View Full Version : Pokemon Tabletop Adventures: Survivors of Species [IC]

2013-04-29, 02:11 PM
Saturday, 25th of April, year XX03
20 days left

Panting, Isaac came to a grinding halt. The front door was just a couple of steps away. He hadn't felt this agitated, this devastated in a long time. How could they have done that? His own rattata, right in front of his eyes...
He kept on running; he needed to get out of the building before any other Rocket member noticed the blood on his clothes, or the scientist missing. There were a lot of things you could say about Isaac, but that he was weak in a fight wasn't one of them. He had proven that today.

Leaning against a tree for support, Angriff almost faints. What was the last time he had eaten something? He needed to get some food.

Step... Step... Step...
Someone was getting closer. A friend, an enemy? He didn't know, maybe he didn't care either, he needed to get some food.

The hunger was beginning to turn unbearable, and even though he had felt so wrong a couple of days ago about eating one of his very own Miltank, the thought of Miltank-flesh was very mouthwatering at the moment. It is at this point that the guilt kicked in again. She trusted him, but wat was he to do? She was the only Miltank left, and an old one too! He was just hungry, needed to stay alive, and most of all:

Step... Step... Step...
He needed to get some food.

-Hello Dustin, I am Ouroboros appeared on Dustin's monitor.
That was weird, this was a private IRC-channel. Nobody should've been able to enter the chat. Dustin looked at the screen, checking his computer on trojan horses or any other sort of invasion from the pokenet.
-We heard you were interested in THE REVOLUTION
The Revolution? Bringing back Pokemon? Did that still exist?
He had researched it, but never found any traces of it really existing...
-Coming days will be really interesting. Get outside, meet us, there are only 50 left. END.

The library was a dead alley too...
It was impossible to find any kind of information on Team Rocket in this city. With no idea of where their headquarters were, it was impossible for Leon to find his father. Furthermore, any information he looked up on it implied Team Rocket didn't even exist in this city.
He exited the building, and walked onto the marketplace. Everywhere were Rocket Thugs to be seen, guarding the 'peace' and 'tranquility' that was so abundant in this city. Clearly they existed...

Already wandering some time, Arram notices he's entering a more fruitful area. Where the cold and dry mountains didn't harbour any form of life whatsoever, the young and lush forest in front of him seemed to be blooming with life. Of course without pokemon, though.
Just like the forest, the rage began to bloom a little inside of Arram again. The pokemon, Pidgeot, but most of all his father...
All those people, damaged for life...

He kept on walking, checking his poke-egg from time to time, until he noticed something odd, in one of the trees in front of him.


If you haven't been introduced yet, that's because the background on your character sheet isn't yet finished.

2013-04-30, 12:35 AM
Cocked. Uncock. Cocked. Uncock.

The Samael Sandile was safely unloaded and packed away in his bag, but in his head Leon cocked and uncocked the pistol over and over again. The gun is only as good as the person holding it. A gun is dangerous when the man behind it is dangerous. At that moment, Leon's rage was dangerous, but only to himself and his family's name. He wanted nothing more than to grab the closest Rocket and beat him until secrets came out, but such ideas were folly.

If I reveal myself now, then all is lost.

Whenever he was angry, Leon would visualize a pistol in his mind. He cocked the pistol, chambered the bullet, and point the gun at the source of his anger. He would take aim, caress the trigger with his index finger, and... put the gun down. Unchamber the bullet. Turn the rage into acceptance. Repeat until the rage has passed.

Cocked. Uncock.

Leon's father taught him this when he was small. Rage can turn a good man bad, and a great man worse. Nothing is worse than a bad man with a gun. The kind of power a pistol gives is a responsibility some men fail to realize, but not the men of the Samael family.

Don't worry Dad, It's under control.

Cocked. Uncock.

Libraries. Phh. Of course they couldn't help. Waste of tax dollars.

Their smug faces dared him to make a move. He refused to take the bait. He walked down the marketplace, stonefaced. He kept his head down. Even something as simple as eye contact with the wrong guy could start trouble here.

Cocked. Un...

The pistol in his mind's eye was abruptly holstered by a new thought.

I haven't eaten today. I should take care of that.

Leon began to search the market for anything resembling food stalls, cafes, or restaurants, shying away from ethnic foods whenever possible.

WIS roll for searching: 1d20

2013-04-30, 07:44 AM
Angriff starts to get nervous with the situation and being hungry did everything even worse.

"Who would be following me? Could be one of the men who kidnapped my sister?" the thought made his blood boil and his stomach growl.

"Well whatever it is I'll be prepared this time" *GRRROOOOOOOOWWLL* "... well ... maybe I should find food before."

Perception roll to look around for food

2013-04-30, 08:18 AM
Stopping at the door, Isaac briefly considered his options. He had to get somewhere hidden, somewhere he could lay low. Rocket would be after them once they learned what he'd done; nobody crossed them and got away with it. Isaac knew that. He'd been on the other end of that deal more than once. Now he was the mouse. "But I'm a mouse that knows how they think," he thought to himself, taking comfort in that fact.

The thought of mice brought Isaac's thoughts back to the rattata. Any comfort was replaced with fury. He would have his revenge, soon enough. For now though, he needed to calm down and deal with it.

Slipping out the door, he crossed his arms to cover the spatter on the front of his clothing and tried to look like he was off on some assignment. Once he got far enough away he would duck into an alley, or one of the abandoned apartment buildings. Get rid of the blood, try to look homeless maybe, try to blend in. Nobody noticed homeless people anymore. Too many to bother. Usually they were folks who crossed Team Rocket and had already got their punishment.

(Rolling Dex for hiding the blood: [roll0])

2013-05-01, 11:33 AM
Warily, Arram checked the woods behind her and to her sides, looking for any signs of movement; any hint of a trap. She had seen traps like this before; had sprung them herself while hunting with her father. Bait the trap and lie in wait, hoping the Ranger comes to investigate. The perfect trap for someone hoping to get a shot in at the Rangers - and a successful one, before the Rangers had learned to check their surroundings before investigating the cries of a wounded Pokemon or the sound of shouts from the river. However, she was the daughter of a ranger, even if she had never had a chance to become one properly, and it was her responsibility to investigate weird things in the woods! Carefully shouldering the satchel containing her precious egg, she reached in and pulled out the small knife from her survival kit..

Brandishing the knife before herself, she then walked cautiously over to the tree and began to examine the oddity.

2013-05-06, 06:46 AM

Searching the stalls Leon notices different stores selling cheese, bread and fruits, ripe for eating. Their businesses have been going a little worse lately (because they are forced to supply TR without payment), but they still seem to stay on standing.
Leon decides to buy himself some groceries, when he notices to grunts talking to each other, looking directly at him. There's something wrong.
Looking around him, Leon notices that around the market the grunts are moving in formation. They seem to be searching for something.

Angriff finds some stones next to him. These would be the only weapons he has to defend himself with. Meanwhile, the steps keep getting closer and closer, and Angriff readies himself for a confrontation.

Arram notices no traps whatsoever around him, and decides it's safe to go poke the tree. He grabs a stick and pokes at what seems to be a leather sack in the trees. Then everything happens really fast:
The sack falls, and while Arram tries to catch it, a person comes from behind the tree and throws a rock at him. Arram readies his stick to hit the attacker and sees...

Arram & Angriff
You're standing in front of each other.

Isaac rapidly vanished into the shadows of the streets. He ripped at his clothes, smeared some dirt onto himself and was soon unrecognizable as a grunt. He sat down and watched the entrance of the building.
Soon, team rocket exited the building, but didn't seem to find him. They kept on walking though, right past him towards the marketplace. Isaac noticed their formation. It was capture time.
His phone rang. There was a text.

2013-05-06, 09:11 AM
Arram tenses and jumps for the sack as it begins to fall. When the rock comes flying towards her, she scrambles to get out of the way, surprised by this other person's presence.

Forcing herself to do as her father had taught her, she sized up the other man. Not a Rocket, she observed. Just a startled local, perhaps? Thinking back to the Rangers, and how they dealt with outsiders when the occasional hiker or researcher wandered by, she raises her voice and calls out to the other in a loud, clear voice, "Stop, Civilian; I'm a Ranger." She ignores the lie wrapped in that simple declaration in favor of looking over the other human; when he staggers, she calls out again, this time in concern: "Civilian, are you in alright? Do you need any assistance?"

2013-05-06, 10:39 AM
Watching the grunts pass, Isaac looked down to ensure none saw his face. Looked like they found his handiwork already; did they know it was him yet? They must have, if they were sending out a capture team. He quickly took out his phone, hiding it from the street using his leg, and checked the text. While he was at it he'd have to change it to vibrate, so it didn't draw attention in the future. Isaac also glanced down the alley to see what was happening in the market.

2013-05-07, 04:34 PM
The hyenas have caught scent of something dying. I hope it's not coming from me.

Damn it, they're looking this way. Don't make eye contact, but don't avoid it either. Act casual. You're just shopping for groceries. Can't hunt for meat anymore, since...

The memories caught in his throat, momentarily turning anxiety back into rage.

These woods used to be full of wild game. Dad and I used to go hunting once a month. We'd fill the freezer and the smokehouse with the bloody fruits of our harvests.

Now the wild game is gone. And Dad is...

Leon shook away the memories to reassess the situation. There was no reason for Rocket Industries to be hunting for him at the moment. Anything of value to anyone else had already been taken from him.

The hyenas are after different prey.

Leon tried to make his way to the outskirts of the market as inconspicuously as possible, and maybe duck into an alcove or alley. From there, he could watch the movements of the Rocket grunts from a safer vantage point. What, or who, are they after?

2013-05-08, 08:56 PM
Seeing this girl dressed like the mountain men claiming to be a Ranger makes Angriff get even more suspicious. "That sounds too good to be true, but she really does not seem to be some bad person..." *grroowl * "...and I wonder if she has something to eat."

However he stops throwing the stones, yet still maintaining a rock on hand just in case.
"WHO COME THERE? And can you prove to be a Ranger?" * grroOOOowl * "..."

2013-05-09, 12:17 AM
Proof? ****... she thinks to herself as the other man glowers at her. thinking quickly, she observes the exhausted-looking man wavering on his feet, and decides to respond by simply dodging the question. "Ranger Arram; I'm from up north, the Silver Mountains Regional Base. My ID got taken off me a few weeks ago by some thugs, haven't had a chance to get it reissued. Are you alright, sir?"

Remaining where she stood, Arram sized up this potential opponent. Although he seemed half-dead, he would make a formidable opponent where he to attack - although they seemed about the same height, he was easily twice as broad as her.

2013-05-09, 08:45 PM
"Thugs? What thugs? I've been looking for some nasty thugs. Didn't they happen to have a small girl with them?" Just the thought of his sister is enough to make him get even weaker for a moment, dropping the stone on the ground.

Angriff feels his face getting wet, for a second, but he just hides it. "Put yourself together!" looking at the perplex girls eyes he says:

"I'm sorry. I'm not sure if you really are a Ranger, but you don't really look like a bad person and certainly do not deserve to have a rock thrown at you." *groOOoOwl*

2013-05-09, 09:13 PM
A little girl...? Arram thinks, confused. Did someone kidnap his daughter? She feels full of sympathy for the man, but she reminds herself to be cautious. Being caught in a lie at this stage could easily bring a fight that she desperately wanted to avoid. Arram nervously glanced at the bag containing her egg, once again re-adjusting it on her shoulder. Finally, she decides to respond with the truth, or as near as she can safely get.

"...No, no children. But that was several weeks ago, and many miles from here. I have been avoiding human contact since, except for brief ventures into some of the smaller villages. I... You're the first human being I've seen in about five weeks; I've been alone, otherwise." She pauses, debating how to phrase the next bit.

"Was your daughter taken by the Rockets? If so, perhaps I can help you out."

2013-05-10, 01:35 PM
"Rockets uh? Then that is what the red R on the clothes stand for?" The first clue in several weeks was enough to make Angriff send a half-smile back to the Mountain Girl.

Angriff starts to walk toward her. "What do you know about them? Where can I find them? I must..." Angriff pause a moment to take breath and calm down. *sigh*

"Ok, let's start again, my name is Angriff Starkbar and I've been searching for my sister in the last weeks, who was kidnapped by mans in black clothes with a red R in the middle. What do you know about those Rockets?"

2013-05-10, 02:15 PM
"My name is Arram. I come from the Silver Mountains, up in the North - my father and I worked there as Rangers. She grows quiet for a minute, then kneels on the forest floor, digging around in her bag and pulling out a pair of meal bars. Zipping up the bag, she offers one to Angriff.


Setting about opening hers, she continues with her story. "About six months ago, he got killed on a patrol in the mountains. You've heard of the troubles with Pokemon evolving? Where they suddenly just... die? His Pigeotto... they think she was trying to evolve and got killed. He was stranded... Shortly after that, I left. Thought I'd train for a bit, do some research... I just couldn't stay. When I found out about the Rockets, I decided to see if there was anything I could do." She sighs. "Your sister, huh? Any idea what they wanted?"

2013-05-10, 03:23 PM
His eyes begin to shine when viewing the bar meal. "Thank you!" Saying this Angriff grabs the bar and eat in a heartbeat. *GULP*

Angriff listens with attention to every word spoken by his new acquaintance. Unable to avoid to feel a certain sympathy for her.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your father..." Angriff waits a few seconds before continuing speaking.

"I have hear before something about the Pokemom evolving problem, but I just thought it was something related with city waste or something like that. I used to live isolated in a Ranch before...before they kidnap my sister, burn everything I owned and steal all my Miltanks." Angriff says this at same time he makes a fist.

"And I'm not sure why they wanted my sister, but I think it is because my sister is different from most people. She can understand pokemons much better than any other person I have ever seen before."

2013-05-10, 03:31 PM
"Able to understand pokemon better than other people could?" Arram asks around a mouthful of protein bar. "I've heard of folks like that, sure. A useful talent; I can see why it'd make her a target. Were you heading to the city to look for her?" She finishes up, and wipes her hands off on her pants. Pulling the duffle with Pidgeotto's egg in front of her, she begins the process of checking to make sure it was undamaged.

"Wherever you're headed, I'll tag along. That is, if you want any help...?"

2013-05-10, 04:06 PM
Angriff looks at Arram's egg for a second "Hmm...scrambled eggs..." and says: "Yes, I'm heading to the city, it appear to be the best place to start."

"And I would love your company and maybe I can help you too." *smile* "Especially since I have no idea how to handle a big city." Angriff is a little embarrassed to say that.

"So...should we go?"

2013-05-10, 04:19 PM
"Yeah, lets..." Arram swings the bag with the egg back onto her back, and then looks at the leather sack in her hands. "Oh, what's in here?" She carefully examines the contents of the bag.

The bag that fell from the tree.

2013-05-16, 08:23 PM
What was all this now? It was one thing to hack into the IRC-channel, but knowing his name and being all mysterious was a step over several lines. Mostly the knowing his name thing. That was just creepy.
-Hello? Who is this? How do you know me?
He didn't really expect an answer to the question. The person introduced itself as Ouroboros, so obviously being known wasn't a great priority. On to more pressing questions then.
-Get outside where? Who am I meeting? 50 what left?
Assuming he'd follow this absolute insanity to its end, he wondered to himself if he should grab the pack that was in his closet. He'd always wanted an adventure...

2013-05-17, 10:52 AM
-The guy at the vegetable stand, get him out of there. the text read. And as Isaac looked towards the stand, the Rockets were on the move. They walked exactly towards where he was looking.
Another text came in.
-Get him out. NOW!

Leon was by now standing in front of a vegetables stall, trying to be as inconspicious as he could, but still he saw Rockets nearing him. He was now sure he was the one they were looking for.
The escape routes were being blocked one by one, he had to get away, NOW.
One of the grunts reached for his weapon; probably some kind of handgun.

A trail of dust comes down from the mountain. It must be some kind of truck. A few minutes pass, both of you conversing, laughing a bit and bonding quite well, until you hear the truck approaching.
There could be rockets, there could be civilians.

Dustin grabs his bag and accesoires, ready for an adventure, as he likes to call it. At the same time, he hears some mumbling on the streets. It seems a couple of blocks away something is about to happen.

2013-05-17, 11:02 AM
Isaac stared at the text, then up at where the Rockets were headed. Some guy at the vegetable stand? Maybe it wasn't him they were after, or maybe some poor sucker got mistaken for him. 'Well,' Isaac thought, 'I already poked the hornet's nest, might as well play pinata with it too.'

Standing up in the alley he'd taken cover in, Isaac inched towards the exit into the marketplace, watching to see what was happening. He waved at the guy at the stand from behind the Rockets closing in, and gestured to another nearby alleyway, hoping the kid got the idea. Then Isaac bolted back around the way he came, making his way to meet up with this guy in the other alley.

2013-05-17, 04:32 PM
Well, that was a good indicator. Seemed that this Ouroboros was starting something. Or knew something was going on. Never much one for common sense, Dustin figured that was the way to go, if people were meeting up. Anyone who looked in his pack would think he was insane, it was basically full of camping supplies and he had pokeballs in there. Pokeballs! But he'd always been a dreamer. He shrugged to himself and kept walking, he'd find out what was happening soon enough.

2013-05-17, 09:42 PM
They are coming for me. Why? I don't have anything else for them to take.

His mind went to the Samael Sandile in his bag. Unloaded. He could still use it as a bluff if need be. Or as an emergency melee weapon.

The exits are blocked. I'm being surrounded. Wait, who the hell is that hobo in the alley? And why is he waving at me?

Leon's dad was never a soldier, but he still studied and practiced battle tactics in his free time. He took classes on armed and unarmed combat, studied emergency survival training, and studied great military battles from the past. Maybe it was just wish fulfillment for a gun nut. Or maybe he was preparing for situations like these.

One thing his father told him stuck out in his mind.

When surrounded, choose the weakest opponent and overrun him.

Leon turned back to the vegetable vendor. "Excuse me, I'd like to buy this sack of tamatos."

He opened his bag, feeling the two Rockets creeping up behind him. Only one of them was going for a weapon. The other would be cocky.

"Blast, I know my wallet's in here somewhere."

His hand grasped the Samael Sandile. Still unloaded. Just the butt of the gun is all he needed right now. He turned around, seemingly randomly, the bag still obscuring his hand. Suddenly he approached the two Rockets.

"Has anyone seen a wallet? Somewhere on the ground? It looks like this bag, only smaller."

Before the Rocket can respond, Leon rips the gun out of his bag and attempts to pistol whip the unarmed Rocket in the temple, possibly knocking him into his armed comrade.

If successful, Leon will run into the alley after the friendly hobo.


2013-05-18, 11:08 PM
"****, get down!" Arram hisses, making a grab for Angriff's shirt and diving into the woods at the side of the road. From cover, she attempts to peer out at the truck.

2013-05-19, 09:02 AM
"UFF!" Angriff whisper back to his new friend "Do you think it is trouble comming?"

With just the top of his head out of the woods Angriff tries to notice anything unusual about the truck.

Perception roll [roll0]

2013-05-20, 10:02 AM
Arram watches the truck closely. "Do you want to take the chance?" she whispers. "I haven't survived this long by taking risks on new folks."

Perception on the truck - [roll0]

2013-05-20, 01:44 PM
Angriff think a little about what Arram said and answer still whispering "Hmm....Not now, I want to be sure they are Rockets."

"If they happen to be Rockets, do you have any weapon or anything useful with you? I have nothing besides my fists." Angriff speaks with a confident smile on his face, even if he is not feeling so confident.

2013-05-22, 07:26 AM
Arram shows him the knife that she had brandished earlier. "I've got this, but I'd rather not use it." She slips it into her belt, leaving her hands free. "Let's try to remain unnoticed."

2013-05-30, 05:31 PM
You both conceal yourself inside the bushes, waiting on the car to come on by. You notice, from a small distance, that the car isn't going very fast, nor is it full. There are two people: A rocket grunt, and some kind of woman, tied up in the back.

With a quick trust of his pistol onto the cheek of the rocket grunt, Leon dashes away. The marketplace is filled with commotion as he makes his way through the stalls, to outside the market. He meets the hobo who was signing him to come halfway through, and together they run off.

Isaac's individual made himself loose from the crowd. He dissappeared a couple of seconds, a lot of Rockets following him. Then he appears again. Isaac desides to run along him, away from the court, towards the clocktower.

a text appears on the monitor, and immediatly two people appear, running away from something, heading towards the central tower of the town.
another entry reads

2013-05-30, 05:52 PM
"C'mon, we gotta lose 'em," Isaac led Leon through the back streets, taking as many turns and splits as possible to shake their pursuers. Isaac took out his phone and tried texting this guy back while he ran.
-gg where now

The hobo muttered at Leon while they ran, "Hey Fruit Stand, you got a safehouse in case your mysterious benefactor here doesn't?"

2013-05-30, 07:25 PM
-Ok ok! I'm going, sheesh.
-This better be worth my time
-Could be working on stuff
Dustin shrugged and pulled his pack on. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." He blinked and rolled his eyes. "I guess the people who don't venture live longer though." He coulsn't help but wonder why he was following people to the tower though...

2013-06-01, 09:59 AM
"Fruit Stand? My name is..." Wait. Don't be dumb. Don't hand out your name to strangers with candy. Change subjects. Benefactor? What are you talking about? Why are you texting in the middle of a chase? And why are you helping me?"

2013-06-01, 11:27 AM
"No clue, some guy texted me, texting him back, and I'm doing it to screw with Rocket," Isaac answered in order. He looked away from the text screen and focused on running for now. It would vibrate in his hand if there was a reply. "Now do you have a place we can hide out or no?"

2013-06-02, 08:50 PM
****... What are we going to do?

Forcing her way through the underbrush, Arram does her best to keep even with the truck while remaining hidden.

Hide Check - [roll0]

2013-06-04, 11:51 AM
"Oh man...what should I do? Could be that my sister is inside the truck?"

Angriff start to go closer to the road to do something, when he remembered his new companion and sees that she is hiding. "Damn, I don't want to put her in danger for something I'm not even sure."

Angriff gives two steps backwards and hides close to Arram.

Hide Check - [roll0]

2013-06-04, 11:57 AM
Seeing Angriff flailing in the bushes besides her, Arram gives up on hiding. "What should we do?" She calls over her shoulder to Angriff, racing through the brush on the side of the road after the truck, not bothering to conceal herself any longer. "Come on!"

2013-06-04, 12:25 PM
Angriff falling on the bushes says "Ouch!"

He looks at Arram running towards him "We can't conceal anymore, so I guess we got two choices or we fight or we run!"
"We can try to block the road with some dead wood I saw back there..." *Angriff points* "...and run to the woods!"

"This may cause them to leave the truck! And then we can attack them by surprise or just keep running."

2013-06-04, 12:28 PM
"Sounds good!" Arram follows Angriffs lead as he begins to haul the tree into the road.

2013-06-04, 12:42 PM
"We just need a couple of these! We can't lose much time here." Angriff helps her to block the road as fast as he can.

2013-06-07, 08:45 AM
The now three guys run inside the clocktower. In the middle of it, they see a statue of arceus, with all 17 crystals around him. One tiny beam of light falls onto the statue the exact moment they enter, and hits one of the crystals. A grinding noise can be heard, and when the trio keeps running to the back of the tower, they somehow fall through the floor, and everything goes dark.

Leon is the first to awaken. In front of him is a room, a room with 17 pokeballs.

The duo pushes as hard as they can, and an already-weakened tree crumbles down onto the road. They hear the car screech, trying to hit the brakes as hard as possible, but something goes wrong.
The car slips, then bumps, turns over and is now upside-down.
The brains of the team rocket grunt can be seen spilling out of his head. The blood flows on the ground, now mixing with the gasoline that was in the tank at first.
The woman is unconscious, but alive.

2013-06-07, 09:12 AM
"Good work, man." Arram wipes her hands off on her pants, brushing off the bark and dirt from the tree. "Go get the girl, I'll take care of the car."

She strides over to the car and, careful to avoid getting to much oil on her, begins to search the inside. The first thing she does is remove the key ring from the car's ignition, slipping it into her pocket before checking the back seat. Pulling open the glove compartment, she pulls out any contents - documents, money, items, or weapons - before proceeding to the grunt. Grimacing distastefully, she begins to rifle through his pockets, taking any ID she finds, as well as any personal belongings, weapons, keys or pokeballs.

Search: [roll]

2013-06-08, 10:59 AM
Angriff look back at Arram "Wow! That worked even better than I thought." Looking in the direction of the fallen woman "Going! I hope she is still alive."

Angriff has a bit of trouble to go through the truck wreckage due to its large size, but he eventually made it to the woman. When he got there he gave a quick search around to see if he finds anything small that could be useful and takes it. And started to get the woman *Huff* to get out of there as quick as he can.

Perception roll to search for small usefull things (like pokebals and money): [roll0]
Strength roll to carry the woman: [roll1]

2013-06-08, 11:38 AM
When she is done searching the car, Arram turns to the struggling Angriff. "Need a hand?" she calls out, walking over and helping him lift the trapped girl.

Strength: [roll0]

2013-06-08, 12:23 PM
"Hey, thanks! I'm so hungry right now that I think that my blood sugar is low hehe. Feeling kinda weak right now." Angriff gives a big breath *phew* and keeps going.

2013-06-08, 01:31 PM
Once the girl has been moved away from the car, Arram returns to the car and begins prising off the liscence plates and any other identifying markers on the car. She also uses her knife to cut the hoses underneath, letting any fuel/oil/coolant pour out, and smashes in any intact windows - preparing the car to be lit ablaze.

"How is she?" she calls over to Angriff as she works. "Just give me a moment here - I'm going to light it up, make it look like the car caught fire when the tree fell on it so it take them longer to figure out who was in the car and what happened. Won't be able to put them off the track for long, but it might give us the edge if they don't know we're with her. It's not your sister, is it?"

2013-06-10, 09:47 PM
"Unfortunetely it is not my sister..." Angriff sees his friend putting fire on the truck with sadness. And decide to try to wake up the woman.

"Are you okay?" Saying this while giving a weak grip on the woman.

2013-06-12, 09:12 AM
And the day takes a turn for the weird.

Leon barely remembered running into the tower, much less why. He didn't know the third person who had materialized into the room with him, or even the second person. All he could see was the shrine. The shrine was nowhere in sight now, but the image of the equine godhead stuck in his head like a sunspot on his eyes. Past the ghostly afterimage were the two others unconscious on the floor.

"Hey. Hey... You? Are you hurt?" Why does everything taste purple? Who the hell are these two, anyway? "Wake up, so I can be slightly less confused."

As Leon tries to rouse the others, he takes a closer look around the room, specifically at the seventeen spheres.

2013-06-12, 09:32 AM
Isaac jumped up off the floor as he was roused asleep, in a fighting stance and looking around. "What? Where are we? What happened?" The former Rocket Grunt looked at the seventeen Pokeballs scattered around the room. "Where did these come from?" He checked his phone to see if there was another reply yet from whoever was leading them.

2013-06-12, 05:52 PM
Dustin coughs as he wakes up on the floor. "This is not how I was expecting to spend my day." He groans as he sits up. "We fell through a hole. At least nothing seems broken." Rubbing the back of his head he looks around. "They were here first. So, do with that what you will." He climbs up off the floor. "I was just told to follow you two. I have no idea what's going on."

Dustin looks down at the pokeballs in the room in front of them. "Think we should check them out? Never know when something cool might happen!" He steps forward around the other two towards them. "I have a couple of pokeballs myself. It's a guilty pleasure."

2013-06-12, 06:22 PM
"Don't lose focus. How long were we out? Those grunts were right on top of us before. They should have had plenty of time to grab us or finish us off, depending on whichever they needed."

Leon looks up to see if there is indeed a hole in the ceiling, and if any Rockets are peering through it.

A thought comes to Leon. What if they weren't trying to catch me? What if they're just trying to guide me here? Then that means these two... Leon slowly and covertly loads his pistol in his bag while the other two investigate the spheres.

2013-06-12, 06:47 PM
"If I was a religious type, I'd figure maybe the big guy upstairs didn't want 'em stinkin' up his house," Isaac looked up, at what was presumably the floor they were on before, with the Arceus statue. "Seeing as I'm not... I'd guess your friend on the phone's got themselves a safehouse after all. Trapdoor musta closed behind us or somethin- hey, be careful!" Moving to stop the kid who'd showed up and fallen in with them, Isaac held them back from the pokeballs. "If there's anythin' in those, they can prob'ly kick our asses, easy. Let's figure out what the hell's goin' on before we poke around with 'em."

2013-06-12, 11:01 PM
Dustin pulls his arm from the grip of the man, expressing surprising strength for a teenager, even more than the man who grabbed his arm. "If I were the practical type, I'd say that Ouroboros probably knew there was some kind of trapdoor in here. Why am I supposed to meet with you two anyway? Neither of you seem the type to be involved in The Revolution." He walks into the room with the pokeballs.

"You think there... are actual pokemon in these? There can't be so many in place, can there?"

2013-06-13, 06:07 PM
"Listen, Ang... We've gotta clear out of here. I've got everything were going to get off the car - and I made it so they won't be able to ID it straight away - but the smoke plume will get the fire department here fast. If we're lucky, they won't notice that she was supposed to be here for a while, but we've gotta move." Arram speaks rapidly, shoveling the things she took from the car into her bag. She tosses the cars registration papers onto the fire.

"Let's go." She grabs the girl and starts to carry her torwards the woods.

Strength - [roll0]

2013-06-13, 06:18 PM
"What the hell is an ore-burro? Wait, revolution? Damn it, I'm trapped in a church with Communists, aren't I? Listen, I know the concept of property is lost on you commies, but we're not thieves, so those balls aren't our business."

"Now. Someone brought us together here. Why? Who are you to Rocket Industries?"

2013-06-13, 06:46 PM
"Can't speak for the kid, but I ain't a commie," grumbled the man from the alley. Isaac knew he couldn't exactly tell them who he was to Rocket, so he'd tell them the technical truth, "Lost my job 'cause of Rocket, been on the streets since. Your 'benefactor' called this phone and said to get you outta there." Isaac waved the phone, which had yet to get a reply. He put it back in his pocket. "Sides that, I got as much of a clue as you 'bout what's goin' on."

2013-06-13, 10:22 PM
"Yeah let's go...the smoke will surely bring someone here." Angriff grabs the other end of the woman and start to carry her with Arram.

Strength roll to carry: [roll0]

2013-06-14, 05:25 PM
"Really. Communists. I might not have the most common sense, but even I think that sounds really stupid." Dustin shakes his head and looks around at the pokeballs. "Ouroboros is usually a snake or dragon shown eating it's own tail. It's supposed to represent cycles or something." He shrugs. "Not really my thing, but I get around the internet a lot."

"I was told to follow you two. Something about The Revolution, which obviously neither of you know anything about." He shrugs again. "I'm nobody important. I'm just a high school student."

2013-06-16, 01:05 AM
Leon shook his head. Philosophy was not a strong suite of his. "Why would a snake... nevermind. Rockets were after me. You two were both told to follow me. So I guess that makes me important at the moment. Problem is, I don't know why. Anything I had before was already taken by Rocket. I've got nothing left."

He only seemed to remember the situation as he said the words out loud. He abruptly turned away with a small sigh. "P-points of entry. Doors, windows, find them. How much time has passed down here? Are we below ground level? Can anyone take us unawares here? Let's search."

He walked over to the wall, turning around with an afterthought. "You can call me Sam."

"Sam" begins to search the room for windows, doors, and other points of entry.