View Full Version : IC: Avengers: HEROIC

2013-05-02, 08:43 PM

With the rest of the Avengers fighting Thanos off world, it is left to a select few to take up the mantle and protect the world from evil! Someone - or something - is utterly decimating military bases in third world countries. SHIELD has been tasked with investigating the attacks, however their efforts have come up short. Director Maria Hill has asked a newly formed team of Avengers to help solve the mystery and bring the perpetrator(s) to justice!

You have been summoned to the Helicarrier. Originally designed by Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Forge, the Helicarrier serves as a massive aerial base of operations for SHIELD. The ship is bristling with weapons and always has a small army of active agents going to and fro. The Helicarrier boasts STATE-OF-THE-ART MONITORING FACILITIES that are used to track criminal actives anywhere across the globe.

You each arrived in separate Flying Cars, which are a mainstay of SHIELD's armory. You are escorted through the Helicarrier's corridors (some with more heavily armed and numerous escorts than others). You are brought before the recently promoted Director of SHIELD - Maria Hill. Her office is large in scope and comes with one heck of a view... Only it would be if her office were any where near the hull. You quickly realize that the "windows" are actually massive computer monitors that are simply projecting images from the clear blue skies above New York City.

The office is EERILY QUIET.

Director Hill sits with her feet propped up on her large, obsidian desk. A copy of the Daily Bugle encompass her entire body save for her feet and her fingers. The Headline reads, "SPIDER-MAN ABANDONS NEW YORK!" A picture of John Jonah Jameson is emblazoned beneath the headline. He's grinning ear to ear with a massive stogie stuck between his teeth.

From behind the newspaper you hear an authoritative voice command, "Sit down. We have business to discuss."

Conveniently there are six steel chairs laid out before her desk.

She pauses for a moment to allow you to sit (or not).

"Now, we all know the real Avengers and the X-Men and almost every other cape decided to jet off into space to fight Thanos. That leaves Earth pretty vulnerable, wouldn't you say?" Her finger tense up, crinkling her newspaper.

"Well, I aim to correct that. This world needs Avengers... Perhaps not the classic goodie-too-shoes Avengers but an Avengers team none the less. I have called each of you in because you are the best at what you do and, like Wolverine's catch phrase, what you do isn't very nice."

Maria taps an unseen button on her desk with her left foot. Suddenly the massive monitors switch displays, all four walls are covered with images of smoking ruins.

"Someone - or something - is attacking military bases in third world countries. From Indonesia to Nigeria, from Zimbabwe to Turkmenistan - all completely decimated. There's nothing linking these attacks other than they are located in the eastern hemisphere. There hasn't been any terrorist or super villain chatter on the net or through our (admittedly, disreputable) underworld contacts. Someone is pulling off a major attack against the governments of the world and no one knows whose behind it."

2013-05-02, 09:31 PM
Natasha Romanov was still in her cocktail dress, her hair only recently undone from the stylish bun that it was in mere hours ago. She was pulled from her deep cover job in Croatia, sniffing down a Hydra Cell when the summons came. Escaping the party was a hairy encounter, but she was in worse spots in the past.

Through out the chopper ride (which then transferred to the Flying Car transport), she was escorted straight to Assistant Deputy Hill...

Correction: _DIRECTOR_ Hill. Seems like alot have changed, since she was on assignment.

She didn't take a seat, at least, not immediately. Taking the suit case from a nearby SHIELD Agent, she momentarily ignored the others in the room and walked to a conveniently placed partition that she walked behind. Some rustling and zipping was heard as Natasha began changing into her business attire. All the while, listening to Hill.

From behind the partition she would walk out, her body now in the iconic skin tight uniform. Her .45 strapped to one thigh, her Widow Bracelets around each wrists, and her hair now flowing with much more freedom then she was use too (she allowed the hair to grow long due to her assignment.

She was silent for now, studying the vid screens and the devastation. Hit and Run tactics? Maybe inside jobs, perhaps? With out more intel, the sky was the limit here...

2013-05-03, 02:04 AM
"This must be important...a room full of killers isn't a trifling matter." Leaning in her chair, boots on the edge of the desk, the young woman flicks her head to part the long hair from in front of her face. She's slightly-tanned, and the said boots are well-cared for, suited for combat. Being taken out of study hall, though, Laura Kinney, better known as X-23, is wearing black cargos and a white-and-black striped tank-top. Eyes of piercing green look over Maria Hill, the Director.

Best at what they do, huh? Logan was a bit apt, in that. She listens to the sounds as the other woman changes - Black Widow. They've been acquainted before...most notably when taking down the Iron Maniac. If she's here, and Laura herself is here, the nature of this is one of espionage. Secrecy. Elimination. Then there's Power Man. Luke Cage. Part of her wonders how well his famed resistance can withstand her claws - but she pushes this deep down.

She's not as familiar with the other men, but she's given as wide a berth in choice of seating as she can to be away from Emma. The woman still considers her dangerous, and perhaps she is. Maybe she would kill everyone in this room. But she's at least going to make the most of what S.H.I.E.L.D. needs her for. They actually considered her, out of all the other choices. Good thing? Maybe. Seeing as Logan, Wolverine, has already been mentioned...

...well. She's most likely just the alternative to the regenerating, adamantium-clawed hero they actually need. But he's off where she can't watch, which irks her. He's going to go off and get killed. And then she's nobody's clone. Just a failed experiment.

"...what kind of equipment will we be provided?"

2013-05-03, 10:05 AM

Not Real Avengers who does she think we are? Me, Luke Cage, Black Widow we've definitely earned our right to be called Avengers. Falcon thought to himself. He would have spoken his mind if he wasn't in front of everyone else. The last thing he needed was to be perceived as a whinny child by all the newcomers. And he understood that team building started now.

Falcon sat in one of the steel chairs but not completely relaxed since his flight harness was impeding him from relaxing. Not like this chair is comfortable anyways. He was dressed in his typical red and white outfit his wings spread over the chair. His pet falcon Rewing zoomed over the helicarrier keeping an eye out for Falcon. Whatever Redwing could see Falcon could as well and so far no impending danger could be perceived. He didn't know how well he could trust his new team mates. Some he had already met and some he had only heard of. Additionally, he didn't really trust Maria Hill all that much, the woman always seemed and acted like somebody had just punched her in the face.

This seems like a very pressing matter. I have over six billion pairs of eyes in the United States alone since I'm able to link-up with other birds. If we can figure out the next area of attack I might be able to figure out who our attacker is. Has there been any intelligence uncovered? Are there any leads? Falcon spoke out loud.

2013-05-03, 11:30 AM
Maria Hill still hides behind her Newspaper, unflinching and unmoving.

"Of course we have leads but none of them are reliable. The attacks take too long for them to be simple bombings. No, the terrorists are definitely looking for.... Something. Unfortunately, they have a habit of destroying the entire base after they've finished their search."

Maria flicks another button with her foot. The monitors change once more to show you a dark skinned man lying in a hospital bed. He is bloodied and bruised. Looks like he went through one heck of pounding. The man is attached to all sorts of machines, definitely not a good sign.

"One of the military bases attacked in Nigeria had a sole survivor. He apparently had the wherewithal to carve the word 'blue' into his left forearm, before something pounded him into a 10 inch thick concrete wall. The majority of his bones are broken. He's brain dead and in a coma. We were hoping Ms. Frost could use her powers to delve into his mind and retrieve any information. I'm sure they will just be fragments, at best, but any lead is a lead at this point."

The Director shifts her weight slightly before continuing, "As for equipment, you will be given a modified Quinjet," her voice turns a bit (perhaps only a tiny, miniscule amount) playful, "You wouldn't be Avengers without one me thinks."

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-03, 12:23 PM
Standing rather than sitting, the woman in white was a striking figure wherever she was. And this was no different even in the heart of a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. Stunning, physically flawless, and breathtaking in her cold beauty, she was a woman who commanded attention. So did her clothing, which as usual for the Xavier School Professor, left very little to the imagination. But, of course, she preferred it that way.

Emma crossed her arms, a mild smirk gracing her smooth and immaculate lips. Maria's comments were more amusing than anger inducing, and she was happy to play along for now. The only things worth worrying about so far were that the students didn't manage to blow up the school while she was gone, and, of course, the clone on the other side of the room. One Wolverine was bad enough. Two? That was just inviting disaster. Still, the girl knew her place and kept out of Emma's way, for which she was eternally grateful.

Turning her attention back to Maria Hill, her smile saccharine sweet, "So good of you to finally accept the help of your betters, at least, Maria. It's certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone needs help sometimes. Well," A light chuckle danced free, "Almost everyone. What are you reading, if you don't mind my asking. It must be a very scintillating article."

2013-05-03, 12:49 PM
Maria allows the paper to flop down, revealing her youthful, vibrant, passionate, pretty face. She smiles curtly at Emma as she replies, "Oh this? Just drivel from New York. The latest fashions and whatnot." Her eyes run up and down Emma's body, "Obviously something you wouldn't be interested in."

2013-05-03, 02:58 PM
"..." Stealing the show. Bitch. She looks over at Frost, talking down upon Miss Hill. They were both good-looking women.

Laura decides she'll ask the more important question, before things get out of hand. "I wasn't exactly thinking of transportation. S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for some very technologically-advanced weaponry - the least we could receive are some firearms. Infiltration equipment. Stealth and stopping power are both important, until we know what we're up against." She's practical about things - and she doesn't want to be unprepared for something taking down entire bases singlehandedly.

Blue...blue...what could it be?

2013-05-03, 04:22 PM
Sitting at the back and watching the scene, Frank Castle was reminded why preferred to work alone. A teams like this made so poorly in response to the next big threat can blow up at anytime if it hasn't already by Frost and X-23. Something he could use in time. At least the girl reminded him why he didn't mind working together with certain individuals, most notably her predecessor.

But this was taking up too much of his time and Castle wanted it done with fast. He had real work to do than to play Avengers. "I'm surprised SHIELD doesn't already know what's going on." Fury would have already known by now, with reliable sources too because "I don't believe in mind reading nonsense" especially from a former criminal.

"Just send me and the ruskie out and we'll get solid intel in two weeks" he suggested, referring to the Black Widow. Following up on the leads may be quite liberating from dealing with this troublesome group. "After that with Logan's princess and some heavy ordinance, we'll make sure they won't be anyone's problem within the month."

And the sooner the better. This is taking him out of the work that really needed doing and for good reason. Forget about what SHIELD and Hill wanted from him, these events have made the mission a lot harder with the underworld and authorities spooked.

2013-05-03, 05:22 PM
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

It was a cartoon that always held a soft spot for Natasha. She liked Charlie Brown, so sue her.

The point, was that everyone may as well had been the adults in Charlie Brown's world, making the 'Warghn Warghn" sound. Her focus was stolen by the Shield agent who was on the screen. A vegetable. And one with a recognizable face.

There was a reason she was a loner a majority of the time. She hated sacrifices. She hated to see friends or even people she knew get churned up by the evils of this planet. People who knew Natasha... _really_ knew her, people like Matt Murdoch or Clint Barton, even Nick Fury, they respected her distance. They knew she couldn't handle close relationships for just this very reason.

Even Steve respected it, thus allowing her to relinquish her leadership of the Avengers back to him. She wasn't worthy of being on ANY Avengers team after her failiure of leadership. And she was so sure that she wouldn't ever be a part of another one...

But to see a teammate fighting for his life like that... clinging to a shred of living... it turned her stomach. She wanted to nail these scumbags. Now.

Frank's comments were the first words she registered since she zoned out and when her attention returned, the gravity and desperation of the situation hit her.

Frank Castle. The Punisher. The only reason SHIELD hadn't threw him in a cell was because he provided Fury with favors. Fury isn't here and Hill don't play well with Vigilantees. Were things that desperate?

It wasn't just him... Laura Kinney, X-23. Emma Frost, White Queen. Two more red flags. Laura made sense... Wolverine was probably with the strike force fighting Thanos.

But Emma... a Telepath who could be reading all of their minds right now. And then use the information for her own benefit to boot.

The only person that wasn't a wild card was Falcon. He actually has official SHIELD authorization. Nowhere near the level as her own, but it was something.

Her attention returned to the agent in the hospital and she thought back through her past operations and stings. Her clashes with Hydra, Aim, Al-Quida, anything that would cause the agent to carve 'Blue' into his forearm.

Maybe it wasn't an organization... a Villain? Blue... something? Blue Blazer? No, that was a corny wrestler...

After a few seconds of contemplation, she opened her eyes.

"...if it saves future lives, then we have no choice. We need to find intel, any means necessary. Castle is going to need access to the Armory. Amongst all of us, he knows weapons the best. Falcon is going to need his SHIELD Status bumped up if he's going to be working with me. Ms. Frost will need a psych profile of Agent Stevens so that she can easily enter his mind... Laura... will need to be deputized as a SHIELD Agent. In case things get... messy."

The Wolverine rule. If someone is a temporary Agent of SHIELD, then you can keep them at arms length and cut ties before their handiwork is dumped in SHIELD's lap.

"...Also, I'm going to need a complete inventory comparison of each base. What were they carrying and what do they have in common? By the time we finish in the hospital, is it possible to have the report by then, Director Fury..."

Then she trailed off. She was running on Auto Pilot and forgot that this wasn't Fury... it was Hill.

"...my Apologies. Director Hill."

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-03, 07:19 PM
Emma bit back a venomous comment, disinterested in trading barbs with Nick Fury's stand-in. Her attention drifted to the murderous vigilante and the master assassin, her eyes closing briefly as she realized that she realized the desperate circumstances that had brought together this 'team'. The telepath felt something akin to shame at being apparently being associated with such individuals. Being put on the same level with them was, by far, the harshest thing that Maria could have done, and Emma had no cunning response to that.

Instead, she composed her thoughts, maintaining her cool as she once more opened her eyes to look upon Director Hill, "Psych profile or not, we are wasting time. Take me to this 'survivor' so I can begin working. The sooner I do, the sooner we can deal with this 'Blue'. However, I make no promises. As talented as I am, with a man in his condition, I will be lucky to find any coherent thoughts left."

2013-05-03, 07:29 PM
Maria flashes an icy glare at Frank, "Fury isn't here. You may have liked the cowboy mentality he took with the world of super spies but it got people killed. Look at what happened to New York City when his luck ran out. No, we need a plan of action and we need to stick to it."

Hill allows Romanov to speak her mind, her years of experience have obviously earned her that right. "Agreed. Agent Romanov's plan is sound." The Director puts her straightens her newspaper, leans back and continues her reading. "Get to it Avengers."

Emma heads down to the psych ward to retrieve the psych evaluations of Agent Stevens. The Curator of the records repository is more than helpful. His sideways glances and not-so-subtle gawking attest to Ms. Forst's beauty.

The evaluations and service records state that Mr. Stevens was a forthright, hardworking, ambitious agent. He graduated from Harvard with a degree in Criminology. He has a spotless record and was highly praised by his superiors. In fact come next month they were going to promote him and take him out of the field. Included in the evaluation are several pictures of his civilian life. Mr. Stevens' husband lives in Boston and is a locally renown sculptor of modern art. They have a daughter that they adopted from an orphanage in Madripoor. They also have two Scottish terriers and a Siamese cat.

After devouring the EVALUATIONS AND SERVICE RECORDS, Emma heads down to the medbay, where the mood is SOMBER. Few people talk or enjoy themselves because they know Agent Stevens is nearby, fighting for his life. The private room is spartan and clean. The man winces with each breathe forcibly taken by the life support machines.

You will have to take an action vs. the Doom Pool to peer into the man's mind and retrieve any info.

The materials you have read allow you to push your dice pool with a d6. If you use any of the information from the evaluations in your description, you may upgrade it to a d8.

Frank and X-23 head down to the armory. They are escorted by seven agents, each armed with large caliber pistols. The journey to the armory is very, very quiet. The agents do not utter a word, even when prompted. You can easily tell that the SHIELD Agents do not like the Punisher. In fact they have BARELY HIDDEN CONTEMPT for the man. They do not pay much heed to Laura, save to give her a key card indicating her Temporary Field Agent status. The doors leading to the weapons locker are as thick as they are well defended. automated turrets line the narrow corridor leading to the entrance. It is an obvious kill zone.

The lead Agent swipes his card and has the computer scan both his retina and his finger prints. The massive circular lock wheels open, revealing a TREASURE TROVE of exotic weapons, equipment and vehicles. Every kind of firearm imaginable is housed with in, from Renaissance antiques to Kree blasters. The walls are nearly twenty feet tall and the room over fifty feet long and twenty five wide, all of it overflowing with gadgets.

You may both make an asset if you so desire.

You will have to take an action vs. the Doom Pool to create the asset.

Meanwhile, the Black Widow and the Falcon head up to a secluded spot to sift through the mountain of data available. No escorts are needed for these two as they are SHIELD agents through and through. The conference room is HIGH TECH, filled with computers linked directly to the SHIELD MAINFRAME. With these powerful computers at their side, the work seems that much less daunting.

The attacks have all taken place in the Eastern Hemisphere and have each assaulted a military base. Most of the countries are in what used to be called the Third World, with a few that were inside what once part of the old USSR. None of the attacks have targeted particularly powerful nations. No attacks inside Europe or Oceania. It seems the terrorists have gone out of their way to avoid Western and Sino interests. Over half of the attacks are located Africa but not a single country bordering Wakanda has been targeted. The attacks lead in with bombings, eliminating fortifications, munitions and ordinance. Then, in the confusion, there is a ten minute lull in the bombings, before much larger and more powerful explosions destroy the remainder of the bases. No air traffic or troop movements have been spotted. No out-of-place bags or containers spotted before the assaults began.

Take an action vs. the Doom pool to see if you can decipher where the next attack will occur.

The materials you have read allow you to push your dice pool with a d6. If you use any of the information from your studies in your description, you may upgrade it to a d8.

Additionally, the bases run the gamut from simple supply depots to coastal navy bases to large scale barracks, to air force bases to high tech military research labs. They don't appear to have anything in common.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-03, 07:52 PM
Emma flips silently through Agent Steven's records, ignoring the leering curator. She has felt eyes upon her more times than she could hope to remember, despite a razor sharp intellect, and it had simply become second nature to be the focus of most men's attention.

Taking the files with her to the medbay, she strides imperiously into Agent Steven's room. Sitting down at the chair placed beside his bed, she wasted no time. Placing her hands to her temples, Emma closed her eyes and began the slow process of attempting to establish mental contact with the man. A part of her said that any such contact was impossible, his mind irreparably damaged, while another part whispered hope that there might be something left, maybe just enough to help.

Her voice traveled into his mind, soft and soothing, a rare occurence for the 'Ice Queen', Mr. Stevens, this is Emma Frost. Do not be afraid, I mean you no harm. What I require is your assistance. If you are still here, then let me in. Let me know what you know. You are strong. Be strong, think upon your husband, your daughter, your friends and family. Be strong for them, and tell me what you know, show me what you saw, so that the one who did this to you can be.. dealt with.

Affiliation (Solo): [roll0]
Distinction (No Secrets From Me): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Omega-Class Telepath/Telepathy) [roll2]
Specialties (Psych Master): [roll3]
Bonus Die (Steven's File): [roll4]

Total: 18 (Spending PP to add third die to the total)
Effect Die: d10

2013-05-03, 08:07 PM
Doom Pool[roll0]

2013-05-03, 08:23 PM
Doom Pool (2d6)[9]

Success! With more than 5 above the roll! Well done!

Emma peers deeply into the man's mind. It is a patchwork of memories. They seem to dwell on his Husband... His confidant... His lover. You push beyond the veil and come across a tiny black box. Try though you might, you cannot lift the box, it is far too heavy. Half-heard noises echo around you... "Hu... SH! B... F! N... O!"

Emma notices a tiny lock on the top of the box. She conjures a skeleton key. It slips inside the hole with ease. With a flick of her wrist, the container opens...

You see explosions. Every where. You see people falling to the ground. You hear wailing, crying, begging... Someone is giving orders but... But... He's gone. THUD! You look around... You see a Colonel's body on the ground.... BAM! Another explosion. Very close to you. You are flung to the ground. You can't hear anything now. Just... Ringing. Blood and grit have coated your eyes. Everything is hazy. You think you have a concussion... Though you can't hear it, you are rocked by another explosion... Then you see it. A hazy image of... A behemoth of a man... 8, 9, 10 maybe even 12 feet tall. Muscular... Angry. Blue... His skin is blue. He sees that you're awake. You know you will die. You pull out your combat knife and carve the word blue into your arm... As you finish the "e" the behemoth grabs your torso, squeezes tightly crushing your ribs... You black out for a second... The next thing you know you're falling... Then a giant hand smashes into your face and upper torso. You are pelted backwards... Straight into a building... You feel the thud but then nothing else... You go limp... All you can see is the image of your Husband and daughter, out in your grassy, half-acre backyard... He's barbequing hotdogs... He loves Hotdogs... So does she... You feel content... Happy... Then... Black...

Emma yanks her hands off the man. Suddenly all of the machines start to screech and whine. Doctors rush in. They try their best to save the man but... It is all for not. After four minutes of trying the doctors note the time of death.

2013-05-03, 09:35 PM
Luke nodded his way through the meeting. His mammoth muscular frame glued to the seat while his mind set off wandering. First he thought about his friends fighting for their lives against god knows what at the far end of the galaxy. He wondered if staying out of the fight was the right thing to do. Maybe they’re already dead. He thought to himself before grinding his teeth and rearranging his thoughts.
His mind drifted closer to home. To Jessica and the baby. He mentally listed over a dozen names, none of which met with his approval. She probably already has a great one picked out and just want's to wait 'till the kid is born to tell me.
Seeing everyone get up to go jarred him out of his daydreaming. He tried following the group, but after seeing them split up Cage hung back for a moment. They’ll grab me if they need me he thought before cornering a random SHIELD agent passing by. “Man I’m starving, can you tell me where a fella can get a bite to eat on this bird?”

2013-05-03, 10:38 PM
LOGAN'S PRINCESS? Hah. Clipping her Temp Badge on, she goes along with Castle. Judging from all reactions, he was one kind of mother****er. Nonetheless, she figures they'll probably get along fine, if he's got as much faith in her as a heavy explosive. Which is pretty typical.

Looking over all the things, she gives a long stare at the objects. Eyes darting. There's almost too much to sift through - but something catches her eye exclusively. Is that an Ironman suit? No, it looks more...smooth.

Asset Creation: Starktech Stealth Suit

Affiliation (Solo(only one person can use it)): [roll0]
Scene Distinction (Treasure Trove): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Feral Mutant/Superhuman Senses(to spot it behind everything else)): [roll2]
Specialties (Combat Master(it enhances combat capability)): (1d6)[1]

Total: 12
Effect Die: d8
1 PP to add a 3rd die, and 1 PP to extend the effect.

(Discarded: [roll3])

2013-05-03, 11:34 PM
Natasha said nothing to Falcon. Her focus went straight to the mainframe.

She began simple and basic... Base profiles. Each base was located in areas where you could once call it the third world. It was here that they made a huge mistake: one base in particular was located in the old USSR.

She brought up a separate communication and inquired with some of her contacts over in Russia. Maybe they saw something from another angle?

She continued. Outside of Russia, no other attack on a prominent super power. Either the attacker or attackers were smart... or were politically connected maybe.

She began deep cross referencing, aiming to find a common thread to yank.

Africa... but none near Wakanda? Why avoid the Vibranium?

Natasha is silent and cold, lending no help towards Falcon at all. This wasn't like her, she was usually passionate in her job, not cold. She was known to be cold when the situation warrented, but this was very... uncharacteristic.

POOL: D4, 2D8 (D10), 3D10

SOLO- [D10] [roll0]
SHIELD MAINFRAME: [D8] (Used with Focus)
LEADER: [D4] [roll1]
COVERT MASTER: [D10] [roll2]
PUSH DIE [D8] (Use with Focus)
SFX (FOCUS): [2D8] => [D10] [roll3]

TOTAL: 11; D10 effect

2013-05-03, 11:45 PM
X-23 claws her way through a mountain of Junk to find an old Starktech Stealth Suit. Probably used by Fury back in the good old days when he gallivanted around like a Cowboy Super Spy (or at least that's how Director Hill remembers it). It appears to be battery powered but definitely out of date. Hopefully it still works.



Total: 7!


Aha! The lights on the wristband control panel light up like a Christmas tree! It does work!

2013-05-03, 11:46 PM

Black Widow's cold shoulder did throw Falcon off but he just assumed that she was very interested in finding the culprits. He quickly utilized the Shield Mainframe running various programs and calculations simultaneously. He was becoming very familiar with the Shield programs as well as the Helicarrier, a thought that scared him a little. Running various programs and calculations was no bother since his keen avian vision could easily pick up any clues or errors that the program might render.

Solo [roll0]
Shield Mainframe [roll1]
Enhanced Senses [roll2]
Covert Expert [roll3]

Total= 13
Effect die = d8

2013-05-04, 12:27 AM
In fact...half of it lights up.


Well, Stark is an egomaniac. It's bright right now, but she's learned enough of some of the "obselete" technology to know that a suit like this could really help cause some damage, if you're skilled enough. Disassembling it is a bit trickier, though...well, that's not a bad thing. She pulls it out, looking to the other guy.

"So, 'Castle'...Black Widow mentioned that you know your weaponry. Any suggestions on a decent rifle and sidearm?" She'll defer to him here. It's been a while since she's taken up either, but out of them, her and Natasha were likely to be doing some sniping work. In the meantime, Laura looks over everything, noting the sheer amount of anything they'd want or need.

It's the jackpot.

2013-05-04, 12:36 AM
This one is harder to RP without knowing the results...

Rolling against Black Widow: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

Rolling against Falcon: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Meanwhile back at the cafeteria...

The cafeteria is BRIGHTLY LIT, with lots of panoramic windows encircling area. You can see Avengers Tower from here, including the enigmatic Watchtower that sits atop Stark's building. The Sentry is a complex individual and his personality is directly reflected in the ominous black coloring of his Watchtower...

The is CROWDED with off duty agents, most of whom are devouring their food while scrolling through datapads. All meals are free on the Helicarrier... At least for a well known Super Hero like Luke Cage. There's so much to choose from on the menu, from subs to soups to burgers to "Experimental Energy Drinks". The cashier looks at Luke and says in a nondescript tone, "What'll the big hero have today? Everything's free for my favorite Superhero!" The fiery latina has long raven hair, a buxom bosom and milky brown eyes. Her face is full of cheer, like a true fangirl. Several of the hard nosed agents standing behind Cage snicker at the sight of a SHIELD employee fawning over... Well anyone.

2013-05-04, 01:59 AM
Black Widow realizes that there are three attacks a day. Each occurs 1 hour, 9 minutes and 13 seconds after the previous attack ended, with the first starting at 1:09:13 PM local time. Additionally, on days beginning with a "T" or an "S" the terrorists begin their assaults in Sub-Saharan Africa. On all other days, they start in the Middle-East or in Asia. The pattern... It feels like an Easter Egg... Romanov knows it is, she can feel it. Then it hits her! 1=A, 9=I, 13=M! AIM! A.I.M.!

The Falcon stares at the map. His eagle eyes are sharper, more keen than the average humans. He can deduce visual-based patterns far faster than even a trained professional.

Map of the Attacks: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v614/RHO1/mapofcurrentattacks_zpsdd48caeb.png

He stares at it for long periods of time, while the computer busily crunches numbers for him. Then he sees it! In the far east, the pattern almost looks like an... M... but tilted...? And the pattern in Saudi Arabia and Iran... A lower-case... i...? And in Africa.... A tilted A...? But then there are two outliers... Unless they are incomplete... Or... Periods...? Yes. Yes! They are periods!

He deduces the pattern - it spells A . I . M .!

Map: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v614/RHO1/mapofcurrentattackswithrealization_zps365733dd.png

He plunges into the mainframe and discovers there are three military bases that could finish the pattern, or at least continue it.

- Lac Sele Air Force Base in Benin
- Boka Army Base in the Central African Republic
- Yala Research Facility, a secret facility in Sri Lanka

Map: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v614/RHO1/mapofcurrentattackswithrealizationandthethreemostl ikelyattackpoints_zps76bdd630.png

The two compare notes.

Today is Saturday, so the attack will be start in Sub-Saharan Africa. That means there's a 50/50 shot of intercepting A.I.M. before the first attack begins.

The time in Benin is 11:50. The time in the CAR is 12:50. If the attack is going to occur at Boka, then it will start in 25 minutes and counting.

2013-05-04, 04:05 AM
It made perfect sense, and despite the fact that she cracked the pattern through the times of attacks, she felt like a moron for not discovering what Falcon did. The fact that Wakanda was untouched was the key: It didn't fit the pattern of attack.

In the end, however, it didn't matter.

As Falcon finished showing her his notes, she leaned back in her chair... a mistake, as she now realized that she hadn't slept a decent amount since Croatia. "I'm tempted to suggest letting them attack the next base and then track them back to their source... but I refuse to allow AIM to shed anymore blood. It's time to take the fight to them."

She looked at Falcon. "...anything else to add?"

2013-05-04, 09:08 AM
The Punisher grunted at Hill's response. She may be right that people will get killed but then at least they have a choice although he doubted that Fury would have gone down that easily. Frank understood the man. As long as the mission needed him, he wouldn't allow himself to die that easily.

But the rest of SHIELD by the looks of it shared Hill's sentiments. Not everyone has the stones to do what it takes to get the job done which speaks a lot about Fury's other people which are sidelined like Dugan. Still, as long as they stayed out of the Punisher's way in his war he didn't really care much.

Entering the armory, was kind of like Christmas only the group they were going to hunt now would take a lot more than the mundane weapons and Castle didn't want to risk using something he was not used to in the alien tech. But first thing's first he was going to look for something that has proven useful on more than one occasion. Laura was already getting to work looking for what she wanted but then it was completely different from what Castle was looking for now.

Creating an asset called Pym Particles. Should be no problem since we found Stark Tech here right? XD

Affiliation: Solo [roll0]
Distinction: Treasure Trove [roll1]
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Master [roll3] [roll4]

Well that sucks. An 11 total with a d8 effect and 2 opportunities.

Before he could try looking for anything else Laura came back asking for some advice. "If its rifles and sidearms, I have plenty all over but wouldn't your pigstickers be better. I remember it sliced one of mine last time and that would be a lot better if we have to go against something which can hit military bases easily. We need something stronger and deadlier for the mission. Stop thinking like the spandex crowd playing their hero games."

"But lets just make sure we don't miss out on anything here first." he said thinking of taking another look around for other things they can use.

2013-05-04, 09:50 AM
She looked at Falcon. "...anything else to add?"


He brings forth a print out of all his findings. Slightly it seems we both came to the same conclusion - AIM seems to behind all the attacks. And from what I deciphered the next probable locations are these three.

Falcon points out the Lac Sele Air Force Base in Benin, Boka Army Base in the Central African Republic, and Yala Research Facility the secret facility in Sri Lanka locations on the map. However, we must move quickly because the Boka Army Base will be attacked in about 25 minutes. I can go and prep the Quinjet while you gather the group.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-04, 10:11 AM
Emma quietly left as the S.H.I.E.L.D. doctors noted the time of death, no cracks forming on the icy surface of her demeanor. She quickly began making her way toward the launchpad, even as she placed a hand to her temple and telepathically reached out to the rest of the 'team', "I know who's behind the attacks. It's the Hulk. Or something very much like him."

Able to pick up on the information that the others had found, and now realizing that they were running out of time, she hurried towards the Quinjets.

2013-05-04, 11:24 AM
Doom Pool roll against the Punisher: [roll0] , [roll1] , [roll2], [roll3]


You now have a Belt of Size Change d8 effect! :smallsmile:

2013-05-04, 01:14 PM
Director Hill is already waiting in the Hangar Bay as the Avengers slowly trickle in. Her foot pounds loudly on the concrete while she waits for Luke to arrive.

Once all of the Avengers are present she coolly states, "These aren't the puissant villains you are used to fighting. A.I.M. is the real deal people. They aren't messing around this time. Whatever technology they are using to carryout these attacks - and whatever monstrosities they are employing - are highly dangerous. You need to be as fast as Quicksilver, as smart as Tony Stark and as stalwart as Captain America. Steve Rogers may not have picked a few of you for this job," her eyes settle on Frank and Emma, "But I did. You are my Avengers. Now get out there and do your job!"

She salutes the group then marches off to the elevator.

The re-designed Quinnjet looks sleek, efficient and, most importantly, FAST. The loading ramp is sturdy, capable of bearing the weight of many very heavy people (like Logan and the Hulk). The cockpit is spacious, replete with all the essentials and toys one would expect of a Quinjet. There are enough seats behind the cockpit for everyone, plus an additional two. At the back of the jet, there is a supply locker that appears ready for anything, complete with eight portable oxygen masks, a standard issue supervillain manacle, eight pistols, a sniper rifle, fifty feet of rope, a high tech toolbox, rations and water.

The floor beneath the Quinjet slowly rises up towards the ceiling, which splits apart like Moses parting the Red Sea. The aircraft lift reaches the flight deck of the Helicarrier, locking into the deck with a decided "thud".

Maria Hill's voice comes over the intercom, "God speed Avengers."

With that said, the Avenger's jet scurries forth into the WILD BLUE YONDER!

2013-05-04, 05:06 PM
When they reached proper altitude, Natasha griped the accelerater...

"Brace yourselves!"


Very few could make a quinjet dance like Widow could, and it showed by the way she was able to compute a travel trajectory, while maintaining proper control.

However, she was still... distant, not considering how the others were. She was distracted. With AIM, with being forced back with the Avengers, with, well... everything.

Team [d6] [roll0]
Leader [d4] +1pp [roll1]
Covert Master [d10] [roll2]

Total: 7; effect D10

Epic fail. XD

2013-05-04, 06:18 PM
Natasha pushes the engines to the breaking point and beyond. The jet zips over the entire Atlantic ocean and a good chunk of Africa until...





One of the engines bursts on fire! The flames gush out of the aft end of the craft, lighting the sky up like a massive bonfire.

Off in the distance you can see Boka Army Base. It is a simple base, more of a garrison out in the scrub-land than anything else. The base is surrounded by a ten foot high, rectangular, concrete wall with dozens of loopholes on each side. At each of the corners lies a large anti-air gun. The base is WELL FORTIFIED and is mobilizing for... Something. Hopefully Director Hill managed to message the Central African Republic's President...


The AA Guns pelt the dorsal hull of the craft!


One of the Bullets hit a soft spot! The second engine disintegrates into a VAST STREAM OF AIRBORNE SHRAPNEL that rains down upon the windswept vistas below. Luckily the passenger compartment and cockpit are sealed off from the engines, or lest this team of Avengers would have had a very short life span.

As the Quinjet zooms at an ever more steeply declining trajectory, everyone realizes that the only way to survive is to hit the eject button and pray for the best...

Everyone has to take an action vs. the Doom Pool to see how well they manage to escape the burning wreckage that is the (recently refurbished at tax payer's expense) Quinjet. :smallsmile:

2013-05-04, 06:48 PM

She pushed the jet too hard. Just great... she was making good time too! "Everyone strap in, I'm going to go for a crash land--"



"Oh for the love of... the second engine is out, we have to bail!"

And with that, she pushed the emergency eject on the Quinjet, popping the seal of the cockpit for immediate exit. Falcon would take full advantage... the others...

It was too much. Already things were going Fubar... just like the last time she lead an Avengers team.

She unlatched her belt and allowed the natural air pressure to pull her up and off the seat, before firing a high tinsil wire from her Widow's Sting onto the plumeting Quinjet Wreckage... she then immediately cut that cable to fire another line at a nearby tree!

Her aim was to go for as soft a landing as possible while escaping permanent injury....

Solo- d10 [roll0]
Leader- d4 +1pp (3pp total) [roll1]
Reflexes- d8 [roll2]
Swingline- d8 [roll3]
Acrobatic Master- d10 [roll4]

Total: 9

2013-05-04, 08:25 PM
Opposition: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4]

Total: 10 - FAILURE!

Effect: d8

I did roll 2 opportunities. First come, first serve for purchase.

The Tree that the Black Widow had intended to use as leverage to bring her to a soft landing snaps under the pressure. She goes careening down to the earth and just barely manages to stick her feet out in time to slide across the dry grass. She comes to a stop right in front of a very large boulder that surly would have ruined her day had she been thrown just a foot farther.

2013-05-04, 09:33 PM
"...pigstickers..." Bah. She grabs a belt of explosives, and a bolt-action rifle, as well as some ammunition. High-power is always something to work with. And as Frost's message comes in, leaving her eye slightly twitching, she frowns. Hulk. Well, weapons were useless, but at least she had diversions.


Having donned the stealth suit, Laura feels pretty silly about the whole thing. But loading up, she appraises the inside of the jet. Supplies...rope, firearms, masks...she probably wouldn't need that last one. She does, however, fit a side-arm onto her leg, joining the rifle on her back and the belt of ammunition and grenades. If she had to save someone's ass, she wasn't going to just go in claws-drawn.


"Is this going to crash every time?!" Furious, she works to keep her temper together as she seals her helmet on. When Widow pops the hatch, she follows behind, taking a step and a leap out. Positioning herself for a roll across the ground.

Solo: [roll0]
Killer Instinct: [roll1] +1pp(fleeing)
Enhanced Reflexes: [roll2]
Acrobatic Expert: [roll3][roll4]

Total: 13

2013-05-04, 10:18 PM
Opposition to X-23:

13: Success!

X-23 lunges out of the crashing jet. Her years of combat experience and acrobatics training pay off as she easily and deftly tumbles at exactly the right time so as to shove all the momentum into the roll and avoid any damage. Unlike Black Widow, X-23 manages to land in a pocket of trees, thus obscuring her from the soldiers inside the base.

2013-05-04, 11:57 PM
“Sweet Christmas!” Cage yells as he wishes he wasn't so damn heavy. He runs to the hatch and grits his teeth to fight back a wave of nausea . He puts on his sunglasses and his calmest face as he turns back and yells. “Yo Falcon! Don’t forget to grab a buddy on the way out!” He steps out of the jet and starts to freefall with his yellow tanktop flapping in the wind.

The reasoning for the jump was simple. He calculated that If he hits the ground hard enough it will soften enough and he won’t die. Plus it’s not like it’s any safer in the plane.
“Hulk does it all the time.” He tells himself the scenery rushes up to meet him.

Affiliation (solo) [roll0]
Distinction (Come get some!) [roll1]
Power Set (Superhuman Strength w/ versitile sfx) [roll2] [roll3]

Total 9 with D8 effect

2013-05-05, 12:08 AM

As soon as Black Widow opened the emergency eject on the Quinjet Falcon immediately took to the air. He spread his wings trying to stabilize himself and letting his avian senses take control.

However, the wind current was very strong and VAST STREAM OF AIRBORNE SHRAPNEL attacked from various directions. He tried with all his finesse to keep to the sky.

Solo [roll0]
Enhanced Senses [roll2]
Subsonic Flight [roll3]
Acrobatics Expert [roll4]

Well Crappity Crap Crap

Effect Die = d8
2 opportunities

2013-05-05, 01:47 AM
DP v Cage:


Total: 14 - FAILURE!


DP v. Falcon:


Total: 8 - Success!

The mighty Falcon flies out into the wild blue yonder. His years of experience lend to his escape. He dodges left and right, avoiding the smaller bits of shrapnel with ease. However, a giant piece of the cockpit breaks off and flies directly at him... Then Luke Cage bursts out of the plane like the Incredible Hulk... Right into the path of the bicycle-sized chunk of metal. It smacks right into Luke's head. Tough luck for Power Man... Who quickly careens down to the ground, head first. He lands roughly twenty feet from the base's wall, right next to Four loopholes... At least his impervious skin prevented any damage, save for the shame. Meanwhile, the Falcon flies up and out of the path of the shrapnel, none the worse for wear.

2013-05-05, 03:10 PM
Frank thought he would have a little longer to build up the arsenal the team would need but he was stopped on the news that the next target is found and would be hit soon as well as the fact that it will involve a Hulk. Nothing he could get at the time could beat one of that so the vigilante left the armoury but not before getting to one of the SHIELD agents nearby and telling him "get a some of the equipment you agents normally use to the Quinjet pronto. For at least three people" by his count in case anyone else needed to use them.

I am going to take one of those opportunities for a PP to make a resource called Shield-issue gear at d8 with my combat of d10.

2PP - 1PP

In the Quinjet, the Punisher was too busy checking up on the gear to notice anything until it was hit. In hindsight perhaps he should have volunteered to fly it but the Black Widow was the only real Avenger here and the privilege should have by rights go to her. But now, now was his time to pilot it where all the other so called heroes have fled.

Heading to the controls as he was being thrown around by the falling jet, Frank tried to take the Quinjet into a dive at the base firing at them. If they weren't friendly then they most probably are the enemy.

Affiliation: Solo [roll0]
Distinction: Vast Stream of Airborne Shrapnel [roll1]
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Take Your Shot. (using 1 PP to roll two Weapon dice)
Specialty: Vehicles Expert [roll4] [roll5]

15 Total by spending 1 PP, d8 effect, 2 Opportunities

1 PP + 1 PP - 1 PP - 1 PP

Castle will jump out of the plane after Emma.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-05, 03:26 PM
"Not again."

Emma watches the controls, making note of the destroyed engine with a small sigh. She unbuckles herself from her seat and makes her way toward the hatch, grabbing onto seats to help her reach it as the Quinjet begins to go into a downward spiral. Having experienced enough crash landings in her life, the mutant telepath is rather blasé about the whole thing. Leaping from the flaming jet, her body transforms into organic diamond which she hopes will allow her to make the landing relatively unscathed.

Solo: [roll0]
Distinction (Icy Confidence): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Diamond Body/Superhuman Durability): [roll2]
Specialties (Science Expert. Physics and all that. I imagine she has some idea of the right trajectory to hit the ground without causing too much damage.): [roll3]

Total: 15
Effect Die: d8

2013-05-05, 10:09 PM
Opposition to Punisher:

Total: 11 - Success!

Opposition to Emma:


Total: 11 - Success!

Frank yanks the stick and aims the craft right for the Boka Base. The angle of trajectory should hit the base right in the center.

Meanwhile, Emma lunges out of the craft post haste. Her skin turns to impervious diamond. Her body slams into the ground making a small crater but she is none the worse for wear.

The Avengers are scattered across the battlefield. The Falcon and Frank remain in the sky but the rest are on the ground. Luke is a mere twenty feet away from the base's wall, while Natasha is fifty feet away. Both are out in the open without cover. Emma and X-23 both landed near a small oasis, covered in wild palms. Both have cover from the enemies at the base.

Suddenly, and right on cue, the Black Widow's watch beeps, indicating the attack is starting. Suddenly, one of the AA Guns is blown to smithereens, replaced by an intense inferno. The Avengers look up into the sky and see a man... One of the army men... falling, falling...


Another... And another...

By the third time the team's eyes adjust to what is going on. A man in a black suit, with a long devil's tail and two blades appears for mere moments with a soldier in his arms. As quickly as the devil-man appears, he vanishes, leaving the soldier to fall to his death.


A second explosion, this time on the far side of the base. The cloud of smoke is as a black as night. Screams emanate from beyond the wall. They beg for god to save them...


The Real Combat begins now!

X-23 goes first.

After she finishes, she may choose to allow a player to go next or specify a villain. Currently, we have the following villain/NPCs:

- Azazel
- CAR Soldiers

Though I would love for the the next in line to be a specific player, I fear it will take too long to get through combat what with the waiting and all. So, the first player to post gets to go. :smallsmile:

2013-05-06, 01:06 AM
"Castle, Falcon, stay together. Widow, Cage, move out of sight as soon as possible, and stay under cover. We've got more than a Hulk to contend with - find out how many others are here if you can, and engage them if you're safely able. Avengers, move out." Laura activates her stealth, following the movements of the red devil. Nightcrawler? No...but similar. You call out toward the crater. "Frost! I need you to see if you can slow him down!"

For the team in disarray, someone has to step up. And you do, as you've been trained to. Running and climbing a tree, you activate your cloaking and ready your rifle. The field of invisibility extends around you, like a glove - and your sensors allow you to see what you're doing. Following the movements, you follow the movements, your senses picking up as he appears again. You aim quickly. "Dodge this."

The report of gunfire ensues.

Team: [roll0]
Killer Instinct: [roll1]
Superhuman Senses: [roll2]
Covert Master: [roll3]
Invisible: [roll4]

Total: 18
Effect Die: 1d8
Milestone(The Best At What She Does): +1 XP when you lead your team in battle.

2013-05-06, 01:20 AM
Azazel bamfs into the blue skies above the base. X-23 lines up a shot and fires. However, just as she fires, he begins to teleport away...

Assuming you will go with a total of 18 and a d8 effect die.

Solo: [roll0]
Otherworldly: [roll1]
Teleport: [roll2]
Acrobatics Master: [roll3] [roll4]

Total: 19 - FAILURE!

Before the bullet has even crossed half the battlefield, Azazel has teleported out of harms way. He now stands atop the corner of the wall, nearest Luke Cage and Black Widow. He stares off ominously in the direction of X-23.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-06, 12:27 PM
"Do not presume to order me around, child. I have been doing this longer than you have." With some safety provided by their cover, Emma's diamond form transforms back to smooth, unblemished, flesh. Closing her eyes, she attempts to focus upon Azazel. However, with all of his teleporting, he is difficult to pin down. Still, what match was he against an Omega-Class Telepath?

Oppressive waves of psychic energy were poured in his direction as she attempted to force her way into his mind and wrest control of it from him, 'Surrender your mind to me! You will cease your attack and you will obey me!'

Affiliation (Team): [roll0]
Distinction (Icy Confidence): [roll1]
Power Set/Power Trait (Omega-Class Telepath/Mind Control): [roll2]
Specialty (Psych Master): [roll3]

Total: 14
Effect Die: d10 to inflict Pawn Of The White Queen Complication on Azazel.

Also +1 XP for 'when you use your powers to assert your will.'

2013-05-06, 01:01 PM
Azazel picks up on Emma's mental assault and tries to leap to another dimension to escape her infernal meddling.

Solo: [roll0]
Otherworldly: [roll1]
Teleport: [roll2]
Psych Master: [roll3], [roll4]

Total: 11 - SUCCESS!

Really.... I mean seriously!? SERIOUSLY!?

His jaunt is cut short as Emma lashes him viciously with a mental barb.

2013-05-06, 07:28 PM
Black Widow (3pp; No stress; 0xp)

Natasha... really didn't know what to think of X-23 taking command. On the one hand, power to her, it was a burden Natasha didn't want...

On the other hand, it was also acknowledgement that she was unable to get the job done...

Her thoughts were cut short when she saw the teleporter land on the corner of the wall above her and... stay still. Wha...?


She could see him grasp his head, trying to fight. Time to help him lose that fight.

Setting her Widow Sting to stun, she aimed and fired at Azazel, hoping the shock would stun him enough to stop resisting, mainly by him forgetting about Emma and focusing on him...

Aiming to increase [Emma's Pawn] Complication.

Buddy d8 [roll0]
Leader d4 (Conflict of Leadership +1pp) [roll1]
Electric Blast d8 [roll2]
Covert Master d10 [roll3]
Covert Action Stunt (-1pp; stepped from watcher opp) d10 [Focus]
Complication d10 [Focus]
Sfx: Focus 2d10 => d12 [roll4]

Total: 17; d12 effect to step up complication.

2013-05-06, 08:32 PM
Azazel looks visibly shaken. His hands on his head, which is being tossed this way and that has he tries to free his mind. His pained eyes see Natasha readying a shot. He knows this is it - do or die. He tries to teleport away, far away.

Solo [roll0]
Immortal: [roll1]
Teleport [roll2]
Combat Master [roll3][roll4]
Doom Die: [roll5]

I rolled worse than a drunk tony stark.

The complication is stepped up to a d12. :smallcool:

EDIT: d12+1d4!

The Widow's distraction proves perfectly timed, preventing his escape and furthering Emma's mental assault.

2013-05-07, 12:19 PM

Falcon stayed in the air overlooking the area and thinking to himself. How had things gone so wrong so fast. Bodies were just dropping out of the sky, he tried to reach for one only to be too late. Redwing, his falcon brought his attention back to the crashing Quinjet. He though everybody had managed to get out but the Punisher was still inside. What is he doing? Falcon thought to himself.

He immediately pivoted in a downward motion to try and catch up with the crashing Quinjet. Several pieces of airborne shrapnel clipped his wings but he pushed through. As soon as Falcon was within earshot from the Punisher he screamed. Dammit Castle jump. If you jump now I can catch you. What are you doing you maniac? JUMP!!!

Buddy [roll0]
Enhanced Senses [roll2]
Subsonic Flight [roll3]
Spend a PP to use SFX Boost
Acrobatics Expert [roll4]
Spend a PP to create a Stunt of Maneuvering Like A Bird [roll5]

Total: 14
Effect Die: D10 (Which will give the Punisher a Swooping in for the Rescue Asset)
Rolled 1 opportunity

Note: I updated the tracker to reflect that I have 3 PP but I didn't include the the opportunity since you haven't bough it yet. I didn't want to assume you are buying all opportunities.

And I guess we're leaving open for however goes next.

2013-05-07, 01:03 PM
Buying the Opportunity! Though I appreciate you not jumping ahead. There will be times when I may choose to not buy one. :)

Doom Pool: [roll0]

I could stop you but... I don't want to KO the Punisher :smallsmile:

Total: 12 - Success!

I rolled 1 opportunity, any takers?

2013-05-07, 01:52 PM
Maniac...a word used by many for the Punisher during his crusade since they could not even understand it but what they thought did not matter, only the results he wanted and even now, only when he was sure that the quinjet will crash on his target, he saw it fit to leave.

Rushing for the SHIELD tech he laid out earlier for the team, he grabbed the set he thought was best and and fastened the jetpack securely before leaping out of the soon to be wreckage. Too bad he'd have to abandon the rest.

"Ready for pickup Falcon" the vigilante said through his comlink. "Try not to miss."

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
distinction: Vast Stream of Airborne Shrapnel [roll1] +1 PP
War on Crime: Enhanced durability [roll2]
SFX: Full auto
Specialty: Vehicle Expert [roll3]
Asset: Swooping in for a rescue [roll4]
Resource: Shield issue gear [roll5]

15 total (using a PP and Full Auto) with a d4 effect
Villains next.

2013-05-07, 01:59 PM


13 - Success!

2013-05-07, 02:14 PM
The Punisher is caught by the mighty Falcon, who holds the vigilante high up in the blue skies over Africa.

The Quinjet rockets down to the earth like a burning missile. The Punisher's aim was true and it strikes the very heart of the base, right on top of a munitions depot. The explosion is massive, obliterating the base and harming everyone near it. The wails of the dying echo across the plain.

The explosion was large enough to strike Natasha and Luke.

Doom Pool roll vs. Natasha and Luke


Spending a d6 to add it to the total:

TOTAL: 19, effect: d8

2013-05-07, 05:42 PM
Black Widow (PP:3, XP: 1, Stress: 0)

No two words about it, Natasha was blindsided.

The explosion was unexpected and came from nowhere, her attention focused on the Teleporter. So when the perverbial 'Boom' was lowered, she was sent sprawling head over heels across the forested area.

Her reflexes were the only thing that saved her here, managing to click her left widow bracelet to a tow cable and firing it to a nearby branch. If she succeeded. she would swing to saftey!

So yeah, Reaction against physical stress...

Solo- d10 [roll0]
Superspy- d4 (was blindsided) [roll1]
Reflexes- d8 (Focus)
Swingline- d8 (Focus)
Acrobatic Master- d10 [roll2]
Sfx: Focus 2d8 => d10 [roll3]

Total: 20! (What a lucky roll there)

2013-05-08, 12:15 AM
Luke Cage caught the brunt of the explosion and has been knocked out.

From beyond the veil of the BURNING WRECKAGE that was once the Boka Army Base you hear a gnarled, furious cry, "RRRRAAGH! Out of the inferno walks a behemoth of a man with bulging, over-sized muscles, a twelve foot tall frame and the visage of a monster forged in the fires of unadulterated rage. Save for his ice-blue skin, the man before you is obviously the Incredible Hulk! The Beast lifts a ten foot long slab of concrete that once acted as a building's wall, "HULK NO LIKE FLYING MAN! HULK SMASH!" and heaves it straight up into the sky right into the path of the Falcon and the Punisher.

Attacking Falcon and Punisher

Solo: [roll0]
Rage Monster [roll1]
Godlike Strength [roll2]
Combat Expert [roll3]
Area Attack [roll4]
Doom Die [roll5]

Spend a d6 to use 3 dice for the total.

Total: 19. d12 Effect Die

2013-05-08, 08:56 AM
The crashing quinjet worked a little bit too well for the vigilante who did not expect even more explosions from the munitions depot forcing him to look away as the army base flared up. The team mobilized too fast to get any proper intel, something that Castle never failed to do when he worked alone to avoid situations like this.

Another situation he would have liked is to avoid the Hulk for any reason and he noticed the green...blue giant "The Hulk and the devil" he mused to himself as he was drawn back by the roar. "Hell. Lets get out of here" he told Falcon raising up the threat level of his Shield weapon. He was not going to go down without fighting even if it was a Hulk.

Seeing the giant slab of concrete headed his way, the Punisher fired a whole stream of bullets to blow it up to pieces. "You're all next!" he growled.

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
distinction: Burning Wreckage [roll1] + 1PP
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Take your shot (taking d6 physical stress to step up weapon die)
SFX: Full Auto (doubling Weapon die)
Specialty: Combat [roll4]
Complication: Burning Wreckage [roll5]
Resource: Shield issue gear [roll6]
SFX: Battle Van (d6 to doom pool to step up resource)

21 total, d8 effect. Success.
Taking the d6 physical stress below.
Also, does declaring they are all next qualify the 1 XP milestone about declaring war?
Blasting away at the concrete that was headed to him was easy. Avoiding the bits and pieces of it that were still coming at him was hard, very hard but a lot better than getting hit by the gigantic projectile.

2013-05-08, 10:37 AM

As the Punisher unleashed his arsenal against the ten foot long slab of concrete that was rushing against them Falcon got ready to do some fancy maneuvering. Hold on tight Castle cause I am loyal to my teammates so I am going to try real hard to not drop you.

Falcon rushed at the ten foot long slab of concrete which was now just a bunch of small to dangerously medium sized pieces of concrete, thanks to the Punisher. He clasped the Punisher tightly and fastened him onto his harness. He used all his training and hard work to maneuver in between, above, and below the wreckage aiming for a safe landing on the ground.

Buddy [roll0]
Loyal Partner [roll1]
Enhanced Senses [roll2]
Spending PP to step up Subsonic Flight [roll3]
Acrobatics Expert [roll4]
Spend PP for a stunt of
"2.6 times better vision than a normal human" [roll5]

Spending PP to add 3
Total: 21
Effect die: D10
Success! but now I have 1 PP

Using his keen vision and Acrobatics skill Falcon lands safely with the Punisher in tow.

2013-05-08, 12:12 PM
Seven AIM Renegades - clad in their iconic blue bee keeper uniforms - bamf out of no where. Behind them is... Azazel? Except he's blue... And the one Emma mind controlled can still be seen... The AIM Renegades arrive right next to the Black Widow. Their leader states, "Don't worry little one. All we want is your genetic data." The seven Renegades hoist their futuristic looking guns up and shoot Natasha with a knockout gas.

AIM Renegades trying to create a Knock Out Complication against the Black Widow

Team dice [roll0]
Expert Scientist [roll1]
Knock Out Gas (Blaster) [roll2]
Science Experts [roll3]
Doom die [roll4]

Spending a Doom die to keep 3 dice

8+7+6=21, effect die d8.

Meanwhile, the few remaining CAR Soldier take up positions and start firing wildly at every non soldier they can see.

CAR Soldiers attacking Falcon, Punisher and Hulk

Team [roll5]
Backwater Assignment [roll6]
Soviet Weaponry [roll7]
Area Attack [roll8]

Total 13, effect die d6.

The Hulk is shot in the back. The Hulk ever so slightly turns his head backwards to look at the soldiers, his face bearing all of the hallmark signs of being furiously annoyed.

Reaction vs. CAR Soldiers
Team [roll9]
Rage Monster (1d8)[1]
God Like Durability [roll10]
Menace Master [roll11]

Total: 19 (saved by the 12!)

Blue Azazel Bamfs over to Emma. The demon looks longingly into Emma's eyes and whispers, "Now, now now, we can't have you messing with my brother's mind. Tsk, tsk. You will need to be punished... If we were any where else, I would do it myself, my dear. But out here... I think I will let the Hulk do it for me." He grabs Emma and tries to teleport her over to the Hulk...

Team [roll12]
Every Woman is a Conquest [roll13]
Teleport [roll14]
SFX: Flurry of Teleportion: Double Teleport, drop highest rolling die, use 3 for total. [roll15]
Acrobatics Master [roll16]

Total 13, effect die d8

2013-05-08, 12:49 PM
"Tch..." by looking at the uniform of the soldiers that just exited the wreckage they would have been friendlies, or friendlier than the beekepers that appeared with the blue devil. Just what the hell was going on here? A normal soldier might have paused for a moment with the odds stacked up against them like but not Castle. This was like Christmas. All the scum he would have wanted to get rid off with equipment sponsored by SHIELD.

The Punisher readied his weapon to take them all out at once but was stopped when the soldiers opened fire first. "Stupid," but not a target for the vigilante who chose to get out of the line of fire. Fortunately his jetpack from SHIELD would provide him with the mobility he needed, and the blazing wreck would make it harder for them to catch up to him as he took to the air.

Affiliation: Team [roll0]
Distinction: Obsessed Vigilante [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Enhanced Durability [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Full Auto
Specialty: Combat Master [roll4] [roll5]
Complication: Burning Wreckage [roll6]
Resource: Shield issue gear [roll7]

20 total, d10 effect, 1 opportunity

2013-05-08, 01:37 PM

The CAR Soldiers opened fire as soon as Falcon had adjusted himself on the ground and instincts just kicked in. He rolled and dodged looking for cover. He saw a pretty good amount of foliage that would secure him and made his way there.

Enhanced Senses [roll1]
Enhanced Durability [roll2]
Covert Expert [roll]8

Total = 15
Effect die = d8

2013-05-08, 01:54 PM
Black Widow (4pp, 1xp, 0stress)

"Come on, Comrade... wake up!"

No matter how much she shook him, Luke wasn't moving. And this was unusual, after seeing the various stunts she saw him do in the past.

It was happening again, friends dropping like flies, everything going fubar, Natasha felt the walls closing in.

And to make things worse...

"Don't worry little one. All we want is your genetic data."

The hell!?

She barely glimpsed the renegades before the canisters exploded around her, the gas enveloping her! She held her breath while her eyes took in her surroundings... this was not good!

Solo- d10 [roll0]
Superspy- d8 (Focus)
Stamina- d8 (Focus)
Covert- d10 [roll1]
Stunt: Holding her breath- d10 (buying opp)[roll2]
Sfx: Focus- 2d8 => d10 [roll3]

Total: 9
Effect: d10

Higher effect drops the d8 complication to d6... but the double x-ordinary success bumps it back up to d10! Ouch.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-08, 02:55 PM
Emma resisted the Blue Azazel as best she could, trying to temporarily block his mutant abilities with her psychic power. Still, a shiver of fear ran through her at the teleporter's intentions, knowing full well what destruction that the Hulk was capable of unleashing. She had no desire to be anywhere close to that, "The damage to your 'brother' is done, darling. Now, let me start on you."

Reaction Roll
Affiliation (Team): [roll0]
Distinction (Icy Confidence): [roll1] + 1PP
Power Set/Power Trait (Omega-Class Telepath/Mind Control): [roll2]
Specialty (Psych Master): [roll3]

Total: 16
Effect: 1d10 (Spending PP to inflict this as Mental Stress on Blue Azazel)

Whether or not it failed, however, she immediately changed to her diamond form, sparkling in the midst of the battlefield as the Blue Azazel held her to him, "Now that we're so close, let me give you a kiss." She then proceeded to slam her diamond head against his face in a vicious headbutt.

Action Roll
Affiliation (Team): [roll4]
Distinction (Criminal Past): [roll5] + 1PP
Power Set/Power Trait (Diamond Body/Enhanced Strength): [roll6]
Specialty (Crime Expert): [roll7]
Stunt (Who expects to be headbutted by Emma Frost?): [roll8]

Total: 13
Effect: d8

2013-05-09, 12:03 AM
Nobody's seen where she's been - and after the base exploded, Laura watched as the Blue Hulk and...the Blue Devil, a clone...made their appearances. Clones. It almost stops her heart cold to see others who could share her experience of being inadequate, a copy...doing this. Circling around, she instead pounces in after the AIM soldiers when the time's right, jumping into their midst and imitating something she'd seen on the streets.

And nobody can laugh at her invisible breakdancing. Acrobatics. It's clawed acrobatics. Claws going through the metal of her suit like it's made of tissue paper, Laura sends out all six of them as she become a dancing, stabbing whirlwind of death. As if sensing that she needs some help on the matter, the suit starts playing ACDC's Back in Black.

Stark, you cheeky bastard.

Team: [roll0]
Clone Experiment: [roll1] +1PP
Adamantine Claws: [roll2]
Combat Master: [roll3][roll4]
Asset - Invisibility: [roll5]
Stunt - "Can I get a beat?": [roll6]

Spending 1PP to take the three highest. Still have 1PP.
Total: 20, one opportunity.
Effect die: 1d10

"...we need air support, guys - I can't ask you to stop the Hulk, but slow him down as much as you can. Widow, get to Frost - I can handle these jokers. I'll keep an eye on Cage."

The Best At What She Does: +1XP for leading your team in battle.
Logan's DNA: +1XP when you stalk an enemy like a predator stalking prey.

2013-05-09, 01:06 AM
The Blue Azazel is mentally bushwacked by the white Queen however, he realizes Emma's intent before she even begins to swing her head back. Utilizing his superior agility, he swings himself around, latches his prehensile tail around Emma's head and tries to use her momentum to fling her to the ground. However her diamond form proves immovable.

Blue Azazel Reaction v. Emma:

Team [roll0]
Super Human Reflexes 1d10 [roll1]
Acrobatics Master [roll2]
Tail: [roll3]
SFX: Prehensile Tail. Step back the highest die in your attack action pool to add a d6 and keep an extra effect die for a complication.

Total: MEH!
Effect: Aww

The AIM Renegades spot X-23 on their sensors just as she is lunging for one of their men's heads. They reel backwards and fire their futuristic guns filled with deadly Knock Out Gas right in the assassin's face.

Team [roll4]
Expert Scientist [roll5]
Knock Out Gas (Blaster) [roll6]
Science Experts [roll7]
Doom Die [roll8]

Spending 2d6's from the Doom Pool to defeat X-23! Spending another d6 to make give the Knocked Out complication to X-23!

Total: 8+6+5+5=24

2013-05-09, 05:40 AM
Slow the Hulk down? That won't do. These heroes wouldn't understand that the only way to neutralize a threat is fast and hard. At least this was the Hulk, Frank won't need to have any excuse to hold back against him if the others did not agree with him.

"Hulk! Forgot about Flying Man? How about I blow you up again so you remember monster!" he yelled while hovering above the air hoping to spare the soldiers from the Hulk's rage.

With his weapon on one hand and the Pym Particles in the other, the Punisher pushed the jetpack to its limit as he rushed the Hulk blasting the green giant with everything he has to get the monster's full attention before switching to the other direction and tossing over his special weapon. A simple plan but with the battleground as messy as it was, there were bound to be complications.

Affiliation: Team [roll0]
distinction: Burning Wreckage [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Full Auto (step up)
SFX: Take your shot (1 PP to double)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll4] [roll5]
Complication: Burning Wreckage [roll6]
Asset: Size-change belt [roll7]
Resource: Shield issue gear [roll8]
SFX: Battle Van (add d6 doom die to step up resource)

26 total (using 2 PP) d10 effect, 2 opportunities
Using 1 PP to create a persistent complication shrinking on the Hulk
Why d12 show up as a 1? T.T

Choosing AIM to go next.

2013-05-09, 11:25 AM
The Hulk leaps high up into the air and tries to slam his fist into Frank's face as retribution for thinking he could ever hurt the Hulk.

Team [roll]1d6]
Rage Monster [roll0]
Leaping [roll1]
God Like Strength [roll2]
Combat Expert [roll3]
Doom Die [roll4]

Spending a d8 to add a d8.

Total 17
Effect d6

2013-05-09, 12:17 PM
Upon seeing how ineffective their Knock Out Gas was on X-23, they return their focus on to the Black Widow. They take their futuristic guns and spray Natasha down with the deadly gas.

Upping Knocked Out Condition on Natasha

Team [roll0]
Expert Scientists [roll1]
Gas Guns (Blaster) [roll2]
Science Experts [roll3]

Spending a d6 to keep an additional die.

Total 8+6+6=20
Effect d8

After reactions, I choose Falcon to go next.

2013-05-09, 12:43 PM
"Widow, get to Frost - I can handle these jokers. I'll keep an eye on Cage."

Widow was beginning to feel the effects the sedatives in the air. As much as she wanted to rebuke Laura's attempt at taking command (if for no other reason than the fact that Laura is travelling an all to familiar pathway to heartbreak), Natasha had bigger things to worry about. Like the Aim soldiers firing _more_ gas in her direction.

Kicking one of the idiots who was foolish enough to get close to her, She realized that she had to get out of the sleep gas cloud, which she does by firing a swingline to a tree limb and pulling herself up and out of the cloud. She then pulled out a quick action syringe and plunged it into her thigh. A shield issue Adrenalin Booster, designed to fight the effects of fatigue...

Solo- d10 [roll0]
Superspy- d8 [roll1]
Leader- d4 [roll2]
Stamina- d8 (fighting the effects of the KO gas) [roll3]
Swingline- d8 [roll4]
Covert- 2d8 [roll5]; [roll6]
Resource: Adrenalin Boost (Via Watcher Opp; -1pp)- d8 (from d10 Covert Specialty) [roll7]


1. The 1pp gained from d4 is used to add an extra distinction.

2. The kicking of the soldier is description only. It's a mook, so it shouldn't matter.

Total: 8+7+6=21, Widow has a successful reaction, -1pp.

Spending one more pp to burn off d10 complication with a d10 effect die.

Widow felt the adrenalin spread into her blood stream, fighting her drowsiness and allowing her to be more alert, her eyes now taking in not only the Hulk (What the hell...), but _another_ Azazel as well!

2013-05-09, 01:25 PM

Falcon took to the air to escape from the CAR soldiers who were firing at him and his pet falcon, Redwing, informed him that Widow was under attack. He searched the area and saw her swing line away from the enemy. The knockout gas was getting carried upwind and Falcon could feel some of the effects.

He extended his senses out beyond himself and sensed the rest of the avian habitat. Pushing past his limits he ordered them all to attack convincing them that the dangerous chemical which was now in the air came from them. Suddenly various birds of various types v-lined straight for the AIM Renegades and at the head of the formation was Redwing. Falcon himself dropped from the sky in a flying dropkick aimed at one of the mooks.

Buddy [roll0]
Bird Control [roll2]
SFX Redwing [roll3]
Subsonic Flight [roll4]
Combat Expert [roll5]

Total (spending PP that I just earned to add 3) = 22
Effect Dice = d8 and another d8

2013-05-09, 08:08 PM
The AIM Renegades are caught unawares by the Falcon. One of their number manages to point his gun in the right direction and hold down the trigger.

Team [roll0]
Expert Scientists [roll1] +1 DP
Knock Out Gas (Blaster) [roll2]
Science Experts [roll3]

Total: Not Enough
Effect Also, not enough

The Falcon's furious assault proves victorious as it culls two from the AIM Renegades' number.

2013-05-09, 08:40 PM
The CAR Soldiers look around and decide Black Widow, Falcon, the AIM Renegades and (inadvertently) X-23 are the prime targets now. A group of them hold down their triggers and fire off as many rounds as possible at the group of supers.

CAR Soldiers firing at Black Widow, Falcon, AIM Renegades and X-23
Team [roll0]
Solders by Choice [roll1]
Guns [roll2]
Combat Experts [roll3]
Area Attack Extra Dice [roll4]

Spending a d6 to add a d6 to the total.

Total: 19
Effect d8

The AIM Renegades utilize their hazmat suits' advanced body armor as shielding.

Team [roll5]
Expert Scientists [roll6]
Body Armor [roll7]

Total 10
Effect d8

Another of the AIM Renegades is culled.

2013-05-09, 11:03 PM
Are...are those idiots firing on the team?! Laura grits her teeth, stopped in her tracks from going after the AIM soldiers again - and something in her mind clicks. There's barely any guys left...these are the guys they're all supposed to be saving! Instead, her claws sheathe, and she charges, lowering her head. Her cloaking phases out from the bullet hits, malfunctioning a bit - and she headbutts one, plowing through the squad in her charge. "Hey, jackholes, we're on your side! Stop firing at my team!"

Her team? Her team. She's caught up in the moment, not realizing it, but she falls as naturally into the role as Wolverine.

Team: [roll0]
Killer Instinct: [roll1] +1PP
Godlike Stamina: [roll2]
Covert Master: [roll3][roll4]
Asset - Invisibility: [roll5]
Stunt - Juggernaut(A.K.A. Using Your Head): [roll6]

Total: 14, 2 opportunities
Effect die: 1d12

Spending 1PP to make a counterattack.

2013-05-10, 11:01 AM

As Falcon's dropkick lands on the AIM renegade's helmet the CAR soldiers open up fire on them. He adjusts his body and utilizing the momentum takes to the air again. Trying to climb higher than the gun fire.

Solo [roll0]
Enhanced Senses [roll2]
Subsonic Flight [roll3]
Acrobatics Expert [roll4]

Sorry I know I said I was going to post earlier but life interrupts my plans sometimes.

Spending a PP (that I just earned) to add 3
Effect die = none so default d4

2013-05-10, 03:40 PM
Natasha eyes widened as gun fire splintered the bark of the tree whose limb she was crouching on...

She was, quite literally, out on a limb...

Aim soldiers below, stupid allies in front of her, and Headstrong X-23 doing her best Wolverine impression within earshot, Natasha could only do one thing: Climb higher and away. Distance and sight wrecks havoc to even the sharpest of sharp shooters, plus, it'll give time to regroup and wait out the sedatives in her body...

Firing another swingline, she reeled herself to a higher limb...

Solo- [roll0]
Leader- [roll1]
Reflexes- [roll2]
Swingline- [roll3]
Covert- [roll4]
Adrenalin- [roll5]

Total- 8+7=15; d10 effect reduces d8 to d6 physical stress. Gain 1pp for the distinction + 2 opportunities.

A bullet clips her thigh just as she manages to get the tree between herself and the CAR soldiers. It was painful, but she suffered worse...

2013-05-10, 03:57 PM
"We are not your enemy! Those guys in the Hazmat suits? The devils dropping guys from twenty stories? The damn Hulk?! Those are the guys we came to fight. And you're firing on Black Widow - Falcon and Frank Castle, plus Emma Frost and Luke Cage...we've been assembled by S.H.I.E.L.D. as an Avengers team, and we've been trying to help you guys. So fire on the guys who are trying to kill you, not us!" Her claws unsheathe, and she holds them up. "Only two mutants in the world have claws like these, and the other is Wolverine - my..." Uh. "My dad. You have to know at least him, if not the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. Your base is in flames, like so many others - and the faster we can take care of this, the faster we can save your friends."

Diplomacy - it went against everything she was trained to do, but she's doing her best. Laura won't become the monster everyone thinks she is.

Action: Rolling to convince the CAR soldiers to stop firing on friendlies.

Team: [roll0]
Killer Instinct: [roll1] +1PP
Adamantium Claws: [roll2]
Menace Expert: [roll3]
Stunt - "THESE. ARE. MY SLASHY-CLAWS.": [roll4]
Complication - Burning Wreckage: [roll5]

Total: 23(Spending that earned PP to make it three dice.)
Effect die: 1d6

2013-05-11, 02:37 AM
The few remaining CAR Soldiers agree to X-23's demand, seeing as how her friends have made the Hulk vanish...

2013-05-12, 11:10 PM
At his success the Punisher gave one of the most terrifying things that he could for those who knew his reputation. A satisfied smile. Not wanting to waste the momentum he took a quick survey of the battle. "I just took down the Hulk. What makes you think you have a chance?" he declared to the rest of the terrorists nearby after deciding that it does not change what he has to do.

Before the shock value with the fact that he actually got the Hulk wore off, the Punisher hovered up to a higher higher position and started blasting away at all his enemies with his full arsenal. The burning wreckage lighted up with explosions while bullets rained down on what remained of Castle's targets regardless of whether they were still able to put up a resistance or not.

First time doing an AoE, hope this is right.

Affiliation: Team (1d6)[6]
Distinction: Vast Stream of Airborne Shrapnel (1d4)[3] +1 PP
War on Crime: Weapon (1d10)[8]
SFX: Take Your Shot (adding 1d6 physical stress to double. That means I step mine up to d8 right?)
Specialty: Combat Master (1d10)[3]
Stress: Mental (1d10)[9]
Complication: Shrinking (1d12)[9]
Resource: Shield issue Gear (1d10)[3]
SFX: Battle Van (add a d6 to doom pool to step up)
SFX: Explosives (1d6)[2] (1d6)[6] (1d6)[2] (1d6)[4] (1d6)[6]

Total: 9+9+6+6+6 (-3PP) = 36
AIM Renegades: d6 d6 d6
Azazels (Blue & Red): d10 d10
Blue Hulk: d10

Whoever wants to go next can go next.

2013-05-13, 12:40 AM
The AIM agents duck into cover behind some debris that landed nearby from the jet's explosion. The Red Azazel uses his acrobatics, while the blue Azazel tries to teleport. The Hulk tries to endure all of the attacks made by the Punisher with his near invulnerable skin.

Team [roll0]
Expert Scientists [roll1] +d6 dp
Body Armor [roll2]
Punisher's Stress: [roll3]

Total: No way I can get near a 36. AIM Agents are KOed.


Red Azazel:
Team: [roll4]
Exploded Ruin [roll5] +d6 DP
Leaping: [roll6]
Acrobatics Master: [roll7]
Punisher's Stress: [roll8]

Total: No way I can get near a 36. Razazel is KOed.


Blue Azazel:
Team: [roll9]
Otherworldly [roll10]
Teleport: [roll11] Teleport: (2d12)[12][3](15)
Flurry of Teleportation. Against a single target, step up or double Teleport. Remove the highest rolling die and use three dice for your total.
Acrobatics Master [roll12]
Punisher's Stress: [roll13]

Total: No way I can get near a 36. Bazazel is KOed.


Blue Hulk:
Team: [roll14]
Rage Monster [roll15]
God-Like Strength: [roll16] God-Like Strength: (2d12)[6][10](16)
Hulk Smash! Against a single opponent, double a Gamma-Charged Genetics die. Remove the highest-rolling die and add another die to your total.
Combat Expert [roll17]
Doom Dice [roll18] (2d8)[1][2](3) [roll19]
Punisher's Stress: [roll20]

Total: No way I can get near a 36. The Hulk is KOed.

Frank's amazing attack eliminates all threats on the battlefield. The stench of burnt flesh and gun powder waft on the air from the smoking ruin that was once the Boka Army Base. You can hear cries for help coming from inside the base. Most of the living stare in awe of Frank Castle, they whisper that he is an unstoppable menace. The AIM Agents are all dead. the two Azazels survived but are going to need a lot of medical attention to live long term.

2013-05-13, 12:59 AM
As all of you gather together near the oasis, your communicator watches light up. Code Black - Maria Hill's personal comm channel. Her voice is as calm as a still lake, "Good job team. A SHIELD Helicopter will be there in a few minutes to pick up you and the terrorists." She cuts off transmission after her message.

Four minutes pass before the copter arrives. It is jet black, large and well armed. The craft sets down out in the empty field to the east of the base. Fifteen heavily armed and armored SHIELD Agents jump out. Their cobalt armor is thick and state of the art, while their guns are top of the line and very ornery looking. The leader of the group holds out a data pad and reads, "By order of the President of the Central African Republic and the Director of SHIELD, we hereby place Emma Frost, Natasha Romanov, Frank Castle, Luke Cage, Laura Kinney and Samuel Wilson under arrest for the unlawful attack on the Boa Army Base and the murders of countless innocent soldiers. You are wanted terrorists now. You can either come peacefully or not. If you choose the latter, we will not hold back. We WILL kill you."

2013-05-13, 01:16 AM
Laura, carrying an injured soldier over her shoulders, helmet having been dropped, stares at the agents. "Bull****! They shot us out of the air before we even got..." Before they even got there. The men of the base were preparing from the start. They would've been notified that there was backup coming - in a Quinjet, no less. She sets the unconscious man down, looking side to side. She gets it now - Castle, Frost, and her were catches. S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted to take down Castle, and both her and Frost were mutants with unique abilities. She's already an experiment of Wolverine.

Natasha, and Falcon? Collateral damage. They could easily be released. And Luke Cage...well, he was where it got tricky. Maybe her paranoia's acting up. But it also seems like a damn good excuse. Especially with the others off-world like they are.

"..." She glances aside, to Natasha. As if waiting for her response.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-13, 03:23 PM
Emma watches the events unfold as calmly as one can when its become clear that they've been set up. Meanwhile, she contacts her teammates mentally, 'It seems that Hill has betrayed us. However, I have no intention of going to a SHIELD prison. If anyone has any bright ideas, I suggest they mention them now before these agents get too anxious.'

2013-05-13, 03:43 PM
"...Luke Cage is down, and Falcon can fly one person out. I suggest Widow goes with Falcon, and Castle can fly out as well. Leaving you, me, and a whole lot of ammunition to defend against while they get away. And I'm not favoring those odds at all."

2013-05-14, 12:39 AM
The Pym Particles worked well but not for the reason why Frank wanted it in the first place. While waiting for the SHIELD pick up, the Punisher could be seen at the side with the prisoners tinkering with what remains of the belt to try and salvage whatever he could.

Creating an asset called Pym Particles like I did earlier.

Affiliation: Solo [roll0]
Distinction: Former Marine [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Master [roll3] [roll4]

8 total, 10 effect and 1 opportunity. By the looks of it I think he used it all :(

And he might actually be able to use it today. That was unfortunate. Feeling the intrusiveness of Emma Frost's power he added to the plan in the telepathic conversation, "the milksops can go if they want. I'll stay. Have to send Hill a message" and got ready to draw his weapons when the time comes.

2013-05-14, 10:08 AM
Passing on the opportunity

DP: (2d8)[4][4](8) [roll0]

Total 10
Effect d8

Try as he might, Frank can't jimmy the leftovers of his gear into something usable.

2013-05-14, 11:48 AM
Natasha was speechless. And motionless.

Before the coptor was landing, she was half squatting, her left leg stretched out, bandaging her partial gunshot wound before hearing the declaration. This was followed by the mental conversation between Emma and Laura.

What struck Natasha as odd was the circumstances: A fake Hulk, a fake Azazel. The Aim Soldiers were blue instead of _yellow_, just like Hulk (hence why she was thinking Hulk was fake, since there was never any records of a _blue_ Hulk),

The circumstances: Which SHIELD were the imposters? This one, or the one they were hired by?

Was Hill a fake too? She wasn't Blue...

But this was helping. There were several men and woman, all armed, all ready to use Lethal Force. Th only person there that had nothing to fear from being shot was Laura and Cage. Everyone else, including Emma if the soldiers had the right type of Ammo, were susceptible to bullets. Fighting wasn't an option. And with nowhere to run, neither was fleeing.

But there was a path, even if everyone else were to egotisticle to take it. Widow learned, early in her career, that being taken prisoner also had it's advantages: Intel, Rest, Surprise attacking the Enemy. Take your pick. Fighting them now served no purpose.

I say, let _them_ fly us out. It's foolish to fight a fight we can't win, and Falcon won't be able to go far fast enough by himself, much more carrying someone. Surrender Laura. Let 'us' dictate when to fight. We may even find out what the hell is going on.

It was the only logical choice. And often, the logical choice isn't the most popular.

2013-05-14, 01:09 PM
"...I was waiting for you to say that." She looks back to the armed men, her mind made up. "...if you can promise me that there will be people here to take care of the injured, and that my team will get the medical attention they need as well, then I surrender peacefully." Laura sets the injured soldier down against the tree, before taking off her assault weapons and laying them down. Picking up Luke Cage and carrying him in her arms, she goes peacefully toward the assault team.

"We're outgunned here. And they already know how to take out every single one of us. If you think they're not going to jump at the chance to eliminate you, Castle, or you, Frost, then you're not thinking like a SHIELD agent. Stand down, Avengers."

2013-05-14, 01:50 PM
The lead SHIELD Agent responds gruffly, "Terrorists don't get to make demands. Surrender without condition or face the punishment." The man taps on the side of his gun to make his point.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-14, 02:02 PM
Emma very nearly growls as she puts her hands behind her head. Glaring at her companions, she waits impatiently to be captured. 'Do not order me around, clone. The only reason I do this is in the hope that it will let me get close to Hill. She's going to pay for this betrayal.'

2013-05-14, 07:12 PM
"...yeah, whatever..." As much of a mental message as speaking to the men, she continues carrying Luke Cage toward them. "I'm just waiting for you to stick knives in our backs, you self-serving bitch."

Laura works on closing off her mind. Doesn't need Emma Frost inside of there to make her start doing something dangerous. Either way, she wonders if this was Hill's intent all along, to recruit the people she'd most like to eliminate. However...she's not suspecting Hill as the figurehead just yet. This was much deeper.

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-14, 07:26 PM
Eyes narrow and perfect brow furrows. Emma feels the girl resist, finally closing off her mental link, though not before some parting words, 'The only one with knives here is you, child. And you were born, born and bred, to use them.'

2013-05-14, 09:44 PM
The SHIELD Agengts whip out a six adamantine manacles and cuff each of you, even the knocked out Luke Cage. With their guns aimed at your hearts, they load each of you into the chopper. The space inside is crammed with so many people inside. The six of you sit on a central bench, surrounded by guards. You have been tied around the bench with thick, Starktech industrial rope.

One of their member pulls six black bags out of his pocket and yanks them over each of your heads. The helicopter slowly rises off the ground and flies off to the east, toward the Atlantic. The journey is slow and boring, what with only the inside of a black hood to look at. Suddenly the helicopter goes into a tail dive. You try to move but the guards prevent you.



Something strikes the tail rotor of the copter, the whirlybird goes into a tail spin. Before you have time to react the craft strikes the water, back end first. The hit flings the passenger compartment through the air, where it skips across the water, once, twice, thrice. Natasha's hood falls off during the tussle. All of the SHIELD agents are slumped over, motionless. She knows the crash wasn't that bad... Poison perhaps?

Before she can ponder the mystery any more, the helicopter sinks below the murky depths of the Atlantic. As it does, the passenger compartment slowly but inexorably fills with water. Ankle height... Knee height...

Something, or rather, someone rips off the door. Natasha looks up and sees a blonde haired, blue eyed man she knows well. With a confident voice he says, "I'm Steve Rogers. I'm here to rescue you."


2013-05-15, 03:37 AM

Steve Rogers saved the newest team of Avengers from certain death. Captain America believes something nefarious is going on at SHIELD but exactly what, no one knows. The team secretly traveled to Madripoor, the island nation where anything goes and no one is ever extradited. It is home to the worst scumbags of the world, thus Madripoor is the perfect sanctuary for the team while they figure out their next move.

It is summer-time, the air is hot and humid. Life in the poverty-stricken Lowtown is dank, dirty and hopeless. The team has taken over a large apartment, with Rogers paying the landlord a sizable chunk of change for his discretion. With the rest of the heroes off in space fighting fighting Thanos and SHIELD seemingly insane, the team has no one to turn to save themselves...

The SPARTAN studio apartment has few, if any, luxuries. The brown tap water that flows through the sink smells of urine. The toilet is hidden away from the rest of the apartment by a ratty red curtain. The blue paint on the walls is faded, while the plaster is peeling, revealing the makeshift nature of the building. The bed was infested with bugs, and thus was quickly thrown out by Emma. Frank and Luke were able to get their hands on a few surplus military cots, as well as a first aid kit. Natasha and Sam were able to acquire a decent set of evening ware, just in case the need arises.

The team has been here for three weeks. Life is BLEAK but the good Captain keeps everyone's spirits up. The six unlikely teammates gather around a tiny coffee table at the center of the apartment.

"Ok team, we need supplies, information and a ride. Madripoor is a hive of scum and villainy, especially Hightown. I am far too well known to the rogues and villains that live in this town to be seen much outside. It will be up to you five to find what we need." The legend ponders a bit before continuing, "We know several big shot criminals (including Wilson Fisk, Madame Masque, and Jigsaw) as well as super villain escapees from the Raft (including Electro, Mister Hyde, Hydro-Man, Graviton and Purple Man) are gathering for some kind of nefarious convention. We may be on the run but we can't allow that kind of gathering to go unchecked or unsupervised. Plus..." a wry smile crosses Cap's face, "They probably have the supplies and vehicles we need."

The smile fades, "However, spying on such a convention is very risky. Our cover could be blown, or worse, we could be killed. We could avoid the villains and instead focus our efforts on AIM. They have representatives in town and we could easily pay them a visit. However, that too is dangerous, especially given their red and blue friends. I remember Nick Fury telling me that he had a secret depot some where in Madripoor but he never gave me any specifics. If we could find that secret base, we would have access to all the arms and supplies we'd need. However, I'd hate to tip Nick Fury's enemies off to its presence, let alone its location... Plus, he built it during his long tenure as Director of SHIELD, thus Maria Hill may know if its existence."

Rogers scratches his head, "All of our potential options are fraught with danger both from our enemies and the unknown."

Dancing Owlbear
2013-05-15, 03:55 AM
After three weeks on this god forsaken island, Emma is near her wits end. The anemic hovel in which they have been reduced to squat within is a monument to third world filth and degradation, and the former White Queen has simply had enough. When she speaks, the edge in her voice is razor sharp with desperation and a desire for revenge, "The plan is simple, Rogers. This island is populated by nothing but scum.. present company excluded, of course. There is no reason to choose. We will.. deal.. with the convention and its odious attendees, exact some well-deserved payback upon the Advanced Idea Mechanics, and then raid the S.H.I.E.L.D. depot."

"After all, we will need all the weaponry and supplies we can get our hands on if we're going to have any chance of removing Hill as Director... permanently. Fury's lack of vision was astounding, even for a man with one eye. Why he ever trusted that detestable and imbecilic wench to take over when he was gone, I will never understand."

She looks over the others with a steel cold gaze, especially focusing upon Logan's 'daughter', "Are there any objections?"

2013-05-15, 05:04 AM
Laura raises a claw, not even bothering to make a finger. "Yeah. Who died and made you Queen Bitch? We're talking about dangerous things here." A light cough. "Don't strain yourself too hard, diamond fingernails break, too." Leaning back in her chair, she has her footclaws holding her to the table from below. Watch where you stick your hands, hmm? "We know that they cloned Hulk once, so there could be a whole army of them. AIM is out of the question until we have the firepower. At the same time, any massive reports of hero movement are going to stick all eyes on Madripoor."

"Cap here says he knows a depot. We've got our heavy munitions buff, and I think Castle's a veritable one-man-army. At the same time? He's also covert, and stealthy. I think he could manage to not alert anyone." She clasps her fingers together, the claws in her hands retracted. "At the same time, Natasha and I both have heavy experience with infiltration and stealth, so sneaking into a party of bad guys isn't too hard. What we do need is a distraction. So we need to get you into a dress to pretty your ass up. Shouldn't be hard to convince them that you've switched sides, especially with reports of us being crazy terrorists. Just watch for the hands - I hear Hydro-Man is a bit grabby." Shrug.

"I don't underestimate any of our villains, but in a fight, Hydro-Man and Electro are a bad team-up. Mister Hyde, Graviton, and Purple Man can easily be combated with a master-class telepath, and if Castle is quick enough, then taking on Kingpin, Madame Masque, and Jigsaw all at once isn't going to be as much of a problem. It'll be one hell of a fight, though, and I like odds better against them, since we actually know what we're up against, though it's still three on one in some cases. But overall, we need to be smart. Smarter than them, and that's hard - and as a team. Not letting our egos get in the way. Each and every one of us has skills to bring to the table, despite any grudges against each other."

"As for the other matter...I know you've commanded the Avengers before, Cap...Natasha...so we should defer to you two here. Which of our options is the most tactically-sound?"

2013-05-15, 12:01 PM
Frank knew when he was outclassed. With most of the team lacking the cajones to fight, there was only one choice now the agents got the drop on them. "If I was really a terrorist, you know you'd be dead. Just hurry up and treat us the way you would any other prisoner" which if Frank was not mistaken will get the help for those that needed them, as long as Hill's plan could. He didn't know what the acting director of Shield was thinking as allowed himself to be cuffed.

Mentally the vigilante told the more idealistic members of the team "I hope you know what you're doing. This is not one of your superhero games where the villain will give you a chance to escape. A mistake will get not only you but all of us killed" and Frank was not about to let himself get offed like that. He still had work to do like taking out the AIM responsible for this mess and revenge on Hill..
Just getting the above out of the way first
"Ladies enough!" Frank said to the arguing mutants. They might not be interested but here was Captain America. An idealist among superheroes true, but he was a real war hero who earned his reputation in the battlefield. Not because of his powers like the rest.

"As much as I would like to take out those waste of humanity Captain, can you remind me again why you're not off-world with the other capes and how you found out about our situation?" Not that he did not appreciate it but the timing of his rescue was a little too convenient and even if doubting Captain America made the Punisher feel a little dirty, he had just about enough with doing the dirty work for bootlickers like Maria Hill, clone or not.

But still having all his hated enemies in one place was too tempting target to pass on. As if his decision was already made, Frank took out some communicator device most likely made by the person on the other line. "Its me. Word is the big names are going to have some party. I'm planning a gatecrash, get me some intel. Guestlist, blueprints, security, the usual."

As if there was nothing special about this event, the Punisher suggested to the rest of the group "better if we just nuke the place. Their plans are nothing when they are cinders and we won't lose anyone in a scuffle."

Creating a covert resource called Pet Nerd at d8. No idea who it'd be in this timeline but I guess its a choice from Microchip, Stuart Clarke or Jiggy's son (which I forgot the name) :P

2013-05-15, 01:24 PM
Rogers responds rather gruffly to Emma, "We can't do everything or lest we will surly tip Hill off to our location. She isn't the kind of person to abide by Madripoor's extradition laws. If she gets wind of us, she'll send a strike team in to abduct us. Our best defense right now is the fact that no one would expect us to be here."

He looks over at X-23 a smiles, "You remind me so much of Logan. It's quite uncanny, really. I have not known many of you for long and do not know your full capabilities. Since I cannot leave the apartment, I will leave it to the five of you to choose the best course of action."

Captain stares into Frank's eyes, "There has been a lull in the war with Thanos. The Shi'ar fleet has bogged Thanos' fleet down. Tony Stark was critically injured. I came back to Earth with Wolverine and Wasp to procure several of Tony's suits, as well as Pym's miniature lab and a few other supplies. Unfortunately, Hill was lying in wait for us at Avenger's Tower. We were ambushed. We barely escaped with our lives. The three of us split up to round up the few remaining heroes and form a resistance force. When I heard you six were gathered by Hill, I knew something was up. You're lucky my intel was a bit late, or else I would have never run across your copter."

2013-05-15, 02:06 PM
Natasha was silently sitting in the far corner of the room near a low table. Laid out in front of her was the contents of a Madripor drop incase she had to do just what she was doing now.

Fake Passports, a .45 with several clips, money in different currencies (which she nearly burned through to help with essentials and cost of living in the apartment), and other spygear.

She didn't have to check her contacts to know that she had a burn notice. FBI, CIA, DEA, and especially SHIELD were now out of the question.

She wasn't ignoring the group, though it may look that way. In fact, as she went through the motions of cleaning her .45 and maintianing her bracelets, she locked away the various strategies and what-not. She looked up when she heard her name mentioned, her eyes falling on Laura...

She listened to Steve bounce the burden of decision back to them...

Back to her.


She looked away, back to checking the slide lock, back to checking the cleanliness of the chamber...

A minute has passed, allowing Frank to have his little say in the matter, it provided the distraction she needed to collect her thoughts.

"The convention must be kept intact, Frank." Natasha placed the gun down. "And no, it's not a hero thing... it's a intel thing. All of those men there has to know what's going on... why we were set up. Heck, some of them might be in on it."

She stood up and walked to the window. "Laura... we can't do jack squat without weapons and equipment. The best I can do is slip into another country undetected at this point... and that doesn't help any of you. As much as it will expose us... we need that secret base. If Fury ran it, I could crack into the filesystems... maybe even track SHIELD's movements and find other secret base locations..."

"...Laura, we need to risk the exposure. We need to strip the base for supplies, rations, ammo and tech at the very least."

2013-05-15, 02:36 PM
*CRACK* Her claws go right through the end of the table as Laura falls back, shocked. "What th...Dad's here?! On-planet?!" Oh hell. She picks herself up, claws retracting, and sits in the chair properly. Kinda...brushing off the wooden chippings from where she was. The unexpected comparison to Logan, as an endearment, is something she's been getting used to. But now that he's around...

Collecting herself, and listening to Laura, she makes her decision. "It's even more vitally important, now, that we find the warehouse, if we have a whole resistance force. Cap, if you can contact the others, and if they have Pym technology on them, then we could break in and clear out Fury's warehouse before anyone's the wiser. And I don't favor going after a bunch of villains if we don't have to. Additionally, you're dealing with mutants, Castle - even a nuke couldn't stop them if they combine efforts. Each and every one of them has field experience. It'd be the equivalent of Cap going in alone against a score of Nazis who each have a power to kill him violently. Not to say it couldn't be done, but it's not smart, and the chance of coming out alive is nearly nil." Er. "...no offense, Cap."

Laura leans in, clasping her fingers through each other. "For this, then, we each have a job. Natasha can hack into security, and get us the intel we need. Castle, you've got a contact or two - see if they can't narrow down the search field for us. Luke is better off staying here, in case we need backup - sorry, but you're hard not to notice, and I'd rather have you home to your wife safely as soon as it's possible." Anywho. "Emma, you're on concealment - on the off-chance we're spotted, you can wipe any trace of our passing. The less tracks we leave, the better. Sam always has a bird's eye view, and can help with the search."

"If we're quick enough, and smart, we can get in and get out with Fury's personal stash. And I don't know about any of you, but I'd trust an arsenal of his over anything the AIM or SHIELD has on them right now. Hell, I found one of Stark's suits just in the Helicarrier - we'd have a lot of resources to work with, and possibly enough to even the odds."

2013-05-15, 03:01 PM
Natasha smiled at Laura and then turned to Steve. "Cap, you still have that Laptop? The one with the 4G wi-fi? I could hack into a few backdoor sites and scrounge up some potential passcodes and worms to hack into the security systems there..."

2013-05-15, 04:36 PM
Laura smiles back, unconsciously, as she thinks. "In the meantime...Logan used to visit a bar here pretty frequently when he was laying low, and I know two of his friends own it - Lindsay McCabe, and O'Donnell. If they have any information for us, it'd be a good time to call in favors." It's almost ironic, actually, that she'd end up in the place where her genetic father made a name for himself. Many friends, here...

Maybe it's not her place to say, but she wouldn't have their relationship any other way. They know each other perfectly, almost - feelings, inner desires...the rage that he taught her to control, and only use when absolutely necessary. If she ever lives as long as he has...well, Logan's a tough act to follow, but she'll try like hell.

2013-05-15, 06:15 PM
Cap smiles at Natasha as he pulls his laptop out of a satchel, "Tony says this is his latest model. Connects to Stark's private satellite. Says it uses 5G's, or something."

2013-05-15, 11:41 PM
"Hmmmmm..." If what the Captain said was true then Hill is actually a bigger problem than he thought. "What we know now is that Hill is making a grab at the caped community" and for no reason a powerless human like Castle was involved. "Were you able to retrieve your gear from the Tower or is it in the hands of the enemy?" he asked. With any luck they might have some things they can use already.

Anyway, "I think that you've been playing hero so much that you've forgotten how things work in our world Widow. Better to kill all those freaks instead of trying to impress your peers. If its intel you want, we can just take Frost with us when we find Hill to extract it from her mind painfully because the scum in that gathering don't share your sentiments. They will kill us with a smile on their face as much as I will them." Hopefully if they do the former, they can turn that backstabbing @#$%&! into a vegetable in the progress. "If you think blowing them up, I've already proven you wrong a million times over kid" during his personal war. Powers are not really needed when a few bullets and bombs can do the same.

With a grunt Frank agreed that "I think finding Fury's base is a good idea" although the vigilante didn't want to give a reason for the superspy to make him an enemy. "If we're lucky, we find Fury to fix this mess or he might some information on why Hill's finally lost it." Even if there was nothing, Logan's little killing machine has suggested he find out from his "contacts" and Frank was really looking for a way to let off some steam.

"I'll follow you to the bar kid. If we're lucky I might find some of my usual information sources on the way there" and having one of the most dangerous living weapons out there nearby might be useful in case anything happened.

Rolling to find out stuff through Micro or whoever I guess.

Affiliation: Buddy (1d8)[7]
Distinction: Bleak (1d4)[1] +1PP
Specialty: Covert Master (1d8)[4] (1d8)[6]
Resource: Pet nerd (1d8)[8]

15 total, d8 effect and one opportunity.

2013-05-16, 05:36 AM
Looking over, Laura quirks her eyebrow. "If you're sure...just going out for drinks and a chat." Hmm. "Not sure how recognizable either of us are, but I'm guessing I fit in a little better than blondie." Emma.

She stands up, taking her jacket up from where it lies. She's wearing blue-jeans, and a long-sleeved shirt, too. The heat and humidity don't bother her as much as they should, but that's either from her training, or just pure stamina. Either way, she's keeping the scars on her arms covered while she's here. Don't want any questions about them in public, even if she normally keeps her arms unrestricted.

Granted, there may be a bit of self-consciousness going on, with the way Emma dresses and looks.

2013-05-16, 11:53 AM
Natasha closed her eyes as the laptop was slid to her. Frank Castle's arguments were always the same. Sure, he made sense... the problem was that he was too stubborn, blunt, and destructive for his own good. He seems to forget the many times Wilson Fisk played him for a fool due to his predictbility.

She opened her eyes and soon her fingers began flying over the keyboard. She doesn't respond to Frank... and instead, fakes a look of hurt. Should help boost his morale and ego.

And they needed every bit of Morale they could get.

She logged onto a banking site, then operated a crack that lead her to a backdoor application.

"So we're all set to assume Hill is behind this, despite the fact that are enemies have proven they have clone technology?"

There we go. The worm program was just where she left it. Picking up some random spygear, she began downloading. Delicate work, this.

2013-05-16, 01:26 PM
"Not assuming it's all Hill just yet, though I'm pretty sure you know her better than we do. She seems to have a dislike for all that Fury's done - and it seems that it's going to include the Avengers." Actually, that's a pretty decent idea. "Might want to see her data-file if we get the chance...and those clones acted pretty spot-on to the personalities of their sources - although I could imitate Hulk any day of the week." She screws up her face, making fists and bringing them down on imaginary obstacles. "HULK MAAAAAAD!! HULK SMAAAASH!! HULK NO LIKE PUNY MEN!! RAAAAUUGH!!" Deadpan look. She's been working on her sense of humor.

"We'll be back in a bit, guys." Laura opens the door, leading out.


Walking in, and sitting down at the bar, she holds up two fingers. "Two Molson Exports, and keep 'em coming." Using her peripherals, she can tell that there's always a thug or two. You didn't bring fights into the Princess Bar, though - just wasn't respectable. And who wants to shut down a good bar?

2013-05-16, 01:48 PM
The barkeep looks at X-23 and asks, "You sure you're old enough kid?"

2013-05-16, 02:21 PM
"Fine Natasha, a Hill will be taken down when this is all done" Frank said in response to the clone comment but he didn't really care. He didn't like Hill compared to Fury who was obviously more committed to the mission. And then he sees what X-23 is doing, an imitation which will make the real Hulk go on a rampage if he saw it and groaned with a facepalm. "Lets just get on with the job before you embarrass yourself anymore princess."


Taking a seat at the bar, Frank said "she can hold it" before looking around the establishment for the perfect type of scum that he can use to get the information he wants and enjoy it.

2013-05-16, 03:06 PM
"Old enough to own a gun." In reality, she's...well, by estimates, Laura's seventeen or eighteen. And in all likelyhood, she'd look like this for the next two hundred years.

Not to mention she could smoke and drink for ten days straight, and still be completely fine. Depending on who you are, the healing factor is either a blessing or a curse. "Just put it on my brother's tab. Guy by the name of Patch." She says this quietly, so as not to attract attention.

2013-05-16, 04:16 PM
"Old enough to hold a gun, eh? That's old enough to drink a beer in Madripoor. Nothin' harder though." The Barkeep slides over a dripping wet bottle of some Chinese beer. It's cool to the touch but not frigid, obvious sitting in a cooler full of melted ice water. He looks into X-23's eyes, "What will your father have?"

When she mentions Patches' name he gives a slight tell with his eyebrows but he tries to remain as calm and nonchalant as possible, "Patches? Never heard of him."

2013-05-16, 04:43 PM
Laura uncaps it with her teeth, spitting the metal out. And sips on the beer, staring back. Tasting the alcohol. Rice. Bah, too much to ask for Canadian imports, though that was her first clue-in to being acquainted with "Patch". "Something cold, hard, and ready to kick ass, for the old man." And recognizing the tell, she rubs her nose. One claw sliding out just a few inches, creating a small trickle of blood. "You sure? I hear he used to come in all the time."

2013-05-16, 08:15 PM
The barkeep smiles, "One Count Neferious for the old man." The man then mixes the drink, using what seems like 30 different bottles. "So, what would a grizzled old man and a pretty young thing want with a guy like Patches?"

2013-05-16, 08:45 PM
"Well, he's in some trouble, and we're trying to help him out." The nick on her hand heals up, and she wipes the blood onto her coat nonchalantly. "Heard that an old friend of his comes to town frequently, and may have some supplies for us to use. I know Patch always tells people to keep their eyes out, so I'm wondering if you know anything." Laura shakes the bottle, frowning. Son of a bitch, she already drank it.

She's pretty entertained that Castle's getting called "old", though.

2013-05-16, 09:13 PM
The barkeep finishes mixing the drink and slams the mug down on the table, "Be a dear and hand this to your pop. Now you mentioned his special friend? Well, Patches did have a lot of special friends, if you know what I mean but... Some how I'm thinking you aren't looking for his flings. There was this one chap Patches had a beer with a few times, called him Ole' One Eye. Guy kept to himself for the most part but he and Patches were pretty close."

The barkeep starts laughing, "One time, Ole' One Eye had his '57 Chevy towed away by Madripoor cops. Some guy from Hightown had purchased the car at auction before Ole' One Eye could scrape together the funds to pay off the corrupt police. I think his name was Reed... Keed... Creed! That was it. Creed."

2013-05-16, 10:51 PM
Laura slides the drink over to Castle. "One Eye, yeah! Hasn't been seen in a while." She laughs along with him, focused in her head. Creed. Victor Creed. Well, it seems like even Logan's enemies have a legacy coming to haunt her. In any case. "I've heard about Creed, too...Patch tells me he's this burly dude, snarls a lot. Real penchant for being an *******."

In any case. Back to business. "Need to know if you'd heard where Ole One Eye hung out besides here, though. Could make it worth your while, when we can manage it - renovate the bar a bit, have some backup cash just in case...you know?"

2013-05-16, 11:54 PM
The barkeep scratches his head, "I don't know where Ole' One Eye called home. He was always more of a wanderer. His car was pretty high-tech, I mean for that day-and-age. I think it had a computer build into it, and a Cell Phone, from way back when cell phones were gigantic. I'd love to get my hands on that car. Just imagine what else it has hidden in it!"

2013-05-17, 12:53 AM
Hmm. "Well, hit me up with another beer." Laura gestures to the empty bottle, thinking to herself.

"One Eye had to be living pretty close by, though, yeah? Maybe Patch mentioned something about it?" She's hoping, but it's looking bleaker. Maybe, though...they'd already narrowed it. Knowing Fury, he'd hide everything in plain sight.

In a car. "Hang on a sec. Did One Eye ever drive anything else, besides the '57? And where was it towed from?"

2013-05-17, 01:36 AM
"Thanks Princess" Frank said taking the drink from the girl who was having a little too much fun with this trip.

But before he even having the chance to touch the drink Castle said "great...Creed..." while rubbing on his eyebrows. Now he couldn't even take a sip because he "won't want to go anywhere near that crazed animal" even if he was sober but he won't have a choice by the looks of it.

Turning on his communicator discreetly, Frank said "do you know where we can find Creed or One Eye? Better if you can help since we don't want to go asking the cops about our friend's '57 Chevy" to both the bartender and Micro who should know what to do with what he just said.
Getting the pet nerd to hack the police files to find out? :P

Affiliation: Team [roll0]
distinction: Obsessed Vigilante [roll1]
Specialty: Covert Master [roll2]
Resource: Pet nerd [roll3]

13 total, d10 effect

2013-05-17, 01:43 AM
One eye never drove anything save that old teal '57. The cops towed it away from out front while old one eye was with a special friend. He stayed in hotels, or where ever the heck Patches stayed. Always got the impression he hated Madripoor.


2013-05-17, 11:07 AM
The Punisher is told that Creed's whereabouts are currently unknown. However, he has a permanently rented room in the Alta Vista Hotel, which comes with a parking space. No info on the car though. Your man tells you that much of Madripoor's police files have not been transferred to a digital format.

2013-05-17, 12:00 PM
She looks aside to The Punisher, and then back at the barkeep. "...well, you've been pretty helpful. I'll give both of them your regards when we catch back up with them." Laura stands up, leaving a tip on the bar. Patting Castle on the shoulder. "Come on, Pops. Time to get going, yeah?"

2013-05-17, 01:04 PM
Finishing his glass of Nefarious in one sitting, the Punisher growled saying "I'm not your pops. Go talk to Log-...Patches about your daddy issues princess" before asking the bartender "I need a bottle of something strong to go" before handing over what he owed.

"We're going to take a trip to the Alta Vista Hotel" Frank told Laura without much of an explanation. "You know where it is?"

2013-05-17, 01:42 PM
"Didn't you hear the nice man? You're my father now." She leans in, grinning and batting her eyelashes. "I want a dress, and a pony, and a little tea set where I can talk to imaginary people and nibble on tiny scones." Laura smacks his shoulder, getting a scowl. "Lighten up - if your ass was any harder, you'd be ****ting bricks. The Alta Vista is in Hightown, and it's a bit of a walk." She goes outside, waiting for him to catch up before leading.

2013-05-17, 04:55 PM
Natasha (who has been following everything through commlink back at the apartment), began to compile a search on any and everything relevant of the Hotel the two were going to, eyeing Steve and Emma before saying, "I'm suiting up and meeting you two there as a shadow. I don't like this..."

As the search began, she stood up, stretched, they walked to the room she shared with Laura, where her Widow Suit hung. "ETA, 20 minutes."

Five minutes later, she reentered the room in her suit and looked at Cap and Emma. "Coming, Comrades?"

She asked, knowing full well Steve's answer. She was just hoping on that slim chance he'd change his mind. Otherwise, it would be up to her to keep these 'kids', both metaphorically and literally, alive.

She did not have a good track record when it came to saving the lives of her friends.

Going for Hotel Intel Asset. Need the pp, so now is a good time to start hording again.

Solo- [roll0]
Leader- [roll1]
Covert Master- 3d6 [roll2][roll3][roll4]

Total: 12; d6 effect.

2013-05-17, 06:27 PM
Have your PP!


Total: 6

Widow learns that the Alta Vista Hotel was once the best hotel in the city way back in the 30's. Since then it has been bought and sold roughly thirty times, with each successive owner renovating and improving the building. Currently Alta Vista Corp. operates the facility, which is a subsidiary of Hammer Industries. Black Widow also finds out that a Wilson Fisk has booked the penthouse suite and that the grand ball room has been booked for a big - invitation only - gala.

2013-05-18, 02:14 AM
"If my kids were like you, I wouldn't even be in this mess right now but I have no regrets..." Frank said as he remembered about that painful day in the park which started his war before catching up with his new "daughter". "You're old enough to own a gun, this is all you're going to get" he said as he gave her a side arm and a knife. "The last thing we want is for anyone to see you popping those claws before we're ready to wipe them out" especially Creed. Logan would kill him for that.

Hearing the Widow, Frank said "got it" before turning off his comms and telling his partner "looks like we got fifteen minutes to grab Fury's ride before the Ruskie comes and ruins everything up with her precious morality" and hurriedly made his way to the hotel his destination being the parking lot. "Lets go."

Creating an asset for X-23, weapons!

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
Distinction: Dead Inside [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2]
Specialty: Combat Master [roll3] [roll4]
Limit: Tragic Past (stepping up emotional stress for 1 PP)

11 total (spending 1 PP), d10 total, 1 opportunity. Using 1 PP to make it persistent.

2013-05-18, 02:41 AM

Total 11. Victory.

2013-05-18, 02:44 AM
"Got it." Laura pulls a silencer out of her jacket pocket, affixing it to the barrel before looping it through the cut strap on the inside. She'd seen this jacket when they went and got outfits - and something called to her. Fixing it up, and putting a couple hidden pockets, as well as that makeshift holster, was a bit of a pet project for her. Plus it's comfortable as hell. She switches her comm to receiving-only, for now, and stows the knife in a second strap inside. Really, this jacket could hold a couple semi-automatics, too, as well as an assortment of blades.

She's laying off of Castle for now, after seeing that look. His kids, huh...explains a few things, maybe. Laura catches up with him now, guiding him aside only when a shorter route would present itself. "I'm agreeing with you, but she's right - this might be a trap. Why the hell would Fury let Creed keep his car? Especially with all that tech in there? If we're going in, we're going covert. No running and gunning."

Really, she'd rather wait for Widow. But after the last battle...the number of times Natasha was in danger, in direct combat...no. If there was a fight, she's going to take care of it. She's the monster, the killer - Nat's court is spying, and espionage, not on the frontlines. And if there was a fight...Laura and Frank could hold out until backup arrives. If there's one thing about the Punisher, it's that he's as hard to kill as she is, even without the immunities.

The most dangerous thing in the world is a man without something to live for.

2013-05-18, 01:56 PM
...Frank made a rare mistake. He cutoff his communicator, but forgot about Laura's.

As a result, when he made the comment about getting there before 'her precious morality ruined things' he said it within earshot of Natasha and Steve.

Black Widow silently killed her feed, pretending to not be online. Fine. She had five minutes to get there, find the car, and set the trap.

She takes the keys to Rodger's bike. He won't be needing it. She then filled her gym bag with the spy gear she thought she would need and headed off...

But not before a plan formed in her head. If Frank wants to be gung-ho, best to take advantage of it...

Spending a pp to create "Spy Gear" d8 resource. Also, sending a pm to you, Hammer. Time for some intrigue! XD

2013-05-18, 02:16 PM
A trap? By Creed? Highly unlikely. "Logan and Creed been going at it for ages" which should say a lot about the two. Frank gave something as close to a smile as he could recalling. "Logan's so easily manipulated I don't think Creed's used to making the effort." It was of course thanks to Wolverine's hot temper being directed by him that the Punisher was able to get out of a few close moments.

As for the car "We take the car, we find Fury. If we ruin Fury's plans," based on the farfetched idea that Fury is letting Creed keep the car "Fury'll find us." Either way they win and Creed loses. "Of course we're going in covert, but that doesn't mean I don't want anything interesting to happen" he said feeling on his weapons.

2013-05-18, 04:14 PM

Frank and Laura hitch a ride to Hightown. The stark contrast between rich and poor is no more obvious than at the wall that divides High from Low. On one side lies make shift hovels, on the other, beautiful, modern skyscrapers. Captain America provided the Punisher and X-23 with enough cash to bribe the wall's guards and secure entry into Hightown. The Alta Vista Hotel is as grand an beautiful as you have heard. As Laura and Frank near the hotel, they immediately notice the HIGH-TECH SECURITY, complete with hovering robot drones, cameras and lots of security guards. Thanks to Frank's years of experience, they manage to sneak into the underground parking garage without being noticed. It is filled high priced cars - Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Jaguars, Rolls-Royces, stock cars, and many custom built automobiles and choppers.

As they head towards the stairs that lead down to where they believe Fury's car is parked, steel barricades slam down in front of the doors, trapping the two heroes in the garage. The lights suddenly switch off. It is COMPLETELY DARK. They hear a voice, cold, unfeeling, deep, "You should not have come here Mr. Castle." Frank recognizes the voice as that of Wilson Fisk - the Kingpin. "It's a shame I must kill you in this... Manner. I would have preferred to slay you myself, with my bare hands but..." he laughs, "Even someone like myself must compromise his dreams to see his goals completed.

Heavy footfalls and mechanical clicking can be heard echoing off in the distance...

X-23 goes first.

2013-05-18, 05:52 PM
make The Post Appear

2013-05-18, 05:52 PM
Laura hears the grate slam, looking up at the intercom. Oh hell. :smallannoyed:

"You know, Frank? It just occurred to me that Victor doesn't ****ing drive. And do you have any friends that don't try to kill you?" She hears the metal machines coming, and levels her gun. "Because I'm not sure this family thing is going to work out." The echoes...closing her eyes, she aims, and starts firing at the machines.

"Get to some cover, and get ready to flip the lights on. Chances are they're not going to like that if they're wearing nightvision."

Buddy: [roll0]
Killer Instinct: [roll1]
Superhuman Senses: [roll2]
Combat Master: [roll3]
Weaponry: [roll4]
Stunt - Like a Daredevil: [roll5]

Total: 21, spending 1PP for three die.
Effect Die: d10

+1 XP, leading team. +3 XP for a "night out on the town". Drinks and goons, yeah?

2013-05-18, 06:22 PM
The Goons do what they do best - shoot! Why bother with defense when you can just kill the enemy?

Team: [roll0]
Hired Guns [roll1]
Guns [roll2]

Spend 2 Doom Dice to keep two extra d6's.

Total: 23
Effect: d6

As Laura nears the enemy, they lay into her with their semiautomatic weapons. X-23 wasn't expecting such lethality, especially from enemies she presumed to be at a disadvantaged. He chest is pelted with bullets.

2013-05-18, 11:27 PM
Ignoring the comment about Creed's ability to drive, Frank instead chose to respond with the other subject on his mind. "It never does. Family dies..." except for Logan and Laura that were spoilt with their healing factors.

However more important issues came up. "Hell..." it never occurred to Castle that Fisk would have control over the hotel. He was getting careless with his first mistake being joining this team. "Don't worry Fisk, one of us will reach our goals" the Vigilante said before ducking behind a car for cover and unlike Fisk, he won't compromise.

But first things first. The girl wanted lights so Frank was going to give her lots, along with some loud noises. Chances are the mooks wouldn't like some well placed bullets either but beggars can't be choosers. "Micro help me run interference" he said into his comms hoping that this hotel can actually be hacked.

Getting straight to it, Frank started shooting at the cars to turn on their alarms and flashing lights and not even stopping until they do even when he was hit by some stray bullets.

Creating an asset called distraction

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
distinction: High Tech Security [roll1]
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Take your shot (doubling for d6 stress)
Specialty: Menace Master [roll4]
Resource: Pet nerd [roll5] (damn Fisk's security...)
Limit: Tragic Past (stepping up emotional stress for 1 PP)

21 total (using 1PP), d8 effect, 2 opportunities.
Using 1PP to make it persistent
baddies next

2013-05-19, 01:18 AM
Opposition: Buying one opportunity, then upgrading the die to a d8.

[roll0] [roll1]

Total 8
Effect d4.

Your Asset is bumped to a d12.

2013-05-19, 01:38 AM
All of your enemies are equipped with night-vision goggles, so the darkness does not affect them. The loud noise of car alarms honking, however, infuriates them! The goons lob over a volley of bullets at both Frank and Laura. The Thugs spread out and shoot jets of fire at both heroes, while the drones fire off miniature rockets.

Meanwhile Fisk patches into the PA, "Ah, yes. Destroy all of the cars down there Mr. Castle. I care not. The insurance company will compensate my guests fully for all damages."

Goons' Bulletts v. both F and L.

Team: [roll0]
Hired Guns [roll1]
Guns [roll2]
Area Attack: [roll3]

Total: 19
Effect: d6 for Frank, d6 for Laura

Spending a Doom Die to keep 3.


Thugs' flame throwers v F and L

Team: [roll4]
Best Mercenaries Available [roll5]
Flame Throwers [roll6]
Area Attack: [roll7]

Total: 11
Effect: d8 for Laura, d6 for Frank


Floating Drone's miniature missile attack v F & L

Team: [roll8]
Programmed to Succeed [roll9]
Rockets [roll10]
Area Attack: [roll11]

Total: 14
Effect: d6 for both Laura and Frank

2013-05-19, 02:08 AM
I'll take those two opportunities. 1 for a stunt on my next action and another for making a combat resource Urban Warfare at d8 which is telling Laura to take advantage of the space.
Fisk was talking but Frank will ignore it for now. He will be able to hear the fat man's screams along with every other dirtbag he has hiding up there later. For that he'd need all the help he can get.

"Only two of us against all of them Laura, lets split up and take advantage of this cramped garage, you get in from the front" Frank yelled as he ran through the mess of vehicles to get into a better position and take the mooks by surprise.

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
Distinction: Completely Dark [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Enhanced Durability [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Full Auto (doubling)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll4] [roll5]
Asset: distraction [roll6]
Resource: Urban Warfare [roll7]

Affiliation: Buddy [roll8]
Distinction: Completely Dark [roll9] +1PP
War on Crime: Enhanced Durability [roll10] [roll11]
SFX: Full Auto (doubling)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll12] [roll13]
Asset: distraction [roll14]
Resource: Urban Warfare [roll15]

Affiliation: Buddy [roll16]
Distinction: Completely Dark [roll17] +1PP
War on Crime: Enhanced Durability [roll18] [roll19]
SFX: Full Auto (doubling)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll20] [roll21]
Asset: distraction [roll22]
Resource: Urban Warfare [roll23]

Goons: 20 total (spending 1PP) d10 effect, 1 opportunity
Thugs: 17 total d10 effect, hit em by surprise! d12 asset for X23 (1 PP)
Floating drones: 19 total d10 effect, 1 opportunity

2013-05-19, 02:31 AM
Facing them head on, all of her training kicks in. And her fear goes away. Tossing off her jacket and flinging it to the side, she just walks calmly at them. Firing round after round at the men, the bots, darkness no longer an advantage for her. There were lights, and sounds, and a swath of enemies in front of her. New clip from the back of her belt - and she continues taking aim where she will, shooting for vitals and taking them out one by one. Bullets flying into her, through her - staggered by the impact of a missle, and the heat of flames. Skin flying, burning away, and regenerating as quickly as it happens, leaving her calm and still alive. Ignoring all the pain.

Another clip. Her watch has kicked it. But her gun still fires, even as it warms up in her hand from the flames, she does not feel it.

Laura is at peace - as if this is the fight she will not walk away from. But if only she dies today, then this is a victory. "One girl against fourteen. I like these odds."

Buddy: [roll0]
Completely Dark: [roll1] +1pp
Godlike Stamina: [roll2]
Combat Master: [roll3]
Distraction: [roll4]
Weaponry: [roll5]

Total: 26, spending the 1pp to make it three dice.
Effect: 1d12 counterpunch(-1pp)

Buddy: [roll6]
Completely Dark: [roll7] +1pp
Godlike Stamina: [roll8]
Combat Master: [roll9]
Distraction: [roll10]
Weaponry: [roll11]

Total: 13, spending 1pp to make it three dice, two opportunities one opportunity.
Effect: 1d12 counterpunch(-1pp)

Buddy: [roll12]
Completely Dark: [roll13] +1pp
Godlike Stamina: [roll14]
Combat Master: [roll15]
Distraction: [roll16]
Weaponry: [roll17]

Total: 10, one opportunity.
Effect: d12

Attack on Thugs.
Buddy: [roll18]
Completely Dark: [roll19] +1pp
Godlike Stamina: [roll20]
Combat Master: [roll21]
Distraction: [roll22]
Weaponry: [roll23]

Total: 18, spending 1pp to make it three dice.
Effect: d12

(Total of three two opportunities)

2013-05-19, 07:54 PM
The Thugs rush backwards and duck behind cover trying to avoid X-23's volley of fire.

Team: [roll0]
Complete Darkness [roll1] +1 Doom Die
Body Armor [roll2]

Total: 9. One degree of success compared to your 18 (the best you can get with 3 dice since you cannot use 2 assets), which bumps your d12 up to a d12 and a d4 thus eliminating two team dice from the thugs.

Effect: d6

The emergency lights kick on, blanketing the area in a red glow. The garage has so many cars that it has NO VACANCY.

Spend a doom die to change the scene distinction.

2013-05-19, 09:02 PM
10 Minutes ago...

"...this is Fisk. Who is this, and how did you get this number...?"

"My name is not important. Of more immediate concern is the two people who will be in view of your penthouse window right about... now."

"...what... is that... Castle!?"

"Yep... he found out about you, and have come to shut you down..."

"I see... Charles we're about to have company. As for you... who are you, and what is this going to cost me?"


Natasha frowned as she watched Frank and Laura enter the garage. Morality will hinder her judgement... that almost made her laugh when she heard it.

"...as I said, Mr. Fisk, my name isn't important and the price, for giving you the head of one of your greatest enemies, All I ask for is a simple car..."

Ain't I a stinker? Anywho, setting up a scene for Widow to get that car while Laura and Frank make a nice big distraction. Thanks for the assist, guys! XD

3xp for placing Frank and Laura into a dangerous situation.

2013-05-19, 10:14 PM
"If Castle dies, you can have every car in the garage!"

2013-05-19, 11:18 PM
Frank allowed the Logan's little assassin to do what she does best so that he may find it easier to move around the garage to a more favorable position even with all the vehicles blocking his way. At least he can trust the noises to be louder than his bumbling.

Once he was close to the flamethrowing thugs with the goons in between he yelled "think fast!" to get their attention before tossing the bottle he got from the bar earlier together with a grenade along with a few others for good measure. They might actually get to him first but it was going to be worth it.

It was going to be the best drink he never had and those flamethrowers are only going to make it better.

"You can take the drones hero, just leave me the mooks" or whatever is left.

Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
Distinction: No Vacancy [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapon [roll2]
SFX: Take Your Shot (Stepping up for d6 stress)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll3]
Asset: Distraction [roll4]
Stunt: Punisher's Special Cocktail [roll5]
SFX: Explosives [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] (1d6)[3]

21 total (spending 1 PP), 2 opportunities
Goons effect: d6, d6
Thugs effect: d12, d12, d10
drones effect: d8, d6, d6, d6

Oh no Widow didn't! Initiate PVP flag later!!! :P

2013-05-19, 11:40 PM
Buying both opportunities.

The Goons run away, finding cover where they can from the explosion. The Thugs, however, decide to brave the flames and shoot off burning hot jets of fire in large circular patterns to singe everything nearby be it metal, concrete or flesh.

Goons' hide from Frank

Team: [roll0][roll1]
Hired Guns [roll2] +1 D6
Body Armor [roll3]

Total: Horrendously low
Effect: Not enough


Thugs' flame throwers v F

Team: [roll4]
Best Mercenaries Available [roll5] +1 d6
Flame Throwers [roll6]

Total: 22
Effect: d4

Spending 3 d6's to keep 3 additional dice.

The goons are caught completely unawares and obliterated fully. Chunks of their flesh spray the surrounding environs. Meanwhile the whindmill-like pattern the Thugs decided to employ for their flame throwers proves highly effective as one of the jets blasts Frank's left arm, burning off his sleeve.

2013-05-19, 11:47 PM
As it would happen, the drones are also hit by the shrapnel that flies off the mangled automobiles. The Drones were not programed to deal with this eventuality, and so decide to fly away as fast as they can from the epicenter of the blast.

Team: [roll0] (4d6)[3][5][2][4](14)
Programmed to Succeed [roll1] (but this was not a programmed possibility) +1d6.
Fly away [roll2]

Total: 9
Effect: d8

The shrapnel pelts the backs of the drones, which causes their hover engine to sputter out. All of the drones crash into walls or the ground, rendering them inert.

2013-05-20, 12:09 AM
With all of their allies eliminated, the few remaining thugs decide to go for broke. Three of the remaining thugs remove their fuel packs and fling them at Frank, while a fourth compatriot shoots the packs with a gun, igniting an explosion the likes of which frank hasn't seen in many months!

Team: [roll0]
Best Money Can Buy [roll1]
Guns and Fuel Back Packs: [roll2]

Total: 18
Effect: d8

Using two d6's to keep an additional 2.

2013-05-20, 12:21 AM

The Black Widow infiltrates the parking Garage through a secret entrance she learned about while looking at the building's schematics. Utilizing all of her years of experience as a world-class super spy, Natasha manages to duck, roll, crawl and run past all security devices in the parking garage. She comes upon the designated space, floor B7, space 704. The car is of the right shape but has a tight fitting drape stretched across it...

2013-05-20, 12:35 AM
The attack earlier, though effective left Castle's head throbbing, made worse by the annoying alarm sounds in the garage. Just a few more and he can be done with the job and get some lunch but the remaining thugs didn't look like they were going to make it easy for him.

"Smart..." he told himself when he was saw the thugs were planning to do what he just did only this was going to be a lot more devastating since he only used whatever it was the barkeeper gave him and they were actually using a fuel pack.

Quickly drawing his own guns and firing to try and beat the thugs at their own game, the Punisher took a dive at a pillar to try and get out of the way of the explosives and hopefully any other flammable vehicles. He had considerably less armor than the drones and even those were wrecked.
Affiliation: Buddy [roll0]
Distinction: No Vacancy [roll1] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapons [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Full Auto (doubling)
Specialty: Combat Master [roll4]
Stress: Physical [roll5]
Asset: Distraction [roll6]
Resource: Urban Warfare [roll7]

20 total, d10 effect. Spending a PP to use my effect die on one of them. I'll update that.
Frank was proven to be faster and he saw the thug nearest to him getting incinerated. "Burn in Hell. Your friends will be joining you shortly."

2013-05-20, 12:56 AM
"...ashes, ashes, we all fall down..." Coming out of the flames, stepping over an exploding drone, Laura tosses aside her gun. No more clips. No more rounds. Her claws slide out of her hands, and when the attention is diverted, she comes out from in between two cars, having to go out of her way to get to the moving targets. Stalking - and now she attacks, letting them know what happens when they turn their backs on her.

Buddy: [roll0]
No Vacancy: [roll1] +1pp
SFX Slice & Dice: Step up or double one Feral Mutant die. Eliminate the highest rolling die, but use three die for your total.
Adamantium Claws: [roll2][roll3]
Combat Master: [roll4][roll5]
Hit 'em By Surprise: [roll6]
Physical Stress: (1d6)[5]

Total: 16, 2 opportunities
Effect Die: d10

Spending 1pp to recover all Physical Stress as per Healing Factor. +1XP: Stalking the enemy like a predator does prey.

2013-05-20, 08:30 AM
...Fisk was on the level?

Okay, Natasha knew the Kingpin hated the Punisher... but seriously? He literally trusted her!? No ambuush? No... anything.

Too easy.

She stayed in the cover of darkness, flipping between cars and columns as she looked over the space from multiple angles, her modified (silencer) .45 pointed in the direction she was looking. Too frickin quiet.

She began to approach the covered car, her hand on the canvas...

And she pulled...

2013-05-20, 03:29 PM
Between Frank's prodigious turn around and X-23's furious assault the Thugs go down without uttering a single whimper.


Black Widow yanks the drape off revealing a stylish blue '57 Chevy, complete with wood paneling and white leather seats.

2013-05-20, 03:59 PM
Felhammer, feel free to retcon ANY of this post. Just doing some assumptions so that I don't spam the scene with minute actions.

Natasha would've whistled if she didn't expect it to draw attention.

Instead, she got to work. Step one: Scan the car. Step two, get into the car without setting off any sort of alarm, step three, drive the car out.

As she took out a scanner out of her duffel bag, she switched on her commlink. "Laura? What's your situation?"

Natasha was concerned, first on whether her 'diversion' was holding up, but mostly for Laura. There was one fly in the ointment here: Castle's bloodlust. He could make things worse by being over aggressive, which was her plan in the beginning, but that bloodlust was contagious. She didn't want Laura to go through the same struggles Logan did. Frank would encourage that.

But for now it was out of her hands as she pushed some buttons on the device. When she saw the green light, she would begin to work on the car door with her portable car door jimmy.

She then began to work with a steady hand. Hoping to either hear a click (signifying a popped lock), or Laura telling her an all clear.

2013-05-20, 04:20 PM
Laura checks her commlink, pulling it out of her ear. Oh, son of a...she set it to transmit only, instead of the alternative. Turning it on fully, and sticking it back in her ear, Laura's pretty surprised to suddenly hear Natasha on the line. "...you haven't heard...right. Everything's taken care of...where are you meeting us?" She looks around, at the carnage - flicking blood off her claws, before retracting them. Finding her jacket, she puts it on for now. Her outfit's barely-together, and at least she's got a bit of dignity returned.

Alright. "Because I'm sure we're going to either get a second wave, or Fisk himself is coming down...either way, we're going to need your help in finding that car." Picking up one of the unconscious men, she frowns. Right size? Eh...it'd work. She starts stripping the man down, putting clothes over her shoulder. She'd need a new outfit to get out of here without inviting trouble. She also slings one of the semi-automatics over another shoulder, sticking a new clip in and putting extra clips in her pocket. Fitting her silencer to this barrel, instead.

"Frank? We have to get moving."

2013-05-20, 05:32 PM
The fight was over but Frank was not done. "No...not yet... Micro, make sure Fisk sees this." Fury's car was Fury's car but getting rid of all the trash Fisk sent his way reminded the Punisher about his true mission and he was going to see it through now that he has the chance. Whatever the capes want is not his concern.

Moving over to the thugs who were not fully dead yet, Frank chose one and shot the others before he yelled "you better be watching this Fisk!" and he took out one of his knives. With the flickering car lights on him as if this was some poorly made thriller, each one of his motions were further dramatized as he did his bloody work while the poor thug screamed.

When he was done he looked straight at one of the nearest cameras and asked "hope that didn't scare you Fisk, or are you going to have to send more distractions while you try to get your fat ass off the chair?
Since X23 and Black Widow are taking their time with cars and unconscious men, I bet I can do this before the scene goes on too far and I miss my chance to do this to the Kingpin? :D

Affiliation: Solo [roll0]
Distinction: Dead Inside [roll1]
War on Crime: Weapons [roll2] [roll3]
SFX: Full Auto (stepping up)
SFX: Take Your Shot (doubling for 1PP)
Specialty: Menace Master [roll4]
Asset: Distraction [roll5]
Resource: Pet Nerd [roll6]
SFX: Welcome Back Frank (sending my d10 stress to the doom pool as a d12) - taking a page out of the Punisher video game where he recovers by torturing people since everyone enjoys it ;)

20 total (spending 1PP), d12 emotional (if a complication is more fitting I'll make one called come get me fatboy instead), 1 opportunity

Also is
3 XP when you stick to your mission even when compromised by innocent bystanders or obstacles.
available? (I'm assuming that having superheroes around who are more concerned with the car and being anti-punishing is considered an obstacle to Castle's mission :P)

2013-05-20, 08:01 PM
"Already found it, Your Highness. The car, I mean. Tell old man Frank to get his butt in gear, I'm attempting to get in the car now!"

"Floor B7, space 704." Natasha smiled. "You're going to like it... looks beautiful..."

2013-05-20, 08:24 PM
"He's, ah...busy torturing someone right now. We can pick him up on the way out." Laura looks aside, and figures Frank's going to be a while with the executioning and taunting. Taking a jogging run down further, and hopping over one of the sides, she goes down the levels the old-fashioned way, in order to meet up with Natasha. "Don't think a car can compare to you, though." Grinning, she catches herself on another ledge, hopping down again. B7. Here we are...

2013-05-20, 10:01 PM
Natasha deftly slides into the smooth Corinthian leather seats. The chair molds to her subtle form like a skintight glove. She caresses the mahogany wheel like a temptress. Her hands slip over to a chain hanging from the rear-view mirror. Her fingers gentle run along the metallic beads down to an snow-white furry limb. She gently twirls the rabbits foot up, revealing a hidden prize. With a single fluid motion she yanks the foot off, tightly compresses its base and watches with joy as a metallic rod slowly juts out. Bringing her hand down to the ignition, she thrusts the key into its firm orifice, pushing past any and all resistance. Pivoting the key forward, the engine roars to life like an ferocious predator. Its beastly bellows echo throughout the whole garage.

2013-05-20, 10:22 PM
Natasha would roll up next to Laura. "...care for a chariot ride, your Highness?"

2013-05-20, 10:33 PM
Laura, seeing the car coming, sticks her thumb out. And grins, opening the door. "Don't mind one bit." Setting the gun beside her, and closing the door, she pulls her jacket back off, and pushes the seat in front of her forward for some legroom, unfastening her boots. "Had some trouble with thugs up there...can't even keep an outfit intact with them." Setting to work while Widow drives, she changes out her clothes for the ones she procured. The shirt's...yeah, a bit big, like she thought. And the cargos are belted as tight as they'll go, on her smaller frame, before she puts her boots on.

"...mmph. Kind of expected someone else to show up. Might need to get to Frank before he takes on the whole mob by himself."

2013-05-20, 11:12 PM
Natasha swung the car up the ramp, speeding (as fast as she could, since the garage was cramped) towards Castle. "...sooo, what I miss? Enjoy your date with a man old enough to be your grandpa? All while leaving little ol' me back home to crunch numbers?"

She glanced at Laura using the rear view mirror. "...you could cause an accident doing that."

2013-05-21, 01:26 AM
"Eh...well, he's too intense. And if you try to talk about his past, he's like a kicked puppy. Had a drink, though, and I think he used one of the bottles from the bar as a molotov cocktail." Putting her coat on over the ensemble, Laura frowns at the holes. "You could've come along, but we were good enough as a distraction, I think."

Finishing getting the last few buttons, she grins sheepishly. "Not really going to change in front of Frank, though I doubt he'd care...and I'm not that distracting, am I?" She brushes some hair out of her face, sitting in the middle of the backseat to see the road. Checking again to make sure her stolen gun is in shape. "And we'll have to get the grates open - Fisk closed the outside access off. Could probably cut a nice hole..."

2013-05-21, 01:38 AM
A familiar voice coms over your earpieces, his voice is haggard, "Who decided to piss Fisk off today? Zzzax, Chameleon, Hobgoblin, Electro and the fattest Venom I have ever seen, along with a small army of goons, just stormed the apartment. Caught us completely by surprise. Chameleon infiltrated by disguising himself like Frank. Tried my best to defeat them but there were too many! They kidnapped Emma and Luke. I'm headed away from the apartment and into hiding, going to go see an old friend of Laura's father. Maintain radio silence. Continue with the mission. Don't get caught people. Over."

2013-05-21, 02:18 AM
Oh hell. Laura silently smacks her head against the back of one of the seats repeatedly. "...I'm seriously starting to consider leaving Frank behind. Because you and I still seem to be unknowns, and he's becoming more and more of a liability. Sure hope Fury left some hints in this car..." Hang on a sec.

...right. "...here, let me handle driving. Need you to work on figuring out what this car can do. We're going to stick out like a sore thumb on the surface."

2013-05-21, 02:42 AM
Hearing the voice (which Frank assumed was the Captain) he responded "doing it right now. Fisk found out we were coming. We have a mole, probably one of both" referring to the captured heroes before tossing away his thug like a ragdoll and giving the camera one last look.

It actually wasn't that big a problem since it only meant less heroes to stop him except Luke and Emma were the two most likely people to want revenge but the Chameleon actually had the stones to disguise himself as the Punisher? When Castle was through with him, those disguising skills will really be put to the test.

But the Captain did say continue with the mission and since retrieving Fury's car failed miserably all that was left is to stop the supervillain gathering. While waiting for X-23 and Black Widow, Frank took the remains of the thugs' fuel packs and drones' miniature missiles to some of the support beams and larger vehicles found from the results of Micro's earlier search, adding a few remotely detonated mines into the mix.

Fisk is going to regret declaring war because that was what Castle is retaliating to now. "Call the hotel and give whatever excuse to get them to clear out. Its going to blow" Frank told Micro before telling Fisk out loud if he was still watching "you're insured right?" The still flashing car alarms being the premonition to how the garage is going to burn while the tower crumbles over it.

Affiliation: Solo (1d10)[10]
Distinction: Dead inside (1d4)[3] +1PP
War on Crime: Weapons Weapons (1d12)[5] (1d12)[9]
SFX: Take your shot (stepping up for 1 PP)
SFX: Full Auto (doubling)
Specialty: Menace Master (1d10)[10]
Asset: Distraction (1d12)[11]
Resource: Urban Warfare (1d8)[5]

29 total, d12 effect to blow up the hotel mwahahahaha!

2013-05-21, 07:46 AM
They found the apartment!?

As she and Laura grind their bodies past each other to switch seats (the sparing session return to mind. NOT NOW!), Natasha mind went into over drive. The Chameleon...

But first thing first. Natasha began to feel out the car. Her fingers tracing the dash board, fingertips taking in the smooth leather, looking for hidden seams or buttons that would truly turn this car on. "Looks like we need to Risk Fury's base. It's that, or live off the streets of Madripoor, because the Hotels and Motels aren't safe now..."

2013-05-21, 12:56 PM
"And in the meantime, remember who's who." She gets into the driver's seat, and kicks it, coming around the next ramp. Seeing Castle. There! Laura drives up, and to the gate, jumping out. *snikt*

"...Frank! You're in back. Grab as many weapons as you can." Looking at the metal gate in front of her, she starts working with her claws, wincing at the sound as metal tears through metal.

Solo: [roll0]
High-Tech Security: [roll1] +1pp
SFX: Slice n' Dice
Adamantium Claws: [roll2][roll3]
Combat Master: [roll4][roll5]

Total: 22, one opportunity
Effect: d10

2013-05-22, 01:22 AM
With patience and pluck, the Punisher perpetrates a proven plan. He produces a perilous projectile that plunges passionately into a properly placed pot of propellant. The popping peal of the profound percussion plunders the purported pith of the peninsula's polished prefab pinnacle. The once peerless promontory pauperized to a purposeless pile of pebbles.

2013-05-22, 01:35 AM
Finally after so long they've come back with Fury's car. Castle really thought they already left him alone to fend against the Kingpin's horde. How unfortunate for him the heroes came back but that doesn't mean that all the lowlifes are getting out of this easy.

Storming to the car he said "already got the most effective weapon prepared, lets just get the hell out of here" with the remote detonator in his hands. No prizes if the two actually made the right guess what is about to happen next.
LOL! I don't understand half the stuff there but it doesn't mean its not funny. I like that :P

2013-05-22, 08:04 PM
Natasha plunges into the glove box and discovers what can only be called stereotypical spy gear - an exploding pen, a laser pen, a communicator watch, a cyanide filled molar, a Minox Camera, a ring camera, a finger print scanner and a Walther PPK 7.65mm. In the back seat, Frank discovers a self-destructing bag. Inside he spies a Dagger shoe, Garrote watch, ten Homing Pills, a Rocket Belt, a Cassette recorder hidden in book and a Mini-rocket Cigarette.

Natasha then checks out the radio and quickly realizes it is just a facade, hiding a high tech control panel filled with archaic buttons, knobs and switches. Some of the highlights are a two-way television, oil slick spout, rear-facing flame thrower, two-forward facing AK-47's, four forward facing "Stinger" missiles and a detachable remote control. Additionally, the car comes with several "modes", including car, submarine, flight and "night time."

2013-05-23, 12:25 AM
The Punisher takes a look at some of the stuff near him and noted "Fury doesn't play around with his toys." While there was something that everyone can use among the lot, he took the cassette recorder and played it in case there was any clue on what Fury was working on in Madripoor.
I assume we are driving into the sunset now?

2013-05-23, 01:01 AM
The voice on the recorder is darker and far more ominous than Fury's. It is a voice all have heard before because it is the voice of a killer, it is the voice of Sabretooth, "Revenge is a dish best served cold, Fury! You've lost it pal. You thought your pitiful Avengers could stop ME!? GOOD BYE OLD FRIEND! While you're out looking for your car, your little girly here and I are going to get to know each other..." Muffled screams can be heard in the background as Creed laughs maniacally.

"Let my little gift be a monument to your foolishness! Here lies Fury's love - alone, battered, ravished and dismembered! I'll leave the maggot-riddled corpse of Mei Feng at your secret little base. Buhahaha!"

The recording ends there...

2013-05-23, 02:38 AM
"..." Laura finally makes it out of the garage, listening to the tape. Creed. The past, again, comes back to her - inherited. Whoever Mei-Feng is, or was...well, she's not anymore. She rounds the corner, driving along. "...so Creed could get to it as well." Knowing the animal, he likely sniffed out Fury's trail, much as she or Logan could, and would, do. But the trail is icy, and cold.

"We do know that there's a hope of finding it, though. And that Fury never came back for his car."

2013-05-23, 12:02 PM
"Hmmph" the Punisher grunted as he looks at the ruined hotel they just leave. That was easy enough and "Creed isn't any different. We'll just take him down like the animal he is." Castle will enjoy it a lot after hearing the recording with the troubling background noise and what they should soon expect in Fury's base.

Besides, it might be good to have Fury in his debt. "Natascha, find out what that television does or that scanner. If we're lucky this can take us all the way to our destination" Frank said before going on to think up what he was about to do with the Sabertooth problem.

As he has worked with Fury a few times before, Frank offered to help a little calling on his geek if he "got any idea how to use these things?" since Frank never had any proper training in it. Why else would he keep someone easily mistaken as a sidekick around?

Anyway, Punisher spending 1 PP to continue his Pet Nerd d8 resource from the previous scene.

Affiliation: Team (1d6)[1]
distinction: Former Marine (1d4)[3] + 1PP
Specialty: Covert Master (1d10)[4]
Resource: Pet Nerd (1d8)[4]

7 total with a d10 effect (that sucks) and one opportunity. This will be an asset for BW to use if she is still around otherwise just take it as the Punisher's roll at 8 total and a d4 effect.