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View Full Version : Redefining D&D, a partial system rewrite (3.5, Peach)

2013-04-30, 09:45 PM
->Click Here for the Updated Version (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=283449)<-

Within this thread I plan to redo 15 of the classes presented within D&D, as well as a couple of possible system revisions. I've finished 7 (which I'll post shortly), but I'd like to begin talking about the problems, at least in my own opinion, that need fixed.

Alignment for one has always irked me. Why the monk is lawful I'll never know, or at least agree with, and losing my entire paladin class, which was suboptimal to begin with, because I had to make a couple of decisions where there isn't a lawful answer just sucks.

And alchemy. The really sad thing is that it didn't function very well in 3.0 to begin with and then they made it even worse with 3.5. I've finished a revision for it and would like to know if it works well enough to be used.

The only class I'm really stumped on right now is the Fighter. I wanted to keep the simplicity and ease of use the Fighter had, but make it viable in more situations. What I have now is allowing the Fighter to take talents, such as blacksmithing, tactical analysis, limited combat healing, cooking (because, why not), and even the option to take a least invocation or two.

Perhaps one of the biggest changes I've made is that mid-level saves are now used as low saves. That is, the normal saves are 9 and 12. The gap between 6 and 12 is simple too much at higher levels.
A few classes have 6s here and there, but I either assumed they could compensate for it or they needed a weakness since they were too well rounded. If you see a 6, you can probably assume I mean for that class to always fail that save without some sort of special defense or plan of action.

2013-04-30, 09:47 PM
Hit Die: d6

Starting Gold: unchanged

Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana, history, nobility & royalty, religeon, and the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special |1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th

1st|+0|+1|+0|+2|Favored Weapon, Turn or Rebuke|-|-|-|-|-|-

2nd|+1|+1|+0|+3|Devotional Prowess|2|-|-|-|-|-

3rd|+2|+2|+1|+3|Wrath, Purity of Body|3|-|-|-|-|-

4th|+3|+2|+1|+4|Domain Power|3|-|-|-|-|-


6th|+4|+3|+2|+5|Spell Fuel|3|3|-|-|-|-


8th|+6/+1|+4|+2|+6|Divine Feat|3|3|1|-|-|-

9th|+6/+1|+4|+3|+6|Greater Turn or Rebuke|3|3|1|-|-|-


11th|+8/+3|+5|+3|+7|Extra Domain|3|3|2|0|-|-

12th|+9/+4|+6|+4|+8|Divine Weapon, Divine Feat|3|3|2|1|-|-

13th|+9/+4|+6|+4|+8|Terrible Wrath|3|3|3|1|-|-

14th|+10/+5|+6|+4|+9|Fast Healing|3|3|3|1|0|-


16th|+12/+7/+2|+7|+5|+10|Divine Feat|3|3|3|2|1|-

17th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+5|+10|In Service Eternal|3|3|3|2|1|0


19th|+14/+9/+4|+8|+6|+11|Abiding Wrath|3|3|3|3|2|1

20th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+6|+12|Divine Feat|3|3|3|3|2|1


Proficiencies: The Cleric is proficient with all simple weapons, her deity's favored weapon(s), light and medium armor, and shields (except tower).

To receive spells the Cleric must worship, or at least venerate, some deity. A DM might allow her to worship a demon lord, celestial, vestige, or other being of great power that could feasibly grant her strength.
She loses the use of all spell-like, and supernatural, abilities from Cleric if she doesn't remain in one step of her deity's alignment on both axes. Spells, however, follow their own rules (see Spellcasting).
She can change her deity of worship, but prove herself to either the new deity or to her church. What this entails is left up to the player and the DM to discuss. But an Atonement spell should not suffice.

Aligned Soul
The Cleric may not learn or cast spells diametrically opposed to her alignment on any axis. Should she learn a spell, and then no longer be able to cast it because of this restriction, she may swap it out for another spell of equal level.
When swapping out spells, in this manner, she must take the spell's opposite if one exists. For example, Heal would become Harm and Magic Circle Against Evil would become Magic Circle Against Good.

Class Abilities

The Cleric casts divine spells, drawn from the Cleric spell list. She begins with a small number of spells, see Divine Soul, and learns a single new spell, of any level she can cast, at every level of Cleric (beginning at her 2nd level).
Though her spells aren't arcane, they are subject to spell failure. More aptly put all of her spells are subject to alignment-based spell failure. This represents a deity's willingness to respond to the Cleric in question.
Her chance of failure is based on how far off her alignment is from her deity's:

-need to chart-
Two axes are both off by two steps 40%
One axis is off by two steps and another by one step
One axis is off by two steps 20%
Two axes are both off by one step 10%
One axis is off by one step 5%
-need to chart-

She may only cast so many spells per day, as indicated, though she gains bonus spells for a high wisdom. A higher level spell slot can be expended to cast a lower level spell.
In order to recover her spells the Cleric must study for an hour after at least 4 hours' rest. If she doesn't get a full night's rest, or 8 hours, she has trouble focusing and can't cast defensively until she does.
The saving throw for any Cleric spell has a DC of 10 + 1/2 her caster level + her charisma modifier, though any spell cast with a higher spell slot than is necessary has it's DC increased by +2.

Changes to Cleric Spells
A spell who's time is normally in hours or days is instead minutes and, likewise, a spell in minutes becomes rounds. The range of her spells do not increase for caster level unless their area is affected by caster level or the spell's range is the area.

Divine Soul
The Cleric knows, and may cast, any of the following, as 0th level spells (or orisons): Bless Water, Curse Water, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Know Direction, Mending, Read Magic, Resistance, and Virtue.
She can cast these spells at will. They otherwise function as detailed for any of her other spells.

Favored Weapon (Ex)
The Cleric gains Weapon Focus with her deity's favored weapon. Also, with this weapon, she may add her charisma modifier, instead of strength, to damage.

Turn or Rebuke (Sp)
As a standard action, a limited number of times per day, equal to 3 + her wisdom bonus (if any), she may turn (if good) or rebuke (if evil) undead. A neutral Cleric may choose whether they rebuke or turn when they gain this; a neutral Cleric's ability to turn or rebuke undead may change if her alignment does.
She may affect a maximum of her Cleric level + her charisma bonus (if any) undead within 60ft. The closest undead are affected first (she does not choose, though she can exclude allies). She must either have line of effect or line of sight, but needn't have both, to affect any individual undead.

If she turns undead she deals 1d6 + her Cleric level + her charisma level in damage, from positive energy, to all undead within. If she deals this damage to any undead with 4 or less HD than her Cleric level she instantly destroys them.

If she rebukes undead, she may choose to awe or bolster undead (but may not awe and bolster some of each). Either effect last for 10 rounds. Awed undead are docile and don't attack unless attacked first. Bolstered undead gain +4 turning resistance, treating their HD as 4 higher, for the purpose of resisting turning.
Intelligent undead are allowed a will save, at a DC of 12 + 1/2 her caster level, to resist the effects of Turn or Rebuke entirely. This is not, contrary to the will save involved, a mind-affecting effect.

Lv2 > Devotional Prowess (Su)
When a Cleric (who turns undead), with a spell or spell-like ability, restores hit points, she may make a heal check. In addition to the normal benefits, of applying the heal skill, she heals additional hit points based on her check.

-need to chart-
Check Extra Hit Points
14-18 + wisdom bonus (if any) x 1
19-23 + wisdom bonus (if any) x 2
24-28 + wisdom bonus (if any) x 3
29+ + wisdom bonus (if any) x 4
-need to chart-

A Cleric (who rebukes undead) instead adds their caster level to the damage any inflict, harm, or necromancy spell they cast deals.

Lv3 > Wrath (Su)
Once per encounter the Cleric may expend a use of her Turn or Rebuke ability to smite an opponent with her deity's wrath. She selects a single creature within line of sight, to which she deals 1d6 damage, from divine energy, per Cleric level.

Lv3 > Purity of Body (Ex)
The Cleric is immune to all forms of disease, including those magical in nature, and gains a +4 bonus to saves to resist poison. Her superior training and oft practiced exposure has boosted her immune system beyond normal.

Lv4 > Domain Power
The Cleric selects a single domain listed for her deity. She gains that domain's granted power and treats any spell on it's list as if it were a level lower, to a minimum of 1st, for what level of spell slot is needed to cast it.
She faces the same alignment restrictions for any granted power as she does for spell-like, or supernatural, abilities as with Aligned Soul.

Lv6 > Spell Fuel (Su)
By expending a remaining Cleric spell slot the Cleric can gain a number of extra Turn or Rebuke attempts equal to the level of the slot spent. This is a free action, but these extra uses are lost, if not used, after 10 minutes have passed.

Lv8, 12, 16, 20 > Divine Feats
A Cleric (who rebukes undead) can select a single Vile feat, that she qualifies for (ignoring the alignment prerequisite), at each of the indicated levels. She gains them from her own vileness, not from another entity.
Likewise, a Cleric (who turns undead) can select a single Exalted feat, that she qualifies for (ignoring the alignment prerequisite), at each of the indicated levels. She gains them from her own exalted-ness, not another entity.
She does not have to maintain any behavior to keep these feats. Instead they face the limitations from Aligned Soul.

Lv9 > Greater Turn or Rebuke (Su)
Once per encounter, as a swift action, the Cleric may perform a greater turning or rebuking, as appropriate. It functions as Turn or Rebuke, but, besides being quicker, is a supernatural ability (so it provokes no attacks of opportunity) and has a range of 120ft.

Lv11 > Extra Domain Power
The Cleric gains an extra domain with the same restrictions as, and in addition to, her previous domain. See Domain Power for more information.

Lv12 > Divine Weapon (Su)
When she wields her deity's Favored Weapon the Cleric may treat it as aligned equal to her deity's alignment(s) when it would benefit her to do so.

Lv13 > Terrible Wrath (Su)
A creature struck by her Wrath ability must make a fortitude save, at a DC of 10 + 1/2 her caster level + her charisma modifier, or be completely vaporized, as if with the Disintegrate spell.

Lv14 > Fast Healing (Su)
While wounded, see below, the Cleric recovers her hit points at a rate of half her Cleric level, rounded down, per round. This does not recover any of her hit points beyond 1/2 her maximum.

Lv17 > In Service Eternal (Ex)
A Cleric of this level, or higher, has never been too long dead for service. She can be resurrected regardless of time and never takes penalties for being resurrected no matter the spell used. Even Reincarnate brings her back as her normal self.

Lv19 > Abiding Wrath (Su)
A creature killed by the Cleric's Wrath, and by extension Terrible Wrath, may not be resurrected as long as the Cleric who killed them with that ability is alive. She may dismiss this effect against any creature, that she has killed, as a free action.

Hit Die: d10

Starting Gold: unchanged

Alignment Restriction: see Aligned Soul

Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography, history, nobility & royalty, and religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special |
Lesser Boons|
Greater Boons

1st|+1|+1|+0|+2|Zeal, Detect Lies, Retribution|

2nd|+2|+1|+0|+3|Healing Hands|

3rd|+3|+2|+1|+3|Lionhearted, Purity of Body|


5th|+5|+3|+1|+4|Divine Grace|

6th|+6/+1|+3|+2|+5|Wings of Light|


8th|+8/+3|+4|+2|+6|Combat Feat|

9th|+9/+4|+4|+3|+6|Extra Lesser Boon, Guardian|


11th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+3|+7|Spell Harrier, Combat Feat|


13th|+13/+8/+3|+6|+4|+8|Spell Resistance|

14th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+4|+9|Combat Feat|


16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+7|+5|+10|Divine Intervention|

17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+8|+5|+10|Combat Feat|

18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+8|+6|+11|Extra Greater Boon, Relay Spell Resistance|


20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+9|+6|+12|Chosen Hero, Combat Feat|


Proficiencies: The Paladin is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, light, and medium), and shields (except tower).

Aligned Soul
A Paladin who becomes of evil alignment no longer qualifies for the Paladin class and swaps out all Paladin levels for levels in Blackguard. She may not swap out feats she has been disqualified from using. Any skill ranks or HD already distributed/rolled are left unchanged, though class skills still change.
If she later becomes of good alignment, then she regains her previously selected Paladin features (as they were before her change to evil; aka she does not get to reselect them).

Class Abilities

Zeal (Ex)
The Paladin gains the Endurance and Die Hard feats for free. She never gives up even when the cards are down.

Detect Lies (Su)
Magical benefits to lying, such as Glibness, are not taken into account, by the Paladin, and she can, as a standard action, focus upon a single target, within 30ft of herself, in her line of sight.
When she does, and for as long as she maintains concentration and line of sight, her opponent must succeed on a will save, at a DC of 10 + 1/2 her Paladin level + her charisma modifier, anytime they lie.
Upon failing their save she is immediately aware of their deception. This does not, however, necessarily provide her with the truth. This isn't a mind-affect, but a battle of wills.

Retribution (Ex)
The Paladin gains her charisma modifier, as a bonus to her attack rolls, and her Paladin level, as a bonus to damage, against any creature that she has witnessed harming an innocent, stealing, or otherwise committing an evil act.
A critical hit does not multiply extra damage and any extra damage dealt by this ability is of the same type as the attack it qualified for.

Lv2 > Healing Hands (Su)
A limited number of times per day, equal to 3 + her wisdom bonus, the Paladin may heal the wounds of a willing, or helpless, creature within her reach as a standard action. Though from positive energy this can't be used to harm.
Each time the Paladin uses this ability she heals a touched creature, or herself, a number of hit points equal to her wisdom bonus x her Paladin level (to a minimum of her wisdom bonus).
She can forfeit healing hit points to instead cure one of the following:
Blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, poisoned, shaken, sickened, or stunned, or any sleep effect.

Lv3 > Lionhearted (Ex)
The Paladin treats the effects fear has upon herself as if they were one step lower than they actually are for the purpose of determining penalties. As such, she can never, technically, be affected by the penalties of panic.
Further, if she succeeds on a save against fear, she gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls for 1 round. Multiple bonuses stack to a maximum of half her Paladin level.

Lv3 > Purity of Body (Ex)
The Paladin is immune to all forms of disease, including those magic in nature, and gains a +4 bonus to saves to resist poison. Her superior training and oft practiced exposure has boosted her immune system beyond normal.

Lv4 > Aura (Ex)
The Paladin has learned how to support her allies within battle. Representing this is her Aura. She learns boons, of lesser or greater rank, to augment this aura at each of the indicated levels.
Any ally (including herself) within 60ft, who can see or hear her, benefits from any boons she has active as long as she remains conscious and isn't helpless. She may only have one lesser boon and one greater boon active at once.
Deciding which boon(s) are active is a swift action. Any bonus provided does not stack with that already provided by her Divine Grace ability.
Feats and abilities gained through boons do not count towards prerequisites, though they work with abilities dependent on them as normal. She does not grant herself the benefits of an ability she already has, such as Zeal or Lionhearted, again.

Lv5 > Divine Grace (Su)
Protected by her faith in herself, and in all that is good, the Paladin gains her charisma modifier as a bonus to all of her saving throws.

Lv6 > Wings of Light (Su)
The Paladin can summon, or dismiss, a pair of immaterial wings as a swift action. While active they grant a fly speed of 60ft, with good maneuverability, and shed light as a torch.

Lv7 > Interpose (Ex)
Whenever an adjacent ally would be in harm's way, and the Paladin is aware of it, she may swap places with them, as an immediate action, becoming the new target, if the attack or hazard had a target, or simply entering it's area before it hits.

Lv8, 11, 14, 17, 20 > Combat Feats
At each of the indicated levels the Paladin gains a single fighter, tactical, or weapon style feat, that she qualifies for, of her choice.
If she switched from the Blackguard class she retains any combat feats she had (aka she does not reselect them).

Lv9 > Extra Lesser Boon (Ex)
The Paladin may have up to two lesser boons active at once, in addition to her greater boon(s).

Lv9 > Guardian (Ex)
As an immediate action the Paladin can, using a shield, attempt to block an attack that possesses an attack roll, a line of effect, or a cone of effect targeting her or that includes her within it's area of effect.
She must succeed on an attack roll versus the effect's attack roll or, if no attack roll was made, against an opposed caster level check. When blocking a cone or line she only blocks it within her space and into a line away from herself.

Lv11 > Spell Harrier (Ex)
Enemy spellcasters may not cast defensively while within the Paladin's threatened area. Effectively, they automatically fail their concentration check.

Lv12 > Vigilance (Ex)
No creature may tumble through the Paladin's space, as long as she remains unconscious and isn't helpless, with a tumble check. Any attempt to tumble through her threatened area has it's DC increased by her Paladin level.

Lv13 > Spell Resistance (Su)
The Paladin has learned to resist the effects of magic. She gains Spell Resistance equal to 15 + her Paladin level. She can drop or resume this resistance momentarily to allow individual effects, that she is aware of, through.
The Blackguard ignores the Paladin's Spell Resistance, including that given to others through Relay Spell Resistance.

Lv16 > Divine Intervention (Su)
Once per day, when the Paladin would be killed, she is resurrected, as if with the True Resurrection spell. Any equipment destroyed during her death is returned and restored to it's previous condition (before death).

Lv18 > Extra Greater Boon (Ex)
The Paladin may have up to two greater boons active at once, in addition to her lesser boon(s).

Lv18 > Relay Spell Resistance (Ex)
Any ally who benefits from the Paladin's aura(s) also gains Spell Resistance as detailed for her Spell Resistance ability. They may suppress or resume it as indicated.

Lv20 > Chosen Hero (Ex)
The Paladin has been recognized by some deity or celestial. She gains the Saint template (see BoED, page 184) without any LA.
Paladin Boons
Lesser Boons
For the Finish: +4 bonus to confirm a critical hit
Aim There: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to bull rush, disarm, and trip attempts
Don't Give Up: allies gain the benefits of her Zeal ability
Push Through: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to rolls to overcome spell resistance
Press the Advantage: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to damage when flanking
Watch Out: Allies aren't caught unaware if Paladin is aware of an attack or hazard
Up the Pace: +10ft bonus to base land speed
With Me: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to damage on a charge
Watch your Back: gain half her charisma bonus (if any) as a morale bonus to AC
On Your Toes: grant the Dodge and Mobility feats
Don't Worry: allies gain the benefits of her Lionhearted ability
Exclude That: allied spellcaster can leave a 5ft hole in any area of effect spell they cast

Greater Boons
Tough It Out: gain half her charisma bonus (if any) as DR/-
Hit'm Harder: gain half her charisma bonus (if any) to melee damage rolls
Steady Now: gain half her charisma bonus (if any) to ranged attack rolls
Sharpen Your Mind: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to will saves
Ready Yourself: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to fortitude saves
Careful Now: gain her charisma bonus (if any) to reflex saves
Here's the Plan: grant a feat she has (chose when the aura is taken, can be taken more than once); allies may ignore prerequisites (though it might not be usable without them)
You Can Take It: gain immunity to status drain and instant death effects; this does not suppress or negate any effect already in place

Hit Die: d10

Starting Gold: as Paladin

Alignment Restriction: see Aligned Soul

Skills: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history and religion) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special |
Max Rank

1st|+1|+2|+0|+1|Zeal, Tyranny, Spread Despair|

2nd|+2|+3|+0|+1|Wounding Critical|

3rd|+3|+3|+1|+2|Without Fear, Tainted Soul|


5th|+5|+4|+1|+3|Profane Grace|

6th|+6/+1|+5|+2|+3|Dimension Transfer|

7th|+7/+2|+5|+2|+3|One-Handed Grapple|

8th|+8/+3|+6|+2|+4|Combat Feat|

9th|+9/+4|+6|+3|+4|Unwilling Martyr|

10th|+10/+5|+7|+3|+5|DR 1|

11th|+11/+6/+1|+7|+3|+5|Daunt, Combat Feat|


13th|+13/+8/+3|+8|+4|+6|DR 2|

14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+4|+6|Combat Feat|

15th|+15/+10/+5|+9|+5|+7|DR 3|

16th|+16/+11/+6/+1|+10|+5|+7|Throes of Death|

17th|+17/+12/+7/+2|+10|+5|+8|DR 4, Combat Feat|


19th|+19/+14/+9/+4|+11|+6|+8|DR 5|

20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+6|+9|Combat Feat|


Proficiencies: The Blackguard is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor (heavy, light, and medium), and shields (except tower).

Aligned Soul
A Blackguard who becomes good aligned no longer qualifies for the Blackguard class and swaps out all Blackguard levels for levels in Paladin. He may not swap out feats he has been disqualified from using. Any skill ranks or HD already distributed/rolled are left unchanged, though class skills still change.
If he later becomes of evil alignment, then he regains his previously selected Blackguard features (as they were before his change to good).

Class Abilities

Zeal (Ex)
The Blackguard gains the Endurance and Die Hard feats for free. He never gives up even when the cards are down.

Tyranny (Ex)
If the Blackguard succeeds on an intimidate check, to change attitude, by 10 or more his target becomes helpful for the duration instead of just Friendly. Their attitude still shifts to unfriendly or hostile afterwards.

Spread Despair (Ex)
Enemies within 30ft of the Blackguard, that can either see or hear him, take a -4 penalty to will saves. Any creature newly affected by a fear effect while within has the number of rounds they are affected, if variable, maximized.

Lv2 > Wounding Critical (Ex)
The Blackguard knows how to make wounds hurt. He gains a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits, and, when he does confirm one, his target may not be the recipient of any form of healing for 1d3 rounds after.

Lv3 > Without Fear (Ex)
A master of fear himself the Blackguard is completely immune to fear effects and negative morale effects.

Lv3 > Tainted Soul (Ex)
The Blackguard does not take hit point damage from negative energy and isn't subject to level drain or ability drain.

Lv4+ > Invocations
The Blackguard can use invocations as detailed for the Warlock, except as noted here: He gains them at the indicated rate and the save for any invocation instead has a DC of 10 + 1/2 his Blackguard level + his charisma modifier.

Lv5 > Profane Grace (Su)
Protected by pure evil, the Blackguard gains his charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to his AC.

Lv6 > Dimension Transfer (Su)
The Blackgaurd, once per 1d4 + 1 rounds, can teleport up to 5ft x his Blackgaurd level (maximum of 100ft) as an immediate action. If used to avoid an attack, or hazard, it still has a 50% chance of affecting him. He must exit the area of an area of effect to gain this miss chance against it.

Lv7 > One-Handed Grapple (Ex)
The Blackguard can grapple a creature with one hand, leaving him free to act normally (except for the hand grappling). He then deals his strength in damage, automatically, whenever his foe attempts to escape (if already grappled).
He must still force his opponent to move with a strength check and moving into a pin immediately ends the benefits of this ability.

Lv8, 11, 14, 17, 20 > Combat Feats
At each of the indicated levels the Blackguard gains a single fighter, tactical, or weapon style feat, that he qualifies for, of his choice.
If he switched from the Paladin class he retains any combat feats he had (aka he does not reselect them).

Lv9 > Unwilling Martyr (Ex)
Whenever the Blackguard would be in harm's way, and is aware of it, he may pull an adjacent creature, no more than one size larger than himself, into his space, as an immediate action.
They become the new target, if the attack or hazard had a target, or simply entering the attacks area as it hits. If it was a cone or a line effect their body blocks it in a line behind them protecting him and out to a line behind him.
The target is allowed an opposed strength check to resist being pulled into the space and, after the Blackguard pulls them in long enough to use as a shield, he pushes them back into their space.

Lv10 > Damage Reduction (Ex)
The Blackguard gains Damage Reduction equal to that indicated. The Paladin ignores the Blackguard's DR.

Lv11 > Daunt (Ex)
The Blackguard actively harries nearby foes. Any opponent treats all squares, that he threatens in melee, as being difficult terrain. This terrain counts as magically manipulated for the purpose of whether any defense applies to it.

Lv12 > Vigilance (Ex)
No creature may tumble through the Blackguard's space, as long as he remains unconscious and isn't helpless, with a tumble check. Any attempt to tumble through his threatened area has it's DC increased by his Blackguard level.

Lv16 > Throes of Death (Su)
When the Blackguard dies he may opt to do so spectacularly. If he does, he releases a 5ft to 60ft, at a distance of his choosing, of seething energy.
This energy deals 1d6 untyped damage, per Blackguard level, to all creatures within. They may make a fortitude save, at a DC of 10 + 1/2 his Blackguard level + his charisma modifier, to half the damage dealt to them.

Lv20 > Fated Villain (Ex)
The Blackguard has been recognized by some demon or fiend. He gains the Corrupted Creature template (see BoVD, page 186) without any LA.
New Invocations

2013-04-30, 09:48 PM
Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: unchanged

Skills: Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Diguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (architecture and engineering, dungeoneering, and local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points: 8 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]Level|BaB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special |
Ambush Feats

1st|+0|+0|+2|+2|Trapfinding, Vexing Flanker, Finesse|

2nd|+1|+0|+3|+3|Uncanny Dodge|

3rd|+2|+1|+3|+3|Sneak Attack +1d6, Mobility|




7th|+5|+2|+5|+5|Imp. Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack +2d6|

8th|+6/+1|+2|+6|+6|Special Ability|


10th|+7/+2|+3|+7|+7|Flawless Concealment|

11th|+8/+3|+3|+7|+7|Special Ability, Sneak Attack +3d6|

12th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+8|Meld with Shadows|

13th|+9/+4|+4|+8|+8|Murderous Assault|

14th|+10/+5|+4|+9|+9|Special Ability|

15th|+11/+6/+1|+5|+9|+9|Sneak Attack +4d6|

16th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+10|Hidden in Plain Sight|

17th|+12/+7/+2|+5|+10|+10|Special Ability|


19th|+14/+9/+4|+6|+11|+11|Execution, Sneak Attack +5d6|

20th|+15/+10/+5|+6|+12|+12|Special Ability|

Proficiencies: The Rogue is proficient with all simple weapons, bolas, hand crossbows, rapier, the sap, spiked armor, short sword, the net, and whip. She is also proficient with light armor and bucklers.

Class Abilities

Finesse (Ex)
Dextrous of both hand and body, the Rogue gains the Weapon Finesse and Dodge feats, even if she doesn't meet their prerequisites, for free.

Vexing Flanker (Ex)
Against any foe the Rogue flanks, she and her allies gain a +2 circumstance bonus to attack rolls. This stacks with any bonus already provided by flanking.

Trapfinding (Ex)
The Rogue can use the search skill to find traps with a DC higher than 20. Most non-magical traps have a DC of 20 or higher, while magical traps have a DC of 25 + level of the spell used in it's creation.
When she would succesfully disarm a trap she may instead choose to bypass it, along with the party, without triggering it. Effectively she suppresses the trap's triggering mechanism for any period of up to 10 minutes.
Disabling a magical trap usually has a DC of 25 + the spell's level, though this varies from trap to trap. She may not bypass a rune or glyph, though she can disarm it as normal.

Lv2 > Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
The Rogue is able to react to opponents on all sides just as easily as she can with singular foes. Basically, she can no longer be flanked and any critical hit or Sneak Attack has a 20% chance of instead being a normal hit against her.

Lv3 > Mobility (Ex)
Quick on her feet, the Rogue gains the Mobility feat. Additionally, she gains the indicated bonus to her base land speed as long as she wears no heavier than light armor and carries no more than light load.

Lv3+ > Sneak Attack (Ex)
Whenever the Rogue attacks an opponent who is denied their dexterity to AC, whether or not they have any, or makes an attack of opportunity she strikes for a vital point and deals extra damage equal to that indicated.
Oozes, swarms, and incorporeal creatures are immune to Sneak Attack. Extra damage from this ability is never multiplied on a critical hit and is of the same type as the attack that has qualified for it.
A ranged attack qualifies out to 30ft or it's first range increment, whichever is further. Only a weapon that usually deals non-lethal damage, such as the sap, is suitable for non-lethal Sneak Attacks, unless she has the ability to make non-lethal attacks without penalty with the weapon.
Though Sneak Attack can affect creatures without discernible anatomies, such as aberrations, elementals, oozes, and undead, Ambush feats and other abilities keyed off of the ability may not.
Note that this version of Sneak Attack assumes several changes in rules (noted within the ability itself). These changes are intended to make it a viable source of extra damage, instead of leaving the Rogue useless in combat.

Lv4 > Evasion (Ex)
Whenever the Rogue succeeds on a reflex save to reduce the effects of an attack or hazard she instead negates them. Other effects, that would not have been reduced or negated by her save, still take place as normal.
The Rogue loses the benefits of Evasion while wearing heavier than light armor or carrying more than a light load.

Lv5+ > Ambush Feats (Ex)
At each of the indicated levels the Rogue gains a single Ambush feat, of her choice, that she meets the prerequisites for.
With 5 minutes of practice or meditation she may change which Ambush feats she has. The Rogue may not, however, swap out an Ambush feat that is a prerequisite for another feat, or a PrC, that she possesses.

Lv6 > Trapsense (Ex)
The Rogue is entitled to a spot check, same DC as for search, to notice any trap within 30ft of herself. If she fails to spot a trap she may not attempt to spot it again for the remainder of the encounter (though she may still search for it).

Lv7 > Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
The Rogue can react to danger the moment her senses alert her. She retains her dexterity to AC, if any, when caught flatfooted or struck by an invisible attacker, although she still loses this bonus when immobilized or helpless.

Lv8, 11, 14, 17, 20 > Special Abilities
At each of the indicated levels the Rogue learns a new special ability, from the list in the next post. Unless noted otherwise any special ability is extraordinary in nature.

Lv10 > Flawless Concealment (Su)
When the Rogue hides, within darkness, creatures with Darkvision, or similar ability to see within darkness, must still search for her. Basically their ability to see through darkness isn't factored into whether or not she can hide from them.

Lv12 > Meld with Shadows (Su)
As long as the Rogue is within 10ft of some sort of shadow, not her own, she may hide, even if she is being observed. She must feasible have been able to fit within the source of shadow for it to provide any benefit.

Lv13 > Murderous Assault (Ex)
As a full round action the Rogue may make a single melee or ranged attack. If she deals Sneak Attack damage her opponent must make a fortitude save, at a DC of 14 + 1/2 her BaB + her dexterity modifier, or be paralyzed for 1d3 rounds.
Any foe who successfully saves against Murderous Assault is immune to further uses of for the remainder of the encounter. This ability does not affect foes without discernible anatomies, such as aberrations, elementals, oozes, and undead.

Lv15 > Hidden in Plain Sight (Ex)
When the Rogue leaves an area of concealment, during her turn, she retains the benefits of that concealment until the end of her turn. She gains the benefits from the highest level concealment she had. This ability effectively allows her to hide in plain sight for brief moments.

Lv19 > Execution (Ex)
The Rogue may perform a coup de grace as a swift action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity for doing so. She must still meet the normal requirements before she can perform one.
Rogue Special Abilities
Whenever an attack provokes an attack of opportunity from the Rogue she may forgo the attack to instead take a 5ft step. The Rogue may completely avoid an attack with use of this ability.
This does not count towards her movement for the round, or even towards whether or not she can still take another 5ft step.

Improved Evasion
Once per encounter, as an immediate action, the Rogue may automatically succeed on a single reflex save as if she had rolled a natural 20.

Window of Opportunity
Any attack made against an opponent the Rogue is flanking, other than an attack made by herself, causes the attacked creature to immediately provoke an attack of opportunity from the Rogue.
She may not gain more than one attack of opportunity in this way per round, regardless of how many attacks of opportunity she can make.

Field of Expertise
This ability may be taken multiple times. Each time the Rogue may select three skills, that are Rogue class skills, of her choice. When making a skill check, with one of her chosen skills, she may take 10, even if stress or distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.
In addition, she gains a +4 bonus to any skill she takes 10 with using Field of Expertise (effectively taking 14).

Slippery Mind
Having trained her mind to resist mental assault, she is difficult to control. She is automatically freed of any mind-affecting effect after 24 hours pass, also recovering from any mental ability drain, or damage, energy drain, or memory alteration.

If the Rogue remains engaged in combat with an opponent for 3 rounds they must make a fortitude save, at a DC of 14 + 1/2 her BaB + her intelligence modifier, each round until they are no longer engaged.
An opponent who fails their save is fatigued, or exhausted if already fatigued, and becomes incapable of making attacks of opportunity, both, for 1 round. Any spell from the healing subschool ends these penalties.
For the purposes of this ability, being engaged in combat means that the Rogue, or her opponent, have made an attack, whether or not it hit, against the other within the past round.

Combat Charlatan
Anytime that an opponent attacks the Rogue and misses she may redirect the attack to another target within her reach, even if the original reach or range of the attack couldn't go that far.
The attacker must reroll any statistics involved, but special modifiers are repeated without expending further uses, if any. When making multiple attacks, such as with a full attack, the opponent's remaining attacks end if she redirects.

Sophisticated Feint
When making a standard or full attack the Rogue may feint as a swift action before making her attack, gaining half her Rogue level as a bonus to her check.
This ability counts as the Improved Feint feat for the purpose of meeting prerequisites and using other abilities.

Bar Room Brawler
The Rogue gains the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for free, even if she wouldn't normally qualify for the feat. She deals damage as a 4th level Monk. She reduces attack roll penalties with improvised weapons, and weapons she isn't proficient, with to -2.

Roll with It
Once per encounter the Rogue may roll with an attack or hazard as an immediate action. Any hit point damage dealt is halved and, unless she is immune to it, becomes non-lethal damage.

Dirty Fighter
A successful attack of opportunity does not negate any disarm or bull rush attempt she makes. Furthermore, she may use her dexterity, instead of strength, when making disarm or trip attempts.

Perfect Disguise (Su)
While in disguise the Rogue's alignment reads as whatever alignment she wishes for it to mimic. However, any creature that pierces her disguise ignores this ability and detects her alignment as it truly is.

No magical effect can discern, limit, or stop her lies, nor may it force her tell the truth against her will. She even ignores bonuses to sense motive checks provided by spells and other types of magic.

Crowd Surfer
The Rogue gains concealment while within in a crowd, at least 15 or more, of creatures and can move through crowds at her normal speed. Further, she gains a +4 to hide checks to hide within a crowd.

The Rogue is entitled to an escape artist check to escape any form of restraint, even those that normally don't allow one or are magical in nature. The DC to escape a spell or spell-like ability is 15 + the spell level (if any).
Further, she can move through force spells and other force effects as if they weren't there with a succesful tumble check. The DC for this is 15 + the spell level, though effects without a spell level instead add half the creator's CR.

As a standard action she may grab a foe, within one size of her own, and, turning their own leverage against them, throw them up to 10ft in a direction of her choice, dealing them 1d6 + strength damage and knocking them prone.
An opposed dexterity check negates. She can even throw them at another creature as an improvised weapon. Figure damage as appropriate for that size.

Ranged Opportunity
The Rogue threatens out to 15ft, but only for the purpose of making ranged attacks of opportunity. She can only make one ranged attack of opportunity per round, no matter how many attacks of opportunity she can make.
If she successfully hits a target with such a ranged attack they must succeed on a reflex save, at a DC of 14 + 1/2 her BaB + her dexterity modifier, or be knocked prone immobilizing them until their turn ends.

Advanced Entrapment
When she trips an opponent with a bola they are also immobilized until they escape or break the bolas. A full round strength check, DC 15, or escape artist check, DC 25, allows them to escape (breaking the bolas in the case of strength).
The bolas can also be cut away or removed, without the need for a check, with 3 rounds of uninterrupted work.
Additionally, the Rogue can throw a net up to 20ft, instead of 10ft, and is able to fold a net back up with only a move action (and no AoOs).

Dust Cloud
As a standard action, that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, the Rogue may kick up sand, dust, loose soil, ash, snow, or a similar substance. This duplicates the effects of a Fog Cloud spell, non-magically, within a 15ft radius for 3 rounds.

Between the Ribs
As a move action the Rogue may make a spot check versus a single foe's, who she has line of sight to within 30ft, AC + 10. If successful her next attack, as long as it is made within 1 round, is treated as a touch attack against them.

Tumbling Dodge
As an immediate action the Rogue may make a tumble check in response to an attack that would harm her. She reduces any damage, as well as variable numeric effects, by 50% if her check exceeds their attack roll.

If the Rogue successfully strikes a target with a whip, whether or not she deals damage, she may extend the attempt into a garrote.
She and her target are immobilized as long as she maintains it, a free action, though her foe can break the whip with a DC 15 strength check or escape with a DC 25 escape artist check, a move action. A foe affected by garrote can't breathe and might suffocate if subject to this ability for extended periods of time.

Whirling Sweep
As a standard action, that doesn't provoke any attacks of opportunity, the Rogue may make a sweep around herself unarmed or with a weapon.
She deals no damage, but all adjacent creatures must make an opposed dexterity check or be knocked prone. The Rogue need make only a single check versus all affected creature's.

Throw Caltrops
The Rogue can unload a 2lb bag of caltrops, covering up to three adjacent 5ft squares, anywhere within 15ft with them. Caltrops placed in this way don't function as normal for caltrops:
Each time a creature moves into the area caltrops fill their feet are wounded, causing their speed to drop by half, until they are healed at least one hit point or treated with a DC 15 heal check.
A creature creature who attempts to charge or run through caltrops must stop. A creature can move at half speed to avoid the caltrops, not risking penalties. As for normal, unusual creature's might not be affected by caltrops.

In Hot Pursuit
As an immediate action, when a foe she threatens leaves her threatened area, the Rogue can move up to her speed to follow them. If at any time she can no longer threaten them during movement, she ceases her pursuit.
Her movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the foe she is pursuing, but could from other creatures.

Crossbow Mastery
Loading a hand crossbow for the Rogue is a free action that doesn't provoke any attacks of opportunity. Essentially if she can also draw ammo as a free action, the Rogue can make a full attack with a hand crossbow.

Porcupine Defense
Any creature who strikes the Rogue in melee, while she is wearing armor spikes, takes damage as if she had struck them with armor spikes, except she adds their strength to damage instead of her own.

Gait of the Zephyr
During her movement the Rogue can move across walls, ceilings, and other sloped or angled surfaces without any difficulty. If she doesn't end on a legal space at the end of her movement she risks the consequences (generally falling).

Pinning Shot
The Rogue may, as a standard action ranged attack, attempt to pin the opponent, if she strikes, to a wall, floor, or nearby surface. She must succeed on an opposed dexterity check to pin her opponent.
The pin can be broken as part of movement with a DC 15 strength check or simply by taking a full round action to remove the projectile.

Explorer's Trick
The Rogue can use a whip as if it were a grappling hook. Unhooking it is a free action though.
Alternatively she can, as a standard action, that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, grab an item of smaller size than her and pull it into her space, placing it in her grip if she has an open hand.

The Bigger They Are
The Rogue can move into an adjacent creatures space, who is of at least two sizes larger than her, with a 5ft step. If she does so she gains total cover from that creature, as long as she stays in one it's spaces, and soft cover from all others.

Hit Die: d8

Starting Gold: unchanged

Skills: Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Escape Artist (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (dungeoneering, geography, and nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points: 6 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)


1st|+1|+2|+1|+1|Trapfinding, Track, Wild Empathy

2nd|+2|+3|+1|+1|Combat Style (Basic)

3rd|+3|+3|+2|+2|Endurance, Woodland Stride

4th|+4|+4|+2|+2|Keen Senses


6th|+6/+1|+5|+3|+3|Combat Style (Improved)

7th|+7/+2|+5|+3|+3|Fast Movement 10ft


9th|+9/+4|+6|+4|+4|Trackless Step

10th|+10/+5|+7|+5|+5|Swift Tracker, Sec. Combat Style (Basic)


12th|+12/+7/+2|+8|+6|+6|Improved Endurance


14th|+14/+9/+4|+9|+6|+6|Combat Style (Advanced)




18th|+18/+13/+8/+3|+11|+8|+8|Sec. Combat Style (Improved), Fast Movement 20ft


20th|+20/+15/+10/+5|+12|+9|+9|Perfect Tracker


Proficiencies: The Ranger is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and with light shields (including bucklers).

Class Abilities

Trapfinding (Ex)
The Ranger can use the search skill to find traps with a DC higher than 20. Most non-magical traps have a DC of 20 or higher, while magical traps have a DC of 25 + level of the spell used in it's creation.
When he would successfully disarm a trap he may instead choose to bypass it, along with the party, without triggering it. Effectively he suppresses the trap's triggering mechanism for 3 minutes.
Disabling a magical trap usually has a DC of 25 + the spell's level, though this varies from trap to trap. He may not bypass a rune or glyph, though he can disarm it as normal.

Track (Ex)
The Ranger gains the Track feat for free. He can move at full speed while following a creature's physical trail taking only a -4 penalty, but takes a -8 penalty if he attempts to do so at double his speed.
He may track a creature benefiting from an ability, such as Trackless Step, or spell, such as Pass Without a Trace, but only if he is of a higher level than the creator of the ability or spell. Even then, he still takes a -10 penalty to track such creatures.

Wild Empathy (Ex)
The Ranger may use Handle Animal to affect the attitudes of animals, with simple noises and gestures, as if it were the Diplomacy skill. He, and the animal, must be within 30ft, in line of sight, of each other.
This ability can be used to affect the attitudes of magical beasts, but he takes a penalty to his checks equal to twice their intelligence modifier.

Lv2, 6, 10, 14, 18 > Combat Styles
At 2nd level the Ranger selects a single combat style. He begins with it's basic ability, gaining it's improved ability at level 6 and advanced at level 14. Any saving throw has a DC of 10 + 1/2 his BaB + his relevant modifier.
And, at level 10, he selects a second combat style, gaining it's basic ability then and it's improved ability at level 18.

Lv3 > Woodland Stride (Ex)
The Ranger can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) without suffering from any reduction in movement or being affected by hazards.
Undergrowth magically manipulated to impede, or harm, him still does, but only if it's effects are actively maintained. Active maintenance usually involves ongoing concentration, at least in the case of spells.

Lv3 > Endurance (Ex)
Used to the rigors of the outdoors the Ranger gains the Endurance feat, for free, and recovers from his wounds more quickly than normal:
He recovers twice the normal hit points during rest and, in addition to ability damage, recovers from 1 point of drain per night's rest. Even if he gains no rest he recovers from 1 point of ability damage per day.

Lv4 > Keen Senses (Ex)
The Ranger gains half of his Ranger level as a bonus to Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks.

Lv4 > Animal Companion
The Ranger gains an animal companion as detailed for the original Druid (see PH, 35-36), except as noted here, as a PH Druid of two levels lower.
He may not select an animal that would reduces his effective level for an animal companion, but, at level 8, it's size increases by one category unless the Ranger wishes otherwise.

Lv7 > Trackless Step (Ex)
The Ranger does not leave a trail, and so can't be tracked, unless he wishes to. A Ranger of higher level might still track him (see the Track ability).

Lv9, 18 > Fast Movement (Ex)
As long as he isn't wearing heavier than light armor, or carrying more than a medium load, the Ranger gains the indicated bonus to his base land speed.

Lv10 > Swift Tracker (Ex)
The Ranger takes no penalties for tracking at his full speed, but still takes a -4 penalty for doing so while moving double his speed. He is now capable of running while tracking, but takes a -8 penalty when tracking at such speed.

Lv12 > Improved Endurance (Ex)
When making constitution checks to maintain an activity, or avoid the side effects of physical strain, the Ranger uses his constitution score instead of modifier.

Lv13 > Blindsense (Ex)
Picking up on cues other creatures miss, the Ranger gains Blindsense, see the Monster Manual, out to 30ft.

Lv15 > Camouflage (Ex)
The Ranger can hide in any type of undergrowth or natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn't offer cover or concealment.
He can't hide while being observed in this way, but could remain hidden, in plain sight, from future observers. Moving more than a 5ft step at once immediatly reveals his hiding place to anyone watching.

Lv19 > Blindsight (Ex)
The Ranger gains Blindsight, see the Monster Manual, out to 30ft, but can only sense creatures within line of effect this way.

Lv20 > Perfect Tracker
The Ranger no longer takes penalties for moving double his speed, but still takes a -4 penalty for attempting to track while running.
Furthermore, the penalty to track creatures with an ability such as Trackless Step, or spell, such as Pass Without a Trace, is reduced to -4.
Ranger Combat Styles

Basic (Skirmish)
On any round you have moved at least 10ft you gain a +1d6 bonus to damage and gain 20% concealment from your quick movement.

Improved (Sidestep)
Once per round you can, as an immediate action, take a 5ft step. It does not count towards your movement in a round or whether you can take another one.
If used to avoid an attack or hazard, or area of one, you still have a 50% chance of being affected by it. You must move out of an area of effect to even attempt to avoid it's effects, from affecting you, in this way.

Advanced (Momentum)
You need only take a 5ft step to gain the benefits of Skirmish. Further, when you do move the full 10ft, the miss chance is increased to 50%


Basic (Two-Weapon Fighting)
You gain the Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if you normally wouldn't qualify, for free.

Improved (Greater Two-Weapon Fighting)
You gain the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat, even if you normally wouldn't qualify, for free.

Advanced (Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting)
You take no penalties to your attack rolls for two-weapon fighting. Additional attacks from other sources are still subject to those penalties.


Basic (Venomer)
You do not risk poisoning yourself when applying poison to a weapon, nor do you provoke attacks of opportunity for applying.

Improved (Instant Snare)
With spare parts you can build a simple non-magical trap. The DM determines whether or not the items you build together can be a trap or not and the DC for any trap is 10 + 1/2 your Ranger level + your intelligence modifier.
The effects of the trap itself can mimic the effects of any trap who's CR is no higher than your HD - 4, though poison, alchemical substances, or other strange materials need to be supplied as normal.

Advanced (Deathtrap)
Any creature who fails a save against your trap must succeed at a fortitude saving throw, at a DC -4 less than for the trap, or die instantly and gruesomely.


Basic (Undertow)
You can occupy, and move through, the spaces of any creature larger than yourself (and without the need for a tumble check).
While occupying a larger creature's space you gain total cover from it and any attack that is directed at you, by someone else, has a 20% chance of hitting them instead of you.

Improved (Medieval Cowboy)
You can 'ride' creatures two or more sizes larger than yourself. As a standard action, that provokes attacks of opportunity, you must succeed on a ride check versus an opposed grapple check from the creature. Size bonuses and penalties are not factored into any of the checks for this ability.
On success you are considered grappling, but the target is not. You gain total concealment from that creature and it can move, carrying you along without any other hindrance to itself.
You can take any actions you could take during a grapple and letting go might require a tumble check to avoid falling damage. Any attack against you has a chance to hit your 'mount' instead as detailed for grappling.
The creature can shake you loose as a full round action with a grapple check versus another opposed ride check. You may not pin or drag the creature, nor may it turn the grapple back on you (and carrying you requires no check).

Advanced (Harder they Fall)
You gain a +1d4 bonus to melee and ranged damage rolls per size larger a target is than you. This damage is increased to d6s while riding them via Medieval Cowboy or a similar ability.


Basic (Intuit Direction)
By meditating for 1 round in any location you can memorize a location. You can memorize up to 3 + your wisdom bonus (if any) locations at once, though forgetting a location is as simple as memorizing a new one over it.
You know the exact direction and distance between your current location and any memorized locations, as well as distance and direction between each of those memorized locations.

Improved (Whip Mastery)
You can use a whip to grab an object, no larger than small size, within it's reach, though you must succeed on a sleight of hand check (DC 15) to steal anything on someone's person.
Such an object, that you attempting to steal, must be in the open, and they are automatically aware of your attempt. You can steal a secured object or even a weapon in hand, but they can make an opposed spot check to negate.
The whip can also be used similar to a short range grappling hook to swing on and usually requires no check or roll to latch onto a feasible surface that it could wrap itself around. Freeing it is a free action.

Advanced (Safeword (Su))
Once per day you may teleport to any memorized location, see Intuit Direction, as if with the Greater Teleport spell, except with the normal limit to range. This does not work across planar boundaries. Teleporting this way is a full round action; subject to concentration.


Basic (Precision)
You gain the Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot feats for free, even if you don't meet their prerequisites.

Improved (Take Aim)
You gain the Far Shot feat for free, even if you don't meet the prerequisites, and, as a move action, can take aim at a creature within line of sight.
For 1 round you ignore the benefits of concealment or cover less than total and ignore range increment penalties, but only against the creature you aimed at. If you aim at another creature you lose any benefits for aiming against a previous one.

Advanced (Volley)
When making a ranged attack, during either a standard action or full round action, you may make one additional ranged attack. This extra attack is made at your highest base attack bonus.

Lesser Druid

Basic (Least Druidry (see text))
You can cast Endure Elements, Entangle, and Speak with Animals, as the spells, a combined total of once per day. This increases to once per encounter when she gains access to Lesser Druidry.
Your effective caster level equals your Ranger level and any save has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your ranger level + your wisdom modifier.

Improved (Lesser Druidry (see text))
You can cast Barkskin, Hide from Animals, and Neutralize Poison, as the spells, a combined total of once per day. This increases to once per encounter when she gains access to Greater Druidry.
Your effective caster level equals your Ranger level and any save has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your ranger level + your wisdom modifier.

Advanced (Greater Druidry (see text))
You can cast Freedom of Movement, Speak with Plants, and Hold Animal, as the spells, a combined total of once per day.
Your effective caster level equals your Ranger level and any save has a DC of 10 + 1/2 your ranger level + your wisdom modifier.


2013-04-30, 09:49 PM
reserved for wizard and sorcerer

2013-04-30, 09:50 PM
Hit Die: d6

Starting Gold: unchanged

Skills: Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography, nature, & religeon) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points: 4 + Int mod (x 4 at first level)

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Refx|Will|Special |1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th

1st|+0|+2|+0|+1|Wild Empathy, Nature Lore, Companion|2|—|—|—|—|—|—


3rd|+1|+3|+1|+2|Woodland Stride|3|2|—|—|—|—|—


5th|+2|+4|+1|+3|Trackless Step|3|3|—|—|—|—|—

6th|+3|+5|+2|+3|Salubrious, Photosynthesis 1|3|3|1|—|—|—|—


8th|+4|+6|+2|+4|Terrain Mastery|3|3|2|—|—|—|—

9th|+4|+6|+3|+4|Photosynthesis 2|3|3|2|0*|—|—|—


11th|+5|+7|+3|+5|Resist Nature's Lure|3|3|3|1|—|—|—

12th|+6/+1|+8|+4|+6|Terrain Mastery, Photosynthesis 3|3|3|3|1|0*|—|—


14th|+7/+2|+9|+4|+6|Effervescence |3|3|3|2|1|—|—

15th|+7/+2|+9|+5|+7|Photosynthesis 4|3|3|3|2|1|0*|—

16th|+8/+3|+10|+5|+7|Terrain Mastery|3|3|3|2|2|1|—


18th|+9/+4|+11|+6|+8|Photosynthesis 5|3|3|3|3|2|1|0*

19th|+9/+4|+11|+6|+8|Planar Terrain Mastery|3|3|3|3|2|2|1

20th|+10/+5|+12|+6|+9|Terrain Mastery|3|3|3|3|3|2|1


Proficiencies: The Druid is proficient with the club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear, as well as with light armor, but she is not proficient with any shields.

Class Abilities

The Druid casts divine spells, drawn from the Druid spell list. She begins with a small number of spells, see Natural Affinity, and learns a new spell, of any level she can cast, at every level of Druid (beginning at her 2nd level).
Though she doesn't cast arcane spells her spells are subject to spell failure when she wears metal armor. This is from interference by metal armor, so all Druid spells, not just those with somatic components, are subject to this.
She may only cast so many spells per day, as indicated, though she gains bonus spells for a high wisdom. A higher level spell slot can be expended to cast a lower level spell. In order to recover her spells the Druid must study for an hour after at least 4 hours' rest. If she doesn't get a full night's rest, or 8 hours, she has trouble focusing and can't cast defensively until she does.
The saving throw for any Druid spell has a DC of 10 + 1/2 her caster level + her charisma modifier, though any spell cast with a higher spell slot than is necessary has it's DC increased by +2.

Changes to Druid Spells
A spell's time normally in hours or days is instead minutes and, likewise, a spell in minutes becomes rounds. The range of her spells don't increase for caster level unless their area is affected by caster level or the spell's range is the area.

Spontaneous Casting
The Druid can expend a spell slot of any level to cast a Summon Nature's Ally spell of equal level. A creature summoned by her with this gains bonus hit points equal to her caster level and a +2 bonus to their attack rolls.

Natural Affinity
The Druid knows, and may cast, any of the following, as 0th level spells (or orisons): Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Flare, Know Direction, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, and Resistance.
She can cast these spells at will. They otherwise function as detailed for any of her other spells.

Wild Empathy (Ex)
The Druid can use the Handle Animal skill, as if it were Diplomacy, to affect the attitudes of animals, with body language and simple noises, but they must be within 30ft of each other and have line of sight.
She can also influence the attitudes of magical beasts, but takes a penalty to her check equal to twice the creature's intelligence modifier.

Nature Lore (Ex)
The Druid gains a +4 bonus to all checks to remember or discern information about wild life (mostly fauna and flora).

Venturing with her is a loyal animal companion. This ability works exactly as this classes predecessor (see PH, 35-36).

Lv3 > Woodland Stride (Ex)
The Druid can move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) without suffering from any reduction in movement or being affected by hazards.
Undergrowth magically manipulated to impede, or harm, her still does, but only if it's effects are actively maintained. Active maintenance usually involves ongoing concentration, at least in the case of spells.

Lv5 > Trackless Step (Ex)
The Druid does not leave a trail, and so can't be tracked, unless she wishes to. A Ranger of higher level might still track her (see the Track ability).

Lv6+ > Photosynthesis (Su)
While in the area of natural sunlight, brighter than shadowy illumination, the Druid gains the indicated amount of Fast Healing.

Lv6 > Salubrious (Ex)
The Druid, protected by nature, is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and polymorph effects. She can still voluntarily allow herself to be affected by a polymorph effect if she wishes.

Lv8, 12, 16, 20 > Terrain Mastery
At each of the indicated levels the Druid may select a single terrain (see Horizon Walker, DMG 190) to gain the benefits listed.
When on terrain that she has terrain mastery for her effective caster level is treated as one higher than it actually is. Caster level bonuses for overlapping terrain do not stack.

Lv11 > Resist Nature's Lure (Su)
The Druid gains spell resistance, equal to 15 + her caster level, against any spell or spell-like ability, created by a fey, even if the effect wouldn't normally be subject to the effects of spell resistance.

Lv14 > Effervescence (Ex)
The Druid ceases to age, still accruing bonuses but ignoring penalties, and is immune to ageing effects. She may even opt to regress to a more youthful looking appearance when she first gains this ability.

Lv19 > Planar Terrain Mastery
The Druid may select a single planar terrain (see Horizon Walker, DMG 190) to gain the benefits of.
When on this terrain her effective caster level is treated as one higher than it actually is. Caster level bonuses for overlapping terrain do not stack.



2013-04-30, 09:51 PM



2013-04-30, 09:53 PM
reserved for adventurer (multi-class chassis)

2013-04-30, 09:54 PM
reserved for new and revised feats

2013-04-30, 09:55 PM
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2013-04-30, 09:56 PM
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2013-04-30, 09:59 PM
reserved for misc rules rewrite 3

2013-04-30, 10:00 PM
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2013-04-30, 10:25 PM
and losing my entire paladin class, which was suboptimal to begin with, because I had to make a couple of decisions where there isn't a lawful answer just sucks.

There is always at least one lawful answer, as "lawful answer" just means an answer that is, if not the most lawful option, sufficiently close to it, and of course something must fit that description. If your DM took away your class for making the best decision of a bunch of bad options, he's a bad DM.

There may be good reasons to have the paladin class less alignment-restricted (though it should remain behavior-restricted), but a lot of the problems are due to bad DMs, and there's no rule change that will fix that problem.

The only class I'm really stumped on right now is the Fighter. I wanted to keep the simplicity and ease of use the Fighter had, but make it viable in more situations. What I have now is allowing the Fighter to take talents, such as blacksmithing, tactical analysis, limited combat healing, cooking (because, why not), and even the option to take a least invocation or two.

I'd say your best bet is probably either some sort of feat synergy or some sort of flexible feats, plus making non-class-based minor abilities so that the fighter can get noncombat abilities not from his class.

The gap between 6 and 12 is simple too much at higher levels

I'd disagree; if you balance DCs against the low save, then the higher save just becomes "ridiculously hard to affect", which forces the wizards to target the low save. If they're going to have ridiculous versatility, nothing wrong with forcing them to use it.

Of course, that's really more an argument for "boost low save to medium or high, and high save to even higher", than for leaving things as they are.

2013-04-30, 11:47 PM
You're right, I suppose there isn't anything you can do about bad DMs. Still I'd like to make alignment change less harsh on the Paladin. Please tell me what you think of my solution.

I'm not sure behavior restriction is really necessary. An individual alignment restriction should be enough. If an order of paladins or a deity wants to restrict it's members behaviors it can, but I think that's more roleplay or campaign specific than anything.
In fact, I think it would be more interesting for them to keep their powers as an inquisition hunts them down for questioning.

I would do flexible feats, but I've seen it in several fighter fixes, including a couple I have toyed with off site. I'd like to take it a different route. More specifically I want to give it more out of combat utility and to also reduce it's dependency on magic items.
That's why I was thinking talents. But other than that, you mean like a list of cross class abilities to choose from? Or do you mean letting the Fighter take virtual levels in other classes.

While you have a point about the saves, my attempt here is to keep things compatible with the rest of D&D. If I change the DCs too much this wont work with other classes, especially PrCs, or other homebrew. I'd like to think of this as a patch, where you can pick and choose individual parts, instead of a total system replacement.

2013-05-01, 08:55 AM
You're right, I suppose there isn't anything you can do about bad DMs. Still I'd like to make alignment change less harsh on the Paladin.

I would break "alignment issues for the paladin" into four categories:
1. The DM is out to make the paladin fall, or is just incompetent and punishes the paladin for doing the best he can. Solution: Get a better DM; all that's needed in rules changes is making it explicit that you never fall for doing the best you can.
2. The paladin changes to a different good or neutral alignment. Solution: A paladin can be any non-evil alignment, but his powers and code depend on his alignment. (So a LG paladin would have the powers/code of a Core paladin, a CG paladin would have the powers/code of a Paladin of Freedom (from UA), and write something for the others.) Each alignment paladin is essentially a different order and different class, just with the ability to switch from one to the other.
3. The paladin changes to an evil alignment. Solution: Either extend the above to evil alignments as well, or have him become a blackguard.
4. The player wants the powers of a class whose roleplay he doesn't want. Solution: Too bad.

Please tell me what you think of my solution.

I think getting supernatural powers for being a champion of good should require more than just not being evil.

I'm not sure behavior restriction is really necessary. An individual alignment restriction should be enough. If an order of paladins or a deity wants to restrict it's members behaviors it can, but I think that's more roleplay or campaign specific than anything.

It is roleplay, but paladins are an inherently roleplay-focused class.

Different orders with different codes is definitely an idea, though.

I would do flexible feats, but I've seen it in several fighter fixes, including a couple I have toyed with off site. I'd like to take it a different route. More specifically I want to give it more out of combat utility and to also reduce it's dependency on magic items.

Reducing dependency on magic items can be done by removing the +X magic items and giving the fighter some nifty abilities to help with mobility and protection. For out-of-combat utility, if you give a substantial amount then you might want to rename the class.

That's why I was thinking talents. But other than that, you mean like a list of cross class abilities to choose from? Or do you mean letting the Fighter take virtual levels in other classes.

I mean something along the lines of Pathfinder's Backgrounds & Occupations rules.

Just to Browse
2013-05-01, 06:29 PM
4. The player wants the powers of a class whose roleplay he doesn't want. Solution: Too bad.


Seriously, this shouldn't be a thing ever.

On the classes:
While paladin and blackguard are more interesting now, they're still messed up by crowd control, battlefield control, and enemy mobility. They need some flight-style movement and some way to remove stuns and such. Their tanking is... better... but not fabulous. I'd rather keep them as chargers.
The ranger and rogue have been nerfed so hard that they're not even useful in fights, except maybe the ranged archer. I do not understand.

2013-05-01, 09:30 PM
I think I'm going to agree with Just to Browse on this one, Yitzi. Besides I'd rather leave the roleplaying open and I also think that a code is way too restricting. As I said before, if an order or deity wants to add a code that they follow (or face an inquisition if they don't) they can.
And opening up neutral alignment allows for grayguard like characters without the need for another class.

I'll definitely take you ideas for the Fighter into account though. It could do with some mobility. In particular I'm think of allowing them to make a full attack, at a -2 penalty, as a standard action.

Ah, Backgrounds and Occupations. I'm familiar with Pathfinder classes, but that's mostly because I use them for ideas in my homebrew sometimes. Actually, my races rewrite, if you check my signature below, has backgrounds in it if you want to look at them. I suppose my two rewrites go better together than I realized.

And onto your suggestions Just to Browse. I don't have a problem giving the Paladin flight, but I don't think it fits into the Blackguard as well. Maybe Dimension Door, or something more like Flicker probably, for the Blackguard as the counterpart to the Paladin's flight?

And Healing Hands, as written, already does remove the stunned condition. I'd rather not keep them as chargers though. It's such an easy build to do with feats I don't think removing that aspect from the class makes it that difficult to build anyway.

I don't see how the Rogue is nerfed at all. The damage dealt by sneak attack was the only thing reduced, but now it functions against a much wider base of creatures and they get it to every attack of opportunity (in addition to against flatfooted foes).
Evasion is amped up, it works against more things than damage, and the rogue gains both the ability to hide in plain sight and sense traps without even searching for them. Not to mention the new list of special abilities.

You might be able to argue that the Ranger is weaker because of the lack of spells, but it has a nearly full level Druid, as the Player's Handbook version, companion.
You don't think the two working in tandem makes it a viable character? If not what can I add to the Ranger to make it more viable.

2013-05-11, 08:21 PM
No thoughts? I was hoping to get a critique and finish these up before I posted more of them.