View Full Version : Complete Prayerbook for the Truly Tenacious Archivist

2013-05-07, 10:26 PM
Disclaimer: This post contains content from Pathfinder as will as 3.5, as that is the content my group plays with. furthermore, this is a work in progress. At the time of posting, I literally just have a document with an incomplete list of spell names on it.

I have found one of the rarest of things, a DM who will allow anything you can make a case for as long as you play with moderation, AND is taking us into epic levels. So of course I looked up a few Archivist (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=185.0) Handbooks (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=3545), and set to work making my very first prepared caster. I took a few cues from my friend's artificer and asked if the infinite scrollcase (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/infinite-scrollcase) could be modified to actually allow infinite scrolls. He took a gander at it, added a zero to the end of the price, and stuck the Truly Infinite Scrollcase onto the shelves of our party's go-to place for all things absurd and magical - Doc Mart (run by a robot alchemist who had gotten rich off of our rogue's malicious pilfering of land deeds.)

One of the first things I noticed is that at first glance, without the precious gem of my DM allowing me to also take the leadership feat and pick up an artificer (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5929.0) cohort as well as some other generous rule interpretations (specifically that said cohort's scrolls could be added to a prayer book/spell book simply because in the context of the campaign, artificer made more sense than warlock), this class holds little appeal. The next thing I noticed is that I was going to have to compile a spell list. Usually this is the work of a few days' spare time. This is not the case with Archivists. A few posts around the old interwebs have suggested spell lists for the most efficient use, but I'm a completionist and no list is complete enough for me. In the true spirit behind the class itself, I won't stop until my Prayerbook contains every spell I can possibly cram into it, though I will be limiting it to spells than can be verified with a quick google search (sorry crazy splatbook fans :smallfrown:). Since this is a huge undertaking, I'm putting my personal complete prayerbook on the internet for other Archivists who rolled a 100 on their d% on the DM table. I will also eventually be providing a downloadable/printable version at some point in the future.

Now the reason for this spell list being so huge is thanks to the wonderful ability that Archivists have allowing to them expand their Prayerbook to previously impossible sizes; "At any time, an archivist can also add spells found on scrolls containing divine spells to his prayerbook," as Heroes of Horror so clearly states. This means I'm including the spell lists of:

Bards (thanks to UA's Divine Bard ACF)
Adepts (NPC caster class)
Healer (from miniature's handbook)
Domain Spells
Literally anything else I can get my fingers on

and that's just to start with. if there is any cheesy way the playground can provide to add more spell lists to this already colossal++ spell list, feel free to post and let me know (but also provide citation because this is an Archive, after all :smallwink:,) and I will add it to the list.

EDIT: it seems that the DM is ruling out 3.0 content. 3.5 and Pathfinder only.

to avoid confusion I will be using similar notation to the Pathfinder spell notation as explained here. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic) I strongly urge anyone who are similarly new to how complicated magic can be (or even just spell notation!) to go read over that page.

And now for the Magnum Opus itself!
unfortunately I'm in the middle of moving, so this compendium might take some time, though I intend to update it asap and finish relatively quickly. for now, here is what I have so far:


Acid splash
School: conjuration (creation) [acid]
Cast by: inquisitor/magus 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close
Target/Effect: one missile of acid
Duration: instant
Save: none
Spell Resistance: no
With a ranged touch attack, you fire a small orb of acid at the target dealing 1d3 points of acid damage. The acid disappears after 1 round.

School: necromancy
Cast by: cleric/oracle/ inquisitor 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close
Target/Effect: one living creature
Duration: instant
Save: will negates
Spell Resistance: no
one creature below 0 hitpoints resumes bleeding out at a rate of 1 point of damage per round

School: transmutation [curse]
Cast by: inquisitor 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S, DF
Range: touch
Target/Effect: one creature touched
Duration: 1 day/level
Save: fort negates
Spell Resistance: yes
Etch an indelible rune or mark of no more than 6 characters on any exposed skin, dealing 1 point of damage. This mark can be covered or scraped away (causing 1d6 damage,) but returns if the damage is healed.

Create Water
School: conjuration (creation) [water]
Cast by: cleric/oracle/druid/inquisitor /shugenja 0, paladin 1
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S
Range: close
Target/Effect: 2 gallons of water/level
Duration: instant
Save: none
Spell Resistance: no
Conjure clear drinking water in as small an area that will contain the water, possibly creating a downpour or filling many small cups. Water disappears after 1 day if not consumed.

Dancing Lights
School: evocation [light]
Cast by: shugenja/bard 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S,
Range: medium
Target/Effect: up to four lights within a 10’ radius
Duration: 1 minute (D)
Save: none
Spell Resistance: no
You create four lights that resemble lanterns or torches (and cast the corresponding amount of light,) or four glowing spheres, or one faintly glowing vaguely humanoid shape. The lights must stay within 10’ of each other, but may otherwise move as you desire, up to 100’ per round. You may only have once instance of this spell active at a time.

School: enchantment(compulsion)[mind-affecting]
Cast by: bard/inquisitor/shugenja 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of wool or similar substance)
Range: close
Target/Effect: one humanoid creature of 4 HD or less
Duration: 1 round
Save: will negates
Spell Resistance: yes
Apply the effects of the Dazed condition to the target. Afterwards, the creature is immune to the effects of this spell for 1 minute.

Detect Crossroads
School: divination
Cast by: bard/druid 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 60’ or 1 mile (see text)
Target/Effect: quarter circle emanation
Duration: concentration up to 10 min/level (D)
Save: none
Spell Resistance: no
If your vision isn’t blocked, you can see fey crossroads within 60’, appearing as a blue x-shaped shadow on the ground and cannot be fooled by false or illusory ones. If your vision is blocked, you can still sense it’s general direction if it’s within 1 mile.

Detect Magic
School: divination
Cast by: bard/cleric/oracle/druid/inquisitor/shugenja 0
Casting Time: one standard action
Components: V, S
Range: 60’
Target/Effect: cone-shaped emanation
Duration: concentration, up to 1min/level (D)
Save: none
Spell Resistance: no
You detect magical auras depending on how long you study the area or subject.
1 round: presence or absence of magical auras.
2 rounds: number of different magical auras and the power of the most potent aura.
3 rounds: the strength and location of each aura. You may make a knowledge(arcana) skill check to determine the school of magic of each aura. If the aura emanates from an item, you may make a Spellcraft skill check to identify it’s properties.

Detect poiso1n
Disrupt undead
Enhanced diplomacy
Fleeting fame
Ghost sound
Glimpse of fear
Haunted fey aspect
Know direction
Mage hand
Minor disguise
Purify food and drink
Ram’s might
Read magic
Seeker’s chant
Summon musical instrument
Unwitting ally
Vengeful mount

Lvl 1

Abundant ammunition
Air bubble
Alter winds
Ant haul
Anticipate peril
Aspect of the falcon
Bed of Iron
Bless water
Bless weapon
Burst bonds
Burning disarm
Call animal
Calm animal
Cause Fear
Challenge evil
Charm animal
Clarion call
Cloak of shade
Compel Hostility
Comprehend languages
Cure light wounds
Curse water
Damp powder
Dancing lantern
Deadeye’s Arrow
Deadeye’s lore
Decompose corpse
Detect aberration
Detect animals or plants
Detect Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Detect Charm
Detect snares and pits
Detect the faithful
Detect undead
Diagnose disease
Disguise self
Divine Favor
Dream feast
Ear-piercing scream
Emblazon Crest
Embrace destiny
Endure elements
Enhance water
Entropic shield
Expeditions excavation
Eyes of the avoral
Faerie fire
Faith healing
Feather step
Flare burst
Forbid action
Forced Quiet
Ghostbane dirge
Glimpse of fear
Grave strike
Hairline fractures
Haze of dreams
Hex ward
Hide from animals
Hide from undead
Horn of pursuit
Hydraulic push
Ice gauntlet
Infernal healing
Inflict light wounds
Keen senses
Keep watch
Knight’s Calling
Know the enemy
Lantern light
Lead Blades
Lesser restoration
Liberating command
Lighten object
Litany of sloth
Litany of weakness
Lock gaze
Magic fang
Magic Stone
Magic Weapon
Moment of greatness
Negate Aroma
Nimbus of light
Obscuring mist
Omen of peril
Pass without trace
Persuasive goad
Produce flame
Protection from chaos/evil/good/law
Rally point
Ray of hope
Ray of sickening
Read weather
Reinforce armaments
Remove fear
Remove sickness
Restore corpse
Returning weapon
Residual tracking
Resist energy
Restore corpse
Returning weapon
Sanctify corpse
Scholar’s touch
Shield of faith
Snow shape
Speak with animals
Spiked armor
Stone fist
Summon minor ally
Summon monster I
Summon Nature’s Ally I
Summon undead I
Swift girding
Sun metal
Tactical acumen
Tap inner beauty
Tireless pursuit
Touch of jorasco
Touch of the sea
Touch of truthtelling
True strike
Unbreakable heart
Unerring weapon
Veil of positive energy
Vision of glory
Vision of heaven
Vocal Alteration
Wartrain mount
Weapons against evil
Weaken powder
Word of resolve

Lvl 2

Accelerate poison
Acestral communion
Acute senses
Admonishing ray
Align weapon
Animal aspect
Animal messenger
Animal trance
Ape walk
Arrow eruption
Arrow of law
Aspect of the bear
Aura against flame
Bear’s endurance
Bestow grace
Bestow weapon proficiency
Blessing of courage and life
Body blades
Boiling blood
Book Ward
Brow gasher
Bull’s strength
Burning gaze
Calm emotions
Compassionate ally
Campfire wall
Carry companion
Cat’s grace
Certain grip
Chameleon stride
Communal ant haul
Communal endure elements
Communal protection from chaos/evil/good/lawful
Chill metal
Communal reinforce armaments
Cure moderate wounds
Curse of ill fortune
Death Knell
Defending bone
Deific vengeance
Delay pain
Delay poison
Dread bolt
Determine depth
Disfiguring touch
Dispel ward
Divine arrow
Divine illumination
Divine insight
Divine trident
Eagle eye
Eagle’s splendor
Early judgment
Ease pain
Effortless armor
Elemental speech
Estanna’s stew
Feast of ashes
Fire trap
Fire of entanglement
Fire sneeze
Find traps
Flame blade
Flaming spear
Fog cloud
Forest friend
Fox’s cunning
Frigid touch
Frost fall
Gentle repose
Gozreh’s Trident
Gust of wind
Guiding star
Hand of divinity
Healing lorecall
Heat metal
Heroic Fortune
Hide campsite
Hold animal
Hold person
Hunter’s eye
Hunter’s lore
Inflict moderate wounds
Insignia of alarm
Instant armor
Instrument of agony
Iron silence
Lastai’s caress
Lesser animate dead
Lesser restoration
Light lance
Litany of defence
Litany of eloquence
Litany of entanglement
Litany of righteousness
Litany of warding
Locate weakness
Magic siege engine
Make whole
Mark of the outcast
Martyr’s bargain
Masterwork transformation
Natural rhythm
Owl’s wisdom
Paladin’s sacrifice
Perceive Cues
Pernicious poison
Phade’s fearsome aspect
Pilfering hand
Pox pustules
Protective penumbra
Reduce animal
Reloading hands
Remove addiction
Remove paralysis
Resist energy
Ricochet shot
Sacred bond
Scent trail
Share language
Shield other
Soften earth and stone
Soothing word
Sound burst
Spell guage
Spider climb
Spiritual weapon
Speak with plants
Spike growth
Staggering fall
Stone bones
Stone call
Stone fist
Summon monster II
Summon nature’s ally II
Summon undead II
Surmount affliction
Tar ball
Track ship
Trail of the rose
Tree shape
Undetectable alignment
Unseen crafter
Unshakeable chills
Venomous volley
Versatile weapon
Vestment of the champion
Wake of light
Warp wood
Wave of grief
Weapon of awe
Web shelter
Wilderness soldiers
Wind wall
Wood shape
Zone of truth

Lvl 3

Animate Dead
Anthropomorphic animal
Aqueous orb
Archon’s aura
Ash storm
Aspect of the stag
Badger’s ferocity
Bestow curse
Blast barrier
Blessing of the mole
Blood biography
Burst of nettles
Burst of speed
Call lightning
Chain of perdition
Channel the gift
Channel vigour
Cloak of winds
Communal delay poison
Communal resist energy
Communal share language
Communal spider climb
Continual flame
Create food and water
Create treasure map
Cup of dust
Cure serious wounds
Daybreak arrow
Deadly juggernaut
Deeper darkness
Diminish plants
Discovery torch
Dominate animal
Dispel magic
Fungal infestation
Enter image
False alibi
Fractions of heal and harm
Glyph of warding
Greater animal aspect
Greater magic fang
Greater magic weapon
Helping hand
Holy whisper
Hurricane blast
Hydraulic torrent
Ice spears
Inflict serious wounds
Invisibility purge
Ki leech
Lilly pad stride
Litany of escape
Litany of sight
Locate object
Lover’s vengeance
Mad monkeys
Magic circle against chaos/evil/good/lawful
Magic vestment
Marks of forbiddance
Mass feather step
Mass ghostbane dirge
Meld into stone
Nap stack
Nature’s exile
Neutralize poison
Obscure object
Plant growth
Pup shape
Rain of frogs
Remove blindness/deafness
Remove curse
Remove disease
Resinous skin
Sanctify armor
Sands of time
Searing light
Sheet lightning
Shifting sand
Skeleton Crew
Sky swim
Sleet storm
Speak with dead
Spit venom
Stone shape
Summon monster III
Summon nature’s ally III
Summon totem creature
Symbol of healing
Vengeful comets
Vermin shape I
Vision of hell
Water breathing
Water walk
Waters of lamashtu
Waters of maddening
Wrathful mantle

Lvl 4

Absorb toxicity
Air walk
Ancestral gift
Animal growth
Antiplant shell
Arboreal hammer
Aspect of the wolf
Aura of doom
Ball lightning
Bestow grace of the champion
Black spot
Blast barrier
Blaze of glory
Blessing of fervor
Blessing of the salamander
Blood crow strike
Bloodsworn retribution
Bloody claws
Bow spirit
Break enchantment
Cape of wasps
Command plants
Communal darkvision
Communal water walk
Commune with nature
Control summoned creature
Control water
Create holds
Crusader’s edge
Cure critical wounds
Death ward
Debilitating portent
Dimensional anchor
Discern lies
Dispel chaos/evil/good/law
Divine power
Find quarry
Fire of vengeance
Flame strike
Fleshworm infestation
Forced repentance
Forceful strike
Freedom of movement
Giant vermin
Greater infernal healing
Greater magic siege engine
Greater magic weapon
Greater named bullet
Grove of respite
Ice storm
Imbue with spell ability
Inflict critical wounds
Holy smite
Holy sword
Kiss of the first world
King’s castle
Lesser age resistance
Life bubble
Litany of thunder
Litany of vengeance
Mark of justice
Nature’s ravages
Oath of peace
Obsidian flow
Order’s wrath
Plague carrier
Planar adaptation
Planar ally lesser
Raise animal companion
Repel vermin
Resounding blow
Rest eternal
Ride the waves
River of wind
Rusting grasp
Sacrificial oath
Shadow barbs
Shield of the dawnflower
Soothe construct
Spell immunity
Spike stones
Spiritual ally
Stay the hand
Strong jaws
Summon accuser
Summon monster IV
Summon nature’s ally IV
Summoner conduit
Suppress primal magic
Symbol of healing
Symbol of revelation
Symbol of slowing
Terrain bond
Terrible remorse
Thorn body
Touch of slime
Tree stride
True form
Unholy blight
Vermin shape II
Volcanic storm
Zone of foul flames

Lvl 5

Ancestral memory
Baleful polymorph
Break enchantment
Breath of life
Call lightning storm
Communal air walk
Communal spell immunity
Communal tongues
Commune with nature
Constricting coils
Control winds
Curse of magic negation
Dispel chaos/evil/good/law
Disrupting weapon
Fickle winds
Fire snake
Flame strike
Greater command
Greater contagion
Greater forbid action
Greater magic siege engine
Ghoul army
Holy ice
Insect plague
Lesser astral projection
Major curse
Mark of justice
Mass cure light wounds
Mass heroic fortune
Mass inflict light wounds
Mass life bubble
Mass lighten object
Pillar of life
Plane shift
Raise dead
Rapid repair
Righteous might
Siphon magic
Slay living
Smite abomination
Snake staff
Spell resistance
Summon infernal host
Summon monster V
Summon nature’s ally V
Symbol of pain
Symbol of scrying
Symbol of striking
Symbol of sleep
Threefold aspect
Transmute mud to rock
Transmute rock to mud
Treasure stitching
True seeing
Undeath ward
Unholy ice
Wall of stone
Wall of fire
Wall of thorns

Lvl 6

Age resistance
Animate objects
Antilife shell
Blade barrier
Cold ice strike
Communal stoneskin
Create undead
Dust form
Eagle aerie
Find the path
Fire seeds
Greater dispel magic
Hellfire ray
Heroes’ feast
Impart mind
Iron wood
Joyful rapture
Mass bear’s endurance
Mass bull’s strength
Mass cat’s grace
Mass cure moderate wounds
Mass inflict moderate wounds
Mass owl’s wisdom
Mass planar adaptation
Move earth
Music of the spheres
Planar ally
Stone tell
Summon Monster VI
Summon nature’s ally VI
Swarm skin
Symbol of fear
Symbol of persuasion
Symbol of sealing
Tar pool
Transport via plants
Undeath to death
Wind walk
Word of recall

Lvl 7

Animate plants
Circle of clarity
Control weather
Creeping doom
Ethereal jaunt
Fire storm
Greater age resistance
Greater restoration
Greater scrying
Holy word
Jolting portent
Lesser create demiplane
Lunar veil
Mass cure serious wounds
Mass inflict serious wounds
Scouring winds
Siege of trees
Summon monster VII
Summon nature’s ally VII
Symbol of stunning
Symbol of weakness
Transmute metal into wood
True seeing
Vision of doom
Waves of ecstasy
Word of chaos

Lvl 8

Animal shapes
Antimagic field
Blood mist
Call construct
Cloak of chaos
Create demiplane
Create greater undead
Control plants
Dimensional lock
Discern location
Divine vessel
Euphoric tranquility
Finger of death
Frightful aspect
Greater nature’s ravages
Greater planar ally
Greater spell immunity
Holy aura
Mass atavism
Mass cure critical wounds
Mass inflict critical wounds
Orb of the void
Repel metal or stone
Reverse gravity
Rift of ruin
Shield of law
Summon monster VIII
Summon nature’s ally VIII
Symbol of death
Symbol of insanity
Unholy aura
Wall of lava

Lvl 9

Astral projection
Canopic conversion
Clashing rocks
Cursed earth
Elemental swarm
Energy drain
Greater communal spell immunity
Greater create demiplane
Greater siege of trees
Interplanetary teleport
Mass cure critical wounds
Mass heal
Overwhelming presence
Polar midnight
Soul bind
Storm of vengeance
Summon elder worm
Summon froghemoth
Summon monster IX
Summon nature’s ally IX
Symbol of vulnerability
True resurrection
Winds of vengeance
Wooden phalanx
World wave

Mithril Leaf
2013-05-07, 10:38 PM
Remember that if you have a divine caster making the actual scroll and an arcane caster supplying the spell, you can get any spell as divine. Also, for you consideration I'd like to recommend Hunter's Eye off the Ranger list if you can get persist up and running.

The Ravensong
2013-05-07, 10:45 PM
Check out the southern magician feat from Races of Faerun. This lets you cast divine spells as arcane and vice versa.
Depending on your DM, this may mean that someone with this feat could scribe arcane spells as divine spells.
If the answer is yes, then your potential Archivist spell list is limited only by your ability to find someone with that feat to scribe the scroll for you.

2013-05-08, 12:37 AM
that southern magic feat looks interesting. unfortunately, RAW it looks like just being able to cast it as divine looks like it would be the same as casting it maximized or some other meta-magic - the spell itself wouldn't change. just because the scroll is a maximized flame strike doesn't mean all my flame strikes will be maximized.

and unfortunately Mithril Leaf, I've looked all over the scribe scroll feat and it doesn't say anything about two people collaborating to scribe a scroll, much less a combination of divine and arcane.

keep up the suggestions though!

Mithril Leaf
2013-05-08, 12:45 AM
It's a general crafting thing, the specifics of which and rules page escapes me right now, but I'm fairly sure it's standard archivist cheese. If I'm feeling less painfully lazy in a bit and nobody beats me to it, I'll dig it up for you.

2013-05-08, 02:53 AM
Geomancers (Complete Arcane or Complete Divine, I think) can also cast arcane spells as divine - and as it's a class feature, not a feat, there's a stronger argument to be made that they can make divine scrolls of them.

2013-05-08, 10:20 AM
hmm that does sound pretty amazing. unfortunately sitting here reading through it I can't seem to see where it RAWly states that. The closest I can seem to find is the part where it says
as a 4th-level geomancer, he can cast any of his 3rd-level or lower sorcerer/wizard spells with no chance of arcane spell failure from armor, or the part where it says
If a spell requires either an arcane material component or a divine focus, he may use either.

I'm no guru of cheese, or even a qualified rules junky, so is there a rule I'm missing somewhere that says either of those means that those spells qualify as divine? because that would be fantastic!

2013-05-08, 10:27 AM
The Generic Spellcaster has access to the Sorc/Wiz list and can cast em as Divine Spells. So all ya gotta do is find one who can scribe them as scrolls and BAM.

2013-05-08, 01:21 PM
I'd actually thought about including the generic spellcaster from UA, but tbh, I don't know of any DM who would actually allow it. even for a cheese-monkey like myself, it seems a little bit too easy.

2013-05-08, 01:50 PM
Geomancers (Complete Arcane or Complete Divine, I think) can also cast arcane spells as divine - and as it's a class feature, not a feat, there's a stronger argument to be made that they can make divine scrolls of them.

Complete Divine, geometers are in Complete Arcane

2013-05-08, 02:20 PM
The thing is there is no such thing as a Divine Spell, only a spell cast by Divine Spellcaster which makes it Divine.

A hexer is a 3.0 prestige class providing the ability to add Sor/Wiz spells to its class list.

Through Psychic Reformation you can make new ones.

My Geomancer build (Wu Jen 3/Archivist 3/Geomancer 10/Incantatrix 3/Archmage 1) allows you to cast every single spell in the game (except any none-Cleric 8th Enchantments or 9th level any-clas Enchantments, meaning you miss out on Mindrape, Dominate and Mindblank, if I am honest).

Through the use of Archmage 1 ability to make one spell a SLA and the ability to cast Miracle, you can cast Miracle 2/day as an SLA. Use that to Body Outside Body as many times as you need, and between Incantatrix Persistomancy, you are a one man Team Solar.

2013-05-08, 05:43 PM
unfortunately, it seems like my first post was a bit mis-leading, looks like the DM is banning 3.0 specifically because of such things.

2013-05-08, 05:49 PM
Two characters can collaborate to make magic items (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicItemBasics.htm#prerequisites), and that's very useful for getting ahold of spells from druids, adepts, or the like (who don't often take Scribe Scroll): You cooperate with the adept to make the item, you provide the feat, the adept provides the spell, and presto, a divine scroll of Web.

But this won't help you to get wizard spells. When making a scroll, who's providing the spell determines whether it's arcane or divine. So if it's the wizard who provided the spell, you've got an arcane spell you can't use, and if you provided the spell, what did you need the wizard for?

2013-05-08, 07:53 PM
You asked for compete and didnt care how cheesy. Put it in with an asterisk if ya want.

My DM allowed it. We can play and use generic classes just like PHB classes. Hell the Generic Warrior is better than the fighter and in my opinion the Spellcaster is better than the Sorc.