View Full Version : The Dark Ninja. Am I doing it right? 3.5

2013-04-19, 08:49 PM
Hello! I am currently preparing for one of my friend's campaigns, and he has been generous enough to give us ten thousand starting gold to go with. Now, after a series of trailing thoughts on what to create, I have finally come to a conclusion on the Dark template Ninja!

Here is my current set up, and if I am doing it wrong, PLEASE tell me. I feel like this is far to good to be true, but part of me wants it to work.

My current build is as of right now only 2 levels in Ninja, as a whisper gnome, with the Dark Template because I am not entirely sure yet on what level we will start out at. My guess is one, but it may be higher. I am just getting an idea on what this may become.

Here are the few questions I wish to be sure on before I decide to put more time into this creation.

1. Do the Dark template HiPS ability work with the Dark Lantern's Shadowy Illumination? (pages 161, and 156 in ToM for the template and item)

The Dark template won't let me hide in daylight, or similar affects, but the lantern grants shadowy illumination in an area. So I am curious if this will allow me to Hide in Plain Sight or not. (mainly concerned on using this while in the day, not so much in darker areas.)

2. Is the Ninja's invisibility ability like that of the spell, or will I be able to attack for the round, and continue to stay invisible until the duration ends? From what I read, it doesn't act like the spell.

3. So far, from what I have figured out, if I were to hide, I would get a total of 71 to my hide check without rolling. (5 ranks + 5 DEX mod + 5 Shadow Armor + 4 small + 4 Whisper Gnome Racial + 8 Dark Template + 40 for invisible through Ninja ability.) Which would drop to 51 if I were to snipe or attack. Is this correct, or have I messed up somewhere?

4. Does the -20 apply if I were to attack in melee with one or both weapons, or use multiple attacks with a ranged weapon?

5. What is my concealment if I am invisible in shadowy Illumination? Does it make a difference if my opponent has low light vision or dark vision?

My entire idea is to use HiPS with the dark lantern to hide. Go invisible, and then either attack from a range, or attack in melee. Since my Hide is so ridiculously high they won't be able to see me, and if they do I have concealment.

I feel like I made a huge mistake that I am just not seeing, but want to be sure. IF all of this does work out, should I be a melee ninja, or a ranged ninja? What should I do for later levels, or should I just scratch this idea?

My entire goal, is to be a ninja/assassin/rogue or something stealthy, that can drop an opponent, and remain hidden, so they can drop another one.

As always, thank you SO MUCH, for taking the time and consideration to read this. All feed back is welcome, and I would love some more items, feats, or ways to improve this character, for either now, or later levels.

2013-04-19, 08:54 PM
I'll just answer the ones I know right off the top of my head.

#2 = You are invisible for 1 full round, meaning you can attack without breaking stealth. It's pretty cool.

5. Invisible = 50% miss chance. Period. Concealment from different sources does not stack, you just take the highest one.

2013-04-19, 08:56 PM
I'll just answer the ones I know right off the top of my head.

#2 = You are invisible for 1 full round, meaning you can attack without breaking stealth. It's pretty cool.

5. Invisible = 50% miss chance. Period. Concealment from different sources does not stack, you just take the highest one.

All right, thank you. I was planning on grabbing enduring Ki, so my invisibility would last for 2 rounds.

As for the concealment, wasn't sure if different sources stacked, so thank you very much.