View Full Version : [3.5] Living Spell

2013-05-05, 07:33 PM
Hello Playground.

For an epic-level game I'm partaking in I have an idea involving the Greater Mummy and its Symbiosis ability. It seems to suggest that the Greater Mummy can use an Ooze as the symbiotic partner. Now obviously the idea of a Living Spell popped into my head...

Has anyone got any ideas for strong living spells that could be the symbiont? Bear in mind the Mummy is immune to the special attacks of the host - so he's immune to the Spell Effect.

(and as a small point, it doesn't say anything about the SIZE of the symbiont... you could have a Fine Greater Mummy host a Colossal Monstrous Spider...)

2013-05-05, 08:02 PM
Be sure to include multiple low-level spells, and one strong high level spell. For example:

Fell Drain Lesser Orb of Acid, Cold, Fire, Electricity, and Sound. Anyone hit takes 5d8 Acid, 5d8 Cold, 5d8 Fire, 5d8 Electric, and 5d6 Sonic damage, and for each of those that deals at least one point of damage they also gain a negative level.

Ray of Exhaustion twice is also good, anyone hit is automatically exhausted regardless of their save.

Fell Frighten versions of those same lesser orb spells would deal twice the damage and make anyone hit Shaken > Frightened > Panicked as long as they take damage from at least three of the five.

Kelpstrand is another great choice, especially if you're using Fell Frighten as they'll be forced to cower if they cannot flee. Note that Kelpstrand hits once per three caster levels, so opponents will have multiple chances to fail.

Be sure to include Greater Dispel Magic (which goes off before any of the other effects), especially if the party buffs a lot.

Shivering Touch from Frostburn deals 3d6 Dex damage with no saving throw, so it could easily disable an opponent in a single hit.

For a high level spell, consider using Maximized Disintegrate. Note the above five negative levels will impose a -5 to their save, as well as the -2 to all checks for being shaken.