd level he gains action points as though he were a PC of a level equal to his quasi-deity class level plus 5. At 3rd level an NPC quasi-deity gains action points as though he were a PC of a level equal to his quasi-deity class level plus 9. At 5th level he gains action points as though he were a PC of a level equal to his quasi-deity class level plus 12. At 6th level an NPC quasi-deity gains full action points like a PC.

Aura of Alignment: If you have a good or evil alignment, the power of your aura of good or evil equals your total hit dice.

Damage Reduction: Starting at 1st level you gain DR 5/+6, and your damage reduction increases by 1 point per level. Your natural weapons are treated as +6 for purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Hit Points: Starting at 1st level and at every odd-numbered level thereafter you gain an extra 1 hit point per die. Your total hit points may never exceed your full hit points per die plus your Constitution modifier plus your bonus favored-class hit points (if any) plus hit points granted by feats (if any). At 6th level, if you have not already done so, you gain full hit points per die.

Immunity to Ability Damage: At 1st level you become immune to ability score damage.

Outsider: If you have the Giant, Humanoid, Magical Beast or Monstrous Humanoid type, your type changes to Outsider (Native). You keep any subtype you might have, such as Air, Aquatic, Chaotic, Cold, Earth, Evil, Fire, Goblinoid, Good, Lawful, Reptilian, Shapechanger or Water. You also gain any alignment subtype that corresponds to a strong alignment you hold, if you do not already have it, such as Chaotic, Evil, Good, or Lawful. A human paladin, for instance, would gain the Outsider (Good, Lawful, Native) type. A human fighter who acts just barely lawful good, however, would gain only the Outsider (Native) type. A chaotic good half-celestial, to take a third example, already has the Outsider (Native) subtype and would gain the Good subtype. If the half-celestial were highly chaotic he would gain the Chaotic subtype as well.

If you have one or two alignment subtypes treat all your attacks with natural and manufactured weapons as having the same alignment(s) for purposes of overcoming damage reduction. A paladin’s weapons would be treated as both good and lawful, while the chaotic good half-celestial’s would be treated as both chaotic and good.

Speed: Starting at 1st level and at each level thereafter your base speed increases by +10’. Your new base speed cannot exceed twice the base speed you would have without taking any levels of quasi-deity. At 6th level, if it has not done so already, your base speed as a quasi-deity increases to twice the base speed you would have without levels of quasi-deity. A human would normally have a maximum base speed of 30’, for instance, and as a quasi-deity gains a base speed no greater than 60’. A human barbarian, however, when wearing light, medium or no armor would have a base speed of 40’ and as a quasi-deity could gain a base speed of up to 80’.

Spell Resistance: Starting at 1st level you gain SR 10. Your SR rises to 15 at 2nd, 20 at 3rd, 25th at 4th, 30 at 5th level, and 32 at 6th level.

Charisma Bonus: At 2nd level you gain your Charisma modifier, if positive, as a bonus to your AC.

Immunity to Transmutation: At 2nd level you become immune to polymorphing, petrification, or any other attack that alters your form. Any shape-altering abilities you might have work normally on yourself.

Immunity to Mind-Affecting Effects: At 3rd level you become immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).

Fire Resistance: At 3rd level you gain fire resistance 5.

Immortality: At 4th level you become immortal. You stop aging, and no longer need to eat, sleep or breathe. You no longer take any penalties for aging and cannot be magically aged. You still, however, gain any bonuses from aging. Although you keep your current appearance, you lose any penalties you might have suffered as a result of aging. You can still be killed, but do not die of old age.

Immunity to Energy Drain: At 5th level you become immune to energy drain.

Death Throes: At 6th level you gain the feats Final Strike and Epic Final Strike, exploding when you die.

Divine Rank: At 6th level you gain a divine rank of zero, achieving the status known as quasi-deity or hero-deity.

Grant Spells: At 6th level you gain the ability to automatically grant spells and domain powers to divine spellcasters who pray to you. You can grant spells form the cleric list, the ranger list and from three domains that you choose that have a relationship to you, your personality, or your powers. If you have druid levels you can grant druid spells. If you have paladin levels, you can grant paladin spells.


Collins, Andy, Noonan, David, and Wyatt, James, Deities and Demigods Revision Update, Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, 2003.

Redman, Rich, Williams, Skip, and Wyatt, James, Deities and Demigods, Renton, WA: Wizards of the Coast, April 2002.

2013-04-19, 11:34 PM
If you're looking for ridiculous mega-planar-level play, you might check out the Immortal's Handbook. Google Neutronium Golem to get a feel for its really high end stuff.

Fair warning, it's not popular around here, so if you like it, don't say.

Then again, I'm the one who's gonna get the flak, since I suggested it, so I don't know why I'm warning you. Really I'm the victim here.:smalltongue: