View Full Version : Help with final boss creation

2013-04-20, 12:30 PM

I am running an evil campaign that is about to wrap up. The characters are at level 17(from level 1!). I got some awesome suggestions on how to end the campaign last week, and now I just need some help hammering out some details with the boss.

We are just finishing an epic battle in which the four main pc's and their 17 recruited members stormed the main stronghold against long odds.

Basically the boss is going to teleport into the area from a nearby church, summon a couple angels or archons, call out the players, then teleport back into the church for the final battle. It is a massive cathedral that the players will each take 1d6 holy damage per round when they enter.

Anyway, I need the boss to be able to do the following things:

-summon angel at will or spontaneously
-see invisibility
-cast some sort of holy storm

I'm thinking a cleric or paladin, but I don't know how to get some of these things into a legit build. I am not against giving him some special abilities, but would like to stick to as close to a viable build as possible. I am open to any character classes/combos/races.

I know that flying, seeing invisibility, and teleport can be done with spells/wands, is there a class that has all of these as spells? I would actually like these to be class abilities/at will if possible.

Any holy storm spells that do holy or good damage?

I actually didn't see a lot of options for angels, it looks like only 3 in the MM, where can I find more if there are more.

Also, what CR do you think it should be, it will be 4 level 17's(fighter, artificer, ranger, true necro), and 2 level 14's(special recruits, a samurai and a bowfighter). I will not be allowing the 15 recruits to enter the cathedral.

I will say that I could google all of this info individually, but figured I would ask here, due to the vast amount of knowledge the people have. Thanks in advance.

2013-04-20, 01:48 PM
A cleric might be your best choice. Give him the Travel domain to get some teleporting spells and fly. They also get True Seeing, which gets past all illusions. Give him levels of Radiant Servant of [deity] and/or Sacred Exorcist to give him a few class features. Prestige Paladin might be nice if you give him high enough Cha.

For race, a Lesser Aasimar with the Half-Celestial Savage Progression (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/sp/20040319a) might be nice for extra Good. They get a bunch of SLA, including Mass Charm Monster, Summon Monster IX (celestials only), Holy Word, Resurrection, and a few others. Mind you, you will lose 3 casters levels if you take the progression to the end, and that means no level 9 spells unless you make the cleric level 20.

As for the holy storm, there's Axiomatic Storm (Spell Compendium) and, well, Holy Storm (SpC). Both deal 2d6 damage to chaotic/evil creatures (double for outsiders), in addition to -4 to Listen, Search, Spot ranged attacks in the area. Sadly, the area is quite small (20x20 cylinder), but if the cleric had enough time, he could have permanencied the spells all over the place or in key/strategic areas (add some drains so the church doesn't flood). Storm of Vengeance is also nice, of course.

2013-04-20, 03:37 PM
I suggest a Solar as the final boss. They can't summon Angels at will, but they can use Summon Monster 7 at will and that can summon Archons, Guardinals, Eladrin and celestial creatures. To get actual angels they can use Planar Ally and Gate, which they get from their cleric spellcasting.

For a Holly Storm there's the Holy Storm spell or Storm of vengeance, a 9th level cleric spell.

They can't cast teleport, but they can plane shift to a different plane and Greater Plane Shift back using their cleric spellcasting, or use their Wish spell like ability to imitate teleport, or cast Miracle to imitate teleport. They can also cast Word of Recall.