View Full Version : [PF] Best paladin spells allowing saves

2013-05-08, 12:51 AM
My paladin character may, in the future, pick up a homebrew feat that adds a bonus to her spell DCs equal to her Charisma bonus when casting spells against the target of her smite. this is basically letting Charisma add to save DC twice, which is pretty awesome.

So I'm wondering what the best spells are out there for paladins in Pathfinder that allow saves.

2013-05-08, 01:39 AM
Well, off the top of my head, I'd say Compel Hostility or Challenge Evil. Normally these first level spells have very weak DCs and aren't worth casting. However, with the boost, not only do they stand a good chance of working, but when they do, the opponent then has to contend with your smite-boosted AC.

2013-05-08, 04:08 PM
W3b has it right for the first level spells. There's some that are tangentially useful, but others...well, lemme go level by level.

1st level:Compel Hostility / Knight's Calling. No question there-you can't get to the enemy? Make them come to you. Bonus points if you get the squishy necromancer to abandon his skeletons and fight you.

2nd level:Almost nothing requires a save. Fire of Entanglement can be good against maneuverable foes, though.

3rd level:If you're in a room full of ghosts, Mass Ghostbane Dirge can be a lifesaver. Archon's Aura can give things a -2 to everything until they attack you, but isn't that great.

4th level:Forceful Strike, a swift spell that can add 10d4 Force damage to an attack, is not to be underestimated. This spell is probably where you'll get the most use out of that DC boost. Stay the Hand is useful if someone really needs a save and you don't have Paladin's Sacrifice. Forced Repentance is essentially your version of Hold Person.

Hope this helps!

2013-05-08, 04:25 PM
Hmm...Forceful Strike is basically a 4th level spell that'll, on average, do 21 points or so of force damage. 10 on a Fort save. Is it really that good?

Oh yeah, what do you think of this homebrew spell that is approved by the DM? I think this could use the DC boost.

Champion of the Gods
School Transmutation [Good]
Paladin 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until Smite Evil ends

You may only cast this spell immediately after declaring a target for your Smite Evil class feature (as part of the same Swift action). When you cast this spell, choose an ability score (Strength, Constitution, etc). For the duration of your Smite Evil effect, the first successful melee attacks you make against that creature forces it to make a Will saving throw (DC 13 + your Charisma modifier) or take 1d4 points of the chosen ability damage (A successful saving throw negates the damage from that attack). Additionally, your faith protects you against the creature's dark magicks. For the duration of your Smite Evil effect, you gain SR equal to 13+your paladin level against spells and spell-like abilities cast by the target of your Smite Evil effect.