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2013-05-03, 09:34 AM
"Ooh...she's my little runaway...

From a Jon Bon Jovi song


Vault 66 (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/library/Vault%2066%20maps) maps. It should take you to a whole album. If anybody has problems viewing it, let me know. Also, you will probably be able to tell when my hand began cramping, and I stopped putting in details in each room. When you see that, there should be a detailed picture of a sample of that room. Also, as you are ALL on the north side residential, that's all I made. Know that the south side is 99.9% a mirrored copy of the north side.

Vault Area Descriptions

1. Entrance
This area is hewn stone, out of the granite at approximately 3000 feet below the surface. An exit to the northeast leads to a corrugated steel spiral staircase that leads to a hidden hatch in the surface. In the southeast corner is the external Vault 66 door control. To the south is the main Vault 66 door, shaped like a giant cog. The door opens into the vault, sliding to the east. The door is 10 feet in diameter, and made of a strong steel composite. The ceiling in the area is 15 feet high. Use of the door requires a current password. Without the password, due to strong firewalls hardwired into this terminal, it can only be hacked from inside the vault.
Vault Door Hardness 15; 1080 hp

2. Vault Door Control Room
This is the primary vault door control room. All vault entrants came through here, being issued their standard Vault 66 jumpsuits (see Area 3 to the east), then documented by technicians in the Data Processing Station/Registration Room (see area 5), and finally given a quick medical examination in the (former) clinic room (area 4). Entrants then proceeded down the stairs (to the south), further into the vault where they were directed to their room assignments. The door to the southeast is a restricted area, leading to the reactor and the water processing sectors.

3. Locker Room
Benches and lockers are here. Entrants were issued their initial three jumpsuits here, changing into one of them. There are upwards of 100 spare jumpsuits (about 40 of them child or infant sized) leftover from the initial entry that were never retrieved.

4. Old Clinic
As stated in area 2, this is the old clinic. After the vault door was closed, it was determined that its location was rather inconvenient, and relocated to a former store room that is connected to the Atrium.

5. Data Processing Station/Registration Room
This is where the Vault-Tec employees first began verifying the identity of each entrant, creating a personnel file on each resident, and electronically assigning each resident to their quarters.

6. The Atrium Bottom Level
This is the central hub for the residents of Vault 66. This area is where the Diner, Armory, Clinic, Classroom/Entertainment Room is, as well as stairs leading to the up to the Upper level of the Atrium, and stairs leading to the North and South Residential Areas.

7. Clinic
The Good Doctor can be found here 90% of the time, as this area is also his secondary room. At any given time, the Good Doctor can accommodate up to five patients for long-term care. During a crisis, the bottom floor of the Atrium is used as a medical ward. In addition, the room contains a medicine cabinet (containing 4 Stimpaks, 2 Med-X, 2 Rad-X, and 1 RadAway), as well as a full surgery kit, a medical kit (if he has to make a “house call”), and 6 First Aid kits. He also has a cubicle in the Science Lab (upper level of the Atrium, area 12), with a pharmaceutical kit, allowing him to make more chems and medication as needed.

There is a floor safe under the Doctor’s bed, containing an extensive amount of medication (including chems, and the detox known as Fixer for patients who become addicted to such items). The safe requires a key, for which only Doctor Mehta has a copy. It can be picked or (using the computer terminal at his desk) hacked into. It contains the following: 10 Stimpaks, 6 Med-X, 6 Rad-X, 2 Mentats, 3 RadAway, and 2 Buffout. These supplies are restocked as needed from the Vault 66 Main Store Room.

8. Armory
This is the Vault 66 Armory. Only members of the security team, the Chief of Security (Salley Smith), and the Overseer have keys to it.

The armory contains: Glock 20’s (x10, each including one empty magazine), Police Baton (x5), Flashbang Grenades (x10), Vault 66 Security Armor (x5), 10mm Ammo (600 rounds), spare magazines (x30)

You, being a member of the Security team, have a key to the armory, as well as a police baton (treat as Metal Baton from d20 Modern sourcebook) and a set of Vault 66 Security Armor.

Vault 66 Security Armor
This is essentially a light duty vest incorporated into a Vault 66 jumpsuit, and comes equipped with a riot helmet (with full transparent face protection.
Type: Medium Tactical Equip Bonus: +5 NonProf Bonus: +2 Max Dex Bous: +3 Armor Penalty: -4 Speed (30ft): 25 ft. Weight: 10 lbs TU: 14

9. Vault 66 Diner
Run by a modified r. Gutsy (who calls ‘himself’ Randy), Vault 66 residents can get a bite to eat, a cold beverage, or just hang out. It can also be reserved for private parties (like birthdays, special anniversary dates, baby showers, etc…)
This tasty beverage is different than other “lesser” carbonated refreshments. It’s so absolutely refreshing (partially attributed to some of the same ingredients of a Stimpak, and some people say, Jet), consuming one heals 1d4 damage, and gives the character a 5 foot increase in base speed for an hour. Also, after drinking, the bottle cap can be pocketed as spare change! Weight: 1 lb, TU: 2

10. Classroom/Entertainment Room
This is where classes are held for the Vault 66 youth, and used as a movie room or Bingo hall when classes are out.

11. Atrium Upper Level
The floor of this area is 10 feet above the floor of the bottom level below. A low handrail keeps residents from mistakenly falling over the edge. The Overseer’s office has a clear view of the Atrium, via the bubble window on the west wall and is only accessible via the computer room. It allows access to the computer room, a storeroom, the Science Lab, the Security Office, and the Advisors’ quarters.

12. Science Lab
This is where most of the scientific research goes on in Vault 66. It is dedicated to genetically altering crop seeds to grow faster, better, etc…It is also where the Good Doctor manufactures medication (cubicle in the NW corner).

13. Vault 66 Security Room
This is the Security Room. There are two cells, containing only a toilet. Salley Smith and his security team have keys to these cells. The two duty desks are manned 24 hours a day. The lockers in the southeast corner are where the security team stows their security armor and batons when not on duty.

14. Empty Quarters
This was Jeannie’s room until she and Jackson got married. They moved in together in Jackson’s room. As of now, it remains empty.

15. Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker’s Quarters
Dr. Brubaker and his wife live here.

16. Store Room

17. Mr. William Roberts’s Room

18. Dr. Mehta’s Room

19. Store Room

20. Computer Room/Library
This is the computer room. It is also where people electronically access the library files from.

21. The Overseer’s Room

22. Enoch’s Lord’s Room
These are the private quarters of the 17-year old Enoch Lord resides. The Overseer wants him close to groom him for the job.

23. Overseer’s Office

24. Salley Smith’s Room

25. Reactor Room
This is the domain of Aria Jeffries, and the other Reactor technicians that keep them in good repair.

26. Water Purification (top level)
This is where the water purification process is completed and all of the clean water is checked and monitored. A central pipe leaves the open water tank to disburse amongst the rest of the vault.

27. Water Purification (bottom level)
This is where the controls for the water tank and purification process resides (as well as the water purification chip!). The water is roughly 500 feet deep.

28. Store room
This is where the electrical and mechanical parts are stored to keep the reactor and water purifier in working order.

29. Main Stairwell
This set of stairs connects every level of the north (or south respectively) residential areas (and their horticultural and sports levels) connected to the Atrium.

30a – 30qq. Residential Rooms
These are typical rooms for each resident. The outer room is a living area with a couch, a dresser (marked D), and bookshelves (marked B). Has a bathroom with a sink, toilet, and shower (marked Sh). The outer room connects to the inner bedroom, with a bed and a dresser. Rooms 30nn – 30qq are dormitory-type rooms, with the bedrooms being larger than the living area. They have “Jack and Jill” style bathrooms they share with the dormitory next door. The bedrooms contain 2 bunk beds and a locker for each occupant.

31a -31b. Store Rooms
These rooms are storage areas for any and all extra supplies the vault needs to store, ranging from extra Jumpsuits to food, to mechanical or electrical parts.

32. Maintenance Closet
This closet is where the mechanics go for parts to do any repairs around this level of the vault. Contains only mechanical and electrical parts and 4 toolkits of each kind.

33. Vault Baseball Field
Everybody wondered where they played, this is it. The lockers in the northeast corner have all of the gear, to include bats, helmets, baseballs, etc…

34. Running track and Workout Machines
Just a track and some basic weight machines for staying in shape.

35. Horticulture Fields
Due to work in the Science Lab, crops are safely grown in here year round, having a new harvest every 3 months. Crops include corn, wheat, and soy. Lockers in the southwest corner hold all of the tools and implements for farming.

36a-c. Grain Storage
This is where all of the harvested grain is stored.

It's been a typical day for all of you. As usual, you are all meeting in the diner for a bite before Aria goes to work, and after you all got off shift. Elias, tells everybody about a new flu vaccine he and the Good Doctor have ready, Higgy about how the "Northside Sluggers" are going to win the Vault championships this year, Deke talks about how "the Hardcase" (i.e. Salley Smith) is thinking of putting him on nightshift, and Aria sits quietly, tinkering with some new gadget she's been working on. The NukaCola is cold, the company is good, and it's just another day at Vault 66. Even better, Randy is out to a store room to get more NukaColas and beer, and you have the place to yourselves!

Suddenly, the door swings open hard, and in strides Enoch Lord, the Overseer's son. He looks worried. What worries you all is that he quickly shuts the door behind himself, and then shuts the steel blinds to the outside window.

Enoch is a gangly youth, blonde hair and blue eyes. Due to his father's position, not many people are willing to befriend him, but you all have accepted him as much as possible, inviting him to your daily gatherings, though he only shows once in a while, maybe a few times a month.

Guys, I don't know where else to turn! You have to help me. I think that Mr. Roberts is sabotaging the Vault's chances at trying to check out the outside. I don't have proof, but you have to help me!

You all know that Enoch is not a practical joker, and that he's absolutely serious.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-03, 10:07 AM

Enoch, you have got to slow down even for me you're going a little too fast. Start at the beginning what's Mr. Roberts doing? And what do you mean going outside??

Higgy then pauses and looks at Enoch.

He's obviously worried... I wonder if this has anything to do with my father??

2013-05-03, 01:15 PM

Aria is sitting at her usual table, her newest gadget, a sonic Radroach repellerizer sitting in front of her. She can't quite get it to work right.

Well it repels radroaches, but it also repels anyone in fifty feet. She doesn't look up as Enoch enters, but when he starts talking about Outside, she puts her tools down and looks up.

"What do you mean sabotage? He leads the Preparedness Departmet right? Isn't it his job to make sure we can go outside?"

2013-05-03, 01:28 PM

Elias stands up and quickly ushers him into the group's booth. "Quiet down a little in case Randy comes back," he whispers while scanning the nearby booths to make sure that they were indeed empty before sitting back down.

Though Elias knows that Enoch is not often prone to jests, his sudden accusation against the Chief of Preparedness was a difficult claim. If anything, Mr. Roberts had always shown nothing but the utmost passion for their eventual excursion to the Outside.

Why would the director be sabotaging his own project?

2013-05-03, 04:35 PM
Deke makes sure there is no security alert on his PIpBoy. Then watches Ecoch warily while his friends barrage him with questions.

Just the mention of leaving the vault made Deke's heart jump into his throat with excitement.

2013-05-03, 06:32 PM
Bonaynay can get caught up reading through everything. It's going to take some time, I'm sure, but I want to get this going, so he can jump in once he gets caught up.

No security alerts.

Well, you remember that whole big thing when everybody got all in an uproar about wanting to open the vault door and see how things are outside? Well, that's why my father hired on Mr. Roberts, to prepare for us opening the door. He wanted to make sure we had enough food to last if something went wrong when we opened the door.

Enoch sits down with you all.

Well, I'd been keeping up with the preparations for the last five years. I've been looking at his log entries about the grain production, and they are updated weekly, but are only growing by microscopic amounts. I convinced my father that I needed to start taking on more responsibility and told him I wanted to oversee extra food production, getting myself assigned to Horticulture. I measured the amount of grain physically in the storage bins, watching how much is taken every day to supplement our food, and how much is being produced. What I found was that some time between when I went home and when I came back in, the amount of grain decreased. One of my guys told me that after I left, he saw Roberts heading up from Horticulture. I haven't been able to catch him but I know he's involved. I can't do any more, I'm being watched by Salley, probably on my father's orders. I either need somebody to help me catch Roberts or help me get Salley off my back. Something fishy is going on, and I know it.

He looks over at Higgy.

I didn't hear the entire conversation, Higgy, but I overheard Roberts and Salley talking to my father, who mentioned something about your father. I don't know how it all ties together, but it does. I just need your help!

Blade Conduit
2013-05-03, 06:43 PM

Nervously in a hushed tone "They were talking about my dad... Was it before... Before he was murdered?"

Higgy is beginning to shake slightly. Keeping all of his emotions about his father pent up has really put him on edge lately and you're beginning to see the cracks.

The overseer didn't want to look into what happened to my father.. If they were talking about him before he died.. But the overseer why? He's supposed to protect us, to lead us.

2013-05-03, 07:59 PM

Looking periodically to Higgy during the exchange and noting the rising tension, Elias analyses the new information.

There has been a slight change in the Good Doctor's behaviour over the past several months as well now that he thinks about it. It's as if he's been more on edge and cautious. What if he's been suspecting of something like this happening behind everyone's back? That could certainly explain the change in behaviour. He's part of the Overseer's inner circle of advisors after all...

"What about your father Enoch? If you came straight to us instead of him...you think he's in on this don't you?" asks Elias bluntly while looking straight into Enoch's eyes.

2013-05-04, 05:46 AM
No, sorry, Higgy. I heard it yesterday. Elias, I know he is. The problem is that for most of what I know, I have only circumstantial evidence, if any evidence at all. Even more so, I think some of the cabinet is involved.

Enoch was already whispering, but he lowers his head even more.

I got hurt one day playing in the Vault Door Control Room a few years ago. I used to sneak in there to play around. One of the women who brings lunch to the Reactor and Water Purification workers found me on her way back. She promised not to tell my father, and took me to the Good Doctor, telling me that he'd also cover for me. I was hurt pretty bad. Higgy, remember when I couldn't play all season one year due to knee surgery? Yeah, that was it. Anyways, I had to keep going in to see Dr. Mehta for physical therapy. I asked him why neither he nor the woman squealed on me to my father. They said that they were hoping I would help them. When I asked with what, he changed the subject. Then Dr. Mehta, as time went on, kept telling me of the growing movement in the vault to open the doors to just check on what outside was like. I told him my father wasn't all that happy about it. At this point, I'd come to know Dr. Mehta pretty well, and I think that's when he put his trust in me. He told me that he and several other people were beginning to suspect that every Overseer is in on some cosmically strange plan to keep the vault door locked indefinitely, and that this growing movement was to test that theory. As we all know, the vault doors are still not open, but my father did appoint somebody to begin working on it. The Movement, as they call themselves, have kept their identities secret for fear of retribution, to prevent something like what happened to your dad, Higgy. Higgy, your dad was one of them, and the woman who helped me was your mother. The only other person I know of in The Movement is Dr. Mehta, but I know there has to be a couple more. I'm kind of like their...spy. My father trusts me, so I have to keep it that way, so as to avoid implicating the others. You all, though, aren't even under suspicion as far as I know.

Enoch takes a breath, seeming to know that this is a lot to take in.

Look, I know this is hard to take, but you have to believe me. Now, I have a theory, but it's all conjecture at this point: my father has instructions, for whatever the reason, to never open the vault. Salley and Mr. Roberts is in on it. I think your dad, Higgy, found out something he shouldn't have or was found to be partly behind the unrest, and was killed for it. I think Mr. Roberts is throwing the extra grain into the incinerators, and if he's found out, my father will disavow him, and have him killed. Dr. Mehta told me to talk to you guys, saying that I could trust all of you, but especially Elias, saying that he trusts his [Elias's] judgment.

Enoch realizes how long the shutters have been down, and moves over to open them. He puts on a smile and sits with you all.

So, can you help me?

Blade Conduit
2013-05-04, 06:15 AM

In a hushed voice looking down at the table hands slowly closing into fists. "They killed my father?? The overseer.. Mr. Roberts.. I've known these people my entire life and they just killed him.. Over what? Some grain, some door, some secret mission." He pauses, looks up at Enoch "You say my mother helped you? That she knows too? Enoch I swear on my father I will do whatever I can to help you but... If you know who it was specifically who killed my dad... I have to know"

Higgy is no longer shaking except for his fists. He has a fierce determination in his eyes that's impossible to deny.

I have to get to my mother, I have to talk to her and then... Then I need to make a stop at the baseball field.

2013-05-04, 06:38 AM
That's the entire problem. I don't know anything for sure. It's just my theory. I'm too close to this to do anything about it.

2013-05-04, 10:43 AM

"The Doc...heh well that explains a lot then," Elias smiles somewhat knowingly while murmuring under his breath as he reflects on what Enoch has said. "I see why I've yet to be able to beat you in chess Doc."

Elias thinks on the situation for a moment longer before taking a deep sigh. "Salley has always had it out for me since the training fiasco a few years back. If you want him distracted by someone, I'm your man. Doc had always told me to stay out of his way since the tribunal...I think I can see why now. In any case, when's your next scheduled check Enoch? Do you have any ideas as to when and how often Roberts heads down to Horticulture?"

Looking across the table at Higgy, "Higgy, I know you want to find out what happened to your father, but we've got to do this smartly. Whomever's involved clearly has no qualms in silencing their opposition... permanently. If there is a ring of people working against the Overseer then I think we should see what they know first."

Not to mention that it's about time the Doc and I had a chat.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-04, 11:16 AM

"If they want to silence me, they're going to have to catch me first and I'm the fastest man in the vault. So we know the doctor and my mother are in on this. If anyone knows what the opposition knows it might be them and they'd be willing to talk to us about it. Should we each go try an find out some stuff and meet back up?"

He pauses and looks at the group. "Are we all in this? We've been taught since very early in school that we obey the overseer. We also all know now what they are capable of doing. What we're doing now is tantamount to treason so, are we a team? Are we in this together? Because I mean to see it to whatever ends may be to find out what happened to my dad. I'll go alone if I have to."

You've seen Higgy like this before, usually before a game or a race. His body is aching to move, his muscles are tense and he's ready to strike.

I promise you dad, I won't let you down..

2013-05-04, 11:49 AM
"Really? You're really going to take on the Overseer? I can probably whip up a few things for you, listening devices, maybe a camera or something. I might even be able to reprogram the Mister Handy to record for us. But, I mean, I may hate him for making me eat Salisbury Steak for a month, but this is serious. Like, body disposal serious."

2013-05-04, 04:16 PM
Nick Pull's up the patrol schedules on his pipboy And sends a query.
"Maybe I can switch shifts with whoever has the Horticulture level then. No one like working down there is boring as hell. I think I also have a few hours of weapon maintenance this month which will give me unsupervised access to the Armory. I could remove the firing pins from any weapon I wanted. I might be able to sneak some out of the reserve locker as well."

Blade Conduit
2013-05-04, 04:30 PM

"This month?? I was thinking we need to get on this tonight. If they've already killed my father over this then who knows maybe they already know who's involved up to this point. If we show that we're involved over time too, they could deal with us all. We have the element of surprise on our hands right now. They, for various reasons, don't like some of us but they don't suspect us."

Higgy pauses catches his breath and looks over to Aria, "Could you shut down the surveillance system for a half hour or so? If you can here what I'm thinking, remember a few years back when old Mrs. Johannsen caught that virus went crazy and attacked everyone. It was a panic and everyone was moved into atrium and the doors were blocked until she could be put down. If we can knock out the surveillance tell the guards something like that is happening again and get access to a few places and people during the commotion, we could make a move tonight. Find out the truth about everything."

You're not terribly surprise by this reaction from Higgy. Speed has always been his greatest weapon and he's always been a loose canon who acts before he thinks.

I can do this.. They killed my father over nothing.. And if it's not nothing I want to know what it is about.

2013-05-04, 04:44 PM
Deke shakes his head, "No Higgy what I mean is my job requires I do 10 hours of equipment maintenance every month. And this month I have 3 hour left of unsupervised access. And we gotta have a plan before we run off half cocked"

2013-05-04, 04:59 PM

"Get a hold of yourself Carmichael!" Elias says forcefully, using Higgy's full name to get his attention. "If you want us to succeed in this, then we've got to plan things through. We're talking about going against the Overseer and atleast the Chief of Security here! This is not going to be a walk in the park. They've been planning and executing their plan for years. Our best chances come from getting in contact with your mother and the Good Doctor to see what they know first. Maybe even gaining their support. Rushing in head first isn't going to help anyone."

Elias takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a second, relaxing himself before continuing. "Look. I know how personally you're taking all this, and I would be the same if I were in your shoes. All of us are on your side, but you've got to take a step back and see the bigger picture Higgy. We can't go into this blindly," Elias says this as he looks to the others for support.

2013-05-04, 05:53 PM
Well, I can arrange a meeting, if you all want. We'll get up early tomorrow, and all meet up in the Reactor room. Aria is the only one down there on nights. I'd recommend not speaking of this outside of there, or here. I was assured that these were the only safe places to talk. We do need to move fast, but I agree with Elias in that we have to be careful. With that, I have to go. My father is expecting me.

He gets up and heads out as Randy floats in, offering a free round of NukaColas for being so patient.

Deke sees his schedule change request denied, which is odd.

Aria, you have 75 electronic and 75 mechanical parts on hand to make anything you'd like. Keep in mind, with this number of parts, your check bonus will decline after each creation (expending parts), but you shouldn't have to worry about parts checks until you have less than 49 of the type of parts you are using (see page 30 d20 Apocalypse, and pg 55 in the d20 Modern books for more info).

What do you do?

I'm seeing several plans, or ideas for plans. Remember, you don't have to stay together, and in some cases, can't (Aria needing to go to work soon). Also, Von, fix your green. I tried to edit your post before I realized it wasn't mine.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-04, 06:09 PM

"Tomorrow morning it is, I'm going to talk to my mom tonight tho but I may take a half hour of batting practice first." He quickly stands and looks at the rest, "I'm not going to do anything rash but I have to do something.. I've never been good at sitting still. Til tomorrow morning."

Higgy turns towards the exit taking his free Nuka Cola on his way out. After that he heads towards the field.

Gah.. I just can't sit stil, if they come up with something they can tell me tomorrow.

2013-05-04, 06:37 PM
Everyone that takes a NukaCola gets to keep the bottlecap. FYI.

2013-05-05, 07:11 AM
Anxiously you all wait for early morning. Aria's night goes particularly slowly, even with all the time to make some modifications to her Radroach-B-Gone device. As 4 am comes creeping in, each of you steals out of your room and heads for the Reactor Room.

Aria is chatting quietly with Higgy's mother, Marianne, while Dr. Mehta has a serious and grave look in his wizened face. His age, for the first time any of you have noticed, seems to be taking its toll on him.

Dr. Mehta sees everyone that has arrived, and addresses some looks.

In order for Enoch to be helpful, he cannot arouse suspicion. Also, he must walk past the Overseer's quarters and office to get here. It was too risky. Besides, he is fully aware of what we are going to discuss today. I'm expecting one or two others, but they may not be able to come. Either way, we shall continue.

He clears his throat.

Many years ago, your father Oliver

Dr. Mehta nods to Higgy,

and some close friends were discussing life in the vault. Talk eventually ran to games they played as children, in which they dreamed of one day leaving the vault and exploring the world above. I was constantly treating Oliver for injuries from playing baseball back then, so when he next had to come to see me, he told me of his discussion with the others, and that they all agreed that the Overseer should be petitioned to open the vault just to see what the outside world was like. Needless to say, it took a few weeks to win me over, but eventually I saw he was right. He began sowing the seeds of the idea throughout the vault. Everyone seemed to agree: the vault doors needed to be opened to see the conditions outside. As a member of his advisory council, I went to the Overseer to present the idea. His face flushed with anger, and quickly shot it down, telling me that it was unthinkable, and would risk the safety of the entire vault populace. I countered with the idea that surely, after 200 years, things must be at least somewhat safe. He told me that the topic was not up for debate. I told Ollie (that's what your father went by), and he was incensed. He couldn't believe that the Overseer was being so obtuse about it. I repeated to him what we've all memorized our whole lives: it is the vault where we were born; it is the vault where we live; it is the vault where we will die. He just shook his head, and said that he could no longer accept that idea. Soon, in a matter of days, the entire vault was in an uproar. Workers refused to lift a finger to do anything unless the Overseer reconsidered. Ollie was very careful to avoid being singled out as the man behind this. The Overseer fired the old Chief of Security and hired one of his lackeys: Salley Smith. He was very brutal back then. He had upwards of 10 people in each cell of his at any given time, denying them food or water for a day or two at a time. My...my...Penny...she...

Dr. Mehta begins to choke up and a single tear rolls down his cheek, unable to continue for the moment. Marianna picks up where he left off.

This made things worse. The residents were ready to storm the Security office, arm themselves, and then storm the Overseer's office. The Overseer called for parley. He placated the general public with appointing Mr. Roberts to his post, and promising that he'd open the vault doors only when they could be sure to have supplies enough to survive above. This settled things, and Salley was allowed to remain in his position. Ollie and I had Higgy a couple years later.

Dr. Mehta continued.

Those of us involved went into "hiding" of sorts. We began grooming the next generation for when we could expose the Overseer for what we believed was the time where his lies and the lies of his lackeys would be exposed, and we could depose him. Years passed. We all watched you grow and mature, hoping that it would be you. We would be here to guide you and help you. Years passed and we feared that the Overseer would never be exposed, though we kept looking. Then I was fortunate enough to get to speak to Enoch, and our hopes were rekindled.

A few weeks ago, Ollie came to me telling me that he thinks he was found out. I asked him how, and he told me that he would tell me later. He was found dead the next day. That's where we are today. Enoch's already told me what he told you yesterday. If we can somehow catch Mr. Roberts in the act, as well as neutralize Salley (no, I don't mean kill him. I am a doctor, after all) as a threat, and implicate the Overseer in Mr. Roberts' actions, as well as find proof that he ordered Salley to kill Ollie, then we can remove him from power. I have a few bits of information and advice to help you. First, someone needs to find a way to catch Roberts throwing grain into the incinerator. Next, we need to get access to Salley's computer, and find proof that he was ordered to eliminate Ollie. Next, you can use Enoch as a resource, but you only get one shot with this, and it's going to expose him after he's helped you, so it needs to be the final blow against the Overseer. He could probably get you into the Overseer's office or quarters, distracting him some how. Also, I found something...unusual in Salley's medical exam, and it indicates something...very specific. I have that chart here with me for anyone who wants to read it, but it must be kept safe until it can be given back to me.

He sets the file down on the desk.

One last thing. Enoch has the door codes. If something goes remarkably bad for any reason, you are going to have to leave the vault. If you stay without having exposed the Overseer or his people, they will wither kill you or have you killed. Good luck, kids.

So, what do you all do?

Blade Conduit
2013-05-05, 08:37 AM

Higgy looks directly into his mother's eyes. Salley killed him? Do you know for sure? If he did.. I will let nothing stand in my way.

He turns to the doctor You're a doctor sure but my father was like a brother to you. Can you really sit there and tell me someone doesn't deserve to die for all of this? If this is all true, if this really is what happened and the overseer was behind it all. Well I can't promise you someone else isn't going to die. If they're willing to kill over this then maybe we should be too.

He pauses, takes a breath and then looks back to the group. I'm terrible with computers but I'm fantastic at sneaking. None of you probably know this but a few years back when all the toilet overran on the 4th level. he chuckles a bit That was me, Aria if you can get me something to hack the computer or maybe I can be the lookout and help you get in but either way I want Salley's office. I want to know who ordered and who killed my father.

He stands up tall and looks at his mother and smiles.

They will pay

2013-05-05, 09:10 AM
Well, young man, be that as it may, if you go after them like they did your father, then you aren't any better than they. We have to go about this the right way or we'll all end up dead. Just be careful.

2013-05-05, 09:27 AM
Deke clears his throat..stunned by the whole thing; "I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but what if we sabotaged the incinerator. 1 we would catch him on video trying to fry the harvest and 2 we would have the excess needed to leave the vault."

2013-05-05, 09:50 AM
"I might be able to rig a camera up near the incinerator, but it would be tricky to get it installed without being noticed. I don't think this is something that can be done overnight though."

2013-05-05, 10:09 AM

Standing close to the Good Doctor as he told his story, Elias subconsciously reaches up with his hand to adjust his glasses. He had never seen the Good Doctor in such a state before, and it pained Elias to see how difficult it was for him to recall these past events.

How could they have not told us of these things in class? They teach us the history of the Outside as we grow up, but no one ever speaks of the history of the Vault. Is this the Overseer's doing as well?

As the Good Doctor struggles, remembering his beloved, Elias lays a hand on the man's shoulder and gives him a soft squeeze of reassurance.

"Doc...you should've told me sooner." Elias whispers under his breath, looking at Dr. Mehta worryingly.

Once the story was finished and everyone seems to now be set in their path to reveal the Overseer's betrayal to the vault citizens, Elias gets a hold of himself and begins thinking of how he can contribute.

"Deke, there's only other night shift officer right? I mean there aren't that many of you guys on Salley's team after all." Elias asks softly as his thoughts slowly gathered. A smile breaks on his face as the idea solidifies. "The Doc and I can probably work up a sedative that would dissolve in liquid. Get some coffee from Randy at the start of your shift, and we can slip it into their cup. Once they start nodding off, it'll give the others their chance to get into Salley's terminal."

2013-05-05, 10:21 AM
Deke smiles; "Or you could plant it while Im on duty from 1200 till 2000. The Hort crew shut up shop at 1730 for dinner".

Blade Conduit
2013-05-05, 10:44 AM

Ok so we move on a couple of different fronts all at once. One group installing a camera by the incinerator, another moving on Salley's office while the guards are occupied. Maybe we could still have a diversion of some kind to keep any open eyes and ears pointed somewhere else. I could always cherry bomb the toilets again.

Higgy is smiling, he's always been better at doing than waiting and now it feels like he's accomplishing something. Fightin the same fight his father had before him. It's a great feeling.

The overseer has rules about equipment being taken off houra and off the grounds but I'd feel a lot more comfortable if I had a bat with when all of this went down.

Higgy's muscles are tensing again and he's got that look in his eyes once more. The race is on and he plans on finishing first.

2013-05-05, 12:43 PM
So, it looks like the group will work two angels at once. Once she tells me what her character is making, Lentrax it seems will head up the surveillance rig. It also looks like Deke and Elias have a great plan to put the guards out so someone can hack into Salley's work computer. That leaves Higgy. What's he going to be up to? Also, due to her job, she can get up to 10 mechanical and 10 electrical parts a day without rousing any suspicion. This doesn't count the number of parts I've already told her she has on hand at the workbench in the reactor (50 of each, I believe). Also, due to the large layout of the vault, as well as the fact that there are entire levels of the residential areas that aren't used (remember, there's around 650 people in the vault with 760 rooms between the two residential sections (north and south). In fact, on the North side, nobody at all lives on the 6th floor, and as they are members of security, have a master key to all non-leadership residential rooms, allowing access. If you don't want to use those, then someone can program a new key in the Data Processing/Registration Room (Area 5 on your map). It's a DC 5 computer use check once you get access to that system, which requires a DC 10 computer use check (it's not tied to anything specific other than making new room assignments, and so nobody thought to secure it better). Either way, again, I'm seeing ideas thrown around, and little action.


Your mother suggests that while everyone is busy laying the groundwork, that you start helping prepare for the worst case scenario, and get some equipment bags in the sports area loaded with gear to create a bug out bag for you and each of your companions.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-05, 12:56 PM

That's a good idea mom, I think I'll do that right away. Let me know when we're going to do this. Like I said I can't use the computer but I want to be the one that goes into Salley's room. I want to see the proof for myself. Shoot me a message when it's time to meet up again.

He turns to leave but stops If anyone can think of things
I can get to or can help me to access some areas with items we might need. Armory or medical I can see what I can sneak into some bags for us.

With that Higgy turns to his mother kisses her on the cheek and heads to the sports complex. He's going to be looking for some baseballs and bats.
Catchers padding and a few other odds and ends including some basic med kits they keep for emergency situations. If stopped or questioned by anyone he's going to say he's taking the equipment to his room to make sure it's all ready for the championship. He normally would do it at the field but with everything that's happened lately (his dad cue sniffs maybe a few tears.) he wants some quiet time to work on it in his room. 5 bags each not very full should be easy enough to carry on his own. Once in the room he'll empty each bag and start packing them with Nuka colas food thats canned or can last and whatever other supplies he can think of.

I'm not sitting around anymore

2013-05-05, 01:18 PM

"Oooh, I can make a camera, easy. Look, I can use this piece of a Mister Handy sensor, a couple of these tubes, a plasma coil... Or some pieces from this Holorecorder..." Aria shrugs.

Then she starts to hum to herself as she dons a pair of welding goggles and pulls out her tools.

Making Spy gadgets.

Camera: Craft (Electronics) against DC 25 [roll0]
Listening Device:Taking 10 on my Craft(Electronics) against DC 15 for a total of 21.

2013-05-05, 06:05 PM
Today has been a blur, but you all get the following accomplished by the time you all meet in the evening after the day's work/rest, in the diner:

Deke and Rainer
Most of your shift is spent ensuring that Higgy doesn't get caught ferreting supplies to his room. Of note in your day, however, was Mr. Roberts showing up to the Security office and requesting a meeting with Chief Smith. The Chief smiled, which you thought an odd thing, and said that he was busy, but would love to have Mr. Roberts over for coffee after work, to which Mr. Roberts agreed. They were meeting at Salley's room at 2230 hours.

You had a good long heart to heart with Dr. Mehta. He admits to you that he loves you like a son, and that he's been preparing you for the day that you may need to flee the vault. Also, he makes the drug you asked for. It is water soluble and will cause a person to dose off for upwards of 8 hours. In addition, it is non-traceable, and even with blood work, would be totally undetectable. He only had the materials on hand to make one dose.

You can't help but smile at your own genius. You've created the perfect spy camera and microphone. They are high resolution, and will show every detail of a person and what they are visibly carrying to the incinerator room (located on the east wall of the Atrium, next to the entrance to the cafeteria [yeah, this was totally my bad. I forgot to put it in, but thankfully, there's a place on the map to put it, as there isn't anything there!])

You are able to scrounge up the following supplies (sorted by bag for each person), understanding that they may or may not want/need everything, and may not be able to carry it all.

Elias: 1 medical kit, 1 surgery kit, 4 first aid kits, a portable pharmaceutical kit, 4 baseballs, 1 baseball bat, 2 spare Vault 66 Jumpsuits, 10 Stimpaks, 2 RadAway, 2 Rad-X, 2, 2 Med-X, 2 Fixer, 1 toiletries kit, 1 sleeping bag, 4 trail rations worth of food, Dufflebag to carry it all. Total weight: 47lbs

Deke and Nick (each): 1 sleeping bag, 1 dufflebag, 1 baseball bat, 4 baseballs, 2 spare jumpsuits, 1 toiletries kit, 4 trail rations, 4 Stimpaks, 2 first aid kits (you assume that they can bring their metal batons, and possibly firearms and ammunition, plus their armor, of which is not calculated into the weight), duffle bag. Total weight: 23.5 lbs

Aria: 1 sleeping bag, 1 dufflebag, 1 baseball bat, 2 spare jumpsuits, 1 toiletries kit, 4 trail rations, 2 Stimpaks, 1 first aid kit, 1 basic mechanical tool kit, 1 basic electrical tool kit, 1 lockpick set, 1 multitool, 1 large roll duct tape, 5 electrical parts, 5 mechanical parts, duffle bag. Total weight: 60.5 lbs

You: 1 sleeping bag, 1 dufflebag, 1 baseball bat, 4 baseballs, 2 spare jumpsuits, 1 toiletries kit, 4 trail rations, 4 Stimpaks, 2 first aid kits, sports padding armor, duffle bag. Total weight: 30.5 lbs

Of course, this is what you found for each, so you are more than welcome to rearrange the items as you see fit (basically, you are not sure if Aria could carry upwards of 61 lbs of gear, when you aren't carrying much. Deke and Nick could carry more if you knew they weren't going to be leaving with much gear, but chances are, as you have to pass the armory on the way out of the vault, they'll be able to get some pistols, ammunition, and possibly security armor, which will add more weight, so you don't want to weigh them down much more than they are. You know the two tool kits are must have items for Aria to work her magic. Also, with all of the medical stuff that Elias may need, he's likely to want it all. You may want to bring a list of what you found to your next meeting, and see what people want and/or need from what you've found, and what they feel they can live without. Just a thought.

2013-05-06, 03:11 AM

Having spoken to the Good Doctor at length, Elias spent the rest of the afternoon preparing himself for what is to come.

To think that he had been grooming me for such an eventuality...how dark the days for our Vault it has become.

Having gotten the day off from Dr. Mehta while he formulated and prepared the sedative, Elias left the Medical Bay after their discussion and returned to his quarters. He couldn't stop thinking about how many possible outcomes their actions would bring.

What if we failed in our plans and end up bringing harm to others in the Vault? What if we failed and they punish our their families and friends, like the good doctor, in retaliation?

After what seemed like a life time of debating and going over possibilities, he forced himself to take a page out of Higgy's play book. He made himself take action and stop questioning everything that could go wrong, focusing on doing something positive. He began by getting together a few of his most precious belongings into a backpack, things to add into the bug-out kit that Higgy's putting together for each of them. He gathered several of the medical journals he had yet to read, his wallet with a picture of his sister, as well as the stethoscope given to him by the Good Doctor when he passed his exam to be admitted into become a junior grade medical practitioner into it.

Once he had finished gathering everything that was important to him, he took a long hard look at himself in the mirror.

This isn't the time to have doubts now Elias. Of all the others in the Vault, the Doc put his faith in you and your abilities. You can't let him down. You can't let the citizens of the Vault down. These people believed in the Overseer and he betrayed them. He, whose existence was to help those under his care, lied to them and killed them. They killed your friend's father. His actions are a mockery to the efforts and wishes of those that believe in him. He must be brought to justice. Now get a hold of yourself and do what you believe in.

Looking at his PIPBOY, he realized that it had only been close to an hour's time since he had left the Medical Bay. Though Dr. Mehta had dismissed him for the day, he decided to take a shower and return to his post. He was a prepared as he was ever going to be, and he isn't going to neglect his duties on a whim. That would be negligent of him. No, that would be just like the Overseer. Each step a slippery slope. Putting on his lab coat, he swiftly returned to the Med Bay.

When he entered the clinic, he caught the eye of the Good Doctor who was in the middle of speaking with Roger, one of his fellow medics. They gave one another a nearly imperceptible nod when their eyes met and carried on as if nothing was amiss. They did not need to speak to know each other's thoughts. Their duty was as clear as day now, and perhaps soon, they will even get to see with their own eyes how that phrase came to be when they step foot Outside.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-06, 07:59 AM

Higgy made several trips to various parts of the Vault during the day. Foraging for whatever supplies he could find. He would sneak in and out of areas as quietly as possible and make his way back to his room which had almost become a giant supply closet of its own.

Ok, now I'm going to make a list and decide what should go with everybody or I can even let them decide, really though I think I did quite well.

He begins separating the items into bags by type and such. Medical equipment for Elias. Tech goodies an such for Aria. Food stuff and other random equipment for Deke and Nick as he hopes those two can carry more of the load.

Once separated he compiles a list of all that's there.

ok.. 11 first aid kits.. 24 stimpaks..

List O' Supplies
As written by Higgy

11 First Aid Kits
24 Stimpaks
1 Medical Kit
1 Surgery Kit (oh jeez I hope we don't have to use that)
1 Port. Pharm. Kit
2 RadAway
2 Rad-X
2 Med-X
2 Fixer

1 Basis Mech. Toolkit
1 Basic Elec. Toolkit
1 Lockpick Set
1 Multitool
1 Large Roll Duct Tape (I wonder why it's red and green??)
5 Electrical Parts
5 Mechanical Parts

Food and Misc. Gear:
20 Trail Rations
5 Toiletry Kits
5 Sleeping Bags
5 Duffle Bags
10 Spare Vault 66 Jumpsuits (Never did like these things)

Sports/Fighting Equipment:
5 Baseball Bats (mines the one from the Vault Championship 3 yrs. ago.. Hit two home runs. My dad was so proud.)
16 Baseballs (Talk to Aria about possible conversion into grenades??)
1 Set Sports Padding (kinda like armor)

2013-05-06, 11:48 AM
"Ha! I am a fabricating goddess!" The camera works exactly as its supposed to, and she is fairly certain no one will be able to see the listening device. Of course that's kind of the point.

Now to wait and see what turns up...

2013-05-06, 06:17 PM
Deke goes into the armory for his equipment maintenance time. He takes his equipment duffel with him. Once alone inside he goes into the reserve supply locker which is like a walk in closet. He opens his duffel and pulls out the inflated trash bags. Letting the air out of them reveals the completely empty interior of the duffel. Time to load up...

OOC: To GM<<OOC: His goal is to load survival kits vault 66 security armor and 10mm pistols and as much ammo as possible out of the long-term storage. These are only hopefully only accessed for maintenance and inventory.>>>

2013-05-07, 12:17 AM
All of you are in the diner, Enoch having reserved it for a "party" to celebrate his "promotion" to Grain Production Manager. He is the last to show.

He hears everything you all have accomplished or heard in the last 24 hours. He nods, taking notice of how careful you all were. He gets a touch irritated after Rainer and Deke talk about their shift.

Wait, Roberts is up in Salley's room right now? Why aren't we spying on them? That was the most suspicious thing I've ever heard! Or do you all think I'm over stating this? Do none of you think this is that important?

He looks expectantly for a response.

2013-05-07, 01:53 AM

"And how do you suppose we do that? We just got our surveillance equipment together today Enoch. If we barge in now, they'll know that we're onto them."

Thinking on Enoch's comment however, a new idea springs into his mind. "Actually, right now is the best opportunity we'll have to get into Salley's terminal in the Security Office. He'll be in his room for the next little while busy discussing plans with Roberts. In fact, why don't we do that and go install the cameras that Aria rigged up in the Horticulture unit as well?" says Elias, getting more excited while he lays out his plan.

"It'll be hard catching them out of their usual routine otherwise," he states, leaving it open for the others to comment to his impromptu proposition.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-07, 08:19 AM

That does sound really suspicious. At the very least I suggest none of us go anywhere alone for the time being. I wasn't aware they were meeting but I don't like it one bit. Maybe now while they are occupied we should make some sort of move on the door, get something planned for that in case of emergency. Enoch you know the door codes right? I've got a stockpile of stuff we can use if we need to get out of here.

Not trusting the info to his pipboy Higgy took the time to hand write the note. He hands it over for everyone to look at. Let me know who wants what and I'll separate the items into the bags

He then looks to Elias, As far as your plan goes that sounds good. We can try to get everything to go ASAP camera on Roberts, files from Salley's office and a plan for the door. But nobody goes alone and I want to be on Salley's office team.

2013-05-07, 12:06 PM
Okay, I think there's some confusion...Aria set up the cameras to watch the incinerators. The bug-out bags are packed for just in case. Deke and Nick have secured weapons and armored jumpsuits, and ammo, though where they are stashing them nobody has said. And right now, Deke and Rainer would know that they would not have access to the Security Room computer outside of their shift. Also, everyone knows that the PIPBOY3000 only has the ability to transmit when physically connected.

Enoch shakes his head.

Okay, I wasn't talking about using anything to record them. I was talking about having somebody go up and actually listen at their door, but it's okay. I found out why they are meeting, and to be frank...

He fidgets a little in his seat.

Well, there's no better way to put it. What's better, is that I know my father doesn't know, because of his policies on the subject. What, you can't guess? Salley Smith and William Roberts are lovers, and are trying to hide it so my father doesn't find out! Personally, I don't care, but I'm sure they would care if others, particularly my father, were to find out. Can we use this to blackmail one or the other of them, or is this a road we don't want to go down? Either way, by tomorrow we should have evidence of Mr. Roberts's involvement in destroying the grain, but that's all we have, and my father can disavow all knowledge of it. Worse, if any of us goes to him with this information, he'll start putting pieces together as to who is in The Movement, and that puts us all in danger. So...what now?

Blade Conduit
2013-05-07, 12:32 PM

I'll confront Salley about my father and use that 'info' as leverage to find out what's going on. We can hopefully keep them both quiet long enough to figure out what else they are up to. Salley must know if he and Roberts are that close. If we can bring all the information to the overseer, or disseminate it to the rest of the vault dwellers, then maybe we can get some answers or at the very least start something that can't easily be stopped. If we tell Salley we will go the overseer with the info about them and about the grain he's bound to break. Right?

Higgy looks around, excited about this particular idea. He looks as though he's ready to bound out of his chair right at that moment.


I knew the bags were packed I was just giving them an idea of what they had in case someone was like well I definitely don't need that. To lighten load etc.

2013-05-07, 12:37 PM

"That won't work."

Aria looks up from her seat.

"Well, it will, just not how you want. You go to the overseer with this, it ends the same way. Us in the incinerator. We need something on him. Something that makes him really not want to dispose of us. We need in his office."

2013-05-07, 01:32 PM

"I agree with Aria. It's a good plan if we can blackmail the two of them, that is if Enoch is right about them being lovers, to stall for time and to shut up. To use it to blackmail the Overseer directly is foolhardy. If we can get into Salley's terminal in the Security Office, and get the direct orders sent to him by the Overseer, that'll be something else completely. That actually would have enough substance to scare the Overseer," Elias adds.

A moment after, he realizes a danger to their plan and quickly continues, "We'll have to be very careful about how we spy on the two lovers if that is what we'll be doing. If we end up confronting them this night, it may stop them from continuing their regular activities. If that's the case, we won't be able to get Roberts on tape if he hasn't done the usual grain incineration already today prior to his visit with Salley. Also, what if they react the opposite way and instead of shying away from the Overseer, decides to warn him instead? I don't know Roberts well, but Salley has never taken well to threats. The guy's a loose cannon."

Thinking over the list of items they were able to successfully secure along with the installed spying devices, Elias takes a small moment to close his eyes to relax as the first part of their plan comes together.

"Unlike you guys though, I can't say I've been able to do much to contribute to our exit strategy," taking a small sigh as he speaks, "I was able to find a few medical journals to add to my bug out kit which should help me in fixing you guys up in case of trouble. Aside from that I spent the rest of my day working with the Good Doc in the Med Bay. Sorry guys."

2013-05-07, 02:48 PM
OOC GM(Deke is nick sorry for the typo earlier)Does Deke have security access to Overseers office? if no who does? Oh and I have the bugout bag in my locker in my quarters

Deke listens to the group and then leans forward, "I have duty tonight and her terminal will be guarded by yours truly. I don't have the know how to hack it though."

2013-05-07, 02:58 PM
Enoch looks at Elias and Aria.

You are right, of course. However, I know for sure that they are lovers. Doc Mehta's medical file on Salley showed something interesting. Only Mr. Roberts and Salley were treated for syphilis last month, and in both of their records, it showed that when asked with whom they were intimate with, they refused to answer. As members of the advisory council, they aren't required to release that information. Privilege of office and all, apparently.

He looks to Higgy.

I know you want justice, Higgy. We all do, and you probably more so than any of us. But we can't afford to do a knock down drag out fight. It would put your sister and mother in danger, as well as the Doc, and Mr. Br...errr...I mean...the others who think like us.

Enoch realizes that he may have said too much on that point.

In any case, I can get a camera for you to take pictures through the window or something of them. And I saw them go to Mr. Roberts's room, not Salley's. One of you two security guys can go there, and get into Salley's computer. Who's good on computers here, by the way? They should go with. The quietest of us should go up to take the photos. And they should go alone. I have a cover story for you. You were heading there to deliver the camera to Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker, so they can take pictures of the Northside Sluggers during the playoff game (in two days time) while you are working on shift. If asked, the Brubakers can claim ignorance, not knowing that you would be stopping by to ask them, but would be more than happy to help. All I know is that we need to move fast on this. If any of them get wind that someone is on to them, we are all hosed, and my father will have the lot of us thrown into the incinerator. I say that we meet plan to meet again in the morning to see if our surveillance pans out, and then again in the evening like we are now, to discuss how everything went. Today is Saturday, so we all have tonight and tomorrow off. We need to be totally ready by tomorrow evening. So, are we ready to do this?

As his room isn't very far away, Enoch heads off to his room, and within a few minutes, comes back with the camera, placing it on the table for one of you to take.

Well, that's it then. I'll see you all in the morning. By the way, it's ironic, I know, but my father paid for a round of drinks. Everyone gets a NukaCola on him.

He raises his bottle in a toast.

To justice, to vengeance, and to those who sacrificed to get us where we are today. Here's to them.

Everyone gets a NukaCola. Check Quinn's post about it's effects (or the one of mine where I list its effects) if you need it. If you drink it, gain 1 bottle cap. If not, you can just keep the NukaCola for later.

Edit: VonLowe: My bad, dude. For some reason, I thought Nick was Bonaynay's character's name, though he's a security team member as well.
Bonaynay's character is Rainer. I will go back and adjust all of the posts with that name replacing "Nick" accordingly. Again, my bad!

2013-05-07, 03:24 PM
Deke stops Aria and then blushes, " I um was wondering you know since you were good with computer stuff that maybe you would meet me tonight... uh I mean for the sally hack in the security room."

2013-05-07, 03:36 PM
FYI, it's "Salley," with an "e", and Salley is a guy...part of why he's so angry is suspected to have to do with his name being so feminine and his hatred of his parents...Picture Girard Butler, or Dwayne Johnson but with an effeminate name...that's Salley

2013-05-07, 03:45 PM
"That sounds like a good plan Deke. I mean I'm proficient at using a computer, but I wouldn't say that I'm an expert at hacking into someone's account. That said, maybe we should have Higgy come along to chapero...uhh accompany the two of you as back up?" Elias adds somewhat mischievously.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-07, 03:49 PM

I can take the camera it would make sense for me to be delivering it for pictures during the championship. I'm going to try and be sneaky about it. Enoch, I know and thanks for that toast. I'm trying really hard to not just run off. he holds up the camera At least now I can really feel like I'm doing something... Even if that something is taking some skeezy pictures of a couple of guys.

And with that Higgy tips his ball cap (he pretty much always wears it) and walks out the diner with his NukaCola and the camera.

Skills for finding a spot to take pictures and not being spotted.
Hide 2 ranks 4 dex= 6 [roll0]
Move silently 4 ranks 4 dex=8 [roll1]
Sleight of Hand 4 ranks 4 dex=8 [roll2]

2013-05-07, 04:04 PM

Thankfully, it's in the evening, so people are either watching a movie in the Education and Entertainment room, getting a late dinner in the Cafeteria, or are in bed. Also, it's nice that all of the doors are steel composite and shut, and the glass is bulletproof, so you'd have to be setting off grenades for people to hear you out in the hall from their rooms. Even more so, you know that the Brubakers and the Doc are the only ones who live up there other than Salley and Mr. Roberts, and they are in Mr. Roberts room. You peek in and find that they are sitting on the couch in a rather...intimate manner, though clothed, and they aren't just engaged in friendly chit-chat. You snap off a picture with ease, and it's going to be a rather incriminating one if you do say so yourself. The bad news is that the flash went off. Did they see it?

Salley Spot Check: [roll0]
2 ranks in spot with no ability modifier, -4 for being...distracted
William Spot Check: [roll1]
No ranks in spot, +1 ability modifier, -4 for being distracted.

Edit: It seems that you are safe. They were much too...distracted...to notice.

Lentrax, Elias, and Deke

I'll need a Computer Use check from Aria to continue on.

Just Deke

Sorry I seemed to have missed that question earlier: The answer is that nobody but the Overseer, Enoch, and Salley have key-card access to the Overseer's room, and only the Overseer has access to the Overseer's office. That said, however, it was made known earlier by Dr. Mehta, that Enoch could gain access for you to one of those places, but that it would be a one time deal, and it had better be for end-game results. Based on your intelligence score, you figure that you could get all the dirt you wanted on the Overseer by getting into his office and hacking his computer, but it would easily be the most risky of plans. You'd need to have you and Rainer stand guard with Higgy as backup, and have Elias and Aria start hacking into the computer. Heck, if you got into the Overseer's quarters, you might be able to get ahold of his computer passwords, if they are there. Due to the restrictive nature of the Overseer's office, however, you'd probably bet that his computer wouldn't be that hard to hack, instead relying on physical security.

2013-05-07, 04:36 PM
Taking a deep breath as Higgy steps out alone, Elias touches his glasses momentarily with his hand, worried.

I hope he gets through without any problems. We really have to sit down and talk to him once this is all over. I hope he won't let his anger get the better of him...

Promptly finishing off his meal, Elias gives Enoch a nod before stepping out of the diner along with the others on their mission.

While on their way towards the Security Office, Elias gives Deke a small nudge with his elbow when Aria wasn't looking as mouths "sorry" with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

Skill Checks:
Spot: [roll0] - Keeping an eye out while we're at the Security Office
Search: [roll1] - Around Salley's office for any other incriminating documents/dossiers/memorandums in the case that we are indeed alone.

2013-05-07, 05:08 PM

In the bottom drawer of his desk, you find a love letter.

My Dearest Salley,

I had a wonderful time last week. It's a shame we have to sneak around like this. I wish we could just shout out our love for each other from the top of the Atrium! I know it's silly, but I also know how much of a softy you are when we're alone together.

All my love

Your Billy

2013-05-08, 03:37 AM
"Password, password, password..."

Aria sits and thinks for a moment then starts looking for a bypass. She starts typing in commands, but it looks like this terminal is more secure than some others in the Vault.

"Huh. There's an actual override labelled Password. That might be it, you think?"

2013-05-08, 04:02 AM

Looking over Aria's shoulder, Elias peers over and takes a look. "Mmm...oh hey! Look what about this one?" pointing to the one that says "billybob" on the screen.

2013-05-08, 04:31 AM
With Elias's help, Aria easily finds the email file. The ironic thing was that Salley's computer security was non-existent. Maybe he relied too much on his position to keep people from wanting to poke and pry into their computer.

In any case, the email is clear:


I've found out one of the ones involved in out little uprising years ago, and it doesn't surprise me. It's Oliver Higgins. William believes that Oliver saw him at the incinerator, and you know what that means. Even more interesting, I believe he is either the leader, or one of the leaders of this little resistance movement we had going. The orders from Vault-Tec to my predecessors were clear: the vault is never to be opened under any circumstances. Ever. You do what you need to do to silence him. If you can, make it look like an accident. If you can't, well, then we just won't try too hard to investigate the crime, now will we? You have to know that his wife is involved, or at least knows about what he's been scheming. After this, she'll be fearful for her own life for the sake of their son, Carmichael. She isn't to be touched. She won't be a problem. I suspect that Dr. Mehta is part of it as well, but even if he is, we need him for now. He's our best trained doctor, and until we find out that there's someone who can effectively take his place, we'll have to hope this scares him into submission. He's old, and I'm sure that he won't live much longer anyways. That Elias boy shows promise. If only we were sure that he was loyal to me.

In any case, I want this done immediately. Use William as bait. If Oliver wasn't sure of what he saw, then he'll be on the lookout. Follow Oliver as he follows William, and get him then. This way he won't be able to tell his friends what he saw.


Albert Lord

You are all pretty sure that it is past time that the Overseer, Salley, and Mr. Roberts are confronted. The questions now, are where, when, and most importantly, how?

2013-05-08, 10:24 AM
Deke is keeping an eye out, "Hey so Enoch has a key to the overseers quarters and his office. If we got the codes and passwords from his quarters then we all go for it and have me and Rainer stand guard with Higgy as backup, and have Elias and Aria start hacking into the overseers main computer. Since no one goes in there but a few people I bet the hack would be easy."

Blade Conduit
2013-05-09, 11:59 AM

"I still think our best bet is letting everyone in the Vault know what's going on. When my Father and the rest of this group first decided it was time to go, their numbers made it impossible to deny. I say we do it again. We confront Salley Roberts and the Overseer with all the evidence we have. We broadcast the whole confrontation on the Vault PA, then we offer to be the group that goes out and tries to figure out what's out there. The people will get behind us and the Overseer will either be toppled along with Salley, for killing my dad or the whole Vault will rise up beside us and we will continue my Father's Dream of leaving this Vault. Either way at the end of all of this I'm leaving!"

Higgy has a determined look in his eyes. This is more the pre-race excitement and enthusiasm you've seen him show. This look is deadly, possibly for himself and for anyone who might get in his way.

Salley, if you submit to what you deserve you may yet live, fight me and I swear I will bring you down myself!

2013-05-09, 06:56 PM
Deke looks at Higgy, "Brother I know this is important to you. And thats whe we need to do it right. With control of the overseers computer we will control the entire vault. We can access all the info, not just what we have ,and then broadcast it vault wide."

2013-05-10, 02:17 AM

Elias nods in agreement to Deke and continues in a sombre tone, "Higgy, we will get to the bottom of this, but we cannot answer their crimes with the same heinous approach as they did your father. I know you want revenge. I know your hearts yearns for vengeance. If we go into that meeting with the intention to deal them violence, we'll be the same as they are. Come on Carmichael. We're better than that. You, are better than that."

Taking a second to let what has been said to sink in, he continues, "To be absolutely certain, we could try going into the Overseer's office when he leaves later today to see what information we can dig up. Otherwise, let's do as Enoch had advised and deal with them during the emergency council meeting tomorrow. We can meet in Deke and Rainer's rooms to arm ourselves before heading to the upper levels. In the mean time, how about we put our bug out kits in the empty room near the vault gate room so that we can bang out in a hurry if need be?"

2013-05-10, 05:48 AM
Aria looks over at the others.

"I think we should get more evidence. Maybe there is something on the Overseer's computer we can use. And then when we confront him we will have a real edge. Especially with this." She holds up a small squarish device.

"This is a transmitter. I designed it to override all the Vault's PA systems. Turn this little guy on and everyone will hear the meeting. With the entire Vault aware of what the Overseer has been doing, getting rid of us won't be Option A, since it won't do anything about the entire Vault knowing."

2013-05-10, 08:18 PM
Deke looks at Aria obviously impressed, "Wow Aria thats brilliant! If we get caught at any time we can use that device to transmit the overseers victory speech. Higgy will have to play it cool and get him monologing"

2013-05-11, 08:34 AM

Here it goes folks...Keep in mind that I can't move forward without getting a post from everyone (except Quinn, for now). For reference purposes, everyone is in Area 23, the Overseer's office. Please review the area description for reference. I've redrawn that office strictly for the following encounter. Notice that there are numbers along the top and letters along the left side. If you are moving, put in spoiler tags the path your are moving (so I can determine things like attacks of opportunity, etc...). Your location coordinates are listed in the format of letter then number. Your placement in the opening of the meeting is pre-determined by protocol (as the ruse indicates that you are there for an actual meeting). With the exception of the Overseer, everyone stands. Also, I apparently forgot to put Enoch in the room when I'd taken the picture. He's standing in the square just south of Aria.

Also, due to time constraints and want to "move on", I want to ask your forgiveness for "speaking" for your characters. I've basically taken your plan, and what you've said you were going to do, and executed it in IC terms. If I've butchered something you wanted to say/do, I apologize, but I hope it's a good read.

Everyone arrives at the emergency meeting. Salley has asked Rainer, with a cruel grin, to stand watch outside, and ensure that the meeting is not disturbed for any reason, and that Deke stand at the exit to ensure that nobody attempts to...leave early, again, for any reason.

All of you are standing behind the advisors, except for Higgy, who, when asked about his bag and the contents, were satisfied with the answer and asked to stand next to Dr. Brubaker with his evidence.

The Overseer sits at his desk, with Salley standing to one side, Officer Turney to the other, and Deke standing watch by the door.

The Overseer's Office

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/20130511_143123_zpsbe88847f.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/20130511_143123_zpsbe88847f.jpg.html)

or if this doesn't work

The Overseer's Office (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/20130511_143123_zpsbe88847f.jpg.html)

The legend for where everyone stands is as follows:

O = Overseer
S = Salley Smith
T = Officer Mike Turney
B = Dr. Brubaker
J = Jeannine Brubaker
W = William Roberts
M = Dr. Mehta
D = Deke
A = Aria
H = Higgy
E = Elias

Again, Enoch (who I will say would have been L), is in the square directly south of Aria, and west of Jeannine.

The meeting starts off with the Overseer, now standing.

My, my, my. An emergency meeting. This must be important indeed. What could possibly be so important that it could not wait until this Friday?

You all get the impression that something more is going on here, than even you all planned. It might be the confident air that Salley seems to exude. Maybe it's the slight grin on the face of the Overseer. But for sure, if anything else, it's the slight look of dread on Enoch's face. He knows his father well, and this doesn't bode well.

Dr. Mehta raises his hand and is acknowledged by the Overseer.

Well, Albert, he begins, seemingly understanding of where this is going, by totally disregarding the use of the Overseer's title.

It's high time that you come clean.

Come clean? With what, my dear Praeful? the Overseer says with mock curiosity.

We have evidence, clear evidence, mind you, of several crimes committed by you, or at your behest.

At this, he presents the still shots of Mr. Roberts and Salley dumping grain into the incinerator.

Well, that is rather incriminating. For Chief Smith and Director Roberts. Dumping grain into the incinerator. Yes, I think that this is a rather horrid crime considering how much everyone in the Vault has scrimped and saved in order to make it possible to meet the goal of exiting the safety of this Vault. What do you have to say for yourselves?

They both grin, and before either of them can open their mouthes, Higgy jumps in.

Before you two decide to say anything that you regret, I want you two to see something I made for you.

Higgy produces two small envelopes, each marked with their names on it. They open them up, and seeing that they are photographs, quickly blush, and put them back in the envelopes. They then pocket the pictures, looking at each other.

The Overseer seems surprised at this, with a questioning look to both of them. Salley speaks up.

Sir, it's true. We dumped the grain. We were afraid for the safety of the Vault and did it of our own accord, to prevent the people from being able to leave the safety of these walls. We are truly sorry.

The Overseer has gone from surprised to irritated. Interestingly, it seems that both Salley and Willam have decided that whatever Higgy showed them was worth taking the fall for, rather than implicating the Overseer, a rather interesting turn of events.

Well, these two will be dealt with, of course, to the full extent of Vault 66 law. But how does this relate to me? You don't have any proof that I'm involved, and so I don't see how you, Dr. Mehta, can say that I have to come clean.

You killed my father... says Higgy through his teeth, in a low tone, almost a growl.

Elias holds his hand out to Higgy, to stop him.

If I may, sir?

The Overseer nods, smiling at Elias.

Oh, Elias, our up and coming doctor candidate. Please, if you have something to add...

Sir, we do have this.

He takes a small stack of photos, all identical to one another.

We, and by that I mean Aria,

Aria grins ruefully at the Overseer, clearly thinking of Salisbury Steak.

found this email during our investigation.

Investigation?! snaps Salley.

There's no investigation unless I am notified! This evidence has been obtained illegally! You can't even use it against us, section 2 paragraph 7 of the Vault legal code.

Salley is clearly referring to the picture, which is an email to him from the Overseer. The Overseer smiles.

Deke steps up now, the smile on Salley and the Overseer's face now gone.

Yes, Chief, you are correct, under most circumstances, that picture of the email that the Overseer sent you telling you to kill Carmichael's father because he saw Mr. Roberts dumping grain into the incinerator would have been illegally obtained except that the crime was reported to me.

Salley's face has gone white now, and the Overseer doesn't seem to understand why.

According to section 2, paragraph 8, if the perpetrator of the crime is the Chief of Security, any officer may investigate the crime when it is reported to them, and all evidence collected by this officer is to be considered to be obtained legally, as long as there is probable cause. You see, sir, the photo of Chief Smith and Mr. Roberts was all the probable cause I required to investigate and procure this evidence.

The Overseer is now incensed, but quiet. His hands trembling.

It doesn't matter what evidence you found. Nobody will see it or hear of it. Oh, I know of your involvement, Praeful, with Oliver. You as well Dr. Brubaker, and you, Jeannine. None of you will ever be able to tell anyone. Enoch, I'm most disappointed in you. You will share your friends' fate. Salley, kill them all, plea...

Aria speaks up now, holding aloft a small device.

Oh, I wouldn't say nobody will find out. In fact, with this, I made sure everyone heard every bit of our conversation. Give it up, sir.

The Overseer quickly looks out his window to the Atrium floor. It seems that at least half the Vault are there, and they are all angry, holding pipes, kitchen knives, broom handles, anything that they could use as a weapon. The Overseer's face has now turned a deep red with absolute fury.

Kill them! Kill them now!!

Please roll for initiative, and state your actions as well as any contingencies in case you cannot take your action for whatever reason (like, "I take a shot at Salley" but Salley has already dropped from an attack from Higgy, or whatever). If you are making an attack roll at any time, please also post a roll for confirmation of critical (just in case) and damage (also, just in case). Once I have an initiative roll and actions from all 4 of you, I will resolve the combat round. Once I post the end of the first round, we'll go on if need be.


Salley Initiative: [roll0]

Overseer's Initiative: [roll1]

William's Initiative: [roll2]

Turney's Initiative: [roll3]

Mehta's Initaitive: [roll4]

Jeannine's Initiative: [roll5]

Dr. Brubaker's Initiative: [roll6]

Edit: Crap...I forgot the whole thing about previewing posts with rolls in it...I'll repost the rolls in the OoC thread.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-11, 09:30 AM

Higgy Screams "SALLEY!!
Higgy pulls his bat out of his bag as he slides behind Dr. Brubaker and makes his way next to the Security Chief. No amount of talking down in the world is going to stop Higgy now.

He uses one hand to open the bag he'd been carrying and pulls out his bat and then drops the bag. He's then going to move over and stand directly next to Salley
A5 Move action retrieve item move action move turns over.

If someone manages to get to Salley first then he'll make the same moves but look towards one of the other enemies.

You're going to die for what you did!

2013-05-11, 10:45 AM

Seeing the others move into action, Elias draws the gun he had hidden in his lab coat and moves in front of the Good Doctor, so that he's out of harm's way.

"Be careful Doc. Stay back, we'll handle this," Elias says quickly as he covers the old man.

Attempting to draw a bead on the Overseer, he holds his fire as the mass of people all move into action in front of him.

Takes move action to relocate in front of Dr. Mehta and uses standard to draw his weapon as my BAB is 0.

Also I'm going to just assume that as my Init is the same as the Doc's my dex is higher maybe? And that I'll get to move before he does. If I don't, I'll still attempt to impose myself between him and our closest enemy.

2013-05-11, 11:54 AM

Stupid me, I totally forgot. The Overseer and Officer Turney have 25% cover from ranged attacks. Salley does not. The cover advantage is eliminated if you go climb on top of the desk, with a DC 10 climb check.

2013-05-11, 12:38 PM
Deke a huge fan of the famed lawmen the Texas Rangers has been practicing fastdraw his entire life. Now was his chance to use it...but his conscience and training insisted he protect noncombatants first. So as the conversation wound down Deke moves close behind Brubaker and Roberts as if he was stepping forward to be heard as he informed them of the charges. This also places him in front of Aria to use his body armor to help protect her.

When the Overseer predictably yells kill them the first time, Deke Draws and begins pushing Roberts to the floor. When He yells "kill them all Kill them all now" Deke yells, "DOWN DOWN!!!" As he presses Brubaker down he Aims in on Turney's throat just above his vest. He looks Turney in the eye and yells, "Don't!!"

If Turney raises his hands Deke will have him face the wall drop to his knees and cross his legs. Hands on head interlaced fingers etc.

If Turney twitches wrong Deke fires three rounds as he was trained. Of course that was at 15 and 25 meters this is more like 4 meters :)

2013-05-11, 01:01 PM

Don't forget, folks! If any action you take (or contingency action) involves an attack, please roll the attack, critical confirmation, and damage as well. This will help us resolve combat more quickly!

I also need an initiative roll from you!

2013-05-11, 01:44 PM
Aria, watching the scene degenerate into armed conflict, decides to do what comes naturally for her.

She screams and runs for the door, trying to open it.

If the door is locked she will attempt to pick the lock.

Disable Device: [roll0]

2013-05-11, 05:59 PM


Okay folks, here's the initiative:

Markis (whose initiative is in "suspense" until you run into him)
Dr. Brubaker
Dr. Mehta
The Overseer

This is it... you all think as the Great War begins again, this time localized to the Overseer's office.

Aria, not much the fighter, runs to the door, and, finding it locked, begins to pick the lock. It's unlocked now, but she doesn't get much further.

Markis is not happy at the moment.

William, seeing Higgy's intentions, screams You leave my Salley alone!, and draws his pistol (move action), and fires at Higgy (who gets the 25% cover). His shot goes wild, hitting the wall behind Higgy's head.

William's Attack on Higgy

Try to shoot over cover [roll0]
If result is greater than 26, Attack roll: [roll1]
If critical: [roll2]
If hit: [roll3]

Deke shouts at Turney to drop. Turney decides to play "quickdraw" with Deke (+1 BAB, and therefore can draw his weapon as a free action), and loses, as Turney gets his weapon out last, and Deke shoots. He misses and the bullet hits the wall behind Turney.

Deke's attack on Turney

You didn't roll, so I'm rolling for you. Also, I didn't see anything on your character sheet about having the weapon, but as you said "shot at him" in your post, I'll let it slide this time...

Try to shoot over cover [roll4]
If result is greater than 26, Attack roll: [roll5]
If critical: [roll6]
If hit: [roll7]

Higgy locks eyes with Salley, and moves into position after having pulled his father's bat from the bag, trying to ignore the gunshot from William's direction. Moving past Dr. Brubaker, Salley, as quick as lightning, and knowing that he won't be able to draw his weapon and bring it to bear, swings at Higgy with his nightstick, missing as Higgy ducks under it.

Salley's Attack of Opportunity on Higgy

Attack: [roll8]
To Confirm any Crit: [roll9]
Damage if Hit: [roll10]

Elais, concerned for the Good Doctor, moves him aside, and draws his pistol, taking a protective stance in front of his old mentor.

Dr. Brubaker, more concerned for his wife's safety, lets Higgy pass, and moves to his wife, pushing her back (full round action).

Dr. Mehta says to Elias I'm not as old as all that, you young pup! and draws his .32 Walther PPK, and fires at the Overseer, hitting him full in the chest, staggering the Overseer, who is clutching what is likely to be a near mortal wound.

Dr. Mehta's Attack on The Overseer

Attack: [roll11]
To Confirm any Crit: [roll12]
Damage if Hit: [roll13]

Salley, knowing that, against Higgy, he is fighting for his own life, swings his baton at Higgy, it connecting against Higgy's head, dropping him to the floor. The last thing Higgy hears before he goes unconscious is You went down easier than your weakling father...

Salley's Attack on Higgy

Attack: [roll14]
To Confirm any Crit: [roll15]
Damage if Hit: [roll16]

Officer Turney looks at Deke like he's the traitor and as Deke is firing from behind a crowd, draws a bead on Dr. Brubaker who is attempting to shield his wife, and the bullet rips out the back of Dr. Brubaker's head, killing him instantly.

Turney's Attack on Dr. Brubaker

Attack: [roll17]
To Confirm any Crit: [roll18]
Damage if Hit: [roll19]

The Overseer, seeing that he will not get out of this unscathed, turns to his console (that large object to the south of his desk), and enters a few commands (move action). The floor beneath his chair begins to shift, and an apparent secret passageway begins to open (it will open the round after next). He then fires at Elias, missing.

Attack: [roll20]
To Confirm any Crit: [roll21]
Damage if Hit: [roll22]

Jeannine, crouches defensively behind her husband's corpse, weeping uncontrollably and holding his lifeless body.

Enoch turns to follow Aria yelling The Overseer is trying to escape down a tunnel. I'll try to cut him off in the Vault Door room!


Here's where I have everyone's positions:

Aria at A1
Deke at B1
Enoch at C1
Jeannine at D1
Dr. Mehta at A2
Elias at B2
Dr. Brubaker at C2
William at D2
Higgy at A5
Salley at B5
The Overseer at C4
Turney at E5

I'm going to submit this and see how combat turned out, and possibly adjust the descriptions depending on what happens there. If you see this, then I haven't finished adjusting, and please do not post anything until it's edited out. I think you'll like the results.

Okay, all edited. And Higgy, I need a Fortitude save from you to stabilize, DC 20. I believe you are at -3 hp (he critted you for 14 damage, which thankfully was not enough to also invoke the problem of taking massive damage!), and will lose 1 hp per round until somebody else stabilizes you or you make that DC 20 Fortitude save. And yes, the Good Doctor got off a VERY lucky shot that critted.

Please remember that if you are attacking, make the roll, the crit roll, and the damage roll in some spoiler tags. Even if the crit roll and the damage roll aren't needed, they're there if they are!

Next round, folks!!

2013-05-11, 06:36 PM

Flinching from the shot from Dr. Mehta directly behind him, he quickly recovers and sees that it took the the Overseer right in the chest. Scanning the chaos rapidly, his mind starts racing as he sees Higgy crumple after taking a hit to the temple from Salley. Without any further thought, Elias changes target and takes a shot at the man with the glock in his hand.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
If Crit Confirm: [roll1]
If Hit Dmg: [roll2]


Elias stands fast, still protecting the Good Doctor from any possible attacks.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-12, 08:08 AM

Even as he falls to the floor, the last words out of Salley's mouth stir up that fire inside Higgy once more. He finds that as soon as everything goes black it draws back once more and Higgy is looking at himself 4 years ago before the Vault Baseball Championship and he sees his dad walking over to his younger self. Higgy knows this is all in his head but just seeing his father up and moving around again brings a bittersweet feeling to Higgy.

"Son, I've always told you it's not important if you win or lose, it's how you play the game... But sometimes that's not true... Sometimes when other people choose to break the rules or fight dirty, you have to win and not just for yourself but to prove something to those people and to all the people watching. Might doesn't make right. Remember that son, remember it always." and slowly just as he appeared Higgy's dad disappears.

I remember that speech but.. That's not how it ended the first time, the first time he just told me play my best and he'd always be proud of me. Dad, I promise I'll remember and I won't let you down.

2013-05-12, 08:47 AM
Seeing the first round Miss Deke curses himself inwardly for jerking the trigger. He realigns and squeezes the trigger.



To shoot over cover


If Crit

2013-05-12, 11:50 AM
HP - 18 / 20

*Markis stared at the dark interior of the cave, his mind racing, time seeming to stand still as the whole situation took a horrible turn for the worst.These people had no idea what awaited them outside their carefully sealed and stocked hiding hole. There were worse things than spending your life sealed up in the safety of a vault, and whoever was trying to leave was about to learn just how bad things could be.*

*Looking around slowly at the carefully carved bedrock, still as clean cut and sharp-grooved as the day vault tec bored it out. It was almost like time stood still down here in the bowels of the earth. The corridor wasn't wide enough to do anything but funnel the blast if it comes to that, but the door to the vault could block the force and deadly shrapnel, if the residents are fast enough. If not.... Markis kept his hands up and just hoped for the best. He'd figure out a way to do it right.*

2013-05-12, 12:27 PM
Aria opens the door, then looks out at the people gathered there.

Stepping to the side of the door, she makes a "Come on in" gesture.

"Ladies and Gents, the Overseer will see you now."

2013-05-12, 01:22 PM

Aria opens the door for the angry mob, who begin to flood the Upper Atrium and into the Server Room (areas 11 and 20 respectively). It seems that the rest of the Security members are more than happy to let the mob have their justice on their former bosses and have no wish to be thought of as one of "them." Interestingly, it seems that some of the Vault residents heard what Enoch yelled, and are heading towards the Vault Door Control Room.

Markis is still not very happy, and worried for the safety of those coming out.

William sees what he's done, and whirls on Jeannine, firing at the unarmed and grieving woman! Sadly, his aim is true, and she slumps to the floor over the body of her deceased husband.

William's Attack on Jeannine

Attack: [roll0]
If crit: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Deke takes aim at Turney and fires off a round, hitting him squarely, and slamming into his shoulder. He seems badly wounded. Almost as bad as the Overseer.

Higgy, through force of will and physical fortitude, is stabilized and stops bleeding out, ruminating on the words of his father.

Elias's shot hits Salley, but doesn't seem to have penetrated his Security Armor!

Dr. Mehta, seeing Higgy down, tells Elias to concentrate on Salley while he goes to help. He produces a Stimpak from his labcoat (free action, due to class feature), runs over to Higgy and administers the shot. Higgy's eyes flutter and he wakes up laying on the ground.

Stimpak for Higgy

Treat Injury: [roll3]
For every point over the DC of 15 (failure just means you get the 1d10+10), you get an additional point of healing from the Stimpak in addition to the 1d10+10. For example, if he gets a result of...oh...30, you get the 1d10+10+15 in hit points healed.
Stimpak: [roll4]

You will surely be good to go after this, Higgy, but remember, you are prone when you come to.

Edit: Higgy, you are healed for 28 damage, bringing you back to your max HP total of...11 I believe.

Salley, seeing what the Good Doctor has done, pulls his pistol and fires a round at the Good Doctor, dropping his baton. Unfortunately for Salley, he misses the doctor, who still holds his pistol, and is now gripping the handle harder.

Salley's attack on Dr. Mehta

Attack: [roll5]
If crit: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]

Officer Turney, seeing that Aria is letting in the mob, and seeing how badly this is turning out, looks Deke in the eyes, saying No. I won't do this. He then turns the pistol on himself and fires, the bullet exiting the other side of his head, his body slumping to the floor.

The Overseer looks at Turney in horror, and with a will, fires at Elias, hoping to drop him to get to Aria. Fortunately for Elias, the bullet goes high and imbeds in the wall above Aria.

Overseer's Attack on Elias

Attack: [roll8]
If crit: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]

Jeannine is slumped over her husband's body, her blood no longer pooling as fast due to the fact that she's very dead.


Same as last time, folks. I'm going to see how these posts turn out, edit it to account for the rolls, and we'll go from there. Once this sentence is struck out (like so), you all can post your actions for Round 3.

Edit: Okay, all done with Round 2! It's now time for Round 3!

Blade Conduit
2013-05-12, 01:42 PM

Higgy's eyes open wide and he finds himself staring straight up at Salley who seems to be pointing his gun at the Doctor who also happens to be just above Higgy. Higgy's hand squeezes tightly onto his father's bat once more and he slowly stands directly in front of Salley, the man who murdered his father.

"Salley, you lose!" And with that he takes a mighty swing at the man who murdered his father but the anger causes the swing to miss wildly.

Swinging at Salley [roll0]
+4 dex (weapon finesse) +1 (little leaguer perk)
Crit Confirm if Necessary [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
+3 Strength +1/2 for holding it with two hands +1 little leaguer perk

I understand I provoke an AoO but he'd have to just punch me and I don't see that knocking me back out barring a nat 20

2013-05-12, 02:26 PM
Aria hears the shout about the Overseer heading through a tunnel and the Vault door. She starts making her way to the main entrance.

2013-05-12, 02:34 PM
Not wanting to accidentally hit Higgy, who managed to stand back up after Doc was able to administer the stimpak, Elias shifts his aim looking for another threat. Hearing another loud gunshot in the confined space, he sees Mrs. Brubaker slump down beside her dead husband. It was from Roberts.

Elias will do a cursory look at Mrs. Brubaker to see if she is still alive or dead. If alive, he will try to stabilise her. If not, he will take a shot at Roberts.
Taking a quick look at Mrs. Brubaker, Elias sees that there may still be a chance that she lives. He quickly runs to her without another thought and starts staunching the blood loss and to administer first aid.
Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences: 9
If Alive, Stablise with Treat Injury: 24
(Numbers above kept from previous post)

If Dead, Elias attacks Roberts:
Adrenaline pumping in his veins, Elias faces the man and takes a shot without any clear thought, it all boiling down to instinctive reactions at this point.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
+3 Dex, +0 BAB
If Crit Confirm: [roll1]
If Hit Dmg: [roll2]
They Brubakers weren't even armed! How can they do this!

2013-05-12, 02:46 PM

Gah...I keep forgetting he's in the room!

(From Round 2)

Enoch, once Aria opens the door, is a dot, running past all of the people who were at first intent on mob justice, started cowering against the walls once bullets began firing.

2013-05-12, 03:12 PM
Elias will use an action point to add 1d6 to his attack roll if he is to shoot Roberts.
Action Point added to Attack Roll: [roll0]
Original Attack Roll: 14
Edit: To recap, Elias' earlier attack will now be made at Roberts at 16 instead of 14.

Edit2: I guess since Deke goes before I do, I should come up with another contingency. If he does down Roberts, I'll attempt to shoot at the Overseer instead before he escapes into the tunnel.

2013-05-12, 03:50 PM
Deke was standing just to the right and behind William when he pulled a pistol and killed poor Jeannine. Deke saw all this clearly just out of the corner of his eye. He was about to fire his third round at Turney when Turney..uh swiched sides.

Deke swings his aim 45 degrees to right behind William's neck, "You Bastard she was unarmed!"

And pulls the trigger

To Hit:


If Crit:

2013-05-12, 04:23 PM

Aria continues running for the Vault Door, getting to about half-way through the server room, hot on Enoch's trail, who has just left the server room and heading to the balcony to jump down, hopefully taking a non-injuring shortcut! Unfortunately, he trips on the guardrail, and despite trying to "tuck and roll," manages to sprain his ankle (he takes 2 damage, and moves at half speed for the fumble on the jump check).

Enoch's Jump

Jump check, DC 15: [roll0]

Tumble check if that fails: [roll1]

If those both fail, Reflex save for half: [roll2]

Damage taken, if required: [roll3]

Markis is wondering what's to become of the [name redacted to prevent metagaming] above ground.

William takes a shot at Deke as Deke yells at him! He has clearly lost his mind. Fortunately, in his madness, his shot goes wide, and he misses.

William's Attack on Deke

Attack: [roll4]
If Crit: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]

Deke takes a 5 foot step towards William, and puts a bullet in his neck, killing the crazy politician.

For VonLowe

You can take a 5 foot step into a threatened square without provoking an Attack of Opportunity, and based on your actions in your post, and where you were, this seemed to be what you were wanting to do.

Higgy rises and swings at Salley, who ducks underneath the bat. I knew those games were fixed! You couldn't hit the broad side of a reactor!

While he's standing though, Salley takes a shot at Higgy, who attempts to dodge the bullet, and is grazed in his shoulder (6 damage).

Salley's Attack of Opportunity on Higgy

Attack: [roll7]
If Crit: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]

Elias, seeing that William is down, turns towards the Overseer, who is starting to duck into the tunnel, trying to peg him before he escapes, and succeeds, hitting him in the neck just as he took his first step on the stair down, his body tumbling down the stairs.

Elias's Miss Chance for Cover


Dr. Mehta, seeing Higgy's plight, fires off a shot at Salley, missing, and hitting the wall behind him. The next Overseer, if there is one, will have to do some SERIOUS redecorating to his office!

The Good Doc's Attack on Salley

Attack: [roll11]
No penalty for firing into Melee, he has Precise shot.
If Crit: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]

Salley takes a 5 foot step backwards towards the Overseer, and fires again at the Good Doctor, but misses him.

Salley's Attack on Dr. Mehta

Attack: [roll14]
If Crit: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16]

The Overseer's body slumps down, and you all hear the sickening thuds as his corpse falls down the narrow stairway.

Alright, folks. Time to see how the dice fall. Let's hope that "the odds are ever in your favor..."

Edit: Well, only one guy left, and he has an escape route behind him!

2013-05-12, 05:22 PM
Hp - 18/20

*Using one had to pull off his hat and the other to wipe a bit of sweat from his brow, the moisture quickly turning cold in the deep undergroumd cavern. Running his hand thriugh his hair before putting his hat back on securely on, he sighs, feeling the tension rise as the locks on the massive door release, the heavy hydraulic sounds of ancient machines and a klaxom blearing resounding off the solid stone.*

Blade Conduit
2013-05-12, 07:58 PM

"I can hit... Just... FINE!" and with his yell Higgy takes a five foot step forward and another massive swing at the man before him.

Attack on Salley
Action point to hit or if I get super lucky to confirm Crit
Confirm Crit

2013-05-13, 01:42 AM

Seeing the others go after Salley, Elias sprints back towards the Brubakers. Though Dr. Brubaker is a definite casualty, Mrs. Brubaker may still have a chance if he can get to her fast enough.

Gently easing her off of her late husband, Elias begins checking the wound and applying what first aid he can.
Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences: [roll0]
Treat Injury: [roll1]

If alive, Elias will also call for help from the Good Doctor.

If necessary, Elias will rip his lab coat into strips to help staunch the bleeding or to use as temporary tourniquets.

"Doc! She's still alive! I need a hand stopping the bleeding!"

2013-05-14, 10:09 AM

Deke holsters his sidearm and draws his baton, moving next to Higgy (east of him), and swings at Salley, missing.

Deke's Attack on Salley

Attack: [roll0]
+1 BAB, +3 STR
Action Point to attack: [roll1]
If crit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
+3 STR

2013-05-14, 02:33 PM

Things have finally begun looking up, at least from a tactical point of view. Aria and Enoch are still trying to cut off escapees at the Vault Door.


You should be able to reach the Vault Door Room in 3 rounds from this one, a.k.a. Round 7.

Markis is...still not happy.

The end of the solo adventure for you is when the door opens. Either way, Markis isn't really thrilled at the moment.

Deke took a swing at Salley with his metal baton, missing.

Higgy takes a swing at Salley next, clipping Salley on the shoulder for 6 damage.

Elias goes to check on Jeannine, and finds her very dead, calling the Good Doctor over to see what he can do, attempting to perform a Minor Medical Miracle, attempting to do so without his medical equipment, but with Elias assisting!

Eh, really? he asks. I happen to know that she is merely mostly dead. I'll see what I can do, but this is our only shot. If I fail, she is dead for sure.

With a little work and Elias's help, she stabilizes and begins breathing again.

Thanks to you, she'll live, now go help your friends and make sure Salley doesn't escape!

I'm using your Treat Injury Check for an assist for the Doc.

Doc's Treat Injury Check: [roll0]
+13 Ranks Treat Injury, +5 Wisdom, +2 for Medical Specialist class ability, +2 for Medical Expert feat, -4 no first aid kit or medical kit, +2 for Elias's check to assist.

Edit: Holy crap...it is a minor miracle. The DC for that ability is 30, and she made her DC 15 Fort save (rolled elsewhere). Good on ya.

Salley, seeing his boss dead, his backup having committed suicide, and his William gone, decides to take his chances running. He turns and makes a mad dash down the passageway, hitting the switch inside the stairwell to have the door shut behind him. As he breaks off, both Higgy and Deke get another swing at him, but miss him.

For Expediency:

Deke's AoO: [roll1]
If crit: [roll2]
Deke's Damage: [roll3]

Higgy's AoO: [roll4]
If Crit: [roll5]
Higgy's Damage: [roll6]


Assuming he isn't dropped by some kind of chain of criticals (he still has a substantial number of hp left, relatively speaking), you may both make a Reflex Save, DC 20, to jump in after him before the door shuts. Failure means that the door shut before you could get in, and you now have to take the long way around.


Alright folks, you know the drill. When this is struck out with an edit underneath, we can start Round 5!

Edit: Awesome round! Time for Round 5!

2013-05-14, 02:38 PM
Aria starts panting a little as the effort of her sprinting starts catching up with her.

Stupid Salisbury Steak. I ate so much of it that it's weighing me down... This would never have happened while I was on my diet of Sugar Bombs and Blamco Mac and Cheese...

Figured since I am just running full tilt I will just a bit of flavor here...

2013-05-14, 03:41 PM

Deke makes a jump to the closing passage in order to pursue Salley, his former boss, getting there as the door shuts...he changes gears and calls for Rainer to guard the secret passage in case Salley doubles back as he turns towards the door. Several of the larger vault cituzens armed with a mishmash of impromptu weaponry file in to assist. The other 6 security team members follow after Deke to help in taking their former supervisor into custody.

Reflex Save: [roll0]

Here goes nothing!

Blade Conduit
2013-05-14, 03:50 PM

Higgy sees Salley break for the door and screams "No! You are not getting away!"

Known for being the fastest man in the vault Higgy takes massive running leap at the door as it begins to close but falls just short of making it. He bangs fiercely on the hatch door and begins to cry a little. He turns towards where the others are heading and races off.

DC 20 jump check [roll0] +3 Str
Action Point [roll1] wow... That stinks he has 35 move speed and he's going to give it all he can.

2013-05-14, 05:02 PM

I really hate my internet here. I am now having to retype this entire scene because my connection timed out and I didn't remember to copy/paste it before submitting to prevent this kind of fiasco.

For those of you who haven't gotten around to reading my last OoC post, since nobody made the Reflex Save and the Overseer's office is secure, I am fast forwarding to the Vault Door Room encounter. For all intents and purposes, the following is to be considered "grey box" and is therefore uninterruptable. I had more, but it's late and I can't remember what else I was going to say. If I remember, I'll post in in the OoC thread.

You all rush to the Vault Door Room. As you arrive, you notice that nobody is advancing into the room, and that as you move past them, several people lay dead just inside, riddled with bullet holes. The klaxon begins to ring throughout the walls of Vault 66, signifying that someone has opened the Vault door.

You quickly enter, Enoch and the motley mob of Vault residents flocking in behind and to the side of you. Standing in front of the giant cog-shaped door, which is rolling into its niche in the eastern wall is Salley. His pistol is laying on the ground, slide locked to the rear. His baton is in his hand, and he's turned partly to you.

For the first time in just over 208 years, the door to Vault 66 is opening.

Give it up, Salley! Enoch yells, limping to join you all in front.

No, kid. I don't think I will. What's that old saying? We would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids? Well, don't matter. I'm outta here.

Just as he finishes, the door locks into its niche and you all are as surprised to see the two men standing on the other side of the door as they are to see you. The first man, who is standing next to the external Vault Door Control Console, has his hands raised, and seems to have his eyes locked on the man standing not a few paces (roughly 10 feet) behind Salley. The man he is looking at is holding aloft, a small, round, green object, and seeing the large group of you, speaks to the man with his hands raised, though his eyes remain fixed on the lot of you.

Well, Mark old buddy...I really wasn't expecting this kind of reception when I came down here. Armed mobs are not really...my thing if you know what I mean. Now I think my plans have changed, and I've had a change of heart, so to speak. I'll leave your gear, that caravaner's gear, and even let that Regulator upstairs live. Meanwhile, I'm going to disappear. I wouldn't advise following me. On my word, I'll behave...for now. I'll leave the area. In the mean time, I'm sure these folks probably could use some help, and really, you are all they have. One day, much later, you should come looking for me, and I might have some answers for you, once you know the right questions to ask, that is. Until then, cousin. Ta-ta!

He looks at the bewildered Salley.

You, my fine fellow, look to be having a REALLY bad day, and I'm afraid it's going to get a lot worse. Here, I have a gift for you. Catch!

With this, he tosses the small, round, green object to Salley, who does catch it out of pure reflex.

"Mark's" eyes go wide and yells GRENADE!! as he jumps behind the external Vault Door Control Console.

Realizing what's going on, you all hit the deck. Salley, unfortunately, is so bewildered, he didn't realize the danger until too late, and the object explodes in his hands.

Seriously, I'm just curious if he survives. If he does, he's all yours, folks!


As the dust settles and everyone is sure they were unharmed from the blast (Salley aside), you see the man who had previously had his hands in the air and warned you of it's danger, curiously looking at you, then looking at the hallway presumably leading to the surface. The second thing you notice is that the external Vault Door Control Console is very badly damaged, though Aria thinks that she and her team could have it up and running again in several months' time.


Party, meet Markis. Markis, meet the party.

EDIT: Holy crap...Salley is alive, barely. He's at exactly zero hp, and is disabled. What to do, what to do, what to do....

2013-05-14, 05:06 PM

Hands and parts of his lab coat covered in Mrs. Brubaker's blood, Elias wipes his forehead with his arm as the Good Doctor was able to get her heart beating once more.

"I...I uhh...yea you're right Doc. I'll uhh...leave her in your hands," he says while trying to catch his breath. Grabbing his gun that he had laid down beside himself while helping resuscitate the Director, he stumbles to his feet and hurries after his companions towards the Vault Door.

2013-05-14, 05:25 PM
Hp - 18/20

*As the dust from the blast starts to settle, the sound of the blast still reverbeating powerfully off the stone walls, Markis picks himself up from the ground where he'd half lept and half been thrown by the blast, wiping a little blood from one ear as he moves over to watch the stairs as the other man flees, cursing loudly as his quarry flees, bending to pick up his hat and a pistol the man had dropped as he turns to frown at the vault dwellers, shaking his head as he speaks.*

"You folks have no idea how lucky you just got. I've been chasing that psychopath, trying to bring him in for at least three dozen murders."

*Shaking his head, he looks towards Sally, not wanting to rush forward and seem a threat to the vault dwellers. Instead, he points towards the man.*
"I think your friend there needs some medical attention.

2013-05-14, 05:28 PM

Ignoring everyone else in the room, Elias does what his years of training and instincts tells him to do. Quickly grabbing the first-aid kit in the room, he then rushes to Salley's side to perform what little that he can. Salley's arms are barely recognizable, but...well those will be the least of his worries.

As he opens up the kit, he yells to the others in the room, "I need a stretcher now! Security, I want his arms cuffed so he doesn't struggle and try to escape if he comes to."
Treat Injury: [roll0]

"Come on Salley you arrogant prick, I'm going to make sure you live a long long life behind bars. For what you've done, I'll have you rot in a cell till you wish you were dead," he murmurs to himself as he starts checking the man's wounds and to apply a strong sedative.

Looking towards Higgy once he was sure that Salley will survive, he grins and gives him a thumb up, "We've got him Higgy. Once he's awake, we'll grill him till he gives up every detail. We'll find out whatever else these bastards have been up to all this time behind our backs. He's going to be put away for a long long time."

2013-05-14, 05:37 PM

Deke puts cuffs on Salley's hands and feet, and attaching them to the stretcher.

2013-05-14, 05:51 PM
Dr. Mehta shows up and takes over, checking Salley's vitals and having 2 members of security accompany the rest of the medical team to the infirmary.

Good job, son. I'm proud of you. You would have been a fine vault doctor. He says to Elias.

Good job to all of you. I mean it. I guess, as his son, you, Enoch Lord, are now the Overseer. You may not like it, but this group needs a leader right now, and you're it. When I'm not tending to the wounded, of course I'll be around to help you out.

Enoch runs his fingers through his hair, sucking in a deep breath.

Okay, I want two members of security posted here in the Vault Door Room at all times. Mister...Mark, is it? Well, sir, I believe you saved our lives there. And for that we are grateful, but we're going to need your help again. We can't lock this door now, and our safety is now compromised. We had planned on opening up, but with the idea that we can close it if it's too dangerous out there. With that nutcase you were with, now I'm starting to regret it...

He looks sadly over at Higgy.

I'm running blind here. We don't really have anywhere else to go. We have enough supplies and materials to rebuild a town above ground, but we have no clue as to whether or not it's even hospitable. Can you lend us some assistance?

Looking at his friends from Vault 66.

I have to get some things in order, and calm everyone down and explain everything to everyone. I need you all to be my liaisons to the surface. Please work with Mr. Mark and ascertain what you can about our situation. Come back in a week and let me know what you've found out. Take your supplies. I'll have a runner go get Higgy's bag. I don't mean to push you out the door, but now we're on a time crunch and I need information. Do what you can. We'll...try to get things in order to move to the surface.

With that, he herds the former mob back into the Vault asking to spread the word that all members not part of Security, his new Surface Liaison Team, or the medical team, to gather to the Atrium. A few minutes later, a man comes in and hands Higgy his giant bug out bag, running back in to the meeting in the Atrium.

Rainer nods to his friends.
Well guys and gal, this is it for me. I'm going to stick around with Enoch and make sure he stays safe. He's the last hope these people have for now until they can get settled down. I don't want anybody else getting any crazy ideas, and you all know you can trust me. Good luck up there.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-14, 06:22 PM

Higgy watched as everything moved in slow motion. The door opens up, a grenade was thrown, Salley was nearly killed and now the doc is asking him to go up and check things out. Surprised as he his, when his bag is handed to him he looks at the doc and nods slowly.

"Make sure he lives, make sure he knows he lost. My father didn't raise a killer and that's almost what I became today. I don't know what I can do for everyone... But I'll try."

He takes off his baseball cap rustles through his hair and then slides it back on. Slowly he walks over to Markis and then he holds out his hand. "My name is Carmicheal, but my friends call me Higgy. I love baseball, my family and I was the fastest man I knew but my whole world just changed... Mind showing me around?"

2013-05-14, 06:40 PM
Hp - 18/20

*With a frown, Markis looks at the man and gives his hand a curt shake, looking past the younger man, he watches as the injured man is cuffed and hauled away, a little relieved at the swifness at which they dealt with the problem. Justice was always a good sign.*
"Well, Mr, Carmicheal, I can show you around, but there's nothing in the wasteland that comes for free. We can talk about a price when the situation is a little less dire. I get tje feeling that you folks don't know much about what's going on out there.

2013-05-14, 06:47 PM

Seeing Higgy go up to Markis and introducing himself amicably, Elias finds himself exhaling a breath he didn't know he was holding. He shakes his head a little and smiles while adjusting his glasses with his off hand. It's good to know that Higgy's finally able to rein in his anger and that he's back to his old confident self.

Looking back up at Dr. Mehta, Elias replies while finally getting himself off his kneeling position, "Thanks Doc. I wouldn't have been able to do it without having you as my teacher. What you were able to do back there for Mrs. Brubaker? That was...It showed me how much more I have to learn. It was an eye opener Doc."

Looking out of the big and nearly impenetrable door and back at the Vault with a sense of forlorn, he thinks of all the lives lost on this day.

We have to do this. This is the next step. This is what we all fought for.

"Heck, maybe I'll even learn a thing or two out there and bring it back to return the favour Doc," Elias says with a grin, turning around to look the Good Doctor in the eyes. "With all that's happened in the Vault, I guess it wouldn't be so bad to get away from here for a bit."

"I'll miss helping you around in the Med Bay sir. Thanks again...for everything," he says reaching out to shake the Doc's hand.

2013-05-14, 10:50 PM
Aria watches in rapt curiosity as the Vault door opens.

its never supposed to open. We live in the vault, we die in the vault.

There's already someone in the other side. There's people in the outside.

The grenade. Explosions.

Aria walks over to the control console.

"Suppose I should start fixing this, Overseer?"

2013-05-15, 05:19 AM
Deke shoulders his bag and takes some of the more heavy items out of Aria's bags that contain a good deal of her spare parts, the electronic tool set, lessening her extremely heavy bags.

Well guys, there's plenty more time for introductions later! I, for one, am ready to see what the fuss is all about above. We worked so hard to get to this point, and I want to see that thing they call "the sky."

He looks expectantly at the rest of the group, awaiting their lead.

Doc squeezes Elias on the shoulder.

Oh, well...that's just something I picked up from the doctor before me, and he from the one before him. It's a complicated technique. Go out and learn something new, and we'll swap techniques...Doctor Elias . Don't worry about it, son. I'm stubborn enough to be around for a good while longer, and you'll be back before you know it. Make us proud.

Enoch looks at Aria before he goes.

I am never going to get used to that. Please, for you all, my friends, just call me Enoch. Aria, I know it's your thing, but I need your expertise on the surface. We have to know what we are up against and what we have to work with. Also, considering how much medical and technical skills and supplies we have, it'd be good to know how valuable things are for trade, especially if what Mr. Mark says is true. I have to know how well we will survive. Your maintenance crew will handle this, I promise. Maybe not as quickly, but you trained them, so I know they are competent. Also...one more thing, Aria.

He lowers his voice and whispers to her in her ear.

If you do this for me, I'll make sure that when you are with us, you'll never have to eat Salsbury Steak again. Ever.

With this, he walks off to start telling everyone what's been going on.

Deke looks over at the group, who seems somewhat reluctant to leave all they've known behind, even for such a short while.

Time's a-wasting, everyone! Mark, show us what there is to see!

2013-05-15, 07:54 AM
No more Sakisbury Steak? Ever? I could kiss him...

Aria throws her bag over her shoulder, the weight of it causing her to stagger for a second as she gets used to the weight.

"Lets go."

i realize I never asked how many parts I had with me.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-15, 08:28 AM

Higgy looks at Markis "Well if I'm not mistaken that gentlemen had you in a precarious situation and while I'm not sure you're in a much better one now, I can say no one is threatening you with an explosive. So maybe we should take that into consideration later when we talk about prices."

He takes a look at this small band of friends who are now about to go where no man or woman in the vault had ever gone before, or even thought about going for the most part.

Seeing Aria struggle with her pack he puts his down and looks at her, "Aria, I can take a lot more in my bag. Honestly without the gym or the field I'm going to need my exercise somehow. That goes for all of you, I could probably carry twice as much as I have and still be alright."

He opens the Nuka cola he'd been saving and takes a big drink and pockets the cap.

Nuka Cola health [roll0] and speed is 40 ft for the next hour.

This is it Dad, I'm leaving the vault. I know you wanted to take these steps so bad and you paid for it. But you'll be with me the whole time.

2013-05-15, 01:12 PM

Elias swaps a few last minute items from his pack to those of the others before stuffing his lab coat into the dufflebag, seeing as it would most likely just hinder his mobility and make him stick out in the landscape. Looking back one last time at the Vault, he gives a final nod to the Good Doctor before stepping beside his companions by the gate.

Taking his first real look at Markis, his mind starts to race, wondering how the conditions are like up top.

How bad is the radiation? How much of the world stayed the same? Is it dangerous out there? Either way, it's probably bad etiquette to grill the stranger at this moment...I'll...well guess we can see for ourselves.

Extending his hand to Markis for a handshake, Elias greets him and introduces himself. "Name's Elias. You had mentioned that you've been trying to bring that man in for three murders? Are you a lawman of sorts?"

2013-05-15, 02:29 PM

Okay, folks! Out into the great big world you now live in! As I neglected to do this beforehand, and should have at such a spectacular ending, here's the EXP awards:

Everyone (including Markis): 200 EXP. Good role playing all around, and great planning. Markis, yours is exp from the solo adventure that I didn't award you.

Just for the Vault Folks: 450 EXP for defeating the Overseer and Co. Good job.

Also, I found a great resource that I'll be borrowing from. I should have enough space to throw it into my Dropbox account along with d20 Apocalypse, and a few other pieces of source material: it's called "Darwin's World Survivor's Handbook" and seems to pre-date d20 Apocalypse, but lines up well with what I've created. It's Open Game License d20 (based on D20 Modern), and a lot of it is compatible with this world. I'll let you all know on the OoC thread when I have it there.

Markis leads the way down the short tunnel and up the long and spiraling staircase of corrugated steel. As you climb the 3000 feet up the stairs, each of your thoughts turn to one thing or another.

For Deke, he's thinking of Aria and how excited she must be to get the chance to see the handiwork of other tinkerers.

Elias's thoughts lay with the Good Doctor, his mentor, a paternal figure, and mostly, his friend.

Aria's thoughts are with her gear and Enoch's promise of a Salisbury Steak-free life, wondering if she brought enough spare parts.

Higgy's thoughts are with his mother, but mostly his father, though not in the way he used to dwell on him; he seems much more at peace now.

Markis, well, he has one heck of a poker face, but his thoughts are in a far away place in a time in the past.

After what seemed like hours, the staircase terminates at a short ladder, leading to a large hatch, propped open. Markis's brow furrows with annoyance. Upon opening the hatch, bright, nearly blinding light filters in. All but Markis shield their eyes, Higgy pulling down his cap. You all help each other to the top of the short ladder, heaving up the bags.

You find yourself in the midst of the rubble of what was once a small, squat concrete structure. Stepping out of the rubble, you see a man...

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/cyril_zps24656648.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/cyril_zps24656648.jpg.html)

Wearing this outfit...

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/Regulator_zps92c568a0.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/Regulator_zps92c568a0.jpg.html)

And standing next to the oddest creature you've ever seen or heard of. Well, except for the giant anteater. Those things were absolutely freaky! You could never tell from the pictures, if they were coming or going! Err...ahem!

Anyways, here's the critter!

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/38248-2-1291234625_zpsffdea92a.png (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/38248-2-1291234625_zpsffdea92a.png.html)

Markis introduces everyone to the man, whose name is Cyril.

Wow, real Vault dwellers. That's...kind of cool. Your kind hasn't ever been seen around here, except for one guy, but he headed out west a long while back.

He looks at all of your appearances.

So, I'm going to guess that you are going to tell me all about what brought about opening that Vault for that sociopath. Speaking of which, Markis, he came up, disarmed the mines, and let me go. Sure, he tossed my rifle off and ran away, but what was up with that?

He thinks better of it.

Don't worry about it. You need to go check on Lanna and inform our replacements about this place. When you get back, let Heathersby know about it and tell him to get some reinforcements out here to watch the place and keep it free of scavs and raiders.

He turns towards everyone wearing a Vault jumpsuit of one kind or another.

Don't worry folks, not all of us up here are bad people. We'll make sure your people are safe, as I can only assume that there are more of you down below.

Cyril seems much smarter than he looks.

In any case, I'm okay. I have a few Stimpaks I took from the caravaner's brahmin and some food and water. I've got enough ammo to guard the place until reinforcements come. Take the brahmin back with you, Markis. Consider it a bonus for whatever you did that caused that nutcase to let me go and get out of here, though I wish we could have taken him out.

Markis shakes the man's hand and takes the brahmin by the rope around one of its necks, and begins heading east. By the your PIPBOY's, it shows the time being around 10 am. Markis says that you all should get to Ark River by sundown if you hurry, as they close the gates at sundown.

You head off and soon come to an old worn shack. Several men dressed like Cyril approach and speak to Markis. He goes over to the shack and a woman with bandages around her mid-section comes out with him. Markis introduces her as Lanna, another Regulator, and after seeing that she's okay, she tells him something quietly that you can't quite make out.

Markis gets excited and runs back in, coming out with a sack in hand.

For Markis

Markis, you are given a part of the stash she promised for ensuring Cyril's safety. It contains the following:

100 caps
1 Stimpak
50 rounds of 7.62 ammunition
1 First Aid kit

Markis tucks the goods into the pack on the back of the brahmin and leads you south, along what looks to be a large lake, but now is more of a small(ish) pond about 100 yards across.

After about a half-hour of travel or so, Markis seems to be extremely tired, almost dragging his feet. You've been travelling a long and worn out road southwards. The road then hits a much larger road. For those of you having grown up in the Vault, you remember that roads of this size were called "highways", and sure enough, you find one labeling it as "72" and "400" East. You remember that many highways in the pre-War days had multiple designations and it baffles your mind how anyone was able to get anywhere without getting lost. Old, rusted, and hollowed-out personal vehicles litter the road, mostly leading the direction away from where you are travelling, though some are on the south side of the road leading toward the direction you are heading. After several more hours of travelling, you notice a large ruined city, or at least part of it, in the distance. The road on which you travel eventually meets with a larger one running north and south, roads this large called "interstates" whatever that means. Markis picks his way north, stops and turns to the rest of you.

Okay, here's the deal. We are getting closer to the place I call home. We have to pass fairly close to a place called "The Zoo." This is a very dangerous place and nobody goes in there for any reason. Lots of weird noises come from there. Just to be safe, everyone who needs to travel this road goes about it as quickly and quietly as they can. It's not too late, so we won't have to worry about the packs of feral dogs or anything, but we do need to keep an eye out. More than just raiders and feral dogs roam the area.

He turns back towards the road.

Yeah, and one more thing. If you see anything that doesn't look human, but is humanoid in shape, don't shoot unless it's running at us. If it's very large and green, run and don't stop. Those things are NOT friendly. I've only heard stories, but they're bad enough to warrant avoiding them. Whatever happens if you see one of those big green lugs, just run. If something happens to me, just follow this road north and continue on it until it turns east. You'll see a huge steel wall surrounding a settlement. That is our destination, and we are safe there. Okay, let's go.

Markis seems really tired, even more so than before.

You travel onward, seeing the following landscape to your right as you travel northward.

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/CityRuins_zpsc06b9d54.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/CityRuins_zpsc06b9d54.jpg.html)

After another hour, the road having turned east, you see to the north a large metal wall, about 10 feet high, made of sheet metal welded to steel beams set into the ground. Eventually Markis leads you to a large gate, flanked by a set of large guard towers. The gate opens and you all are led inside.

Layout of Ark River

Area Descriptions below

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/Fallout_Great%20Plains%20Maps/ArkRiver_zps399438b1.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/Fallout_Great%20Plains%20Maps/ArkRiver_zps399438b1.jpg.html)

Please pay close attention to which direction North is, as indicated on the map!

Area descriptions:

1A and B. These are the guard towers flanking the gate entrance (and only entrance!) to Ark River. At any given time, there are 1-2 Regulators in each tower, accompanied by 3-4 militia members. The towers rise 15' over the top of the 10' tall wall. The entrance for each tower faces the north.

2. This is the NukaCola museum, run by a gregarious and outgoing woman by the name of Reeta. She absolutely loves all things NukaCola, and was nearly devistated to learn that hers is only the second best and/or biggest NukaCola museum in the world. Her goal is to grow to be the best.

3. This is the AllMart, run by Anton Kriegor. He lives in the back of his office. He spends almost all of his day here, except when overseeing major maintanence on the water purifier/hydro-electric plant (Area 7). He has the only key to the lock on the gate to that building as well as his office/bedroom. His store employees have keys to the store only.

4. This is the local Regulator HQ. John Heathersby can be found here on most days, handing out assignments to the other Regulators and helping the militia stay organized and continue a guard schedule. In addition, there are also anywhere from 10 to 15 other Regulators here. In addition to being their HQ, it is also their barracks.

5. This is the Town Square. This is where people gather for town wide events, to include meetings to discuss threats or problems pertinent to the general populace. It is also where caravaners park themselves to hawk their wares, and also has a large bulletin board where people leave messages for others as they pass through town.

6. This is the ValCe. Nearly every resident of Ark River lives here. It is a 3-story former budget hotel, with each room being equal in size (roughly 20'x20'). Excluding storage rooms, and the large common area (former lobby on the first floor), there are 2,000 rooms in this hotel (1000 on the 2nd and 1000 on the 3rd floors). Each room has functioning electricity to run the stove, refridgerator, and lights, as well as other small plug-in appliances (i.e. a computer terminal or two, toaster, etc...), as well as non-irradiated water enough for drinking and one shower for each resident every day. Only a fraction of the rooms are actually inhabited/owned. Doc Orin's clinic takes up what used to be the checkin desk and back offices. He has two employees that help him out, either running the desk or as an assistant during medical proceedures.

7. This is the water purification/hydro electricity plant. The only people with the keys to the gate are Anton Kriegor and 2 of his trusted maintanence employees. The fence is said to be able to be an electric fence if need be by Anton from remote.

8. This is the Church of The One. Pastor Reyes and his followers reside here. It is the remains of the church that used to hold worshippers of a much different diety.

9. This is Mitchelle's Beachhouse Bar. Mitchelle (or Mitch as he prefers) lives here with his working girls. The bar is clean and the liquer not bad, though a touch pricey, the girls even more so...

10. Anton started, with the help of having clean water, planting crops from seeds of crop-plants he found leftover in the outlaying area. He has wheat, corn, and soy growing during those months. These fields are bare during the harsh winter months.

11. These are 40' silos where Anton stores his spare grain, when he has extra.

12. This is the barn where Anton's farmer employees keep all of the farming implements (plows, hoes, etc...). It is also attached (12a) to the brahmin pen, where Anton's heard of brahmin reside, roughly 10-20 at any given time.

As you follow him into town, people gather around you, mostly looking curious and intrigued by your strange clothing, theirs no less strange to you.

Markis points out the different structures in town telling you a little about each one's purpose and/or inhabitants. Eventually, he stops in front of the large square building on the north end of the town center (area 4), which has a large sign above labeling it "Regulator HQ Ark River Detachment." A man wearing what you have come to understand is a uniform of the Regulators, comes out of the building. He's about 5'10", with short blonde hair, and charming good looks. He appears to be in his mid-thirties, and wears it well. He's openly toting an M16A2, currently slung over his shoulder.

Alright, Markis. Where is that murderin' nutcase?

Markis quickly tells his story of finding the man and how he escaped.


I need the following checks at the prescribed penalties from each player:

(former) Vault Dwellers

I need a Sense Motive from each of you.


I need a Bluff check from you. I'm going to assume you are leaving out the part about why he called you 'cousin.' You get a +2 to said check, because they would have no reason to think to the contrary.

Well, that don't make no kinda' sense! Why would he have caused all that commotion and then run off? Oh well, if you say he's gone from the area and you believe him, then I trust you. I'll recall the militia and Reg'lator patrols.

Markis tells of the plight of the Vault 66 residents, and turns to the group of you from Vault 66.

Well, don't that beat all? There was a Vault out there after all. Hmm. Well, I think we can at least oblige you all some help. I'll go have a patrol set up shop out there and keep other folk from botherin' your folk. In the mean time, Markis, I reckin' Cyril's and Lanna's payment to you makes us square after this.

He hands Markis a small bag.


Inside is 150 caps.

I can't spare the ammo until we can fix our ammunition kit. Anton'd normally do it, but he said he had bigger problems of his own to figure out. Speakin' of which, he said he wants to see you in the mornin' but only after you are good and rested up.

He eyes the lot of you from Vault 66.

Well, any friend of Markis is a friend of ours. We don't have too many rules in town that most decent folk already know: no stealin', no killin', no fightin' without cause, and no chem use. Y'all behave yourselves, hear? Now, as his friends, I can extend to you a night's stay in ValCe, our residential area. It's on me.

With that, he heads back inside.


Inside the brahmin's pack, you find the following:

10mm casings - x50
7.62 casings - x50
First aid kits - x2
Stimpaks - x6
9mm ammo - x50
water - 1 person 14 days, clean
water - 1 person 10 days, dirty (no radiation)
Magazine - Vol 10 of "DC Journal of Medicine
Mechanical Parts - x10
Electronic Parts - x8
Trail Rations - 1 person 7 days
NukaCola - x6
Baseball signed by one "Nolan Ryan"(who's that?) - x1

What do you all do now?

2013-05-15, 03:15 PM

At the exchange between Regulator Heathersby and Markis, Deke realizes something...he's seen something like this before. Similar conversation, exchange of money...

Guys! Don't you see? Our new friend Markis is a bounty hunter! Just like that movie about the dentist with the funny accent who frees a slave and teaches him how to shoot! You know...aww...I can't remember the name of the movie. It's that one I made everyone come to see about a month ago!

2013-05-15, 03:31 PM
Aria shields her eyes she takes her first step outside.

Silently she watches the world move past as they walk down te highway.

Occasionally she gets an idea and taps it int her pipboy, but for the most part she is quiet.

As the... Regulator? mentions fixing, Aria perks up.

"Fixing? What needs repairing? I might be able to do something about that." a small flick of her wrists brings a wrench anda screwdriver to bear.

"Lemme at it..."

Sense motive:[roll0]

2013-05-15, 04:00 PM

Staring wide-eyed at the two headed cow in stupor, Elias just gapes at it for several seconds. How the world has changed in the years since the Vaults had shut themselves in. As they travelled, he was awestruck by the sights seen, making him contemplative and quiet during most of it. Every time they come across any kind of vegetation, he would walk over and pluck a sample to take a look at later on.

Elias didn't quite know what to think of Ark River when they finally arrived. Though well defended and fortified, the jury rigged fortifications and roughly patched together interior of the settlement did not convey the same sense of safety to the Vault dweller. Where everything was manufactured and fabricated in the Vault, this was the very antithesis of what he was used to. That said, the fact that so many people were still alive and prospering in this wasteland gives him a sense of hope.

Though Markis spoke little during the trip, from his actions and speech with the others they encountered, it made the man seem just all that much more mysterious. Elias still hasn't made up his mind on what he thought of the man, hearing him recount his adventure to the Regulator only further enforced this feeling. He couldn't help but pick out bits of what he didn't tell the man regarding the last part of the encounter, but that was his business.
Sense Motive:
Sense Motive: [roll0]
Shaking his head and looking at Deke, "And I wish you hadn't Deke. That was a few hours of my life that I'd like to have back," Elias says jokingly.

"Perhaps we should head to this "ValCe" and settle down first? And perhaps if you have some time can answer some of the questions we might have Markis, over a meal perhaps?" Elias probes, looking back at the Outsider.

2013-05-15, 09:33 PM
Hp - 18/20

*Giving Elias a solid handshake, though just as curt as the one he'd given Mr. Higgy, Markis nods.*
"Something of a lawman, yes. You folks will learn pretty quickly out here that the only real law is the kind you enforce yourself. Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of good folks out here, folks like the regulators that are trying to help people out of the goodness of their hearts and a desire to make the world a better place, but for every one of them, there's a score that will stab you in the back to watch you squirm and scream, loving every secomd of it. Most 'o them we just refer to as 'raiders'. And no. The man I was after killed at least three dozen. Don't know what kind ofbmath they teach you there in the vault, but that's thirty six where I hail from.

*As the group heads down the ancient highway, Markis keeps a wary eye out, thoug he can feel the fatigue of days without sleep setting in hard on him. His steps are slow and plodding, and he says a quiet thanks to the brahmin for it's steady pace. How long had it been? He ran the last few days through his mind and scowled, directing the look at the setting sun. Better part of forty eight hours without sleep. It was time to call it a night.*

*As the group made their way into Ark River, he points out the structures of note, the tiredness in his voice evident, hailing Heathersby as he approaches.*
Jon! Good news and bad. I'd like to introduce you to the ambassadors from Vault 66. These folks are here to set up a friendly alliance, of sorts, and see what's to be seen. As far as that fiend goes, he got the drop on me, but while he got away, I managed to saved two of your Regulators, so I'd say we came out ahead. That Lanna is a hard woman. If I didn' t know any better, I'd say she was kickin the reaper in the teeth when I came upon her.

I don't rightly know why the villain ran. To be honest, he had us all dead to rights, but something ain't right in his head. If I had to guess, I'd say he had some wires crossed in his head, but he's dangerous - more than we give him credit for. You'll want to get a description out to your me, and have them avoid him if at all possible."

*With a sigh, he leads his new brahmin to the barn, giving her... him.... Taking a moment to wakk behind the thing, he shrugs. It. A good amount of feed and a pat on the heads.*
Atta boy, Bet-tim."


alright - bluff check, though it was pretty much the truth
+1 cha, -2 fatigue. +2 cicumstance = 11

Blade Conduit
2013-05-16, 06:35 AM

Higgy stares in wonderment at all the things they pass by during the day. The roads, the open sky, the vast nothingness of it all. Sure, he'd read about these things and objects and places in advanced history class but it never made much sense to him and of course there were the movies but they were images on a screen. This was real, he could touch, smell, feel all of it around him.

As they approached the city of Ark River, again it was hard for Higgy to believe his eyes. What do they do here? What is it like living under the sun, under the sky, under clouds? He had so many questions to ask, so much to learn but this man they had met, Markis. He seemed to understand this world and Higgy didn't want to come off as a child so he kept his excitement and his questions to himself.

After Markis began telling his story, Higgy got lost in the conversation. Murder, guns and all of these things seemed commonplace out here. This was a much different place than the vault.

Sense motive [roll0]
+1 Wis

Afterwards Higgy looks at Deke "Yeah I remember that one, all those things we saw in those movies.. Are they real here?"

Then he turns to Elias "Today has been... Weird. Yeah maybe we can settle down, take a look at our supplies and try to figure out where to go from here."

2013-05-16, 02:25 PM


Some of the group seemed to be a bit suspicious of your leaving out some things, but seem to leave it be.

Elias, Aria, Deke, and Higgy

You get the distinct impression that he's leaving something out of his story. Everything he said was true, but something about it...

From the night before:

Deke to Higgy: Yeah, I guess some of them are.
Deke to Elias: Yeah, I agree. It's been a super long day, and I think we could all use the rest and relaxation.
Jon Heathersby to Aria: Well young lady, we sure could use the assist if you are able to. Here it is. He shows you the kit in the back of the HQ, where the armory is. It will require a DC 10 repair check and 2 mechanical parts.

Everone heads to the ValCe (area 6 on your map), and splits up all of the gear. It feels like ages since any of you have slept, and your dreams are vivid.

What follows is something that Dr. Sigmund Freud would have a heyday with...

You dream of living in Vault 66 and the times you had in the diner after/before work. You dream of the former Overseer, and his dastardly plans to keep everyone locked up in there. That's where the things you know of stop.


You dream of a dark, desolate void, surrounded by several puppies, a wolf-pup, and a mannakin. You find yourself standing under the sun, a larger sun looming beyond it. The larger sun morphs into several coments, four of them, that move to the outline of a bull. The remaining sun give you comfort and warmth. A moon appears nearby, and you are equally warmed by it. The comets plummet into the sun, an act that you find horrific, as the sun is darkened and its light is diminished to near nothingness. The moon's light is dimmed, but not extinguished to the degree that the smaller sun was. You yell and shout at the comets, and find a large metal baseball bat in your hands. The comets turn on you, and you bat them all away into the nothingness, though one of the comets came to rest nearby. The wolf-pup takes that comet, now the size of a baseball, into its jaws and buries it in a hole in the ground, sitting on top of it.

The universe flies by you in an instant, and you see that the puppies also have teeth now, and have grown. Looming in the darkness on the horizon is a poison-green comet, giant in size, but amorphous in shape.

You wake in the morning covered in a cold sweat.


You find yourself inside of the reactor room, where things are safe and you know it well. You are looking for a tool. You can't remember which one it was that you are looking for, or where it is, as you didn't have it, and perhaps you never did. All you know is that the lights aren't working and that to find the tool, the lights need to be repaired, but the tool is required to fix the light. You then find Deke standing besides you, and holds a lamp and offers to help find the tool. You find this interaction warm and comforting in a way you never felt before. Together, you go searching the stars for the tool that you can't seem to remember what it looks like.

You awake feeling great.


You see Dr. Mehta and yourself leaning over an operating table in a large white room that you are sure that you've never been inside of or seen before. In front of you, on the table, are Higgy, Elias, Deke, and Markis. The Good Doctor asks you to assist as giant snakes pour from his hand into the grisly wounds of your companions, beginning to heal them. No matter how hard you try or concentrate, the best you can come up with are a few small garden snakes. You feel so much disappointment in yourself, until the Doctor moves next to you. He tells you that you will learn more with time. A large fire flares into the room, and your friends are still unconscious from the sedatives. The doctor himself stands before you, morphing into a large snake, being consumed by the fire and consuming it all at the same time, saving you and your friends. Ashes are all that's left of him, and you feel a single tear roll down your cheek.

You awake normally.


You find yourself in the shooting range in the vault. The targets are mere inches away from you, but no matter how much you try, the bullets miss the paper target. Large radroaches appear in the room, and you worry that you won't be able to kill them. Aria appears and shows you her new invention, a device that makes radroaches run away, and it works. Afterwards, you try to thank her, but she acts like you are invisible and mute. Everyone else sees you and hears you but her.

You wake up feeling slightly sad, but otherwise okay.


You find yourself in the desert wastes. You are farther west than you have ever been before, a large mountain chain running north and south looms into the distance behind you. You are running, but you are so tired. An old man and a younger woman are chasing you. The man yells at her to run faster after you. You trip into a hole in the ground, and see your new companions. They lift you up out of the hole, and then run with you. Elias and Aria help fix you up, and Higgy and Deke stand watch. Afterwards, you feel better, less tired. They know you aren't human, and don't judge. They treat you just as they treat each other: like family. The younger woman appears, and they stand between you and she, telling them that her efforts are for nothing and to turn around. She makes several attempts at you, but none are successful. She turns away, fading into the north. The older man then steps up. Higgy swings at him, his bat breaking against the man's head. Elias shoots snakes from his hands, and the man stomps them under his leather loafers. Aria constructs a giant robot to shoot lasers and missiles and a barrage of bullets at him, but he merely swats it away. Deke levels a high-powered rifle at the man, and the bullets glance off of him. They each look so defeated, and look to you for hope. You shout for them to work together with you, and as you level your rifle with Deke's, your weapons, Aria's robot, Elias's snakes, and Higgy's bat all hitting in sync, breaking the old man into a thousand pieces.

Keif appears and says ...and they couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again., then laughing in his usual maniacal way, pieces from his head falling off as he walks away.

You wake up confused but otherwise fine.


Everyone wakes up feeling relatively refreshed from the night's rest. A man is waiting for you all when you get downstairs from the ValCe with a message for Markis.


I have an urgent problem, and it's going to affect your new friends that Jon was kind enough to tell me all about. If you and your friends are willing to help me out, I'll be willing to make it worth all of your time. It concerns that group you ran into out east. Come by the store and we'll all discuss it.

What do you do?

2013-05-16, 03:02 PM
Hp - 19/20

*Waking with a start, Markis throws off the ragged blanket he'd been wrapped up in and rubs wearily at his eyes, slipping into his loafers to go releive himself. It wasn't often that he dreamed, but that was a strange one. One for the books, as it were. As he makes his way back to the ValCe, the messenger approaches, handing the note over. Giving it a look, Markis frowns before tucking it into a pocket. Trouble just seemed drawn to these people. Or maybe he was just drawn to trouble.*

*Waiting patiently for the other to wake, he leans against the doorframe of the ValCe, enjoying the early morning sunlight before the heat starts to build, his arms folded across his chest.*
"Morning, folks. I'm sure you're all kinds of excited to see all the sights around here, so I suggest we start with the store, and more importantly, the owner, Kriegor who seems to have important business to discuss with the lot of us. He's an honest man, and I owe him one, but you're going to want to be on his good side for the sake of those folks back in the Vault. He's yhe man to talk to about getting everything you'll need.

*With a wave for the others to follow him, Markis heads off towards the store, a smirk on his face the whole way.*
So, tell me folks - I'm guessing you're all close and whatnot, but what is it you'll be needing from me? I don't plan on staying in the area long, but I'll help you as long as I'm here and the pay is good.

*It's certainly not a long walk to their destination, but Markis doesn't rush. He's more interested in what they have to say.*

2013-05-16, 04:22 PM

Elias wakes from his dream in the early morning, just as the sun started to rise, and found himself in a somber mood. The dream, and a dream it definitely was, only compounded on his thoughts on how easily their last day in the Vault could have turned into disaster. Not able to fall back asleep, he looks at his PIPBOY and finds that it was around 5:30 in the morning.

Hmm...maybe a walk would get my head out of this foul mood.

Promptly taking out his toiletries, he freshens up in the washroom before dressing. Noting that everyone carried a firearm on their person on their way through town the night before, he saw no reason not to take the same precautions, and perhaps start forming it into a habit while he remained above ground. Leaving his gear in the room, he locks it behind him and leaves ValCe.

It was beautiful, the sunrise that is. He stood outside of the entrance and watched it for what seemed like an eternity. The films they saw in the Vault did it no justice.

This is a new beginning for the Vault. A new beginning for all of us...

Continuing to walk around the area, he took his time remembering the names of each place as Markis had pointed them out the night before. Aside from the few town militia and Regulators manning the walls, most of the inhabitants were still asleep. Elias spends a few moments at the river, listening to the sounds of the running water. It was as if the world was alive. He finally realized how enclosed the Vault community was, and how much of the world they were missing.

I...I don't think I can ever go back in there.

With that thought in mind, and seeing that it was getting to the time when the others will be waking, he starts walking back to the ValCe only to see Markis already at the entrance, waiting.

"We were sent to see how the surface had changed. I think we'd welcome any opportunity just to see how the survivors of the Great War has come to live and have established themselves. Meeting this Kriegor seems to be a good start, especially if the Vault is to remain open and start interacting with the rest of the world again."

"As for you sir, I don't quite know. I'm sure you have your own businesses to take care of, and we wouldn't want to intrude into your plans, however I do think this would be a fair proposition. We as a group is lacking experience of the surface. Changes in the landscape, knowledge of the environments, contacts and what have you. That said, each of us have our own specialities that I think you would find most agreeable to be added to your own capabilities as well."

Looking at the others, Elias continues, "Deke here remarked that you were a bounty hunter last night, and I did not see you disagree to that statement. With that assumption, it's a job that would take you far and wide. We're here to see the world before reporting back to the Vault of our findings, so why don't we join forces? A temporary alliance if you will. We will not interfere in your jobs and dealings, however will travel with you to observe and learn of our surroundings. We in turn can provide you with aid, be it by arms, medical, or repairs for the duration of our exchange. Would that be satisfactory?"

2013-05-16, 04:41 PM
Aria awakens from her dream. With a n almost childlike glee, she goes back to the ammunition kit, and just fixes it.

When she is done, the kit looks better than it has in a very long time.

But what about the dream...?

2013-05-16, 05:03 PM
Hp 19/20

*Pausing mid-step, Markis turns to look at Elias, his smile even wider.*
"See how the world has changed? That one is easy, buddy. The world has gone to Hell, and the lot of us are hanging on for everything we're worth, hoping the sunrise today wasn't the last one we'll see. I guess really, though, things haven't changed all that much. There's those that want what's yours, and will take it by force if you're not strong enough to keep it. Like that fellow that tossed the ordinance back at the vault - he had every intention of making his way in there and slaughtering you folk to the last child. Thas assuming of course that he couldn't set himself up as your new king first."

*With a sigh, Markis points over to a woman just starying to hang some laundry up*
"See her? She might cut your throat or tie you up to sell yoh to slavers. If you ask me, the first one would be a mercy compared to the second. Why would she? Because she don't know you, and she don't owe you. I don't mean to sugar coat this, gentlemen... and Lady, but as of right now, the only people you trust are each other to watch your backs. Uou got history, and that's good. It'a worth more than all the caps you can carry. But until you know a man, you keep your weapon close. You lot remember that, and you'll live a while to be sure.

Now, you wanna hire me, that's fine. I'm no bounty hunter - I was doing a job, which I intend to finish. I'll do my best to keep you alive, but same rules apply for me - I don't know you. As yet, we're not solid, so don't take offense if I play it safe. We'll talk payment when the situation arises, but I want to help you, 'cause I'm a fool of an optimist. I think you got a point though. Assuming we don't shoot each other, I can use you folks to do some good.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-17, 06:48 AM

Higgy awakes with a start covered in sweat. "What... What was that???"

He stands up, looks around the room and lets the events of the past few days wash over him. Everything was different. EVERYTHING... The air he was breathing wasn't pumped out of vents, the warmth he felt on the ride here wasn't from artificial heat lamps in a ceiling. You could look out window and see wide open sky.

This is the first day of my life, that was the first real dream, I've ever had. Everything, aside from the relationships I had with people, inside the fault was fake. Copied from what vault tec knew of the world. But this is the world and it's nothing like the movies.

He throws on his vault jumpsuit, his cap, finds his glove and one of the baseballs and follows Markis around the town, looking at all the wondrous new things to see. He always did his best thinking with a baseball in his hand.

All his newfound optimisson escapes as he listens to Markis talk about this new world. How could it be like that? How could it be that bad. Everyone, well almost everyone, in the vault knew you had to share the space you had and therefore it was in your best interest to work together. Wasn't the world just like that. Weren't they all living there one giant team. If you kille everyone to get what you want... Who would you share it with.

"Markis, if that's true, how do we trust you? How do we trust anyone ever? What goodness is left in this place? I mean... Do they even play baseball?"

2013-05-17, 08:41 AM

I'm going to start putting this up here. It seems that I've always got something to say. Today, I don't, really. It's just good to keep the formatting thing going. I figured, if I ask you all to keep the posting format constant, why shouldn't I?

You all meander out to the square, letting Markis lead the way. You find yourselves in front of a fairly decent-sized building labeled "AllMart." As far as buildings go, you are impressed with how...new the building looks. This Kriegor fellow must have put in a lot of work in it.

Walking in, you hear a sound, kind of like a "bing-bong" low but audible. The inside is filled with shelves of goods of every kind, from food, to weapons, to ammunition, to armor, and everything in between. If any place outside of the vault could be considered a "gold mine," this would be it. Markis leads you to the north inside the building where there are two men standing behind the counter. The older man, appearing to be in his early thirties, speaks to the younger man, who walks past you and to the door. He exits and locks it behind him, standing in front of the door. The remaining man, with dirty blonde hair, blue-green eyes and fairly well-built stands looking at you, eyeing you all up and down.

Vault dwellers. Hmm. If you are anything like that fellow from Vault 101 out east, you should do well. Then again, he was a pretty good guy and super lucky. Time will tell.

He taps his fingers on the counter.

Well, Markis. How are you? Don't answer. It was rhetorical. In any case, I've come to ask you to do me a favor that will benefit everyone here.

He looks over your shoulders to the door to ensure that nobody else is around.

Markis, you can vouch for this, but you know how I've always had a great reputation for always having what people need? Well, today I have no choice but to share my secret. A secret so profound that, well, frankly, I haven't trusted a soul with it. It's not because I don't trust the folks around here, especially you or Jon. There was an old saying way back before the War: loose lips sink ships. If my secret were to get out, I'd have to stoop to what all of these caravaners and wasteland scavangers do: I'd have to work more on getting supplies to sell and work less on keeping this place safe and happy.

He seems a little nervous. It's obvious he's troubled at having to let go of his big secret.

When I first came to this area, wanting to set up shop and start this town, I stopped to rest in an area I thought was just a bunch of trees. After getting a few winks in, I took a better look at these trees, and found that they surround an old pre-War store. It was one of those big ones that sold everything. It was locked up tighter than a...well, no, you wouldn't get that reference...well, tighter than your Vault was yesterday. It took me days, mostly because I had to be careful about sneaking in or out to avoid people coming too close and wondering what I was doing, but I got in. When I say that it had literally millions of pounds of preserved and pre-packaged food, ammunition, furniture, weapons, building materials, electronics, and other supplies, I am not exaggerating. That was just what was on the shelves! Hell, there was a fully stocked pharmacy, too! I checked the store rooms next. There was enough to keep the store stocked full for a month. Even better than that, they'd apparently gotten in several trucks which were parked at the huge docking bay in the back. All 20 bays had a full truck in front of it. Now, all the lights were off, but the generator was still running! Can you imagine? All of the freezers were working. Of course, the produce was spoiled, but the atomic generator must have been something originally designed for a vault, because it was still running. Most of the frozen goods were still edible. Let me tell you something: one day, I'm going to figure out how to make icecream bars. I ate them until I was sick. So, I left to come back here, and found a caravaner to trade me one of his brahmin for damn near everything I had. I began carting stuff back. Soon, my shelves were stocked. That was...well...it was a long time ago. While I was out trading supplies with the Zoo, I happened to notice a group of armed men, raiders, heading in the direction of my rather substantial cache. Needless to say, I was worried. I took a few weapons and ammo, and told my assistant to head back to Ark River. I followed the raiders. Based on your descriptions, Markis, I believe that these are the same jerks that you had a run in with a few weeks back. They are camped right out of sight from my stash! If they find it, they'll tell everyone about it.

Anton gets even more serious, now with a grave look upon his face.

When I heard about your vault, I knew what that was going to do to you. This town relies on the supplies I give them. The Regulator's weapons, some of their ammo, building tools and materials, everything. We exist because of that place. I know it won't last forever, and that's why I've started having the citizens grow crops and farm. Hell, the seed I gave them to start came from there! Therefore, I want to propose something to you: you all get rid of those raiders and keep my secret, and I'll discount anything you get here by 25%, let you keep anything you get from the raiders, and let you have 10 minutes inside the store to grab whatever you want. On top of that, I'll guarantee a trade agreement with your vault folks. It's a generous offer, and I can't turn to anybody else. What do you say?

He looks expectantly to each of you.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-17, 08:55 AM

Higgy looks down at his feet. Are we hired killers now? Desperados, like in those movies Deke makes us watch? Well I guess the guy didn't say we have to kill them.

He then turns towards his friends and Markis, "We need their help, for a lot it's true. 25% off sounds like a great deal. I'm not sure I like the idea of killing the raiders tho, I came so close to losing it against Salley. I'm not sure how far down that road I can walk and still be.. Me."

He pauses and turns and looks at the building they are in. "Maybe Markis is right though, maybe that's just the way things are out here. Kill or be killed, stopping these people might be stopping a threat to the vault some day in the future. If that's the case, I'll do whatever I can. I just don't know, but it's the best thing for the vault, then I'm in."

Dad, I hope this is the right path. I remember when this all started a few days ago, a life outside the vault seemed like a dream, now it's more like a nightmare. Did you know it would be like this Dad? What would you have done? You were killed for your dream, but were you willing to kill for it?

2013-05-17, 11:21 AM
Hp - 19/20

*Giving Higgy a smile and a wink, he wagges his finger at the young man before turning to head to the store.*
"You, sir, are starting to understand! You can't. Me, well, I owe ya, so that one is simple, but I don't expect you to trust anyone yet. When you get your feet under you, you'l get a sense of who you can trust. I'm just saying - fate favors the wary."

*Holding the door open for the group, he pulls his hat off, holdoing it in his off hand as they make their way through the store. It really was a marvel, everything that Kriegor had gathered here.*

*As Kriegor proceeds to spill the beans, Markis lets out a low whistle, playing absently with the edge of his hat, considering the proposal.*
"Wait, are you talking about that Feeli-ix psycho that nearlyo cut my throat a couple weeks back?"
*Shaking his head, he looks at the group, frowning for the first time they've seen.*
" I know that killing these folks might not seem a pleasant proposal, but these folks are called raiders for a reason. They'll skin you alive just to watch you squirm. They're one of the reasons things are they way they are. If the wasteland wasn't unforgiving enough, we're forced to fight amongst ourselves as well as the mutants and monsters.

*Looking back over to Kriegor, he nods, his tone serious.*
"You know I'll help, and keep my trap shut, buf I'll at least want to have a look at the place before the ten minutes. I don't expect tbis to sit right with you folks, but if you want your vault buddies to stand a decent chance, you need this. I'll do the killing, if at all possible.

2013-05-17, 02:31 PM

His ears perked hearing of the fully stocked pharmacy. Though the idea of having to confront armed bandits does not appeal to him, the safety of the Vault hangs in the balance. If these raiders were able to arm themselves from the stock in the warehouse and to attract more to their ranks from it, they would dominate and hold sway over everyone in the area...the Vault included. Whether the Vault inhabitants wanted to or not, their future will be the same as Arc River settlement's.

Weighing into the conversation, Elias speaks once Higgy and Markis made their points. "I'm in. Though I loath the idea of having to harm others, we have to do this. If these raiders are as much a menace as Markis and Kriegor tells us to be, we can't afford to let them get any stronger. The Vault's safety could be jeopardized by their presence."

Looking at the merchant, "Do you know the strength of their numbers?"

2013-05-17, 03:30 PM

Aria stands off to one side, fiddling with a piece of machinery she found on the journey here yesterday. Not entirely sure what it is, she decides to tinker with it, connecting wires together, hooking a battery up to it. Satisfied it does nothing, she sets it down.

"I say we do it. Especially if it secures us anything to help protect the vault. That door is not going to close anytime soon. At least," she adds a second later, "Not without using means that will not allow it to be opened again. Ever."

2013-05-17, 03:52 PM

I'm in. This is a chance to make the area a little safer. These guys are just feral versions of Salley and his crew.

You all make your way using the directions Anton gave you. You take the road west, and when it starts heading south by southwest, a portion also heads directly north, further west, and directly south. Anton told you to head north, so north you head.

I need a spot and listen check from everyone, please.

2013-05-17, 04:05 PM

Keeping his eyes sharp and ears open, Elias keeps his hand on his pistol as they travel towards the hidden warehouse.

Spot Check: [roll0]
Listen Check: [roll1]
"So what kinds of weapons do these thugs usually carry Markis? Any idea as to how large their group is?"

2013-05-17, 04:38 PM
Hp -19/20

*As the group comes to a concensus, Markis just nods, picking out a few things from the store he's been wanting to pick up, and leaves the rest of his supplies locked in his room at the ValCe. The town was honest enough for locks to dissuade anyone who might have temptation to steal. So far.*

*Taking point, Markis keeps a way eye out as they go, stopping occasionally to raise his rifle up and scan the distance through the scope.*
"They're not really an organized force, as you might think of one. Guns, knives, tire irons and every manner of weapon you can think of. One of the marvelous things about the Great War was that there was no shortage of ordinance, so they're likely to have grenades if our luck fails us."

*He pauses and shakes his head, chuckling as he turns to look at the group, taking his rifle in both hands to demonstrate as he speaks.*
"I once fought a raider that tried to club me with another mans leg. The thing was cut off about mid-thigh, and floppng back and forth at the knee. It was enough to make me laugh in the mans face."

*Looking around at the others, he suddenly looks rather abashed and scratches at his neck as he turns back around.*
"Yeah, morbid. I know. You get dull to it after a while."


Alright, I'm probably just going to pick up a couple things - holster for his pistol, compass and maybe a silencer, and a couple spare magazines before they leave the store. I'll get a list up in a pm or something here shortly.

Listen - [roll0]
+3 stat, + 2 ranks, +2 misc

Spot - [roll1]
+3 stat, +2 ranks

Edit: wowee. I'm going to hate it when the law of averages goes back the other way and I can't hit jack squat for two dozen rolls

Blade Conduit
2013-05-18, 06:55 AM

Not taking anything to chance Higgy brought along his bag. Though with a few less items in it. He carried the gun in his hand but having never fired one before didn't feel really comfortable with it. His bat wasn't too far away and that seemed to fill him with a bit more comfort.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Straight wisdom checks +1 wis

2013-05-18, 08:39 AM
As the group prepares to leave she decides it best to get one of the pistols from the bags. Feeling a bit better now she is armed, Aria tries to recall her basic security training. Safety off. Round chambered. Draw your target along the sight. Yeah. Got it.

She then decides it may be best to actually pay attention to the world around her. Well, active interest anyway. It's amazing what people will say when they think you're too busy with a piece of tech to hear what they are saying. I mean, if Mrs. Davidson didn't want anyone else to hear about her husbands affair with Tina Relis, she shouldn't have brought it up in the control room. Honestly.

Making checks now, will base post on results.
Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2013-05-18, 09:13 AM
Hp - 19/20

*Taking a moment to pause and look around at the group of newcomers to the waste, Markis sighs, shaking his head. Maybe I was a bit too harsh. There's a time to be cautious in the waste, but being afraid of it is more dangerous than anything.
Reaching a hand into his pack, he pulls out the baseball he'd found in the traders packs, still folded in a cloth, and while yellowed with age, remarkably well cared-for.*
"Mr. Carmichael. Would you come here for a minute. You seem the sort to know something about this."

*Giving Higgy a moment to come over, he passes the ball to him and shrugs, resting the butt of his rifle on the ground while they pause a moment.*
"I found that along with some other things in that Brahmin. I don't know much about baseball, but I think that guy was famous. The signature is rough, but I'm fairly sure it's some Nolan Ryan fellow. Know anything about him?"

Blade Conduit
2013-05-18, 09:35 AM

Higgy takes a moment to study the ball and at the exact same time as Markis says his name Higgy reads it on the ball, and his mouth falls open.

"Nolan Ryan was a major league pitcher for 27 years, holds the record for the most strikeouts ever recorded by a pitcher, had 7 no hitters in his career, and regularly pitched the ball well over 100 miles per hour." He holds the ball more gingerly now taking care to not being his hand anywhere near the signature.

After a few seconds tears begin to slowly trickle down his face. "My father would have loved this, sometimes late at night as we left the field after some one on one practice, he'd tell me about how the game used to be. He'd tell me all the things he had learned from his father. Then he'd wonder about how much of the game had survived, if at all out here, it all makes sense now that I know he wanted to leave."

He wipes his eyes clean with his sleeve and carefully hands the ball back. "Thank you, that meant a lot to me. Keep it safe. You ever come across a collector out here it'll be worth quite a few caps I would imagine."

2013-05-18, 09:46 AM
Hp - 19/20

*Markis listens quietly, but holds his hands up when Higgy offers the ball back.*
"Nah. I think it was meant to find its way to you. I know next to squat about baseball, but that belongs with someone who loves the game, and until you find someone better, I think you better just take good care of it. I think it'd be a shame to trade it off for something so trivial as a handful of caps though."

*With a smile and a wave of his hand, he motions for Higgy to follow, he falls into step with the other man, using the brim of his hat to shade his eyes from the sun as they continue to walk. Fellows not so bad. A bit emotional, but that's his prerogative. Maybe it's a blessing. With a glance around at the others, he smirks. Wasteland hasn't broken them down yet. Hasn't worn them out like sand on the wind. Maybe there's something to learn from them.*
"I'm sorry if I came on a bit hard, but the wasteland will do that to a person. It either chews you up and spits you out broken, or you're tough enough to shrug it off. I just don't want to see you folks dead on the sands for some radscorpion to eat."

Blade Conduit
2013-05-18, 10:33 AM

Rather surprised by the somewhat stranger Higgy smiles and places the ball inside his bag. "I'd never trade it, if you were keeping it I was just suggesting what you might do with it and please, like I said before all of my friends call me 'Higgy'"

He listens to Markis talk about the wasteland and thinks to himself.
I wonder, if dad knew about all of this would he still have been in such a hurry to get out. Well it doesn't matter, he died for it and I'm going to see this through.

"Is there any hope for this place, I mean there are other communities like Ark River and I know from history class there used to be large communities and governments. All sorts of people working together for mutual benefits. Is there anything like that out here?"

2013-05-18, 10:51 AM
Hp - 19/20

*Markis looks at the man, almost suspiciously for a moment before he nods slowly, as if having come to some conclusion.*
"Higgy it is, then. Hope?"

*He looks almost puzzled for a minute, and shakes his head.*
"I honestly don't know. The only hope people have is what they hold dear, they protect and keep safe. People have to forge their future themselves. It's a hard world, but things can always get better - we just have to make them that way."

"I've heard that out West, there's the New California Republic, though I've never been. They're an echo of what the old world was, trying to bring order and law to the land. Out here, we've got the Regulators - good men and women, trying to protect those around them."

*Pulling a piece of jerky from a pocket, he rips it in two, offering part to Higgy.*
"I've never run into the Legion, but I've no desire to. They're not much better than an army of raiders and slavers as far as I can tell, but they're a force to be reckoned with. I imagine there are more, like the Institute over on the East coast, but there aren't many that are going to look out for the well-being of all. They're interested in riches and power."

*After a moment of chewing, he chuckles.*
"There's the Brotherhood of Steel - they're a group of heavily armed techno-mongers that roam the wastes. You'll recognize them by the fact that they're practically walking tanks. They're not likely to shoot on sight, but they pack some serious ordinance, to say the least, and it's well-tended. Back East, there's the Enclave too - they're a lot like the Brotherhood, but they're a lot less friendly - as in they'll turn you to a pile of ash and take what they want from the remains."

*Taking a deep breath, he exhales, and smiles.*
"It's a lot to take in, but that's the short of it. We really don't need to worry about most 'o those. You worry about what's in front of you, or you don't live long enough to worry about nothing else."

Blade Conduit
2013-05-18, 11:58 AM

"That's a lot of different factions. Not very many seem to be looking out for the greater good though. I guess I see what you mean by hope. Well then I guess I hope I can make a better world for my family back in the vault, I hope I can help keep my friends safe, and I hope to be able to just have fun and maybe play some baseball under the sun and clear blue sky someday."

He pauses and looks up at the sky, "It seems to me that was the way the game was intended to be played. Hey Markis, I've been thinking about that explosive that was tossed to Salley when the vault opened. It looked to be about the size of a baseball. You think I could hit one of those back at someone if it was thrown at me? Or would it just blow up? I know it seems like a crazy idea but it's been stuck in my head ever since."

Been thinking about an expansion on the little leaguer perk, like a feat tree and something akin to arrow catch except for hitting grenades back at people with a successful melee attack against their ranged attack with the grenade. Just a thought I figured I'd throw out there.

2013-05-18, 12:05 PM
Hp - 19/20

*Markis can't help but laugh, though he stifles it with his hand to keep the sound from being too loud.*
"Hit it back. Boy, you are some kind of crazy. I like that. I've never really thought about it, but if you're good enough, I suppose you could. Those 'things' are grenades. Basically, they're great big eggs of steel, filled with high-explosive on a detonator - once it's triggered, the things gonna pop, usually in a couple seconds. Kinda wish I had one so I could show you how heavy they are though."

"Tell you what - we get the chance, I'll give you a few practice throws with a dummy, and we'll see how you do. That'd be a nasty surprise for whoever threw it at you, that's for sure."

2013-05-18, 12:26 PM

Having brought most of the medical gear with him, Elias found that he's not quite enjoying the trek as much as he would've had liked. He can't recall the last time he had to do so much physical exertion!

Was it baseball camp? Yea...probably not since that damned folly...Higgy atleast seems to be enjoying himself immensely.

Recalling Something, Elias chimes into the discussion, "Come to think of it, the Doc and I ran through a few surface condition scenarios several months back to prep me for radiation sickness treatment exams. Guess it was his way of subtly coaching me without letting things on. In any case our worst worry was that lingering ambient low level radiation would permeate through everything. I'm surprised that there isn't more mutation in the humans we've seen so far. Hmmm heck all we saw was that two headed...orange cow that I think Markis you had called...I think a brahmin? Brahman or something? I guess my question is, how safe is everything? The food, the water and such."

2013-05-18, 12:44 PM
Hp - 19 / 20

*Looking towards Elias, he nods.*
"Yeah, Brahmin. They're pretty docile, though I've heard of cases where they get some sickness of the brain and go rabid. Don't know nothing about that. Radiation is pretty much a constant out here, but the levels are low enough that they don't bother us much - plus, the booze helps. A few drinks every night'll flush your system of any trace radiation, plus it helps you sleep."

*He chuckles and scratches a bit at his chin.*
"You'll get a slight bit of radiation from just about anything you eat out here - from Radroach to Brahmin to the produce we grow. Just part of life. Water is more of a concern - any free standing water is probably irradiated, but Kriegor has rigged up a water purification system back in Ark River, so the people there are better off than others I've seen. You see any heavy metals - silver, gold, that kind of thing, it'd be best to just leave it be. They tend to just absorb radiation, so they're like little hotspots. Ironic, really."

"Don't you worry - you'll see plenty of mutations. Giant ants, roaches, lizards and scorpions. I've heard tell of huge swarms of mosquitos up north the size of birds, though I thank whatever gods there might be that they stay North. The worst we should worry about are the Supermutants though - they used to be human. I think. Kinda hard to tell. They look human, but small caliber rounds pretty much bounce off of them, and they're strong enough to rip your arms off and beat you to death with them. Then they'll probably eat you - in that order if you're lucky. I 'spose there's others. The world is a big place, and I ain't seen it all. Not even close, but you hear a lot of talk."

2013-05-18, 01:23 PM

"Umm...I don't know if it's an urban myth or rumor you've heard that makes people think alcohol would purge your system of radiation poisoning...but as a licensed medical practitioner, I think I should let you know that it definitely is not the case. I don't know if they mix some sort of concoction into the booze up here, but I can assure you that traditional alcohols do not have any effect in those regards at all. If it is as you say, just...be more careful about what you eat and drink okay? That goes for all of us. When we get back to the Vault, everyone be sure to visit the Med Bay for a thorough check up." Elias comments with a raised eyebrow.

Markis' talk of giant mutations has gotten his interest piqued. The possibilities! Maybe he can catalogue a few for the Good Doctor before they head back.

2013-05-18, 01:47 PM
Hp - 19/20

*Giving Elias a wary look, he nods slowly.*
"Urban Legend, huh? Well, I'll still enjoy my brew, thank you. I suppose we could do Radaway shots, but may as well just pierce the vein if you're going to do Radaway. I imagine it'd taste horrible."

"That reminds me though, Doc. I found something I think you can put better use to than me. Hang on."
*Stopping to pull his pack from his back, he rummages around for a minute before sliding it back on, a book in hand.*
"I don't figure I'd have much use for this, but if you're planning on patching people up, it might come in handy. Me, I figure if pressure on the wound and a stimpack don't fix you, you're beyond my help."

*He chuckles and is starting to look quite a bit more relaxed with the group as he passes the book over.*
"You know, I don't think many people can say they're lucky enough to have a doctor travelling with them - there might be one in a town, if they're lucky. I got a feeling I'll owe you more than this thing is worth by the time we go our separate ways."


It's a Dc Journal of Medicine, volume 10 that I had. I figure with 4, your treat injury bonus is only getting higher.

2013-05-18, 02:40 PM

"What about technology? Is there anyplace around here I can get schematics? I'd be very interested in plasma or laser tech. If I can weapon is it, you could probably defend yourselves and, in turn, the Vault with superior technology. I can build anything, if you give me the plans. Or without, but it may be harder."

2013-05-18, 03:05 PM
Hp - 19/20

"Well, I think if anyone has an energy weapon, it's going to be Kriegor, and chances are good he'll have the supplies to make one. As far as schematics? I have no idea. I do think finding some reliable tech to defend your home with would be a good idea."

"So, you're handy with tech, huh? I think that'll come in handy for sure. There's always old tech to be dealt with, from computers that still work, to robots still trying to follow out their last commands. I know a little about it, but not enough to build that kind of tech from scratch."

2013-05-18, 05:40 PM

I love good character interaction! Good work folks!

As you all travel down the road, talking and asking questions of each other, and generally just getting to know one another better, Markis stops the group, and points ahead. A woman is sitting in the road holding a broken backpack with items spilled around her. She seems to be struggling to get them all back in.

Your eyes wander the road ahead. Higgy only hears them but you all see the people laying in wait behind the stranded cars on either side of the road. This woman was meant to be a diversion for a trap. They are dressed in a mishmash of armors and their weapons range from tire irons, to baseball bats, and one seems to have a submachine gun. It doesn't appear they've spotted you, but everyone (Higgy, too, once it's been pointed out to him) can see a foot sticking out from behind a car here, the tip of a Mohawk poking out there, etc...

There seems to be 6 of them in total, including the woman.

What do you do?

The situation looks like so:

http://i1313.photobucket.com/albums/t552/AKrones/20130519_003308_zps281f9491.jpg (http://s1313.photobucket.com/user/AKrones/media/20130519_003308_zps281f9491.jpg.html)


Remember, if you are moving, just tell me what grid coordinate you are moving to. That's the reason for the letters on the top and the numbers on the side.

2013-05-18, 06:19 PM
Hp - 19/20
Initiative - 15

*Spotting the group up ahead, Markis holds his hand out to stop the others, his jaw clenching rhythmically. They obviously know we're here, but they don't know we're onto them yet. Seconds. That's all we've got. They're going to want to get us closer though - only one has got a decent shot at hitting us from here. Speaking to the group, he keeps his voice down.*
"Hang up folks - I'm not much for having a silver tongue, but maybe I can convince them this is a bad idea. If nothing else, Deke, Elias - you two head left, Aria, Higgy - head right. Get to cover and let them come out into the open - the more you see of them, and the less they see of you, the better."

*Giving the others a second to plot out their paths, Markis adjusts his rifle in his left hand, making sure that the people watching see it - and focus their attention on it while he loosens his pistol with his right hand slowly as he lowers it to his side.*
"Everything alright up there Miss? Did you need some help?"

*He calls out loudly enough to draw their attention to himself, that smile still on his face as he walks forward confidently, the scanning of his eyes hidden by his sunglasses. He walks out into the open - not the best of ideas, but it could be worse. They could all have guns. He doesn't make any hostile moves, hoping to give the others a moment to get to relative safety, but he's ready to act at the hint of trouble.*
"You're one lucky lady, Miss. My friends and I are out here hunting a pack of Deathclaws that passed through this way and slaughtered a camp of raiders - a little thing like you wouldn't stand a chance against the likes of them. Why don't we get you on your way so we can be back on the hunt?"


I'm going to put this up now, and edit it later tonight if needed, since I need to get some sleep for work, but this is by no means set in stone, I just didn't want people waiting on me.

Alright, well, bluff isn't my strong point, but hopefully it'll be enough to give them a second thought - there are five of us, and I've got a Really big gun, so it could be believable. Add to that, the slaughtered raiders, and you've got yourself a semi-convincing lie! lol

Bluff -
+1 for charisma... yeah. Weak. I know. I didn't build him to be a liar. :smallwink:
edit: +6 for an action point brings that to a 23. a couple ranks or a little circumstance bonus, and that'd have been one hell of a lie! lol

I plan for my move to take me right up to D-16, which is 20 ft ahead of me, and a 5 ft step from cover, if need be.

And if they attack, I'll put my rolls in here now, and if they're not needed, just ignore them - I'll be aiming for Mr. SMG first, since he seems the largest threat to me.

Attack - Glock 20 - 40 ft range (Reaches to the Woman in the first range increment)

+1 Mastercraft, +3 Dex

Crit, if needed -

Damage -

Crit -

Blade Conduit
2013-05-19, 01:35 PM

Higgy watches as Markis attempts to dissuade the raiders from going through with his plan. Sheesh he's good, I almost believe him.

In case this doesn't work he makes sure his grip on the gun and his path to the car is clear. He attempts to get a better look at the gang.

Spot check for the group again (attempting to spot the guy with the gun). [roll0]

My move will be to hold my action until its clear what they are doing in response to his bluff and if hostile Higgy will run to H19 and fire at the raider with the gun if he can see him or the one at H7
Attack [roll1] + 6 AP
Crit confirm [roll2]
+4 Dex
damage [roll3]
Crit damage [roll4]

2013-05-19, 01:44 PM

Seeing the trap the Raiders have laid for passing travellers and hearing of Markis plan, Elias finally realizes how dangerous the world has become.

They were going to waylay travellers and kill them for supplies? That's despicable...

Kneeling to provide a smaller profile and pretending to tie his shoe, Elias prepares to run towards the cars in the case that they do come under fire.

Let's hope Markis' bluff works out. It would be bad if one of us were injured in a skirmish before we get to our destination...

Elias prepares to move to C-16 if their intentions are to attack. If they are fired upon, Elias will target the exposed bandit acting as bait at D8 before she is able to get into cover.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
+3Dex, +1Mastercraft

If Crit to Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Crit Dmg: [roll3]

2013-05-20, 10:47 AM
Ambush on the road?

How have things come to this? Can she change this make it better?

Seeing the machine gun, she makes sure her pistol is ready to go.

2013-05-20, 01:40 PM
The woman with the spilled pack looks up at Markis. She then begins to look around and notices the others preparing for combat.

At Markis's words, she blanches, and calls the others out from hiding.

Oh, sorry. We are just so hungry. We haven't eaten for days.

The other men come out and join her, looking at awe at your heavily armed group. They begin holstering their weapons and approach. The woman appears to speak for them.

We really don't want a fight with you all. We just want some food and water, and we are more than desperate. Some of the guys are too hopped up on chems to be able to get into Ark River, as the Regulators turn those like that away.

She looks at the others with her, shame-faced.

We were going to do some scavenging up further north, but a group that makes us look like children are holed up there, and they killed four of us before we got away. We'll just move on, and try to find some supplies elsewhere if you can't spare anything.


Everyone gains 350 EXP. That should bring everyone to 2nd level. Go ahead and level your characters and continue on speaking to her or move on north. Your choice.

What do you all do?

2013-05-20, 01:55 PM
Hp - 19/20

*As the woman approaches, Markis smiles, holstering his own gun.*
"We don't want a fight, either - I had rather hoped you'd be willing to talk it out."

*Feeling the tension dissolving from the situation, he waves to the others and pulls his own pack off.*
"Hey, we're good folks - just a misunderstanding. No harm done."

*Reaching into his pack, he pulls out bottles of water and food, holding them out to the woman and her companions.*
"Things out here are hard enough - I'm not about to go hoarding what I can't use. I think I've got enough for you each to get a solid meal in, and you can likely trade those weapons off for supplies in Ark River."

*Looking over to Elias, he waves the man over.*
"Doc, I don't suppose you could check the folks out and maybe help 'em come down off the chems? I don't know much about it, but if they're clean, the regulators'll give 'em a shot."

*Turning back to the woman, he smiles some more, shouldering his pack again.*
"Listen, I know tending fields ain't exciting work, but it's honest, and there's plenty of work to go around in Ark River. We're headed up North to deal with those bandits you ran into, if you can tell us anything more about their numbers or set-up - weapons they're packing, anything like that, it'd help. We'll give your friends a proper burial to boot, if we can."


Alright, well, I've got food and water I can give them, 6 days rations, and 18 bottles of water - 12 clean and 6 dirty, but not irradiated - that's enough for 3 days each.

2013-05-20, 02:36 PM
Aria watches as the scene tenses up, then relaxes as things become more normal.

"Is this really how things are out here? I really wouldn't have believed it until I saw it."

2013-05-20, 03:15 PM
Hp - 19/20

*Turning to Aria, he shrugs, moving over to lounge on one of the cars, folding his arms over his chest.*
"It is what it is - I'm just grateful it didn't end in bloodshed - no one is perfect, after all. Just trying to give them a second chance instead of slaughtering them."

*Turning to the woman and her friends, he lets them eat a moment before continuing his questions.*
"Didn't catch your name, friends - who are you?"

2013-05-20, 09:28 PM
Sandy. My name is Sandy. Thank you for the help. None of us know anything about tending crops, and if some of them can get clean and stay clean, I don't see why we can't learn. Thank you.

With that, she and her companions head towards Ark River.


For everyone's reference, I am heavily basing these adventures off of the Wichita, Kansas area. If you want to get a better idea of where you are at, check out the intersection of I 235 and K 96. These intersect on the NW side of the city. You all are currently on North Meridian Avenue, heading towards the town of Valley Center, particularly, the WalMart at the corner of 55th St. N, and N. Meridian Ave.

You pick your way through rubble and crashed cars, still heading north.

Listen checks all around, please.

2013-05-20, 09:43 PM
Hp - 19/20

"When you get there, Sandy, find John Heathersby. Tell him you met Markis and the others, and to have Doc take a look at your friends - I'll cover his costs. Just mind yourselves - they don't have much of a sense of humor with newcomers 'till they get to know you."

*Pausing for a moment, he looks at the man with the SMG, and waves him over.*
"Tell you what, friend. I'll trade you that piece for this pistol - they're more likely to let you hang onto it in Ark River, and I'm betting you're more likely to hit what you're aiming at with this, should the situation arise."

*Once the man decides whether he'll trade or not, Markis waves the group on their way and looks around at his new friends.*
"Well, that was exciting, and educational to boot, don't you think?"


Listen Check -
+3 abil, +5 ranks, +2 Misc

2013-05-20, 11:41 PM

Elias looks cautiously towards the raiders and waves a few over. Holstering his gun, he motions for the raiders to lower their weapons as he does a cursory look over their physical conditions.

Knowledge: Earth and Life Sciences: Take 10: 10+12 = 22
If Cannot Take 10: [roll0]

If anyone needs immediate medical attention, Elias will try to patch them up so that they will be able to make it to Ark River without too much trouble.
Treat Injury Check: Take 10: 10+16 = 26
If Cannot Take 10: [roll1]
Elias is baffled by how Markis was able to bluff them into submission while preparing to deliver violence as a Plan B one second, and switching to giving them supplies and directions the next.

Until we know more about our friend here and have a better bearing on how the people operate on the surface...we better take things nice and slow like.

Blade Conduit
2013-05-21, 05:52 AM

Higgy's heart is racing as he watches the situation unfold and then slowly it all sort of de-escalates into a much easier to process scenario. He turns to Markis and smiles wide.

"Well now, it might just be me but that seems like something to be hopeful about."

He then pauses and surveys the landscape once more.

Listen Check [roll0] +1 Wis

2013-05-21, 08:59 AM
Hp - 19/20

*Turning to Higgy, he chuckles, checking the chamber of his rifle to make sure it's loaded before shoving the bolt forward and flipping the safety on.*

"It's something, that's for sure. I know I made things seem bleak, and don't get me wrong, they are, but sometimes, if you're very, very lucky you get a chance to do some good. Maybe they'll pass it on, or maybe they'll cause trouble. I don't know, but I had to try. I just hope we don't come to regret it. I'd hate to have to kill them later."

*Looking over to Deke, he waves the man over.*
"You've been awefully quiet - I don't think I've even caught your name yet, come to think of it. You've got the look of a man that can handle himself, though that might just be the armor."

2013-06-03, 06:31 PM

Thanks again for waiting.

At Markis: Sandy steps up and takes the machine pistol from the now former raider. That's okay. We still need to get there in one piece and I don't want to get caught by any others like us. We aren't as united as much as have mutual non-agression agreements when the mood suits us. When we get within sight of Ark River, I'll disassemble them and take them into trade for food and proper clothes. Thanks again.

At Elias: Sandy looks at Elias, bashfully, and almost...ashamedly? She asks him to speak to him away from the others.

So...you are a doctor? Well, I...have a problem. I'm pregnant.

You give her a complete exam (I'm going to take the 31 here). She's in remarkably good health. Apparently, the guy toting the machine pistol is the father, and was second in command of the band. He and several of the others had been skipping the occasional meal to ensure she was being fed well. You don't have an ultrasound handy, but from everything you can tell, she's about 4 months along, and with your stethescope, you can detect the flutter of the fetus's heartbeat. You refer her to the town doctor and make a note to grab some prenatal vitamins in the AllMart after you get inside.

For the group:

I still need a listen check from everybody. I already got the listen check from Markis and Higgy, but waiting on Aria, Elias, and Deke.

2013-06-03, 08:30 PM

Speaking to Sandy gently, Elias puts his stethoscope and other supplies back into his bag.

"I'm sorry that I can't be of much help with the kit I've got on hand, but once you're in town, be sure to check with the medical practitioners there. They should be able to get a better look with their equipment. From what I can tell though, it seems to be doing just fine. Make sure you don't exhaust yourself on the journey to Ark River. I know you guys would want to make good time and all, but just don't do anything rash on your last stretch alright? If we come across anything that'll help, I'll bring it by once we're back in town."

Pulling out two purification tablets from his pack, he hands them over to the woman.

"I don't know if you've been drinking clean radiation free water or not, but here is two water purification tablets that should last you till atleast the city limits. Keep yourself hydrated. The baby is especially vulnerable during the first few months of development."

Once he's done the check up on the Wastelanders, Elias stands back up and takes a good look around him.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]

2013-06-04, 12:31 PM
Hp - 19/20

*With a shrug, Markis holsters his own pistol again and smiles.*
"That's fine. I wouldn't want anything to happen on your way there."

*Turning to the others in his group, he points to a ridge just up the way before pulling his hat down a little more snug against a gust of wind.*
"I'm going to step up there and take a quick peek around. I'll be down in just a second. Finish your business, take a quick rest, and we'll be on our way."

*Loping up the small rise, Markis peeks over the top, trying to get a bit of a view of the surroundings before heading back down.


Thought a quick spot check would be nice too, and give me an action to post IC.

Spot -

+3 ability, +5 Ranks, +2 Misc.

2013-06-06, 01:39 PM

I hope your rolls stay this good!

Having sent the now former raiders back to Ark River, you continued north. In the distance ahead, a few of you spot what looks like bare trees lining the road up ahead. Others amongst you are hearing what sounds like moaning in the distance. After getting closer, you notice that they are not bare trees, but upright beams and/or telephone poles with cross beams attached near the top. Affixed to them, arms stretched, are men and women. These are all people being crucified. Some of them seem to be clinging to life.


I need a Treat Injury check from Elias to check how alive they are and what shape they are in.

What do you all do?

Blade Conduit
2013-06-06, 02:51 PM

Higgy sees the people hanging from various apparatuses and is nearly overcome with shock. Afraid that whatever did that to them might be nearby he speaks quietly to Markis.

"What in vaultec's name is this all about? People trying to kill each other for food. Beasts with two heads and now people being hung by their arms? Is this normal? What kind of nightmare have we stepped into?"

2013-06-06, 03:00 PM
My god. These people... Are they, are they still alive?

2013-06-06, 03:14 PM
Hp - 24/25

*As they approach the victims of the brutality, Markis turns his back on the people hanging, bringing his rifle up to his shoulder to scan the surroundings, watching for movement for a moment, even when he answers, his eyes are scanning, searching for whomever had done this.*
"This is no nightmare - make no mistake about it. This is all to real. When nightmares become too much, you can wake up. All you can do here is keep moving forward or die. Doc - think you can work your skills? If you can keep some alive, they can describe their captors. I hope to whatever gods there may be that it wasn't the group we just sent back to Ark River."

*Glancing up at the people strapped to the poles, he shakes his head, his seemingly ever-present smile nowhere to be seen.*
"They got lucky - there's worse ways to die, that's for sure, and they might just live. Keep your eyes sharp. We don't want to end up like them."


Alright, well, I suppose since we leveled up, it might be good to start putting my correct Hp total in my posts.

Anyways - Search check to keep a look out.
Ability - +4
Ranks - +5
Misc - +5

2013-06-06, 04:36 PM

Hand still on his holstered handgun, Elias cautiously approaches the bodies to take a closer look.

To see if there are any enemies nearby:
Spot Check: [roll0]
"It's difficult to see without helping them down...but let me see what I can pick out..."

Treat Injury: [roll1]
"Do raiders often treat their captives like so?...These...Savages..."

2013-06-09, 08:32 AM
As you watch, Elias approaches the crucified people. As far as Elias can tell, about a third of them are alive, clinging on to life. Of these, nearly anything you could do, other than performing a medical miracle of some sort, would kill all but a few of them. This leaves about 2-3 of them that you have a chance of saving. Markis recognizes one of these people as the leader of the raider group he tangled with previously, and that you were sent to deal with.

2013-06-09, 02:32 PM
As Aria watches some of these people die in front of her, die in the most horrible way she thinks a person can, she begins to feel sick.

Running to the side of the road, she falls to her knees and begins vomiting, heaving her lunch into the weeds on the side of the road.

2013-06-09, 02:33 PM

Elias' face pales as he realizes that he will not be able to save the majority of these people. Their wounds either too severe or that he simply did not have the medical equipment or the manpower on hand to perform the necessary medical aid.

"Damnit..." he hisses between his teeth as he continues to triage the victims of this barbaric crime.

Pointing to but three of the dozens around, he indicates to the group which ones are most likely to survive being lowered.

"If I'm to save any of these men, we're going to have to do it here and now. Quickly. Help me lower these few...the rest...the rest..."

He drifts off, closing his eyes to calm the anger that's slowly brewing from within him.

What kind of person does this...and to so many? No...this can't be from a single person. Whomever did this...they need to be stopped. There is no way the Vault can withstand something like this.

2013-06-09, 03:54 PM
Hp - 24/25

*Looking to the doctor, he nods and pulls out his knife, carefully helping pull the few down that might survive.*
"Doc, you're sure there's nothing we can do? I know the prospect is gruesome, but I'd rather a little nick to an artery to let them go quickly than to leave them suffer like this. It's painful and it's slow. If there's nothing to do, best we give them what help we can."

*With a glance over to Aria, he nods slowly.*
"I'll deal with it. This is a lot to take in, I know."

2013-06-10, 12:46 AM

As Markis begins lowering those whom he had picked out, he begins pulling out supplies from his pack, preparing for emergency treatment. Finding a bed of grass nearby, he lays his blanket over top and motions the others to lower the wastelander onto it. Laying out his medical kit beside him, Elias pulls up his sleeves and gets to work without another word.

Treat Injury: [roll0]

In the case that they do require surgery, I do have a Surgery Kit on me.
Wiping his perspiration on his forearm, he takes a look at those still hung on the poles. Turning back to the group, he makes a mental count on how many still remained crucified and his stock of medicine.

"The others...I don't have enough meds on me to make it...painless for all of them."

2013-06-10, 03:06 AM
Hp - 24/25

"Painless is a relative term, doc. At this point, there's nothing else to do. Best someone keep a lookout while we tend to this. Aria - why don't you keep an eye out. Any of the rest that don't want to see, best do the same. No shame in it."

*Pulling out his knife, Markis sets to work cutting the bodies down - those still clinging to life first, and carries them to one side. He accepts whatever help the others offer with a quiet nod. There's work to be done, and it'll be done with help or without.*

*Those with signs of life still left in them are made comfortable - as much as he can, at least, before Markis bows his head quietly over each one for a moment, then uses his knife to cut the artery under the arm - easy enough to do, and likely near painless for the tortured souls.*

*With the immediate problem dealt with, Markis sets to cutting down those already dead, and laying them next to their companions. Raiders or not, they were still human beings.*


Alright, sorry if I'm too forward with his actions, I just figured it's what he would do, given the chance. I can edit the post if needed, but off to work for now.
Catch you on the flip side!

2013-06-10, 03:34 AM
Thankfully, Markis doesn't have to do much after pulling them down, as they seem to breathe their last as they are removed. The large spikes holding their wrists seemed to have been both harming and saving them: it was driven through the wrists, but was holding that artery shut as well. Once loosed, they quickly bleed out; that is, except a lucky few.

Elias successfully treats the lot of those who live, and though traumatized, they will recover physically. As Elias finishes up with the last patient, you all hear the growing sound of an audibly loud and happy whooping noise is coming from further up the road.

2013-06-10, 01:27 PM
Aria can only nod as she tries not to look at what has been done to these people.

And what was that noise? It sounded like laughing.

"Should someone go see what that is?"

2013-06-10, 02:13 PM

Still kneeling beside the survivors, Elias looks up at the others, still slightly exhausted from having just performed emergency aid. Gesturing to the unconscious patients, he makes a short sigh before speaking.

"I'll stay and watch over these three if the rest of you want to see what the infernal racket is about. Be careful."

He quickly palms his hand by his holstered pistol to make sure it's in place before focusing on the three before him once more.

2013-06-10, 05:43 PM
Hp - 24/25

*As he finishes dealing with the dead and dying, Markis turns his head toward the whooping, and scowls - the look dark enough to make storm clouds look friendly and checks the round in his rifle before motioning to the others.*
"I could be making a while stab here, but something tells me that someone found the entrance to the stash. I can't be sure, but if I stumbled on something like that, I might have to jump with joy too. I'm gonna take a look. Doc, Aria - you two at least should stay with these ones, see if you can learn anything. Best you keep you quiet friend too. Higgy - you feel like taking a walk with me?"

*Giving the others a moment to decide, he starts towards the happy, creepy sound if no one objects, keeping low and trying to keep out of direct line of sight as best he can.*


I'm not sure exactly what we're going to find, but with any luck, we'll see them before they see us.

Hide - [roll0]
+3 ability
+5 ranks

Move Silently - [roll1]
+3 ability
+5 ranks

Spot - He'll take a turn to use the scope to scan, which would hopefully negate some of the range penalties to spot.
+3 ability
+5 ranks
+2 Misc

2013-06-12, 02:19 AM
Aria nods, not trusting her voice just yet.

2013-06-12, 07:00 AM
As Markis heads over towards the joyous ruckus, he notices that it is one man, a raider by dress, jumping and cheering. As you get closer, he just keeps shouting some nonsense about "winning the big one" and having won "the best prize of all." None of this makes any sense to you. He is unarmed and seems unharmed.

2013-06-13, 04:07 PM
Hp - 24/25

*Taking cover behind a bit of rock and motioning for Higgy to get down as well, Markis levels his rifle at the man and exhales, steadying himself before he calls out to him.*
"Oi! You're making enough noise to bring every hungry critter within a klick - and I can't say I'm fond of that idea, so why not keep your hands where I can see them and tell me exactly what it is you've won. Either that, or you get a few new holes where there weren't meant to be none."

*Giving the man a moment to respond, Markis keeps his rifle trained on him, but doesn't fire - unarmed or not, he seemed to be about six shades of crazy, and Markis didn't feel like getting dead today.*

2013-06-17, 12:36 PM
Not hearing any gunfire coming from Markis's direction, Aria decides to go see what is going on.

When she sees the man who won the 'jackpot' she gets a very confused look on her face.

"What is he talking about?"

2013-06-18, 11:30 PM
The man is now sitting and performing some strange combination of hysterical laughter and hopelessly depressive sobbing, continually mumbling about winning the lottery. In fact, he is tightly clutching a pink ticket with the number 17 scribbled on it. It seems there are no sighns of a struggle, and nobody else around.

2013-06-19, 07:28 PM
Markis -
Hp - 24/25

*Taking a moment to watch and take measure of the man, Markis slowly lowers his rifle and turns to Aria.*
"It looks like he's about to have a mental breakdown. I... I can't remember if I've heard something called the lottery before..."

*Frowning, Markis thinks hard for a moment, never taking his eyes from the man. Something. In passing. Was it in that bar back east? Something... With a shake of his head, he lets it stew - the details would come back to him when he wasn't concentrating so hard on it.*
"Regardless - we've still got to make sure the spot is secure."

*Looking over to Higgy and Deke, he waves for them to follow as he falls into step with Aria.*
"Listen, I'm not the best with technology - I want you and the doc to come with me - if we're going to get shot at, I want him on hand to keep us alive, and I'll make sure the both of you stay that way. Higgy, Deke - you two hunker down, take some cover and keep an eye on these survivors - they're the only ones that know what's going on here.."

*Looking around at the group of vault dwellers, growing dustier and more brutalized by the moment, he smiles. They're holding up well. If half the other vault dwellers are built half as tough, they'll do just fine.*
"Unless you folks have objections - I may know my way around out here, but I'm not going to presume any kind of authority over you. You got an idea, speak up."


Alright, I'm going to make an Intelligence check to see if he can remember having heard anything about the lotto - I know he hasn't had any interaction with the legion before, but stories like this are the kind that get told over warm beers.

Also, Since the players are absent, I figured Higgy and Deke would just stand by - as long as their are no objections.
Intelligence -
+4 ability, +4 Misc

Edit: Aaaand right back into the amazing rolls. I've been getting some serious love by the dice roller. I'm hoping it doesn't come to bite me in the backside.

2013-06-20, 01:29 PM

Checking his patients one last time to make sure they're stable, he lays them down as comfortably as he can before moving closer to his group members.

"They're as well as I can make them right now. I mean...I'm a bit worried about someone stumbling into them...or wildlife and what not, but this could be a greater problem if we can't get the supplies for Arc River."

As he speaks, Elias begins to take his gun out to check the chamber and the mag to make sure it's loaded and ready to go.

"What's our plan? Are we going to go in there? Whoever did this to these people...I can't imagine them being lightly armed if they could force this sort of brutality onto them."

2013-06-20, 01:43 PM
Hp - 24/25

*With a shrug, he looks to the sky and frowns.*
"Well, we've only got so much time in the day, and whoever did this."
*He waves a hand at the dead bodies.*
"It seems like they've moved on. There'd have to be more than a few of them to overpower and hold this many while they did their work. I'm going to guess they've moved on. If not, well, we'll have to take that chance."

"All we can do is go in, hope the door is still shut tight, and make sure the place is secure. After that, we head back to Ark River, and finish the job."
*Looking over to Deke and Higgy, he points around at some of the wood.*
"See if you can't make some stretchers or something - even something we can tie them to and half carry, half drag will work - we'll get them back to Ark River, and they can answer our questions, as well as for any crimes Heathersby wants them for."

"If the folks that did this are still about, our best chance is going to be to secure ourselves in that bunker while Deke and Higgy run for town. We can barricade ourselves and set up some decent defenses if it's as well stocked as it sounds. Even the three of us, dug in hard could hold off twenty times our number if we had to. And had enough ammo."

2013-06-20, 03:42 PM

"Hmm...splitting up..."

Elias muses aloud to himself quietly while ponders the idea. Though Markis has proven himself to be quite resourceful and an asset in travelling on the surface, how much trust they placed on him is still something that worries Elias. Thinking back on what Anton had said, he makes a note to the others.

"Not that I don't think that's a good idea and all Markis, but I don't think Kriegor would appreciate having the whole town know about where his supplies come from...which they will if we were to call for backup."

2013-06-20, 04:20 PM
Hp - 24/25

*Turning to face the doc, Markis stares at the man for a moment, silent - his eyes dark and shadowy from the shade of his hat. And abruptly tips his head back and laughs, a huge smile across his face.*
"Good thinking doc! See? That's why I say speak up. I wasn't even thinking about our employer. It's a decent plan otherwise. Good call though."

*Looking over to the injured people, he tugs absently on his ear and shrugs*
"Why not bring 'em with. They're unconscious. We bind their hands, wrap their eyes and throw 'em on some cots. They won't have a clue where we are, even if they do wake up."

2013-06-20, 04:37 PM

Markis' pause before answering really threw him off, reinforcing his caution towards trusting the man wholeheartedly. He really didn't know what to think of him at times.

Glancing at the patched up raiders, he notes the man's concern and adds absent mindedly as he starts looking to see if he could spot anyone other suspicious figures in the distance.

Spot Check: [roll0]
"After the trauma they've endured and how part of the medication I gave them were depressants, we won't have to worry about them waking up and causing us any troubles for an entire day at the very least. Adding to that, even if they did...I'm not sure they'd even pose a threat. Some of them...When they put them up onto the stakes...the nails...whoever nailed them up was a real bastard because they made sure that each of them were impaled through at least one of the major tendons in their arms."

Pointing to one of the raider with both of his forearms completely bandaged up, Elias continues grimly.

"That one in particular will be lucky if they can even hold up a spoon to feed themself in the future."

2013-06-20, 05:16 PM
Hp - 24/25

"You're the doctor. If you say they'll be out, I have no doubt they will be."

*Moving over to one of the dead raiders, he unceremoniously starts cutting what clothes they have into strips.*
"Going to need wood for the litter arms, and if there's any bedrolls or sleeping bags, they'd work just fine for the center, otherwise we'll just have to make do with some strips of cloth or something."

*With a glance at the others, he wipes some sweat from his forehead.*
"It's a lot of work to keep these folks alive, especially seeing as how they're going to have a hard time even making it. You folks don't have to help if you don't want. That's one thing you'll learn out here - most times, there's no one to judge you for what you do. It's all about whether you can live with yourself."

*Taking a handful of the cloth straps, he starts looking for suitable wood.*
"Some folks, like the ones what did this. Well. They just don't have the same problem looking in the mirror that I would after such a thing."


Not sure how much more I can rp out making litters for the wounded. lol

I'm sure we could drag it out some more though, :smalltongue:

2013-06-25, 02:10 AM
Maya Alexander

From down the road a small distance, the noise of a dual-headed pack brahmin can be heard. At the front, dressed in relatively sensible boots, jeans, a tanktop, a woven hat and some sort of leather jacket is a long-haired woman of considerable physical appearance. She's leading the brahmin by the straps of its harness, a look of utter boredom on her face. As she gets slightly closer to the area with the crucifixes, however, she does glance up -- and stop dead in her tracks. She looks to either side of the road, her back against the brahmin, and sees some figures near one of the crucifixes.

I don't recognize the armor from this distance, and the lack of dogs or wolves indicate that these aren't legionnaires, but there's always the chance that they're in training, and that this is their first foray... has the Legion reformed since Caesar's death? And she'd lost the last of the caravan to that terrible wound from the bandits -- it's just me and Knocks the Brahmin, has been for the last few miles, and my feet are killing me. Could she outrun these trained killers? Was this to be the end?

She reached for the pistol she kept for purely decorative reasons... only to find that it was missing. A hiss came through her mouth. It must have fallen when I checked Lou's body. ****! No weapon, hardly any energy to run, just the will to survive versus the bloodlust and savage misogyny of the Legion.

The singer didn't particularly care for those odds. She waited, body tense, to see if the people had seen her or heard Knocks' noises.

The Renown +6 Lounge Singer -- you may have heard of her, you may not have

If I've made any errors in topography or the setting of the scene, let me know. Sorry! I'm not used to entering games that've already started! :smallredface: :smallfrown: :smalleek:

2013-06-25, 02:29 AM
Due to the post-apocalyptic and therefore rather regional nature of the game, non of you would have heard of her. Markis, if you want, you can roll an untrained Knowledge check, but the DC is rather high.

2013-06-25, 02:39 PM
Hp - 24/25

*As the groups sets to work making stretchers for the living, they fall into a silent routine of knot-tying and body shifting. When the sound of the Brahmin can be heard on the distance, Markis stops and watches, alert, but unconcerned. Raiders rarely used the beasts.*

*When the woman finally came close, and froze, Markis stood looking for a long moment before shaking his head when she reached for a gun that wasn't there. She was either incredibly dangerous and playing at innocence, or of no danger to them whatsoever.*

*Looking over to Aria, he points at the stranger.*
"I get the feeling it'd be good for you to say hello, Aria. She looks ready to bolt, and another woman might help put her at ease. IF that's something you're feeling up to. I understand."

2013-06-25, 03:20 PM

Taking Markis' cue, he keeps his eyes on the approaching woman, and lowers his gun arm to the side of his body.

He too could see that she was not much of an immediate threat, with her flustered look after finding her gun was missing and all, but he's still too weary of the Wastelanders they've come by thus far.

Hmm...I doubt she's part of the group that did this to the raiders...what in the world is she doing here...

2013-06-25, 08:12 PM

Deke steps out with one hand raised in greeting and the other hovering over his pistol.

Hey, there, miss! Are you okay? We aren't going to hurt you. We have a mission we are on and need help ferrying these wounded back to Ark River. Would you be willing to help out?


Higgy helps grab a dragging stretcher and hefts it to prepare to go back to Ark River.

Elias, if this gal is friendly, I say that Deke, she, and I head back to Ark River with the wounded. You all check out the...place we were heading and make sure it's safe. If not, head back pronto and we'll figure out what to do. If it is safe, grab some stuff and head back. We'll see you back at town.

2013-06-25, 08:24 PM
Maya Alexander

"So then you aren't Legionnaires?" Maya sighed with relief. "Sure, Knocks isn't carrying too much anymore. I'm sure a brahmin will help the cause."

Moving forward cautiously, continually checking either side of the road, Maya made her way towards the crucifixes and the injured. "You said you're taking them back to Ark River? I'm not familiar with the area... if you wouldn't mind taking me back, I could really use..." She laughed and gestured to herself. "Really wouldn't mind getting somewhere that doesn't involve walking, y'know?"

They don't seem to be lying, she thought, and pretending to help the victims of the Legion is a... very odd cover, if they were going to. And they have guns. I can't outrun bullets.

"The name's Maya Alexander, by the way," she offered as she got Knocks next to the group. "Pleased to meet you."

2013-06-25, 08:39 PM

Knowledge (History) Check: [roll0]

If Elias knows then he'll say: "Legionnaires? Like the ones in Ancient Rome? How do they have to do with anything?"
As the woman approaches, Elias takes another look around just to make sure that this isn't some elaborate ambush. This would be a terrible place to get caught with their pants down...unsuspecting woman approaches to draw their attention...then descend on the victims as a pack...

Spot Check: [roll1]

Looking back at Deke, Elias gives him a nod after listening to his proposal.

"Sounds like a plan. I know you'll want to make good time back to Ark River, but...but just try to make sure you keep them stable. Not too many bumps and such...or bullets and knife wounds...maybe thrown rocks and stuff."

2013-06-25, 08:48 PM
hp - 24 / 25

*Stepping forward to shake the womans hand, Markis smiles*
"Markis. A pleasure."

*With a chuckle, he drags his own foot on the ancient highway, looking down at the cracked and broken surface.*
"Yeah, it'd be nice, but there's not much that's more dependable than your own two feet. I've heard folks used to ride horses around, but that's just stories. Never seen one myself. It could be worse though - we could be trekking cross-country all the time."

2013-06-26, 02:59 AM
Aria decides now is probably the best time to enter the conversation. A conversation she was asked to start, but everyone else thought they should have a go at it anyway. How odd that we would be so willing to interact with all these people from the surface, when our very first encounter was a deranged psychotic trying to blow up the vault entrance...

Odd that. Anyway...

"Hi! We aren't Legionnaires. Don't even know what kind of Legion they are." Aria cups her chin with her thumb, letting her index finger rest over her mouth as she thinks for a moment. Moving her finger down so she could speak, she goes on.

"Nope. We just came out of the vault yesterday." She gestures to her, nearly, pristine Vault suit.

2013-06-26, 03:18 AM
Maya Alexander

To Elias, Maya said (with a gasp), "you... haven't heard of the Legion? Caesar's Legion? Seriously? Where have you been, in a Vault?"

She shook Markis' hand with a smile. "Charmed, Mr. Markis. And while I tend to agree, I'm sure RobCo made something to ferry people around that'd've been more useful and more reliable than your own feet. Mr. House sure is a thinker like that."

To Aria, Maya raised an eyebrow at first, and then laughed. "I'll be damned! You really are from a Vault, aren't you! Then count your blessings and thank whatever god you believe in, because if this really was the work of who I think it was, and I can't imagine any cruel bastards what would try and do this to another living being without being from the twisted philosophy of Caesar, then you dodged a fate worse than a yao guai and twice as slow. If you'll take me to this Ark River, I can tell you all about them."

Alexander brought Knocks over towards the wounded individuals. "Do you want to fashion some sort of sledge and harness contraption, or how do you want to get these victims back without them dying on the way?"

2013-06-26, 10:33 PM

*He points over to the makeshift stretchers they'd been cobbling together.*
"We were actually just in the process of doing just that. I know it's not particularly common for people to go so far out of their way to help others, but if we don't do it, who will?"

*He shrugs and ties a couple more knots.*
"We've got a bit of business to attend to, as our friend Higgy here mentioned - he and Deke will help get these folks back to Ark River, and John Heathersby, the local lawman will help see to their arrangements. We appreciate your help, Miss Maya."

2013-06-27, 05:07 AM
Aria looks around at the crucifixes. Her stomach threatens to commit mutiny again though, so she looks back at Maya.

"You wouldn't happen to have any tech I could look at? I'm kind of a genius with machines. I would really, really like to take a look at anything you may have. I could probably fix anything you have too. But I suppose if you don't want to share, I can understand. that seems to be how things are out here... She stops when she realizes she started to ramble

2013-06-27, 05:14 AM
Maya Alexander

The singer shrugged with an apologetic smile. "I've got... a lighter?" She removed the cigarette lighter from one of her mesh vest pockets. "Afraid that's about it as far as tech goes." She returned the lighter to the pocket and tapped her chin. "Although, if you ever go west, you should look in on New Vegas. There's plenty of incredible technology, and if you really are a genius, old Not-at-Home might take an interest in you." Maya gave Aria another smile.

"But hey, here's a deal -- if I find any tech, I'll try and save it for you to look at. How's that sound, stranger?"