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View Full Version : Traps in space [Not really in space... WELL technically... just read the thread...]

2013-04-30, 10:48 PM
How much space does a trap take up? I am considering making a self resetting boon spell-trap of Unfetted Heroism and wearing it around my neck so it triggers every turn.

This is 3.5

2013-05-01, 03:33 AM
You can do that. Magic traps have no pre-set size. And by RAW, it's free, since "A spell trap has a cost only if the builder must hire an NPC spellcaster to cast it."

Otherwise talk to your GM:smalltongue:

2013-05-01, 09:17 PM
What trap rules are you getting boon ru... Dungeonscape, right?

The DMG2 has rules on spell turrets, but don't tell exactly the cost. But, it does say it's a tiny sized object that you can design. If you're using dungeonscape, I think that it's your choice.

However, yeah, you could wear it, like a custom item. Ask the DM, as rockdeworld said. It leads to seriously awesome and cheesy comboes, especially after doing the spell turret one and having it launch 4 different buffs.

2013-05-02, 03:13 AM
And this is why the trap rules are in the DMG. They are ridiculously easy to abuse in a player's hands.

Personally, I see trap "prices" as a guideline to the level of difficulty they might represent, not as catalogue prices for when people (PCs or NPCs) in the campaign go shopping.

2013-05-02, 09:24 AM

this is the first i have ever heard of this. i love it. as i love all of 3.5's shenanigans.

can someone break this down for me?

Would i have to be a trapsmith to make this work or would anyone with craft/magic be able to do this?

would i be able to not only use a Boon trap but a Spell trap as well to cast nonsense on people (if i was wearing it and triggered it to do so)?

2013-05-02, 09:42 AM
And this is why the trap rules are in the DMG. They are ridiculously easy to abuse in a player's hands.

Personally, I see trap "prices" as a guideline to the level of difficulty they might represent, not as catalogue prices for when people (PCs or NPCs) in the campaign go shopping.
Uh... they are also in the DMG2 and Dungeonscape, for complex traps. But, yeah, traps prices should be guidelines.

GutterFace, this is up to your DM at best. Apparently, you probably need ranks in Craft (trapsmithing) for mechanical, and you need access to spells in order to do spell traps, and requisite caster levels. My favorite thing to do with traps is not to use them like custom magic items, but rather to make booby traps (DMG2). They are mechanical, realistic minor nuisances, but are awesome when you fight tactically. Things like tripwires, powdered dust canisters, disarming grabbers... Best of all, it takes only a minute (or 1 round if you hasten it) to set up. Works well in an ambush.

2013-05-02, 10:00 AM
Uh... they are also in the DMG2 and Dungeonscape, for complex traps. But, yeah, traps prices should be guidelines.

GutterFace, this is up to your DM at best. Apparently, you probably need ranks in Craft (trapsmithing) for mechanical, and you need access to spells in order to do spell traps, and requisite caster levels. My favorite thing to do with traps is not to use them like custom magic items, but rather to make booby traps (DMG2). They are mechanical, realistic minor nuisances, but are awesome when you fight tactically. Things like tripwires, powdered dust canisters, disarming grabbers... Best of all, it takes only a minute (or 1 round if you hasten it) to set up. Works well in an ambush.

Very interesting. if i made them small, grenade like items, would i be able to essentially "toss" them onto an opponents square and have them go off?
i feel like a smart DM would circumvent a trap just laying around hahah

2013-05-02, 10:19 AM
Uh... they are also in the DMG2 and Dungeonscape, for complex traps. But, yeah, traps prices should be guidelines.

GutterFace, this is up to your DM at best.
This from the guy whose name is Fleshraker Abuse :smalltongue:

Yes, GutterFace, exactly. This is one of the less-well-defined-more-abusable parts of 3.5, and one of the (optional) bases for the Tippyverse, which is a great campaign setting template. The exact rules for a player to create traps are: 1. have the Craft Wondrous Items feat, and 2. be able to cast (or hire an NPC to cast) the prerequisite spell.

If a player character wants to design and construct a magic trap, he must have the Craft Wondrous Item feat. In addition, he must be able to cast the spell or spells that the trap requires—or, failing that, he must be able to hire an NPC to cast the spells for him.
Once you have done that, you can create traps at 0 cost. With no defined length of time to craft it, no defined size, and no defined restrictions.

Hence automatic-resetting infinite-uses-per-day Create Food And Water traps.

2013-05-02, 10:24 AM
this is hilarious and at the same time scary.

it's always good to know these things as i often DM our 3.5 games. and i hate to get hoodwinked!

thanks for the help!

2013-05-02, 11:22 AM
Slightly related: I hear about the Tippyverse a lot. Is there a nice simple list of all the stuff in it, or a big ol' post describing it, or something?

2013-05-02, 04:22 PM
This from the guy whose name is Fleshraker Abuse.

Hey, I've never actually used that combo! The only reason I started to think munckin one day was because my pissed-off DM threw Drizz't against our 2nd level party in the middle of Burning Plague.

From that day, I vowed to be ready. EAT 2d6*4 DEX DAMAGE!

Back to the thing, I suggest that you explain to the DM about this before trying it. It's more fun to do something like the booby trap, though; using a tanglefoot bag or caltrops is a good investment.

EDIT: To gazzien, the tippyverse guide? These 3.5 forums.

2013-05-02, 08:11 PM
Slightly related: I hear about the Tippyverse a lot. Is there a nice simple list of all the stuff in it, or a big ol' post describing it, or something?
Yes there is. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222007) :smallsmile:

2013-05-02, 09:18 PM
Yes there is. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222007) :smallsmile:

AH! thank you, this is perfect...

2013-05-02, 09:39 PM
You can do that. Magic traps have no pre-set size. And by RAW, it's free, since "A spell trap has a cost only if the builder must hire an NPC spellcaster to cast it."

Otherwise talk to your GM:smalltongue:
You're confusing a Spell Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#spellTrapCost) with a Magic Device Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#magicDeviceTrapCost). A spell trap is something like Snare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/snare.htm), Explosive Runes (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/explosiveRunes.htm), Fire Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fireTrap.htm) (which has an expensive material component - specific trumps general, after all), Spike Stones (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spikeStones.htm), and the like.

A Magic Device trap is turning a normal spell (such as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Glitterdust, or what-have-you) into a trap. That does have a cost.

2013-05-02, 09:59 PM
One day I will be in the right game to use True Strike, a Bard Cohort, Knowledge Devotion, Wraith Strike, Discipline weapons abuse and a couple of other tricks I'll think of later on a full BAB chassie to have a character that can afford to Full Power Attack + Full Stone Power + Full Greater Combat Expertise, on every attack he makes, no exceptions.

And then fluff it as such a ferocious fighting style that every swing is extremely punishing to take and also serves to jam the crap out of the other guys offense. Might add Robilars Gambit and Karmatic Strike for the "And if you swing at him at all he's gonna go well out of his way to punish you for it."

2013-05-02, 10:05 PM
You're confusing a Spell Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#spellTrapCost) with a Magic Device Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/traps.htm#magicDeviceTrapCost). A spell trap is something like Snare (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/snare.htm), Explosive Runes (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/explosiveRunes.htm), Fire Trap (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/fireTrap.htm) (which has an expensive material component - specific trumps general, after all), Spike Stones (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/spikeStones.htm), and the like.

A Magic Device trap is turning a normal spell (such as Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Glitterdust, or what-have-you) into a trap. That does have a cost.
Good point, I was wrong. Setting a spell as a trap may be free, but making it automatic-resetting appears to be only applicable to magic device traps.

One day I will be in the right game to use True Strike, a Bard Cohort, Knowledge Devotion, Wraith Strike, Discipline weapons abuse and a couple of other tricks I'll think of later on a full BAB chassie to have a character that can afford to Full Power Attack + Full Stone Power + Full Greater Combat Expertise, on every attack he makes, no exceptions.

And then fluff it as such a ferocious fighting style that every swing is extremely punishing to take and also serves to jam the crap out of the other guys offense. Might add Robilars Gambit and Karmatic Strike for the "And if you swing at him at all he's gonna go well out of his way to punish you for it."
In that campaign you might be fighting against an ECL 2 symbiotic creature that's immune to everything and counterattacks for NI damage :smallamused: