View Full Version : How big of a thing would a bed sheet be to a identification check?

2013-05-09, 01:59 PM

So lets say, a goblin or some monster, wore a bed sheet, like this cat is here.

How big of a hindrance would it be to a knowledge check to try and figure out what sort of creature is attacking you?

2013-05-09, 02:16 PM
The Knowledge rules are kinda borked anyway, so it's hard to say exactly what to apply. My first glance did misidentify the cat as a rabbit though, so if I were DMing I would likely apply at least some penalty. Maybe -2, maybe -5. Dunno.

2013-05-09, 02:16 PM
Humanoids can be confused with some Outsiders and some Abberations otherwise not much
Animals can be confused with some Abberations otherwise not much
Outsiders can sometimes be confused with Humanoids otherwise not much
Dragons... are Dragons they are pretty distinct lol
Aberrations can sometimes be confused with animals otherwise not much
Ooze... nah

im stopping there but you can see the trend as I see it.

2013-05-09, 04:06 PM
The Knowledge rules are kinda borked anyway, so it's hard to say exactly what to apply. My first glance did misidentify the cat as a rabbit though, so if I were DMing I would likely apply at least some penalty. Maybe -2, maybe -5. Dunno.I did the same thing when I saw the image at first, so yeah, it definitely has a small effect. On the other hand, in the next moment I correctly parsed it as a cat. So it's a relatively minor and short-term effect. I'd probably play it as an auto-correcting penalty, in fact; if the Knowledge skill roll failed because of the penalty, I'd provide the correct identification after, oh, 1-2 rounds if it was still unclear. It would be quite unlikely that the bedsheet would stay effective as a hindrance for long.

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-09, 04:21 PM
An untrained disguise check would be my guess. I would say that you make an disguise check and if the opposing knowledge check does not beat the disguise check it tells them nothing.

2013-05-09, 04:22 PM
I'd treat it as a disguise check. If you successfully disguise yourself as another race (like "big spoooky ghost!") then you get misidentified.

2013-05-09, 05:04 PM
Just imagine the level of your disguise check you would need, to make someone think you are a ghost haha
