View Full Version : Kobold Run: Blue Team (IC)

2013-05-06, 07:10 PM
Welcome to the First Centennial Kobold Run!

Blue Team

Cue theme music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVezbVxp2Pw).
An overhead of Kobold City can be seen. Hundreds of thousands of joyous kobolds dance like excited ants in honey in the streets, on the balconies of their six story mudscrapers, and thousands more watch from home on their scrying stones. The emblem of XIR the Magnificent flips onto the viewing image and the announcer's voices chime in.

Hello Kobolds and Koboldettes, and hatclings of all ages, and welcome to the First Centennial Kobold Run! I'm your host Grax Greyworm.

And I'm Diane Cuddlegrub.

We come to you live today from Mount Xir for this once in a century special event. There's going to be blood! There's going to be scales! Murder and mayhem! Thrills, chills, and good times for the whole family. They dangers that await our altheletes are manifold and some of the most creative death traps in the land. The buzz is that the players will face dragon spawn, frustrating and deadly puzzles, environment obstacles, and I've heard that Xir even has an incorporeal beholder on staff.

Incorporeal? You mean, like dead and ghosty and stuff?


The beholder is dead? That's so sad.

Sad? Wha... It's a good thing you're pretty Diane. Regardless, this is shaping up to be one hell of an event.

Oh I can hardly wait, Grax. Who do you think is going to win?

Well it's tough to say Diane. There is a good possibility no one will win, but my electrum is on the Red Team. Trombag and Tax are both powerful spellcasters. Rumour has it that Tax was selected for the games for his financial indiscretions when handling the Mighty Xir's coin. If he can bring that ingenuity to the dungeon, I think a small team of two elites has a good chance of taking it.

Yes, and of course Trombag has those powerful wildshape forms.

That's a good point Diane. I know the kids at home are really looking forward to seeing that.

But what about the Blue team? Aren't they supposed to be a classic well rounded team of four?

Yes, but they decided to go a different route. Rather than diversify their respective positions the team has decided to focus on martial prowess and stealth. Blue team has two swordsages and a rogue. And for some reason they've thrown a Warblade into the mix. I'm not sure about this strategy.

Oooo... I like swordsages.

Of course, then there's the Green team. They did a pretty good job of diversifying and taking advantage of their superior numbers.

I understand that one of them stocked up on healing potions, is that correct?

Yes, a young "Julius the Tyrannical Paladin". We'll see if it pays off for him.

I like the Purple team!

Well, that's because you're retarded Diane

Xir the Great and Powerful Red Wyrm of Ages strides proudly through main street in Kobold City. Confetti chokes the air with colour and glitter and the screams of adoration fill the whole mountain.

And here comes Xir! The crowd is going wild.

He's so handsome! Uhh! I just want to lick his toenails or something.

I know what you mean Diane. That's one fine fire lizard.

Xir approaches the City Central Dias. His Colossal claws gesture to magically raise the sounding stone with which he will make his pronouncement.

My loyal subjects,
Thank you. Thank you. You are too kind.
Please... quiet down.

The cheering respectfully subsides.

Thank you.

As you know, this is our first ever Centennial Kobold Run. One day, while I was bathing in my vast piles of gold and picking my fabulous teeth with the femur of the latest adventurer to cross my path.

A rousing chorus of booing fills the catacombs. Xir chuckles.

Now now! They serve their purposes. If we didn't have adventurers the trap cleaners wouldn't have any gore to mop up.

An obligatory city wide chuckle follows.

Seriously though, I was looking for a way to improve our security system, when it occurred to me that my loyal subjects could use some entertainment. What if we could see our labour in action, and watch as the intruders get smashes, boiled, eaten, and pickled? Wouldn't that be fun? After years of planning and careful consideration I selected fifteen special kobolds to compete in a race. The winner will be rewarded with amnesty and riches will rain upon them forever. The losers shall die. And so it is with great pride that I declare that this First Centennial Kobold Run officially open...

With a single flourish, the Dragon Xir activates his teleportation spell. The kobolds magically appear in their positions and the crowd goes wild.

Blue Team

The Blue Team materializes on a narrow ledge. The cliffside is tapers down and it wouldn't be hard to climb down and away from here. But then, any Kobold crazy enough to do that would almost certainly spontaneously explode. Loose rocks and snow cling to the various outcroppings. It is only a short ways away to the north entrance. The kobold's heads swim from the recent memory erasure. They know where they are, but they can't recall what that means. Are they in a good position or not?

They hug the rock face and inch along toward the cave. To their disappointment they only find another drop, this time inside the mountain.

Map (http://koboldrun.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kr-blue-a.jpg)(Side view)

If they put their scrying stones up to their ears they can hear the event hosts talking about them.

What do you think of the Blue Team, Grax?

They've clearly been placed on the north face of the mountain, Diane. This is going to mean a lot of climbing and natural hazards, as well as unnatural ones. With that much muscle they should be fine.

How do you know it's the north face Grax?

Because I can see the sun setting in the background Diane, and I'm not an idiot.

Oh. Hahahaha! You're so clever.

Everything is relative Diane. Everything is relative.

2013-05-06, 08:22 PM
Snik-Snik looks around suspiciously at his surroundings before settling on his teammates as the greatest immediate threat. I suppose we ought to start. He walks up to the edge of the drop and seats his grappling hook in a cleft in the stone before lowering his rope down the side. What's our march order?

2013-05-07, 01:15 AM

Kravix hops around a little frantically, "Me first! Me first! I want to get right in there and skewer some guards!"

2013-05-07, 12:55 PM

A quiet, wizened kobold stands apart from the rest. He watches their interactions without an outward hint as to his inward thoughts. At the moment, he is too busy trying to remember who he is and where he is. A word echoes in his mind for a second before it is gone again. The routine repeats, blinking in and out of his head: Blink. Blink. Blink. He obliges, closing his eyes slowly and opening them again. Nothing. Perhaps this echo is some clue to who he once was? With nothing else to go on, he assumes Blink to be as good a name as any.

Kravix hops around a little frantically, "Me first! Me first! I want to get right in there and skewer some guards!"

"Easy, young one," he rasps with a gravelly voice. "Or else the only thing you'll skewer is yourself." Blink feels around in his pockets and finds a map. Though it was crude, it was at least a start. He took a moment to soak in any clues about his own identity. Between his armor, a few other items, and the masterful dagger that curved like a leaf at his side, he figured himself to be some kind of scout...a soldier, perhaps?

Blink didn't know whether he was a grunt or a general, but right now his band of troops needed a leader. As reluctant as he was to fill the role, he knew one thing for certain: inside that dungeon, they'd need every kobold they had if they wanted to survive. He sized up the others, gauging their abilities by their carriage and their gear. His eyes settle on the smartest-looking of the bunch, a thin little thing with thick glasses. "You, any good with traps? If so, we'll need you in front. And you," he points to Snik-Snik, "Second? Seem like you know how to stay quiet." He turns to the energetic young hatchling, easily twice Blink's size. "You've got guts, but if you wanna keep them inside you, stay to the middle. I'll take up the rear, keeping out an eye and an ear for trouble in both directions. Hoo-ah?"

Blink doesn't wait for the others to assent, but starts moving towards the first gentle slopes of the cave. He stops to give the Nikkel (the smart-looking one) his map. He nods and says, "Here, you may be able to read this better than I can." With that, Blink begins to scurry up the walls of the dungeon, not stopping until he is hanging upside-down from above his comrades. Take care, but be quick," he whispers back over his shoulder. "Remember, troops, this is a race. Roll out."

2013-05-07, 06:51 PM

Nikkel's eyes twinkle with amusement at the eagerness of the others and of one assuming command.
Let's take it slow and careful. This may be a race, but if only one team finishes they win; and this is a race where it's easy to get taken out of it.

Nikkel will slowly advance to the entrance;
there he makes two search checks checking for traps at the entrance and a bit further in.

He then proceeds a bit forward very cautiously while the team plans their next move.

Hide, move silently, listen, then spot check, in that order.

edit note: hiding not in general, but just to hide from anything around the corner from where we are, like if there's monsters down the ledge he's gonna be peeking over slowly and carefully.

2013-05-07, 07:43 PM

Kravix listens to his elder and nods, "Okay! But when we get to the guards I still want to skewer them!" With that, Kravix settles back and lets the others do their thing.

2013-05-07, 08:06 PM
Nikkel's search reveals nothing out of the ordinary. The howling winds make it difficult to hear anything, but for all intents and purposes they appear to be alone.

The slope reaches about 25 feet down. Ice has formed a bit of a slope at the bottom. Nikkel can picture a less experienced crew slipping and falling 15 feet and then sliding the other ten of to the next dip. Fortunately, everyone present was well prepared to deal with minor obstacles like this.

Blink hangs from the wall waiting for a report while Kravix anxiously waits for something to skewer. Nikkel suspects that the decent will only get tougher further down. Xir doesn't need a trap here.

2013-05-07, 09:15 PM
Let's take it slow and careful. This may be a race, but if only one team finishes they win; and this is a race where it's easy to get taken out of it.

"That's affirmative, Specs," Blink nods in agreement. He hadn't taken the time to get his crew's names--oftentimes names did little more than cause you to lose focus when the one holding them bit it. In the line of battle, nicknames were quick and easy. Blink liked quick and easy, since these days few things in his life seemed to be either. With a small sigh, he scurries across the ceiling just behind his teammates and stays on alert for signs of...anything, really.

[roll3] assuming that the outcroppings on the ceiling provide cover

OOC: Is our map top-down, or a side view? I ask because the description in the text matches up with the slope in V3-T6. If it's a side view, Blink starts in P1, looking down for signs of anything suspicious. Absent them (and only once Nikkel provides the all-clear) he moves down to N10, peeking around the corner.

2013-05-07, 09:22 PM
Snik-Snik slinks forward with the rest of blue team. We're skulking? Finally, something I'm good at.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2013-05-08, 10:09 AM
I suggest the group narrate how they plan to descend. No traps here (I swear). The DC with rope is 5, but if you want to keep the rope you need to tell me how you retrieve it from the anchor point. There are plenty of places to secure a rope in this part of the caves. A use rope check DC 5 ought to do it.

2013-05-08, 10:42 AM

I'll go down to the next ledge and check if there's anything threatening in the next area. If it's clear then i'll signal for you to follow. The last person will be one of you with those fancy tricksy maneuvers who can recover the rope and just teleport down here.

Nikkel will use rope to go down; and do the usual hide/move silently/spot/listen as he looks over the edge of the next area to see if there's a threat. rolls will be in the order named
The last person should untie the rope and bring it down with him using shadow jaunt.


2013-05-08, 03:19 PM

Kravix peers over the edge, "If someone is really good at climbing, they can probably get down this no problem. If not, I can grab the rope and jump down. I like jumping!"

2013-05-08, 03:39 PM
I'll go down to the next ledge and check if there's anything threatening in the next area...

It isn't hard for Nikkel to rappel down the ledge. The plateau is fairly slippery, but as long as they walk and not run everyone should be fine. When he lands he takes a moment to look around and listen. It's still fairly light here, and for a kobold this part of the cave is lit like a summer's day. A warm breeze flows out of the cave, explaining the melting ice in places. In others, where the breeze doesn't reach, it is frigid and the water has pooled and frozen again. He is quieter than this draft is. Nothing leaps at him from the darkness. This is too easy.


Kravix peers over the edge, "If someone is really good at climbing, they can probably get down this no problem. If not, I can grab the rope and jump down. I like jumping!"

Kravix's voice echoes throughout. Nikkel realizes that they have been talking quite casually at the entrance and their voices will have carried a long way. If something is down there, they know Blue Team is coming.

MAP (http://koboldrun.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kr-blue-a-pc2.jpg)

2013-05-08, 04:38 PM

Listening to the echoes of his voice, Kravix looks around a little sheepishly and whispers, "Sorry, I tend to get excited."

2013-05-08, 06:10 PM

Nikkel signals the others to come down then keeps his eye out for anything coming up at them from below.

2013-05-08, 06:34 PM
I'm going to help you guys move this along a bit. You could give me a series of moves in the future so that you aren't standing on the ledge of an ordinary cliff until the dawn of time. Now that I know how each of you climbs...

They each proceed in this fashion. Scouting, checking for hidden evils, giving the all clear sign, and then on to the next ledge. One climbs with the rope, another hangs from the walls, and yet another poofs in and out of darkness like it were an ordinary door between A and B. As they go down the air reaches a comfortable temperature.

It is not until Nikkel reached the bottom (P10) that they have their first real sign of trouble. The cave narrows to little more than a shaft. A kobold could squeeze through there on its belly, if he or she wasn't too encumbered and dragged their equipment behind them. They biggest concern with this plan is the bones. The bleached white bones of Kobolds, and maybe some other creatures, lay scattered around the basin of this chamber. In particular, around the shaft opening. Warm air blasts out of the the narrow pass. It's disturbing.

2013-05-08, 06:41 PM

Kravix looks nervously at shaft, "I don't like this. I like jumping and moving. Small spaces like that don't let me do that. Those bones don't help."

2013-05-08, 07:05 PM
Snik-Snik looks over Kravix's shoulder to try and determine if he could shadow jaunt to the end of the cramped tunnel.

2013-05-08, 07:17 PM
Snik-Snik looks over Kravix's shoulder to try and determine if he could shadow jaunt to the end of the cramped tunnel.

Snik-Snik moves his head this way and that for a clear line of sight. He doesn't know it, but the passage opens up after fifty feet, precisely the limit of his supernatural powers. Unfortunately, he has no line of sight to this. The various dips and rises in the pass obscure this from his knowledge and his sight. He does see what he believes to be a pocket of space with standing room. This is exactly what he needs to make the jaunt. The pocket is about thirty feet from where he is now. He would still be in the passage way. (i/j 12)

2013-05-08, 07:38 PM

Hmm, this looks like a dangerous spot, maybe a trap, but mighty dangerous at any rate. I always forget something, I should've brought a whole lot of food and water with me. Going ahead too quickly here could easily be fatal, even with that trick to move ahead, there could be a trap, there could be monsters, there could be fumes, and we'd be in no position to provide any help if the person in lead gets into trouble. Any of you guys fancy techniques good on stone? Safest plan here is to spend some time widening the passageway so we can get through better; that should also make the heat less of an issue. Watch out for fumes; with this much heat there could be something toxic in the air. And mining thoughts, does the rock here seem stable enough to do a bit of tunnel widening? That will take quite awhile though.

Nikkel will sniff closely to try and see if he can tell anything about what's causing the hot air. He'll also examine the distribution of the bones to see if it looks like they came from beyond the narrowing or tumbled down from above. He also ponders whether the upper part of the cave looked like anycreature had been using it. Also, search for traps at the entrance to the narrowing.


edit: i'll also offer my mining pick to anyone who's good at mining (i'm looking at you stone mountain obstacle destroyer guy.

2013-05-08, 08:10 PM
Snik-Snik stares at Nikkel for a few seconds in disbelief. We are in a race. We have come to a narrow passage. And you are saying that the quickest and most efficient way to press forward is to tunnel through the stinking mountain?

2013-05-08, 08:29 PM

Kravix chuckles at Snik-Snik before looking at Nikkel, "If we need to, I should be able to make room."

So, with the Mountain Hammer maneuver I can do 1d4+2d6+1 damage per use that ignores hardnes/DR. Warblades can recover maneuvers with a swift action as long as they do nothing special in the same round. So basically, I should be able able to do a two-round set: round 1 - maneuver, round 2 - swift recovery. Rinse repeat. That's an average 10.5 damage per two rounds bypassing hardness.

No idea what the exact details of implementation would be or how useful it could be.

2013-05-08, 08:30 PM

I never said quickest; I said safest, but mighty slow. And as I said, while this may be a race, if all the other teams die, then it becomes a survival challenge. If you want to go through with your plan and test what's ahead yourself, go right ahead.
Nikkel will spend some time listening to the crystal to hear how the other teams are doing.

2013-05-08, 08:49 PM
I suggest the group narrate how they plan to descend. No traps here (I swear). The DC with rope is 5, but if you want to keep the rope you need to tell me how you retrieve it from the anchor point. There are plenty of places to secure a rope in this part of the caves. A use rope check DC 5 ought to do it.

Blink will be on the ceiling by default where allowed, using his Dance of the Spider stance to climb effortlessly (and hopefully avoid any trap triggers on the floor...only a true psycopath traps their ceilings). He can retrieve the rope as the others climb, and this matches perfectly with his spot in the rear of the marching order.


I'll go down to the next ledge and check if there's anything threatening in the next area. If it's clear then i'll signal for you to follow. The last person will be one of you with those fancy tricksy maneuvers who can recover the rope and just teleport down here.

"No need for shock & awe, Specs," Blink rasps with a smirk. "I can just climb."

"Sorry, I tend to get excited."

"Don't worry, young one," Blink hisses, "the excitement fades after you've seen your first few dismemberments."


Hmm, this looks like a dangerous spot, maybe a trap, but mighty dangerous at any rate. I always forget something, I should've brought a whole lot of food and water with me. Going ahead too quickly here could easily be fatal, even with that trick to move ahead, there could be a trap, there could be monsters, there could be fumes, and we'd be in no position to provide any help if the person in lead gets into trouble. Any of you guys fancy techniques good on stone? Safest plan here is to spend some time widening the passageway so we can get through better; that should also make the heat less of an issue. Watch out for fumes; with this much heat there could be something toxic in the air. And mining thoughts, does the rock here seem stable enough to do a bit of tunnel widening? That will take quite awhile though.

"That's one plan," Blink muses. "Or...we could just toss a decent-sized rock on that spot. If horrible death blades don't swoop in, we'll call it safe for 'porting to." He looks around the group, realizing that only one of them reacts favorably to his teleportation idea. "You can't all 'port?" he asks incredulously. "Well, those who can will; those who can't...guess you'd better crawl." He takes a peek down the corridor, hoping to see anything that might belie any hidden dangers.


If all is clear, Blink will Shadow Jaunt from O10 to I12 (on the ceiling) and then use a full-round action to recover Shadow Jaunt.

2013-05-08, 09:59 PM
Snik-Snik grins and turns to Blink. Sounds good to me.

2013-05-09, 01:23 PM
He looks deep into the shaft, scrutinizing it with his discerning eye. All he sees is limestone and the occasional drip of water. PLOOP Probably a result of the hot draft blowing in. Condensation or melting ice perhaps. PLOOP As a precaution, Blink tosses a rock into the narrow shaft. It bounces off some of the limestone formations and settles in a shallow pool of water. No razors or tentacle monsters reveal themselves. PLOOP The rock is fine. The passage looks fine. He decides that it is probably safe to shadow jaunt over there.

:smallsigh: I guess this is my fault; I didn't outright state that Blink tossed a stone onto his proposed landing spot, though I thought I had. If I saw nasty acid doing its thing, I wouldn't have jaunted there. Any possibility of retcon (or, if not, a save against some or all of the acid damage)?

I did read the stone thing, I just failed to comment on it because it would have no effect. Adding it in makes for a more interesting post though.

I'm afraid I can think of no way to cut you slack in this case. You failed the spot check, the stone is unaffected, and you transported directly on to source of the acid. I usually like to give better hints that an area is trapped/hazardous, but given the deathy type nature of this adventure and the plenitude of bones, I can't say I feel all that bad. You'll live.


Blink pops out of existence here and rematerialized there. An instant later he howls in pain when his hands and toes begin to burn and the scales and flesh melt away. GGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! Any place he touches the ceiling disintegrates with a foul smelling hissss Blink drops from the ceiling, not because he loosened his grip, but because the flesh that was attached to the rocky ceiling was left behind. He falls a foot onto his back. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Drips of condensed acid fall from the roof to his shin, his nose, his belly. The sizzles and corrode deep into his flesh AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

[roll0] Acid damage. Assuming you get out of there alive there will be more damage next round too. If you don't get out of there you will continue to take 4d6/round until you do.

2013-05-09, 01:32 PM
[roll0] Acid damage. Assuming you get out of there alive there will be more damage next round too. If you don't get out of there you will continue to take 4d6/round until you do.

Blink tries to fight off the pain of being flayed alive, but he is suffering badly. "Acccccid..." he hisses to the others, sounding very much like the skin melting off his tiny bones.

:smallsigh: I guess this is my fault; I didn't outright state that Blink tossed a stone onto his proposed landing spot, though I thought I had. If I saw nasty acid doing its thing, I wouldn't have jaunted there. Any possibility of retcon (or, if not, a save against some or all of the acid damage)?

2013-05-10, 07:59 AM
You'll live...

Says you :smalltongue:. More than half my HP are already gone--Blink was designed to have decent AC and saves so he never has to take any damage. Can I get some insight into why this didn't allow any kind of save to avoid damage? Sorry for the double post.

Blink frantically eyes the area he's in, not wanting to linger any longer than he must. He tries to identify a safe place for the others as he crawls back through the tunnel, dragging himself through the bones of the other poor unfortunate bastards who probably tried the same thing. If he was a religious kobold, he'd be praying to Io for help right now. Instead, he simply calls out the command word that activates the healing powers of his belt, and he instantly feels a slight bit better.

[roll0] to identify any acid-free areas.
[roll1] using daily charge 1/3.

2013-05-10, 08:30 AM

Kravix starts to hop about a little bit, a clear sign he's anxious, "Oh man, get out of there! What a welcome." He looks around the cave and then at the others, "I told you I didn't like that shaft. Now what? I don't want to be dissolved!"

2013-05-10, 11:23 AM

First we deal with his wounds, then we'll make a plan. I don't have any way to help him get out of there faster; trying to give him a rope to pull him out would just hurt him more by dragging him.

2013-05-10, 10:30 PM
Snik-Snik grins and gives a low chuckle at the misfortune of Blink, grinning to reveal rows of sharp, jagged fangs.

2013-05-11, 12:16 AM
Now that Blink is staring the hazard in the face he can see it clearly. Weeping Stone! Natural acidic deposits in the rock that burn the flesh but leave the bone. Rock and metals would be unaffected as well. And to think he shadow jaunted right on top of it! Rather, on the bottom of it. This dip in the channel was the worst of it too, although it was present throughout. This tunnel was nothing but pain and death! He needed out and fast! As far as he could see, there was no safe haven within the tunnel. He could see a crest further on that may lead out and where there was no dripping. But what was beyond the crest he couldn't say, and he would no longer have a line of sight out of the tunnel to his compatriots. The safest way would appear to be the way he came, but the crest offered sanctuary and the possibility of an exit.

Only free actions were taken, so nothing happens yet. An additional 4d6 acid damage will be taken if you remain in this part of the tunnel. Even once in relative safety you will take 2d6 acid damage, and 1d6 after that. Serious stuff, as indicated by the GIANT PILE OF BONES! Just saying.

2013-05-11, 05:47 AM
The safest way would appear to be the way he came, but the crest offered sanctuary and the possibility of an exit.

Only free actions were taken, so nothing happens yet. An additional 4d6 acid damage will be taken if you remain in this part of the tunnel. Even once in relative safety you will take 2d6 acid damage, and 1d6 after that. Serious stuff, as indicated by the GIANT PILE OF BONES! Just saying.

As indicated in my previous post, Blink is pulling himself back through the tunnel to his compatriots. He grimaces, trying to put the pain of his melting skin out of his mind as he drags it through stone and bone. He pushes the pile of bones out of his way--he knew it signaled danger, but he had been expecting a hungry carnivore's den. He can't believe his ears as he hears one of his teammates chuckling.

"That's right soldier, laugh," he spits. "Just remind me not to save your scales." In an odd way, he was thankful for Snik-Snik's insensitivity; Blink found his anger gave him a focal point to help press on through the pain.

I took a move action to do so in my last post. I'd love to Shadow Jaunt back, but that requires a full-round action to recover and thus another 4d6 damage, which could mean unconsciousness at this point...unless you're ruling that I successfully recovered Shadow Jaunt as described in a previous post before taking the Acid damage from the Weeping Stone, but I don't see how that would work.

2013-05-11, 10:57 AM
I think you can make it out as a full move action.
2d6 damage more

Blink's salient point is emphasized by an echoing drip. PLOOP
This problem belongs to all of them.

2013-05-11, 12:44 PM

Glad you made it back. If you need to rest before answering, do so by all means. Were you able to see what's beyond there? And what can you tell us about what hurt you? I have no skills in treating injuries so there's not much I can do to help you recover; and I don't think we have enough spare water to try washing it off.

2013-05-11, 04:41 PM

Kravix hands Blink a potion, "Drink this, it will help you feel better. So, any ideas on how to get by this without joining the bonepile?"

It's a potion of CLW.

2013-05-11, 05:24 PM
Without any better ideas, Snik-Snik gets bored and fiddles with the scrying stone.

2013-05-11, 11:57 PM

Kravix hops about a bit as he thinks, "Hey guys, I saw some stone slabs over there. The acid doesn't appear to affect stone, maybe we can all hold one up over us in the tunnel and use it to shield us from the acid."

2013-05-12, 05:54 AM

Glad you made it back. If you need to rest before answering, do so by all means. Were you able to see what's beyond there? And what can you tell us about what hurt you? I have no skills in treating injuries so there's not much I can do to help you recover; and I don't think we have enough spare water to try washing it off.

The old kobold winces as he tries to treat his wounds himself; he's just pushing the acid around, causing it to keep burning away at whatever flesh is left on the pads of his claws. He nods in appreciation as his teammate hands him a healing potion and downs it in one gulp. With a refreshed "ah," he answers Nikkel's questions. "Weeping Stone, hell of a thing. Drips acid from the ceiling. 'Course, if we get over the crest we should be fine until the next thing trying to kill us."

Kravix hops about a bit as he thinks, "Hey guys, I saw some stone slabs over there. The acid doesn't appear to affect stone, maybe we can all hold one up over us in the tunnel and use it to shield us from the acid."

Blink points at the excited young halfling and sighs, "This. So much this. Let's do it." With a look back to Nikkel, he adds "and maybe you should take the lead again, Specs. Looks like my peepers aren't what they used to be."

2013-05-12, 09:22 AM
Snik-Snik looks nervously towards the mouth of the tunnel. Not getting ourselves melted by acid dripping down from the ceiling is all well and good,but it won't be much use if the floor causes us to disintegrate into so much slag. Are we sure that the ceiling is the only part of the tunnel that has this stuff? Also, it's already very cramped in there, can we fit with a slab of stone?

2013-05-12, 07:07 PM

I think this calls for a more careful assessment of the opening. I'll go in with a rope on me and slowly probe to get a better sense of how much acid there is, and what other dangers might be there. I'll give a call every 10 seconds i'm ok; if I stop calling, or if I tell you to pull me in, pull me back in. Agreed?

If the others agree, nikkel will tie the rope solidly around him and proceed; if they don't, then disregard the actions.
Taking 10 on the use rope gives me a 15 which should be just fine to make sure they can pull me out if they need to.
I'll very slowly advance through the tunnel; for each section of 5 ft or so, i'll do a careful visual inspection of the area, then use a crossbow bolt to probe the area to test for acid, then check with my pinky finger if there aren't any signs of acid. part of this process is doing a search check for traps.
If at any point I see signs of acid, i'll stop these actions, and observe the area before going back.
I'll be calling to the team every 6 seconds to signal that i'm fine; I know I said 10 to the team, i'm being careful.
I'll also be continually monitoring the air quality and temperature, if I get any signs that i'm suffering effects from poor air quality i'll go back.

2013-05-12, 09:04 PM
"Aye, Specs," Blink nods. "You're a good lizard." He tries to remember if the floor was safe when he fell from the acidic ceiling, but it was hard to remember (what with all the melting flesh and searing pain).

OOC: Does Blink remember if the floor was safe (minus the dripping acid)?

2013-05-13, 10:53 AM
Snik-Snik holds the scrying stone to his ear. The hosts aren't talking about his group at the moment. They are saying something about the practice of using summoned beings to set off traps.

It's a very common practice Diane. It is one of the many techniques that allows a spellcaster to be more than a rogue or warrior's equal in the dungeon.

I guess so. I just feel bad when all those summoned creatures set off the traps and get killed.

For the last time Diane, summoned creature don't die or feel pain. The are less like living beings and more like the magical essence of living beings. At least, I think that's how it works.

From here the conversation devolves into name calling and a discussion on the possible culinary uses of summoned animals.

After hashing out a few plans the Blue Team finds that the can indeed use slabs of stone to shield themselves if they are careful. The puddles of acid on the floor can be avoided if they step carefully. Really, it comes down to a balancing act of watching one's step and holding the stone slab just so, so that the acid rolls forward off of the slab and not onto their fingers.

Balance DC 15 or 1d4 from burning fingers.

When they clear the tunnel and leave the bones and the smell of melting kobold flesh behind, they feel a sense of triumph. Whatever lies ahead, it cannot be much worse. Right?

They come to a ravine after a few hundred feet. This draft is no longer focused through the small space of the acid channel, and so they can barely feel a breeze. The wide expanse before them is imposing, and it feels precarious. Like the acid channel, the mouth of the great crevice feels like unstable and treacherous ground. No traps are necessary, because falling rocks and steep cliffs will do the trick. Way up the Blue Team can see enormous stalactites hanging from the ceiling. They would glitter slightly if there were any light. Mineral deposits in the stone give colour and character to the caves, but the kobold's darkvision is limited to black and white and there is no light here.

MAP (http://koboldrun.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kr-blue-b.jpg)(Current Location is ~C8)

It looks like the two points were once connected, but time has worn away the bridge between points. On the other side is a wide and an inviting passage. According to their map this way leads to the catacombs. The other direction is straight down into the great crevice. It would be a long and difficult climb, but with luck it looks (at least on their map) like it would save them time.

2013-05-13, 09:41 PM

Kravix looks around, and then studies the gap between the points. "I like jumping, but I don't think I can jump that far." He hops about a bit, "Unless one of you has a way across, we probably have to climb down."

2013-05-13, 10:20 PM

I don't have a way across offhand, but I'm sure we could come up with something with a little time. But do we even want to? going down may be faster. I imagine going down instead of across would involve different risks; down means lots of climbing and the dangers of that; going along the path means more risk of traps and monsters. We're a pretty agile group, so rock-climbing shouldn't be too bad, though it's a bad place to get caught if something happens.

2013-05-13, 10:22 PM

Kravix nods, "Sure, it could be faster. It's how much faster that worries me. I'm a decent climber, but..."

2013-05-14, 02:55 AM
Snik-Snik spends a moment regarding the cavern before turning to his companions' discussion. What sort of climbing supplies do we have? I brought 250 ft. of silk rope and a grappling hook. That would be enough to bridge the gap, but I'm not sure about the chasm. And we definitely couldn't retrieve the rope if we chose to descend. If we choose to cross, I propose one of us ports across with the grappling iron and seats it, it'll be extremely close, but we might manage it, and then the others cross, and the last can port over with the other end of the rope. However, I vote we descend; that passage cost us far too much time.

2013-05-14, 05:12 AM
Blink's previous experience in the tunnel means he now knows every crevice, every dip and indentation in the rock. He picks up a slab of stone to shield himself and tilts it gently to the rear, causing any drops of acid to roll feebly down behind him with no danger of harming any of his kind.

"We can climb, troops," Blink grimaces, knowing that the wasted time was his own damned fault. "And I can always retrieve yer rope."


2013-05-14, 09:47 AM
Snik-Snik eyes Blink sceptically. I'm not great at estimating distance, but that looks like more than fifty feet down. If I recognized your method of teleportation properly, then that'll be a problem. Unless you're suggesting that we untie the rope while we're only part of the way down?

2013-05-14, 12:54 PM

Let's start by figuring out how deep that ravine is then. I'll toss a few rocks down. Be ready in case that stirs something.

Nikkel will tie his rope around himself and anchor it somewhere convenient. Then goes out to the edge and tosses several rocks in at various directions and forces, some straight down, some with more force so they go sideways some. The rocks are thrown one at a time; each time I iisten for the sound of the rock hitting something; and wait until it stops completely, thus listening in case the rock bounces off the cliff before reaching the bottom.

2013-05-14, 02:22 PM

Snik-Snik eyes Blink sceptically. I'm not great at estimating distance, but that looks like more than fifty feet down. If I recognized your method of teleportation properly, then that'll be a problem. Unless you're suggesting that we untie the rope while we're only part of the way down?

Blink laughs once, short and quick. He is impressed that Snik-Snik seems to have some knowledge of the Sublime Way; Blink had mistaken him for a member of one of the more savage tribes and didn't know Snik had any formal martial training. "Nah, friend," he rasps, "I'm suggesting that there's more to the Hand than just 'porting. Floors, walls, ceilings even--they're all the same to me. We can focus on getting you lot down, then I can just scurry back and snag the rope."

The Hand...it rolled effortlessly off Blink's tongue as if it was intimately familiar to him. However, he didn't know why. All he could remember was a blurry black pawprint...another kobolds claw dipped in paint and slapped across his chest, stinging him with a mixture of pain and pride. Some kind of initiation? The thoughts of his past divide his focus, and he knows what that can mean in a dungeon. He puts the ideas out of his head and focuses on Nikkel's test.

2013-05-14, 02:35 PM
His teammates hand him stones and Nikkel throws. A full five and a half seconds later the sound of rock on rock can be heard from afar. No matter what direction the stone is thrown in it lasts the same five and a half seconds. Occasionally two hits are heard, but given the angle the stone was thrown, Nikkel knows it is hitting a wall and not a floor. It must be bottle shaped. And deep!

2013-05-14, 06:48 PM

The older kobold sighs and takes up a position on the wall leading down the darkened ravine. "Hope this works better than last time," he muses. Looking back at the group, he adds: "...unless one of you want to go first?"

If nobody else offers to descend first, Blink will Spider Climb down the nearest wall of the crevice slowly and carefully.


2013-05-14, 07:23 PM

Kravix looks at Blink and shakes his head vigorously, "I definitely don't want to go first this time! If you find something to stab, let me know."

2013-05-14, 07:54 PM

Sounds like its very deep. Longer than our ropes I think. In order to make it down we'd either need to do some climbing or find a good ledge part way down to use as a way station. I'm willing to go first, but i'm probably in more trouble than you if attacked in such a situation. If you're going down, you want to have a rope around you as backup?

2013-05-14, 08:38 PM

Sounds like its very deep. Longer than our ropes I think. In order to make it down we'd either need to do some climbing or find a good ledge part way down to use as a way station. I'm willing to go first, but i'm probably in more trouble than you if attacked in such a situation. If you're going down, you want to have a rope around you as backup?

The wizened soldier nods and clutches his slab of stone. "Aye," he says, "tie me on. If I shout 'Pull,' then do it. If I just shout, it probably means more acid.". He grabs the rope offerred by whichever one of his teammates offers their rope first and ties it around his waist. He tightens it and looks to the others. "Can anyone check this harness?"

[roll0] to tie on a rope, looking for anyone who wants to Aid Another. Other skills (Listen, Search, Spot) rolled in prior post.

EDIT: That's my second natural one today :smallannoyed:.

2013-05-14, 10:38 PM

Nikkel will add an extra round of knots to the harness, and connect the 2 ropes we have together (total length 350-whatever's needed for harness, unless we have more rope than i'm aware of).

Using take 10 on rope check to get a 15.

2013-05-15, 02:41 PM
The crevice is indeed bottle shaped. There is a significant overhang that will make climbing extremely hard for the uninitiated. Blink runs out of rope before he can even see the bottom. He does, however, see ledges. If his team can make it past the difficult overhang and climb left, then they can reach the first of a series of small ledges. They are only big enough to stand on, but they ripple down one end of the crevice.

So that would be two climb check, one at DC 25 (rope may add a failsafe, but no bonus for the over hang) and the other at DC 15. If the team can figure out something better than a straight up climb, then this changes of course. Once you begin the decent I'll put up the map. This is the hardest part for climb checks.

2013-05-15, 08:58 PM

Ok, from your scouting it seems like it'd be possible to make it down; but it would involve some risk. If we use a careful and thorough plan we should be able to do it safely, as long as nothing surprising happens. But if we somehow get attacked or something really odd happens we'd be in for a fatal fall. Who knows how dangerous the other path is however. So, now we should decide whether to make a plan for climbing down, or make a plan for going across. Personally, I vote for going down, it's may be a risky climb, but it should save time, and travelling off a path tends to mean fewer traps and nasty things. Also, while it would be dangerous, doing a scout all the way down with that fancy climb technique of yours may be worthwhile; otherwise we might get part way down only to find some new problem that'd stop us from going the rest of the way, and it'd be real unpleasant to find that out if we're all standing on ledges. A thought occurs to me, right now we're not exactly being silent, and nothing seems to be coming around. We could consider making a lot of noise to try to attract the attention of anything nearby now, while we're still on solid ground, rather than getting attention while we're on a climb. Though in general making noise is a bad idea, it's a thought to consider, hmmm.

2013-05-15, 09:47 PM
Snik-Snik spends a long moment pondering the chasm before addressing his comrades. Here's my idea: We'll weight one end of the rope, and then lower either Blink or me into the chasm. The scout'll teleport to the ledge, and then the party will swing the rope to him, upon when he can secure it. Then we'll have a rope to aid the climbers, which will be very helpful. After that, it's a simple matter of climbing down the ledges.

2013-05-15, 11:28 PM

Kravix looks over the edge and does a little nervous skip, "Seems like it could work."

2013-05-16, 06:27 AM
Personally, I vote for going down, it's may be a risky climb, but it should save time, and travelling off a path tends to mean fewer traps and nasty things.

"Traps, yes," Blink says coolly. "But plenty of nasty things can live in crevices. I hear you on the noise soldier; not a bad idea. Blink waits to see if any of the others disagree and, if not, joins them in making noise for a few seconds. Then, he waits. And waits.

Snik-Snik spends a long moment pondering the chasm before addressing his comrades. Here's my idea: We'll weight one end of the rope, and then lower either Blink or me into the chasm. The scout'll teleport to the ledge, and then the party will swing the rope to him, upon when he can secure it. Then we'll have a rope to aid the climbers, which will be very helpful. After that, it's a simple matter of climbing down the ledges.

"First, I scout," the older kobold says. "Anyone got any chalk?" The little kobold listens for anything coming and, once he's convinced that nothing is, scurries back to the wall of the ravine. "I'll take a peek," he says before dropping over the edge and out of sight.

He traces the same path he took to the ledges, knowing it to be safe. He marks any handholds and footholds for those unable to walk on walls, and he also fans out a bit from his beeline to be sure there's at least two safe routes in order to prevent bottlenecks if they have to come back up. As he explores, he thinks: No acid, no acid, no acid...

Listening, Spotting, and Searching all along the way. I assume my prior rolls still stand, but don't know how often one makes these checks if actively on alert for danger. Roll for me as you see fit.

2013-05-16, 12:35 PM

Sounds like a reasonable plan. I'll start knotting the ropes to make them easier to climb.

Nikkel will proceed to start knotting the ropes, taking 10 all the way.

2013-05-18, 10:22 AM
They scream, holler, and shout and then wait. The plan was to draw out any nasty creatures that may use the opportunity of their climbing to make a tasty kobold sandwich.

Blink [roll0]
Others cannot succeed..

DC 30

There is no response. After what they feel to be a reasonable waiting period they bid Blink farewell as he descends into darkness...

It is a long journey for the intrepid Blink to make alone. For the first 300 feet or it is all ledges and overhang, but then the crevice walls begin to slowly taper in, making climbing a relative breeze. At 500 feet the crevice sharply bottoms out. Blink predicts a relatively safe climb if his group can figure out a system for climbing that allows them to make it ledge to ledge consistently. The basin of the crevice is smooth and clean, but natural. Water that was a drip at the top of the crevice has accumulated into a constant drizzle. Blink can identify some of the rocks that were thrown down here. In the center is a hole, about 10 feet wide, formed by eroding limestone. The water funnels down into this hole and Blink can hear the echo of water pouring into water coming from the hole. He could continue to scout or back up to report on his progress with all haste. He has been gone a long time...

Please decide before you read the next post if possible.

2013-05-18, 11:02 AM
Kravix, Snik Snik, and Nikkel sit above twiddling their thumbs. Blink has been gone a long long time, but they all knew the crevice would be deep so they aren't that concerned. For a fleeting moment Nikkel thinks he sees a cloaked humanoid figure across the divide, but then it is gone. They feel an unnatural chill. This place is giving they the creeps and perhaps causing them to see shadows that aren't there. They feel on edge and in a place like this they sensibly draw their weapons.

MAP (http://koboldrun.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kr-blue-bpc1.jpg)

Suddenly, from up and out of the rock, a ghostly visage with tattered robes and fell presence rises and strikes at one of the kobolds!

Who happens to be standing there... [roll0]
Where 1 = Kravix, 2 = Nikkel, and 3 = Snik Snik

To hit [roll1] Flatfooted
If hit then [roll2] neg energy dmg and Fort DC 14 (you should roll - I know ability drain sucks) or [roll3] Con drain.

Nikkel [roll4] (add your imp init bonus to "misc" under initiative. I almost missed it!)
Snik Snik [roll5]
Kravix [roll6]

Wraith [roll7]

2013-05-18, 12:19 PM

(Note: I wasn't standing around twiddling my thumbs, that's not an accurate description; I was standing somewhat near the edge and occasionally looking over in case blink came backup with trouble behind him or something came in response to the noise and was intelligent and delayed its arrival. And was that attack just flatfooted, or flatfooted and touch?)

2013-05-18, 12:52 PM

(Note: (A) I wasn't standing around twiddling my thumbs, that's not an accurate description; (B)I was standing somewhat near the edge and occasionally looking over in case blink came backup with trouble behind him or something came in response to the noise and was intelligent and delayed its arrival. (C) And was that attack just flatfooted, or flatfooted and touch?)

(A) Just being factious.
(B) Does this mean you want to be positioned near the edge of the crevice?
(C)Flatfooted and touch

2013-05-18, 02:09 PM
Snik-Snik gets a bit of a wild look in his eyes at the apparition materializes. Tiamat's teeth! Oh, no, you can't do that; we need him! Snik-Snik begins whirling his spiked chain about his head, faster and faster as the madness in his eyes grows. With a shriek, he leaps forward and lashes out at the wraith twice in rapid succession.
I enter whirling frenzy and five foot step or sudden leap (depending on which little blue dot I am) ( jump check, if necessary [roll0]) into position.
Miss Chances (high I hit):

2013-05-18, 04:29 PM

Nikkel gets a chill feeling; then drops his rope as the wraith appears. It strikes at Nikkel, but he dodges it rather uncannily. He draws his rapier and strikes back at the thing.

tohit: [roll0]
damageifhit: [roll1]

2013-05-18, 06:55 PM

Kravix stares at the thing that just attacked Nikkel, then moves over to the edge and shouts down to Blink, "We're being attacked!" After that, Kravix gets out a potion and quickly downs it.

Potion of Shield of Faith: +2 deflection bonus to AC, duration 2 minutes.

2013-05-18, 08:55 PM
Blink makes his way safely down the crevice, marking out a safe route on his way down. He considers exploring the water hole, but knows that he should have his troops around for reinforcement before he does so. He turns to climb back up the crevice, following his safe route back. As he is climbing, he hears Kravix's screams and starts moving in double time. He thanks his lucky stars that he has already marked out a safe route; not only would it make smooth goings for his comrades, but it means he can scamper back up the crevice without fearing that he's going to stick his paw in another glob of acid...it wasn't an experience he cares to relive.


OOC: Blink will take double moves to scamper back up the crevice...unfortunately Dance of the Spider does not allow him to take the Run action while climbing. Please let me know how many rounds it takes for him to make it back up.

2013-05-21, 04:47 PM
Nikkel Miss chance [roll0]

Nikkel's rapier passes right through the Wraith, which lets out a scornful hiss as a reply. Fortunately, one end of Snik-Snik's chain reminds the spirit that it is not invincible. It flies up and the converges down on Snik Snik in response.

Despite the interesting description, this is functionally a charge. The description is for flavour only.

2013-05-21, 04:55 PM
Nikkel take an AoO. Rem: 50% miss chance. Lower half is miss.

[roll0] Touch. If hit 1d4 dmg and DC 14 Fort or 1d6 Con drain.

Blink won't reach them until you're back from vacation. :smallamused:

2013-05-21, 05:00 PM
Blink won't reach them until you're back from vacation. :smallamused:


In any case, an OOC question: if I use a martial maneuver like, say, Shadow Garrote:

Does miss chance for incorporeality apply?
If it does (I'm assuming it does) and I miss, the maneuver is still expended, right?

2013-05-21, 05:04 PM

In any case, an OOC question: if I use a martial maneuver like, say, Shadow Garrote:

Does miss chance for incorporeality apply?
If it does (I'm assuming it does) and I miss, the maneuver is still expended, right?

That's how I would play it. And remember, to even get that hit chance (a more accurate description) the weapon has to be magical. I would count a maneuver as adding that property if the descriptor "supernatural" were in there.

2013-05-21, 10:12 PM
Snik-Snik whips his chain around as the wraith closes, and howls in pain as it saps his life-force.
Attack: [roll0]
Miss Chance: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Note: I'm pretty sure these are the right numbers, but the server for Mythweavers is down; I'll reroll if I have to.

2013-05-21, 11:38 PM

Nikkel slashes at the creature as it goes past him toward snik-snik; He then follows after the creature and strikes at it again.
Grah! I'm not sure I have anything great for fighting this thing.
Nikkel thinks over his assorted supplies.


strike on my turn

2013-05-29, 11:15 PM
As he reels from the wraith's blow, Snik-Snik wonders for a split second whether he should continue the fight, but then the haze of blood-lust slams back down over his conscious, and he throws himself back into the fray.
Miss Chances (high I hit):