View Full Version : Soulblade/Paladin build

2013-05-08, 10:03 PM
I know you'll scream at me for thinking of this idea, but...
I just want to know how well this build could be done. It's only a theoretical thing now, but I'm thinking of playing this combo.
I like the ideas of the Soulknife, but would prefer only 2 levels at most.

EDIT: What I'm saying: "how good of a build could this be?"

2013-05-08, 10:50 PM
Should hit T4 in gestalt... actually, a Soulknife 5/Illumine Soul 5/Soulknife 10//Paladin 20 might actually be fun to play in a regular game.

2013-05-08, 10:53 PM
I'll try.

Kalashtar Soulknife 3/Paladin 2/Soulbow 10/Illumine Soul 5
Variants: Hidden Talent, Bonus feats (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)
Also assuming fractional BA because it's easier. (If it's out, swap a soulknife level for the IS capstone and continue as normal)
1: Point Blank Shot, Hidden Talent: Entangling Ectoplasm
3: Zen Archery, Precise Shot
6: Serenity, Rapid Shot
8: Manyshot
9: Psionic Shot
10: Fell Shot
12: Improved Precise Shot, Psionic Meditation
14: Far Shot
15: Zen Archery (retrain away Bonus feat class feature, per PHB2)
18: Mind Cleave

Lots of wis synergy (saves, attack, damage), entangling ranged touch for whenever it's appropriate, 17 BA with mind arrows for a respectable mind arrow flurry and standard action Manyshot+Fell Drain+Psychic Strike ranged touch attack for pretty considerable damage.