View Full Version : Two Weapon Fighting Question(pf)

2013-05-06, 01:57 PM
Is it worth reducing my hit chance to +0 at level one, in order to save a feat slot?
I'm playing a rogue, duel wielding cleavers(which the GM has statted as the same as handaxes) and with the rough and ready trait(so he gets +1 to hit with his cleavers)..
His feats at the moment are just Two Weapon Fighting and Defiant Luck, and his stats are(20 point build);
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

the adventure is Jade Regent, and my main worry was that if I had trouble hitting things, I might die before I reached level 2

2013-05-06, 02:21 PM
Weapon finesse might be more useful than a once/day reroll. I don't think there are too many save or dies enemies cast on you at level one in JR, but I've never been in a group that hit 2.:smallfrown:

2013-05-06, 02:24 PM
I'm not sure I understand the question. What is it you're trying to change?

It's not like you have to dual wield all the time. You can just whack a creature normally, although the chances of hitting at least once are usually higher even at -2 penalty.

2013-05-06, 03:02 PM
As a relatively low strength character, even if you were only going to use one weapon you wouldn't be doing much damage on a normal hit. You are relying on your sneak attack. You will more often get sneak attack by flanking with a party member. When flanking you are at +2 to hit.

What's important right now is your AC. As long as it's decent enough you should be fine. You're probably not going to want to attack the BBEG unless the spellcasters choose the strategy of buffing you, but against mooks and even a lieutenant you should be alright.