View Full Version : Path To Glory

2013-05-09, 03:25 PM
So it begins OOC found Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15201966#post15201966)

Chapter 1: False Prophets
It has been a month since the warband of Karzen run up against Corbin Worldsbane and lost, with the death of Khrones chosen warrior the band splintered harshly throughout the Vortex and you gathered together as a group to survive rather than be preyed upon by those who deemed themselves stronger.

But survival is never enough for those who tred the Eightfold Path of Glory and soon an opportunity presents itself to you, a robed stout female figure approaches you while you gather she bows low almost grovelling and speaks with a high pitched and nasal voice

"Greetings Masters, I beg forgiveness for this intrusion. But I bear greetings from the Mendacious Oracle of The Temple Of Lies" She speaks as if the name should be known to you (OOC:+20 Common Lote Screaming Vortex/The Warp)
"My master graciously invites you to an audience with him, so emphatic was he my Lords that should I not inform you that the future of the Screaming Vortex depended upon this meeting that he would have my skull mounted upon his staff as a warning to others of the price of disobedience"

She places before you each a personalised note describing the role of the temple in dispensing the wisdom of the Dark Gods and how it was imperative that you attend lest you all, the Oracle included be damned before the eyes of The Hrand Architect. Passage has been arranged upon the Bloodscent an Idolator-class raider and no expense or harm shall come to you. The robed female stands fidgeting slightly awaiting your response.

2013-05-09, 04:17 PM
Sabbatine leaned forward and looked over the note. ""Well, I'm not really liking his tone," she said to herself,"but I can't seem to find a reason not to go. Timoren, Szeth, any thoughts on the matter?"Returning to her somewhat sprawled position in the chair she sat in, she blinked twice before turning to the robed woman. "And if I may ask, what is your name?"

2013-05-09, 07:02 PM
HA! Church?! Kolban slid up behind the fidgetting woman, wrapping his arms around her in mocking embrace, too tight to be intimate, more malicious than anything as he leaned in close tothe woman's ear, I remember the last time Iwent to Church... He pointed his bolt pistol towards some imagined foe in front of the woman, pressing his head tenderly against her temple, First, I killed that loud damned Cleric while he slept, then his whole staff of 'Faithful', in their beds...one..at..a...time He chuckled, almost a giggle as he accentuated each word with a firing motion with his bolter hand. What next Koblan? He asked in a shrill, feminine voice, Well, next I barred all but the front door and laced promethium tanks all throughout the Chapel of the Dead God and waited. Waited until the whooole flock of sheep got inside, then, when the door shut on the last stupid soul, I WELDED it shut with det cord and sent the whole place up!! He cackled loudly, pushing the girl away roughly before finding a spot on the back of Sabbatine's chair, one foot resting on the overstuffed arm.

2013-05-09, 07:18 PM
"Aah, Kolban, I had almost forgot about your..." Sabbatine paused for a moment and grinned devilishly at Kolban, "rather unique personality. Everything was so boring without your stories. But please, don't terrify the woman. It would be a shame to lose any possible... friends of mine."

2013-05-09, 08:35 PM
Kolban grinned, an edged, crooked, angular thing that split his face in both a gleeful and psychotic manner.Oh don't fret on it, Sabbatine, my favorite little whoreknife. I don't waste my killin' on just killin' anyone. If she RUNS, though.. A crescented flash revealing a khopesh in his handThen, I won't be makin' promises...

2013-05-09, 09:59 PM
Timoren stood stil as a sentinel, his eyes unwavering stone that bore into the sight of the fidgeting women. His own personal Cultist, Valerie, had a single arm wrapped around his claw pauldron, and was leaning against him as if he were a wall. She pushed herself up, leaning into his ear, and whispering to him. Timoren continued standing still, his lascannon resting easily on his Terminator armor, and his lightning claw innert. Slowly, he turned his head towards Kolban and Sabbatine "Sounds..... Interesting. Far more interesting then your idiotic prattling, Kolban." He snorted at the last comment, lurching forward he took a step towards the women. Valerie giggled, a malicious grin growing across her face as she began to dance around and on Timoren as if he were a playground "Temples are so wealthy, so full of nice things for you to take, and so close to our great mother. Surely Slaanesh will look upon her chosen son when doing such a thing?" She said seductively, caressing Timoren's ears with her voice, and causing the Terminator to shift his gaze towards her. "Yes," He said ruggedly "It is exactly what I deserve. A sign from Slaanesh herself, offering forth great plunder and glory for the taking........ I shall go, that much is certain." He paused, locking his gaze on Kolban before continuing "And Kolban, I assure you that if anyone runs they will not make it more then five steps." He heaves his Lascannon, the bulky weapon gliding up and down with a swooshing noise to add emphasis.

2013-05-09, 10:23 PM
Sabbatine's grin widened as Timoren spoke,"Oh come now Timoren, allow me to indulge in the company of madmen like Kolban, I find him quite entertaining."

2013-05-09, 10:53 PM
Well then, it must count doubly more interesting than YOU, Timoren. I've always known Slaanesh's servants to be... He reached down and caressed Sabbatine's jawline with one finger, Flexible. He chuckled, sitting back up again. At any rate, we should probably go see what this PRIEST wants. Sooner we hear their drivel, the sooner we can decide if they need their brains.

2013-05-09, 11:07 PM
Sabbatine tilted her head back and sighed,"And yet again Kolban, I find myself wondering at your choice of patron. The Prince of Pleasure could give you everything you want and much, much more."

2013-05-09, 11:13 PM
Timoren continued staring at Kolban, his body unwaveringly serious even as Valerie positioned herself ontop of his back, mounting him like a bear. "You'd be surprised at how flexible I could make you, come here, I have a free claw." He deadpans, mockingly gesturing for Kolban to come at him. All the while Valerie flicked the air rapidly with her tongue, making several suggestive actions and imitating Kolban in a mocking manner. "Have your fun with him, Sabbatine, i'll claim my reward one way or the other, and indulge into everything I could dream of," He playfully pointed a talon to her, the rest folded in upon his hand "And perhaps bring along the worthy servants of the gods aswell." A sneer formed upon Valerie's face as he said this, her intense hatred was focused down to a death glare aimed to Sabbatine, and protectively grabbing ahold of the two tusks protruding from Timoren's helmet.

2013-05-09, 11:22 PM
Sabbatine giggled,"Oh Valerie, there's no need for jealousy here." she teased playfully, only becoming slightly more serious as she continued, "I'm sure Timoren finds you far more alluring than he finds me. And besides, while I enjoy the irony of being named after a saint it doesn't quite hold the beauty of your name."

2013-05-09, 11:40 PM
Szeth simply reads his invitation three times, working it over for hidden meaning, and ponders the situation for a few moments as the others scuffle and posture. Under the impassive facade of his helm, he smiles slightly in amusement at their antics; who could want for entertainment in such an environment? Ignoring both the posturing for superiority, for he cares little what others think of him so long as they heed his words, and the debate on the merits of following Gods, when Szeth finally does speak it is quietly, barely loud enough that all in the room can hear him so long as they remain quiet long enough to do so, carefully modulated both by training and his helmet's in-built vox. "I am aware of this Temple. It is said to house a prophet, one who can peer into the shrouding of the Warp and see the strands of Fate as they are woven. A special gift, beyond even the reflections of the future gleaned by my own Sorcery." He pauses for a moment, gauntleted hand brushing against the pouch containing his sorcerous tools. The Sorceror's habit of remaining fully armoured at virtually all times is familiar by this point, strange as it may be that you have only seen his face a bare handful of times. "I would advise that we take up his invitation. This is the moment we have awaited, an opportunity for great deeds in the eyes of the Gods."
I've actually gotten a very short way into this campaign in a previous Black Crusade game, just to about the point where we first met the Oracle, so I hope it's okay that I employed a bit of that meta-knowledge to represent the passed Lore check.

2013-05-09, 11:47 PM
"And that," said Sabbatine, her head still tilted back, "I believe, confirms it. Anyone against the idea, speak up now."

2013-05-10, 01:19 AM
Kolban chuckles and nicks the base of Sabbatine's jaw with a nail, ending the pleasure with the briefest pain, Maybe, my dear Sabbatine, I am Fated to walk the paths of two Masters? Pleasure begets Pain, Pain begets Life. All is in transition.

2013-05-10, 01:39 AM
Szeth momentarily deactivates his vox unit, suppressing a quick chuckle absolutely without denying himself the pleasure. Perhaps Kolban simply does not appreciate the irony in lecturing a Slaaneshi on the nature of pain. Reactivating it after a few moments, he replies. "It is in accordance, then." Turning his featureless gaze on the messenger, he states. "Has your master seen fit to provide a means of travel? I expect we could... Arrange for such, but I expect that my colleagues would prefer to spare such an effort."

2013-05-10, 02:26 AM
Ugh, alright, let's go already, before I get too reminiscent and some poor chapel on the way becomes a manifestation of my nostalgia..

2013-05-10, 02:42 AM
The woman remains mostly passive during the exchange, and to her credit manages not to flinch at Kolban's attentions she answers with a barley audible whisper "It is my honour to be Elika the Seer great Masters, and the Oracle has indeed arranged transport, yes he has. The Bloodscent awaits your pleasure great masters. If you are prepared for your journey please follow me Masters"

When you are ready to leave Elika will lead you to an Idolator-class raider, and begin preparations for warp translation to the world of Khymer and the Temple of Lies.

(OOC)You have a chance now to get some supplies, I'm allowing one Infamy check but no items above Rare can be obtained(/OOC)

2013-05-10, 03:14 AM
Kolban hopped down from his perch, walking towards the door as he slapped Timoren playfully on the pauldron, Says she's awaitin' our PLEASURE, Tim. I dunno if she understands her comp'ny He chuckled to himself as he wandered out to find some supplies for the road.

OOC: Can I get a bike?

2013-05-10, 04:45 PM
Sabbatine lifted herself from her chair, running her hand across the nick left by Kolban and heading for the door. "And now I'm all out of entertainment. Send for me when your ready, I've got nothing to do until we reach this temple."

2013-05-10, 08:46 PM
What seems like minutes after he leaves, Kolban returns aastride one of the many versions of a MEssian Outrider, looking extremely pleased with himself asw he revs the engine and checks the belts on his ammo.

2013-05-10, 10:04 PM
Trundling forward, Timoren went along with the two other heretics, Valerie still riding along his back like he was a giant elephant, and the Terminator/Cultist duo set out to leave for this temple.

2013-05-10, 10:14 PM
Once the others have left, Szeth stands alone in the empty room, considering. After all, it is not as though any of the others move quickly enough that he will have difficulties catching up. As much as he stated his support for this course of action earlier, the Sorceror can't help but feel that there is more to this invitation than words delivered and a chance at glory... A Temple of Lies, housing a Prophet of the Dark Gods. What could possibly be more treacherous? Moving at last, he moves to a side-room of the Warband's hideout, grabbing his Jump Pack, and sets out in pursuit. Before much time has passed Szeth catches up to the hulking form of Timoren, then slows his pace to fall in alongside the Slaaneshi Terminator, following in easy silence to the lackey's Voidship.

2013-05-10, 10:27 PM
The engine grumbled as Kolban idled up next tot the others, waved, then went tearing down the street like a Flesh Hound, screaming down back roads until he reached the voidship docks.

2013-05-11, 05:39 AM
The raider can be seen idling in the distance, it's colours and iconography marking it as a ship belonging to Covenant X, a well known band of raiders and pirates for hire within the vortex. You take a boxy troop transport that's seen better days, Elika remaining in relative silence as the creaky transport makes its way to the Bloodscent and settles down.

Rather than a ragtag bunch of freebooters and layabouts the crew appears to be well disciplined and competent, their uniforms giving the air of the Imperial Navy but any symbols of faith desecrated with the 8 pointed star or winged deamon of Covenant X. Your shown to a small billet near the cargo holds.

(OOC) I was planning and having an uneventful trip through the warp to your destination, but if you want something to happen during transit let me know(/OOC)

2013-05-12, 04:02 AM
Kolban secures his outrider in the cargo bay, checks the ammo belts and makes a mental note to check with a heretek about mounting twin-linked bolters instead of these autocannons...or maybe just switching the ammo to those barbed rounds he's heard so muich about. After that, he reseats Black Sun and walks to the quarters.

2013-05-12, 09:22 AM
Your travels aboard the Bloodscent were generally unnotable. The ship’s Captain, one Volin De’Trax, kept to himself during the journey and most of his several thousand crew did likewise. In fact, they treated your presence as if it was both auspicious and dangerous in equal measure and avoided you accordingly. Such is the stigma associated with the Mendacious Oracle’s summons.
Once in orbit over Kymerus, you descended to the surface via one of the starship’s landers, a boxy, ungainly craft. From the air, the spaceport of Carrion Corpse is a desolate and unappealing location. A few scattered buildings dug into rocky hillsides, along with three landing bays hollowed into a nearby cliff face. Your shuttle lands in the central bay, and no sooner have you left the ship than it takes off, headed back into orbit.
Elika The Seer leads you from the deserted bay. “I must travel ahead to announce your presence at the Temple,” she informs you "Transport will be sent in the morning to take you to the temple, you will have free access until the Oracle requests your presence".
Approximately five miles separate the village and the temple itself
and only two or so miles between the port and the temple’s shrine garden. Temperatures range to the extreme, reaching below freezing at night to well over 110 degrees during the day. What diversity the climate has in temperature it lacks in seasons—over the planet’s entire surface, the year is dry and follows consistent, daily oscillations of heat and cold. The sky ranges from a reddish-orange to a sickly pale green between dawn and dusk and a dark blue to black after sundown. One moon, Elorum, orbits the world followed by a trail of meteoroids that occasionally shower through Kymerus’ atmosphere. The soil is dry, supports only weeds that seem to thrive on the rotting flesh of the few animal species to call Kymerus home, and ranges in colour between brown, amber, and brick red.

A slave escorts you too your accommodation, the broken remains of a Halo heavy lift barge, and you are shown some although not luxurious but comfortable lodgings owned by a young looking man called Theon, he is professional but less than friendly.

(OOC: things that can be done:
1.Routine (+20) Scholastic Lore (Archaic, Legend, Occult, or Philosophy) Test or a Routine (+20) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, Heresy, Mutants, Psykers, or Xenos) Test, information on temple
2.Routine (+20) Inquiry Test, find info about temple and Carrion Corpse
3.Any other ideas you can come up with to do in a small sparsely populated port town)

2013-05-12, 10:18 AM
"Well, it appears we have some time to whittle away before we see the oracle. Kolban, Timoren, you two seem to know a bit about entertaining yourselves. Any thoughts on the matter? Perhaps we could find some place to get a drink."

2013-05-13, 07:00 AM
The port is small containing only a couple of hundred people who work on loading and unloading the cargo shipments to and from the Temple. It does have a speakeasy type building, where you can find all sorts of recreation from alcohol and drugs, to gambling and the occasional bar room brawl. Also if you where to get any information from the locals it would be from there.

2013-05-13, 08:00 AM
Kolban wrapped a friendly arm around Sabbatine's shoulders, directing her towards the speakeasy, Allow me to introduce you to what we Scum like to call The Hustle... He remarked as he began explaining just how they were going to distract, misdirect, charm and otherwise cheat their way to info, alliances and loads and loads of loot.

2013-05-13, 10:49 AM
Upon entering the lodgings, Timoren instantly picked Valerie over his shoulder and departed to the nearest room for "Lascannon Maintennance". Apparently it was damaged on the way there, and since it was such advanced holy technology the process was very delicate and could not be disturbed. After an hour of loud.... "Lascannon Maintennance" Timoren left the room, redonning his Terminator armor in the process, and recollected his weapon. Amongst them was his lightning claw and newly polished gold lascannon. Huh. Guess he really did perform some maintennance.

Weapons ready, Timoren set out to the local speakeasy in search of some key things. Cultists to recruit, narcotics to accrue, and a fight to pick. The essential things of life.

2013-05-13, 11:44 AM
The speakeasy is dark, lit only by a few slowly dieing lumen globes, some of them occasionly flickering, although its cool which is a welcome releif fromt he scorching heat blasting the planet. It has about 20 or 30 patron lingering around a group in the corner leaning over a set of bone dice shouting loudly as they win and lose, the smell of a rancid homebrew alcohol fills the room mxing witht he acrid stench of obscura, a few patrons still coherent enough for thought look your way and quickly avert their eyes. It would appear word of your summons by the Mendacious Oracle has spread around with all the glory and fear that brings with it. The bar is manned by a hunched withered figure who is idly cleaning a glass.

2013-05-13, 02:05 PM
Timoren looks the denizens of this slum over, slowly pausing at each person to properly size them up, and begins to slowly work his way over to the bar. Of course, he'd just stand there once he got there, since sitting on a chair would lead to a comical scene of a Terminator falling on his rump, and a Champion of Slaanesh would not put himself in such a degrading situation. Looking the withered man over he slowly rumbled out "
Anyone giving you problems here?"

Any drunkard idiot who harassed the bar keep would make for excellent filleting practice when he turned on his Lightning Claw, and he needed to sharpen the blades anyway.

2013-05-13, 08:35 PM
Szeth simply waves the others away as they mention entertainment. "Go, make your offerings to the Prince of Pleasure." Once the rest are all gone, he kneels down on the floor and begins meditating on the situation, considering the variables he's aware of. This tiny cesspool of a settlement obviously holds little for him, save perhaps the minor possibility of a cult to usurp, though any servants worth having would have long ago either fallen in with the dominant Cult at the Temple of Lies or left seeking greater glories. So, how to spend the intervening time?

Eventually, the Sorceror comes to a conclusion. The port town holds nothing for him... But there is a great deal to be done at the Temple of Lies. Better to gain knowledge of his potential rivals before they have time to implement whatever plan they might have. Mind made up, Szeth leaves the accomodations he had been provided, triggering his Jump Pack once outside to begin a series of short powered leaps and hurried movement, heading for the temple grounds.

With his Jump Pack, Szeth can cover the distance to the temple gardens in a bit over 20 minutes, and reach the temple itself in just under an hour. He's simply going to observe the area, getting a feel for the layout and composition of the temple gardens and the exterior of the temple itself. Essentially, Szeth has decided to perform a bit of reconnaissance before the proper visit to the Temple on the next day. He will also be sure to use his psychic senses, to see if they have any sorcery going in the area.

Awareness Test to observe the area: [roll0] vs unmodified TN 46
Psyniscience: [roll1] vs unmodified TN 46.

While scouting, Szeth will use Precognition Unfettered in case of any potential ambush. Focus Power: [roll2] vs TN 66 (46+10(Ordinary)+10(Psi Focus)+10(PR2))

Edit: Jeez, those are some absolutely awful rolls. I suppose this isn't likely to go too well...

2013-05-13, 08:50 PM
"So then, Kolban, what'll it be tonight?" asked Sabbatine as the two entered the speakeasy, leaning her head against his shoulder, "Drinks, gambling, some crazy game of your own invention?"

2013-05-13, 11:45 PM
Tonight, my dear, we fleece as many people as we can... Kolban replied quietly before heading over to the men, casually tossing his 5 Gelt in to join, hoping Sabbatine being the most beautiful woman in the port, along with the menacingly familiar way he cradled Black Sun and his Kopeshes in his lap as he sat down,would be able to distract most of them from the gratuitous amount of cheating he was liable to be using to win.

Command check to Terrify [roll0] v. 29
Int check to gamble[roll1] v. 32
Ag check to cheat [roll2] v. 35 (45 due to Infamy point)

2013-05-14, 04:45 AM

The temples gates are huge monstrosities of twisted steel, and are attacked to a 50 foot barrier covered with some sort of wodden vine surmounted at the top of the veritcal bars creating the barrier is a vicious looking spike. Six men armed with heavy looking glaives marked with runes of sorcery stand, their heads incased in a spiked helm with no visible features. In the distance you see the temple proper, the remains of a vast void ship sitting upright impossibly, the remains of the wreckage strewn about in what gets termed the Temple Gardens. You notice at least two flying objects circling the tower of the temple, and although you found it hard to gather focus you still get the feeling of strong psychic power saturating the area.

The barkeep shrugs to Timoren "Few bother me, I'm the only place in town for relaxation and the Inevitable Guards don't take kindly to disruption occuring in the port"

As Sabbatine and Kolban take a seat next the dicers they look up as if ready
to argue but grunt when they take the measure of the two of them and allow them to sit in on the game. The pot consists of bits and peices of varying worth, ammo, a monoblade a few tokens of Tzeentch and the like.

You notice the slight bustle from outside dies down and a few of the patrons not compltly out of it look up to the door then groan, this is followed by a bellowing deep shout echoing through the port "I am the disciple of Crox, chosen champion of the Lord of Skulls. Which of you puny creatures dares to challenge me and I shall give your Skull as offering to the Blood God!"

The bartender shakes his head at this "I'd just ignore him, he will grow bored soon enough and leave again"

2013-05-14, 05:56 AM
Strongly 'confident' in his ability to relieve these lackwits of their dearest possessions, Kolban sneers, unbuckling a heavy strap across his chest, Alright boys... He remarks, dropping his Reckoning Howler (totally made up) Pattern Missile Launcher onto the pile, Let's up the anty, shall we? No more ***** bets. He looked each man in the eye in turn, daring them to back down from this, the true test of a man's mettle, as he turned the well-worn bone dice in his hand. Only once all the bets were placed, and once the arguments of value pertaining to his weapon and the items wagered against it were settled, did Kolban the Third, Chosen of Tzeneetch and the Skinner King of Dice, throw the fated cubes.

Roll to fleece- er, compete with these fine gentlemen.
[roll0] vs 82

2013-05-14, 07:37 AM
Sabbatine scowled and nudged Kolban, then turned and whispered in the most seductive voice she could muster to the gambler next to her,"My friend here isn't the best of gamblers, if you could show him up I'm sure I could make it worth your while."

2013-05-14, 08:09 AM
Most of the other patrons grunt as the launcher is put up and back out grumbling but the man Sabbatine cosied up too gets a big grin and pulls a pistol weapon out and throws it up as his bet "I found that out in the waste lands should more than match that gun of yours" a quick inspection through the dirt and rust shows the pistol to be a fairly old pattern plasma pistol though it looks like it has seen better days. The gambler paying more attention to Sabbatine than the dice picks them up and throws them. His grin remains plastered on his face as the dice fall but he soon turns pale white as one of the worst rolls tumble up. He stares at Kolban mouth dropping slightly as he pushes the dice to him.

2013-05-14, 08:13 AM
Kolban smirks and picks the dice up again, pulling the pack of rockets form his side and dropping them on the pile, ready to cast again if anyone ballsed up to the bet.

[roll0] v 82

2013-05-14, 02:44 PM
Timoren nodded his head along with the barkeep. It was nice to have placant, docile whelps to hand money over to oneself. He began looking over the selection of alcohol, as few as there might be, and was almost ready to just extort some obscura from the thugs in this speakeasy, when the oh-so-obvious Khornate champion began screaming and yelling. Glancing at the bartender Timoren grumbled "Be right back." Before turning on the Red-Dot Laser Sight on his shock and awe Lascannon.

Trudging forward, Timoren left the speakeasy and looked for the warrior. If he could spot him, he would aim his Lascannon and open fire without uttering a word.

Assuming he can fire:

[roll0] vs 70
Damage:[roll1] (Proven 3, so bump any die roll of 1 or 2 to a 3)
10 Penetration

2013-05-14, 05:18 PM
The Khornite growls with glee as the hulking terminator leaves the speakeasy and he howls with delight "Yes, a worth opponent! Come face The Disciple of Crox, I shall feed your soul to The Lord of Battles! he takes off at a sprint laughing as he revs the two handed chain axe barrelling towards Timoren. The howls quickly become screams as he tries to dodge out of the way of the devastating volley from the reaper auto cannon and fails, the first hits taking his legs out from under him and then the last shots hitting him in the body, he jerks his screams turned to gurgles as he is thrown backwards with blood spouting from his mouth as he hits the ground with a thump, twitches a bit and then stops.

2013-05-14, 06:51 PM
Timoren sighed, looking at the Khornate warrior that came to a screeching halt from a hail of bullets. Why couldn't they just realize they weren't going to make it more than four feet? Looking over his weapon of choice, Timoren spontaneously paused for a moment, swearing he was holding onto a Lascannon, and then noticing it was actually a Dragon designed Reaper Autocannon.

He really needs to lay off of the obscura........

Speaking of which, trudging his way over to the disciple of Crox, Timoren inspected his body for any items not too horribly mangled, and then threw his corpse over his shoulder and proceeded back into the speakeasy. When he managed his way to the door, he would throw his body so that it slid across the ground, and then strike a pose with his Reaper Autocannon primed so as to boast "May my lady Slaanesh have the greatest pleasure torturing your pathetic soul, Bloodmonger." Continuing through the speakeasy, he stood to face the Bartender again, boot firmly planted on the disciples chest, and grumbled "How much for your whole shelf?" His Reaper Autocannon still resting by his side. His eyes began to drift as he said this, looking down at the corpse beneath him and wondering how it would taste.......

2013-05-14, 07:28 PM
Distracted from Kolban's game by the gunfire, Sabbatine turned towards the door just in time to see Timeron enter and toss the poor khornite champions corpse, "Bravo Timmy, bravo!" she said, clapping and bursting into uncontrollable laughter, "Would you mind grabbing me and this fine gentleman," at this Sabbatine gestured to the gambler who had lost the plasma pistol, "a drink? He looks like he needs one."

2013-05-14, 08:01 PM
Szeth simply stands in the shadows for the better part of fifteen minutes, watching the gateway and the guards. As much as this grand fortification must reassure the Temple's masters, a simple wall and a few glaive-armed guards couldn't hope to impede him should he desire to make an entrance; clearly, their defenses make little consideration for flying attackers. He considers penetrating deeper into the temple grounds, but rejects the concept out of hand. Better to observe during the 'official' visit than risk a fight spoiling his game. Moreover, better to rig the game as thouroughly as possible before sitting down to play...

Turning around, the Sorceror triggers his Jump Pack and heads back to the flyspeck of a port town. Not quite as useful a journey as he'd hoped for, but not entirely useless, either. If nothing else, he knows to be carefully on watch for Sorcery on the part of the Temple's denizens.

2013-05-15, 04:17 AM
The tender looks at the Khornite corpse and then up to Timoren "I'll take whats left of the chain axe and the shelfs yours" a few of the coherent patrons sigh and start handing over bits an pieces to others, apprently they put more stock in the Khornite than the hulking Terminator.

The momentary distracion over the unlucky gambler growls throwing a canister of plasma up "If I lose I'm good for the rest" he quickly grabs the dice and gets ready to throw them.


(OOC: Awareness no modifers for Kolban at -10 for Sabbatine as she is currently distracted)

2013-05-15, 04:24 AM

OOC: Have fun against Kolban's 16 v 82 XD

2013-05-15, 04:40 AM
The dice tumble and land and the man stares at them in utter shock. "That....that's impossible" his eyes dart about as if looking for escape, the fall on Sabbatine right beside him, to Kolban facing him and to the hulking form that is Timoren, he slumps going a sickly green colour and simply stares at the dice that have come up an automatic losing roll.

Szeth would likley be dropping in about this time, you would have heard the gunfire from the port, and the bits of The Disciple of Crox that where left outside the speakeasy.

2013-05-15, 04:45 AM
Kolban gives a hearty "Ha!" And grins, rocking back on his heels and clapping his hands together before rising and wrapping a friendly arm around the man's shoulders, the hand of said arm already holding Black Sun's bolt pistol, Looks like you have to ante up to your wager, my friend. What would you say he owes us in total, my sweet Sabbatine? He crooned, giving his accomplice a smile so wide and greasy the Horrors would be envious.

2013-05-15, 07:13 AM
Sabbatine stroked her chin thoughtfully, "I think he's given enough, but you know more then me. I was still a sister up until recently." she turned to the gambler and pat him on the back. "Sure you lost a lot and we have business soon, but I might see you again sometime soon. What would you say to that? We can skip the gambling then."

2013-05-15, 07:27 AM
Awww... Kolban cooed cutely, squeezing the man's head to his chest, Wouldn't it be nice if it was Sabbatine you owed? Alas, it is I you owe...and you owe me so very, very much... He remarked, an evil gleam in his eye.

2013-05-16, 09:38 AM
The man sallows and mutters that his name is Firth and begs of Kolban to have mercy on him. Other than this the rest of the evening is uneventful, the rest of the residents keep their distance even more from you all.

When the next day danws there is a half-track vehicle outside with the engine running. A stout aging man with a bald head and thick grey beard stands by the door with an automatic shotgun resting over his shoulder. "I am Orick, my Lords. It is my job to see to getting you to the Temple, so as soon as you are ready we can get moving."

2013-05-16, 01:12 PM
Szeth approaches the vehicle in full combat gear, Force Sword sheathed at his waist and his Melta in hand. After spending most of the night cleaning, inspecting and maintaining his Wargear most humans would be dead-tired, but the Sorceror's superhuman form never required much sleep to begin with, and seems to need even less since aligning himself with the Ruinous Powers. Looking both at the half-tracked vehicle and its not particularly impressive driver, he remarks. "I am prepared. Is your vehicle capable of transporting Astartes? My... Companion's armour weighs the better part of two tons. It would not do to see his mere presence destroy our transportation."

2013-05-16, 03:09 PM
Sabbatine strode towards the halftrack, stretching her arms and yawning lazily, "Everything's in order on my end."

2013-05-16, 10:10 PM
Timoren did little during the day, pawning off the weaponry on tthe Disciple and taking whatever was left. But during the night, he had thrown a decadent celebration alongside Valerie, gorging on alcohol and the Disciple's remains before they headed off to an uncertain temple.

Exiting the building, Timoren beckoned for the cultist to follow in suit, and she did.... Rather slowly. She was still recuperating from her hangover, and seemed far more irritable then before. Looking over the modest transportation, Timoren merely commented "Yes, it would be rather unfortunate to walk all the way there. Especially without my armor's teleportation capabilities. Speed is not really what i'm built for....."

2013-05-16, 10:43 PM
Kolban pulled up to the procession on his Outrider, having moved Firth and his belongings into his quarters at the barge after taking inventory of his winnings, You said tokens of Tzeenetch and such before my Launcher, so I'll need an inventory XD

I liked this port! Let's get started and find some other place to take advantage of! He laughed, revving the bike a few times as Timoren's problem was brought to light, Maybe you can scrounge yourself up a Combat Bike? Surely there's some parts from old Legionnaires.

2013-05-17, 04:37 AM
The stuff is pretty much useless, food rations, trinkets of scrap metal hammered into charms, only thing of import are the Scavanged Plasma Pistol, and one canister of Plasma to go with it.

Orick nods to Sveth "It is my lord, it was repourposed from an Astartes transport gifted to The Temple by an ally of Copax" although he does frown when the Terminator clas Timoren and coughs slightly "Although our progress may be somewhat slower." After ensuring you are all secured firmly into the transport Orick starts the half track on its way. The engine labours somewhat but it manages to get up to a speed faster than walking. Orick seems happy enough to talk as the half track trundles along, it is quickly evident that he has travelled the vortex before and is interested in hearing of stoires from off world.

2013-05-17, 04:41 AM
Well then I have charms of Tzeneetch welded and stuck to Black Sun Flare and the rest of my kit now ^_^ One step closer to Daemonizing everything I own, from helmet to hotrod :P

2013-05-20, 04:23 PM
Szeth doesn't respond to the driver's talk or prodding about adventures through the Vortex, unwilling to bother with such an insignificant entity, but does ask one question of his own. "This vehicle was once an Astartes transport? Can you tell me which allies provided it as a gift? Anyone capable of acquiring such a vehicle and willing to give it away is a force worthy of consideration."

Otherwise, the Sorceror simply waits impassively for the journey to end. If the other members of the Warband ask him anything he will respond dilligently, but otherwise has nothing to say until he has arrived at the temple.

2013-05-21, 04:31 AM
"I beleive it was members of the Word Bearers, although I can't confirm that or not" and as if oblivious to the silence Orick continues talking, mentioning how he misses space travel and would be happy to move on.

As he continues to ramble on he slams the breaks as what looked like a whisp of cloud seems to change direction and begins diving towards you. You notice the cloud appears to be made out of small child like forms, rotting flesh and steel bones kept aloft by skelletal wings, the let out a rasping sound as the decend upon you, Orick in a panic dives beneath the half track letting loose a few shots with his shotgun and a shout of "Feral cherubs!"

Ok so this is inits, if you could put your armour points, tb, ammo and any other relevent information in spoiler tags in your posts for easy tracking. Also just roll inits, and post your actions when everyones done I'll combine them together in correct order, if someone elses actions changes the situation I'll let you know so you can change your action.

2013-05-23, 05:19 AM
Ha! And I thought thsi trip would be boring!! Kolban laughed and pulled his heavy kopesh out and swung it into the cloud of cherub monsters, singing what could only be the most drunken, broken, discordant war chant ever devised.

[roll0] vs 56

2013-05-24, 04:56 AM
Acting quickly, Szeth draws his Force Sword one-handed, quickly focusing his willpower through it to charge its Warp-reactive crystals and prepares to hack away at the cloud of miniscule carrion-creatures, raising his free arm to unleash a stream of coruscating Sorcerous bolts into the swarm. Even as he unleashes his attack, he quietly comments "Is this all? These vermin hardly pose a threat."

Like all Chaos Marines, Szeth has Quick Draw and can Ready his sword immediately.

I'll lead in with a Doombolt, though it'll be moderately effective at best against a Horde. Once it gets into range, Szeth will continue with a Standard melee attack.

Focus Power Test (Unfettered): [roll0] vs TN 68
Damage 1: [roll1], Pen 8
Damage 2: [roll2], Pen 8

Melee Attack: [roll3] vs TN 76 plus the Horde's Size modifier. (46+10(Standard Attack)+20 (All-out Attack))

I'm not going to bother rolling Damage for these attacks, since they do a minimum of 16 Damage, Pen 4, and there's no way these things have that much Soak.

Edit: Doombolt succeeds, but only manages one hit. Melee attack hits for any Horde Magnitude, but only causes more than 1 point of Magnitude Damage if the Horde is Magnitude 60 or higher, which I strongly doubt.

In short, Szeth does 2 points of Magnitude Damage to the Horde this turn. Which is nothing special, but I'm not exactly specialized in tearing apart Hordes just yet...

2013-05-24, 06:07 AM
OOC: you can't Doombolt and Melee attack in the same turn, they are both half actions but you only do the Attack action subtype once.

2013-05-24, 02:44 PM
Ah, I forgot that Psychic Bolts counted as Attack Actions. In that case Szeth will All-out Attack in melee instead, achieving exactly the same amount of Magnitude Damage thanks to the boost to his TN for the WS test.

2013-05-24, 03:06 PM
Timoren raised his head, looking up at the feral cherub swarm descending upon them, and laughed as he saw the driver panic. Slapping the driver on the back, Timoren rumbled forth "Don't despair old sport, a champion of Slaanesh will ensure nothing happens to you our your transport." and with that he took aim and unleashed hell in the form of a Reaper Autocannon.

Valerie on the other hand leapt at the chance to fight, not bothering with a joke or quip, and when she departed the vehicle she let loose a bone breaking shriek aimed at the Cherub Swarm. Timoren shuddered, audibly pleased by the sound, and said in a low voice "That's my girl, gotta love that screaming....." He almost begins daydreaming at the thought, but instead goes into a warchant alongside Kolban. Except his was less drunk and more understandable.

Some folks are born made to wave the flag,
Ooh, they're pink, white and gold.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord....."

Reaper Autocannon Semi Auto Fire (Using Twin Linked for +10 to hit):[roll0] vs 60
Damage (Assuming all 4 hit):[roll1]

Doom Siren damage:[roll5]
(9 Pen)

2013-05-26, 05:46 PM
Sabbatine groaned before firing at the oncoming horde, "I'm not even fully awake yet."

Half action: aim
[roll0] vs. 52 (BS42+aim)
Damage if applicable: [roll1]

2013-05-28, 06:13 AM
Kolban's blows fail to connect with the cherubs although it’s a close thing, but the boom of the autocannon and wail of the doom siren carried by Timoren and his companion soon take up the battle, dropping creatures from the air and as the descend upon you Szeth takes up the charge swinging with his blade cutting the flying things from the air. The cherubs descend needles and claws slashing towards the warband but the God’s must truly be protecting you all as you remain completely unscathed.

As the swarm flies away Sabbatine barley awake spins and unleashes a torrent of fire into the group and making a considerable dent. Their numbers decreasing rapidly the cherubs tear off attempting to escape as quickly as they decended clearly expecting easier prey.


2013-06-03, 08:57 AM
Kolban, slapping his kopesh back into its scabbard across his back, revved the bike back up and aimed the beast of a bike in the direction they were travelling, Well, let's get there before more bugs show up...

2013-06-03, 04:57 PM
Szeth sheathes his sword with a flourish, kicking the corpses of the tiny gene-constructs he cut down out of the vehicle derisively, then lets loose a deep sigh. "Bah. Pathetic. Continue, driver. These creatures were unworthy even to die at my hands." Returning to his seat, the Sorceror simply stares ahead, waiting for the journey to get back underway.

2013-06-04, 06:07 PM
"So, shall we continue?" asked Sabbatine, a wide grin plastered across her face.

2013-06-04, 09:27 PM
Timoren looks out to the sky, wary of more cloud monsters appearing out of thin air, and assaulting them. Slowly, with the tugging yearns of Valerie, he trundled back to his seat, and resumed his standard state of massive armed refridgerator. His steely gaze slowly made its way over to the driver, a soft grumble emitting from his helmet "Yes. Let us depart." Even as Valerie proceeded to use his armor as a lump to pose and rest on, trying her damned hardest to distract the Terminator and draw his attention with every movement.

2013-06-06, 07:48 AM
Orik pulls himself out from under the half track, dusting himself down and reslining the shotgun over his shoulder
Thank you my lords, I'll get us under way

With that he scrambles back into the cab and gets the vehicle moving again. You come to the spike topped walls of the Temple and pass through its mammoth gates, the guards with their faceless masks standing impassive holding their long staffed weapons with ease. As you come to the impossible spire of the Temple proper, passing numerous scattered gatherings of debris, you notice a number of charioats circling in the air, manned by more of the gaurds and pulled by daemonic screamers. THe half track pulls up to a large gapping hole in the hull of the downed ship which has more gaurds on station and turns to speak to you
This is our destination my lords, I'll remain with the half tack should you wish to return to carrion call

As he finished speaking the weatherd woman who first extended the invitation to attend the teample comes sweeping out, looking slightly more impressive in robes of a rich and deep blue she bows before the half track and speaks
Greetings honoured guests, you are granted a great privilige by the Mendacaus Oracle, and have free reign of the Temple and her gardens guides can be supplied and will show you anything you wish to see, the Oracle is currently within an augury at this present moment but will send word when you may visit and hear his words.

2013-06-06, 08:01 AM
Kolban slid to a stop, the outrider's engine calming to a purr as he smirked at the woman from before, though he nodded formally anyway, I will most certainly reign freely... He remarked before pulling the bike up to a sufficient spot, hopping off and heading inside to look for a treasurey, an aerie or some sort of ritual room.

2013-06-07, 03:03 AM
Szeth waves off their driver with an imperious gesture. "Yes, that will be acceptable. Your service has been appreciated." The words of what might potentially be construed as praise have little feeling in them, but Szeth is not one to throw away a potentially useful tool simply out of pride. He takes a moment to observe the grounds of the Temple, nodding in appreciation at the numerous displays of sorcerous power populating the area; whatever else might be said of this Oracle, he and his followers certainly do not lack in power.

Turning his attention on the now better-dressed messenger from before, he gazes down on her, his superhuman physique allowing him to dwarf her in size. "Very well. It would not do to interrupt a sending from the Dark Gods. You will take me to the library; I will partake of the knowledge you have gathered here." Looking away for a moment, he turns to his allies. "Should you require my assistance in the near future, I will not deactivate my Vox link. If the situation... Changes, I will make contact."

Stepping into the entryway, the Sorceror gestures impatiently to the nearest guide. "Lead."

2013-06-08, 09:14 PM
Sabbatine took a moment to think and finding nothing she particularly wanted to do, turned to Timeron. "Do you have anything in mind Timoren?"

2013-06-10, 10:30 PM
Looking at the Tzeentchian structure for a moment, Timoren resumed to be unimpressed as he began to look over his autcannon, checking the ammo in it, and making sure it wasn't damaged in anyway. Valerie on the other hand.... Well, she began to pester one of the guards like a fascinated child, taking a tour around the strange grounds, and taking every opportunity she could to ask "What's that thing do?". As Sabbatine spoke she shocked him out of his meditative state, raising his head to look at her, and merely shrugged before saying "I have been meaning to restock my supplies. I doubt the temple will offer me their sorcerous rounds, but failing that I would return to maintenance."

2013-06-17, 04:26 AM
As Szeth and Kolban enter the temple proper it opens up into what was probably once a cargo hold, or perhaps an engine room, what ever it was its been converted now into something of a large shrine, symbols of the Architect of Fate adorn the walls and a large altar sitins the centre of the room atop a giant 8 pointed star and a large book cases take up the walls. Dotted about are picariously dangling stair cases lead up. The guides appear to be acoyltes of the temple wrapped in large billowing robes of a deep blue.

The guide Szeth approached speaks in a quite voice "Is there any particular lore you seek my Lord, the librairys of the Temple are quite extensive and it would be my pleasure to show you what you wish to see"

2013-06-17, 08:47 PM
Kolban, suddenly struck with the apparent realization that he was in THE Temple of his Lord and Master, beamed at the offer, What do you have on the summoning, binding and subjugation of Lesser Daemons?

2013-06-19, 03:55 AM
Szeth peers around the room with muted curiousity, taking in the immense collection of volumes, and ponders the question for a moment. Turning to look down on the guide with baleful red lenses, he states simply. "I will sample your collection myself, but... A test, perhaps. Show me your rarest volume, the greatest treasure of your accumulated knowledge. From this, the rest can be judged."