View Full Version : Grappling, Flying and Fighting

2013-05-08, 01:47 AM
So here's the scenario:
Your a Raptoran Cleric decked to the Nines with buffs. Your large sized, full BAB, huge Str score, the works. Your also high enough to have full fledged flight, and a breastplate of Maneuverability to increase your maneuverability to Good.

Now you find a baddie, lets just say its a human barbarian. You, holding your longspear in one hand, try to and successfully initiate a grapple. On the following turn, you cast the spell Updraft (Spell Compendium).

Do you:
A) Shoot upwards leaving the opponent behind?
B) Shoot upwards, carrying the opponent with you?
C) Must succeed on a grapple check in order to maintain the grapple. If successful, then B.

Assuming the answer is either B or C, once your in the air, can you do any of the follwoing:
use your flight to supercede Updraft's float down gently clause
attack the opponent who IS floating down gently
force the opponent to move faster via a bull rush (and thus override the float down gently clause)
If you can not supercede the float down gently clause, can you or the opponent attack each other (assuming the grapple holds)

And the final question: Does the opponent actually benefit from the float down gently clause, since Updraft a personal range spell?

2013-05-08, 10:51 AM
Since the Grapple rules do not allow you to cast spells with a somatic component while grappling, I assume you have a way around the somatic component as well...

2013-05-08, 11:29 AM
Since the Grapple rules do not allow you to cast spells with a somatic component while grappling, I assume you have a way around the somatic component as well...

Not particularly difficult. Still Spell is the trivial answer, I'm sure there are about a billion more obscure ways to do it too.