View Full Version : 5000g Magic Item, Reward for a dungeoncrasher, thoughts?

2013-05-06, 11:18 AM
Before my conjurer died in my current session, the quest we are on would end with a reward of one magic item worth 5000 gold.

Well, through some clever Role Playing :smallbiggrin: and questioning :smallamused: , I'm going to attempt to get the party to put in a good word for me to see if the issuers of the quest to give me the same reward.

If it works out, what would you pick up for a dungeon crasher?

2013-05-06, 11:49 AM
Depends on your level, what you already have and what you need.
Third Eye Clarity is always a favorite. Gloves of the Master Strategist are useful. Ring of Counterspells if you have buffs to protect. Scouts Headband if you need True Seeing.
Magic Armor with a useful +1 enhancement. Death Ward? Blurring?
See what you have, what you're likely to come up against next and decide what helps you the most.

2013-05-06, 12:06 PM
Armbands of Might (4100 GP, MIC). +2 untyped bonus on Str-based checks (hello, Bull Rush!), and +2 bonus damage whenever you Power Attack for at least -2.

2013-05-06, 12:12 PM
What've you got already?

2013-05-06, 12:31 PM
What've you got already?

Not much!

I have a ready drink helm, (dragon mag item), lets me down potions (two at once) as a free action. and keep others loaded.

I have gauntlets of opportunity, (extra AoO with reach = :smallbiggrin:) ).

Then, masterwork Dwarven Warpike.

2013-05-06, 12:49 PM
Is the masterwork dwarven warpike your only weapon? then you might wanna get that enchanted to a +1 at a minimum.

Also, ready drink helm? As in..


If so, for one's next dwarf character, the DM MUST let a person be able to make a mug hat version of that for when they walk into a tavern ( especially a dwarven one ).

2013-05-06, 12:57 PM
Is the masterwork dwarven warpike your only weapon? then you might wanna get that enchanted to a +1 at a minimum.

Also, ready drink helm? As in..


If so, for one's next dwarf character, the DM MUST let a person be able to make a mug hat version of that for when they walk into a tavern ( especially a dwarven one ).

It looks a lot more steampunkish in the dragon mag but yeah you got it :).


Sorry, forgot, I also got mithral shirt too.

If it matters, I have a masterwork bone bow as well as two dwarven warpikes. One is huge to start, so I can use it when I turn large, since it doesn't grow when I rage.

2013-05-06, 02:27 PM
A Handy haversack is 5000.

A traveler's cloak is only 1,200.

Healing belts are also a good idea.

How is your wisdom? if you have it high for any reason, the correct answer is shapesand.

2013-05-06, 02:33 PM
A Handy haversack is 5000.

A traveler's cloak is only 1,200.

Healing belts are also a good idea.

How is your wisdom? if you have it high for any reason, the correct answer is shapesand.

Dang it, I have a healing belt too.

This is what I get when I post about my character and not have my sheet with me lol.

Wisdom is 15. I do kind of what that to get a bit higher, since I might be trying to go into psychic warrior later on. Not sure on it though.

2013-05-06, 03:19 PM
Bracers of quick strike. IIRC 1200 gp, 1/day extra attack, swift action. But if you're limited to only 1 item then you probably want something closer to 5,000 gp. Like a 4,000 gp +2 strength item. And then you can buy the cheap thing later with your own money.

Other Items close to 5,000 gp:

4800 Slippers of spiderclimbing are always fun
4000 Marvelous pigments are always my favorite item. You paint anything, it becomes real. Get a +5 in craft (painting) and take a 10.
3500 Dust of disappearance. One time only the whole party has greater invisibility and not even true seeing can penetrate it. AKA "we WILL win this fight." Good for the BBEG. Make it clear to the party to stay within a 20 foot diameter circle until you throw the we-win dust. Here are some gentlemanly rules for your pissed off DM so that you can't use this to beat a foe 8 levels higher than you: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/specialAbilities.htm#invisibility . But otherwise you pretty much win and prevent costly PC deaths.

I would go down the magic item compendium list too starting at 5,000 gp and work my upwards, but I'm too lazy. You go do it :smalltongue:.

2013-05-06, 08:03 PM
+1 Brutal Surge weapon which only works for characters with 6 levels in Fighter and one cross-class rank in Profession (Pinball Master)? 8000*0.6 = 4800gp.

2013-05-06, 08:20 PM
+1 Brutal Surge weapon which only works for characters with 6 levels in Fighter and one cross-class rank in Profession (Pinball Master)? 8000*0.6 = 4800gp.

Do you want some wine with that? :smallyuk:

2013-05-06, 11:25 PM
Do you want some wine with that? :smallyuk:

Thanks, but I'm not old enough to drink. I'll take some bread or crackers, if you have any lying around. It'll be like the little sandwiches you get at garden parties :smalltongue:

2013-05-06, 11:52 PM

(left out the fluff)
The character can drink one or both of the potions as a free action. It can be rotated as a move-equivalent action (requiring the use of one hand), setting two fresh potions in the tube areas.

Placing a new potion in a protected area is also a move-equivalent action.

If at any time the wearer of a ready-drink helm falls prone, there: is a 25% chance that each remaining potion spills, rendering it useless. The only way to check to see if a potion has spilled is to remove the potion vial and look, or to try to drink it when it is in the "ready" position.
Price: 150g; Weight: 2 lb.

2013-05-07, 12:39 AM
Dang it, I have a healing belt too.

So get a few more and swap them out as needed.

Get a Masterwork Potion Belt from the FRCS and have that turned into a healing belt.

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 08:40 AM
As suggested Third Eye Clarity and Scout's Headband are top picks for their respective prices (see invis or true seeing say hello)

In general check for suggestions on items here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851). When you cover every point of that list start buying other stuff you like for flavour. Weapons and armor (+1 weapons are mandatory) are at the same priority ofc (though I'd try to cover the whole list before you go over +3 weapons and armor).

My suggestion would be getting Scout's Headband to be honest. Adding Weaponcrystals in addition might be a good idea for the rest of the money though depending on your weight you could grab a vermin amulett for giant wasp (flying if you weight less than 200 pounds) though I doubt your weight is low enough. Should work from the price side.

edit: Alternative would be to take Third Eye Clarity (just amazing item for that price) and a Handy Haversack (the Adventurer's tax) in addition.

Hope I could help

2013-05-07, 08:43 AM
A Handy haversack is 5000.

No it isn't. It's 2,000.

2013-05-07, 08:53 AM
As suggested Third Eye Clarity and Scout's Headband are top picks for their respective prices (see invis or true seeing say hello)

In general check for suggestions on items here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187851). When you cover every point of that list start buying other stuff you like for flavour. Weapons and armor (+1 weapons are mandatory) are at the same priority ofc (though I'd try to cover the whole list before you go over +3 weapons and armor).

My suggestion would be getting Scout's Headband to be honest. Adding Weaponcrystals in addition might be a good idea for the rest of the money though depending on your weight you could grab a vermin amulett for giant wasp (flying if you weight less than 200 pounds) though I doubt your weight is low enough. Should work from the price side.

edit: Alternative would be to take Third Eye Clarity (just amazing item for that price) and a Handy Haversack (the Adventurer's tax) in addition.

Hope I could help

Would magical flying care if I weight more than 200 lbs? Like a potion of flying?

I will look into the third eye clarity, I'm a sucker for good deals. :)

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 08:57 AM
Would magical flying care if I weight more than 200 lbs? Like a potion of flying?

I will look into the third eye clarity, I'm a sucker for good deals. :)

No but basically the item summons a giant wasp (large) for 1 minute per day. It has a strengthscore of 18 so (with large) 200 pounds light load. If you can convince your dm that it is quadrupled (well technically it is more than this but I don't know if this would be RAI) it would have 400 (if I'm correct) and could carry you while flying (just with light load). And 700 g for flying ist pretty dope :D )

edit: ah sry 800g for the Amulett

2013-05-07, 09:01 AM
Is there anything that grants flying or (psionic flying since those items are game too), for limited use per day for 5k?

Charging people then knocking them into the ground would be pretty gross. lol

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 09:18 AM
Is there anything that grants flying or (psionic flying since those items are game too), for limited use per day for 5k?

Charging people then knocking them into the ground would be pretty gross. lol

Well look at the list I posted you. Reins of Ascension give short fly (though it's intended for mounts). If you have no problem with worshipping Bahamut look up the Dragonscale cloak and get in activated (probably talk you dm into allowing it in your backstory?).

On another note. What's your charisma? One of my favourite strategies is dipping into cleric for one Level and grabbing Animal devotion (what you do with the other domain or devotion is up to you, though Travel devotion or Time domain for Improved initiative are great ... Darkness domain for Blind Fight is awesome too). With a charisma bonus of +0 you can use Animal devotion twice a day for swift action 1 minute Flight (Along with other great forms if you are dungeoncrawling like the apeform ... getting a sacred bonus of up to +8 to strength is nothing to mess around with)

One Level Cleric dip is one of my favourite strategies to get access to swift action flight for no cost (and as mentioned the ape makes the dip entirely worthwile for a melee). Sure you lose 1 bab but you get better saves and some minor spells (endure elements, detect magic etc etc are good picks for those) and an additional feat from your second domain.

edit: oh yes and if you buy nightsticks later on you get one additional use per nightstick (4 additional uses per stick and animal devotion costs 3/additional daily use)

2013-05-07, 09:23 AM
Is there anything that grants flying or (psionic flying since those items are game too), for limited use per day for 5k?

Charging people then knocking them into the ground would be pretty gross. lol

Dragonscale Cloak (MIC) costs exactly 5000gp. It's a relic though. Other flight items cost about twice that with continuous flight going for about 50k gp.

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 09:27 AM
Dragonscale Cloak (MIC) costs exactly 5000gp. It's a relic though. Other flight items cost about twice that with continuous flight going for about 50k gp.

Just looked it up btw. Requires to worship Tiamat (not Bahamut ... sorry for that) and to be neutral evil, chaotic evil or chaotic good. In addition you have to sacrifice a 6th Level divine slot or be Cl 11 and have the True Believer feat.
After reading the Prequs I'd honestly suggest to forget about this item. It's almost never worth the prequs. (Unless you are tainted sorceror and get more spells than you can ever use)

2013-05-07, 09:30 AM
Well look at the list I posted you. Reins of Ascension give short fly (though it's intended for mounts). If you have no problem with worshipping Bahamut look up the Dragonscale cloak and get in activated (probably talk you dm into allowing it in your backstory?).

On another note. What's your charisma? One of my favourite strategies is dipping into cleric for one Level and grabbing Animal devotion (what you do with the other domain or devotion is up to you, though Travel devotion or Time domain for Improved initiative are great ... Darkness domain for Blind Fight is awesome too). With a charisma bonus of +0 you can use Animal devotion twice a day for swift action 1 minute Flight (Along with other great forms if you are dungeoncrawling like the apeform ... getting a sacred bonus of up to +8 to strength is nothing to mess around with)

One Level Cleric dip is one of my favourite strategies to get access to swift action flight for no cost (and as mentioned the ape makes the dip entirely worthwile for a melee). Sure you lose 1 bab but you get better saves and some minor spells (endure elements, detect magic etc etc are good picks for those) and an additional feat from your second domain.

edit: oh yes and if you buy nightsticks later on you get one additional use per nightstick (4 additional uses per stick and animal devotion costs 3/additional daily use)

Whoops sorry walked right over your link there lol.

As far as anything based on charisma, it's 3. I'm quite the ugly disgusting bastard lol.

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 09:50 AM
Hehe np

Well 3 charisma makes the whole thing kinda obsolete^^ ... just keep your eyes out for Ego Whip and Charisma damage

2013-05-07, 10:27 AM
Just looked it up btw. Requires to worship Tiamat (not Bahamut ... sorry for that) and to be neutral evil, chaotic evil or chaotic good. In addition you have to sacrifice a 6th Level divine slot or be Cl 11 and have the True Believer feat.
After reading the Prequs I'd honestly suggest to forget about this item. It's almost never worth the prequs. (Unless you are tainted sorceror and get more spells than you can ever use)

Cloak of the Dragon (CChamp). 6000GP, shoulders slot. Fly speed equal to your land speed, maneuverability not specified, for 10 minutes once per day.

That is close enough, i will have to see how I can manage it. See, I do know that we could have more than 5k but that once the most they would put up for you, but the thing is, we get it after this job because they are spending that time to get it made and ready for when you return, not sure if me showing up is going to be all that awesome.

Maybe they will give my my conjurers head band of intellect and I can sell it or give it to someone else lol.

Feint's End
2013-05-07, 10:36 AM
Cloak of the Dragon (CChamp). 6000GP, shoulders slot. Fly speed equal to your land speed, maneuverability not specified, for 10 minutes once per day.

That is close enough, i will have to see how I can manage it. See, I do know that we could have more than 5k but that once the most they would put up for you, but the thing is, we get it after this job because they are spending that time to get it made and ready for when you return, not sure if me showing up is going to be all that awesome.

Maybe they will give my my conjurers head band of intellect and I can sell it or give it to someone else lol.

Yeah ... if you can get your hands on 1000 g more that would be great. Next you should consider Third Eye Clarity, Scout's Headband and Handy Haversack.

Glad I could help anyways.

2013-05-08, 08:02 AM
Yeah ... if you can get your hands on 1000 g more that would be great. Next you should consider Third Eye Clarity, Scout's Headband and Handy Haversack.

Glad I could help anyways.

The haversack could be useful, the eye and headband, I'm not sure on. My character has an aggressive flaw (not the ua kind), rather actually aggressive, not thinking about the fight ahead of him, just going in, and beating some face.

Plus we have a petal psion, as well as a wizard with a goshhawk who has a pretty dang good spot/listen score.

We also have a skill monkey rogue who is stacked on those skills as well :).

2013-05-08, 08:57 AM
My character has an aggressive flaw (not the ua kind), rather actually aggressive, not thinking about the fight ahead of him, just going in, and beating some face.

That's called recklessness.

2013-05-08, 09:35 AM
That's called recklessness.

We use a 3.0 book called Distinctions and Drawbacks. We ignore all the things the books gives and just use the flaws. They are immensely more flavorful and much funner and actually make you think about what you take.

My flaws I picked up from it are:

Drunkard (must spend 1d6+1 sp on booze when we have down time per positive con modifer) I must also make will saves to ignore booze if I see anything in dungeons.

I also took aggressive, which states you are very unlikely to think about what you are doing, you act first, think later, there is risk taker in the same book. This flaw deals with someone being reckless because they can't control their emotions, and there is reckless because they think they are immune to danger.

Aside from those, I also took Pug Ugly, so if I get into any social interactions, there is a chance (per DM), that my ugliness REALLY causes a problem.

I have a -14 diplomacy, and a charisma of 3 after all. :P

In addition I took Guileness and Macho.

2013-05-08, 09:45 AM
that all seems appropriate for a Cha 3 character, anyone with a Cha that low should have real problems in telling the difference between in people and animated objects.

I played a Cha 3 wizard once, I made him fire focused and his solution to every problem was to burn it. the party got used to him, they all developed fire resistance of some form or another.

sadly one guy hadn't got the memo - he fell from a bridge and landed in a giant spider web, the spiders were slowly eating him so I helped out...
... the fireball killed all the spiders and freed him from the web. he survived the fire damage...
...but not the rest of the fall.

2013-05-08, 10:45 AM
that all seems appropriate for a Cha 3 character, anyone with a Cha that low should have real problems in telling the difference between in people and animated objects.

That's Wisdom's domain, since it deals with perception and intuitive understanding.

Charisma governs your ability to interact with people and gain a favorable outcome. That is, your social skills and personal magnetism. A person with Charisma 3 could be the smartest, most well-meaning, capable person in the world and might make all the best choices... but he doesn't look at people's faces while talking to them, scowls at everyone, has no inside-voice (or is inaudibly quiet), has at least one speech impediment, cackles madly at inappropriate times (like at funerals), makes racist/sexist jokes, is probably hideous and obese, couldn't get laid if his life depended on it, and just about everyone hates him.