View Full Version : Dwarves Inquisitor Help

2013-05-05, 10:10 PM
Ok so based upon everything I read about the Inquisitor from the fantastic guide done by Brodhi. The consenus sounds like that the Devastator Inquisitor. And that the dwarf would be the best fit for this as well. Or am I wrong in this and that the archer Inquisitor is better?

Now is this correct in that this class will do extremely well in a pirate campaign? If melee, what weapon do you recommend using? If ranged, what do you recommend?

Also, domains I noticed there were several that were top choices highlighted by Brodhi. Feather, Rage, Travel, Dragon, & Trade were the top of the line options. Which of these or if there are others that may be better for a pirate campaign? Any feedback would be Awesome! Thanks!

My thinking is this; Feather for the skill buff & animal companion. Travel for the speed bump since I will be a dwarf. Rage for the bump in str for melee combat. Dragon just simply for a breath weapon.

What do you guys think?