View Full Version : Ranged Touch Attacks considered Light Weapon?

2013-04-21, 01:17 PM
So I'm playing a binder, and I plan to use Slippers of Battledancing to help me land smite attacks using my rapier with Andras (so I get double Cha to attack and Cha + level to damage). I was thinking the slippers might also be used for landing Zceryll's stunning ranged touch attack. The slippers of battledancing state that you can use your Charisma modifier for "attack rolls and damage rolls with one-handed or light weapons (both melee and ranged)." I know unarmed strikes are listed as light weapons somewhere in the rules, is there anything that says that a ranged touch attack is a light weapon?

2013-04-21, 01:26 PM
As a player, I can see where you're coming from on this. I usually treat melee touch attacks as Light weapons as it doesn't get much lighter weight than nothing at all at hand. As a DM, I have actually used the slippers of battle-dancing and a smite combination in the form of black-guard warlocks using them for Eldritch Spear's ranged touch.

However, the ability you're looking to use it for...
Bolts of Madness: You can fire a ray that dazes an opponent for 1d3 rounds. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with a range of 100 ft. + 10 ft./binder level. A successful Will save negates the effect. Once you have used this ability, you cannot do so again for 5 rounds.

This doesn't actually deal any damage. I could see that as a justification Not to apply additional damage modifiers, though personally I'd allow the To Hit bonuses if you used them.

Really though, it's a touch attack, and using Charisma once as your to-hit stat should be plenty on binder's 3/4's BAB.

2013-04-21, 01:50 PM
Melee touch attacks are light weapons, but ranged weapons are never light, since light is a property that only has meaning for melee weapons. This includes ranged touch attacks.

Garret Dorigan
2013-04-21, 05:58 PM
Melee touch attacks are light weapons, but ranged weapons are never light, since light is a property that only has meaning for melee weapons. This includes ranged touch attacks.

Note that I'm not calling you a liar and it is stepping away from the actual point of the OP, but where is it stated that melee touch attacks are light weapons?

The only thing I can find concerning this is in Complete Arcane where it says that touch spells can be considered a light weapon, and thus useable with Weapon Finesse. (CAr pg. 73)

That doesn't say that all melee touch attacks are considered light weapons though, which would screw up PA using characters that have Wraithstrike cast on them, and brings up a whole can of worms with "weapon-ish" spells like Flame Dagger, Ice Axe, and Moon Blade... specifically Moon Blade with it's pseudo Aptitude property.

2013-04-21, 06:17 PM
Note that I'm not calling you a liar and it is stepping away from the actual point of the OP, but where is it stated that melee touch attacks are light weapons?

The only thing I can find concerning this is in Complete Arcane where it says that touch spells can be considered a light weapon, and thus useable with Weapon Finesse. (CAr pg. 73)

That doesn't say that all melee touch attacks are considered light weapons though, which would screw up PA using characters that have Wraithstrike cast on them, and brings up a whole can of worms with "weapon-ish" spells like Flame Dagger, Ice Axe, and Moon Blade... specifically Moon Blade with it's pseudo Aptitude property.

You're right, my phrasing was overly general. Touch attacks count as light for Weapon Finesse, in practice they can be many things depending on the touch attack in question.

Garret Dorigan
2013-04-21, 06:25 PM
Ok. I tried to intone that I wasn't "calling you out" or anything, I was just curious if that was an actual RAW thing, but I don't think I got that across too well, so, sorry if that's how it seemed.:smallredface: