View Full Version : Shackled City Session One: Campaign Notes

2013-04-30, 07:48 AM
Saga of the Shackled City

As the riverboat neared the pier, the Halfling looked at the figure standing at the bow of the boat. The tall grey skinned Half-Orc had kept to himself as the boat made its way up the Redgorge River. The common folk had stayed to the rear of the boat and even the crew had done any jobs near the Half-Orc as quickly as possible. Mischievously the Halfling thought to himself, that big guy has been way too serious, I need to brighten up his day. As soon as the gangplank was put in place, the Half-Orc gathered his things and strode down to the pier. The common folk stayed back so the Halfling scurried after the Half-Orc.

The Halfling caught up to the Half-Orc and fell in step with him. After a glance the Half-Orc ignored the Halfling. After a few steps the Halfling said “Hey big fellow, since you’re so strong and big, and I’m so small, why don’t you carry me up the hill”. The Half-Orc stopped and turned to the Halfling quickly, looked him over and said “Why you are a strange little man. I usually prefer to be alone since society doesn’t quite know what to do with me. However I am basically good and seek to help people. So yes I will carry you.” Quickly the half-orc grabbed the Halfling around the waist and threw him over his shoulder and strode back up the hill. After the initial shock the Halfling began laughing and squirmed his way to sit on the half-orc’s shoulders. The half-orc ignored him and continued to walk out of the port area. In spite of the crowds, there was always a clear path in front of the duo.

In a short while the duo cleared the port area and began walking up the winding road leading to the black malachite walls of Cauldron. Once the road was mostly clear, the Halfling said “OK you can let me down now”. Without missing a step the half-orc plucked the Halfling off his shoulders and set him down on the road. The Halfling stood up and ran after the half-orc. After catching up, the Halfling said “Thanks big fellow, it was fun to see the tops of people’s heads for once. So why are you going to Cauldron today”. The half-orc glanced at the little man and after a bit said “My name is Olensuden. As you can see I am a half-orc. My mother and father were very much in love, but my father was a war chief and had to leave my mother and me when his chieftain called. My mother raised me to be basically good and to help people when possible. Just before she recently died she told me my father’s name was Gowron and that she had last heard that he was headed to Cauldron. So I travel there to seek news of my father.”

The duo continued to walk up towards Cauldron and after a bit the Halfling said “My name is Jamir the Unpredictable. I seek only new stories to tell and experiences to relate. I have wandered the countryside having adventures with many different heros, sang in many taverns, and had both good and rotten food. You have an aura of destiny about you, if you don’t mind I’d like to accompany you.”

Olen said “That would be acceptable to me. I was trained by the monk Riker who helped me gain control of my anger. He also told me to seek out companions when possible to help me adjust to dealing with other people. Riker also taught me to fight in the way of the Klingons”. The duo continued to talk as they climbed the winding road to Cauldron.

After a long walk the duo reached the tall impressive walls of Cauldron and approached the Southwestern Gate. As they walked up a guard strode up to them and said “Welcome travelers. What brings you to the great city of Cauldron?” Jamir quickly said “We seek information and have heard Cauldron was a good place to start our search.” The guard replied “Aye, that it is. Well there is a 1 silver piece entry fee for outsiders.” Jamir thought about trying to fool the guard, but decided to just pay the entry fee. Jamir then asked the guard “Where can we find the best Ale and lodging for the night”. The guard replied “Ah men after my own heart. The best Ale can be found at the Tipped Tankard Tavern, me and the other guards often drink there after our shift. The best lodging for adventurers such as yourself is probably the Drunken Morkoth Inn. They are used to the trade of adventures and can meet most of your needs.”

In some place they had traveled, both Jamir and Olen had run it trouble, Jamir from Big Folk, and Olen from anyone who crossed his path. Naturally, they wanted to avoid too much confrontation in this new place.

“Which place is best for our kind,” queried Jamir.

The guard looked puzzled for a moment, and then replied, “Well the Drunken Morkoth tends to cater to adventures, what with beds and all. The Tankard won’t let ya sleep there past closing time. Heh. Both place be pretty safe. My lot spends off duty time at the Tankard, so not many fights occur there. And the Morkoth is one of the best inns in town. While I prefer the Tankard for a drink, the inns prices are reasonable, and their ale none to shabby.”

Since the sun was beginning to set and they had a long day, the duo decided to go to the Drunken Morkoth Inn and the guard gave them directions. They said goodbye and headed into the city. As they walked down Obsidian Boulevard a drizzle began and they shook out their capes against the wet conditions.

Suddenly they heard a cry for help coming from an alley about 30 ft ahead. Olen passed a perception check and heard sounds of a scuffle, then a loud voice saying “You stay away from the orphanage”. Olen and Jamir quickly drew up a plan. Jamir snuck ahead to take a peek at what was going on. Jamir saw three guys with half white, half black face paint. Two were up the alley assaulting a guy in priestly garb. Suddenly the third thug, acting as a lookout spotted Jamir. “Hey this isn’t your business, move along” Jamir nodded to the thug and walked on past the entry of the alley. As soon as he couldn’t be seen by the thug, he turned and held up 3 fingers to Olen. Olen walked forward till he could see into the alley.

(Rolled for initiative as Jamir, Priest, Thugs, Olen)

Jamir drew his bow and waited out of site of the thugs. The priestly figure muttered a spell and Olen suddenly felt more ready for combat (cast Bless spell for +1 morale bonus). One of the thugs working over the priest moved forward towards the lookout. The priest weakly swung his sword and missed (missed Attack of Opportunity roll). Olen growled at the lookout and asked “What’s Going On?” The lookout replied “None of your business” (Olen failed intimidate roll).

(Round 2) Olen watched Jamir as he moved his head in an unusual fashion. Suddenly he heard footsteps of a large group approaching from behind (Jamir casts Ghost Sounds). Without looking that direction, he just knew there was no one behind him (Olen passes Perception check). The thugs and the priest obviously thought people were coming up (they all failed Perception check). The lookout said “How many people did you bring with you?” Olen growled back “Enough to clean this mess up. Now what’s going on?” The lookout started edging backwards (Olen successfully Intimidates lookout).

(Round 3)

Jamir moves into the alley with bow drawn and says “I think it’s time for you to move on.” Taking advantage of the thug’s confusion, the priest crawled towards Olen and stood up saying “Thank you”. The thugs looked at each other, said “Let’s Go” and turned and ran out the back of the alley. Olen ran after them and heard the thugs running away (Olen passes perception). He turned back towards Jamir and the priest.

The priest shakily said “Thanks stranger. My name is Rufus and I am a priest of the Church of Cuthbert.” Suddenly noticing the expected crowd had not arrived, he asked “Where are the rest of the people?” Jamir thought quickly and said “They really weren’t with us and they went into that building” Olen heard this and wondered why Jamir didn’t want the priest to know he cast a spell. But he decided that was Jamir’s business and asked the Priest “What is going on here?” Rufus said “Please follow me towards my temple and I will explain this to you”. After glancing at each other, Olen and Jamir agree to walk with Rufus. It’s on the way to the Drunken Morkoth Inn anyway

As the trio walks towards the temple, Rufus explained that the Church of Cuthbert had heard of mysterious disappearances around Cauldron. They initially took no action, other than to pray for the missing people and their family. But then the orphanage the Church supports had missing kids one morning. Rufus was trying to find more information when the thugs jumped him. Jamir asked what can you tell us about the thugs. Rufus replied based on their face markings they appear to be members of the Last Laugh thieves’ guild. He was unsure why they would have attacked him. Rufus invited the duo to meet his superiors. The duo agreed.

They passed the Drunken Morkoth Inn and shortly got to the Temple of the Church of ST. Cuthbert. Rufus led them to a large room with a roaring fire and asked them to stay there. Rufus went out another door and shortly other priests entered with warm blankets and hot tea to dry off. Shortly after this Rufus returned with a lady in much fancier clothing. She introduced herself as Jenya Urikas and said while the high priestess was away, she was the acting high priestess. Jenya said thank you for saving Acolyte Rufus and I wish you would help with our investigation. She explained the boys and girls at the orphanage sleep in separate upstairs rooms across the hall from each other. Each room has two windows with iron bars. There is only one door to each room and it has a stout lock. In addition the building’s door has multiple locks. Two days ago, four children were missing in the morning, two boys and two girls. All the doors were still locked and the bars on the windows were still securely fastened.

As the acting high priestess Jenya had consulted the temple’s relic and asked where the children was. The relic replied with a riddle:

The locks are the key to finding them.
Look beyond the curtain,
Below the cauldron.
Beware the doors with teeth.
Descend into the malachite hall,
Where precious life is bought with gold.
Half a dwarf binds them, but not for long.

Jenya said I am certain the first line of the riddle are a clue, they may refer to the locks of the orphanage. I would like you to help with the investigation, perhaps a different viewpoint will succeed where we have failed. I can provide you with a moderate healing potion each and 2500 Gold Pieces if you find the children. Jamir and Olen looked at each other and then Olen said “I am always willing to help those in need, I accept your offer”. Jamir smiled and said “I follow the big guy”. Jenya smiled and said thank you. Meet me here in the morning and we’ll discuss the details. Jamir asked if the Temple had any rooms where they could spend the night. Jenya said yes and motioned a priest to show them to their rooms. As they walked out Olen asked the priest, “Do you have any ale? I’m thirsty”. The priest replied “We have no ale, but I can bring some very good wine”. Olen grumbled “I guess that will do”.

(End of session, Olen and Jamir each got 400 XP)