View Full Version : A New Dawn for Neverwinter [Gralx's Solo Game] IC

2013-05-08, 05:00 PM
The Hawk bunched her wings and launched herself from the tall pine tree deep in the heart of Neverwinter Wood just as the first rays of dawn broke over the horizon. The sun warmed the air, giving her the first thermal of the day, with which to lock her wings, and soar ever higher. Slowly she rose, higher and higher, until her tree was all but out of sight, then as she warmed, she turned south, and beat her wings until she was flying towards the human city they called Neverwinter.

Her sharp eyes missed nothing, as the rays of light from the ever rising son, broke over the walls of the city, shining it's beauty into the buildings she saw all. She saw the courtesan entertaining her final client of the night, in one of the Moonstone Masks rooms. She saw the corpse of an unfortunate victim of the gang turf walls floating down the river. She saw two elven children skipping out of the way of a good natured Dwarvern Cartier on the Dolphin Bridge. She saw Lord Alagondar, sitting in his deeply carved wooden chair in Castle Never. The hawk saw all this and much more as it circled over the walls of the great city.

Dawn broke over Neverwinter....few new what this dawn would herald, the hawk certainly had no premonition about the day...yet it would be a day that would change the multi-verse.


Good Morning Franziska :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-08, 05:13 PM
Pulling her shawl up and over her shoulders, compiling her mirror images so they were nested inside of her body -- an altogether confusing sensation, as the mind sought a tactile confirmation and received none -- getting everything where it needed to be, Franziska prepared for the day. Garth was asleep downstairs while one of the unimportant cultists obsessed with her beauty manned the manor proper, giving the appearance of life without raising suspicions. Her feet were bare, and the cold stone of the manor's courtyard radiated through them. Each step brought jingles out of the anklets she wore, the light sound mixing with the noises of a city slowly shaking off its slumber. Night-soil men and servants of the city's health toiled away, trying to end their shifts before the streets became too full of people. It was into this general state of stirring that the clandestine succubus made her way into the heart of Neverwinter.

The roads were beautiful and well-maintained in this part of the city. She took a moment to admire the stonework, running her toes across the designs found every few yards. There was no rush today. Blackmail was a patient art, especially for one unconcerned with the tick-tocking of time.

Time, she thought to herself, envisioning the clocks of Neverwinter. An atemporal creature in a city obsessed over the tracking of time. Is this irony?

She made her way towards the nearest alchemist's shop. Garth had developed an idea -- or, he would develop it once he woke up and realized what Franziska had whispered in his brain through the night -- to get into the potion selling business himself. The writhing ochre jellies continued to produce their agony, and while the liquid pain flowed, there was always something addictive to add to the potions. It wouldn't take long before his healing potions were either the best, or subject to scrutiny by the paladins of Tyr.

Neverwinter was bizarre. A capitalist's playground, but a society that frowned on greed. She wondered whether she could flourish in such a land or not.

She also needed to determine who her five nearest neighbors were. That could happen after the visit to the alchemist's.

2013-05-08, 05:23 PM
The city becomes busier as you walk, however no-one gives you a second glance. Little people living little lives scurrying to and fro like ants in a machine. As you pass out of the more expensive side of town and into the even more crowded, and busier sections, the streets close in, becoming narrower, the houses, shops, and other buildings crowding in closer. Other than that nothing much remarkable happens until you reach your destination Mirabel's Potions, a small, unremarkable shop on the corner of two streets. Mirabel himself, a short elderly human is brushing the step of his shop with a broom as you approach.

2013-05-08, 05:28 PM
"Good morning, Mirabel!" she called out, her Common tinted with a foreign but unplaceable accent. "I hope I am not too early!"

Alchemists were a powerful breed, often unremarkable on the outside and writhing with thoughts within. Ziska concentrated her Detect Thoughts on him, attempting to glean his innermost thoughts to supplement the words he spoke.

DC 27 Will save to defeat the Detect Thoughts spell.

2013-05-08, 05:40 PM
Mirabel smiles at Franziska, "No, no, my dear." he replies, a smile on his wrinkled face, "Come away in, what is it you'll be requiring today?" taking his broom, he steps into the darkened interior of his small, and slightly pokey shop, expecting you to follow.

He leans the broom behind the door, and steps behind the counter. The shop, as always has that slightly strange smell about it, a mustiness, intermingled with various natural smells. There are small plants growing everywhere, a testament to Mirabel's gardening skills, as well as the expected large number of jars, pots, and sealed vials containing more liquid ingredients.

Detect Thoughts Result:

Int ~14

Mirabel is thinking mainly about the bright morning, there is a tinge of sadness to his thoughts as he remembers how much his now dead wife enjoyed the bright spring mornings like this one.

He is also moderately happy to see you, you however don't believe this is because of anything to do with you, he would feel the same about any regular customer.

2013-05-09, 12:38 AM
With a smile across her face, Franziska followed in behind him. "I wished to see your potion prices, Mirabel. I might have some friends coming through soon, and they would need healing draughts and antidotes. After that, I'll let you get back to the sunrise."

She continued to concentrate on the man, reading his thoughts, and at the same time she considered the options available to her. She could either attempt to have Mirabel sell the Agony-laced healing potions, or she could sell them herself. With the ability to disguise herself perfectly as any member of this mortal race, it wouldn't be too difficult to avoid inspection from the Church of Tyr or Oghma.

Once she was done in the alchemist shop, too, she could see whether the lords of the other manors were awake. Then a day of fun and fact-gathering could commence.

2013-05-09, 01:47 AM
Mirabel sighs gently, "I haven't had much business for my healing potions recently." he shakes his head, a little sadly, "Unfortunately most of them that would want such a thing buy from the stockists on the other side of the city." he shakes his head again, and you get the feeling, backed up by your supernatural knowledge of his thoughts that the old man is about to make a speech. "They blow in, these adventurers do!" the old coot begins, his voice rising in pitch as he speaks, "Straight into the east side of the city, straight to the Moonstone Mask, to drink their fill, and spend their ill-gotten coin. The only time they leave is to head to the adventurers supplies shops opposite the mask, never do they spend all that gold in these lowly streets."

He catches himself, and coughs a little embarrassed about his rant. "Anyway, my dear, I'm having to sell my healing draughts and antidotes cheaply, thirty in gold for a lighter healing draught, and forty for that which could cure some minor disease, or other ailment." he shakes his head once more, "Unfortunately I cannot afford to stock the more potent potions...I lose money on every sale as it is."

Detect Thoughts:

The anger grew swiftly, the anger of a petty retailer struggling to make ends meet, but it passed just as swiftly also.

2013-05-09, 04:15 AM
Franziska moved over to Mirabel and gave him a firm hug, pressing the elderly gentleman against herself. "This is not an insurmountable issue, Mirabel! You have the talent and the skill to make great potions, but as a businessman, you are suffering. The proximity to the Moonstone Mask, that is an opportunity for some shops, but Neverwinter is renowned for its people, and especially for their craftsmanship. I think we can turn this situation around!"

She let go of him and took a step back, placing her hands on her hips and nodding. "Do you have any assistants? Or do you do everything alone?"

Still Detecting Thoughts.

2013-05-10, 04:12 AM
Mirabel looks uncomfortable until you release him, then moves back behind the counter, subconciously trying to put something solid between you, then he shrugs, "I grow the plants, I harvest the reagents, I brew the potions and then I sell what I have. There's a couple of good lads that I send out once a week to gather ingredients in the surrounding wilds, and occasionally I'll hire a small company of adventurers to source my more...rare ingredients, but that's it really." He glances around, "It's not too big a shop, and it keeps me in food, but it's never going to make me rich!"

Detect Thoughts:

There is conflict in him when you hug him, partly their is the male reaction to a beautiful lady touching him, however this is pretty quickly dampened out by a mixture of shame, and reluctance, possibly linked to the death of his wife, although you cannot tell for sure.

2013-05-10, 04:31 AM
She tutted and looked around the shop. "No, that's where you're wrong, Mirabel. I think this shop is going to do exactly that. I have five men who are alchemists by trade, I'm sure you've met one of them -- Garth Rabbinash? He and his assistants are going to help you in this endeavor. With some proper help, you will still be able to brew your potions, if that's what you actually enjoy doing, but the tediousness won't be there. I also know some urchins, little boys who I feed and clothe. They'll wander around and sell your wares to the citizens, eradicating the placement bias inherent in the proximity to that brothel.

"That's not all, though. No, it's all becoming clear now..." Franziska smiled and leaned on the counter 'strategically.' "You've already established the shop. Raising the capital for this sort of venture, that's the hard part. Now we need a turn of fortune. If you're willing to accept my help, Mirabel, I promise you that turn of fortune." She smiled even wider.

Still detecting thoughts, and a Diplomacy roll for good measure. [roll0]

2013-05-10, 04:56 AM
Mirabel looks a little shocked...when he woke up this morning all he was thinking about was a nice quiet day in the shop...now there's this..."I...I...I'm not sure..." he stammers, and sits on a worn wooden stool behind the counter. You can see, even without your magics his thoughts whirling through his brain, before he once again looks up at you, slight signs of tears glistening in his eyes.."Why would you offer such a thing..what would you gain?"

Detect Thoughts:

He's receptive to your ideas...but a little suspicious, although this suspicion is based more on "Why would anyone put themselves out for me" rather than "Why is Franziska putting herself out for me"...

...low self-esteem stuff basically.

2013-05-10, 05:04 AM
"I'm new here, Mirabel." Franziska sighed and looked around the shop. "I am a gypsy by nature. Coming to a city, any city, for an extended period of time feels... bizarre. I wasn't raised to understand this sort of culture. But helping people? Ignore what you think you know of my people, we long to help. What will I get from helping you? Other than peace of mind? Happiness? I will show, if no one else, I will show myself that I can still do good. And in helping you, I will help young children gain job experience. They have no chance at an apprenticeship at the present... this way, at least they won't devolve into thugs and brutes." She returned her attention to him.

"Because it feels right. That's why I wish to do this."


Mmm, that constant effect glibness is nice.

2013-05-11, 06:28 AM
Mirabel seems to take a few moments to think about this, but you can sense the excitement winning over the prudence. "Damn it!" he exclaims suddenly, "You've got yourself a Partner M'lady" he thrusts his hand towards your own.


Just a stylistic point...would people refer to Franziska as Lady de Vor, or as Franziska (or other title?) ?

2013-05-11, 11:57 AM
Franziska smiled and shook his hand. "I'll have my boys come by soon. Garth can brew en masse, four potions for the price of one, so he will assist you in the process of creating potions. And I'll get my little urchins to come by and learn what they'll need to say to others. Oh! And the four big urchins, too. We will turn your fortune around, Mirabel." Letting his hand go, she blew him a kiss and moved to leave the shop.

"I'll see you again soon!" With that she began towards the manor again. There was much her little cultists needed to do before they could fulfill the bargain she had just struck with Mirabel.

She's a gypsy, so there's no title. Just Franziska, Ziska, Ms. de Vor. Eventually she'll be a lady, maybe even a Queen(!), but for the time being she isn't any of those things. Just a gypsy.

2013-05-11, 01:58 PM
Mirabel obviously is not certain what to do as you leave...his world has literally turned upside down. He follows you out with broom once more in hand, but in the very act of starting to sweep he stops, smiles to himself, and walks back inside again.

As you move back towards your manor house, you notice that the streets are really getting busy now, no longer do you see a clear passage ahead of you in these narrow streets.

As you continue moving, you feel the stealthy fingers of a something trying to lift a coin from your pocket.

2013-05-11, 03:53 PM
She looked at the fingers and used Charm Monster. "Trying to steal from a handy haversack is a very bold move, sneakthief. Perhaps your talents would be better used elsewhere?"

Charm Monster, Will DC 29. Target: the hand in her pocket.

2013-05-11, 03:56 PM
As you turn, you see a short humanoid, probably in his teenage years, standing, slightly guilty in front of you, his hand withdrawing from you as you turn. "Sorry Ms." he stammers his face downcast.

2013-05-11, 03:57 PM
She took his hand and continued walking on, tugging on his arm if he didn't come with her. "We have some food at the manor. Perhaps you can tell me more about yourself when we get there."

2013-05-14, 03:14 AM
The urchin trails along behind you...snuffling a little bit as he does so, however he doesn't speak again to you.

The rest of your trip back to the mansion is without incident.

2013-05-14, 03:16 AM
Sitting at the dinner table, a plate full of nutritious food and a crystal glass of some nourishing drink set out before him, Franziska looked into the urchin's eyes. "Are you sick, little one?"

2013-05-14, 03:22 AM
The urchin, eyes the food slightly suspiciously at first before tucking in with abandon. His eating style is uncoordinated, and fairly messy, and there are multiple times that in his haste you expect the crystal glass to shatter on the floor. However he manages to keep most things either on the table or in his mouth.

"Not sick!" he manages to mutter, between mouthfuls, "Just hungry!"

2013-05-14, 03:25 AM
"And there are others like you? Do you work with fellow children, attempting to steal your way into a day's bread?" She made a gesture, and Garth trundled back into the kitchen, opening the everful larder and retrieving another plate and goblet. He placed them on the dining room table and returned to his seat in the foyer.

"Or are you all alone? A city like Neverwinter... it is sparkling, isn't it? No one wants to admit that there are orphans, there are abusive parents, there are issues."

Detect Thoughts!

2013-05-14, 03:30 AM
The urchin thrusts himself up, this time knocking the plate and glass flying, although despite his anger his hands sneak out, and catch them both before they fall to the floor, replacing them on the table, "What you saying about my Mam!" he shouts, "She not done nuffin to me!"

His temper subsides, and he slowly drops back to the seat, a little surly now, "There's just me an' her. No-one else..no one cares." he slumps in the seat, playing with the goblet.

Detect Thoughts:

He is obviously very protective of his "mam" and his anger surged through the calming of the charm spell very quickly. It's obvious that there is hurt and rejection there...although it is mostly from life itself certainly not from the female parent

2013-05-14, 03:39 AM
"That's not true," Franziska said in a low voice, looking over at the boy through dark curls and extending a hand on the table towards him -- not in an aggressive manner, nor so close that she could touch him, but a gesture of good will. "In a city like this, it's easy to overlook the beggar boy, the sneakthief. Anyone who is down on their luck, it must be their own fault." The exotic ring in her voice hardened, and the hand on the table clenched into a fist. "They blame the criminal, not seeing that he is a victim too. They look no deeper than they must, content to sit atop a festering cesspit and calling it justice. It is the same sickness that took my caravan. Corruption. It spreads slowly from the inside, tainting the heartwood and striking the tree dead. The bark is the last to feel the venom."

She took a moment to compose herself, sighing and taking her hand from the table. "We have an extra bed or two here, and food is not an issue immediately. Why don't you invite your mother to come and stay here for a few days, perhaps? I am currently involved in a project to help a local alchemist with his business -- if you're interested, perhaps I could help you in a similar way? It is in the nature of gypsies to be helpful, and in a place like this, you can never have too much help. Ah! But where are my manners? I am Franziska de Vor. Perhaps I might know your name?"

Still Detecting Thoughts. I can roll if I need to, but I don't know what I would roll. Just ask -- or just roll if you'd like, probability isn't going to favor one of us more than the other. :smallsmile:

2013-05-14, 03:44 AM
The boy looks at her, still a little suspicious, then he murmers, his voice dropping, "Mam's sick...do you still want her in one of your nice clean beds!" his voice breaks a little as he says it.

He pauses for a moment, "I am known as Skiv." he says slowly.

Detect Thoughts:

The overriding thought is of his mother, she is obviously very ill, however inamongst his concern, there are tendrils of gratitude in his thoughts.

The name he has given you is obviously a false one.


At this point there's not much point in asking for a roll, his opposed rolls/saves, can't actually match you getting a one!

2013-05-14, 03:52 AM
"Dahn't warrah 'bout et, boyo," Garth said from the other room. "Ain't a disease ahr gahl Ziska can't figga out, an' not a cure Oy cahn't brew."

Franziska looked over at the man, an eyebrow raised. "Skiv, I will translate in case my dear friend's common was too muddled. I should be able to identify her illness, and he should be able to brew a powerful enough potion to cure her. The bed is of no concern. A life is worth far more than a simple bed." She tilted her head and looked over at Garth. "Fetch the elder boys, will you? Tell them that Skiv is going to need a little bit of help getting his mother here. Then have the stewards prepare the bedroom for her. And send the young out while you're there, have them map the city and note the wells." Garth nodded and moved off to complete his task, the familiar noise of his lumbering gait filling the mostly silent house.

"You have been mistreated, Skiv. But Auntie Ziska is going to fix everything. Your mother will be cared for, and if you want, I will take you on as an apprentice. Does that sound like something you might be interested in? Or would you rather go back to a life of petty crime, waiting until you pick the pocket of the wrong person?"

Still detecting thoughts.

I'm trying to layer double meaning into her speech, so hopefully you're getting a kick out of her words. :smallsmile:

2013-05-14, 04:03 AM
The boy, Skiv, smiles cheekily up at you, "I thought I already had picked the wrong pocket." he shrugs, some of his good humour returning, as some of the older boys enter the room, "I'll take these 'ere lads, and we'll return with Mam shortly." he shrugs again, "I ain't particularly good with my brain, but my hands are quick, not sure if you could use me as an apprentice, but I'm willing to try!"

He looks slightly puzzled, "Why do you want a map of all the wells though?"

Detect thoughts:

His suspicion has mostly faded, and some of his natural humour is returning. Although he is still sceptical that you can do what the priests cannot.


It's one of the joys of a solo campaign, that you can build some banter into dialogue, and some back and forth, without getting too concerned about other players putting their 2cp in, and ruining the flow!

2013-05-14, 04:09 AM
"In the city of Calimport, the Sultan has put a tax on all fresh water. It is rare in the desert, and therefore a valuable commodity. By placing iron grates over each well, he can force the people to pay for the privilege to drink -- or die. Neverwinter is the opposite of a desert -- were it not for the warmth of the nearby mountain, our water would be frozen. Calimshan traders come to Luskan. How long before word spreads down? How long until a noble decides that freezing the water and taxing it is a way to make a little more ill-gotten gold from the backs of the poor workers?

"I need an accurate map of the wells so that if the nobles try anything, I know which wells are the most likely to be targeted. I do not believe there is a density map of water usage currently in existence, at least not for sale. It is the sort of tool a corrupt government might wish to keep hidden." She gave the boy a smile. "I think I will attempt to train you in the art of magical devices. Perhaps you have the air of a rogue to you. But that is for the future. Go and get your mother here -- we will provide her with food, and I will attempt to determine the cause of her sickness."

More detect thoughts!

2013-05-14, 04:31 AM
The boy nods, as if he understands, although it's obvious a lot of the reasoning passes over his head. "Magical devices sounds a lot more fun than messing around with potions!" he comments, as he stands, and exits the room, the older lads in tow.

He is definately interested in the idea of using magical devices...magic fascinates him, and always has, you could tell his literal pulse quickened, when you mentioned it.

2013-05-14, 06:23 PM
"It should only take you about three minutes to brew a potion of Extended Suspend Disease," she said telepathically to Garth after the boys had left the premises. "Have one prepared. It will be better to keep her 'treated' than 'cured.' Heal or break enchantment may be necessary, depending on the origin of the disease. If it is in truth a curse? But the Heal spell can be difficult to learn. I would not be surprised if the clerics of this city are either incapable of casting it, or if they are, if they charge quite excessively for the privilege. Another something we can offer..."

Standing, she teleported down into the bowels of the mansion, looking around the workshop. A small sensor popped invisibly outside the portcullis of the mansion, feeding Franziska real-time information of who was walking near the house. There wasn't sound, but the sight was good enough for now -- it would give her time to return to the mansion proper in the event someone was visiting.

She began to draft her ideas for Mirabel down in Abyssal, outlining the new potions and the addition of an addictant to the potions for the sake of enforced repeat custom. The use of Nystal's Magic Aura would prevent most investigators from deducing the truth of the potion and its additional ingredients.

And she also wrote down her ideas for the wellstones and the New Plague of Neverwinter. It was foolish to write it all down -- she could speak undetectably to Garth -- but in the event someone came down and looked in the basement, getting through all of her defenses... they deserved to know of her plans. It made things more interesting. And it wasn't as though she couldn't lie her way out of the realization. Or change her shape. Or teleport out of danger. She had contingencies. And having her instructions penned down for Garth meant she didn't need to worry about him making a mistake.

Potions can only be of 3rd level or lower? UGH! Annoying.

Anyways, for magic items, it takes 1 day per 1,000 GP of cost to make something. A potion of extended suspend disease costs 6.25 gp, so 6.25 / 1000 * 8 (you can only spend 8 hours a day crafting magic items, so "1 day / 1000 gp" is actually 8 hours / 1000 gp) * 60 (to go from hours to minutes). That's 3. So it takes three minutes to brew such a potion. That's the math, anyways. If you want to make it so it takes at least 8 hours to brew a potion, that's entirely within your rights as a DM. RAW, it does appear it takes at least a day to make a potion.

I'll have to change my plans and make a clinic instead of a chain of boutique alchemy stores. :smallfrown:

2013-05-16, 03:31 AM
After you've worked for a little while, you are alerted to the fact that a group of people are approaching the mansion.

You immediately notice the dishevelled figure of Skiv, and of course you recognise your little helpers, there are two others however that you don't immediately know.

The first is obviously Skiv's mother, she is lying on a makeshift stretcher, and looks very unwell, however more detail would have to wait until you can examine her.

The final figure is a tall elven female, dressed in a sober, even a sombre, straight-laced outfit of grey. She has a disapproving expression on her face, and is spending her time, criticising how the lads are moving Skiv's mother. Skiv himself is rolling his eyes at her behaviour.


Maths all looks fine...boutique clinic sounds good anyway!

2013-05-16, 04:42 AM
Boutique alchemist shops are hard to make when you can't offer potions of Heal and Break Enchantment. And hooray for maths! I'll subtract the gold from my character sheet to represent Garth's brewing.

Teleporting back upstairs before the group had passed through the portcullis, Franziska awaited their entrance in the dining room. More food had been placed around the table -- she hadn't been told who all might be returning, so setting the table for a fair number seemed like the wisest decision to make. Garth had completed the potion a while ago, and he'd also drafted the information on how long it would take him to create a magical item of Heal and Break Enchantment, in the event those proved necessary. With Franziska's knowledge of nature, the arcane and spellcraft in general, a magical disease wouldn't be too hard to identify. And any natural disease would be suspended by Garth's potion.

She wondered about the elf. Elves were never particularly fun creatures to be near. Especially when they looked so... dull. Gray? Uncreative.

Detect Thoughts is running. Once they get near, she'll start picking their brains.

2013-05-16, 06:14 AM
As the group near the doorway, you see Skiv, reach for the handle, to open the door and go in, however the grey clad elven lady, snaps at him, and he, reluctantly pulls the bell pull instead.

detect thoughts

Your lads are irratated by the presence of the Elven lady
Skiv's mother is just a sea of pain
Skiv is also very irratated by the presence of the Elven Lady
The Elven lady's thoughts are VERY self-righteous, and outraged

2013-05-16, 01:34 PM
Moving to the door, she opened it and gave the delegation a smile. "Welcome back, Skiv. Boys, if you will take Skiv's mother upstairs? Garth will be around shortly--" the clunking noise of his slow pace made itself known in the foyer, and he came from around the kitchen with a crystal phial bubbling with a light green admixture, "--with the first antidote. A general cure-all. It is harmless in its own right, useful for determining the source of a disease. Sometimes they are actually enchantments, curses left over from a bygone era. If that is the case, this potion will have no effect. If it does, we can begin with various potions of cures -- and should that not work, we will move into the more powerful curative spells. But for now, if we can offer your mother any comfort in this time, Skiv, I would like to do it. May we administer the cure-all?"

Franziska turned her attention to the elf. "And perhaps you and I might get better acquainted, Miss?"

Charm Monster! Detect Thoughts is still up! Two days of potential relief in a bottle! So much is happening in this little blurb of text!

2013-05-16, 03:11 PM
Just as the boys and Skiv, are about to carry his mother in, the Elven lady throws her hand out imperiously, "Stop!" she commands, in a cold tone, "Who are you Madam...", she uses the word 'madam' like an insult, "...to be carrying off this poor sick woman!" She looks around disapprovingly at the boys, "And for what do you use...these..." she shudders, then turns back to you, "At least you seem fair, however know that I trust you not."

That's a fail on your charm monster, however detect thoughts wise:
You can sense that the Elven lady is almost...disgusted by the boys around her, and she is incredibly suspicious of you...it's your guess that she is not going to be easily satisfied.

2013-05-16, 03:43 PM
Even Franziska herself would only be able to beat the DC 29 about half the time... luckily, it's At Will and there are no components that tip people off to its being cast. Yay! Time to spam it. Another Charm Monster. And if Little Ms. Has PC Levels can see invisibility, she needs to make a DC29 fortitude save or get blinded."Oh, I'm not a madam anymore," Franziska said with a little smile. "As for my boys? I provide food, water, shelter and guidance for many youngsters. They are attracted to me for -- well, I'm sure you can guess. But they find much more when they follow me. I give them purpose. It is a better life, to be cared for in this way, than what they would have known otherwise. I do ask you not insult them again. If you wish to insult me, you may. But I am fiercely protective of my wards, and would have to ask you to leave. Hopefully it will not come to that?

"As for who I am to be attempting to care for a woman who is so sick? I am a concerned bystander with the resources to hopefully alleviate this woman's suffering. And you'll note I didn't actually carry her here -- some of my eldest wards accompanied this woman's son, who has confirmed with me that she only has him and he her, to get her. Legally, that makes him her medical proxy. I don't believe Neverwinter has changed those laws, have they? Common law indicates that next of kin is normally entitled to make medical decisions for those who are incapable of it due to unconsciousness, petrification, curses or hexes. Having her carried here from wherever she was simply an exercise of this legal right.

"I'm very fair," she continued, flipping her hair over her shoulder and smiling. "Unless you weren't referring to my physicality? Forgive me. I am vain, this is a known flaw of mine. But trust must be earned. You don't have to trust me. Skiv does, at least enough to allow me to attempt to diagnose his mother. If it will make you feel better, I will taste the potion myself before administering it to Skiv's mother, to prove it is not poisonous. Or perhaps you would care to? After me, perhaps? We'd have to have small sips or else there wouldn't be enough for a dose for Skiv's mother, but I am open to the idea. Garth's medicine is renown for its efficacy, and I have no doubt it will truly do no harm.

"But time is of the essence, Miss, and I won't let this woman suffer in this state if I can help it. Boys, take her to her room, please. Garth, if you will fetch my magnifying glass? And in case Skiv didn't introduce me on the way, Miss, my name is Franziska de Vor." She smiled again and followed after the boys.

Detect thoughts, and to reiterate, another Charm Monster. She might be immune to Enchantment spells -- it's certainly possible. But it costs me nothing to maintain detect thoughts and to attempt to Charm her, so I see no reason not to try!

2013-05-18, 08:38 AM
"My name is Derida and I am the high priestess of Ogg!" the Elven lady announces, although by her tone of voice she sounds like she'd much rather denounce something.

"I do not care about your appearance vain creature, I meant that you seem fair, as you are one of Ogg's chosen, however I know that evil lies beneath!"

She continues in much the same way, although you get the impression that she's preaching as opposed to having a conversation with you, "I can not allow you to take a woman, however ill, and however fair your motives, into a place so filled with..." she almost shudders, "...males!" the hatred in her voice is thick, "It is bad enough that this fair member of Ogg's chosen should be ill, it is even worse that she should have to suffer the indignity of having that greatest of curses a son, do not make her sin worse by surrounding her with males like this!"

She takes a breath, you're surprised she's managed this long without one, "And as for legal rights, they matter not to the servants of Ogg, what price our legal rights when compared to our moral rights!" she draws herself up and finally falls silent.

That's another fail on the charm monster, Oh and spam it all you want as Little Miss PC levels can wait all day :smallbiggrin:

Detect Thoughts:
She is incredibly aloof, and very forthright in her opinions, you couldn't change her mind with a crowbar. She also knows, just as strongly as she knows that the sky is blue, that you are evil. However this doesn't concern her as much as you think it should/would


Don't bother trying to look up Ogg, it's a homebrew deity, that gets added (As does various interpretations of Miss Derida) she's very much a bit part character, and a very bit part deity but the combo adds some colour to the world.

2013-05-19, 04:07 PM
Franziska watched as her boys carried Skiv's mother away. "It would seem you have failed to prevent me from attempting to help someone. More's the pity, I suppose." She turned and focused her full attention on the elf. "Now you, you pathetic little inbred, you can take your insignificant point of view out of my house immediately. You may not put a premium on legal rights, but this city does -- and you are now trespassing. If you do not leave on your own, I will fetch the police and press charges."

Detect Good. Still sustaining Detect Thoughts.

2013-05-21, 05:48 AM
The Elf draws herself up to her full height, "Revisionist!" she says in a tone of voice that leaves you in no doubt of her disgust. Then turning she strides away from your mansion, tossing over her shoulder, "This is not the last you will hear from the might of Ogg madam!"


Urggh sorry, been a busy weekend of work!

Detect Thoughts

Firstly she pings as a moderate aura on Detect Good.

Secondly: She is quite disgusted, and you can tell she is formulating a plan, what this is you do not know

2013-05-24, 11:50 AM
I know the feeling. People wanting to say hello all of a sudden. It's like I've been out of the state for a few months or something! Weirdos.

The woman had made a tactical error. Franziska closed and locked the front door before heading to where Skiv's mother was. Garth handed her an item before slinking back into the shadows -- a small magnifying glass. Ziska smiled and approached the mother.

"I understand you're in a great deal of pain, madame. I'm going to attempt to identify the cause. Once I've given you a quick examination, I'm going to administer a general cure-all, and hopefully you will begin to feel better." Smiling, Franziska began to work, quickly glancing at the woman's body through the magnifying glass and attempting to ascertain what the cause of her ailment was.

[roll0] for heal. The Magnifying Glass has Owl's Wisdom applied to it, as well as Skill Enhancement (both artificer infusions). Thus why she has any heal skill to speak of. I'm also maintaining Detect Thoughts.

2013-05-27, 03:54 AM
The lady doesn't respond, but just sits there listlessly. A quick examination reveals nothing much wrong with most of her body, although she does look tired and weak. however there is large lump growing on the side of her head, that looks very unpleasant. And while your ministrations are expert, you do not appear able to change her condition with such mundane means.

detect thoughts

Her brain is a mass of pain, and she's not really thinking clearly, it's most likely she doesn't even recognise where she is, or what's happening.

2013-05-30, 06:47 AM
Franziska sighed and handed Garth the magnifying glass, gesturing for him to hand her the phial of Extended Suspend Disease. "Skiv, your mother is suffering from a disease that has... frankly, it has a lot of possible symptoms. It's called warp touch, and it's caused by interaction with chaos in its purest form. I'm not sure how your mother got in contact with such a substance, but that's what caused her injury."

Moving to the woman's side, Franziska knelt down and uncorked the phial, holding it to her mouth and allowing the magical potion to slide into her throat.

"This potion isn't strong enough to cure her injury entirely. It should provide relief, allowing her to rest easily and interact with you, but until I can find a proper cure, she will have to take this potion in every day or two. I'm not surprised the clerics of this town couldn't protect her from the ravages of the warp touch -- it is a difficult malady to rid oneself of. Their magic must be remarkably weak, though... it's not impossible to cure. Just another example of Neverwinter not caring." She pushed her hair out of her face and turned to look at Skiv.

"We should see immediate effects. I don't believe the magic in that potion could cause any adverse affects, but Garth and I are prepared to help her in the event something goes wrong -- warp touch is a tricky illness."

Presuming nothing went wrong, Ziska would continue on.

"That priestess is going to be a problem. She's a fanatic, clearly not able to cure warp touch with her magic, but there're many terrible things that can come from someone devoted to a religion so blindly that they'll allow a woman to continue suffering simply to prevent her proximity to men. That said, I'll have some of my girls come up and tend to your mother -- if that lunatic does return, there's no reason to enrage her further.

"Garth, if you'll send some of our more advanced students down to Mirabel's shop, and then see yourself down there as well. I would like to rejuvenate his shop, and reducing the overhead is a good first step. Have some of the young ones take samples out and hawk his wares once they're done with the current task I've set them on. Make sure Mirabel understands that you're the help I promised -- I don't wish the old man any confusion due to a miscommunication."

Leaving the room, Franziska headed into the library and searched for a book on the shelf. "Skiv!" she called out, presuming he hadn't followed her. "This is a primer on the use of magical devices. I would like to begin your training soon, and reading through the first few chapters of this book will be a good starting place."

Maintaining Detect Thoughts. Have I unlocked one of my revenue streams with Mirabel's shop? There are several revenue streams I need to 'quest' to unlock, but I'm unsure how you intend to do that with me. Unless Mirabel's can cover all of the revenue streams? :smallbiggrin: I had imagined blackmailing the lords of Neverwinter, but that seems like a little more of an adult option than we may be comfortable with.

2013-06-04, 03:44 AM
As you pour the vial of liquid down the lady's throat, she stiffens, but then immediately relaxes, and with both your medical knowledge, and magical prowess you detect that some of the pain has eased, if not the discomfort, or the weakness.

Skiv shrugs as you turn to talk to him, some of his nerves about his mother easing, as he sees her resting more comfortably. "She was always hanging around, poking her nose in. I tried to stop her, but she's very insistent." It is obvious that he bears little to no love for the priestess.

When he hears that you have some girls, he continues, a little glint in his eye, "I didn't know you had girls here as well?"

Garth nods as you give him his instructions then heads out to collect what he needs, and travel to Mirabel's shop.


As you hand Skiv the book, he looks a bit uneasily at you, and you can tell he's not sure how to proceed. He doesn't say anything however, but takes the book and opens it to what he believes is the first page. However you notice he is holding the book upside down.

On detect thoughts, I'm assuming you're going to keep it up full time, so If it's alright with you, I'll try and put the detect thoughts stuff in the main post as I've done here, to make it a little easier, then you don't have to remember to remind me that you're detecting thoughts!

You have certainly opened one revenue stream with Mirabel, but he likely cannot supply all the revenue streams (at least not until any of your major plans comes to fruition, and even then he'd struggle.)

As to possible sources, the local nobles, could provide many opportunites for quest related revenue streams certainly (see spoiler below).

It may also be worth your time to see if you can pay a visit to any of the major temples, or even Lord Nasher himself.

As for the "more adult option" I'm happy to go towards those sorts of things, as long as we don't get into too much detail. Sex, and sexually blackmail are part of any world, whether liked or not, or called out or not, it doesn't mean we have to go into too much detail.

Basically this isn't FATAL, and as long as it doesn't start to sound like FATAL, and as long as it's board appropriate I'm fine.

2013-06-04, 03:51 AM
Ziska moved over behind Skiv and rubbed his shoulders. "Rule one, apprentice. Never be afraid to be confused. You have trouble reading. That's nothing to be ashamed of. If anyone should be saddened, it is Lord Nasher, not you. When my people are young, our elders teach us the basics, before we meet with a master and learn our craft. There is no such system here for your young. But don't worry. Never get discouraged." Patting him on the head, she reached over and plucked the book from his hands. "As for the girls... I do not discriminate in my adoptions, and people rarely discriminate against beauty. I even have nonhumans. It's all about who I can help."

She tapped her chin for a moment. "I'll have one of them tutor you in reading. That way, you get to see a pretty face while you learn. Would that be acceptable?"

2013-06-04, 04:22 AM
The look on the teenage boy's face answers your question before his words do, "That...that would be fine Ma'am." he stammers out, his thoughts a maelstrom of all kinds of interesting...and interesting things.

2013-06-04, 04:41 AM
Ziska smiled and patted him on the shoulder, going back downstairs and heading into the kitchen. She reached out telepathically for Adelaide, one of the girls downstairs, to come up and teach Skiv.

She considered her next move.

Is there a directory, or a list of who's who? Burke's/Twurp's Peerage or anything like that?

2013-06-11, 10:21 AM
With her mind racing through the possibilities, Franziska reached out telepathically to Adelaide again, telling her not to let anyone into the house who didn't already live there. Then she turned to view the whole of the kitchen, her true sight sweeping the well-lit room in order to view any invisible or ethereal companions of her own -- or any magical scrying sensors. Were there none, she would shift herself into the ethereal plane and move toward Lady Nalia Elesse's house. With her husband gone protecting Lord Nasher at nearly every moment, the wife would undoubtedly be a bit lonely -- and who knew what secrets might lurk within the Elesse manor?

If she could find anything pertaining to the Nine, any secret information inside of a wall safe, or a scroll in the highest, windowless tower, anything like that, she could use it as leverage against the Elesse family. As for the wife herself, Franziska would listen to her as best she could using Clairaudience, following Lady Nalia for the day while she was in the house. Hearing her thoughts, both spoken and otherwise, Ziska could glean whether the Elesse marriage was still as strong as the protection of Nasher. Once she knew if there was a weak point, she could begin the seduction. And with her ability to whisper into the minds of mortals...

Franziska teleported to the Elesse house to begin her search and listening procedure. While ethereal, she let the mirror images out, creating a swarm of succubi to those who could see into the ethereal plane and beyond the magical mask she wore, and a swarm of ethereal filchers to those who could see into the ethereal plane but not farther. No point in frightening the local witches and wizards, after all. Not yet.

She also considered how Skiv's mother might have gotten the Warp Touch. It was a potent disease.

[roll0] for Spot in the kitchen.

Taking 20 on searching the whole house. Also, liberal use of the Clairvoyance/Clairaudience spell, trying to follow the good Lady around her house with the sensors. Whenever she's within 60 feet of me, I'd like to read her thoughts.

When ethereal, you're invisible and soundless, so unless someone can see into that plane, she should be set. And she's shifting her image into something known for existing on the ethereal plane and for stealing things, so I don't think there should be too much risk of being caught. She would need to be up against someone with True Sight before she could be seen through the Change Shape visage. Of course, that person would then have to make a high save or be blinded permanently, but c'est la vie.

I'll have to incorporate the Invisible Fog trick soon. Can't have that nutty priest spreading the word that I'm actually a succubus. I presume she had True Sight, although that means she's a higher level than I am, or that she's an artificer. Or loaded with cash. No matter what, she's a threat. After Elesse, I'll see to the priestess.

2013-06-13, 03:58 AM
Franziska detects nothing unusual, either in the ethereal plane, or any kind of survelience magic in her own kitchen, it appears that there is no-one watching her currently.

The Elesse mansion is not large, in fact it would more correctly be called a large house, than a mansion, has the feel of a part-time residence, a house for the family when based in the city, whereas their larger, more opulent residence would be found a little way out of the city, nevertheless while the adornments, and fixtures inside the house are well-made, and in beautiful condition, they are also old, speaking in words loud of a long tradition in this noble family.

There are a couple of members of the Neverwinter Watch on guard outside the main entrance. The house is fairly simply laid out, with a main passage leading from the entrance to the wide staircase. As Franziska drifts ethereally, through the house she notes the sizeable kitchen, complete with grumbling cook, as well as a simple, but elegant drawing room, library, and dining area. Upstairs there are three large, beautifully decorated bedrooms, the largest being the master, although to your practiced eye, you are unsure that the master bed has been slept in recently.

Lady Nalia herself is in the library as you arrive, reading. She is obviously a human native of the far north. Tall,and slim, one might say willowy, in fact, with pale alabastar skin, and long very light blonde hair. She is probably in her early twenties, and attractive, if not classically so. She also looks incredibly bored, not with the book she is reading, but instead with life in general. The book she clasps in her hand, and is studying is entitled "Mysteries of the Fae"

There is nothing particularly unusual, or interesting about the rest of the house, there is a small safe in the master bedroom, with a sizeable amount of gold, and gems, but no papers.

You spend most of the day observing Lady Nalia, and detecting her thoughts. Other than natural bodily functions, and a brief break, to disinterestedly eat some lunch, she doesn't move from the library, her eyes locked to her book. She hardly speaks, except to thank the cook for preparing the lunch, she's obviously unused to servants, and is uneasy with command. It appears that she is fascinated by the Fae, and many of the legends and concepts surrounding them. A good part of her time is spent in a half fantasy of meeting such creatures, although the mental images she has formed of them, are incomplete, and more akin to the imagination of child like wonder, than adult comprehension. Her thoughts turn often to her husband, and here her thoughts and emotions are confused. She loves him very much, and is still a little over-awed that such a wonderful, powerful, and influential man, would pluck her from her home in the north, that he would choose her over all the other beautiful maidens that he must have met. However despite this, she is unhappy, that she rarely sees her husband, that she knows no-one in this strange, warm city. This lonelyness manifests occasionally as you observe as anger at her husband, which is then very quickly replaced by a deep sense of shame and remorse.

Well that gives a flavour of Lady Nalia and her situation. You're fairly safe at the moment, in that no-one really knows you, and especially doesn't deem you a threat. It's unlikely that you would be observed currently. Although the priestess (who is legitimately nuts) could make some trouble!

2013-06-16, 12:51 PM
The gems were an interesting find, and one Franziska considered deeply. While stealing them would bolster her funds -- she certainly had overspread herself this month, hadn't she? -- it would be difficult to rid herself of them without some sort of scandal. Still, she could change her shape and teleport at a moment's notice, so there wasn't too great a risk. She tucked the location of the gems into her mind and focused at the task at hand: specifically, the woman at hand.

The loneliness was the avenue in. While Nalia loved her husband, she longed for true connection with someone here. And she was secretly angry at the man she loved, for he abandoned her here. Such a tasty little thing, too... Franziska would contrive a reason to meet with the Lady later on, as 'herself.' Having such a woman as a friend would be a benefit. And she was already collecting strays... which could work in Ziska's favor. Judging by the discomfort Nalia expressed when she was dealing with the servants, it was obvious the woman hadn't come for too rich a background. This new life would be quite something, and having a 'charitable' person might ring true in Nalia's mind. The art of deception was based on finding what someone expected and becoming it.

The anger at her husband would undoubtedly be something she could nurture. Franziska noted how many doors there were to the library, and put a clairvoyance sensor outside the one the most people had been coming from. She also readied herself to cast celerity if any of the doors were opened -- she would fade into the ethereal plane at a moment's notice.

Ziska considered the plan. She would disguise herself as a satyr, taking on the face of Nalia's husband. She would seduce the woman, and whenever anyone would enter the room, Ziska would disappear. Nalia would think herself either going mad or indulging in boredom-induced imagination-fueled hallucination, if those two things weren't the same. Once she was sure that the satyr was indeed just an imagination, her inhibitions would slip subtly. From there, Ziska -- as the satyr -- could make use of Suggestions, slowly chipping away at what Nalia would do when in the satyr's company. After a week or so, they would find themselves in a compromising situation... one Nalia would undoubtedly pay a monthly tithe to keep quiet.

Once Ziska knew what she wanted to of Nalia's inner thoughts, then her 'friendship' as Franziska to Nalia instead of as the Satyr to Nalia would be able to begin. The corruption of Nalia would be delectable, and if the sex was good, Ziska saw no reason to give that up entirely.

She would also use her telepathy to whisper into Nalia's mind as the woman slept. While there were certain mages who could truly invade the minds of the sleeping, Ziska was only able to use the unrefined whispers of the awakened. An unfortunate situation, but there was still damage to be done with simple telepathy. And the ability to shift form was also something quite useful... as Nalia slept, Franziska could take on the shape of a monster, materialize in the Material Plane, roar telepathically, then wait for her to scream for the guards. Disappear into the Ethereal Plane, wait for guards to arrive, observe Nalia's reaction once her monster was declared a hallucination or nightmare.

The gnomes had a delightful term for this sort of psychological damage. What was it-- ah yes, 'gaslighting.'

Nesting her mirror images again, taking on the shape of the husband-faced satyr, Franziska reached out telepathically to Lady Elisse, murmuring in the woman's mind. She was still on the Ethereal Plane, but there needed to be contact first, whispers in the corner of Nalia's ear. She had to observe how receptive the woman might be.

You could always know me, Nalia... you read of me, every day. You see me, it you only knew where to look... wouldn't that be nice, Nalia? Don't you want a friend in this beautiful house? One that won't look at you funny, or make remarks behind their hands, but just a true... happy... devoted... friend?

Not sure if that's diplomacy or bluff. I'll roll both.

[roll0] for bluff and [roll1] for diplomacy. Really though, Franziska is just worming into Nalia's mind. The change in text indicates a different mental voice, if that makes sense. She's taken on a different form, after all.

2013-06-16, 04:42 PM
Nalia, starts, and almost drops her book, at hearing the voice. She glances around, as if wondering if someone is playing a trick on her, then stands and hunts round the room. Finally after a bit of searching she shakes her head, and resumes her seat, and begins to read again.

2013-06-16, 04:44 PM
Franziska is still Detecting Thoughts.

It is a big library. You search all the places you think someone might hide... but never did you look in front of you. What is it you are reading, little Nalia?

2013-06-16, 04:50 PM
Nalia begins to look a little distressed, her thoughts fluctuating between the typical "I'm hearing voices am I going insane?" to more fear based reactions. She puts her book down again, and pulls a bell pull, obviously designed to summon a servant.

A few minutes later the cook arrives in the room, puffing a little, Nalia instructs her, although requests is probably a better word, to "Tell the servants they have the afternoon off, would you please, I'm feeling tired, and I wish to rest."

The cook nods, rather perfuntorily, and then leaves the room again. Nalia takes a long deep breath, and slowly picks up her book again.

A few minutes later, and you hear the main door bang shut.

2013-06-16, 04:51 PM
Still 'dressed' as the husband-faced satyr, Franziska transitioned into the Material Plane. She still spoke telepathically, however. No point in even the chance of someone overhearing.

Good afternoon, Lady Nalia. I hope I have not come at a bad time?

2013-06-16, 04:55 PM
This time the book bounces as it flies to the floor, "Het?" she queries in a shocked voice before realizing her mistake, "You're not Het!" she exclaims, backing away until she's pressed against the bookcase, "Why do you look like my husband?" she asks in a slightly awed voice, before recovering a little poise, "I can have guards in here in seconds, and my husband is a member of the Nine!" she threatens!

Her thoughts swirl, the initial attraction reaction to her husband's face, is quickly followed and consumed by confusion, then fear, although through it all there is a sense of wonder.

2013-06-16, 06:41 PM
It is an unfortunate curse of my people. We were banished from Arcadia, and we take on the faces of those our viewers love... a curse of our hubris.

Franziska put a hand to Het's face as it contorted into a picture of terrible pain. It is not by choice, Lady Nalia! I simply wish to have a friend in this fallen world! I will cover my face, so you might not find me grotesque!

2013-06-17, 07:18 AM
Lady Nalia, still breathing erratically, says, "Arc...Arcadia?"

She steadies her nerves, and takes a step forward, "No...don't...don't cover your face...it just...was a surprise."

"What are you doing here?" she asks, her interest, and curiousity getting the better of her.


I'm actually making a number of checks, usually she/anyone else would be much more scared than she is, however your "force of personality" is really winning her over, part of her confusion, is she doens't understand why she isn't more scared/angry

2013-06-17, 03:00 PM
Lowering her (his?) hands, Franziska looked mournfully at Nalia. I was alone, drifting through the pages, searching for a friend... and then you started to read of me, of us, and your imagination was the portal to my return. I am indebted to you, Lady Nalia, for you have freed me from a fallen hell. This Purgatory is made all the more bearable by your beautiful face and your kind heart.

Ziska turned and looked at the library, emitting a psychic sigh. I would have been trapped, in a thousand, thousand libraries. If it weren't for you... how can I ever repay you?

2013-06-17, 04:11 PM
The lady sighs deeply, her thoughts still a little conflicted, but at least her fear is lessening all the time. She sits back on the seat, and glances at the book, "You're not quite how I imagined." she muttered, almost under her breath.

"Is there something special about this book that you were trapped within?" she asks

2013-06-18, 07:56 AM
Only it's reader, the Satyr's telepathy said softly. I swam through the libraries of this world, and of every other world beneath Arcadia's roots. That book, copies of it, exist in many places. But no other reader was willing to see me. No one else felt the pain.

Ziska looked up at her, smiling her husband's smile. You have given me a lifetime of happiness in the moments that you've spoken with me. I will leave, if you wish... I do not wish to overstay my welcome. You have been kind to me, Lady Nalia, kinder than I thought possible for a fallen creature such as I. For that, I am grateful. I only wish I could return the favor.

2013-06-19, 04:38 PM
Nalia breathes in deeply, and replies to her visitor, "If...if you go, will you return?"

She pauses, and continues, "I'd like you to return...maybe at the same time tomorrow?" she asks, her heart, and mind tremoring as she speaks.

2013-06-19, 05:24 PM
Franziska peered into the woman's mind first, determining whether Nalia was attempting to prepare a trap. Regardless, she replied, So long as there is goodness in your heart, and imagination within your clever brain, you will always have access to me, Lady Nalia. I long to be your friend.

2013-06-20, 12:52 PM
While you do not believe Nalia is setting a trap, to catch you, you get the sense that she may be planning something to understand you better. "I...I thank-you." she pauses, "I do not believe you've told me your name?" she asks.


There is no malicious intent in what Nalia is planning, it is more along the lines of protecting herself. She believes what you say, and thinks you are her friend, or at least could be, however she is wary, and she doesn't know why.

2013-06-20, 02:50 PM
With a smile, Ziska slowly began to fade into the ethereal realm. It has been so long since someone has asked me... I am Nelros. And then she disappeared completely.

2013-06-23, 09:27 AM
Nadia exhales slowly as Franziska fades away, then for the next few minutes she sits, hugging her knees obviously unsure of what will happen next.


Sorry thought I'd posted:

Detect thoughts: she's very unsure of what's going on, while you were here, she felt very comfortable with you, and enjoyed your company, now you're gone, she's a little more concerned about what happened. You get the sense that small doses of your presence is better than staying too long at the moment.

I'm not sure whether you're going to stick around incorporeal or not for a while, let me know and I can do a longer post for Nalia if necessary.

2013-06-26, 02:08 AM
Franziska quickly heads back over to her own mansion, reappearing, back in the room that she originally left. Skiv, is busying himself learning, although it appears to your eye, his concentration is much more focused on his pretty teacher than on the book in front of him. However it appears Adelaide isn't just a pretty face, and as you watch, still in the ethereal realm, she tests Skiv, time and time again on the things that he is studying.


Communication is a wonderful thing!

If you want to post, and detail any interactions you want to do back at your mansion, and if you 'port back to watch Nalia, I'll then post that stuff!

2013-06-26, 02:17 AM
Ziska teleported to Garth's location, checking in on that enterprise and delivering a message for him to collate the data the children had gathered on the wells of Neverwinter into a single population-density map, she returned to Nalia's house, intent on watching the woman and see what she did -- and to read her thoughts!

2013-06-26, 02:31 AM
Garth had been making progress. He had met with Mirabel, and they had defined the terms of their arrangement formally. Garth had then left, leaving a few apprentices to start work.

As the reports came in from the children, Garth started, and is continuing as you blip in to see him, to build some statistics about Neverwinter.

You Blip back to Nalia's house, just as evening begins to fall, and just in time to see a tall, dark haired man, in full plate armour arrive at the house. The guards suddenly look a lot more officious, and alert, as he walks by them into the house.

You manage to slip into position to observe as Lord Het ELesse, greets his wife. His oft-stern face splits into a wide smile, as he catches her up, and embraces her tightly. His thoughts are full of joy that he gets some respite from his duties to spend time with his wife. For her part she greets him just as enthusiastically, at least on the outside. Internally her thoughts are a little fearful, unsure how he will react to the fact that she sent the servants away for the day.

"So my Love," Het speaks, after their prolonged greeting, "I pray your day has been contented?"
Nalia smiles a shy smile, and responds, "Yes My Lord," she pauses, and looks down, "Although I have been lonely again."
Lord Het's eyes mist, and his strong jaw line tightens as he steps forward once more, and takes his young brides hand, "I know my love, my duty is clear, I am as a servant to Lord Nasher." he tails off, looking at Nalia, "However my duty as a husband should not be treated lightly either." He sits in a comfortable chair, and motions his wife into one also, "I have been thinking about the possibility of moving the rest of your family into Neverwinter." he says as he casually reaches for the bell that will summon a servant and tugs on it lightly.

2013-06-26, 02:45 AM
Franziska noted that one of the Nine left Lord Nasher around this time of evening. She also watched the interaction, waiting to hear what the servant said and to read the minds of all those in the room. Having her family in Neverwinter would allow for a series of terrible tragedies to befall the Lady Nalia... things she might be willing to pay to keep from happening? A different plot altogether. And Ziska wasn't quite ready to abort the current plan.

2013-06-27, 04:43 AM
No servant appeared to answer Lord Het's summons, and his face twisted in puzzlement. Nalia, shifted in her seat, her nerves clear to you, as she realised she had no rational excuse as to why the servants had been sent home for the afternoon, and not yet returned.

Lord Het's puzzlement turns to a scowl of anger, as he tugs on the cord one more time, then rises, "Where are they!" he demands, speaking more to himself than to Nalia. For her part she just shrinks down into the chair, desperatly seeking an excuse.

2013-06-27, 04:44 AM
Franziska took the shape of one of the servants she had seen that day and materialized in the material plane, knocking on the door.

2013-06-28, 05:45 AM
"At last." Het growls, "Get in here!" he says a little louder, as Nalia's eyes go wide with shock.

As the door open and the 'servant' walks in, Het's anger subsides, "Dinner for me and my wife." he preemptorily commands.

2013-06-28, 05:55 AM
"As ye say, yer lahrdship," the servant said, bowing before the Lord and Lady of the house. After closing the door, Franziska placed a clairaudience sensor in the room and left for the kitchen, whereupon she became ethereal, teleported to her own house, made sure no one was there, obtained food and wine, and returned to the proper manor.

Placing the dinner on a cart, the servant pushed it back to the location of the Lord and Lady.

"Fer the lahrd an' lady, yer lahrdship," he said, bowing again before retreating to the door.

2013-06-28, 06:05 AM
The couple exchange some small talk while you are away, but nothing of consequence. And the talk continues over dinner, Het doing most of it, although nothing he is talking about is that important or even interesting. Nalia mostly just nods and agrees with him, although her thoughts are locked onto the fact that she knows the servants weren't going to return until later this evening, so who had delivered the meal.

The main door opens and then closes again, you all hear it. Het finally breaks his monlogue long enough to ask, "Who would be entering now?"

2013-06-28, 06:07 AM
Franziska wondered the same thing, slipping out of the room to determine who it might be.

2013-07-02, 06:54 AM
As Franziska glances down the stairs she sees the servant that she's impersonating re-enter the house, and bustle off towards the kitchen, obviously intending to get her Lord and Lady their meal

2013-07-02, 07:17 AM
Franziska changed her shape and moved downstairs, casting Suggestion on the servant. Your friend has already brought the food to the Lord and Lady. Why not go report that no one was at the door?

2013-07-05, 02:48 AM
The servant blinks a couple of times, then shakes her head as if to clear it, then sighs, "Of course she's already prepared it?" she grins at you, "Lose my own head if it weren't screwed on!" She bustles past you heading on up the stairs, and knocking at the door the Lord and Lady are behind. You move back to your former watchful position, just as you hear her say, "Sorry My Lord, there was no-one actually at the door, it was just me, checking outside."

The lie is obviously quite transparent, however the fervour with which she says it seems to convince Lord Het. Lady Nalia however seems a little unsure, and still quite nervous.

2013-07-05, 02:55 AM
Franziska returned upstairs to ethereally watch the performance, probing the minds of the Lord and Lady. She dropped a Clairaudience sensor and floated to the bedroom in order to pluck the gems and gold from all the safes she could. A little thievery did wonders for having the staff fired... and if she could have her own men brought in to the manor...

2013-07-09, 03:45 AM

Sorry I've attempted to write four posts now in response over the last couple of days and had mental block every time...here's try five!

The bedroom is empty as you float on in, the safe, is located under the bed, in fact it is built into the framework of the bed. It is fairly solidly constructed, which of course doesn't mean anything to those that are ethereal as they can look straight though it.

The house itself is becoming more and more quiet, as night falls properly, and the servants are either getting ready to leave, or settling down for the night, you believe it's only a matter of time before the Lord and Lady head to bed, this is reinforced by the sensations of tiredness, especially from Lord Het.

2013-07-09, 06:51 AM
How much gold / value of the gems? :smallbiggrin:

I'm really sorry about this section, though. It wasn't what I had intended at all -- I'm really enjoying it, but so much of it is just espionage and information gathering and it's a little one sided. :smallfrown:

Franziska moved back to watch the Lord and Lady go to bed. She considered what to do as they slept. She decided she wanted to whisper in their heads as they slept, to use her telepathy to greater ends. Following behind them as they left, if they left, she would listen to the thoughts of both of the individuals, and then, attempting to disguise her voice to perfectly match his own, Franziska began to whisper into Lord Het's mind.

[roll0] for Disguise Self
[roll1] for Bluff

Nalia seems disturbed by something... I wonder what she's worried about? It was something relatively mundane, but she had to test the waters, so to speak. Had to see whether or not one of the Nine would be able to withstand her mental whispers. She didn't touch Nalia's head, not yet. That woman needed to dream before Ziska could perform her terrible actions.

2013-07-09, 07:17 AM

Don't worry about it, I'm enjoying it too, I've just been struggling for creativity in a number of ways in the last week!

as for value, a quick glance means you think there's approx 400gp of coins (mainly gold), and around thirty gems, but I'll need an appraise check from you before you get the value of them (just do one check)

I'm going to do this post as if you're watching them most/all of the night, as it's a bit easier, if this is different to what you had planned I can change things!

As Nalia and Lord Het slip into sleep, you watch their minds carefully:

Nalia's dreams are confused, most of them are the usual consigning the days memories to the back of her brain, however a couple stand out. These couple deal with her husband more specifically, and both are more...sexual in tone. Both the dreams start out in fairly simple settings before getting more explicit, and both deal with Lord Het paying much more attention to her both phyiscally and emotionally. Both dreams also end the same way, the couple are mid way through the act, when Lord Het's body changes, although his face stays the same, his body changes to that of a Satyr. Both times, Nalia's mind jerks away from this and she half-wakes ending the dream.

As for Lord Het, is sleep is relatively untroubled by dreams. Although as you begin speaking to him, his sleep is much more restless, and as a result moves around to get comfortable more. Thoughts of his wife fill his head, and love, lust, respect, and suspicion all war within him as he sleeps.

Finally both of them drift into a deep dreamless sleep a couple of hours before dawn.

As I tip-toe around the edge of what's appropriate...:smallredface:

2013-07-09, 08:28 AM
Having observed them for the time being, Franziska teleported back to her house to check in on Skiv, Garth and her children. She would see if Garth was awake, and if so, she could have him appraise the gems. If not, she would wait and write a letter instructing him to appraise the gems at his leisure.

If he was awake, she would ask him about the work being done down at the alchemist's shop, and also about the population density map with the wells.

She would also check in on Skiv's mother, to make sure the terrible disease she had been afflicted with hadn't caused any issues. The potion had been brewed to work for two days, but it was worth checking in on her anyways.

Then Franziska considered her plans. She had a fair number of plates spinning -- a new apprentice being taught to read, an old alchemist beginning to have his shop revitalized, the wife of a wealthy, influential man was being corrupted -- and soon there would be coin enough for her to launch into her greater plans. But it was time to add another plate to the mix.

Franziska cloaked herself in a disguise, turning into a strapping young lad with a simple sword and shield, and went to the nearby tavern. It was time to hear about any local problems -- the sort of thing adventurers looked for. Kobolds, ogres, hobgoblins, goblins, orcs, giant rats in the sewers. That sort of thing.

Appraise: [roll0]
Gather Information: [roll1]

Her current disguise. (http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/4926/adric.jpg)

2013-07-10, 03:36 AM
As Franziska arrive back in her mansion, most of the house is still abed, however Garth is up, and he happily takes the gems from her, and peers at them, a little myopically for a few moments while assessing their value. As he's gazing at the gems he informs her that the apprentices had worked in Mirabel's shop all day yesterday, and he was going to send them back again to continue today. Her detect thoughts ability shows her that there is a grudging respect, and the beginnings of a friendship developing between Garth and Mirabel.

As for the population map it's coming along, but Garth predicts it'll take him another day of work to finish it up completely. As 'Ziska leaves to check in on Skiv's mother, he informs you that the gems are probably worth around 800gp to the right assayer, and asks if you would want him to exchange them for gold, or keep them as gems.

Skiv's mother looks the same as she did yesterday, better than she was to start with, but still not well, the potion seems to be keeping her symptoms under control however.

The nearest tavern was a fairly upmarket place, that actually served something approxiamate to food. This early in the morning there isn't much life in the tavern, except for a tired looking barmaid, who looks a little less tired as you walk in. There is also, at a table in the corner, a few of the city guard talking softly.

2013-07-10, 07:29 AM
Ziska thanked her darling servant and kissed his cheek before leaving, explaining she'd sell them herself. It wouldn't do to try and sell stolen gems in the city where they were stolen -- instead she'd change her skin and teleport to a port far away.

In the tavern, Ziska approached the barmaid with a swagger only a new adventurer would dare to put on. "Pray tell, you ravishing beauty, you gem of the North, you treasure of Neverwinter, pray tell whether there be any monsters plaguing you or your fair town?" She smiled at the barmaid, moving to the bar to lean on it and smile at her seductively.

The plan was simple. She would have to find nearby monsters and begin to organize them into a cohesive fighting force. This could then begin to prey on traders and start to throttle Neverwinter. If she could gather a large enough force, it would certainly be useful for causing the city to decline slightly. And with her help, the force would have behind them a great and terrible intellect. With the ferocity of the lesser races paired with her magnificent brain, Franziska was positive there'd be quite a bit of damage done.

And it would help to fuel her plans, the money from the pillaging. If she could expand the bandits around, not just on Neverwinter... and of course, Luskan might be willing to pay instead of spend the time to try and defeat an enemy that would be assaulting their hated sister city. The greatest issue was finding or creating a chieftain. Still, it would give her something to do while her toy Nalia slept. And judging by the dreams, the happy couple was soon to be rent in twain.

Incredible how a shapeshifting mind reader with the ability to influence the thoughts of the lesser races could have such an impact on them.

She also wanted to go and kill things. It was a petty desire, but one she couldn't deny -- Ziska was a creature of words, but she was also still an incredible caster. Certainly there were rare and powerful items waiting to be obtained and sold on the open market. She required great mountains of gold, after all...

Ziska waited to see what the bar wench said.

2013-07-12, 05:40 AM
The bar wench leans over the top of the bar, displaying her considerable assets, "Well young man you certainly seem confident!" she muses, some of the tiredness going from her eyes, "Trouble is information ain't free round here." she continues winking bawdily at you, "So what's my knowledge worth?"


A know(local)/know(dungeoneering) check could also gain some info, if you don't feel like getting into negotiation.

2013-07-12, 10:16 AM
Franziska began to read the woman's mind, leaning in and grinning. "I can guarantee a night so spectacular you'll never need to dream of a sexual god again. You'll just have to remember our time together..." He moved back and grinned at her.

[roll0] Diplomacy test.

Also, apropos of nothing, I was wondering if I could change Franziska a bit. Instead of a sorcerer, could she be a dread necromancer? It wouldn't actually require any retcons, because she hasn't done any magic that required class levels. :smallredface: Just a bit of retraining and reshuffling.

2013-07-15, 06:12 AM
The woman smiles broadly, her mind, transparent to you. She's not convinced you're going to be as good as you say you are, but she's certainly excited to find out. "Well, how about I tell you that there are a couple of tribes of strange blue creatures that have appeared out of the depths of Neverwinter wood recently that have been causing a bit of trouble." she pauses and grins again, "And I'll tell you more later!"


Sorc -> Dread Necro is OK, plus I absolutely love dread necro's!

Knowledge Results:

You remember hearing about a marshy, swampy area to the south of Neverwinter called the Mere of Dead Men, which while infested with Lizardmen, and other similar creatures, has a number of ancient ruins, some sunken, some just tumbledown. Many adventurers have tried, and failed to find the treasurers reputedly within.

2013-07-15, 12:13 PM
The dashing fighter shot her a smile. "Riddle me this, you temptress -- when can we sneak away for a few..." He held out his fingers and tapped them one at a time. "Four hours should be enough to secure my reputation in your mind." His smile grew wider.

Franziska continued to probe her mind, trying to fish out any additional information about local rumors.

I'll begin remaking Franziska. Is the barmaid talking about the lizardmen, or are those two separate rumors?

2013-07-16, 03:28 AM
The barmaid shakes her head, "Four hours!" she smirks "You are ambitious!" Her mind is filed with, well rather graphic images and you can't get past those to any more understanding of local rumours.


Two distinct rumours.
First Rumour:
The mere of dead men is a little way south of Neverwinter, there are huge amounts of adventuring opportunities there, as well as some nasty critters that inhabit the swamps.

Second Rumour:
In Neverwinter wood, to the east, there are a number of tribes of strange beings (blue in colour) that have come out of the depths of the forest recently and are causing trouble

2013-07-24, 03:10 PM
The dashing fighter shot her a greedy smile. "Are you available for a break at the moment, m'lady? I should greatly enjoy testing myself against you -- what is the art of making love, if not conquest?" He laughed and cracked his fingers.

Sorry for the delays! I should be good. Sadly I'm forced to use my terrible laptop instead of my not-as-terrible desktop, so I don't have access to all my material. Still, I think everything's good.