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View Full Version : Combat Dentist-3.5 & Pf

2013-05-01, 10:38 PM
Hello GitP!

The goal of this thread is to make a class based on dentistry in combat, revolving around forcible removal of enemies teeth, anesthesia, and generally causing as much pain and fear as possible. A high grapple score will be needed, possibly a faster way to pin people as well.

"This will be the last time you bite off more than you can chew!"-Dr. Marlow, Combat Dentist.

2013-05-01, 10:42 PM
...this had better be part of a plot to make a 3.5 version of "Little Shop of Horrors."

2013-05-02, 11:32 AM
If you want to cause as much pain and fear as possible, you shouldn't use anesthesia.

2013-05-02, 11:46 AM

2013-05-02, 12:11 PM
Fun fact: The only thing the nerve endings in your teeth can actually feel is pain. Heat, cold, pressure, it's all pain to teeth.

This was shared with me by my dentist shortly after he electrocuted my tooth to see if it was sensitive.

2013-05-02, 12:24 PM
Some random ideas...

Teeth Pulling (Ex): You grab and twist your target's teeth to force it into submission. You ignore any size modifiers to Grapple checks when attempting to establish a hold or deal damage as part of a grapple. Opponents you grapple with this ability cannot make bite attacks or cast spells with Verbal components (or use other abilities that involve the use of their mouths).

Oral Hygiene (Ex): Your mouth is pristine. You are immune to all forms of ingested poisons, and add your class level to the caster level of any potion you consume. This bonus can allow the potion to exceed level-based caps on its effects.

Beyond Perfect Teeth (Ex): As a combat dentist, your teeth are straight, white...and battle-tested. You gain a bite attack as a primary natural weapon, dealing 1d6 points of damage per three class levels. Your bite is considered a two-handed weapon. You may add fillings, crowns, and similar dental work to your teeth, which can be made of special materials or enchanted normally.

Laughing Gas (Ex): Once per encounter, you can create a ten-foot radius cloud of laughing gas as a standard action. The cloud lasts for one round per three class levels (minimum one round). Anyone who begins its turn in the cloud must make a Fortitude save or suffer the effects of a Hideous Laughter spell. This is a poison effect rather than a mind-affecting compulsion.

2013-05-02, 01:07 PM
You'd need a drill item that makes that horrid high-pitched WHRRRRRRRRRRRRZZZRZZRRZZRRRRRRZZZZZ sound. Any who hear it have to make willpower saves or take fear penalties.

2013-05-02, 02:28 PM
Bite attacks made against you provoke AoO.

2013-05-02, 08:01 PM
At class level 10 you gain a special nurse assistant cohort.


2013-05-02, 08:53 PM
Inspired by Mo-Larr, Eternian Dentist? :smallamused:

2013-05-02, 10:09 PM
Teeth Pulling (Ex): You grab and twist your target's teeth to force it into submission. You ignore any size modifiers to Grapple checks when attempting to establish a hold or deal damage as part of a grapple. Opponents you grapple with this ability cannot make bite attacks or cast spells with Verbal components (or use other abilities that involve the use of their mouths).

Oral Hygiene (Ex): Your mouth is pristine. You are immune to all forms of ingested poisons, and add your class level to the caster level of any potion you consume. This bonus can allow the potion to exceed level-based caps on its effects.

Beyond Perfect Teeth (Ex): As a combat dentist, your teeth are straight, white...and battle-tested. You gain a bite attack as a primary natural weapon, dealing 1d6 points of damage per three class levels. Your bite is considered a two-handed weapon. You may add fillings, crowns, and similar dental work to your teeth, which can be made of special materials or enchanted normally.

Laughing Gas (Ex): Once per encounter, you can create a ten-foot radius cloud of laughing gas as a standard action. The cloud lasts for one round per three class levels (minimum one round). Anyone who begins its turn in the cloud must make a Fortitude save or suffer the effects of a Hideous Laughter spell. This is a poison effect rather than a mind-affecting compulsion.
Now we are getting somewhere. Being a melee class based on grappling, lets give him some nice things when grappling. Potentially an easier way to pin someone, and nice things he can do when they are pinned. Ability score damage from having teeth pulled? Extra bonuses based on how many teeth he has pulled in the encounter or in career total? Other status conditions based on teeth pulled? Bonuses against disease because of operating in a sterile environment? A continual silence effect from incorrect brace application?

Ideally, this guy should pin you to the ground, do something bad involving dentistry or tooth loss, and move on to the next. If this fails, he should be in some deep doo-doo, similar to how a rogue engages. He should not be a combat brawler round after round, but one scary dude to go up against.

2013-05-02, 10:15 PM
At class level 10 you gain a special nurse assistant cohort.


dont forget the mask.


2013-05-03, 07:31 AM
Now we are getting somewhere. Being a melee class based on grappling, lets give him some nice things when grappling. Potentially an easier way to pin someone, and nice things he can do when they are pinned. Ability score damage from having teeth pulled? Extra bonuses based on how many teeth he has pulled in the encounter or in career total? Other status conditions based on teeth pulled? Bonuses against disease because of operating in a sterile environment? A continual silence effect from incorrect brace application?

Ideally, this guy should pin you to the ground, do something bad involving dentistry or tooth loss, and move on to the next. If this fails, he should be in some deep doo-doo, similar to how a rogue engages. He should not be a combat brawler round after round, but one scary dude to go up against.

Have some more ideas!

Ex: Battle dentistry:
Whenever you are grappling or being grappled by a creature with teeth, you can, instead of the normal actions you can use while grappling, apply your “doctorate” to it’s teeth. If the check is successful, you cause bleed damage equal to half your class level; that can be stanched as normal. This does not stack with itself, but does stack with other sources of bleeding. In addition:

If the creature has a bite attack, its damage dice for it goes down by one size, and it can only apply it’s normal strength modifier on that attack. If you succeed by 5 or more, it goes down an additional size for each 5 over the limit, and it can only use half it’s normal strength modifier on it. If this takes the dmage dice for the bite attack below 1d4, it can no longer be used. In addition, the creature must make a fortitude save against the D.C of any poisons, diseases, or other effects delivered with it’s bite: if it fails, the effect can no loger be transmitted as the relevant anatomy is too damaged. This latter effect applies even if the effect is a supernatural ablity.

If the creature could use speak, or use spells or spell-like abilities, it now has a -4 penalty on speech/mouth based diplomacy intimidate, perform, and bluff checks, as well as a 20% spell failure chance for audible-component spells due to excessive dentistry. This stacks with the penalty for deafness as well. If you succeed on the grapple check by 5 or more, you can stop a target from speaking and casting spells with audio components full-stop, and also give them a 20% failure chance for ALL spells, due to sheer agony.

If the target has a breath weapon, they must make fortitude save equal to their own breath-weapon D.C in order to use it: otherwise, it scalds their own teeth too much for them to do it properly. They still waste their action and their breath-weapon charge if they try and fail.

These additional penalties can be removed if after stanching the bleeding; the target can make a fortitude save against the original grapple check. They can also be removed by appropriate magics, like regenerate.
In addition, you can make a grapple check against the original battle-dentist’s check result in order to undo these effects, should you so desire.

edit: Just realised this is kind of redundant: just choose the version you like.

Creatures whom you succeed on a grapple check against must make a fort save with a D.C equal to your grapple check result, or be stunned for 1 round. At Xth level this increased to d6 rounds.
In addition, you can make an intimidate check as a free action whenever you make a grapple check, and you get a 4+ bonus on this check when doing so.

Ex: “OPEN WIDE! ” :
You get the grab special ability, and can use it with unarmed attacks, tripping/disarming weapons, and special dentist weapons.
You can use it against creatures up to one size-category bigger than you are, and with lager creatures for a -2 penatly to the check for every size-category over large.

Ex: Beyond Pearly-Whites:
Your teeth are shiny. REALLY freaking shiny.
Whenever you open your mouth, nearby creatures must make a reflex save or be dazzled by the blinding glory of your teeth. If they fail by 5 or more, they are blinded instead. Each round after the first, they must make a fortitude save against the same D.C to adjust to the light and recover.

Ex: Skin of yer teeth:
a number of times a day equal to your int modifier, you may entirely avoid an effect on a succeful save as if you had evasion/stalwart, or take half the effect of one on a failed save as if you had improved evasion/stalwart.
In addition, any-time you use battle dentistry, you can spend one of these charges to automatically succeed on a grapple check by 5, delivering the effect as per normal.

...Granted, this probably take him too far into direct brawler, but oh well.
Relevant, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOtMizMQ6oM) and also relevant (http://scythemantis.deviantart.com/art/Doctor-Dementist-363266705), and somewhat relevant (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIP-_HvKC1U) as well.

2013-05-03, 01:50 PM
Elven Dentist (They Said It Could Never Be!)

I'd take a look at Kellus' Grautsman for ideas.

2013-05-03, 02:02 PM
Battle Dentists are familiar with all Simple weapons and weapons of dentistry including light pick, heavy pick, light hammer and warhammer.


2013-05-03, 02:10 PM
Ex:By Appointment Only: The Dentist may not be acted against in a surprise round before he has had the chance to act, as though he has had sanctuary cast on him by a cleric of his Dentist level. A Dentist is never caught flat-footed by the virtue of losing initiative.

2013-05-03, 06:29 PM
Somebody please blend these together into a class. Please.