View Full Version : Warcraft 3 World Editor

2013-04-22, 04:22 PM
Who here is a maker and/or fan of Warcraft 3 World Editor?

When Warcraft 3 became such a big hit, I was not that impressed...But then I got to learn about the many things its World Editor has to offer.

It astounded me how easy it was to learn how to make triggers, pan cameras and make your own maps, make your own unit models, make your own skins, animations, spells, etc...the possibilities were endless.

I've been making cinematic maps for quite a while during my free time at college. I've submitted some maps before as well.. Sadly most of them were never finished.

Here are some samples on the flexibility of Warcraft World Editor

2013-04-22, 04:24 PM


Emperor Ing
2013-04-22, 04:30 PM
Ah yes, the World Editor. The single greatest thing to exist ever to ensure long-term playability for a game. I dabbled in it in the past but I was never able to produce anything particularly amazing.

It looks like the overwhelming majority of those things you showed are less demonstrative of the World Editor's versatility and more of the skill of certain models. I dunno why but i think the second-to-last one you listed where all the buildings are mashed into one giant golem is freakin' hilarious. :smallbiggrin:

Also this thread belongs in the Other Gaming forum. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=26)

2013-04-22, 04:34 PM
I had a lot of fun with it and itīs WC2 sibling.

Part of what made me consider and decide to seriously try to pursue game design as career path.

Nowadays I wish I had uploaded my creations somewhere, but I didnīt really had much internet. I would have sticked wiht it more if I knew how long the modding scene would last and how far it would go.