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View Full Version : Sorcerers component substitution (Help Needed)

2006-11-24, 01:37 PM
I don't want sorcerers to have to use spell components in my next campaign.

I need ideas on remplace the spells components for the sorcerer class.

What first came to my mind is to use the "Blood Component" system from the "Tainted Sorcerer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/campaigns/taint.htm#taintedSorcerer)".

But I'll like to hear other alternatives.


Mortia De Luna Draco
2006-11-24, 01:47 PM
Using the feat eshew materials is always an option. Of course, if your the DM, you can just say it, and there you go...

2006-11-24, 01:50 PM
The problem with eshew materials is that only works with components that have no cost.

2006-11-24, 02:14 PM
Usually the materials with a cost have a good purpose, though.

Would you like your characters to be able to cast Clone or Trap the Soul or any potentially game-changing spell, for free, with no need for preparations whatsoever?

2006-11-24, 02:15 PM
You are the DM, correct? Well then make it a house rule that within this game/series of games sorcerers don't have to have any materials. simple as that.

2006-11-24, 02:39 PM
I would suggest removing all components that have no cost, and have spellcasters pay XP instead of gold for the more costly spells. I believe that the rate is 5 gp for 1 xp.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-11-24, 03:09 PM
I had a thread about something similar a while back.

The beginning of the thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10966) and the final result (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10966#20).

2006-11-24, 05:22 PM
Usually the materials with a cost have a good purpose, though.

Would you like your characters to be able to cast Clone or Trap the Soul or any potentially game-changing spell, for free, with no need for preparations whatsoever?

I know, thatīs why the tainted sorcerer takes damage instead of the components.

I had a thread about something similar a while back.

The beginning of the thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10966) and the final result (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10966#20).

Thats a good alternative. Thanks.:smallbiggrin:

Any other possibilities?

2006-11-24, 06:10 PM
what about this one?

Every time a sorcerer casts a spell with components, she must make a fortitude save dc= 15 + spell level, If she fails she takes damage equal to (cost of components)/100. If she succseds she takes only half damage.

The sorcerer in this campaing may have fortitude instead of will as good save.

2006-11-24, 06:41 PM
BoED states that a sacrifice of 1 XP for 5 gp's worth of material components is reasonable.

Of course, BoED's hellishly broken, so don't even get 50 ft. near it! :smalltongue:

Don't know what you would do with foci, though.

2006-11-28, 05:37 PM
how about making the sorcerer use magical creatures blood to power its spells? example blink would require blink dogs blood, displacement a displacer beasts blood. it may be more material components, but i kind of like the idea that the sorcerer extracts the vital fluids from a monster the party has defeated. the problem is when the sorcerer wants to cast wish, what blood would the sorc need?

2006-11-28, 05:43 PM
Pit Fiend or Efreet.

Lord Iames Osari
2006-11-28, 06:09 PM
But then you're just changing the material component from one thing to another (and even adding one where there wasn't before; wish has only a V component). The goal is to get away from material components.

2006-11-28, 06:23 PM
(and even adding one where there wasn't before; wish has only a V component). The goal is to get away from material components.

oops. i thought wish required a material component. i thought that making a sorc into a blood mage would be good. imagine the party defeating some great magical beast, then the sorc extracting the beasts blood and is able to cast that beasts special ability. the wish thing was an off hand remark. wizards cast magic by using symbols of the spell (crystal rod and fur for lightning seems pretty good.), while the variant sorc uses the blood of defeated monsters to cast its spells. the variant sorc could even cast mind blast if the party defeats an illithid. maybe this could be a nice variant sorc with its own thread. the magic is in the blood and blood contains the magic of the monster

2006-11-28, 06:36 PM
I like the sacrifice experience at 1 exp per 5 gp cost for the spells. Sorcerers cast magic as if it were an art, they put themselves into their spells instead of casting like a science, with properly measured ingredients and gestures. That fits the bill fairly well, and they should be able to cast spells without costly material components normally, as if they had the eschew material component feat.

The only spells that need an exception to the rule are those that require a piece of a person, such as clone, where the material component is wholly justified.

2006-11-29, 10:36 AM
oops. i thought wish required a material component. i thought that making a sorc into a blood mage would be good. imagine the party defeating some great magical beast, then the sorc extracting the beasts blood and is able to cast that beasts special ability. the wish thing was an off hand remark. wizards cast magic by using symbols of the spell (crystal rod and fur for lightning seems pretty good.), while the variant sorc uses the blood of defeated monsters to cast its spells. the variant sorc could even cast mind blast if the party defeats an illithid. maybe this could be a nice variant sorc with its own thread. the magic is in the blood and blood contains the magic of the monster

That's sound like an interesting concept for a sorcerer prestige class.

2006-11-29, 06:08 PM
nocte, its actually a variant sorc i created. the post is already up and running. although, the ability to cast PLAs (like the illithids mindblast) would require a PrC

did i use the right name for psionic like abilities? any chance of someone converting mind blast into an arcane spell? my guess would be that it is tainted with psionic energy