View Full Version : replacing ability mods (skills) (pf,3.x,etc)

2013-05-01, 11:33 AM
so i have run into the problem in the campaign where the DM is breaking out stealthy bastards, and thanks to most of the party being the type to max out spot and listen i decided to go easy on that area, figuring between a nice HP pool and a decent AC i would be ok. i am the party's heavy hitter and i can't seem to find any of the enemies to hit which is really hurting the party.

all my other stats are pretty good so i was wondering if there was some way to switch out one of them as my ability mod for the wisdom based skills.

i don't want to be taking a whole lot of level dips and would prefer to take none at all if it can be avoided. i would also like it to be a constant thing where i don't have to worry about being able to the star night sky or some other bs like that.

from highest to lowest my stats are CHA & CON, STR & INT, DEX, WIS

any help would be great and thanks for the info

2013-05-01, 01:05 PM
Glitterdust imposes -40 to hide for creatures in the affected area. Good times.

Corpse Candle (Sorc/Wiz 3, SpC) automatically reveals hidden objects and creatures.

Scent and other alternative senses like Tremorsense and Mindsight don't give two rusty coppers about your Hide check.