View Full Version : AVB: Silver and Bone

2013-05-09, 03:54 PM
DMs, Aldurin and Eshkigal only. All others become dire beaver fodder.

The stranger steps out of the shadows, moving the bubble so it hovers above his open palm to the side of him. "I don't intend to harm you, I simply saw the fight and made the judgement call to assist you over what appears to be scum and other untrustworthy rabble." He places the other hand on his chest. "I am Aurelo Silverkin, of the aasimar, and who might you be?"

2013-05-09, 04:07 PM
Maevith slings his hammer onto his back and takes the offered hand, shaking it.
"Name's Maevith Andren. Thank you for your timely aid, Aurelo, the frenzy only lasts so long, after all."

2013-05-10, 12:16 PM
Making a firm and solid shake, Aurelo replies, "And you do want the odds stacked in your favor, as there will be times when luck itself conspires to kill you, so it was my pleasure to help." He looks at Maevith's opponents, who had definitely seen better times. "You aren't in trouble with any business or such, are you? If that barmaid was from the Sad Flint or one of the other establishments, you're not going to have an easy time finding safety."

2013-05-11, 11:45 AM
"Well, she was, but under a different face so I might, or I might not. Not sure if she'll be missed as such, especially since they implied they were opportunistic muggers."
He gestures to the dwarf on the ground.
"There is also the good chance that they took care of the real barmaid long before I even got here, if she ever existed. Either way, this much is easily enough explained, even if I am caught by guards."
He gives a grin. Oh, to be able to flaunt murder in front of lawmen would be sweet indeed...
"Oh, speaking of which, do you mind if I make sure they will not be getting back up any time soon before we leave this area? Better such a useless pair of lovers find comfort in hell together."

2013-05-11, 02:02 PM
"Yeah, disposing of the bodies would be best, but make sure you search them thoroughly. It's a shame whenever a magical trinket is lost due to ignorance." Aurelo replies. "Say, why are you in this city? Risking your neck around barmaids and such."

2013-05-11, 02:14 PM
"Oh, you know. Meet new people, kill some, bed others. Maybe mess around with local politics once I get a feel for local power structure. So far, it has yet to disappoint."
He picks up the knife, flips it in his hands once, and then slits both throats. Then he takes a moment to check both over and look around.
"Hm...notice any convenient bins or ditches? We could just take a walk to some other part of town, too. I have some tricks of my own I can use."

2013-05-11, 02:24 PM
"I have a better idea. Let the bodies be found, but ruin the forensics." Aurelo uses his dagger to carve a bizarre symbol in the chests of both bodies and then traces in blood on the ground next to them Just as these souls fed the Shadow Spider's servants, so too shall the rest of the city. "This way, they'll be certain a skulk managed to sneak inside the city and begin killing people as sacrifices. I've got a bit of a side goal of turning the City Watch against them, even more than they are now."

Tracing the skulk's religious symbol and paraphrasing one of the notes.

2013-05-11, 02:30 PM
"Good call, but to be safe..."
Once his new friend is done, Maevith hides them poorly enough that they'll be found easily.
"They likely wouldn't just leave them out, after all. Just enough to not raise too many questions, not enough to be unfindable."

2013-05-11, 05:55 PM
"That does make sense, well at any rate I'll be heading back into the inn before another opportunity presents itself." Aurelo proceeds back to the streets after removing the blood from his dagger with a stiff swing. "If I see you around I'll be sure to say hi, hopefully it won't be complicated by us being on different sides of a fight."

2013-05-12, 02:15 PM
Before parting ways, may want to hear the loot and determine the division of it.

Clearly the man held the pursestrings in this relationship; on his person you find a pouch containing [roll0] gold, a masterwork dagger and two regular daggers, a vial marked with an X that Maveith recognizes as being similar to the poison the man had used on him before, studded leather armor, and two different potions. By contrast, the dwarf has only five silver, a club, a single potion, and small, off-white object about the size of a marble.

Also, 550 XP for Maveith and 350 for Aurelo.

2013-05-15, 03:52 AM
Bumpity, y'all can either work out the split of loot in here or through chat/PMs if you'd rather do it quicker. Then just let me know when you're ready to return to your separate threads.

2013-05-15, 02:35 PM
Since my involvment was minimal, I think 10 gold, one of the daggers, a potion and MAYBE the poison if you're willing to give it up would be fair. You were the one who did most of the murder and risk, so you should have the lion's share.

2013-05-15, 06:41 PM
Works for me, though you can take the other two daggers and more of the cash, I've got a good amount of it on hand still. All I really want is the pearl and the potion. Hope to work with you in the future, though, Aldurin.
Maevith hums a couple bars and changes into a fat half orc, handing Aurelo whatever he asks for. He hums another two others for good measure as he works, before nodding and tipping an illusory hat to the man.
"A pleasure meeting you, my friend. For now, though, I think I've got to find a new place to find a room."
(Used Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, and Undetectable Alignment)