View Full Version : What would an Azer's living quarters look like?

2013-05-08, 02:18 PM
In a game I play in, we killed a few Azer Mercenaries who were hired by a wizard. Long story short, we found their quarters, and it was described as an orc's would be: cheap straw cots, wooden chairs and tables... For flaming dwarves. We stopped the game for about an hour trying to figure out what an Azer's living quarters would look like: what do they sleep on? What should/should not be in there?

Just thought I'd come here to see if the Playground had some ideas.

2013-05-08, 02:19 PM
Without knowing anything beyond "flaming dwarves"-
Stone furniture? Bed of coal (nice and toasty)?

2013-05-08, 02:21 PM
I'd go for fine dwarven furniture, but with no cushions. Every surface is made of stone. Azer have sort of a spartan culture, so they won't have a problem with the discomfort.

Sgt. Cookie
2013-05-08, 02:23 PM
Stone replacing wood for everything would be my first guess. It doesn't burn, it doesn't conduct and it cools relatively quickly. The actual bedding itself would probably be minimal, Azers hail from the Plane of Fire. So they're probably use to sleeping on lava or something.

The amount of actual wood would be minimal to nonexistent, even firewood would be lacking. If they need to cook food, they simply hold it. And like you said. Fire Dwarves.

So, in short, identical to ordinary living quarters, with stone replacing everything wooden.

2013-05-08, 02:26 PM
Stone or metal replacements for what would typically be wood material. As far as bedding goes, I dunno, mound of dirt or something I guess?

2013-05-08, 02:34 PM
Azers' unarmed attacks only deal 1 extra fire damage, and that's from deliberately trying to hit something. So passively, it'd be 1 damage at most. Fire does half damage to objects, so that brings it down to 0.5 passively - round down to zero. Even if you didn't round down, Wood has hardness 5 (leading to the problem of wood not actually burning in D&D).

Dark Kerman
2013-05-08, 02:41 PM
Back-issues of "Hot Magma Babes" under the pillow... er, rock.

2013-05-08, 05:23 PM
Everything is coated in Teflon. Or is made of stone, I guess that works too.

2013-05-08, 06:16 PM
The furniture may feature large amounts of brass, bronze and copper considering that they primarily wear kilts made of those materials.

2013-05-08, 06:21 PM
A pile of sand would probably make an acceptable bed.

2013-05-08, 06:23 PM
Azers' unarmed attacks only deal 1 extra fire damage, and that's from deliberately trying to hit something. So passively, it'd be 1 damage at most. Fire does half damage to objects, so that brings it down to 0.5 passively - round down to zero. Even if you didn't round down, Wood has hardness 5 (leading to the problem of wood not actually burning in D&D).

But an azer's unarmed attack damage is the damage when the azer's only in contact with their enemy for a second (Presumably they throw punches rather than try and hold their hands against people's faces) So holding something would probably do more damage as it's continuous.

Shining Wrath
2013-05-08, 06:23 PM
Like everyone said, stone. Dwarf + heat = stone furniture.
Now, do they ever have non-Azer guests? Are there any seats for the wizard who hired them?

2013-05-08, 06:33 PM
Like everyone said, stone. Dwarf + heat = stone furniture.
Now, do they ever have non-Azer guests? Are there any seats for the wizard who hired them?

The wizard just brings a bag of holding containing a sofa enchanted to resist heat, and the azer leave a space for when he visits

2013-05-09, 07:55 AM
I'd go for fine dwarven furniture, but with no cushions. Every surface is made of stone. Azer have sort of a spartan culture, so they won't have a problem with the discomfort.

Good point, we did not account for that spartan culture... Is there anywhere where the Azers' culture is detailed? That sounds quite interesting

If they need to cook food, they simply hold it.

That is such a cool mental image. "Hey, want some popcorn?"

The furniture may feature large amounts of brass, bronze and copper considering that they primarily wear kilts made of those materials.

Hmmmm, that's a pretty good point too.

Everything is coated in Teflon.

Plus they wouldn't be sticked to their bed.:smallbiggrin: Get it? Cause Teflon is what they use for... nevermind

A pile of sand would probably make an acceptable bed.

Hmmmm, much more comfy then stone. Plus, I don't think you can melt sand... can you?

But an azer's unarmed attack damage is the damage when the azer's only in contact with their enemy for a second (Presumably they throw punches rather than try and hold their hands against people's faces) So holding something would probably do more damage as it's continuous.

I'd also agree with Samalpetey.

Like everyone said, stone. Dwarf + heat = stone furniture.
Now, do they ever have non-Azer guests? Are there any seats for the wizard who hired them?

They do act as guards to this wizard and share its tower with a few other monstrous guards. However, I can't imagine members of a spartan fighter culture being "hey guys, come over to our room and let's play dice!". It'd be more like

"hey Azer, want to hang out?"
"I'm going to my room."
"Cool, let's go to your room."

There's only one chair, and its made of stone.

2013-05-09, 09:55 PM
Hmmmm, much more comfy then stone. Plus, I don't think you can melt sand... can you?
It depends on the exact makeup of the sand, but it does melt. Where do you think glass comes from?
Unless you add something to it, the melting point is a few thousand degrees. Though if they wear clothes made of brass or bronze which has a melting point around 1800F without destroying them, the sand is safe though.

2013-05-10, 05:14 PM
Minimalist stone furnishings do make the most sense.

However, it's also the least fun option.

Asbestos are naturally occurring thin fibrous crystals found in, you guessed it, mines! So if they wanted upholstered furniture, they could have it. A few minor spells to keep the fibers out of the air and in the cloth where they belong, and you've done away with the lung cancer danger that's the reason we don't use it anymore.

But one of the planar handbooks also has fire immune paper that's made from critters native to the plane of fire. So they could have books, posters, etc. Logic suggests they could have hides, blankets, whatever they wanted, so long as they brought it from home.

Heck, they could have fabric woven from their hair of their own beards, if they were so inclined, which could actually look pretty awesome (and the 2e cantrip Hairy, would be perfect for this - grows hair D4+1 inches per casting? Ok, we've got two sorcerers, so that's D4+1 feet per day between their twelve castings, so we'll have those bedsheets for you in a week at most).

2013-05-10, 05:19 PM
Minimalist stone furnishings do make the most sense.

However, it's also the least fun option.

Asbestos are naturally occurring thin fibrous crystals found in, you guessed it, mines! So if they wanted upholstered furniture, they could have it. A few minor spells to keep the fibers out of the air and in the cloth where they belong, and you've done away with the lung cancer danger that's the reason we don't use it anymore.

But one of the planar handbooks also has fire immune paper that's made from critters native to the plane of fire. So they could have books, posters, etc. Logic suggests they could have hides, blankets, whatever they wanted, so long as they brought it from home.

Heck, they could have fabric woven from their hair of their own beards, if they were so inclined, which could actually look pretty awesome (and the 2e cantrip Hairy, would be perfect for this - grows hair D4+1 inches per casting? Ok, we've got two sorcerers, so that's D4+1 feet per day between their twelve castings, so we'll have those bedsheets for you in a week at most).

Their hair is fire, which includes their beards (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG22a.jpg).

2013-05-10, 05:45 PM
Their hair is fire, which includes their beards (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/MM35_gallery/MM35_PG22a.jpg).


If it has enough cohesion to serve as hair/beard, then given this is all fantasy anyway, not not weave it into cloth?

I mean, I've already seen magic items requiring woven aether or moonlight.