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View Full Version : Fixing Class Loss [3.5, Houserule, PEACH]

2013-04-30, 03:04 PM
Houserule: If you no longer qualify for a given class through any means, you retain any increases to skill ranks, BAB, hit-dice, hit points, and base saves that you may have gained through levels in the class, as well as any proficiencies you gained.

You lose any class features you gained from that class; however, if at some later date you come to qualify for that class again, you regain all of the class features that you lost.

Finally, class features for a given class cannot disqualify you from that class; for example, the fact that a 10th level Dragon Disciple's type changes to Dragon does not disqualify them from the Dragon Disciple class.

2013-04-30, 09:16 PM
Did you lose your base statistics before? If you did then this is definitely a good houserule to add.

While this works as a quick fix I wonder if there is a better way to do it. Losing all class features because you don't meet a prerequisites always seemed pretty harsh to me. Worse even than level drain.

It's about as silly as the multiclassing rules, but punishes role playing way worse than XP penalties could. It's why in any undead campaign I play characters immune to level drain or, in most campaigns, I avoid classes with hard to maintain requirements.
It's just not fun to lose half your character permanently or even semi-permanantly. At least not unless it is a major part of the plot (and even then, eh).

For example, with a set of base classes I'm experimenting with right now, I'm thinking that if a Paladin is disqualified because of alignment they could switch over to the Blackgaurd class, which has similar, but slightly different and reflavored class features.

If there is a broader way, without having to create new classes I mean, to apply something like that, at least for base classes, I think that might be a better way to go.

2013-04-30, 09:20 PM
I mostly made this to account for stupid stuff like 10th level Dragon Disciples and 1st level Ur-Priests, both of which no longer qualify for their class due to their own class features. Yeah.

2013-04-30, 10:55 PM
I think this is less a houserule and more just what's clearly RAI.

2013-05-01, 01:08 AM
Loss of Class Features is RAI.

If a DM makes you loose the rest of the class bonus's ouch.

the rules is more there for few classes like monk/paladin. so EVERYBODY doesn't dip into those without having to stay in the alignment req.
cuz they have quite a good pop for Saves with a level 1 dip. remember. alot of that rule was for the PLAYERS HAND BOOK. not any book beyond that...and the DMG/MM. Alot of Req wasn't worried about back then

2013-05-01, 01:17 AM
Houserule: If you no longer qualify for a given class through any means, you retain any increases to skill ranks, BAB, hit-dice, hit points, and base saves that you may have gained through levels in the class, as well as any proficiencies you gained.

You lose any class features you gained from that class; however, if at some later date you come to qualify for that class again, you regain all of the class features that you lost.

Isn't this straight out of Complete Warrior? At least for PrCs. Base classes, which only ever have alignment requirements and usually have their own rules for what happens if you lose the alignment, aren't defined there.

Finally, class features for a given class cannot disqualify you from that class; for example, the fact that a 10th level Dragon Disciple's type changes to Dragon does not disqualify them from the Dragon Disciple class.

RAI, woot.

2013-05-01, 02:44 AM
Isn't this straight out of Complete Warrior? At least for PrCs.

More specifically, it's for CWar PrCs. Whether it applies to others is not defined.

So specifying that yes, you do lose PrC features if you no longer qualify, even if they aren't from CWar, is definitely a good idea.