View Full Version : 2 Questions (1st about Fort Save 2nd about a missing link)

2013-05-03, 02:26 AM
1st) Which attacks require a Fortitude save for any reason???
No spells or SLAs... Attacks or special abilities like: Assassin's death attack, Coup de grace etc etc...

2nd) There was a nice guide about Stats and classes/races.. i recall that in its name had "Y to Z" or something similar... i think it is a very famous guide so you ll know what i mean.

thnx all

2013-05-03, 02:32 AM
1st) Which attacks require a Fortitude save for any reason???
No spells or SLAs... Attacks or special abilities like: Assassin's death attack, Coup de grace etc etc...

2nd) There was a nice guide about Stats and classes/races.. i recall that in its name had "Y to Z" or something similar... i think it is a very famous guide so you ll know what i mean.

thnx all


Also, suffocation requires a fort. Are we counting ToB manuevers?

2013-05-03, 04:08 AM
that's the link, thank you :smallsmile:

well.. let's stay out of ToB.. consider 3,5 E (no mags,no homebrew)
i think i read on a topic in the forum that a char was doing X dmg so his target had to make a fort or die...
in general i'm interesting to know actions that a non magic user (no spells,scrolls,wands,SLAs) can do and force the opponent on a Fort Save.

2013-05-03, 04:46 AM
Massive damage causes "system shock", so any time you take 50 damage or more in a single attack, you need to make a fort save or die (DC 15).

There is a feat in complete warrior, Three Mountain Style, that forces the target to make a fort save or be nauseated, iirc.

There is a feat in ph2, Brutal Strike, that forces the target to make a fort save or be stunned.

I'm not sure on the latter two. There is also Tome of Battle, which is part of 3.5, just so you know.

2013-05-03, 07:33 AM
Here's a bunch of combat feats that require Fort saves.

Orcus's Bloodthirst Ritual (DR315 p58) makes a target Fort Save or be stunned when you crit or sneak attack.
Flensing Strike (Eb p53) attack with a kama, penalties to target if they fail fort save.
Shield Slam (CWar 105) attack with a shield, fort save or target is dazed.
Anvil of Thunder (CWar 112) hit with two weapons, fort save or target is dazed.
Hammer's Edge (CWar 113) hit with two weapons, fort save or target is dazed.
Storm of Flying Strikes (DR332 p88) power attack, fort save or target is prone.
Three Mountains (mentioned earlier).
Disrupting Strike (DR355 p76) unarmed strike, fort save or target reverts back to original form (used mainly against lycanthropes and shifters).
Ring the Ear (DR344 p103) unarmed sneak attack, fort save or target is deaf.
Freezing the Lifeblood (CWar 99) uses stunning fist, fort save or target is paralyzed.
Pressure Point Strike (DR366 p103) Fort save or target takes one of a variety of effects.
Stone Monkey (DR309 p68) Grapple, fort save or target's limb is paralyzed.
Stunning Fist (PHB) fort save or target is stunned.
Exhausting Defense (DR345 p91) 2 tactical maneuvers, fort save or target is fatigued/exhausted.
Lacerate (DR344 p103) Sneak attack, fort save or target loses use of hands.
Blinding Strike (DR345 p90) 2 tactical maneuvers, power attack, fort save or target is blind/loses gaze attack.
Deafening Blow (DR345 p91) 2 tactical maneuvers, power attack or target is Shaken/deaf.
Flay (PHB2 p79) Piercing weapon vs natural armor, fort save or target gets attack penalties.
Quell the Profane (BoED 45) Crit vs evil target, fort save or target takes STR damage.
Disabling Strike (DR339 p87) Crit vs favored humanoid enemy, fort save or target is stunned.
Staggering Strike (CAdv 112) Sneak attack, fort save or target is Staggered.
Weaken the Heart (DR344 p103) Sneak attack, if target uses certain abilities, fort save or fatigued/exhausted.
Boomerang Daze (RoE 108) boomerang attack, fort save or target is Dazed.
Ragewild Fighter (RoE 118) Tactical feat, shifter. Two hits, power attack. Fort save or target is Dazed.
Construct Lock (RoE 119) Threaten crit vs construct, fort save or target is immobile (=paralyzed).
Sacred Strike (BoED 45) Sneak attack, fort save or target is Staggered.
Vow of Peace (BoED 48) When struck in combat, manufactured weapon fort saves or is destroyed.
Brutal Strike (mentioned before)