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View Full Version : DM Screen - Help, please?

2013-04-19, 11:49 PM
Greetings and salutations!
I'm beginning a new campaign soon and I'm wanting to know if there's any easy way to make a DM screen.
I've got a AD&D one and like the idea behind it, and would very much like to have an equal for 3.5.

Basically, this is what I want to know:
Where (if at all) can I find a printable version? I'm low on funds at the moment (saving what little I have for a date), and have no local hobby shops.

What would I place it on? I'm unable to find a folding item similar to the screen I've got (and I don't want to ruin the AD&D one, so don't suggest print and paste please)

Is there anything I should add/change on them? We - as a group - use basically all sources: Ebberon, Faerūn, third party, core, and homebrew.
- I limit things, don't worry!

I would like to thank you all in advance for the help. You - the Playgrounders as a whole - help me out so much and it's very appreciated!

Astral Avenger
2013-04-19, 11:52 PM
Would a print and paperclip solution work?

You could probably rig one up out of a cereal box or similar.

2013-04-19, 11:58 PM
Would a print and paperclip solution work?

You could probably rig one up out of a cereal box or similar.

As long as I've got one I'll be happy, so yes print and paperclip would work for me.

Astral Avenger
2013-04-20, 12:12 AM
This (http://www.catalystservers.com/hoy/3.5/D&D%203.5%20-%20Dungeon%20Master's%20Screen.pdf) good?

2013-04-20, 12:27 AM
This (http://www.catalystservers.com/hoy/3.5/D&D%203.5%20-%20Dungeon%20Master's%20Screen.pdf) good?

It's perfect, thank you :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-20, 09:41 AM
I've gone this for a couple of systems as I'm too cheap to buy a real one:smalltongue:
the best thing I've found to put them on is a tri-fold project board. ya know the cardboard ones you do school projects on as a kid. just cut it in half horizontally. the middel section is usually wide enough for 2 sheets so it should work out fine, also you have an extra half encase you mess up or want to make one for another system.

2013-04-20, 10:34 AM
I made so many DM screens over the years, and they always had the one problem: balance. They were either too light, and someone coughing would make it fall down, or they were too high and (1) blocked my view, but mainly (2) I'd always knock them over while passing paper notes or moving minis.

Nowadays, I use two binders, which I hold together with paperclips, and in which I put those transparent plastic sheet holder things (I believe that is the technical term for them). That way I can put looooots of info in these various sheets, and stick my post its and whatnot.

2013-04-21, 01:19 AM
I've gone this for a couple of systems as I'm too cheap to buy a real one:smalltongue:
the best thing I've found to put them on is a tri-fold project board. ya know the cardboard ones you do school projects on as a kid. just cut it in half horizontally. the middel section is usually wide enough for 2 sheets so it should work out fine, also you have an extra half encase you mess up or want to make one for another system.

I hadn't thought of using project boards. Thank (insert deity here) it's cheap :smallbiggrin: Thank you for the idea, as well :smallwink:

I made so many DM screens over the years, and they always had the one problem: balance. They were either too light, and someone coughing would make it fall down, or they were too high and (1) blocked my view, but mainly (2) I'd always knock them over while passing paper notes or moving minis.

Nowadays, I use two binders, which I hold together with paperclips, and in which I put those transparent plastic sheet holder things (I believe that is the technical term for them). That way I can put looooots of info in these various sheets, and stick my post its and whatnot.

Fortunately, I'm rather tall so knocking it over when passing/moving things won't be all that big of a problem... lightness still will be, stinkin' ceiling fan...

Any particular type of binder? I've got the "transparent plastic sheet holder things" in high quantity :smallsmile:
Thanks for this idea (and warning) as well :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-21, 06:59 AM
Personally, I use my laptop as a 'screen'. Since nobody can see exactly what I have up at any given time, it's easy for me to look ahead while they're role-playing, roll a dice or two or even look up rules mid-game.

2013-04-21, 12:01 PM
Fortunately, I'm rather tall so knocking it over when passing/moving things won't be all that big of a problem... lightness still will be, stinkin' ceiling fan...

Any particular type of binder? I've got the "transparent plastic sheet holder things" in high quantity :smallsmile:
Thanks for this idea (and warning) as well :smallbiggrin:

And I guess the ceiling fan is a problem if you're tall as well. Maybe you should just take it out and keep a light D&D screen! ;)



So it's just regular 1" binders. My first try, I had a green and a red, looked a bit too christmas-y, so I decided to shell out the cash and get myself two black ones! Cost me over 2$, but it was well worth it!

On the right side, I put sheets of reference materials (definition of each status, grapple rules, etc...). In my plastic thingies, I put maps, index cards on which I write out what certain magic items do, so things I often have to change (after each adventure, basically). On the left side, I put post-it notes of things I need to remember that comes up in game (PC's Sense Motive, Will Save, Listen and Spot, what an unID'd item really is, number of days since X got a level drained to know if he'll get restored in time).

Sometimes, I wish I had bought the binders with plastic pockets on the front so I could give my players something to look at. I'll probably just glue some plastic pockets to it myself.

2013-04-22, 04:27 PM
Personally, I use my laptop as a 'screen'. Since nobody can see exactly what I have up at any given time, it's easy for me to look ahead while they're role-playing, roll a dice or two or even look up rules mid-game.

I don't own a laptop :smallfrown: It would come in quite handy though.

And I guess the ceiling fan is a problem if you're tall as well. Maybe you should just take it out and keep a light D&D screen! ;)



So it's just regular 1" binders. My first try, I had a green and a red, looked a bit too christmas-y, so I decided to shell out the cash and get myself two black ones! Cost me over 2$, but it was well worth it!

On the right side, I put sheets of reference materials (definition of each status, grapple rules, etc...). In my plastic thingies, I put maps, index cards on which I write out what certain magic items do, so things I often have to change (after each adventure, basically). On the left side, I put post-it notes of things I need to remember that comes up in game (PC's Sense Motive, Will Save, Listen and Spot, what an unID'd item really is, number of days since X got a level drained to know if he'll get restored in time).

Sometimes, I wish I had bought the binders with plastic pockets on the front so I could give my players something to look at. I'll probably just glue some plastic pockets to it myself.

Fortunately, I'm not that tall... still pretty up there though :smalleek:
That's quite creative, I've got binders out the wazoo (thank you relatives who're still in school!) and plenty of plastic sheets, so I've got that pretty set. Also, I like the table cloth.

Thank you for explaining your set-up, this will come in quite handy :smallbiggrin:

Astral Avenger
2013-05-01, 04:43 PM
So what's your final set up look like?

2013-05-01, 05:52 PM
I've never had any issue with store bought dm screens. :smallconfused:

2013-05-01, 09:44 PM
So what's your final set up look like?

I haven't set one up yet, the household printer passed away before I could. Ten or so years old, I'm glad it made it that long!

I've never had any issue with store bought dm screens. :smallconfused:

I've got no hobby shops at which I could buy a DM screen. Nearest one is a an hour and a half away, depending on traffic.

Edit for the moderators of the site: sorry if this would qualify as thread necromancy.

2013-05-01, 09:57 PM
I forget the necro cutoff but I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 2 weeks. Check the rules.

Anyway I have another screen in my sig if you want under "cheat sheets" (normal). There's a booklet with rules players and DMs are likely to use, and a DM screen with rules that only the DM is likely to use. Print onto cardstock or tape it to something or whatever.

2013-05-01, 10:07 PM
I forget the necro cutoff but I'm pretty sure it's a lot more than 2 weeks. Check the rules.

Anyway I have another screen in my sig if you want under "cheat sheets" (normal). There's a booklet with rules players and DMs are likely to use, and a DM screen with rules that only the DM is likely to use. Print onto cardstock or tape it to something or whatever.

I don't know what the necromancy cutoff is, I just figured I'd post that as it hadn't been posted in for quite a while. Will do. It's six weeks, with the exception of homebrew, the OP can revive a thread. Thank you.

I'll look into it now, thank you :smallsmile:
Gonna have to write it down though, printer died on me :smallsigh:

Astral Avenger
2013-05-01, 10:24 PM
Ah, the curse of the inconveniently timed electronics death. I'm going into finals, so i fully expect my laptop to die any day now.

OOHH!!! Great Idea! draw order of the scribble pictures for the player side of the thingymadoodad. no printer necessary & full color illustrations :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-01, 10:27 PM
Ah, the curse of the inconveniently timed electronics death. I'm going into finals, so i fully expect my laptop to die any day now.

OOHH!!! Great Idea! draw order of the scribble pictures for the player side of the thingymadoodad. no printer necessary & full color illustrations :smallbiggrin:

Hopefully it doesn't die on you! I know how cruel it is to have something such as a laptop die when you need it most.

I'm getting pretty good at making OOTS (http://bobbobbbbob.deviantart.com/art/Order-of-the-OOTS-2-368660576?q=gallery%3Abobbobbbbob&qo=0) styled (http://bobbobbbbob.deviantart.com/art/Darth-Vader-OOTS-367717378?q=gallery%3Abobbobbbbob&qo=1) things (http://bobbobbbbob.deviantart.com/art/Old-English-Badger-OOTS-361890000?q=gallery%3Abobbobbbbob%2F28185842&qo=9) so that's a pretty darn good idea. Thanks for that one! (I can draw them too, but the scanner's attached to the printer. All of these are based off of drawings though!)

2013-05-01, 11:11 PM
Amazon has great deals on that stuff, but making your own isn't hard, I was mostly posting in defense of the store bought ones. :P they aren't bad.

2013-05-01, 11:13 PM
Amazon has great deals on that stuff, but making your own isn't hard, I was mostly posting in defense of the store bought ones. :P they aren't bad.

And I approve of your defense, but I'm defending the $0.02 in my wallet :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-02, 12:13 AM
And I approve of your defense, but I'm defending the $0.02 in my wallet :smallbiggrin:

I hear that. LOL.





Lots of options though :).

2013-05-02, 12:16 AM
I hear that. LOL.





Lots of options though :).

More options than I had realized :smalleek: Thanks a lot! :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-02, 11:33 AM
Yeah, built my own DM-Screen today, too. Here's the result.

http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/716/dm1km.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/dm1km.jpg/)
http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/690/dm2li.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/dm2li.jpg/)

2013-05-02, 12:54 PM
Yeah, built my own DM-Screen today, too. Here's the result.

http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/716/dm1km.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/716/dm1km.jpg/)
http://imageshack.us/scaled/thumb/690/dm2li.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/690/dm2li.jpg/)

Are those CD cases? If they are: they're so tiny! That'd be hilarious to unfold in front of everybody, each of them expecting something large and bulky.