View Full Version : MoMF

2013-04-22, 09:46 AM
Well its been a long time since my last d&d game, whitewolf games took my rpg-club, and afther 6 months a master offers a game and democracy do his job :D

The think is that i want to play Master of Many Forms, and i don't like Druid magic, neighter to be a ranger so i was searching how to go that way, let me ask you, please is that legal?

1 Totem druid (human + 2 flaws) --> 1 Master of many forms

this way i dont have to get most of the annoying Druid magic (i know its really good, but i don't want it in this game)

If its legal, can you give me any advices to take it to the best?
if its not legal, do you know any way to avoid as much as is possible magic?

The game starts at lvl 3 and we'll be playing 2days/week during 2 months the game knowing the DM is going to end at lvl 8-10

thx you all for reading the post :)


2013-04-22, 10:20 AM
I've been doing some thinking about MoMF and the problem I run into every time is that you can only wildshape into something that has a HD less than or equal to your shapeshifter level (druid levels + master of many forms levels). So, you have to ask yourself...what 8-10 HD critters do you really want to turn in to?

Also, since you'll need to be druid level 5 minimum that leaves you with 3-5 master of many forms levels. So, thus, you need to ask yourself, what tiny to large 8-10 HD animals, humanoids, giants, monstrous humanoids, fey, or vermin do you really want to turn in to?

The problem I always run into is that while it's great to turn into a dragon at level 10 master of many forms that there just aren't a lot of 15-20 HD dragons I really want to turn in to. I think I'd really rather just be a level 20 druid and use shapechange...but I also hear that you want to not use druid magic.

2013-04-22, 01:49 PM
The key point here is: do totem druid (class variant on Dungeon Magazine 335)
has a lvl 1 wild form.
so i would go druid 1 MoMF 7 Warshaper 0-2

2013-04-22, 03:16 PM
The key point here is: do totem druid (class variant on Dungeon Magazine 335)
has a lvl 1 wild form.
so i would go druid 1 MoMF 7 Warshaper 0-2

Is the Totem Druid's ability called Wild Shape?

If yes, then yes, it qualifies.

If no, then no, it doesn't.

Regardless, I don't think you need flaws or the like, aren't there only two prereq feats?

2013-04-22, 03:55 PM
You can dip a level Shapeshifter from Oriental Adventures for a quick and easy wild shape ability that scales with your HD (requires existing shapeshifting abilities, but with Henegyokai, Changeling or Shifter, that shouldn't be tough) or use the Divine Minion (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a) template to satisfy MoMF requirements (unless your DM wants to get pedantic for pedantry's sake). Otherwise, you can consult this list (www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=1412.0) for your options.

2013-04-22, 04:22 PM
totem shape (su): Totem shape uses the same rules as wild shape, although a druid can only take the form of her totem animal. She gains the ability to change into this shape once per day at 1st lvl.

so no :(
The oriental shapesifter is really cool, but my dm don't allow OA :/.
and i don't understand the other way :S

2013-04-22, 05:35 PM
There is Wild Monk from dragon mag #324. It was also in the crystalkeep database before that went away...

Loses a bunch of class skills, all monk bonus feats, Slow Fall, and some other stuff later on you won't care about because you'll never put in more than 5 levels. Gains resist nature's lure (yay?) and wildshape 1/day at 5th level, just like druid.

You have worse BAB and skills than ranger and less class features, but do get wis to AC and slightly better saves, and flurry of blows.

If you can use it, could just do Wild Monk 5 / MoMF 10 / Warshaper 5 (or some Nature's Warrior, whatever).

2013-04-29, 12:52 AM
Wild shape ranger is usually the go-to for MoMF, though monk is also a good entry for it. All the best stuff comes online before level 5.

Plus, I believe rangers can use wands and scrolls of ranger spells, if they like.

2013-04-29, 12:55 AM
Ranger is definitely the stronger entry, but OP didn't seem to want Ranger entry. Monk at least offers wis to AC and flurry of blows. Though Ranger is basically equal or superior in every other way possible.

I also like that w/ Ranger you can take the Urban Companion variant from the cityscape web enhancement for a Familiar (and thus Alertness) and actually get both of MoMF's feat requirements for free from class levels.