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2013-05-10, 06:07 AM
Ch. 1: All Wet

The wind was as dead as the mood on deck. The surf was calm enough that the SS Dirty Unicorn was not jostled; instead, it was like she was sitting atop a mirror. The midday sun reflected off the sea in all directions, catching your eyes from the bottom and causing you to squint whether you wanted to or not. In the middle of the deck sat the contents of the crew's most recent haul, an uninspiring pile of goods that told the day's story themselves. After a job gone wrong, they had found and looted a merchant ship, but recently the crew of the Unicorn weren't the only ones facing hard times; instead of a cache of weapons and luxury items, they found themselves the new owners of a large shipment of nothing but baskets and wicker furniture...worthless.

The crew of the SS Dirty Unicorn had been prepared for a jaunt to Elysium to enjoy the scenery and snag a few particularly succulent fruits. They had been commissioned by a young chef with no means who had somehow lied his way into catering an event for the local Thieves' Guild, and he was desperate to impress. The vibrance of Elysium's flora was exactly what he needed to wow them, from the deep crimson of their blood apples to the more mundane things (like the perfect crispness of their celery). He had hired the Unicorn on spec, promising them a cut of his pay from the event along with whatever they felt like looting while on the job.

Captain Chess had prepared her sailors for a quick jaunt over to the maelstrom that marked the portal to the River Oceanus over on Elysium, and it had taken them days to sail to the spot in the doldrums that was marked on their map by an X. As they were sailing, another ship had begun to grow on the horizon, from a hazy dot and an idea to a miniature vessel to the full-sized behemoth they had just seen. Before they could even see what colors it flew, everyone knew: the SS Irontooth had decided to take the job for themselves. Captain Fitz and his crew simply smiled and saluted sarcastically as their hulking greatship cruised toward the whirlpool. She groaned like a wooden whale as her bow dipped down into the portal, and in what seemed like a heartbreaking instant the Irontooth and all onboard her were gone. The portal closed in on itself and fizzled out into nothing more than a small spot of seafoam, leaving the crew's plans all wet. Absent any other ideas, they began to turn back to port.

On the way back, the crew had found one of the Geartooth Brothers' merchant ships (the source of the large quantities of wicker now in their possession). Pirating was a high-risk, high-reward occupation, but every pirate on the seas knew the Geartooth ships were the closest thing they had to a steady stipend. The five gnomish brothers who ran the operation believed in quantity over quality, so they had a fleet of tiny boats at their disposal. However, they firmly believed that weapons, security, or training beyond the bare minimum were unnecessary expenditures. This made each and every skiff proudly flying the blue and white flag with a gear slapped on it into a sight for sore, squinting pirate eyes. Some ships contained gems, food, or weapons. Others contained...wicker.

As always, the motley crew of the Dirty Unicorn found themselves presented with a handful of underwhelming options. They could try to find another portal to Elysium to tail the Irontooth, but they all knew they were outclassed. Besides that, finding a fresh portal could take a few days' work without the proper instruments. They could wander aimlessly hoping for another Geartooth ship, but they could encounter another worthless barge. Or they could return to port with a lot of outdoor furniture to unload, a devastated chef and his many cleavers to report to, and a hungry thieves' guild looking for trouble. As the crew weighs their options, Wu Xin curls herself up in one of their new wicker chairs. She found it surprisingly uncomfortable, as one particular corner of the chair kept poking at her hip.

Search DC 20 to open (Wu Xin only): As Wu Xin examines the offending chair, she realizes that something is lodged deep within its woven frame. The object is perched precariously on a piece of wicker, and would probably fall if prodded. Even if left untouched, simply sitting in the chair may provide enough cajoling for the item to fall onto the deck, which it does. Wu notices a small black box, clean and simple except for the blue and white gear emblazoned on its cover.

Listen DC 15 to open (all): The noiselessness of the moment is actually a blessing, as it allows your ears to perk up at any sound. The particular sound that catches your attention is a soft THUNK from somewhere just beneath Wu Xin as she sits in the chair. It sounds like something has fallen beneath her seat, but the bright sun casts a small shadow straight down on the woman--perhaps she can see what it is that's fallen beneath her?

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-10, 09:17 AM
Chessire "Chess" Malice was proud of her Fearsome Ship and her Deadly Crew. It was immaterial if that ship was currently filled with nothing but Wicker Baskets and Furniture, and that her crew was... perhaps not the most threatening group around.

Honestly, she wasn't sure that Wu Xin even knew she was a Pirate.

But that didn't matter! They were a feared, respectable pirate crew who didn't have to resort to taking embarrassing jobs like picking fruit for a chef who couldn't keep his fingers out of the organised crime pie. No, of course not.

They'd only taken that job as a joke. Totally. Definitely not because they were just about broke and were seriously considering eating Graelyn's familiar. Because that would be silly. What sort of Pirate Crew gets so desperate that eating the equivalent of the Ship's Parrot? A pretty poor one, that's for sure.

"Arrrrgh" Chess groaned, leaning against the mast and holding her head in her hands. When had everything gone so wrong? She blamed Arnold Fitz; he was usually a good target for her ire, and he'd even earnt it this time. If Fitz and his bloody crew hadn't gotten to that Portal first (and they'd paid top dollar for the tip to where that Planar Breach was going to go down! Someone was going to pay for that!), everything would be fine. But no, it had to be that Addle Coved Arnold Fitz and his Cross Trading Bloody Ship.

So what if he had a Kyton as the Irontooth's helmsman! He wasn't so tough!

Chess groaned once again, and kicked one of her Skeletons over as it went about its business.

"Okay, I'm Foamed Up. No, I'm more than Foamed Up" Chess informs the world at large while dark, eldritch energy begins lapping around her feet.

"I. Am. Pissed.

Whipping her hand away from her face, she looks around at the rest of you with anger in her eyes "There's no way we're letting that bloody Fitz poach another one of ours, even if its as stupid as this one! We need the Jink that Chef promised us, and we're going to get it!"

"Oliver!" Chess shouts, pointing at a random skeleton who she just now decided to name, "Set a course for the nearest Portal to Elysium!"

"You know... wherever that is?" She mutters, sinking back against the Mast and pouting.

Why did everything need to be so hard?

Hopefully she hears the something or other we're hearing, because it would really cap this post off well.

Listen [roll0]

Oh, come on!

Also, this is what Chess is going to be like. Her head is going to be weird. Feel free to disagree or try to persuade her out of any course of Action she tries to take; its why she keeps you lot around, after all. She considers you marginally more sane and better equipped to make rational decisions than she is alone.

You know, Kinda :smallamused:

EDIT: Forgot we'd already chosen speech colours :smallredface:

2013-05-10, 09:38 AM
The unbalanced woman had just launched into another one of her yelling fits where she paces back and forth waving her finger about and pounding her fist against things. Wu wasn't quite sure why the unbalanced woman did these things. Wu Xin was enjoying a horrendously uncomfortable curl in a wicker chair when something lodged in her hip fell onto the poop deck. She quickly scooped it up.

아사! 상자! 당신은 내 친구 무엇을 숨기고있다?
*Feelings of awesomeness! A box! What secrets do you hold my friend?

Wu climbs the riggings of the main mast to the privacy of her perch in the crow's nest. There, among the soft coral petals of her garden of salt shine orchids (so named because of their preference for salty air and bright sunshine) she examined her new prize.

Wu is a terrible liar. So when she tried to put on her very best "lying person's face" and non-nonchalantly made her way to the mast in an awkward goosestep while whistling, pretty much anyone would be able to tell something was up. But few people, if anyone, were paying attention at that moment.

This new treasure was a welcome reprieve from the lifeless waters they were now in. What wonders did it hold? She shook it lightly for a clue as to its contents. Then she started fiddling with it to see if it would open.

Search [roll0] (looking for traps and a way to open it.
Worst bluff in all history? [roll1] - Not bad! I better edit in a way for her to get away with this.
Open locks take 20 for 21.

This was a lot more exciting than watching her new young friend that cooks things chop shallots. This was like a puzzle!
Her little 고양이 was still in Wu's purse. She had dressed in her finest silks and put on way too much makeup earlier out of sheer boredom. And because she rarely had anything better to put in her purse, she kept her kitten there. She took said kitten out now and nuzzled her nose next to its soft white fur. 고양이 was good about being up in the crow's nest. Together they explored the box in its entirety. Maybe there was food inside!

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-10, 12:58 PM

Graelyn took another swig as he sat contentedly on the deck, his back resting comfortably against a pile of rope and old clothing. The bottle sloshed depressingly and he looked to see that there was only about of a quarter of the rum left.

Turning his head he eyed Kackaw who was perched just above him on the railing. The parrot tilted his head and issued his trademark cry that had earned him his name.

"Youuu drraank thisss, dddidn't youuu," Graelyn slurred at his familiar. "Today wasss gonnna be a good day."

Completely oblivious to anything going on around him, Graelyn ignored his captain's hysteria and Wu Xin's secretive magpie like behaviour.

2013-05-10, 09:27 PM
Things started hard, and they're not getting any easier. Though the captain is hellbent on revenge, she doesn't know in which direction to unleash her fury. The newly-christened "Oliver" is as confused about his master's question as he is about his new name (or, for that matter, most of his orders that aren't "row," "smash," "stop," or "go"). He simply stands still, feebly raising a bony fist as if to ask "Smash?"

Wu Xin
Up in the crow's nest, Wu Xin and her kitten pore over the odd little box. She is quite satisfied that she has scoured every inch of it for traps, and she has found none. More curiously, though, she has found no mechanisms of any sort--no hinges, no latches, no nothing. When she shakes the box, she doesn't hear anything inside. It feels remarkably light; if it contains anything at all, it might be nothing more than parchment. If Wu wanted to get this box open, she'd have to try something else.

The rum is smooth and dark, much like the freshly polished mahogany deck from which Graelyn couldn't quite lift himself.

2013-05-11, 12:35 AM
Wu growls in frustration. And then her stomach echos her frustration. She needs a box break! So she stands up and hollers at the Captain:

야! 사람이 미친! 나 배고파. 좀 물고기를 제공합니다.
* Hey Crazy lady! I'm starving. Go fetch me some fish. (The word for fish is "Mulgogi", literally "water meat".)

She desperately pantomimes eating things and patting her tummy and tries to make a fish with her hands. Common was such a dirty tongue; she liked to avoid it if at all possible (that and she wasn't very good at it). She was confident that from nearly a hundred feet in the air her gestures and native language were well understood.

She returns to her mysterious puzzle box. A few more taps against the mast, and rattles next to her ear, and she is still no closer to opening it. Wu Xin's stomach groans in protest a second time and she becomes disinterested with the box. She can't eat it. So she tosses over her shoulder and it performs a perfect swan dive from the crow's nest landing between Chess and Graelyn.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-11, 04:59 AM
She was confident that from nearly a hundred feet in the air her gestures and native language were well understood.

This cracked me up.


Turning his head to witness the flashy arrival of Wu Xin from her nest, Graelyn waved both his hands at her, spilling a few precious drops of alcohol on the boards.

His face went from warm and welcoming to crestfallen in a few long seconds, before, with great reluctance, and an accusing look at Kackaw, he stoppered the bottle: "You'rre not gettinnnng anymore of thisss." He hid the bottle within his pile of clothing and then staggered towards Wu Xin, briefly becoming aware of some shouting by the captain, but forgetting it almost immediately.

2013-05-11, 06:28 AM
The box drops out of the sky and onto the deck, skittering across it with a few loud bangs before falling at Oliver's feet. The loyal (but dumb as the pile of bones he is) skeleton brings the box to his master, dropping it at her feet with the same stupid grin of a cat who thinks his master enjoys dead mice on the doorstep. The entire crew is aware of the device now, and amazed that after a fall from such a height it is still entirely sealed and unbroken. Whatever was inside was certainly something worth keeping safe. Most interesting...

Knowledge (arcana), (architecture & engineering), Profession (pirate), or (sailor) checks could yield more info about the box. Rolls made below--if you have anything else that might help you identify the box, let me know.

She returns to her mysterious puzzle box. A few more taps against the mast, and rattles next to her ear, and she is still no closer to opening it. Wu Xin's stomach groans in protest a second time and she becomes disinterested with the box. She can't eat it. So she tosses over her shoulder and it performs a perfect swan dive from the crow's nest landing between Chess and Graelyn.

Wu cuts through the water like her katana cuts through flesh, barely leaving behind a splash as she high-dives from the crow's nest into the sea. As luck would have it, she opens her eyes in the clear tropical waters to find that she has dived right into the middle of a school of butterfly fish. Their bright stripes dance in front of her as they slowly swim forth. Upon her entry, some of the faster ones dash away from her, but a few float just within reach.

"You'rre not gettinnnng anymore of thisss."

*WRAK* "Just a sip mate, just a sip," Kackaw chirps out, echoing Graelyn's own words on many an occasion. The bird flaps over and lands atop the tiny box that had just fallen from the crow's nest. Graelyn finds that, for once, his attention is drawn away from his drink and towards the device. Once he's able to squint just right and actually focuses his eyes, the magician realizes something--he knows what this box is!

You remember some paranoid wizards using a "Spellkeep," a completely sealed box containing a powerful scroll to be broken and used only in case of emergencies. The devices have a nautical application as well, however. Since they are fireproof, waterproof, and almost completely tamper-proof, some crews have taken to using them to ferry sensitive information across the seas. Their intended recipient can safely open them with a command word, or they can simply try to shatter the thing (though doing so is usually a grueling task in itself).


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-11, 10:41 AM

"Fetch!!!" Graelyn cries dramatically, with only the faintest hint of unsteadiness, though his familiar instead chooses to land in his shoulder and caw loudly and annoyingly in his ear.
With his first course of action having failed him. Graelyn takes the far more hazardous decision to stumble across the deck, which is swaying far more than it ought to he decides, "Damn, tropical waters, always messing with the undercurrents," he muttered.

Nearing the box, Graelyn pauses, remembering through the haze, that Chess could be very particular about ownership, and much as he might like to examine the box, it was probably best to let the captain hold on to it, for the moment.

"Er, Captain, that box there. I think it's a Spellkeep; pretty tough-like, hard to break. Meant for a particular person you know. Opens to a command word, or... er, a little extra force. Well a lot, actually."
Pausing to allow his poorly delivered monologue to have its dramatic effect, Graelyn then decided that he would try and open the box: "The word would have to be a rare word I think, something with importance... Braganza! Sessimorph! Ear-trumpet!"

2013-05-11, 01:32 PM
If you read the post again, the box did the dive, not Wu. I'm going to roll with it though, because it is more interesting. Just let me put in a few things retroactively.

Before diving from the crow's nest and into the waters below, Wu strips off her jewelry and silk finery and places them in a small lock box she keeps up is the nest. She'll come back for kitten when she has something for them both to eat. She is nude now, but like many elves she is oblivious to such modesty. When she completes her dive into the waters below she feels a sense of calm and satisfaction. Life is good, even when there is no food and everyone around is grumpy for some reason. The box is nagging at her still, but in all likelihood she'll forget all about it in a minute.

And so she does. The sight of delicious succulent butterfly fish causes her to grin from pointy ear to pointy ear. Ask and you shall receive. Her hands dart out like lightning towards the one closest to her.

[roll0] sleight of hand to catch a fish bare handed, kick her way the hull, where she will bash it against the ship until dead. It's a tall order, I know.
Edit: A natural one... There's a feat for that that I will definitely be taking later. :smallmad:

2013-05-11, 07:24 PM
Listen check.[roll0] oh my word a natural twenty!

Pandora wanders aimlesly around the deck, her right hand continually stroking Blinky so that she can navigate away from obstacles. She hears a soft and muffled band bellow deck. It sounds as if something fell over.

She eventually comes to stop beneath the crows nest and leans against the mast. She hears Graelyn bickering with Kawkaw and then a thud.

"What was that"

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-11, 09:27 PM
"Aww, hell" Chess mutters, looking at the mysterious box, "This is going to end badly, isn't it, Graelyn?"

The Captain, pushing the useless Oliver out of the way, walked cautiously up to the Box and crouched down next to it beside the Drunken First Mate. Curiously, she pointed a Finger at the box and fired off a blast of Eldritch Energy.

Shooting the magic box can't possibly go wrong, right?

Attack [roll0] That's actually 14; Chess has only got a +8 to hit, but its a touch attack so that's okay :smallbiggrin:
Damage [roll1]

2013-05-12, 06:20 AM
Though slower than usual, even the slowest Wu Xin is faster than a fish. She snags one of the poor, unfortunate creatures with ease and kills it against the side of the Unicorn. Small trails of blood spiral from the creature and cause beautiful ribbons to form in the water, but they also serve as Wu's signal that perhaps she should get back on the boat. Especially in deep, still waters, predatory creatures liked to make their home. Even a drop of blood in the water was as good as an invitation to a dinner party for them. She wouldn't attract any mythical creatures, mind you, but perhaps a shark or two.

Graelyn tries a few command words to open the box, but they do just as much good as one waving at Pandora to get her attention. The blind ship's medic is wandering around the decks with her seeing eye dog, oblivious to the goings on. Someone should fill her in; perhaps her training would lend some unexpected insight. At each of Graelyn's slurred commands, the box reacts similarly: it does nothing.

http://imageshack.us/a/img818/4739/jabrk14.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/818/jabrk14.jpg/)

Chess directs her eldritch energies to the box, but even they are not enough to break it. The box absorbs the blast and, while a small cracking sound is heard, there is no sign of visible damage. The black box glows a faint purple for a moment until the energy dissipates. She'd have to keep at this for a while, unless she had any other magic that could shatter it outright.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-12, 07:21 AM

"Hmm, perhaps we could drop it from a great height," Graelyn mused, about to grab the box and teleport 60ft in the air, until he realised that the impact might well cut through the ship instead, and Chessire might not take kindly to him sinking her boat.
With both force and intellect having failed Graelyn muttered a few words, using an opening spell.

Cast Knock (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/knock.htm)

2013-05-12, 09:23 AM
She climbs the rope ladder they hang on the side of the ship, fishy in hand, and skips giddily to the galley. On her way she grabs her katana. When she arrives at the galley, dead fish in one hand and deadly sword in the other, she flops the victual on the cook's counter and demands in the common tongue Cheppi! ("Chef") Ya! Cheppi! Cooke me pishy.

I didn't choose to dive in the water, so I'm not getting trapped in the water. There's a ladder. :smallwink: ...please. If you want me to edit this and have a little "stuck in the water naked with sharks" adventure, we can do that.

Also, bravo to the rest of the crew for doing useful stuff.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-12, 08:38 PM
"Lets save that for plan E" Chess replies glibly, the mental image of the box striking someone on the head as it fell. Or worse, breaking a hole in the deck of the Dirty Unicorn.

Watching Graelyn's mystical attempts to gain access to the Box, Chess flexed her fingers and called to mind the words she would need for Plan D. Taking off her Tricornne and absent-mindedly spinning the hat around on her fingers, she waits for the results of Graelyn's Knock spell.

If the Knock spell fails, she licks her lips and utters a Baleful Word of the Dark Speech.

"Molva" Chess uttered, the fell energies of the word blasting apart bonds and destroying any object in its path.

"Molva Molva Molva Molva Molva Molva"

... Its better to be safe than sorry.

She'd have to keep at this for a while, unless she had any other magic that could shatter it outright.

Oh you :smallbiggrin:

If Knock Doesn't work, Chess will hit this box with Baleful Utterance a couple of times and hope it breaks.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, a Skeleton dressed in a Chef's Hat and an Apron (and little else) looks at Wu Xin with no comprehension in its lack of eyes.

Well, it might not be looking at Wu Xin. Its hard to tell with Skeletons.

2013-05-12, 09:49 PM
Above Deck
Upon Graelyn's casting of Knock, tiny fissures begin to form along the length of the box. It looks as though it might open gently, but Chess grows impatient with the slow progress of the spell and chimes in with a repeated incantation of her own. The box breaks into fragments, the fragments into shards, the shards into specks, the specks into dust, and finally the dust into powder. All that is left behind is a tightly wound scroll.

Upon unwrapping the document, the crew finds a map much like the one they had followed to the portal that was supposed to take them to Elysium. In fact, the portal itself is marked with a circle on the map. A few short miles away, another spot on the water is marked with an X, the word "Elysium" written in jagged script above each. There are some other complicated notations that aren't clear in any language the crew knows.

Profession (Sailor) DC 25, Knowledge (geography or planes) DC 20, or Decipher Script DC 30 to open:
The circles are standard cartographer's notation for a portal--a safe gateway between worlds that allows travel but protects planar effects from bleeding through from one world to the other. An "X," on the other hand, is used to indicate a vortex--a violent and unstable bridge between worlds that causes elements from both joined dimensions to swirl together at the point of connection. Many planar pirates extol the virtues of vortexes as quicker ways to travel between planes...if one can master the trick of crossing them safely.

In the margin of the map there is a note scrawled in a foreign language, with an odd sketch below it. The ridiculously polysyllabic nature of the words reveals it as Gnomish:

Gnomish speakers (or Decipher Script DC 25) to open:
"A front door to every store,
But only one back door to the vault.
Churning, burning, ever turning,
Fuels forever (at least it ought)."

The sketch is made with colored graphite and grease pencils, but it still bears the marks of an artist more than those of a hardened sailor:

http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6899/yinyangdd.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/208/yinyangdd.png/)

Below Deck (Galley)
The skeletal cook points its hollow face in Wu Xin's direction with limited recognition and feebly pokes at the fish carcass with its meat cleaver. If their client had been on deck, perhaps he could have whipped up a mean filet, but he had hired the Unicorn to sail the planar seas for him precisely because he wanted to avoid such a trek. The skeleton plops the fish on a frying pan, then picks the creature up (slightly blackened) and hands it back to Wu Xin. At the same time, she hears the repeated sound of shattering above deck and muted murmuring from the crew. Perhaps they had discovered something interesting?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-13, 07:23 AM

"What have we here?" Graelyn asked, grinning as his eyes alighted on potential knowledge. He felt like he almost understood what the map meant, what with its Xs and squiggles, but the full import eluded him. Luckily he remembered enough scraps of Gnomish to decipher the poem at the bottom. He read it out to the others, filling his voice with pomposity:

"A front door to every store,
But only one back door to the vault.
Churning, burning, ever turning,
Fuels forever (at least it ought)."

"Well that sounds interesting enough. What do you think it is Cap'n?"

2013-05-13, 09:29 AM
The screaming and the splash of water don't dent his concentration. Neither do the standard skeleton clanks of running about hither, thigher, and yon, fixing the decks. But, when he hears the shattering... yeah, he's up.

"What in the name of Asmodeous' secret collection of rubber ducks is going on up here!?" James bellows, waving around one of his books, entitled, "Surviving the Simpletons: A Guide to Tuning Out The World. Apparently, it's not very successful.

He glances around the deck, eyes following an ornate pile of... dust to the captain, then to the scroll. "Oh, don't tell me. A magical artifact fell from the sky, and you blew it to pieces BEFORE I could look at it?" He sighs. "Figures. Just figures. Lemme see, now." Bending over the scroll, he mumbles aloud the words. Then... the pacing begins.

"Hm... Yes!"

"Oh, no... of course not."

"Well... maybe?"

"Or.... yes?"

Finally, he's back over near the scroll. He breathes deeply, stares at it for a second, and utters his findings. "I got nothin'."

2013-05-13, 11:42 AM
Wu ignores the shattering sound when she hears it. She has fish on her mind! Unfortunately, it is not meant to be.

Wu Xin's face reddens when her beautiful fish is returned to her burnt on one side and still raw on the other. The skeleton chef didn't even fillet it. Wu cannot believe the incompetence of the crew on this ship sometimes. One day she is going to be rich, and on that day she'll hire Cheppi the skeleton chef jsut so she can fire him (or her). And then she'll hire a real chef that can actually cook something.

She throws the fish down on the galley table and hacks it in half with her sword. Holding the fish up furiously in one hand she shoves the bisected bum end of the fish in the skeleton's face (or lack of face). Half of the creature flakes off char and burnt scales, and the other half drips raw juices. She screams at the chef.

바보! 당신이 무슨 짓을 봐. 당신은 나의 맛있는 물고기를 파괴. 당신은 최악의 요리입니다. 어떻게 물고기를 구워 또한 요리를 실패 했는가? 어떻게이 먹고 해야하는 건가요? 당신은 요리사입니까? 날이 물고기를 잡는 것은 매우 어려운 일이었다. 매우 배고프다. 나는 이것에 대해 미친 여자를 말할 것이다.

*Idiot! Look at what you did. You ruined my delicious fish. You are the worst cook. How did you burn the fish and also fail to cook it? How am I supposed to eat this? You call yourself a chef? It was very difficult for me to catch this fish. I am very hungry. I will tell the crazy lady about this.

She throws a fist full of the fish on the galley floor and storms off in anger. Then she does an about face and returns and for the fish head.

자랑하지 마십시오. 나는 고양이로 제공합니다.

*Don't look so smug! It's for my cat.

When she returns topside, she storms past the crew as they pour over the hidden scroll with interest. They ignore the sight of a naked, wet, and angry elf clutching a burnt/raw fish head. It is a common enough sight. She climbs the shrouds up to the crow's nest again and gives the fish head to her kitten who mews in disappointment. Now what? Her stomach groans in protest. She could try and catch another fish, but who would cook it for her. She wanted to see land soon so they could replenish supplies and chef skeleton could bastardize one of the twelve recipes it was actually programmed to make. Wu always thought it was an oversight that it couldn't make fish.

She peers over the edge of the nest. The others are still huddled around some silly old thing or other. She would bring her complaint to the crazy lady! That's what she'd do! Wu puts on her boring old sailor clothes because Chess and the others always insist she wear clothes before talking to them and she wanted to get on their good side. She was sure if she approached this right she could convince them that finding food was priority #1. She put her kitten on her shoulder and climbed down, fully dressed and ready for work.

When she saw that they were looking at a map that came out of her box she was a little annoyed. But then she remembered that she tossed it away and supposed it was fair that they got to open it. She pushes the inferior drunken elf aside and joins in the excitement of the discovery.

Ooooooohhhh... wery interlesting she chimes in rubbing her chin.

2013-05-13, 11:44 AM
Sorry to double post. Ruined roll.
Prof Sailor: [roll0]

Wu Xin has little or no clue what she is looking at.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-13, 04:15 PM
With the others coming up short, Graelyn took the document to one side and re-examined it, though this time his parrot familiar was less quiet, and repeate added unhelpful noises just to disrupt Graelyn's concentration.

So the circle was a portal then, yes that seemed sensible, and leads to Elysium; where they should have been. Then why would the X also be labelled Elysium? Oh. Another portal, but different this time... That could only be...

"It's a vortex!" Graelyn cried, jumping to his feat and sending Kackaw screeching around the deck. "This is like the Gnomish said; a backdoor, another route. We can get there before Arnold grgahrshirj...." The end of his sentence disolves into unintelligible gibberish as his hatred for their rival causes him to seethe visibly.

2013-05-13, 08:41 PM
It's amazing what happens when adventure is afoot. The breezeless sky now feels less like the stillness of the grave and more like the calm before the storm, little lightning bolts of adrenaline zipping up the necks of everyone on board. Their raid on the Geartooth ship turned out to be not a consolation prize, but the appetizer to what could become a main course of revenge. The scurvy scalliwags on board the SS Irontooth would rue the day they had stolen a job from the Dirty Unicorn!

The X on the map beckons to them, calling everyone to something close to every pirate's heart: maximum risk for maximum reward. Though Graelyn was the only one who knew what the symbol on the map meant, everyone knew what a vortex was: a violent and unstable bridge between worlds that causes elements from both joined dimensions to swirl together at the point of connection. Many planar pirates extol the virtues of vortexes as quicker ways to travel between planes...if one can master the trick of crossing them safely. There was always a chance that they could capsize in the rough waters of the vortex, get trapped somewhere in the breakers between worlds, or worse...Was it worth the risk to chase their sworn enemies across the planes, or would they head back to Fantine to lick their wounds and face the thieves?

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-14, 08:37 AM
"Hmm..." Chess mutters, removing her Tricorne hat with one hat and knuckling her close cropped hair with the other.

"Well, you know me; I've never been one to step down from a challenge," Chess tells the others, the all too familiar glint of crazed determination appearing in her eyes as she looks at those gathered around her; Graelyn, drunk as a skunk like usual. James Sirocco, exasperation and annoyance clear on his face. Wu Xin, dripping wet and excitable. What better crew could she ask for?

Who cares if she didn't have a Half-Dragon Gelatinous Cube to catapult at enemy ships like Fitz did! She'd show him. She'd show her Fiendish Father. She'd show them all!

"Its not just a Job now" She whispered conspiratorially, "Its a Race too. We've got to get to this Vortex, brave its waters and learn how to ride one, reach Elysium, avoid any patrolling Exemplars or other 'Good Guys', find the Fruits or whatever for this chef and all before the SS Irontooth makes it through that direct portal to the grove we were headed to"

Her grin reached her ears as she explained the stakes, her namesake all too appropriate as she spoke. They totally had a shot. They were the underdogs, and even though they almost always lost and got beaten into the dirt, they still had a chance. And now, when everything was at its most desperate, they were going to go up against their greatest rival and defeat them in a down to the wire, desperation game.

That was what being the underdog was all about!

"Okay Guys, you in?"

Also, maybe she knew what the Scroll was about before Graelyn did [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-14, 09:08 AM
Graelyn grinned too; damn but the captain's smile was infectious, like cholera.

"Solid plan, Cap'n!" Graelyn cried, wobbling slightly.

2013-05-14, 09:22 AM
Wu Xin was so hungry! So could barely concentrate on what Chess was saying.

"Hmm... Blah blah blah blah ba blah blah Blah Challenge.

Bla blah ba Blah blah. Ba ba Race blah. Ba ba blah blah buh blah Vortex, blah buh blah ba lah blah b-blah, blah Elysium, blah blah baddie-ba-blab-blah-dee-blah, blah buh Fruits be blah boo buh chef blah blah bee blah SS Irontooth blah buh blah blah blah portal boo blah blah blah blah blah blab.

Okay Guys, you in?"

"Fruits"? and "Elysium"? And there's a real chef too? Oh yeah, she knew what was going on, and she was so ready.

*Fighting she cheered, pumping her fist wildly in the air.

Let's get all the fruits! she thought. She immediately showed her loyalty to the cause by preparing to hoist the main sail as quickly as professionally possible (with some skeletal assistance).

Sailing [roll0]
To go very quickly, not to succeed. Otherwise I would take 10.
EDIT: lame! Evil hell spawn forum dice. :smallmad:

2013-05-14, 03:23 PM
Pandora eventually stumbles towards the rest of the party with the aid of Blinky.
So whats going on here?

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-14, 04:20 PM
"A vortex!" Graelyn cries, using the blind girl to steady himself: "Just think what it'll look like: and er, in your case, think really hard! We'll catch the Irontooth yet, yes we will."

2013-05-14, 04:53 PM
Wu comes barreling past Pandora with an armful of tangled rope just in time to here her question. On the second pass she is carrying a block and tackle and she answers
get the fruits
before scampering off.

2013-05-14, 05:27 PM
Pandora nodded piecing together what Wu Xin and Graelyn said.

Okay so we are chasing the Irontooth to get to a vortex to complete our job from the chef fellow?

questioned Pandora.

2013-05-14, 05:59 PM
James slams his book shut with a resounding thud, and slips it into the messenger bag at his side. He looks to each of his allies, head turning upward, chest puffing out in pride. They are glorious, each of them, and they were the crew he was about to adventure alongside. Yes. Yes! All was good. "I've always wanted to die horribly at the hands of angels."

He runs to the front of the ship, and whorls a weighted length of chain, and throws it deep into the water. "No bottom with the main line!"


Golden Ladybug
2013-05-15, 04:29 AM
"Yes Pandora, try to keep up" Chess replied dismissively, no longer caring about the consent of her Crew; some of them had agreed, and that was enough! Especially since she was the Captain. Her word was law, or somesuch. She really hadn't paid much attention in the orientation briefing...

"OLIVER!" She shouts at the hapless Skeleton, wishing that she had a cape so that it could flow dramatically in the... calm, lack of breeze, "You have our heading! Set course for the Planar Whirlpool we just discovered the location of in by recklessly destroying a box we took from a Boat stocked with wicker furniture!"

Her Captain-y Proclamation duties completed, she watched as her highly trained and confused Skeletons went about their duties.

She had a feeling that she was forgetting something...

2013-05-15, 05:57 AM
The crew sets to work in a way that almost made them feel nautical...almost. Wu Xin raises the sails like prayers to the sky, and a small wind picks catches them and pulls them taut; it seems her prayers have been answered. James drops anchor to allow the ship to pivot in place and head for the X on the map. Even Pandora feels her way to one of the lines and lets it slack as needed. Graelyn busily stumbles about the deck, but his inebriation makes it difficult to do much but find places to steady himself. Chess (doing her best to play the role of captain) barks commands at everyone else on board. Luckily she had a handful of skeletons that had been properly trained as sailors; it helped to cover the fact that she hadn't been.

She consults the map they had just found and tries to set a course for the vortex. However, the task is quite difficult, even when she asks [barks at] her crew for help. Usually in port there were others to help them read the maps. With a little bit of work and a lot of luck (thanks to Wu Xin and her method of pointing a random direction at the horizon and shouting about fruit until they obliged), they're able to pick up the proper course. The beautiful lines of their wingship cut through the water like a heated blade through butter, and they reach the edge of the vortex in no time. They don't encounter any trouble on the seas, but once they get to the Vortex the trouble is the sea itself. The water churns in a wide whirlpool that drops down in the middle; the Unicorn feels herself being pulled toward another world. Rather than the rotation of regular portals (which whirl to the right), the foaming waters of this vortex spin in the opposite direction, reminding the crew of the old sailor's adage: "Whirls to the right, sailor's delight; whirls to the left, may leave your lady bereft." As they draw near, the boat begins to founder. Luckily, James is able to dash across the deck and pick up a cross breeze to counterbalance the weight of the ship.

As they draw nearer, the crew is surprised that they don't feel fear. Their ability to handle the Unicorn instills them with confidence even as she bucks and brays amid the waters of the bridge between worlds. Gazing into the vortex, they see a watercolor depiction of perfection: sapphire blue waters and aquamarine skies. Pandora notices that instead of a foul, salty sea breeze, the scentlessness of clean water mingles with a slight perfume of vanilla emanating from their destination. As they draw near, even the waters around them take on the same rich blue color, and they start to quiet toward the center of the vortex. The harsh bite of the noonday sun is gone, replaced instead by the warm hug of an Elysium breeze. None can explain it, but as the bow of the ship starts to dip toward the middle, each and every person on deck swears they can taste chocolate chip cookies--even the skeletons. The ship yawns loudly as they approach the point of no return, but given what they're experiencing why would anyone turn their back on this beautiful place?

[roll1] taking 10 yields success
[roll2] taking 10 yields success

2013-05-15, 08:36 AM
Her skin tingles with a warm delight, the same way she feels when snuggling anything cute and soft like her kitten. Only this was like taking a bath in a tub full of declawed kittens! Her lip quivers and tears of joy fall freely from her cheeks. Wu Xin gasps when the taste of chocolate chip cookies fills her mouth with saliva. Oh happy day! For the first time in her life she approaches something close to gastronomical satiation.


I'm not entirely sure of the choice facing us. Go through or pull out? This is a vote for go through.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-15, 08:43 AM
The swirling vortex caused the ship to lurch beneath them, and Graelyn's stomach did a couple of somersaults, whilst Graelyn's already unsettled vision wobbled madly.
"Better get this over with," Graelyn stated, lacking his previous enthusiasm, but Kackaw rather made up for it with hearty cry.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-15, 09:43 AM
Tasting the chocolate air, smelling the vanilla air and looking down into the golden vortex of heavenly perfection, Chesire Malice shrugged. She'd seen better.

"Eh, I guess its okay" She admitted, anchoring her feet to the deck with her own fell powers as the Dirty Unicorn passed through the portal.

No complaints about continuing through the portal from here...

Although, considering what I know about Elysium and its "Never Leave, Ever!" traits, I might have Chess roll a Knowledge check to see if she knows that.


2013-05-15, 09:46 AM
"Deeper! Deeper! As the old sage Jitherton Jitherson said, "What lies below trumps any thought of safety above!' And oh how true it was!" James leaps to the bow, leaning on his twin scimitars and gazing into the pits of joy.

2013-05-17, 08:04 AM
Ch. 2: The Golden Apple

For all the noise the ship makes, sailing into the vortex is fairly straightforward. The crew begins to wonder what all the fuss about vortexes is truly about; they don't seem too bad. Then, the world turns sideways. As they crest the edge of the vortex, there's a brief howling sound followed by a pop, and the entire crew is deafened for a moment. The brighter sun of Elysium stings at their eyes, and they find themselves flipping around the deck like bumblebees in a jar being shaken by a malicious child. Most of them are able to hold on tight, even grabbing the ropes and nets around the Unicorn. Surprisingly, they manage to keep the ship aright as increasingly tall waves lick the edges of the deck. Today, those on the Unicorn were true sailors.

As the crew regains their hearing and their bearings, they find themselves straightened out and in another world. The crew finds themselves at the source of a mighty river, known to all planar pirates as the mighty River Oceanus that weaves together the beautiful layers of Elysium. The river begins here, in a mighty geyser on the layer known as Amoria. As the ship rocks gently from its momentum in coming through the vortex, sprays of water from the geyser Oceanus burst through the air around them in every direction. The fine mist catches the light of the sun and reflects a cloak of a thousand rainbows that wrap around the ship in every direction. Even as the rainbows evaporate into the air, the myriad of colors persists in the scenic vista surrounding them. Along every bank, brilliant green meadows are punctuated with bursts of flowering plants, pools and tributaries form that are littered with all manners of exotic fish, and marshmallow clouds float by every so often in the picturesque sky. There is a pervading feeling of peace that soaks the skin, and for a moment the crew almost forgets how mad they are at Arnold Fitz and the other vagabonds aboard the SS Irontooth. Almost.

The size of the river varies as they sail, and many islands and rocky promontories jut out along the way, but it is smooth sailing. The current itself carries the ship forward at a respectable clip, and this allows the crew to make a beeline for the apple orchard that was supposed to be their first stop. As they soar down the river with the gentle breeze in their hair and the comfortable bobbing feeling of cutting through the water with a purpose, everyone on board can't help but agree: this is what sailing is supposed to feel like. Between the crystal-clear waters and the vistas surrounding them, the crew wonders why they'd ever want to head back to the monotony of the Material.

@Chess (or Knowledge Planes DC 20 to open):
You have heard many tales of planar sailors who leave home for Elysium, never to be seen or heard again. However, rather than being cautionary stories of the sea, these tales are about the plane itself. There's another name for Elysium among the savvy: the Smiling Spider's Silk. The plane invites you in, wrapping its tendrils around you all the while. Left unchecked, you may find yourself unwilling or unable to leave. They'd best get the job done and get out fast.

The crew pulls in and docks easily on an inviting shoreline. The orchard is clearly visible a few hundred yards inland, and its apples shine with an auric yellow luster. The gentle breeze carries harp music in their direction. As they disembark and make their way to the orchard, the crew is hailed by two twin creatures--the source of the harp music. The twins are gigantic in size, standing over 7 feet tall even with their serpentine halves coiled below them. They speak in perfect unison, and the stereo sound is like the chiming of handbells.

http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/1457/lillend.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/844/lillend.jpg/)

Knowledge (planes) DC 17 to open:
These creatures are lillends, outsiders that are generally peaceful. However, if they believe you have harmed or intend harm to a favored piece of art or other exhibit of beauty, they will take swift action. On their home plane of Ysgard, they do not tolerate the destruction of art or the ill treatment of artists.

Lillends also have a great love of unspoiled wilderness. The wilds remind them of the natural beauty of their home plan. A lillend is as protective of its chosen wilderness as it is of the arts. Sometimes a covey of lillends adopts a tract of wilderness, using any means necessary to drive off despoilers.

In combat, they use their spells and spell-like abilities to confuse and weaken opponents before entering combat, at which point they bring their serpentine halves to bear in order to squeeze the life out of foes. A typical lillend's coils are 20 feet long, and the creatures weigh around 3,800 pounds.

"Greetings, travellers," they practically sing, "welcome to the King's Orchards. What brings you here? Rest here as long as you like; we ask only that you leave the orchards as they are." The creatures beam at you with the untarnished smiles of pure good.

2013-05-17, 09:32 AM
"Greetings, travellers," they practically sing, "welcome to the King's Orchards. What brings you here? Rest here as long as you like; we ask only that you leave the orchards as they are."

They needed the fruits, but the flying snake ladies were not going to let them have the fruits. Being pirates the crew of the Dirty Unicorn were familiar with the situation. They would either try and talk their way through, steal the fruit while the harp toting snake ladies were distracted, or beat the living crap out of the snake ladies. Often the crew tried all three in that order. Chess was the boss lady and so she would decide. If they chose the second option, Chess would signal Wu by making irrelevant small talk which actually meant "Go get that thing we want while I keep these bozos busy". These codes and signals were well rehearsed. Ever since the famous "beat the crap out of the diplomat we were trying to impress incident" last year on the elemental plane of air, Chess insisted that her crew practice these types of scenarios regularly.

She observed Chess closely for her secret orders while Kitten purred in her hands.

2013-05-17, 01:22 PM
"Greetings, travellers," they practically sing, "welcome to the King's Orchards. What brings you here? Rest here as long as you like; we ask only that you leave the orchards as they are."

"Oh great" mutters Pandora "There goes plan 'get in, get out'. Now what?"

"Maybe we could distract whatever it was, or we could charge in..." she thinks.

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-18, 07:48 AM
"Oh, you know, nothing much" Chess replied, disembarking the ship with a casual shrug. She gestured for her contingent of Skeletons to follow, wary of the threat the Winged Snake Ladies posed.

They were getting those bloody apples. They'd had to come all the way to Elysium for those apples, and she already hated it here. Everything made her so happy. What sort of Plane has to do something like that? Shady, if you asked her.

"We were just in the Neighberhood, you know, feeling a little wistful" She elaborates, casually twirling her hands around in a rather complicated but obviously meaningless code that would send Wu Xin scurrying off into the Orchard to collect the apples. You know, if they were going to do that. Which they totally weren't, you creepy Snake Twins! How dare you even accuse us of such a thing, silent mental projections of real life creatures that haven't actually responded yet.

Chess twitches a little, the dark bags under her eyes clearly visible.

"So, we decided to stop by here in Elysium, see the sights. I've heard its nice this time of year, ya' know?" She continues, twirling around on the spot. The split second she was opposite her audience, she mouths "surround them" to her congregated Skeletons.

"But, at the moment, its just kind of pleasant. Not what we were led to believe, you know?" Chess sighs, shrugging her shoulders and walking forward a few steps as her Skeleton fan out, "I wonder if we're just in the wrong place, or maybe I was misinformed and this is the Off Season or something"

"So, think you guys could help us? Maybe give us directions, or a few tips even? I've got a Map on board, maybe you can point out some choice spots? It'll only take a minute"

The grin that earnt Chesire Malice her name graces her face, as the Skeletons (Tricornne hats and all) box in the Lillends. They could fly, of course, but Chess hoped it was still passive agressively threatening. If they could get the Lillends onto the Dirty Unicorn, Wu Xin would have pleeeeently of time to nip into the Orchard, pinch a few arrows, and they could be out before they were all mind-raped by this place into being happy little bunny rabbits.

Knowledge (Planes) [roll0]
Diplomacy, too, because that might be necessary [roll1]

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-18, 09:23 AM
Noting Chess's plan, Graelyn made a great deal of noise and then promptly fell over, to all intents and purposes, having passed out from drink. But as his face was turned away from the snake women, he grinned cunningly. Hiding his hand movements as best he could, he silently projected an illusory image of himself asleep, exactly where he lay, a copy of himself that made a few grunts and snores.
With only a few seconds before that image would vanish, Graelyn continued his magic, and cast a spell of invisibility, his real form vanishing. Just as the copy of himself was about to fail, he reconjured it, holding the noiseless image of himself asleep.

Grinning happily, he headed towards the orchard.

Bluff: [roll0]

Cast Minor Image: Silent Spell (makes it level 3). Use conceal spell casting skill trick to hide somatic components: Sleight of Hand [roll1]. Cast invisibility. Silent Spell (makes it level 3). Use conceal spellcasting to hide somatic components: [roll2]
Cast minor image (silent spell makes it a level 2 spell), concentrate to maintain image of Graelyn asleep.

2013-05-18, 11:40 AM
Okay 감사합니다! (*Thank you) I will lelaxing. You are wery kind. Wu says bowing respectfully. She runs on board to grab her hammock, blanket, picnic basket and a romance novel and skips out to the orchard. She will set these things up among the trees, grabbing Pandora and whoever else wants to join in the rouse while the good Captain keeps the snake ladies occupied. If they look her way she cracks a big smile and blows them a kiss. When they don't look her way, she uses sleight of hand to fill the hammock, blanket, and picnic basket with sweet heavenly fruit. She and her friends form an assembly line with pickers, palmers, and someone who constantly goes back to the ship to "get more wine". Graelyn, for the sake of harmonizing these beautiful plans, executes his faux sleep on the picnic blanket.

Sleight of hand, using my more luck than skill bonus (+6) to pull off one of the slickest most Coordinated thefts in all of awesomeness! Let's do this!

Edit: and this is why I chose a class that lets me manipulate rolls.

2013-05-20, 05:54 AM
"Absolutely," the lillends coo, "We'd be happy to help you. However, there are no 'choice' locations in Elysium; every beautiful inch is as magnificent as those around it. I suppose it depends which type of beauty resonates with your soul the most. Which of your senses would you prefer to satiate fully?"

As Graelyn "passes out" on the ground in front of them, the lillend on the left simply chuckles and shakes her head. "Seems like at least one of them is already 'fully satiated,' sister," she says to the other. The lillend on the right, however, narrows her eyes to slits and examines the man's sleeping form. She mutters something to her sister in the heavenly, bell-like language of the angels.

Celestial speakers only:
"While this man smells like he's definitely drunk, he's certainly not sleeping. What's more, he's casting a spell. There may be trickery afoot, but he may just be a prankster. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt. Not like there's anything left for them to take..."
As Wu Xin elatedly shouts about relaxing, both lillends come to suspect that she'll be doing anything but. Luckily, Chess keeps their attention distracted long enough that Wu Xin and any who wish to go with her can nip off into the orchard. Though the lillends would normally be sharp enough to spot any potential thieves, the distraction serves its purpose.


When Wu Xin comes to a beautiful tree rife with golden apples, she can't help but lick her lips--it's almost a reflex as her taste buds anticipate how delicious these fruits would be. Perhaps she could test one now? Just to make sure they're what the chef wanted, of course. As she reaches up to grab the apple, she realizes something. She couldn't put her finger on exactly what was wrong, but something about the apple felt not quite like an apple. The rustling of leaves in the trees sounded too tinny to be real, and the smell of the orchard was entirely too sweet. As they turn back to the lillends, the twin creatures seem...embarrassed?

Sense Motive DC 20 to open:
The lillends blush a beautiful, deep red. You get the hunch that the orchard wasn't this way until very recently; something horrible for which the lillends feel personally responsible. It seems like they've tried to cover up the scene with a hasty solution.
One by one, the others begin to notice that the orchard is not as it seems, either--all but Graelyn, that is. For his part, he sees an impressionist's rendition of his friends and the beautiful scene around them. He hears the pulsing and swishing of his own blood through the vessels in his head, causing a brutal headache that could only be solved by more rum. The only thing he smells is the sweet stench of drink. The others though, begin to see the fields for what they really are, and one of them points it out to the boozehound. The illusion falls like a silk sheet off a clothesline. The grass and sky are still beautiful, but there is a sad emptiness in the rest of the scene. Where mighty trees once stood, there are nothing but stumps as far as the eye can see. Where the smell of apples filled the air, there was now only the aroma of chopped wood. Most damningly, where the leaves once rustled, there was nothing but the wind whispering to them, you've failed. It seemed someone else had already been there.

Spellcraft DC 19 to open:
The image of the beautiful orchard is actually Hallucinatory Terrain.


[roll0] since "we were in the neighborhood" is a bit of a stretch.

Will Saves (DC 18):

Golden Ladybug
2013-05-20, 09:45 AM
Casually listening in to the Lillend's Celestial aside, Chess freezes.

No... You've GOT to be kidding She thinks to herself, looking at the two Snake-Ladies in utter shock. There was no way, right? How the hell could they have been beaten here, and lost the entire haul!?

The Illusion breaking down was more than confirmation enough, and Chesire Malice's entire being was consumed with anger.

"How in the Nine Hells did you let this happen, you stupid Snakes?!" she shouts, hands crackling with a dark miasma, "Aren't you supposed to be guarding this? And it wasn't even us who stole it from you! Oh no, better drop the ball and let Arnold Freakin' Fitz steal your entire thrice-damned Orchard! We weren't going to take the whole thing!"

Chess pauses for a moment, considers this and eventually decides that yes, they wouldn't have taken the whole Orchard. That would be impractical.

Aren't we supposed to be the Underdogs, hm? Aren't we supposed to win out in the end? So WHY! THE! HECK! DOES! THIS! KEEP! HAPPENING!

Chess discharges the Miasma's of energy at the ground, before walking over and kicking one of her Skeletons. That kind of hurt.

2013-05-20, 03:50 PM
James groans. "Well, now it is time to be on our way, isn't it? Unless, of course, you two failures can tell us where a massive ship sporting a ten-foot-tall mass of square flubber went?"

He kicks one of the dead trees, and grabs a handful of the grass. "Maybe this will be good... for something."

2013-05-20, 04:19 PM
Wu shared Chess's frustration. Perhaps a little too much sharing actually. When she raised that perfectly pilfered ruby red apple of desire to her lips and prepared to take a bite of heavenly fruitiness, but instead set her mouth into naught but air, she was disappointed to say the least. She opened her eyes to an illusion that no longer held. Just her, her friends, and an empty fine wicker picnic basket on a hill of stumps.

What followed was a temper tantrum that was more befitting of a toddler than a ninety-nine year old elf from the Astral Monastery of the Gentle Moon.

She screamed and pulled at her own hair. In a wild hissy fit she stomped her foot through the wicker basket, and then became even more frustrated when it refused to dislodge from her boot. After some wild a furious shaking it flew off. She ran up and kicked the broken basket twice, threw it in the air, and then amateurishly batted it with her katana with no apparent use of skill or training. She then stormed past Pandora, shoving the blind woman and causing her to trip over a stump and fall on the ground. She screamed foreign obscenities not fit to be printed here. Frothing at the mouth and screaming bloody murder in completely inarticulate mix of asianese and common she made her way to the ship where she started to take out her anger on wicker furnishings. She gave a wonderful garden chair the most hackneyed and savage chop with her sword followed by more swearing and some smashing and the tossing overboard of stools and loveseats. She tossed one of Graelyn's empties as far as she could before finally crumpling into a helpless ball of tears and hunger.

Here are some of the phrases that the crew and snake ladies could make out during this episode:
No Fruits? 왜? 어떤 과일이 없다? *EXPLICIT* 난 배고파하면 뱀 놈들! Hungry! .... Who dide tis? *EXPLICIT* ... FRUITS! ... *SCREAMING* ... Arlonrld? ****ing ARLONRLD???!?!?! *EXPLICIT* 나는 그를 죽일거야! 나는 불 만 블레이드와 그의 눈을 밖으로 찌를 것이다. 나는 그의 영혼을 먹을 것이다! HELL로 이동! 나는 당신의 사과가 꽉 바랍니다! DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! *VERY EXPLICIT*

Needless to say, Wu was not used to bad strokes of luck or going hungry. On the positive side, Chess knew that when Wu Xi got like this all she needed to do was point and Wu would be properly motivated to kill.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-05-21, 08:28 AM
Graelyn's cunning knew almost no limit and he almost giggled to himself as he slipped past the Lillends, who he knew were definitely ignorant of his deception. Strolling among the trees he cackled quietly as he stuffed apple after apple into his bag, the happiness he felt making everything he carried feel weightless.

It was only halfway through Wu Xin's rant when her flailing arm threw a chunk of wicker at the invisible elf that he looked up. The trees were gone.

The trees were gone AND he'd wasted much of his magic deceiving some snake ladies! "YOU STUPID BIMBOS COULDN'T EVEN PROTECT YOUR APPLES. WHAT EVEN IS THE POINT OF YOU?"

Slamming down on one of the tree trunks, it all became clear to Graelyn: they had lost, once again. It was time for a drink.

2013-05-25, 03:36 PM
James shakes his head. "Guys, maybe we should just turn back. I mean, we are trying to steal a piece of Paradise from heaven itself... isn't that just a bit EVIL?" He shrugs both shoulders, pushing back his loose, flowy desert robes. "Maybe we could go after the Irontooth, and claim a reward from Elysium for our good deeds?"

2013-06-01, 08:39 AM
The twin lillends coil in upon themselves like dogs who know they have dirtied a new rug as the crew of the Unicorn berates them in unison. As Wu Xin storms back onboard, they relax their tightly wound selves a bit, glad that the destruction and profanity has put itself out of stabbing distance from them.

"It is true that we have failed," they state matter-of-factly, "But the King shall have mercy. While he is just, he is above all good. He knows that our failure was accidental. A cunning man with a square jaw and a broad smile came on these shores not long ago. He offered us a spot of tea, after which the world faded from view...perhaps it was an herbal brew to aid sleeping? When we awoke, the trees were gone." they both nodded to each other. These creatures of pure good were at a loss to define further what had happened to them.

Sense Motive DC 10 to open:
The lillends are telling the truth--or at least as much of it as they know. In their infinitely innocent lexicon of nobility and good, there is no space for things like slipping someone a mickey or thievery. From the sound of it, though, that's precisely what happened.
Chess barely hears their explanation, she's so busy fuming at her former flame and his dastardly crew. Her questions go unanswered for a lingering awkward moment, and her shouts echo across the empty space that was once the King's Orchard.

Aren't we supposed to be the Underdogs, hm? Aren't we supposed to win out in the end? So WHY! THE! HECK! DOES! THIS! KEEP! HAPPENING!

The lillends look at the ground in silence. Kicking her skeleton has no impact on the undead creature; its thick bones absorb the blow, leaving the captain with a stubbed toe in addition to her growing rage. Adding insult to injury, the shrewder of the two lillends chooses this instant to speak up. The creature uncoils her top half and moves it close to Chess. This time, however, she keeps her body low to the ground. The end result is that, rather than towering over the Captain, she stays at eye level with the warlock. When she speaks, her voice is slow and even--calming and maternal, even:

Celestial speakers only:
"You seemed to understand me earlier, which means you have the tongue of angels. Why, then, do you choose to walk in the footsteps of devils? Underdogs win in the end only if their aims are good, because good always triumphs. Only when you learn that will you bask in the glow of victory."

Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
The lillend has cast Detect Thoughts.

You feel a gentle quaver, as if someone has dipped a toe into your stream of consciousness. However, the metaphysical toe is instantly withdrawn, as if the waters were too cold for the potential swimmer to stand going in any deeper.

Back on board the Unicorn, the clattering din of smashed woven wood and shattered glass continues unabated. Graelyn responds to the problem the only way he knows how--by uncorking another bottle and leaving the blind battle nurse to stagger back to her own two feet. The second lillend rises as if to admonish James against touching the blades of grass he grabs, but sinks back down as she thinks better of the idea. At the scholar's suggestion, though, she perks up.

"Maybe we could go after the Irontooth, and claim a reward from Elysium for our good deeds?"

"Impure motives aside," she muses while her twin keeps a fixed gaze on Chess, "Any action taken to right this wrong would be much appreciated. Further, since the apples have already been taken from the Orchard, we may be able to talk the King into parting with one as a 'finder's fee' for reclaiming the others."

The first lillend finally breaks her stare with Chess, turning to shoot daggers at the lillend currently talking. When she pipes up, it is in the chiming, bell-like language of the angels once more.

Celestial speakers only:
"Sister, to know their intent and be complicit would be lawlessness! You know the King has decreed that none shall eat--"

The second lillend holds up a hand to silence the first, and continues: "The king has many druids in his court that could repair the Orchards given enough of the crop was returned. The River Oceanus flows but one way; those who have stolen from the King can be found further downstream. Ask yourself, though: are you chasing the apples or their thieves, justice or vengeance? I must warn you: much like the tides of Elysium, you'll find that revenge also has its own entrapping current. Steer clear before it is too late. Be wary, be brave, but above all, be good."


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-02, 02:45 PM
Graelyn was just standing again after dodging a flying piece of wicker, when he saw one of the snakey girls twiddling her thumbs awfully suspiciously. He wandered behind Chess and whispered: "Er, Cap'n, sir, they're trying to read your mind." Graelyn then wondered back to the ship, oblivious of how his being invisible might have affected Chess.

Back on board, and with rum in hand he became visible again, and stared over the railing, listening as the Lillends continued to jabber. This job didn't sound like it was getting any easier: going up against Arnold Fitz would be tough, though a job the crew would relish. What worried Graelyn were the parameters: being wary was fine, the number of hazards they navigated had taught them that early, being brave wasn't a challenge either: it had gotten them into most of those scrapes. But being good... Now there things were going to get sticky...

2013-06-02, 08:57 PM
Wu Xin has finished her temper tantrum and is ready to sail. She rings the "all hands on deck" bell that "Only the Captain is supposed to ring" which Chess has reminded her many times. She chooses not to understand. She rings the bell incessantly until her fearless Captain and crewmates board the ship to give chase. She is "starving" (she has never actually gotten even close to starving) and everything here reminds her how awesome food is without the actually pleasure of eating said food. She was going to eat god damn it! This happily coincided with the rest of the crew's more lofty goal of completing the mission and defeating their rivals at last.

2013-06-05, 06:44 AM
Chess was furious--or, to be accurate, more furious than usual. To start off, they had been swindled. To add insult to injury, they had been swindled by Fitz and his crew. Now, to top things off, snake angels were trying to poke around in her brain. She got face-to-face with one of the lillends, her anger eclipsing all semblance of reason or desire not to get crushed to death. Wagging a finger so close as to strike the creature on the nose, Chess fumed "Listen, sister, nobody thinks my thoughts but me! You GOT that?!"

The captain turns on her heel to head back on board and thinks about kicking one of her skeletons once more for effect. However, the throbbing in her big toe from her previous effort persuades her otherwise. Satisfied that she has made her point (and a good show of it), Chess climbs back on board, followed by her crew of unholy bony puppy-creatures. Lacking a suitable outlet for her anger, she decides to take it out on Wu Xin and her insolent ringing of the bell. Unfortunately for Chess, Wu doesn't hear a word as the captain's ranting is drowned out by the rumbling of her own stomach. Once Chess has satisfied her appetite for tongue-lashing, the crew sets sail down the River once more.

Finding that bastard Fitz and his crew shouldn't be too difficult; the lillends confirmed that the River Oceanus flows straight through the layers of the plane. It starts here on Amoria, winds through the peaks of Eronia, and trickles through the bogs of Belierin before emptying into the ocean of Thalasia, which is full of portals and vortexes all its own. It was a simple matter of letting the waves carry you...or at least, so it seemed.

As the crew came to the edge of Amoria, the river titled rapidly downhill. It wound about the first mountain's peak like the coils of the lillends they had just met; whitewater rapids added to their downward momentum to make for a rocky ride. The air chills and thins out, causing a fierce wind to replace the gentle breeze. You didn't have to be an experienced sailor to know that a storm was brewing. Once again, everything on Elysium was more intense than its material counterpart--even the storms. Tiny daggers of rain exploded from ink-black clouds, peppering the crew and the decks of the Dirty Unicorn. Thunder rumbled like a timpani drum's response to Wu Xin's stomach, and cracks of white light tore through the sky. Pandora can smell the burnt ozone left behind in anticipation of each roar of thunder she hears. As if erupting into applause at such a display of nature's might, the waters of the river began to rock and clap against each other.

"Lash the pull rig!" Chess called out in her best attempt to sound like a sailor. "Sheets in and ropes out, bear down on the left--er, starboard. Damn, I mean port side!" The rest of the crew has little time to correct her, as they rush to the work of making sure they can keep a handle on the ship. As they fight against the raging storm, the crew sees that the beautiful shores of Amoria are gone, replaced with equally impressive crags and cliffs. Capsizing here would mean more than getting wet; it would most likely mean getting dashed to beautiful bits.

Important OOC instructions before posting IC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15373416&postcount=83)


2013-06-05, 08:36 AM
Wu Xin genuinely strains to hear what Chess is trying to tell her over the din of the clanging bell. Naturally, if she were to stop ringing the bell if would be an easy matter; Chess was only five feet away. The thought did not even occur to Wu Xin. Instead, Wu thought that the Captain was being awful rude and should probably make a better effort to speak over her bell ringing. When Chess stormed off furiously, Wu Xin got the message loud and clear. They were to set sail immediately and Wu had done a good job by summoning the crew.

Wu takes to the mast and riggings. She and some skeletons weigh anchor and then take their posts. Wu Xin takes a deep drink from the scuttle-butt to take her mind off of her hunger and then focuses her energy on finding those apples... to eat.

The waters start off choppy but quickly become hazardous. The ship starts to pitch when it spirals around the mountain and it falls on Ensign Wu to keep the rudder and sails from buckling. She feels the storm intensify in her sea leg and realizes that keeping the ship straight may be a very difficult task. She stops to order one of the skeleton crew. It stares at her dumbly. Then Wu squints her eyes and moves in to examine this skeleton closer. It was the same dumb bag of bones that ruined her fish, she was sure of it! So she yanks off its tri-corner hat and plops it on her own crown.

Yooo... you ah pired! Go to a kitchen and rearn to cooking! Satisfied that the skeleton is sufficiently berated she does the job herself.

Sailor (hardest) [roll0] 7 Ranks + 5 hat + 6 once per day luck bonus.
Balance [roll1]

2013-06-05, 12:35 PM
[roll1] I'll take the medium-hard one.
EDIT: With a Plus NINE. Wow. But hey, I still managed to get some sailing done!

James is a moment late to the deck, and has a problem with his standing for a few minutes. First the boat moves thaaaaaaat way, and he falls.

Then, it spins wildly thiiiiiiiiis way, and he slams HARD into the deck, interrupting his attempts to right the ship. He has his hands firmly on the wheel, and is remaining quite skillful, despite his frequent meetings with the newly-shined deck. They're good friends, him 'n the deck... at least, they WILL be, by the time he's finished.

2013-06-05, 02:54 PM
Balance: [roll0]
Profession Sailor (easiest): [roll1] (oops add another four...) so... 28 actually

When the strange speaking people came on Pandora stayed away she heard Wu Xin shouting and started heading back. When the bell rang she ran Blinky following her. Several slamming into trees later she was on board and ready to go.

When the boat goes squiffy she clings on to the nearest things. Two ropes, one in each hand. Suddenly she is whipped off her feet one rope must be part of something battened down. She also hears barks the other rope must be Blinky's lead. When she grabs the rope on the ship it must have done something good as the ship doesn't seem to be breaking apart.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-06, 06:25 AM
Graelyn watched through a haze as the ship rolled beneath him, and for a moment he felt the alcohol in his belly lurching upwards. But Graelyn was a hardened sailor (and drinker) and quashed the roiling sickness.

Lightly treading on the deck he moved over to where the blind girl was tumbling about on the deck, obviously struggling to stand. He firmly placed one hand on her shoulder and yelled in his best first-mate voice: "Ar'right you! Hold our course!" whilst taking a hearty swig of his rum. Once he was certain the girl had a good grip on the rope that was trimming their sails, he stepped back and began to command the rest of the crew: he was really beginning to enjoy this sailing lark: "You there," he cried at various other skeletons, which dutifully ignored him, "Get to port, hoist the sails, hold our course, firm the tiller." it didn't matter to Graelyn that he only vaguely knew that these words were nautical in their origins, he was certain that this was what sailors were meant to do, and the skeletons seemed to him to carry on with renewed vigour!

2013-06-10, 08:37 AM
Somehow unbeknownst to them, the crew of the Unicorn manages to make it through the storm in one piece. By tripping over the deck, shouting at skeletons, and pulling at various ropes with eyes squeezed shut, they had approximated the life of an experienced crew who could accurately pilot a sailing vessel.

Even though he is slammed from deck to deck, James relishes the challenge and rises to the occasion. The other members of the crew manage to get the job done, but they do so with a pounding headache. It is as if the relentless good of the place (even in the midst of a storm) is pulsing like a lighthouse beacon, calling them toward goodness.

Any non-good creature on Elysium receives a -2 penalty to all WIS, INT, and CHA-based checks.

Finally, the river winds around its last mountain, the peak obscured somewhere far above the clouds. It empties out into a large bog, a piece of scenery that seems highly out of place in a land renowned for its beauty. Here the river is no more than a tangled braid of slow-moving water through uncountable channels, with low, flooded sandbars and tangles of mangrove rising from it. Still, the positive nature of Elysium shines through this desolate place. The fog itself seems to spread light with each wispy tendril, surrounding every torch and lantern with a luminous nimbus. The few communities that exist on Belierin rise from rocky spurs that jut from the swamp. These small towns are each built around a cathedral-like lighthouse whose beacon pierces the mildly luminous fog, bringing travelers to dock safely. The pulsing inside of each of your brains continues, but this time the pulse feels oddly inviting, as if it is calling you to stay.

Knowledge (planes) DC 20 to open:
Belierin is the prison of some deadly creature or creatures. Some tales say the prisoner of Belierin is a powerful monster along the lines of the tarrasque or monster of legend. Others say that it is a deadly archduke of the lower planes, a deposed elemental prince, or even a wounded deity. The indisputable fact is that evil creatures are sometimes caught lurking here, and the native guardinals are constantly fighting back attacks against this layer.

"Hark, travelers," a voice calls from the mists. It cannot be seen between the fog, the beacons in the distance, and the soft blinking of lightning bugs all around you like tiny stars. Apparently, you've been traveling long enough that night is beginning to fall. "Starboard side," the voice calls, "we could use your help!"

Spot checks and Will saves, please.


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-11, 04:44 AM
Graelyn was not normally good natured to passing travellers, but for some reason he felt rather magnanimous today, and so duly trotted over to the right hand side, and peered out. He couldn't see anyone, but then again, with his vision swimming from all that rum, that was hardly surprising.
"Hallooo, Hallooo!" Graelyn called into the shadows. "Is anybody there?"

2013-06-11, 10:50 AM
James runs to the side as well. I wonder... perhaps it's a species never before documented! Well, not species... being of some sort. It can talk... "Hello, there! Who are you, and what is your business in Elsyium?"

2013-06-13, 05:55 AM
As you begin to address the voice in the marshes, a figure floats into view from between the banyans and other trees littering the way. At first, all you can see is the reflection of torchlight and lightning bugs in pale blue eyes like two tiny icebergs. Eventually, the rest of the creature floats into view, and you find yourself looking at what is either a slender dragon or a scaly elf. His golden-brown skin is mottled with the blacks and greens of the various plant life floating with him in the marshes.

Even despite the foliage, his armor gleams whenever it catches the light of your torches. Ironically enough, emblazoned across the chest of the creature's full plate is an ornate iron-wrought image of a gold dragon emerging from a lake. Due to the weight of his armor, it seems he is unable to emerge from the waters himself without assistance.

Knowledge (religion) DC 15 to open:
This creature is a Dragonborn of Bahamut. Sometimes, righteous men and women from all races and creeds are called by Bahamut to embrace the cause of the good metallic dragons of the world. In exchange, he grants them some of the powers available to the mighty dragons.

2013-06-13, 02:16 PM
As the Dragonborn slowly trudges through the bog toward the Dirty Unicorn he call out Hello there I seem to be having trouble getting out of this bog any aid or service would be a welcome reprieve from this degusting situation. also to the Gentleman who asked who I am or what I am my name is DragKel honorable son of Bahamut my kind is rare now, but soon thanks to my Apprentice our numbers will increase.

as he is talking he finds a rock in the bog to gain hold of, so he does not continue to slowly be absorbed into the bog.

As for my Business Friend I was trying to Find the evil Creature that was said to be held Prisoner here in the bog to slay it for it may be Tiamut herself.

2013-06-13, 03:27 PM
Shaking his head, James motions to the figure. "Come on board, sir... I think we might have use for you... is this waterway familiar in any fashion? Perhaps you might know where it leads?"

2013-06-14, 12:39 AM
Wu Xin narrows her eyes and furrows her brows. Her arms are crossed and her lip ever so slightly pursed with agitation. Who is this guy? He doesn't have any fruits on him! What the deuce? For Wu this chipper pond spawned whelp was an intruder (without food!) and he was slowing them down from what was real important. Getting the fruits! And what was with his skin? Was something wrong with him? Is he sick? He appeared to have some form of eczema. Having only a tenuous grasp on the common tongue (it was a filthy language and she deigned not to speak it when she could avoid it... her feelings about the common tongue were, of course, completely unrelated to the fact that she struggled with it), Wu Xin did not understand the man's dragon heritage. To her the introduction went something like, Blah Blah help me. Wah Wah Wah! I'm slowing you down because I don't think Wu Xin's stomach is important. James was friendly to this... interloper, so Wu wouldn't chop him in half while he slept with her katana. For his sake, she would let this pass and concentrate on making the boat go really, really fast. They had food to steal dammit!

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-14, 09:20 AM
Graelyn stared at this new comer suspiciously: some lizard creature, but a biped, how intriguing. Obviously what was at the bottom of his bottle was more intriguing, and he took another swig to make sure he found whatever was hidden in the depths. "Rather suspicious really." "Kackaw!" "That's what I thought!"

2013-06-14, 10:22 AM
Having Heard the young elf DragKel no longer wastes time and tries to Freeze the Bog into a walk able surface, with his Breath weapon, to get onto the Dirty Unicorn. he also says if you are hungry i must help i have spare food rations in my pack once i am on board i will gladly give them to you.

2013-06-14, 04:28 PM
As the dragon-man exhales, the foggy air in front of him congeals into a sheet of ice. The surface of the bogwater freezes solid enough for him to get his footing and climb onto the deck of the Unicorn. As he looks around at the members of the crew, the tension is as thick as the humid air that surrounds them all. Everything about him screamed that he was The Law, and Law meshed with pirates almost as well as Wu Xin's kitten meshed with bathtime. Unaware of this universal fact, the fireflies continue to blink away.

Finally, the awkward silence is broken by an audible rumble from Wu Xin's stomach, which serves to give language to her angry, hungry thoughts. Proving those thoughts wrong, DragKel immediately tends to the elf maiden's stomach by proffering a soggy sandwich from the rations in his waterlogged pack. It wasn't fruits, but it was food.

Knowledge (planes) DC 15 to open:
The final layer of Elysium, Thalasia, is also known as the Portal Island Sea; its glittering waters are littered with small islands that contain gates from Elysium to various other planes. If Fitz and his rapscallions are still in Elysium, chances are they're somewhere in Thalasia. If they've already split, it's your only chance to track them and find out where they went.

2013-06-14, 05:57 PM
DragKel looks slightly ashamed that this is all he has to offer the young elf, but the pose of a Dragonborn is hard to determine at times. he does choose to speak to her in elven given how bad her common was, (in elven) i am sorry my lady that this is all i have i hope it is enough for you.

After giving the young elf food he then turns to the one who asked him if he knew these waters, in reply, alas friend i do not know these water, i only knew up to the point of this bog where the Deep Evil resides, i did how ever here of the last layer of Elysium from on of old crew mate Esvar, who looks strangly like you, DragKel then points to the drunken elf, she talked of Thalasia the Portal something. but before we continue i must ask are you the crew of the Iron Tooth and is your Captain named Arnold?

2013-06-14, 08:40 PM
Wu Xin accepts the soggy offering gratefully. She is pleased to here someone on the ship speak something other than that detestable common tongue. Her Elven was comparably excellent, but still not her native language. The language of the western elves was tolerable to her, so she had made earnest efforts to learn it. However, when she spoke the western elven she over pronounced and the syntax was stilted and unnatural. She sounded a bit like one of those interpreters on the docks that assisted in business transactions for ten silver pennies. Yes, she knew the words, but a deeper understanding of the language was not there. And sometimes she made mistakes. Translated into the common tongue, the conversation went something like this...

I am sorry my lady. That this is all I have. I hope it is enough for you.

Thank you for your offerings of sandwiches in water. I will treasure it closely. I welcome you aboard our potato. I had a feeling of hunger that was like the feeling of dying hard. Please, join us in the quest for greater sustenance.

She then ate/drank the soggy lake sandwich and decided that the elf with the skin issues was an acceptable companion. Anyone that carried sandwiches in their bags and gave such treasure up freely was worth allowing to live another day.

2013-06-15, 03:31 PM
DragKel Looks at the Young Elf with Affection, like that of a gaurdian looking at a youngling for enjoying something so amusing, for her ability to enjoy such a simple thing as food. but he then pulls out his Scythe and announces again, is this the Iron Tooth and if so where is your captain.

He does not like that there are so many undead on board which is why he believe this may be the Iron Tooth, but with out proof he won't act on his Gut Feeling. his intention towards the Iron Tooth is however very clear he would smite them all where they stood for all the crimes they have comment.

2013-06-15, 04:44 PM
네 Ilon Toot! Wu Xin chimes. Evidently, she understood the good Sire to mean some affirmation of their mutual food objectives. Wu, grown up talk. No, we're not the Iron Tooth and I am most certainly not that fat headed prat, Firz. This is the Dirty Unicorn, and I am her Captain, Chess. Chess corrected.
And any enemy of Fitz is a friend of ours. We're actually in the middle of a high speed chase right now. Actually, the ship was at a halt. Can you sail? She didn't wait for an answer. Good! Pull up the gang plank and let's go! We've got stolen goods to steal.
Chess rang the bell to Wu's absolute delight and they resumed the race down the river.

2013-06-15, 04:48 PM
DragKel Puts his scythe away. well then i will help you in this en-devour, but by stolen good to steal you of course mean to return to it rightful owner yes.

[roll0] profession sailor for what ever it is i need to do.

2013-06-17, 06:41 AM
DragKel shows the crew what sailing with anything but dumb luck feels like, and they realize that perhaps having The Law onboard may not be that bad (at least sometimes). He knows how to steer and he has sandwiches. Not that anybody asks them, but the fireflies continue to blink regardless of their feelings on the issue.

As the crew navigates the bog, DragKel sees no signs that the Prison has been disturbed. For its part, this layer of Elysium looks exactly like it is supposed to. The sailing is arduous; the crew must steer around banyan roots, branches that are hardly visible above the surface of the dark water, and through thick fog. However, the extra set of hands makes the job easier than it's been before, and the crew emerges from the bog into a bubbling delta that spreads like Wu Xin's fan before entering the sapphire sea of Thalasia. While the first layer was an idyllic paradise that crescendo'd into the peaks of the second and evened out into the sustained fermata of the third, this layer of Elysium was the most bustling.

The horizon is littered with islands, some so close they could probably hop out and swim. Around each one, various ships are coming and going. Luckily, right at the mouth of the Delta the crew of the Unicorn found a signpost pointing the way to the various islands. Rather than having a unique name for each island, every board on the signpost bears the name of another plane. Clearly, someone had put a lot of work into making sure that planar travelers that made it this far could catch a break. There are also signs pointing to various eateries and inns as well, for those who want to stay in Elysium at least a little longer. Scanning the ships, the crew sees no sign of the SS Irontooth and her dastardly crew. If they wanted to find Fitz, they had two options: explore these islands and talk to the locals trying to track down their hated enemies or track them the old-fashioned way--namely, picking a portal they hoped the Irontooth had gone through and giving chase.

2013-06-17, 02:00 PM
I would like to do a Spot check on the rest of the ships for my old crew.

well since i now can take 20 on Spot i do (take 20)- 20+2= 22

2013-06-19, 12:00 AM
The sights and smells of celestial snack shacks nestled in with tall and round emerald isles, like green fingers poking out of the water, stimulated Wu Xin's mind like fire and magic! It was fantastic! How did she end up here? It didn't matter. She was here now and she intended to enjoy it. Life was always a series of happy coincidences (with the occasional hiccup) for Wu Xin.


봐! 위에 레스토랑이 있습니다! 그리고 거기에 또 하나! 이 세상의 신들을 찬양하라! 우리는 저장됩니다! 우리가 하늘 미식의 즐거움에 지금 협곡 자신 가자.

*Look! Over there is a restaurant! And another one over there! Praise the Gods of this world! We are saved! Let us go now and gorge ourselves on heavenly gastronomical delights.

Her kitten, "kitten", mews in tacit approval of the plan (or maybe she was just making noise) and Wu Xin tugs at Chess' sleeves and points excitedly at a floating eatery not far away called "Ambrosia". It looks pretty swank and way out of their price range.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-19, 04:22 AM
"Esvar, dirty-lousy-smarmy-uptight..." Graelyn's comments descend from there into a tangle of obscenity, but it is clear that he is not a fan of this Esvar character. In fact, he is pretty wary of DragKel as well, and moodily wanders to his seat (a pile of rags in a heap) and begins to surreptitiously swig his alcohol, trying to hide it from the paladin, certain that he would disapprove.

As they arrive in the bay, Graelyn looks around aimlessly: they had no idea where those gits on the SS Iron Tooth had sailed; and only a drunk mad man would risk their odds on sailing through a random portal. Well he was drunk, and Chess was mad...

"Let's get some food," he decided, though he was hoping for a more liquid lunch.

2013-06-19, 06:11 AM
As the crew settles on where to eat, Ambrosia is the clear choice. The collective growling of their stomachs drowned out the silence of their empty (or mostly empty) coin purses and they decided to dock for a brief meal--er, information gathering session. Yes, yes, much more official and exactly how it would appear on their invoice to the young chef who had sent them here and would thus be expected to settle whatever ludicrous tab they were able to run up. What he didn't know wouldn't hurt him until he knew it, at which point it would hurt him precisely as much as forking over a ton of gold for someone else's lunch.

They set a course for the tiny island nearby, salivating at the signs floating on buoys that make mention of "gourmet meets buffet," "all you can eat and then some," and "Elysium's local flavors." As they draw closer, there is a larger sign that simply reads "Ambrosia: you deserve it." DragKel, unfazed by his lack of any unsoggy food and the fast-approaching opportunity to dive into gluttony, narrows his eyes to slits and scans the many ships around them for any sign of his old crew.

You don't see any signs of the SS Irontooth, but that could be because you have nothing but rumors from your old crew and profanities from your new one to identify it. As fortune (fate? Chance?) would have it, though, Esvar and her crew are docked at the very same restaurant you're heading to. Apparently they were afraid enough to hightail it out of the bog, but also hungry enough to tell their fear to hold on for a moment while they grab a bite to eat. Around the back service entrance, you also spy a merchant ship bearing the following emblem on its white flag:


You recognize it as the logo of Geartooth Brothers, a merchant operation back on the Material Plane. The five gnomish brothers who ran the operation believed in quantity over quality, so they had a fleet of tiny boats at their disposal. However, they firmly believed that weapons, security, or training beyond the bare minimum were unnecessary expenditures. This made each and every skiff proudly flying the blue and white flag with a gear slapped on it into a sight for sore, squinting pirate eyes. Some ships contained gems, food, or weapons. Others contained mundane consumer goods of little worth. However, it was odd to see this operation expanding to a planar level (and without proper protection the ship may get robbed of whatever it was carrying on the way home).


The crew enters Ambrosia to find a spread of lobster, steak, fruits, and vegetables spreading in both directions as far as the eye can see. It seemed that the owner was using some form of magic to house a magnificent mansion on an island much too small to hold it. A dapper gnome in a tuxedo greets them as they enter and shows them to their table. The crew settles in and hardly has time to lick their lips before a server is at their side to take their drink order. As Graelyn selects his sixth or seventh potent potable of the day, a voice pipes up from a nearby table. "Grae?" the voice asks. A young woman gets up from the table and walks over, pausing to address Graelyn. "Brother, it's me! Oh, we've all been so worried about you..." One thing was clear; it was definitely Esvar. DragKel recognizes the faces of his old crew at the other table, and their scowls in Graelyn's direction makes the crew of the Unicorn think that perhaps this Esvar woman only meant "all" in a rough colloquial sense that means "me, but not everybody else."

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-06-19, 08:17 AM
@ OMG:
Esvar is Graelyn's younger sister (82 years old) and as the difference between male and female elves isn't much, she looks very similar to him (though to his chagrin, she is about 3 inches taller): She has long blond hair and stormy grey eyes, and is lithe like Graelyn.
She is likely a paladin/cleric and aims to do as much god as she can, setting the world to rights. She is upbeat and painfully cheery, unless she is being overbearing and moralistic (when she chides Graelyn for his bad behaviour)

Esvar is Graelyn's younger sister and as the difference between male and female elves isn't much, she looks very similar to him (though to his chagrin, she is about 3 inches taller): she has long blond hair and stormy grey eyes, and is lithe like Graelyn.
"Huh? Oh..." Graelyn had really hoped the dragon man would be the only connection he had to have with Esvar for a while, but once again she'd shown up; though this time he wasn't actually in the process of doing anything wrong. In fact it could be said they were doing good by retrieving the apples from Arnold Fitz, though it was a morally grey kind of good...
"Kackaw!" Kackaw cried, cheerily flapping around Esvar's head. "Stealing again - Stealing again!" The parrot chimed, incriminating his master and thus receiving a withering look.

2013-06-19, 10:26 AM
Given how much Graelyn looked like Esvar DragKel was not Shocked so find out they were siblings, but to avoid being rude DragKel just picked up an apple and ate silently.

When the bird said "Stealing again" he just laugh from what he has seen of the crew thus far he doesn't believe they are capable of thievery, they were far to scattered from the normal thieves he is use to. In time however DragKel turns to Chess and Asks Captain how do you plan on paying for this meal, if you desire i will pay for it exchange for the rescue you offered before.
and at that DragKel walked off to Find the Waiter and Gave him the right amount of gold for their soon to be feast.

Arokh then sits at the table to join the rest in the meal he only however fill his stomach with one more apple, but before eating he caramelizes it with his fire breath, DragKel thinks the sweeter the apple the better the taste. and is done eating. after eating he decides once Esvar and Graelyn were finished if Esvar has seen the Iron Tooth and if so where it headed and maybe if they would be willing to help capture the ship and return the Apples to the Orchard.
He then ask about the strange flag of the boat docked behind the restaurant with the blue cog on the flag. he wondered if it meant anything to his new crew.

the amount of Gold for a Banquet is 10gp per person there are 6 of us to DragKel gave the waiter 60 gp

2013-06-20, 09:39 AM
In time however DragKel turns to Chess and Asks Captain how do you plan on paying for this meal, if you desire i will pay for it exchange for the rescue you offered before.
and at that DragKel walked off to Find the Waiter and Gave him the right amount of gold for their soon to be feast.

Pay? Chess smirks at the suggestion. Uh... right! Yes that will do nicely. Knock yourself out.
Pay? Was this guy going to fit in here?

Wu Xin didn't wait for the invitation. She was already seated after visiting the buffet. There was a serving platter that was being dressed by the waiters with Ecstasy lettuce and bright red popping cherry tomatoes for the suckling pig that was to come out of the kitchen in a minute. She took this an used it as a plate. She filled said platter with razor boar ribs, marinaded mallard breast, and the most amazing crisp slaw. They even had some treats from her homeland. She practically gorged herself on mandu, bulgogi, and had a big mug of mokoli. She stuffed her face with a emu kabab even before seating as a pre-appetizer appetizer.

Before docking she had changed into her finest silks (which unbeknownst to her were a cheap cotton blend) and done her hair up all fancy like (just like the beautiful girls she saw in Sigil's "red district"). She felt in her element. Now she is absolutely devouring the meal. Loud slurping, crunching and smacking sounds positively echo throughout the restaurant. She lets out a good long burp periodically to let the cooks know the meal is being appreciated.

2013-06-21, 05:49 PM
DragKel is very amused by the young elf, he does how ever wonder why she is in such clothing like cotton she in Beautiful enough to pull it off yes, but in his mind she should be in Fine silk like his own Clothing. before entering he knew that taking off and putting on his Armor was time consuming, but he also knew enough not to wear it in a restaurant and that he needing to have it cleaned for it would have been dishonorable to be seen in such dirty armor. that is why he wears his Silk Cleric's Vestments. he then talks to the elf.
so Miss what is your name i am afraid i missed it last we talked, and what does your crew do is it like that of Esvar's here who fight for justice or are you perhaps Fishers? In fact i don't believe i caught any of your names aside from captain Chess here.

2013-06-22, 10:45 AM
so Miss what is your name i am afraid i missed it last we talked, and what does your crew do is it like that of Esvar's here who fight for justice or are you perhaps Fishers? In fact i don't believe i caught any of your names aside from captain Chess here.

MMhhpphft! Wu Xin replied through a mouthful of food. A scampi leg was sticking out of the corner of her mouth. She had forgotten about her food benefactor completely, but now that he was here and her belly was being filled she was willing to actually converse. He had wisely engaged her in the language of the Western elves, which she had some fluency in. Unfortunately, if her wanted to know what the ship's business was and get some straight answers, well... her was asking the wrong girl.
MMnnnpphhmm... My name is *Chomp Chomp SLuRP!* Wu Xin. I am very pleased to meet you Mr. Shiny Eczema. She took a break from eating to actually speak with the man. It was her highest compliment. She hadn't really thought about what the purpose of the Dirty Unicorn and her crew actually was. Wu Xin mostly lounged around and ate through the ship's larder. Occasionally she was asked to kill something or move the ship left or right, but the concept of "pirate" hadn't really crossed her mind. So it was with all honest and conviction that she answered The potato is a most luxurious pleasure cruise. We are its inhabitants and I enjoy the life of ease. It is very gratifying. Come and sit and enjoy the seasons of flavour in your mouth. A chair next to her was proffered. She looked him over again and saw not a stranger with terrible skin issues, but a new friend with seemingly endless pockets.

Meanwhile, Captain Chess is asking around to see if anyone in the restaurant might know which direction the Iron Tooth is headed. On a hunch, she starts with the merchant...

2013-06-22, 12:47 PM
Pandora changed out of her usual armor and into a soft silky dress draped with pearls. When she arrived at the restaurant she was having real trouble getting around (it was blinkies nap time). She sat in a seat (hopefully) near the rest of the crew.

In fact i don't believe i caught any of your names aside from captain Chess here. she heard DragKel ask.

I'm Pandora she replies chirpily. And can someone tell me what dishes look nice?

2013-06-22, 01:09 PM
DragKel seeing the Blind one have a tough time navigating the restaurant he guided her to a seat near the rest of the crew. upon hear her name and her asking the question he reply'sIt is a pleasure Pandora to meet you now as for food it seems they have a wide assortment from many different types of meat to fruits and vegetables, I particularly liked the apples.
DragKel then after fetching what ever the blind woman wished he decided to take the seat offered by the elf and enjoyed the company, still however wonder if what the elf said was true she did not always seem that right in the head but he would never say something of it, that would be rude, is the ship really a pleasure cruise.

2013-06-24, 12:00 PM
James grins at the food, but stops for a moment. The cleric-y fellow is holding... an... APPLE? I think we might just be able to beat the IronTooth... 'Course, it'll involve some blinking. He shudders, remembering the tense chills of his tribe's space-leaping techniques... to travel even a spans sent a warrior into tremors. Still, it was his idea, and he was probably the only one who could carry it out.

He's still in his deck-sweeping trench coat, and doesn't bother to go back on ship, or change. It's time to kick ass... or, rather, skulk through a kitchen and steal supplies like a sewer child.

Well, not every day is a day of glory for the crew of the Dirty Unicorn. Come to think of it, they haven't had one of those for a long time.

Quietly, he positions himself in a dark corner near the door the waiters keep traipsing through, and concentrates hard. When no one's looking, he releases his energy, and vanishes in a literal puff of smoke. A long line of barely-visible heat tremors and distortions bolts its way into the kitchen, and instantly, he re-appears in front of a rather startled waiter carrying Razor Boar ribs. "Uh... cooking investigator..." James stammers, choking down the thought at the back of his head. JUMPJUMPJUMPJUMP "NO!" He yells, arms trembling and shaking from the thought of another such jaunt.

Using Shadow Jaunt to get into the kitchen. Then, in order to scare him into thinking I'm an actual person from some actual investigation, I'll use Intimidation. Do I get a bonus for being in a "surprise round" as it were?

Also, while talking I ready Shadow Jaunt again.

2013-06-24, 08:47 PM
As Graelyn's parrot squawks out its accusation, the lush's sister looks at him askance. Clicking her tongue, she speaks to him in the siblings' native tongue. Her eyes are soft and sad, and she speaks with disappointment and compassion waging a war in her vocal cords.

Elven speakers only:
"Brother, it both joys and grieves my heart to see you. To know that you are alive brings joy--but alcohol? And stealing? Have you been giving your bird pulls from your flask again, or does he tell the truth? Regardless, my words for you remain the same as always: mother and father are worried for you...as am I. You don't look well. Please...let me help you."

Her conversation with her brother is interrupted by DragKel, and she turns to answer the dragonborn in Common. "The flag you speak of is that of the Geartooth brothers--common merchants, and nothing else. But it seems fortune has brought us together, as we both seek the same foe. We tracked them here, but it seems they just left...skipped out on the bill, too." Her moment's pause shows exactly what she thinks of those who don't settle their tab. "They may still be sailing around the Portal Islands, and if we all make haste we can catch them before they hit a portal out of Elysium." She grabs her gear and hoists herself to attention, pausing dramatically before shouting: "We sail! Brother, is your crew with us?"


2013-06-24, 11:45 PM
DragKel raise from his seat when Esvar asks if we join DragKel says I will not speak for the crew as to whether or not they join but I do know this Friend my allies need to eat they have not for sometime from what the young elf says as he says the he points to Xu Xin as she is starts into her third plate full of food it looks like uncooked fish to him but he was not sure. they need this chance to catch their breath. I don't want my rescuers to suffer.

I bold and Italicized Rescuers to add a little guilt to Esvar for leaving me behind. after all paladins are lawful good not lawful nice.

at that he returns to sitting with Xu Xin he also comments to her I do not have Eczema I have the blood of dragons in my veins Xu.

2013-06-25, 08:03 PM
I do not have Ec-- *CHOMP* I *slurp* the blood of *BELCH*. Wu Xin can barely hear anything that anyone says over the glorious, beautiful sounds of her own masticating. Much like onboard the ship, while Wu does as she pleases Chess sets about to the actual work that needed to be done. As she steps up to the merchant with a familiar gear symbol emblazoned on the back of his jacket, the tiny gnome looks nervous to be talking to her. "Nice day, ain't it?" the gnome says, louder than normal for everyday conversation. "Just about finished this delivery," he continues with an unflinching smile. "Definitely not soliciting on private property in the middle of a delivery or attempting to sell you anything, amiright? Haha, have a great day then!" The merchant directs his attention back to his clipboard, feverishly scribbling notes. From his conduct, it's clear that he's not open for business. If Chess wanted to hold a conversation with him, she'd have to help him relax a little.

Meanwhile, at the buffet DragKel helps Pandora load up a plate full of delectable options. He was clearly new around here, as most other members of the crew left her to her own devices; her questions often hung in the air like forgotten snowflakes until she discovered answers of her own. Having another aside from Blinky who actually took the time to help her was a new experience, but one she could definitely get used to. DragKel helps Pandora back to the table and continues his conversation with Esvar. "There's no time to lounge about and snack when there's good to be done!" she says, striking a heroic pose for a nanosecond before DragKel reminds her of her own cowardice. "Yes, unfortunate matter back in the bogs," she backpedals, "but it seems the Gods have watched over us both and woven us back together for such a time as this. If you insist we tarry, I'll do you that kindness, but every moment we digest is another moment the dastardly pirates have to escape the law."

Across the restaurant, the conversation is interrupted by a loud clatter as an entire tray of razorback boar ribs is dropped back in the kitchen. From behind the swinging glass doors, a waiter is heard stammering "Yes, sir, I c-can give you a p-p-private tour of the facilit--" He's interrupted by a shouted "NO!" that the crew of the Dirty Unicorn recognizes as James' voice. "No, of course not. That would be foolish." He instantly disagrees with himself, eager to please. He snaps for a kitchen worker to clean up the ribs he's dropped as he ushers James from the kitchen in the same breath. He walks up to the maitre d' and bows slightly before gesturing to James. "Surprise inspection," the waiter says. He turns to James and excuses himself by saying "our maitre d' Roi can assist you and your companions with anything you need."

The maitre d' looks far more hoity-toity than any other employee in Ambrosia. He is a spry elf in a three-piece suit with slicked back hair the color of ink. His almond shaped green eyes sparkle atop a thin, pointy nose. In the shadow of his nose, the slightest trace of a moustache is visible. The elf must have been pruning and tending to this sad exhibition of facial hair for his entire life, as his race is usually clean-shaven. "Positive greetings," he says in Elven-accented Common. "How can I be assisting you?" His speech carries the same oddly literal translations as Wu Xin when she's not speaking her native tongue, but sounds like he has been trained to avoid some of the more awkward phrases. The similarities don't end there, as a few of his features are similar to Wu's as well.

2013-06-26, 10:56 AM
"He looks like... nah, can't be..." James stares for a moment, and then realizes it's a little awkward. So much the better. If I'm an inspector, I have to be in control of the situation... Hm. Let him stew for a bit." James takes his sweet time, examining the room with care.

Can I take 20 on Search? If so, that's a roll of 25. I'm looking both for suspicious things (that I could hold over this guy's head), and apples.

2013-06-26, 12:48 PM
DragKel turns to Pandora and insures she hears him If you need any more help Blind one just send for me, as for the rest I will return to the Boat I need to insure my armor does not become damaged or rusted from the bog water. he then turns to Esvar and says something to her in Elven
Elvish speakers
I will always applaud you for trying to bring good and law into this world but you need to temper you eagerness with Wisdom young one or you may end up doing more Harm to the Planes then Good. never forget this.

at that DragKel leaves for the boat to attend to his Armor and waits for the rest of the crew. Clean or repairing armor takes time at least a half hour I think he needs before he would be finished.

since paladins can't knowingly let others steal or anything this now means you don't have a dragonborn on your guys back about taking apples.

2013-06-26, 02:47 PM
Dragkel politely sat Pandora back at the table. He pulled her chair out and laid out her napkin on her lap, like a true gentleman. He then left her to her meal with Wu.

먹다 (*Eat this!) she said slowly and in her most patronizing voice.
Wu Xin spoon feeds Pandora a helping of dire barracuda sushi. No matter how many times Pandora explains that blindness is not the same as stupidity, Wu Xin seems to treat her like an idiot. This was unfair. Pandora was actually very capable. Nevertheless, in Wu's world Pandora required an invalid's care, but was paradoxically something that was always in the way - despite evidence to the contrary.

맛있습니다? (*Delicious, isn't it?) She said the words slowly and loudly. Before Pandora could clear her mouth of the buttery raw fish, Wu Xin left the table to fill her "silk" purse with snow crab legs and milkweed dressed potato salad. She could sense that the Captain was going to order the crew to set sail soon, and the buffet did not allow for take out.

Meanwhile, Chess decides to coax information from the gnome. She twist her finger around his little gnome beard. Hey handsome. Do you think you could take a moment out of your busy schedule to humour a girl? I just find shipping and receiving to be simply fascinating! And I love a little man with a big clip board. It was, perhaps, the most misplaced, ill conceived, clumsy flirting Elysium had ever seen. But that didn't mean it wouldn't work.

Dip [roll0]

2013-06-29, 06:28 AM
Esvar gives a terse nod in response to DragKel's comments. As much as she wanted to defend herself and her righteous cause, the dragonman had said nothing inflammatory...and there was that small bit where she had foolishly left him to perish in the waters of the bog.

DragKel takes his leave and returns to the decks of the Unicorn to polish his armor. No matter how many times he brings his tarnish cloth along the surface of the armor or how much effort he puts into scrubbing the metal, the waters of the bog had done something to the material. The brilliant golden dragon emblazoned on the chest now reflects a softer, darker hue. It is almost the color of bronze, but still recognizable (even if barely) as gold. Gone is the mithral's normal lustrous sheen, its unblemished sterling shine. Now, instead, a muted gunmetal lacquer hangs on the armor--a gift from the potent waters of Elysium, if one could call it that. Where DragKel once shined, he is now gray at best.

Back in the restaurant, Wu Xin is so busy force-feeding the delicacies of her homeland to Pandora that neither of them notice Chess' flirtation, James' deception, or DragKel's exfiltration. Graelyn sits silently at Esvar's inquest, hoping that the amount of rum already in his system could somehow double itself to drown out the barrage of questions. No luck, though. "Brother?" she asks again.

James gives the maitre d' the silent treatment, instead narrowing his eyes to slits in his best impression of an inspector searching for code violations, and he's surprised that even his untrained eye can pick out a few. He expected more from a place like this, but perhaps the hard times that had fallen upon the crew of the Unicorn were universal in scope, reaching their depressing fingers into the Outer Planes as well. At the same time, he is searching for precious Elysium apples and is happy to find that the things are literally everywhere. From centerpieces to the fruit tray to Wu's plate, the fruit is in high supply. If they were this common, why had the Chef insisted on sending a crew to acquire some?

The most glaring violation is an open (and mostly empty) bottle of rice wine behind the maitre d's podium. All other alcoholic beverages were kept behind the bar where they could be regulated and served, but it seemed the maitre d' had a private stash of his own. When it comes to the apples, you know that since they haven't been plucked from the vine they might not be the freshest apples. However, you estimate that shipping them here from all over Elysium doesn't take long, and they should hold. For some reason, though, that chef had specifically pointed out The King's Orchard as the one to take the apples from. It struck you as odd at the time, since apples are freely available across the first layer of the plane. Perhaps something about these "untouchable" apples made them sweeter or juicier than the rest?

As James tries to intimidate the maitre d', Chess is trying out precisely the opposite topic with the gnomish merchant. While it might be clear to any onlookers that Chess' flirtation was both awkward and weighed down with ulterior motives, the gnome is simply glad to have the attention. He's blind to silly things like rationale, because if a beautiful woman is taking the time to talk to you when you're 3 feet tall and the only thing bigger than your nose is your beard, asking yourself why this woman is talking to you can cause the blessed event to cease. "Well," he says with almost as much forced calm and anti-suaveness as the Captain herself, "we can talk shop if you're a fellow shipper. Can't sell you anything you can't buy yourself, ain't that right? 'Spose I've got time for a quick question...for you, I can probably make that two." He winks and adds, "three if you ask nicely."


2013-07-01, 10:59 AM
"Hmmm!" James says, picking up the bottle of wine and glancing at the man breathing down his neck. "I suppose you're lucky, misseur, that I'm only here to examine fruit 'n fire... well, heating regulations." He shrugs, and puts the bottle back. "Of course, I do happen to know the general safety inspector, so... just... keep that in mind." He smiles with his best real smile trying to be a fake smile trying to be a real smile trying to intimidate. However that works.

"Anyway, I need to examine your ovens, and your fruit storage areas." He motions for the man to continue.

Intimidate check?

2013-07-01, 01:24 PM
James & the maitre'd: Inspector Impostor (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15535726#post15535726)
Chess & the merchant: Futile Flirtation (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=290517)

While the world continues to spin around them, Wu Xin and Pandora are gleefully stuffing their faces with every delicacy from Wu's homeland. Granted, Pandora's glee looks more like confusion stirred together with nausea, but Wu knows glee when she sees it. And who couldn't be happy with the taste of a nice rubbery octopus dancing on their tastebuds?

For Graelyn, the spinning of the world is a much more visceral, disorienting event. Rather than the planet's simple revolutions, he feels more like a bumblebee thrown into a jar and shaken about. He tries to focus on Esvar's face, but all he can manage is condensing the three disdainful elven maidens swaying like a ship in a storm down to two. He squints and tries to make out her words: Etchery so bent he fly best is a brother so bent the bastard me eyelets halve to ink scrape the claw," he mishears both of her saying. Shaking the cobwebs from his head, he tries again but the booze translates, "Blubber?" as she looks earnestly at him. Always earnest, that Esvar--it was one of her most endearing or annoying qualities, depending on who you asked.

2013-07-01, 04:21 PM
DragKel tried to buff his armor to a shine again, but despite his effort it would stay slightly duller then before, but despise this almost grey appearance he know it would fit him more. he has been around for 450 years now, and he knows evil, he has seen it more clearly then most ever would dream to, and he knows sometimes doing thing with stealth or underhanded would be needed from now on.
as he waited for the crew he kneeled and prayed to his God/father Bahamut for guidance for his journey here.

2013-07-02, 01:40 PM
The sweet little cry emanates from Wu's purse as she shovels more hot teriyaki fish balls into her already soggy and bulging purse.
Wu Xin's face turns ashen. She is horror stricken when she realizes what she has done.
고양이! 미안! 사고... (Kitty! I am so sorry! It was an accident...)
Tears run freely and unabashedly down Wu's cheeks. Ooohhhhh... 미안미! She pulls the sticky feline out of her purse and rushes outside Ambrosia looking for the first available source of fresh water to clean the little darling off. She keeps apologizing profusely as she pads her way down the wharf. There! On a boat she spies a rain barrel. She pushes a waddling little gnome carrying a small chest into the sea when she barrels past him. She is up the gangplank like a panther, paying absolutely no attention to her surroundings. Her sole focus in on her kitten and the rain barrel. Using the fringe of her dress she lovingly and gingerly dabs the matted fur of her marinated cutie pie.
Mew! cries the kitten. Is that reproach in its call? It is at least a good ten minutes before Wu Xin looks up a realizes where she is...

2013-07-04, 08:07 AM
With Wu patronizing and spoon feeding her like a baby Pandora's temper was flaring but the food was good so she kept quiet. Until the fresh fishy goodness stopped.
"Wu?" She called angrily "Wu! Where the freaking hell are you?"

Standing up cautiously she stumbles forward.
"Wu?" She moves forward again but tumbles and hits the ground "Wu when I find you I will... I will... I will... I dunno but I will do something! "

2013-07-04, 02:11 PM
DragKel is at this time unable to hear Wu or James on the dock he is shaking with Frustration, All he can hear is the bone slapping and shuffling of the skeleton crew. he could feel their nonexistent eyes watching him, hounding him from a distance. he is forcing himself not to attack the evil skeletons on the deck. These Skeletons who may have never attacked a living being before, who may be completely innocent, but to DragKel they are unholy evil creatures of unlife. they deserve quick justice from him.

Will save to not attack the skeleton.

DragKel keeps his composure enough to not destroy these unholy abominations at this time. he continues to pray for such strong Will in the future.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-06, 06:29 AM
Graelyn was firmly off in a world of his own, a spinning world admittedly, that made his stomach roll. In fact...

Graelyn turned to Esvar and opened his mouth, allowing the silence to stretch as though he were about to expound on some great theory. And then he vomited, all over his self righteous little sister.

There was silence in the restaurant for a moment as the female elf stood in a dripping pool of fruit and shellfish (Graelyn had managed to eat some of the buffet).

"I am afraid that I must now depart," Graelyn announced, drawing himself up with ridiculous dignity in the face of his bedraggled sibling. "I wish you all the best sister."
Walking with ramrod stiffness, though not in a particularly straight line, Graelyn sat himself down beside Chess only a few tables away, just as she hurried off and left him with Pandora. Unphased by the changing dinner guests Graelyn wiped a table cloth across his mouth and then turned to the gnome they were with, who seemed at this moment, horribly perplexed.

2013-07-06, 07:04 AM
Esvar is deflated, but a part of her knew what to expect by now from her brother. Secretly, she wished that he would change; he was the subject of the majority of her nightly prayers, but it seemed there was still more praying she needed to do to change him. Still, she had a job to do, as Graelyn's drunkenness wasn't the only evil she was trying to combat. She rallies her crew and they all proceed to their vessel. As he sits down with Pand--


They all heard it, as it was the sort of bass-heavy boom that feels like a kick in the ventricles. Once the aortas of the crew get reoriented, everyone has the same thought at the same time: That was the sound of a cannon firing...coming from the direction of the Unicorn!

2013-07-06, 10:43 AM
James leaps to his feet and dusts himself off, already breaking out into a run. He slides the apples into his back carefully, and whips out his two scimitars. "Sounds like some ass-kicking is in order, hero style!"

A kick in ventricles. That sounds painful. :smalleek:

2013-07-06, 02:49 PM
DragKel is seen rushing out from below deck with Skeletons in toe, he is shouting out orders to them, obiviously he is getting the ship ready to sail when the rest of the crew gets on board. you ready the sail, you three mind the ropes we don't need more damage to the ship, you last ones man the cannons we will need to return fire. the Skeletons listen and obey DragKel unlike that of captain Chess when it come to running the ship but that may be more in the fact he know what he is talking about, or they could just fear a holy warrior and will obey out of such fear. DragKel then Notices James running to the ship.

Hello Friend i still haven't learned your name but we will have time for that later we seem to be under attack a cannonball barely missed me, but one of our skeletal friends were not so lucky. we need to get ready to sail and attack if need be. once everyone is aboard i can take lead. DragKel then gives a wicked smile and pulls out a Pokeball.

2013-07-07, 01:02 PM
Wu Xin

The cannon shot has a sobering effect on Wu. She straightens, her revelry broken, and realizes she has left her friends and food back at the buffet. She only hopes that she hasn't upset Chessy again. She plants a wet red lipstick imprint on her new friend's forehead and leaves the orchid from her hair in his tea cup before leaving.

안녕 미스터 그놈. 그것은 당신을 만나서 반갑습니다. (* Goodbye Mister Gnome. It was a pleasure meeting you.)

She offers him a small bow and scurries off to the top deck.

Wu, now feeling she might be in trouble, is going to peek top side and see if she can head back unnoticed. She checks to see if anyone is on deck the gnome vessel.
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Move Silently [roll2]
Hide [roll3]

If no one is above deck she will come above deck and try and figure out what is going on. She'll climb the mast if a better view is needed. If the cannon came from below deck on this ship, then let me know.

2013-07-07, 01:47 PM
Captain Chess

Ah Hells! That came from my ship, didn't it? Chess curses a streak long enough to make a sailor blush.
Wha-? What? You have a ship? I knew it! The detestable little gnome removes his filthy paw from Chess's thigh and rebukes himself for being taken in. I should have known! You're a rival merchant vessel and you're trying to steal away knowledge of our secret ship routes. No wonder you were so darn interested in my trade. I should have known a pretty woman like you would never share company with a man like me for nothing.
Chess stands up and peers out the window to ascertain where the BOOM was fired from. She hoped to see if they were under attack, and if so, by whom?
No, no. That's not it at all baby... she replies absent mindedly while looking out the window. I have a ship, but it's not a merchant vessel.
Oh! Good... he says, relieved.
I'm a pirate... What was going on? She stands on her tippy toes.
Ah, well that's diff- A WHAT?
I don't have time for this crap.
Chess does an about face and attempts to punch the little bugger in the snozzle.

To hit [roll0] (Rem: Flat Footed) Dmg [roll1] non-lethal.
Intimidate [roll2]

Her fist starts to crackle with elderich power. She says in a low stern voice, You're coming with us, honey. Quietly. make one wrong move and I'll blast your skull into a million pieces all over the salad bar. Got it?

Pandora, grab the manifest. If he tries to escape... gut him. We'll extract something useful from him once we're underway.

2013-07-08, 08:41 PM
Ch 3: A Familiar Foe

Chess grows tired of her games with the gnome, instead opting for honesty and just a touch of brutality. "Heyph!" the gnome shouts from behind his big, bloody proboscis. "No need to make threatsh, I'll come! Knew it wash too good to be true..." Dejected, the gnome follows the crew out to the docks. Pandora feels around her for the shipping manifest, while Graelyn makes a similar motion to grab as many tiny bottles of premium liquors as possible. Both of them succeed in finding what they're searching for, and they all make their ways out to the docks. They meet James on their way out with his blades drawn, but it's clear to all of them that blades wouldn't do much good from this distance. If they wanted a fight, they'd have to board the Unicorn and give chase to the Irontooth.

Wu comes above deck on the gnomish merchant ship to find it abandoned. Apparently her sleepy friend and the gnome in the restaurant were the only two on board the craft, which made sneaking off just as easy as sneaking on. She's able to see the whole scene with ease, and realizes in a quick moment that it requires her return to the Unicorn. The cannonball was not fired from this ship, but another about 200 feet out in open water: the familiar and confounded SS Irontooth!

Meanwhile, onboard the Unicorn DragKel pulls the cannonball off Oliver the skeletal crewman and starts barking orders to the mindless undead on deck. Though they're not smart, they know that usually paladins are busy turning or beating on their kind, so they quickly oblige his orders before he resorts to the tried-and-true paladin favorites. Two of them shamble over to the ship's largest cannon and light the fuse; a tremendous BOOM echoes back from the docks and tears a similar hole in the ship across the water, about 200 feet out. Whether onboard the Unicorn or on their way across the docks, all can see the crude sketch on the flag proudly flying from the SS Irontooth, floating in the open water and chiding them:


Arnold Fitz calls from the helm of his vessel, cavalier as always. "'Ello, children!" he calls across the open waters. "I trust you'll roll over and play nice. No following us. But just in case...RELEASE THE PUKE!" As he shouts to his crew members, a catapult lets fly a glob of partially digested food and various other items into the air. Instead of crashing into the sea, though, two gigantic green wings unfurl from the creature's back and allow it to fly straight towards the Dirty Unicorn. Many pirates had heard tales of the Puke, the dreaded creature that few could define but everyone knew; once Fitz unleashed it on your ship, it often meant a quick demise for all onboard. The creature is 140 feet away as Captain Fitz turns back toward the open sea. He was sending the puke after them as a distraction; would they stay in the harbor to better defend against the Puke, or sail out to meet it head-on in an attempt to pursue the Irontooth? A few slips down, Esvar and her band are already casting off to give chase.

Knowledge: dungeoneering DC 15 to open:
The Puke is an aberrant creature, formed by a mage's experiments upon a half-draconic gelatinous cube of ooze. The magic warped it over time, making it resistant to magic. Some wounded sailors who claim to have faced it say that it breathes a horrible cloud of acidic gas that singes the eyes and throats of its prey.

At this point, everyone but Graelyn and Dragkel can act. After everyone but them has acted, Fitz and the Puke will act on the same initiative, and then Graelyn and Dragkel can act (and everyone else can post their round 2 actions). Your options for Round 1 are to close with the Irontooth, hold and wait for the puke to attack the defensible position in the harbor, or open in another direction and try to flee.


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-09, 09:14 AM
(Just an RP post, catching up, no action)

This buffet had really left a lot to be desired all in all: first off they'd had to share it with the strange scaly elf who had decided to pay for it. if anything brought down your pirate-cred then that was it. Then he'd had to spend an unfortunately long time ignoring his insufferable younger sister. And just as he thought he'd got away... BOOM, someone started firing cannons at them. All in a day's work really.

Graelyn wandered after Pandora and Chess, pretty sure that even inebriated to the point of near catatonia he could still keep pace with the blind girl and nut-bag that was their captain.

2013-07-09, 10:06 AM
James leaps onto the ship, sheathing his swords and grabbing a handful of ropes. "Where to, Cap'n? Charge 'er?" He asks hopefully.

2013-07-09, 03:59 PM
Chess looks wildly around the ship. Noticing that some of her crew is missing but that it's Fitz...Fitz! Fitz that's sending a Puke toward her ship and crew. The only one allowed to puke on her ship was her.

Wait...That's not right. What the heck is a Puke, anyway? Regardless, she shrugs her shoulders.

"No way is that bloody pirate getting away with what should be our goods." She shouts. "Get us closer!" She waves her arms wildly at the skeletons.

2013-07-09, 06:22 PM
Wu Xin sees that the coast is clear. The Puke is narrowing in on the Dirty Unicorn quickly. It wobbles through the air to a fro, like a massive loogie hawked from the nostril of a titan, or like rendered chicken fat that was scooped off the top of a stew and then set to cool and is now being thrown out a window.

The Puke...

Tales of its blobbiness have circulated throughout the planes. Wu once heard that the Puke absorbs its victims' memories when it digests them. She also heard that the Puke used to be a merchant's shipment of foodstuffs, but the ship was abandoned and the food left to rot for a hundred days in the ocean sun. It took on a life of its own. People say it was the potato salad that set the evil in its heart...

She steels herself for the battle to come. The Puke is not cute. It is offensive to small adorable things everywhere and to food generally. Both things which Wu Xin holds sacred. Moreover, it was being launched as a weapon at the ship she has come to know as home. Clearly, the Puke must die.

She makes one last quick glance around for anything that might make a more effective weapon than her bare fist. Seeing nothing, she pulls the long thin knife from her pocket.

Wu Xin then dives off the port side of the gnome vessel and takes the slower, but more direct, route to the Dirty Unicorn. She estimates that the water is her best chance of positioning herself for a strike without being seen. Her bow and katana are unfortunately in her lock box up in the crow's nest, along with her other supplies. Chess has told her many times (to the point where it has actually sunk in) not to brandish her katana or bow when they go out for a nice supper. Instead, Wu has a small knife concealed in her flute, which is always with her.

She needs to find a way up to the lock box without being slimed to death. Once there, she can hastily arm herself and attack. She didn't relish the thought of being out of the action for so long, but taking on the Puke with a knife seemed pretty daft.

She makes long and deep strokes, like a frog. The needle like blade is clenched in her teeth. Behind her, the gnome vessel floats errantly into another ship. The current causes it to bash carelessly against the wharf. Apparently some idiot cut the painter (ya know, that line securing the boat to the dock).

Her heart begins to race. This was going to be chaos. It was in the chaos that Wu found the greatest peace and order. When a precious vase shatters, who is to say that each broken shard is not exactly where it belongs? Doubtless, her philosophy would be different if she were ever the proverbial vase, instead of the hand that tipped it.

2013-07-10, 06:59 AM
Prep Rounds 1-2: Catching the Puke

The skeleton crew scurries about, following the orders of Chess with the same frantic nature they use to follow DragKel's orders. Luckily they were mindless, or the existential crisis of a woman claiming to be descended from devils and a man claiming to be claimed by the purest of good dragons providing identical direction would send them all into a tailspin of self-reflection. Chess was less prone to destroy them outright, mind you, but exponentially more likely to push them, curse at them, and kick them in the shins. It didn't bother them much, but it kept them from doing the very task which she was often pushing, cursing at, or kicking them for leaving undone. In turn, this often led to an inability to finish said task and further shoving, screaming, and stomping. Even a mindless undead could sense the vicious cycle at play and work to avoid it.

The crew converges on their ship in a matter of seconds. Wu Xin, unsatisfied to do anything the same way as anybody else, breast strokes out to meet the Unicorn in the water as it makes a beeline for The Irontooth and The Puke along with it. She scurries up the netting on the outside of the ship, then continues her scurry straight up to the crow's nest to grab her weapons. As she is climbing, the rest of the crew takes a few moments to prepare themselves to face The Puke. They had heard awful and varied things about the many ways in which it kills you, and they weren't sure whether to expect being turned into goo, having their bones slowly digested, or being preserved as exhibits in its personal human zoo. No matter the threat, they weren't prepared to let the Puke do any of that to them.

Due to the superior construction and lighter weight of the elven wingship, the Unicorn has started to close the distance between them and the Irontooth in a matter of moments. Suddenly, there is an awful THWACK on the main deck. The crew emerges to find that The Puke has landed onboard, and it has already engulfed poor Oliver the skeleton. His open eye sockets stare helplessly at them from within the creature, and they look so sad that he could be crying (if he had tear ducts any more, of course).

While the Unicorn barrels toward the Irontooth and her crew figures out what to do with The Puke, the larger and slower vessel unleashes a rain of steel on her pursuers. Fitz can barely be heard shouting above the din, but he is instructing his sailors to fire cannonball after cannonball in hopes of evading the Dirty Unicorn. Two sections of the hull take the brunt of the damage, and the ship rocks back and forth with the impact; one section looks so weak that another impact could cause them to take on water and reduce their sailing speed. Luckily, anyone looking through a spyglass or squinting the right way can tell that all of the Irontooth's heavy cannons had already fired, so it would be a few moments until they were primed again. Unluckily, the damned thing still had 12 light cannons primed and ready to go. While the elven wingship was built to win a race, between the heavy guns and the enormous number of hull sections, a greatship would be the hands-down winner in a gunfight. The only prayer they had of closing in one piece and boarding was to make themselves a harder target.


W|Wu Xin

It took 2 rounds for the Unicorn to meet up with the Puke. Everyone is on deck, except Wu (who is up in the crow's nest). Everyone besides Wu, please post any actions taken during those first 2 rounds (buffing, ranged attacks or spells vs the Puke, firing cannons at the Irontooth, etc). The Irontooth is now 140 feet away, and you're on a course to close with them in the next 5 rounds if nothing changes. To change heading or perform any special maneuvers like ramming the other ship, the captain must spend a standard action to direct her crew.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-10, 09:01 AM
Graelyn hurried on board the Dirty Unicorn which was still rocking from the earlier impacts. Now that wasn't good. The puke was near them too, a gelatinous cube of horror.

Pausing Graelyn bent over, muttering to himself as his hands began to sketch patterns on the deck. He could feel the planks, feel the life of the ship and the presence of his crewmates. Once he had fixed that in his mind he waved a hand and drew a veil across the group, just as he would himself, shrouding them from sight.

Cast Invisibility Sphere (with the caveat from Stormwrack allowing it to affect the whole ship). I assume this happens after the cube lands.

Then satisfied that his illusion would hold he pointed his arm at the cube and channelled his hangover and roiling stomach at the cube, all of the poisonous alcohol in his system, his dulled senses, all of it was concentrated into a spell to confound the Puke.

Whelm (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/whelm--2957/) DC 18 Will save or take [roll0] non lethal damage. Even if it passes it takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls and to AC for 1 round due to unsettling enchantment (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-mage--58/unsettling-enchantment--3032/) - no save.

2013-07-10, 09:24 AM
DragKel see that the captain finally arrives on board the ship so he happily releases command back to her, as he walks away from Chess she can hear him say May the gods have mercy on you
she does not understand what he means for she does not know that is how he activates an enchantment on his scythe. after saying that DragKel scythe looks dull now not as menacing like it does not want to kill you. with that DragKel's Eyes start to Glow with a holy light as the Puke draws nearer DragKel can see it's dragon origin it was created using black dragon parts it seems to be no better then a Tiamut spawn. with that he positions himself so he is closes to the Puke once it lands.
his calculations are correct as the Puke settles on deck, DragKel shifts to his left and lets loose a mighty flame.

[roll0] DC reflex 16 to take only half.

2013-07-10, 10:21 AM
James grins, exhaling a thick, dusty breath of clinging fire onto the protoplasmic mass. "Let me stab you the stab of my people!" He yells, twirling both of his swords, and presses them together, bringing both down straight on top of the creature. "SOARING RAPTOR STRIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!" He bellows, so loud that the Fitz can probably hear it, and adds a flourish of both his blades.

In Assassin's Stance. Since Drag-Kel is alongside the thing, it's being flanked, thus allowing me the +2d6 Sneak Attack, in addition to my Rogue 1d6 SA.

I'm activating Soaring Raptor Strike, which allows me to make a Jump Check against the thing's AC. If I succeed, my attack gains +4 on the roll, and +6d6 Damage.

I effing love Tome of Battle.



2013-07-10, 11:44 AM
Pleased to see her crew working together for once, Chess shakes her wrist and pops out a wand. Whispering a word in Infernal, she activates the wand.

Feeling a bit safer, she turns her attention to the approaching puke. When it reaches range, she targets it with an eldritch blast - a blessing from her infernal heritage.

"Skelatons! Continue to sail toward the Rottenteeth. I like that name better!"
Round 1, Cast Mage Armor from wand

Round 2, at 60 ft - use Eldritch blast on the puke



When the puke lands on top of Oliver, she cries out. "No, Not Oliver! Get him out of there!" she pleads to the others.

2013-07-10, 11:49 AM
(just RP not invovled in Combat)
What do you think i am trying to do Captain Chess i owe that Skeleton that much since it took a cannonball for me. wait it has a name, and it's name is Oliver?!

2013-07-10, 11:51 AM
(RPing assuming talking is mostly free actions)

Yes, it has a name. His name is Oliver. What else would it be?

Chess replied quickly.

2013-07-10, 11:59 AM
ya pretty much talking with the RP over the combat i think that is purpose of it.

Alright Captain whatever you say, i still owe him a debt, i will insure his safety from this creature.
loreat tiamut kluchud
DragKel Notice what Graelyn is doing. with the Invisibility and magic cast the Puke

well done Elven friend, your magic is a great Boon to us. you are worthy of great praise.

majak spical oliver soti

2013-07-11, 09:40 AM
Wu Xin just manages to slip on her bracers when the Puke lands on deck with all the visceral locomotion of a hefty bag of soup. The beautiful leather work in the bracers always give her pause when she stops to examine them. They were a gift from a friend years ago.

Fond Memories
(Translated from Wu's native Asianic Elven to Common for your convenience)

Your move Wu Xin said her long time friend Eliot the Angel. They were sitting cross legged together over 장기 ("Janggi") in the sacred astral gardens of Yollanda. Eliot had just moved his chariot over the river. Wu Xin moved her magistrate left one square. This covered her king and freed her own chariot to place Eliot's king in checkmate. She had meant to end the game, but when Eliot pointed it out to her she graciously accepted victory.

I win!
I suppose so, but you wouldn't have even noticed unless I-
I - Win!
You should really pay more attention to what you're doing. You had several opportunities to-
Yes... well... you did win again. Congratulations. Eliot smiled. He often got sucked into these endless one sided debates which always ended the same. He would lecture her for hours on the proper course of action and only after he had exhausted his reasons and logic would he realize she wasn't even listening. Her simple singular truths always won the day because at the end of the debate they were the only truths considered and in front of them. She did indeed win the game and all other truths were just words.
Here is your prize.
You got me a present? Thank you Eliot!
Happy eightieth birthday, Wu Xin.
She eagerly opened the small pine box and tossed aside the nest of crumpled yellow tissue paper covering her gift. It was a pair of ornately decorated leather bracers from heaven.
You're always telling me how the bowstring slaps your forearm when we practice, so I got you these.
Thank you Eliot! she hugged him. I don't know what to say.
Say you'll behave. Please!
But Elliot... she said earnestly I always behave.

In Real Time
Wu Xin frostily picks up her katana and keeps it raised above her head, ready to strike. First she slides down the top sail and swings from the yard to the rigging. Then, she inches back down the rigging and balances her was across the main boom until she is directly overhead the Puke. Her breath is trapped in her lungs. Her focus is singular. She waits for the right moment.

Wu Moves to L5 10 or 20 feet above the Puke. However high you think the main boom is from Puke.

Activating her deathstrike bracers which allow her to sneak attack anything.

She moves into the 30ft range if necessary by climbing long the mainsail or rigging.

Balance [roll0]
climb roll [roll1] if needed.
Also if necessary, Hide [roll2] and Move Silently [roll3]

Attk [roll4]
Re-roll (if I don't like the first) [roll5]
Crit (if nat 20) [roll6]
Dmg [roll7]
Sneak Attack dmg [roll8]

2013-07-11, 09:20 PM
Round 3 (Closing w/ the Irontooth in 4 more rounds)

As the crew full of kooks dukes it out with the Puke, the Irontooth tries to juke and hopes to escape by some fluke...but suddenly, they're spooked! Graelyn casts an Invisibility Sphere over the ship; while those inside the sphere still see everything normally, it's enough to stymie the Irontooth's captain and her gunners. They keep on sending cannonballs flying, but they're splashing in the waters around the quicker ship rather than decimating her hull.

Pandora: The battle nurse wasn't afraid of the monstrosity flying towards them, as she couldn't see exactly how awful, horrible, and drippy the thing truly was. This boded well for her, and allowed her the presence of mind to send a seraphic bolt of lightning toward the creature when she felt the reverberations of its landing in the deck planks. The spell sizzles through the creature, but its rubbery construction allows it to take the jolt without looking the worse for wear. Pandora casts Seraphic Bolt and passes her CL check, only to find the creature is immune to electricity!

James: The warrior-scholar of the bunch taps into his warrior side, bringing both his blades to bear as one against the top surface of the cube. He carves off a disgusting cross-section of one corner of the beast, which flops to the ground and dissipates with a splash as the viscous substance becomes a corrosive liquid that hisses against the wood. James' Soaring Raptor Strike hits the cube for 31 damage!

Chess: Having the presence of mind to defend herself as she sees a battle sailing toward them, Chess activates her wand of Mage Armor. Once the blobby beast sets down on her deck, the captain decides to play a more offensive game, and sends a streak of dark energy howling through the air towards the creature. While the blast hits its mark, the creature somehow absorbs the blast of magic and seems to grow stronger from it! Chess hits the cube with an eldritch blast, but fails to overcome its SR! Moreso, the fact that something succumbed to the Cube's spell resistance seems to give it renewed vigor...

Knowledge (Arcana) or (Dungeoneering) DC 15 to open:
You've heard tales of mighty and corrupt spellcasters experimenting on creatures, pounding them relentlessly with spell after spell until it warps the creature into something wholly other than itself. According to the legends, these creatures not only built up a tolerance to magic, but eventually came to crave it. Every time a spell or spell-like ability fails to penetrate their spell resistance, it bolsters them with a boost to their physical abilities, artificially long life, increased speed, or resistance to the elements. It's said that if you're going to cast anything against one of these "spellwarped" creatures, you should make sure your magic is stronger than its hunger.

Wu Xin: The Dirty Unicorn was home to Wu, and that made The Puke nothing more than a home invader. Granted, a home invader that was nine times larger than any other she'd encountered and hundreds of times heavier, but an unwelcome guest by any other name. She maneuvers through the rigging with ease, climbing like a spider from one mast to the next. She positions herself directly over the Puke, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. Wu grabs her gear and climbs through the rigging with ease!

Arnold Fitz: "What the WHAT?" you can all hear Arnold barking at his crew from the decks of the Irontooth, now only 110 feet away from the Unicorn. "She was gaining on us, and it's best to assume she still is! Full speed ahead, damn it! Where's Orpheus?!" Cannon fire continues to sail through the air, but thanks to Graelyn's quick thinking the Unicorn is protected from any further impacts.

The Puke: The sickening mass of...whatever it is...takes a vicious chop from James without blinking, but that was probably because it had no eyes. The creature opens a previously unseen orifice and belches out a thick film of something that smells like vomit, soaking DragKel and Graelyn in the odd substance. Both of them are too slow to dodge the putrid tide, and each finds the liquid stinging at their eyes and skin. The creature seems drawn to Pandora's powerful magic, as it inches its way toward her. DragKel and Graelyn each take 26 acid damage!

Graelyn: Satisfied that his illusion has shielded the crew of the Dirty Unicorn from the heavy artillery of the Irontooth, Graelyn turns his attention toward the Puke. Vomit had been his enemy on more than one occasion, but this time the conflict was more vivid and real than it had ever been before. The elf focuses his energy on casting a spell at the creature, but it turns out that enchantments don't function very well against creatures with no mind to influence. Graelyn overcomes the creature's SR, but it is immune to mind-affecting spells and abilities (and so is immune to both Whelm and Unsettling Enchantment)!

DragKel: Unfazed by the disgusting liquid washing over him, DragKel responds to The Puke with a breath weapon of his own. The creature has no hope of dodging the flames, and the surface of it begins to bubble and liquefy under the heat of DragKel's mighty breath. In fact, it melts away just enough of the creature that DragKel has a straight shot to Oliver's bony arm. The rest of the skeleton is obscured from sight, but there is no doubt the acid inside The Puke was dissolving him away by the second. DragKel's breath weapon deals 15 fire damage to the creature, and next round he can take a standard action to extract Oliver!



2013-07-12, 02:18 PM
"Time to show you the other way my people fight..." He grins for a moment, and says a quiet word in the familiar, harsh, tongue of his tribe. Suddenly, the entire battlefield is clear, and every movement is incredibly lucid. James' eyes flare, and he grins even more widely than before. "Knowing is ALL the battle!"

Or, in this case, having a command-word activated belt of Wisdom. Should last for 3 minutes or so.

That gives me +2 AC and Damage (When using a Desert Wind Weapon, like the scimitar). That's my standard action. As a note, I forgot my +3 to damage from Wisdom last turn. Derp.

My Swift action is to switch to Blood in the Water Stance. I will not be using my move action.

2013-07-12, 03:24 PM
DragKel looks to see the same skeleton arm reaching for his help a second time, now DragKel thinks to himself Gods just an arm the rest of him is still engulfed I could try to pull him out, but I may only get the arm not all of him, damn this Puke as the others call it, for taking Oliver![/COLOR] DragKel then says strange words as he attacks the Puke with his Scythe. [COLOR="Orange"]Dallm Koona Booll Metmaepa Eeeae!!!

what was said in Abyssal translated into Common
Hells Fire Will Consume!!!

Full Attack
all damage is Nonleathal but I don't think that matter to Ooze types


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-12, 03:45 PM
Graelyn staggered and cried out as the burning mist seared his clothing and flesh. But the pain cut through his stupor and woke his brain fully. The beast had no mind, and could not be enchanted thus: but it's stupidity was also a weakness.

Turning to the water, Graelyn reached into it with his full power: mirror's had a special magic, to those who knew how to use them, and what was the sea if not a gigantic mirror, which in its depths held the darkest shadows?

Graelyn drew them forth, bending the watery shadows into the glimmering surface light and forming a creature of illusion.

From the waves a Unicorn, brilliant as the sun with a fishes tail and seaweed for a main, burst, and cantered beside them, or so it seemed to all those who didn't see the flaws in the creature's composition, the way light rebounded oddly from it. It seemed that tendrils of water poured from the rushing waves and danced about the puke, extending from the unicorn, preparing to strike.

Cast Minor Image, placing the Unicorn in what would be J8 - K9, and hoping to distract the Puke so it doesn't try throw up on us again.

2013-07-14, 07:08 PM
Wu Xin watches the vile Puke spew its caustic bile on Dragkel and Graelyn. There is some shuffling back and forth when this stream of acid is met with jabs and slashes of reprisal from her mates. The right moment will come soon. She is at peace with the craziness on deck. Reflecting on the past, she knows that even this thing can fall to a stroke of good luck.

Lessons from the past
(Once again, the conversation in this memory takes place in Wu Xin's native tongue, but has been translated for your reading pleasure.)

Eliot and Wu were hunting in the mystical paradisaical forests of Yolanda. They happened upon a rare golden spirit stag standing in a babbling brook. Cherry blossoms floated down to the forest floor all around them, painting the world pink one petal at a time. Silently they observed the mythical creature from afar. It was well know that the golden stag was a rare thing that came once in a lifetime. It's very presence was intoxicating. The gods smiled on those that possessed the stag, for it was flighty good sport.

Now is your chance! counseled Eliot in a hushed voice. Draw your bow and claim the prize. Tarry too long and the moment is lost.

The stag was larger and more brilliant than other creatures. It was not just a beast, but the spirit of the hunt personified and perfected. It was the ultimate golden trophy, and therefore little more than a notion or metaphor. It was an insubstantial memory of a day going better than any day actually could, but it was also real. This place was like that. Wu thought that if she tried to shoot it from afar, no arrow could bring down such a magnificent beast.

No she replied I want to get closer.

Closer? What? Why? Take the shot.

Weak spot Wu answered, while abandoning her bow and drawing her katana.

Eliot could hardly contain his frustration. This was as exciting a moment for him as it was for her. He was a true friend and would share in her victory. It has no weak spot Wu! It's a spirit. You either hit it or you don't.

Everything has a weak spot she said definitively. Actually, she had no idea if this was true or not, but it sounded profound and it helped her win the debate.

She crept upon the stag, which by some incredible good luck never saw or heard her approach. Its brilliant tongue lapped the water and its head was bent low. Wu Xin took her time and when she felt the moment was right she made a singular chop and took the antlers off the beast's crown. Naturally it ran away, but it left its shed behind.

You didn't kill it.

It was too beautiful. But I did take the prize! Everything has a weak spot...

In real time
NOW! Wu drops from the boom and lands beside the Puke. She uses the force of her decent to add power to a single and definitive attack.

Drops to M5
Bracers activated
Tumble [roll0]
Power Attack (sneak attack) [roll1]
Re-Roll if miss [roll2]
Damage [roll3] and [roll4] sneak attack

Dammit! Both of those attacks suck! Flat footed?

2013-07-15, 05:27 PM
Hearing Graelyn cry out Pandora shuffles towards the sound.
"Strands of forbearance, give name to your radiance. Pixie Circle!" she mumbles focusing on Graelyn.

[roll0] points of healing for Graelyn with a red charged Pixie Circle

2013-07-15, 07:07 PM
Chess runs across the boat and down the stairs. As she runs, she whips out her fan and slices into the puke.

"Take that!"


Moving to I7 (I think I have enough movement)

2013-07-15, 08:05 PM
Round 4 (Closing w/ the Irontooth in 3 more rounds)

As the Unicorn stealthily continues to close with the Irontooth, the crew of the Unicorn makes short order of The Puke. Pandora heals up one of her allies and James shores up his offensive skills. Taking a gamble, Chess tries to move into a position to attack the Puke, but it slaps her with a slimy extension of itself and swallows her whole! Luckily, Wu Xin is able to knock out the creature, but that does little to stop its body from continuing to digest Oliver and Chess. Meanwhile, the crew of the Irontooth is preparing for the coming battle, the odds of which seem to be starting to tilt in their favor.

Pandora: With little more than a word, the battle nurse utters a prayer that undoes the damage caused by the Puke's wave of acid. While she'd prefer to heal up Graelyn, he's out of the reach of her healing magic. Instead, she heals up DragKel. Pandora heals DragKel of 27 points of damage!*

James: James switches his footing, digging his toes in to put more leverage behind every stab of his blade. Rather than stabbing at the Puke, though, he simply smirks and activates the belt he had long ago taken from his chieftain. As he activates it, the world around him seems to slow (or could it be that he has sped up?) as his perceptions are heightened. Every sound is elongated the slightest bit, and every color is slightly more vibrant. James switches his stance and activates his belt of WIS successfully!

Chess: Realizing that this creature may simply continue to snack on Chess' eldritch blasts, the Captain makes a judgement call. It was a risky call, but as a captain those were the calls she was used to making most frequently. She unfurls her warfan and steps forward to attack the creature. However, as she moves to attack, the creature lashes out with an attack of its own. With a massive pseudopod, The Puke slaps Chess with a stinging strike of acid and sucks her into itself! As much as she tries to free herself, the captain finds that she is unable to move. The acid starts burning away at her skin and, though she feels it burning away, she is powerless to stop it...Chess' movement provokes an attack of opportunity from The Puke. The attack hits Chess, dealing 8 damage and 3 acid damage, as well as engulfing the Captain, who is paralyzed for 10 rounds!

Wu Xin: Everything has a weak point. The words echo in Wu Xin's head like a mantra as the wind whispers yesss around her for the short second it takes her to pounce upon the Puke. Her katana cuts through the creature as if she was slicing off a serving of some unspeakable dessert. The creature is nearly split in two, and it sinks like a horrid souffle settling. Wu Xin's attack hits, dealing 32 damage to The Puke and rendering it unconscious...but how can you tell?

Arnold Fitz: The two ships are now only 80 feet apart, and Arnold can see the writing on the wall. The crew of the Unicorn is going to catch up with the Irontooth even though he can't see her. As such, he shouts for the rest of his crew. "Orpheus!" he calls out, and an olive-skinned man with chiseled features emerges from below deck. "Boarding party incoming; get everyone ready!" The olive-skinned man nods and turns back to the others, calling out in a deep tenor: "Stations!"

The Puke:The terrible creature remains motionless, neither moving nor attacking. While it is unconscious, its acidic composition burns away at the creatures engulfed within it. Oliver and Chess take 25 acid damage each as the unconscious creature attempts to digest them!




The creature's sly attack against Chess had turned the tables of the battle quickly; did the crew of the Unicorn still want to go up against Fitz and his fellows with their captain quarantined inside the Cube? Or was it time to turn tail and let the Irontooth get away? Either way, they had precious few seconds to decide, as the ships were set on a collision course. If they did close with the Irontooth unable to fight, would Fitz accept a parley? There were plenty of questions looming, and nowhere near enough time to answer them all.

*See my note in the OOC thread. If this was not an acceptable edit, please let me know. Graelyn and DragKel, feel free to post new actions for Round 4 in the same post as your Round 5 actions as The Puke is now unconscious and may change what you would have done.

2013-07-15, 08:29 PM
James stares for a moment, and groans. "OliiiiiiiiiiiiiVER! Not again!" He twirls his blades, and begins to slash his way through the monstrous pile of acid, hacking again and again as he nears the captain.

It's flipping murder time. Is it possible for us to put it at enough negative HP for it to sort of dissolve off the ship, thus negating the need to actively pull people out of it? I'mma try, anyway.

I'm going to use Two-Weapon Fighting, with the following attack rolls:

[roll1]EDIT: A CRIT! So... what now? Roll to check and see if it finished, or what?
DOUBLEEDIT: That adds +1 to Damage and Attack rolls, until I spend at least 10 rounds not getting a crit.


2013-07-15, 08:57 PM
DragKel moves near the Puke, he then reaches out to pull the captain from the Puke's Depths. DragKel hands Glow with holy Light as he grabs hold of the captain and pulls her from the Puke. I've got the captain now DesertMan, Oliver will be next.

Round 5
With that DragKel castes a PokeBall into the Ocean.I choose you WaveBreaker. I think we should push this thing over board and feed it to the Shark. with that a giant Metallic Shark jumps from the surface of the water, almost giving off an angelic like appearance and radiance. It then dives head first back into the depth of the ocean. when it came up everyone hears a shredding Guitar Solo. DragKel can feel WaveBreaker's hungerWaveBreaker is hungry and is she actually likes green jello. with that Now DragKel Reaches for Oliver. we are going to need Negative energy ready Oliver looks in bad shape.

2013-07-16, 05:43 PM
Arnold Fitz: The two ships are now only 80 feet apart, and Arnold can see the writing on the wall. The crew of the Unicorn is going to catch up with the Irontooth even though he can't see her. As such, he shouts for the rest of his crew. "Orpheus!" he calls out, and an olive-skinned man with chiseled features emerges from below deck. "Boarding party incoming; get everyone ready!" The olive-skinned man nods and turns back to the others, calling out in a deep tenor: "Stations!"

Wu was just about to dive headlong into the Puke and save her dearest friend and captain when she hears Fitz call for Orpheus.


She jitters her feet and waves her hands wildly towards the Iron Tooth (which, naturally, cannot see her). Wu has been waiting to meet the famously handsome and talented bard since seeing him in concert at the Underdark Auditorium. She had front row seats! His ballad "Love like a potion of cure serious wounds" changed the way she thought about music and life! WOW! ORPHEUS!

So she immediately abandoned her attempt to save Chess's life and ordered a skeleton to chase down the Iron Tooth (which it was already doing). She then scurried up the mainsail to her lockbox and made herself pretty. She put on her finest brass and pewder jewelry and threw her hair up in a bun with the same two chopsticks she so recently ate lunch with. Now, she wasn't completely mad, so she knew there may be some resistance barring her way. Her would have security. Why did people always try and interfere with true love? She tucked her flute in her pocket and quaffed a potion of mage armour. It was too bad she wasn't wearing her leather armour, but there wasn't time and the armour flattened her boobs. Priorities! She then readied her rope and grappling hook to board the Iron Tooth and meet her future husband in person.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-17, 09:34 AM
Seeing that the Puke had now taken on a consistency similar indeed to that which was attempting to make its way out of Graelyn's lower intestine, but more importantly, was no longer attempting to un-vomit his companions (that is to bring people to the wave of vomit, rather than vice versa) he decided it might be safer to approach.

The captain wasn't moving, but really that was all to the good, and Wu Xin had disappeared which probably wasn't. In fact Graelyn had an awful suspicion that this was the calm before the storm.

Stumbling towards the blind girl with his clothes in tatters and his skin peeling off he cried out: "Heal me now, I'm burning!" And a few other less savoury phrases that were conveniently covered by his familiar.

"Kackaw!" "Mother-" "Kackaw!"

Move to G3.

2013-07-17, 01:55 PM
Just RP no true action

Drow this acid is not that bad, my apprentice and i had face far worst pain from a simple young adult black dragon. it could have been far worst your clothes could have dissolved with the contact from the acid.

DragKel tries to give a compassionate smile, but from his dragonic features, the smile looks awkward and menacing instead of it's intended cause.
DragKel is clearly trying to relieve Grealyn's suffering, but to the best of DragKel's ability it may be met with the opposite effect.

2013-07-17, 03:50 PM
In her head, Chess thought lots of things. Lots and lots of things. Most which began an ended with curses. She also made a note that the next time they were in a city to buy a potion of remove paralysis. Oh, and something to resist acid.

2013-07-18, 03:56 PM
Okay Graelyn, no need to swear she mumbles as she moves towards the sound of his voice.
Strands of forbearance, give name to your radiance. Pixie Circle! she calls.

Moving to I4
[roll0] Red Charged Pixie Circle For Graelyn.

2013-07-19, 07:00 AM
Round 4, continued & Round 5 (Closing w/ the Irontooth in 2 more rounds)

The Unicorn and the Irontooth continue to draw closer, ever closer, like two teenagers exploring the space between each other in the moments leading up to their first awkward kiss. Instead of lips, halitosis, and maybe a little tongue if someone gets brave, this kiss was going to be comprised of smashed wood, profanities, and a whole lot of blood. The ships are now only 50 feet apart; though the Unicorn is now invisible, the crew of the Irontooth is scanning the horizon in all directions for signs of her and sniffing the air to see if they can smell The Puke.

Round 4

Graelyn: Screaming like the drunken sailor covered in vomit that he is, Graelyn makes a beeline for Pandora and begs for healing. You'd think that someone used to throwing up so much would have less of a problem with it, but then again he's not usually throwing up skin-melting acid. Graelyn successfully makes his way to Pandora.

DragKel: Unafraid of the dangers that may confront him, in an act of loyalty to his newfound captain, DragKel reaches his hand into the Puke to extract Chess. There's a small *pop* as his hand breaks the surface of the globby beast, and a sick slurp accompanies his efforts to pull out Chess. It felt like arm wrestling an angry octopus who had just bathed in molasses, but DragKel ignored that to ensure his paralyzed captain could be pulled out safely. DragKel successfully removes Chess from The Puke but takes 5 acid damage in the process.

Round 5

Pandora: What do you do with a drunken sailor? If you're Pandora, you use the sound of his profanities as some kind of vulgar sonar to pinpoint his location, then heal his wounds with your magic. There's a 50% chance that this will cause him to stop spouting random nonsense about acid, how much he loves you, and/or the government...or whatever else drunk pirates talked about. Pandora heals Graelyn of 29 points of damage!

James: James decides that the time for witty one-liners is through. This? This is a time for murder. With his twin blades he attempts to slice The Puke in half with a scissors motion, but your mother told you to always cut away from yourself for a reason. His first attack misses The Puke, instead trimming a small section of fabric off of his shirt (but luckily leaving him unharmed). The second attack, though, trims off a small section of the Puke. This laceration is enough to do the creature in, and its final protest is a soft gush...hiss as it melts into a puddle of acid and dissolves away. Oliver is free now! However, he's looking the worse for wear; The Puke has dissolved away one of his legs below the knee, though the rest of him is still intact. James hits The Puke for 10 damage, killing it and freeing Oliver (who lost a leg but seems otherwise okay).

Chess: Lying motionless on the deck of her beautiful Unicorn covered in putrid bile (both Chess and the deck, that is), the Captain takes advantage of her time of forced contemplation to make a list of as many swear words as she can think of, along with a shopping list for the next time they had a chance. Chess remains motionless (paralyzed for 9 more rounds unless someone can remove the condition).

Wu Xin: In a flash, Wu Xin is back up in the crow's nest from which she descended, making herself look presentable. She scoops up her gear like a child who can't decide which toy to play with and instead decides damn it all, why not carry them all! Despite her chopstick scrunchie and overall disheveled appearance, Wu Xin manages to make herself look somewhat nicer than before, complemented by the fact that she doesn't need bulky armor thanks to her potion of mage armor. Wu snatches her gear and quaffs a potion of Mage Armor!

Arnold Fitz & Co.: "Damn it, Orph," Fitz grumbles at his bad luck. If he could have seen the Unicorn, he could have blasted her hull to bits and enjoyed the afterparty of seeing them drown. "What do we pay you for? Can you do anything about their magic? Bonu? What about the chick locked up?"

"Actually, Arnold, I paid you to let me come on board, remember?" Orpheus asks. Up close, he's even more beautiful than people's second-hand accounts; his features are at once appealingly elven while still distinctively manly. If Wu Xin's lucky, she could probably toss her grappling hook right over his head, whizzing by him like some sort of angelic daredevil. That would be sure to get his attention! "Still, best to give the people what they want." He rolls up his sleeves, and with a great deal of pomp and feigned effort casts a spell. He scans around the boat and reports: "I see a shark, as well as some kind of magical auras on the...which side did you say was the left? Wait, don't tell me, I remember this...starboard?" Orpheus casts a spell to help him find the Dirty Unicorn!

Spellcraft DC 15 to open:
Orpheus has cast Detect Magic (http://dndsrd.net/spellsDtoE.html#detect-magic).
Arnold rolls his eyes; the musician was often a chore, but he had payed a pretty penny for his pleasure cruise. And who knows, his tomfoolery may actually help them locate and evade the Unicorn. "Port side, alert. All hands--all guns at the ready!" he calls. In an impressive display, a bevy of cannons turns toward the port side of the ship, clicking into place almost in stereo. This crew was not only well-armed, but also well-trained. Luckily for the crew of the Unicorn, Orpheus had focused more on his music than his magic; a more scholarly-inclined mage could have easily poked through their invisibility for himself, dispelled it outright, or even both. Unluckily for the crew of the Unicorn, he was right: they were on the port side of the Irontooth, and all eyes (and guns) were on the air around them.

Graelyn: Now not covered in acid but still ragingly inebriated, Graelyn continues bouncing around the decks, eventually making his way to a spot where he has a clear line of sight to the Irontooth. It was growing larger and larger in his vision, just like the time he had accidentally sailed the Unicorn straight into the pier. He braced himself for impact. Graelyn successfully moves to G3.

DragKel: The newest arrival to the Unicorn tosses an odd device into the waters next to the ship. Apparently it was some sort of Instant Shark (just add water), because the next thing you know...BAM, a glorious creature of the seas emerges. As if to trumpet their appreciation for this animal, the strains of an odd, angry sort of music are heard ricocheting through the clouds. The music screeches and wails while beneath it all, the lower register chugs along. The music ceases, but the shark remains--gliding through the water with a halo above his head. DragKel successfully summons his special mount--a celestial shark!


2013-07-19, 04:06 PM
James grins. "MEET THE FURY OF THE HEAVEN CLAN!" He bellows, making a mental note to re-cut his coat so the tear didn't look so obvious. Oh, not this again... He breathes deeply, and steps off the railing of the Unicorn, giving a salute to everyone mid-plunge. Then, suddenly, he's not falling towards the shrinking gap of sea: he's gone in a spark-filled trail of desert magic.

They float around him, voyaging on a vastly different sea: his two brothers, both killed in campaigns against nearby nations; his mother, who died of heatstroke in their camps, and... his... father? James froze for a fraction of a moment, in wonder. He... died...?

Activating Shadow Jaunt as a Standard Action. Once on the ship, I begin running aft, looking to find the trees or apples.

Using my swift action to try and remember the face of my father. :smallfrown:

2013-07-19, 04:44 PM
Wu Xin feels the weight of the grappling hook in her hand. She hefts it thoughtfully. Would it be best to plop down right in front of her manly elf lover? Maybe greet him with a kiss and a rag soaked with ether? Or would it be best to stay in the shadows and observe his butt in those pantaloons from afar? She could prolong the experience that way.

She decides she doesn't want to appear as a freak or anything like that, so she better just ask for an autograph. And maybe a hug. It might take time for the talented musician to realize that his destiny lies with Wu Xin. She could be patient.

At the first opportunity, Wu Xin will grapple and swing over to the Iron Tooth. She will land as close to Orpheus as she can. She will remain out of sight, if possible, and look for an opening to declare her love. When he sees her, and totally falls in love with her, there is no way Wu will be mistaken for one of those crazy fanatics that are always bothering Orpheus. This is different. She doesn't want to stab his security guards multiple times in the face, but if that's what it takes to get an autograph, she'll do it.

2013-07-20, 03:10 PM
DragKel's arms are blistered from the acid he took from pulling the captain out, but only he knows this for his skin is covered by his armor. DragKel picks up Chess and moves her to Pandora at I-7 where i am at J-7. DragKel get's Pandora's attention, afterall he did not want to leave the captain in such bad shape. Pandora!! the Captain is directly in front of you, she is Paralyzed can you undo it. She need your help I unfortunately am unable to remove this affliction.

with that he turns around and gets prepared for the next battle. with out any of the others seeing his hands start to glow again with holy aura's, he moves his hands over his arms, and he can feel the blisters dissolving into what his skin was before they arrived. lay of hands 5 points healed, I have 13 points left.

Also Wave Breakers Intiative now 1d20+6

2013-07-20, 03:12 PM
Wave Breakers Int.


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-20, 04:42 PM
Graelyn, noting the cannons rotating towards the Unicorn, bent a baffling field into existence and let it loose on the enemy ship, aiming for the largest cluster of cannons and hoping both to distort their sight and disrupt the crew who would be loading.

Cast Vertigo Field. 20ft radius. DC 20 Fortitude save or be nauseated. All attacks through the field have 20% miss chance. The area counts as difficult terrain.
Up to 6 allies (all) are immune to the nauseating aspect.

2013-07-21, 03:28 PM
Yeah I can Pandora responds Umm whats the words..... ah yes.
With this name, cast all curses to oblivion. Remedy!

2013-07-22, 06:16 AM
As Pandora's spell washes over Chess, she feels the paralysis lift.

Leaping to her feet, she flips her fan open and waves it toward the opposing ship.

"Get me to that ship!" she orders! Glancing around and seeing that James and Wu Xin aren't on deck, "Where is everyone?"

She taps her food impatiently, then casts another spell. Almost as an afterthought, she glances at the blind healer.

"Thanks, Pan."

OOC: Casts shield. So she now has both Mage Armor and Shield up.

2013-07-23, 06:45 AM
Round 6 (Closing w/ the Irontooth in 1 more round)

James & Gnash: James knows that, given the distance, he can teleport onto the decks of the ship. From there, it would just be about getting below deck and running aft to where the hold probably was...the apples would most likely be there. A deep breath and an awful trip later, James is left standing on the deck of the SS Irontooth. Looking toward the front of the ship, he spies a familiar face: Gnash, fierce champion of the neighboring Wavecrasher clan. He cursed his misfortune and hoped that he was still faster than the stupid orc, as he was when they were children.

"HEAVEN CLAAAAAN!" the maniac orc shouts in rage from across deck. Such a cry would frighten less stoic warriors, but James had heard the members of the Wavecrasher clan roar the names of their enemies many a time; the effect rolls over him like a wave breaking on the beach. The shout doesn't conclude until Gnash is charging into James, and the beast hits him with all of its weight. James feels the wind get knocked out of him, and before he knows it he's toppling over backwards into the drink. Luckily, Wave Breaker is there to give James a bit of a lift. James successfully Shadow Jaunts onto the enemy vessel and ignores the intimidating effects of Gnash's rage...but Gnash successfully bull rushes James 10 feet back and does 17 damage in the process via Charging Minotaur!

Wu Xin, Arnold, Wailwhere...and some Mooks: Wu doesn't have any use for James' fancy techniques. Instead, all she needs to get onboard is a grappling hook, a rope, and a healthy disrespect for danger. With a wide smile on her face, she sails over Orpheus' head and onto the Irontooth. There's no question that she had been seen, but especially when it came to Orpheus she wasn't quite trying to avoid detection. She lands in the crow's nest of the opposing vessel and slides down it like a fireman's pole. Hoping to hide behind it, she presses herself up against the mast but it does little to conceal the fact that she just boarded the ship and slid down the pole. As Orpheus dispatches two of the sailors to investigate the disturbance, Wu's maniac grin simply widens.

Captain Arnold Fitz notices the intrusion on his ship, and he didn't take kindly to intrusions. He draws his twin daggers and stalks towards the mysterious visitor's landing spot. "Something so foolhardy could only mean one person is on deck...Wu Xin," he calls. He recalled Wu's propensity for stabbing, and decided he wouldn't like to be on the business end of her katana. With a quick snap of his fingers, he conjures up a minor spell with nary an effort.

Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
Arnold just cast blur (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/blur.htm) as a swift-action SLA.
Arnold closes with Wu, swiping one dagger towards her but missing widely. "That was a warning shot, darling," he hisses. "Now, bring me Captain Chesire!" The gigantic whaleman moves with his Captain, lurking behind him as he feebly tries to attack Wu Xin. "You'd best listen, love," the whale grumbles in a low baritone. "Wouldn't want to have to hurt you, right guv?" he says with a quick chomp of his enormous mouth and a glance at Arnold. He takes up an strong stance, and he looks only half-sincere about not wanting to resort to violence. He takes up a defensive stance, a massive fin guarding Arnold from possible attacks as Wu finds herself nearly pinned against the mast. To get out of this one, she'd either have to think quickly or be insanely lucky...Wu Xin uses a double move to zipline onto the SS Irontooth, as well as a free action to drop gracefully from the crow's nest. Arnold misses her with an attack...but Wailwhere successfully demoralizes her, rendering her shaken for 1 round!

Any attacks against Arnold suffer a 20% miss chance this round due to his SLA. Wailwhere takes up the stance Iron Guard's Glare; any attacks from adjacent enemies against anyone but him suffer a -4 penalty.

Orpheus & the Other Mooks: "I don't know what else would read as magic in open waters," Orpheus muses to himself, "let's light them up!" He pulls a pinch of ground mica from his beltpouch and blows it into the air as if blowing a kiss. The powder sparkles and flickers as it travels magically towards the bow of the Unicorn. Unfortunately for our crew, the sparkly dust settles on the edge of the ship, outlining a portion of its invisible form.
Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
Orpheus just cast Glitterdust (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glitterdust.htm).

All three groups of sailors manning guns comply with Arnold's orders, letting cannonballs fly at the glittering section of the approaching invisible ship. Luckily, the Unicorn's still a hard target; two of the cannonballs are near misses, but the third hits the already-damaged section of the hull. Everyone can hear the Unicorn groan under the strain, and she starts sailing a little slower. They'd still be closing with the Irontooth in a matter of moments, but if they survived they'd have to do some repairs to get her back up to full speed. Orpheus successfully casts a spell to help locate the Unicorn, and one of three cannonballs hits the ship!

ONE SECTION OF THE UNICORN'S HULL IS DAMAGED. Her speed is reduced by 5 feet, and further damage could spread to the rest of the ship.

Graelyn: As the larger ship fires off cannon after cannon, Graelyn realizes that something must be done. He casts a spell on the aft cannon battery (which also catches Arnold and Wailwhere in its radius). Each of the enemy pirates gets the distinct sensation of falling and reaches for a nearby part of the ship to stabilize himself. The four cannon operators begin wretching, putting both of their guns out of commission. Arnold is vomiting as well, spewing a far smaller version and more docile version of the Puke onto the decks of his own ship. Wailwhere, however, stands firm. Though he is not vomiting (and what would you expect from someone whose diet consists primarily of kelp?), all of the affected enemies find it hard to see straight as the world goes out of balance around them. Graelyn successfully casts Vertigo Field, nauseating all of the mooks as well as Captain Fitz for one round! Nauseated or not, all affected creatures have a 20% miss chance on attacks made from within the field for 6 rounds.

Varia: Below decks, the Irontooth was dark and quiet...well, as quiet as a pirate ship could be. There was still some commotion above decks--mostly a consensus to get the hell out of Holy Dodge as fast as feet could carry. The cannons, though...they ended the silence rather abruptly. Varia could make out that the ship she was on was firing at something, and that something must not have kindly rolled over and died. The sailor guarding her cell was one of the ones called above deck to man the guns, leaving her blissfully unattended. The ship was rocked by what she could only assume was return fire, and the blast knocked her against the back wall of the cell. When she realized her composure, she realized a more fortunate circumstance as well; the blast had blown open the door to her cell, giving her a straight shot to the stairs that led above deck. Varia has entered the scene! She's currently below decks in K16, but can start a move action on the stairs up in K15 if she wishes.

DragKel, Pandora & Chess: The Dragonborn paladin heroicly drags the paralyzed captain to the feet of the blind healer, shouting out helpful instructions for locating her. As he makes sure she's tended to, he also takes a moment to heal the worst of his own wounds, steeling himself for the continued battle ahead. Gracious for the assistance, Pandora uses one of her stronger techniques to heal Chess' paralysis. As she shouts the incantation, Chess can feel the muscles coming out of atrophy with a warm shock, much the opposite of pins & needles. Chess rises to her feet and pulls out a wand, preparing another defensive buff. DragKel successfully pulls Chess to Pandora and uses Lay on Hands to heal himself for 5 hp! Chess successfully uses Remedy to cure Chess' paralysis, and Chess uses her wand to cast Shield.

All: The two mighty ships start to swing parallel to one another. As the vessels close to only 20 feet apart, when the battle would truly begin was a matter of semantics. The boarding parties wouldn't be able to hook riggings and lay planks for another few seconds still, but there was plenty that could be done in that time. Not content to let the battle come to them, James and Wu Xin make their ways onboard the Irontooth at the first possibility. Meanwhile, back onboard the Dirty Unicorn, Graelyn tries to buy some time while the others heal up and arm up for the fight that was ahead. Somewhere below decks, a very frightened gnome was begging Garl Glittergold for a way out. Below decks on the Irontooth, however, a prisoner was having a stroke of good luck.

Meanwhile, on the bow of the Irontooth, a half-crazed halfling is in another world, entirely removed from the ruckus toward the aft of his ship. Desperately waving his arms and throwing various twigs and dead goldfish into the air, Papa Bonu is chanting a prayer of some sort. He petitions "Mama Ocean" with shouts and mutters something about a coming storm, all the while staring down the crew onboard the Unicorn. Papa Bonu is casting a spell of some sort...

Spellcraft DC 18 to open:
Papa Bonu is casting Call Lightning (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Call_Lightning)

[roll4] +2 from Rage
[roll5] (-2 if James failed to resist demoralization)
[roll6] +2 from Rage


Blue Icons:
W=Wu Xin

Red Icons:
P=Papa Bonu

Green Cloud=Vertigo Field (Graelyn's allies are immune...this does not apply to Varia--at least, it doesn't apply yet).
Green Outlines=Nauseated for 1 round.

Yellow Cloud=Glitterdust

2013-07-23, 09:32 AM
James coughs and splutters for a moment, thrashing wildly as he tries to think of a new plan. "Eff you, Gnash..." he mutters, gathering a small dust cloud around him as he readies for another ancestor-belaboured leap.

Swift action to recover Shadow Jaunt, then using it to *hopefully* show up somewhere belowdecks.

Move action to run aft.

2013-07-23, 03:01 PM
DragKel knows the real fight has started he Draconic Features seem to pronounce more definitely then ever before, the Irises in his eyes form slits, smoke seems to be produced from his nose, as lightning dance from fang to fang while a cloud of cold is visable in his mouth and frozen pieces of acid drop from his mouth and shatter on the floor. He is Dragonborn not Elf they will learn of his race soon enough.

DragKel Backs up and gets a Running start, to Leap and grab a sail line to swing over to the IronTooth. when he lands he tries to Kick Orpheus in the Face to so he can have a clear landing, and maybe break the Evil pretty boy's nose.

[roll1] nonlethal damage if he fails he just lets go of the rope and land behind Orpheus.

you could almost consider this attack a charge attack.

Wave Breaker receives information From DragKel about not attacking the thing that just fell Into the water, and if at all possible aid it. So despites WaveBreaker's hunger she swims underneath James and lifts upward 50/50 whither he is standing or sitting on the mighty Shark.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-23, 05:04 PM
"It's looking awfully lonely over there," Graelyn comments, joining Pandora and the captain at the railing. "Luckily I've got just the trick." With a wave of his hands the spray of the sea rises up and coalesces into a number of ghostly figures who march aboard the Irontooth and take up position on the decks standing guard over Wu Xin and the stairs down into the bowels of the ship.

Move to G6.

Cast Legion of Sentinels, centred on the point between 13H and 14I.
A sentinel appears in every space within the area (10' radius), even those occupied by the enemy, and can make up to one AoO per round.

AC 25, Longsword: +6, 1d8+2.

They can flank with each other and with allies. They do not hinder movement.

2013-07-23, 06:16 PM
BLibbidy Blah Blah Blu Blah BLAH Blah Ba Blah... is more or less what she hears. Something about Chess and how pretty Wu Xin is. Other than that, Fitz and Fishman are talking complete gibberish. Enough nonsense! Wu is ready to fight!

But for some reason she is beginning to lose hope that she will ever get to meet the one and only Orpheus. Look at these giant losers in her way! It is always something. She is questioning whether she should even bother. Maybe she should throw herself overboard and spare Orpheus' security guards that trouble. Sigh...

It may be a long shot, but she is unlikely to get another. She is prepared to be stabby and slashish if there is a chance she can get Orpheus' autograph. Or maybe even a kiss. With tongue.

She ducks down just in time for Arnold Fitz to make another mark in the mast. Years of piracy have told a tale on that mast in the form of deep violent etchings. She performs a forward summersault through Mr. Fishman's legs, then back superfluously through Arnie's legs, and forward again to land between Fish Face and her new friend the spooky ghost soldier. She saw in him a new stab buddy, and if there was one thing she knew, it was that murder was much easier with a friend.

Tumble [roll0] DC 15
Tumble [roll1] DC 17
Auto succeed I believe.
To land in F15 (next time please help me avoid the tumble rolls, but thanks! This will help Wu live!
What follows only applies if Wu is not hit...

She pops up to her feet and does an amazing pirouette before attempting to run her Katana up and along the meaty fishy part of Fish Bro's back.

+2 for flanking, but -2 for morale.
Power Attack for 2
EDIT: Seriously, forum dice?

Damage [roll4]
Sneak Attack [roll5]

She won't down him, but just in case, Wu has cleave.
Power Attack for 2
Damage [roll8]

Note: Her AC is 19 right now (no armour, but mage armour)

2013-07-23, 09:56 PM
Varia Laetanerath had been taken by surprise very few times in her long life, and the fact that she found herself in her current predicament was a sign that she had lost her way in a metaphysical sense. Varia was a scholar above all else, a studier of mysteries and a seeker of truths. And yet for the past several years she had accomplished little, content to read works in libraries written by others and draw conclusions from their research.

When she had finally set out on the road on her own again, to once again travel the planes in pursuit of knowledge, she had found herself altogether too rusty. She had not even bothered to find companions with which to travel, and that simple fact had led to getting abducted in her sleep. What the crew of this vessel wanted with her, she did not know, and though she was still... intact, she did not know how long that would last. Humans were rough and unpredictable, in her experience, and were as a rule far too prone to emotion.

She had used very few spells the day before her capture, other than a single Prestidigitation, and so she had little concern about getting out of her cell. The real issue would be escaping; Varia was strong, but not so strong as to overwhelm the entire crew of a ship such as this one and then pilot the vessel alone. She needed an opportunity.

And sooner than she would have dreamed, opportunity came crashing down upon her. She heard the ruckus above, and decided that this was as good a time as any to get in on the action. As soon as her guard was distracted, she cast a simple shielding spell; the warmth of her magic was familiar and felt reassuring. She would need it, as the hard part was about to come.

Before she could Shatter the door in front of her, it was blow clear off its hinges by an act of fate and providence. "It would seem, she murmurs to herself, "that I have gotten back on track." The slender grey elf moves out of her cell, scooping up her backpack, bow, and quiver before rushing up the stairs, prepared to either fight or dive into the water.

I'm going to assume that she had a round to cast a single buff before the cage popped open, and that she's still wearing her armor, which is fairly unobtrusive.

She picks up her pack and bow moves onto the deck, if she has that much move.

2013-07-24, 07:25 AM
Chess watches as Graelyn casts a spell sending a number of ghostly guards to the other side.

"Useful, that."

I think it's myturn, she adds. She speaks a handful of words in Infernal and feels her confidence grow.

Taking a few steps back, she gives a rope a good yank before running and swinging across the boat to land on the deck before Arnold.

Letting out a fierce war cry as she flies across the ocean, she lets go of the rope, landing with a knee and hand on the other ship. Rising to her feet, she smiles.

"How 'bout I bring myself?" she says. That sounded cooler in her head. "Now, let's say you just be a nice old captain, and let us have our apples."

Okay...assuming her rolls hit...this is what she does. If the rolls fail, I'll go back and edit her falling into the water. :)

Casts Baleful Influence: +6 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate

Running Leap to cross the water and land on the Irontooth
Jump check DC 20 [roll]1d20+1[roll]
Climb if she misses DC 15 [roll0]

Diplomacy: [roll1]

2013-07-24, 10:28 AM
Pandora calls and after hearing the resounding POP continues
I hope you weren't using our... our... Our unwilling guest as a chew toy, hmm well I don't really care ... actually though. Anyway take me to the Iron.... No ROTTENTOOTH! as Chess puts it. Charge!
and with that she and Blinky are running full speed a head towards the 'rotten tooth'. Seconds later 'Sploosh' and That Was Wicked along with a loud Woof

2013-07-24, 03:35 PM
Round 7: Closing with the Irontooth!

James & Pandora: Riding on the back of DragKel's shark gives James a much-needed opportunity to catch his breath. He remembers the burning sensation in his throat and he readies another Shadow Jaunt. This time, though, the face of his father lingers in front of him longer than before. Don't... it seems to whisper. The moment has a haunting, dreamlike quality to it.

Splash! The moment is disrupted by a blind woman and her seeing eye dog falling from the sky mere feet away from James. For the nurse, there is an exhilarating rush of adrenaline, as even her blindsight doesn't tell her when to expect the jolt of cold that comes from contact with the water. Pandora pops up to the surface and treads water, unbothered by the salty water that would sting the eyes of those with sight. Blinky, being a good doggy, simply doggy-paddles at his owner's side. James successfully recovers Shadow Jaunt. Both James and Pandora bob out of the way of the two ships.

Wu Xin, Arnold, Wailwhere, & Gnash: Wu effortlessly dodges around Captain Fitz and his bodyguard, but her attacks come with much more effort. Even as she spies a last-minute opening in Wailwhere's defenses, Wu misses with her attack. "Dial it back, boys," Arnold calls out to his crew between heaves and wretches, "Keep these yokels alive--it's Chesire we want! barfff...." Wailwhere nods in assent, striking Wu in the temple with the hilt of his greatsword. "Now stay put, love," he flaps his mighty gums. "No more twirling about." Satisfied that he's knocked his rival off the boat, Gnash comes to join the party, also striking Wu with the butt of his weapon. The rapid succession of attacks to her soft, beautiful skull is too much for Wu, and she goes to a place full of tiny little birds circling over her head. Wu Xin avoids AoOs...but her attack against Wailwhere misses. In response, Wailwhere hits her for 26 nonlethal damage and she must make a Fort Save (DC 20) or be immobilized for one round. Gnash also strikes her for 62 nonlethal damage, rendering her unconscious.

Orpheus, DragKel, & the Mooks: The musical sensation pulls out his masterwork mandolin, strumming the main riff to his current hit single You Fed my Iron Heart to a Rust Monster, Baby. For reasons unbeknownst to the crew of the Dirty Unicorn, those onboard the Irontooth actually seem to enjoy the saccharine-sweet melody of this melodramatic break-up song. As Orpheus plays, sings, and gyrates, they move from the cannons and draw their daggers (at least, the ones who aren't busy vomiting). They seem to be grooving to the music, ready to start stabbing to the beat. Orpheus successfully casts a spell, pulls out his instrument, and activates Inspire Courage, adding +4 to his allies' attacks and +3 to damage!

Spellcraft DC 16 to open:
The spell Orpheus cast is Inspirational Boost.

The divo is finishing the refrain, "You fed my iron heart to a rust monster, baby, | He broke it down and chomped it up until I was crazy | No blade I had could pierce his hide, my world it went hazy | But it was worth the pain to see you again and the smile you gave me-- UMPH!" His train of thought--and probably his septum--is broken by a metal-clad boot to the face. DragKel swings effortlessly onto the Irontooth and immediately raises Orpheus' ire. The bard attempts to take a swing at Orpheus while he descends the rope, but the half-elf finds it hard to see between the tears and misses wildly, instead swiping his instrument at empty air. DragKel successfully boards the Irontooth and kicks Orpheus straight in the nose for good measure!

Varia: The gray elf prisoner onboard the Irontooth grabs her gear with ease on her way topside. As she ascends the steps, the midday sun stings at her eyes. She squints as her pupils adjust, and the scene that greets her is sheer bedlam. There is now another vessel coming alongside the Irontooth and both vessels are laying boarding planks. Pirates are swinging from ropes on the other vessel to this one, and all over the deck people are brawling. Varia collects her gear and moves topside.

Chess & Arnold: Between heaves, Arnold raises his eyes to meet Chess'. Damn it all, she scolded herself, even when he's throwing up, he's gorgeous! Little did she know, his thoughts about her were similar. He stops spewing for long enough to wipe his face on his sleeve and call out "Chesire! Glad you ask for parley after your friends attack my ship. Surrender your crew, your vessel, and all wares within and I'd be happy to enter negotiations with you. Otherwise, we'll take your crew as prisoners and your plunder as spoils. Your choice, darling!" His smile is perfect and his jawline is square as the two lock eyes for a moment. Both remember their tumultuous past with fondness, and amid the chaos they share a moment that abruptly ends as Arnold doubles over to vomit again. Chess' rushed Diplomacy attempt fails to change Arnold's attitude.

Graelyn & Papa Bonu: Against the Puke, Graelyn's spells were of little use. But here, against those that could see and think--against those he could dupe--Graelyn's illusions are his bread and butter. He summons a horde of illusory warriors on the decks of the Irontooth, surrounding some of the mooks as well as Wailwhere. Those who aren't busy vomiting are sure not to move for fear of their spectral longswords. Gnash is unafraid of the spectral warriors, and one attacks him as he leaves to surround Wu Xin. The ghostly warrior's sword misses the furious orc. Graelyn successfully casts Legion of Sentinels! Gnash incurs an AoO from one of the Legion...but it misses.

On the bow of the opposing ship, Bonu completes his spell. He closes his eyes and raises his hands to the heavens; a split-second later, a lightning bolt jolts through skies that were previously clear cerulean blue. The line of electricity descends from the heavens and catches Graelyn, sending a painful buzzing sensation throughout his extremities. With a satisfied nod, Bonu turns and scurries out onto the draconic figurehead on the tip of the Irontooth's bow. Papa Bonu calls down lightning on Graelyn for 12 damage!

All: The two ships sidle alongside one another, the mooks and skeletons piloting the two ships to ensure they're in proper position to board instead of ramming one another into oblivion. Planks are let down with a loud clatter from both ships, but some intrepid pirates choose to forego them in favor of ropes. The first member of the Unicorn's crew goes down, and the opposing captain sets the terms for surrender. Will our heroes accept?



2013-07-24, 11:03 PM
Are there any outsiders, magical beasts, or undead among the ships crew? If so, I have all sorts of useful knowledge-based abilities to use.

Varia watches a stunted little spellcaster bring lightning down, and she decides that his logic is a sound one; when in doubt, use lightning. If that doesn't work, use more lightning. She isn't sure who is an ally and who is a foe at the moment, and so she takes a moment to observe the fight. She decides that she will side with the crew that is attacking the ship she was held hostage on until she has reason to do otherwise.

Varia mutters to herself, speaking ancient words of wind and sky. With a stentorian call, she raises her hands up, and a bolt of lightning comes down out of the sky on Papa Bonu.

:smallwink: Just for you, love. [roll0] Electricity damage, reflex DC 19 for half.

2013-07-24, 11:43 PM
:smallbiggrin: thanks I am glad some else is also going after the spellcasters/healers.

DragKel laughing at Orpheus for his foolish attempt to strike, He then draws his Scythe and slashes at Orpheus.

[roll2] all damage is nonlethal just like my kick to the face. :smallwink:so ihave done a total of 23 nonlethal damage to Orpheus so far.

2013-07-25, 06:45 AM
Chess bats her eyelashes. "I think you misunderstood me, dear Arnold." She slowly sashays her way to him. Flicking open her fan as she does. She weaves her way around the other pirates ignoring them mostly, but occassionally dodging left or right to avoid a blow.

"I wasn't offering my surrender, I was calling for yours."

Switching tactics, she smiles and then calls forth her infernal power sending it slamming into his bodyguard.

Moving to as close as I can to Arnold but still 10ft away. Not sure how many "pirates" there are between us. Looks like 3 from the old map.

Tumbles to avoid AoO's

ranged Attack W


2013-07-26, 09:52 AM
James leaps up the rigging faster than seems possible, throwing himself on deck in just a few seconds, both blades glinting under the burning sun. Just as he does, a small fire elemental ruptures the air behind the pirates, standing solemnly at attention. Which is just enough time for James to begin his stabbing.

Already stated my new actions in the OOC, so this is just to RP.

2013-07-26, 10:20 AM
You got me; I had to look up stentorian (http://www.thefreedictionary.com/stentorian). Nice word, I like it! To confirm, Call Lightning (http://dndsrd.net/spellsC.html#call-lightning) has a casting time of 1 round, so you are casting it this turn and using your standard action next turn (assuming the spell isn't interrupted) to call down a bolt on Bonu?

Well, if you read the spell description closely you'll see that I get a free lightning bolt as soon as I finish the spell, and then I can use a standard action to call down another each round after that. So the bolt in my post is my "free" one I get as soon as the spell is completed.

2013-07-26, 03:22 PM
Wu Xin ducked and weaved and appeared to be doing just dandy, until...

"You fed my iron heart to a rust monster, baby, | He broke it down and chomped it up until I was crazy | No blade I had could pierce his hide, my world it went hazy | But it was worth the pain to see you again and the smile you gave me-- UMPH!"

Oh man! Those hips thrust like some sort of provocative battering ram on the castle gate of her heart.

오르페우스, 나는 당신을 사랑 해요! 나는 당신의 아기를 갖고 싶어! (*Orpheus, I love you! I want to have your babies!)
Wu Xin squeals with infatuated glee. She clasps her hands together over her heart and a tear of pure adoration drips down her blushing cheek.

She is clubbed on the head by the hilt of Wailwhere's greatsword.

OOooowww! Tat hut! Wu says rubbing her head. Pain was not something she often experienced and the shock of actually being on the receiving end gave her further pause.

KA-POW! She is hit by a second blow by Gnash on the other side of her head. She didn't even see it coming. Millions of rarely used brain cells die from minor hemorrhaging (it's okay - she has more).

With a comical stagger left and a stumble right she begins to exhibit signs of a severe concussion. Little lights dance in her head and she loses balance and memory.


Wu Xin lands squarely on her bum, legs spread eagle and sitting upright like a schoolgirl. She blows a few bubbles out her mouth and giggles with delayed delight while enjoying the brilliant bard's performance.

Olpeeus... I lrove you....

And... she falls unconscious.

2013-07-27, 07:20 AM
Round 8

James & Pandora: James helps Pandora find a handhold on the nets surrounding the aft of the Irontooth, and also lends a hand in getting Blinky up the side of the ship without harming the creature. Together, the two of them climb up and over the side of the deck. The two mooks on the aftmost cannon are surprised to see visitors boarding this way when there are plenty of planks and swinging ropes to go around, but the surprise is short-lived. James slashes his scimitar across one's stomach, spilling entrails on the deck and killing the man outright. Pandora, with a surprise of her own, hears the other sailor and gracefully pulls a battle knife out, lodging it squarely in the man's jugular vein. James, Pandora, & Blinky successfully board the Irontooth and kill two mooks!

Orpheus & DragKel: "Hey, she's cashting a shpell of shome short!" Orpheus calls out to his crewmates and points to Varia. Turning his attention to DragKel, he fumes, "Wishen, buhd," Orpheus says, his diction distorted from his bloodied and possibly broken nose, "Jusht give up. If you shurrender, you can shave your friends' wives." The bizzare words make perfect sense to DragKel: if he surrenders, he can spare the lives of his new crewmates. For a moment, it almost seems like the only compelling option...until DragKel realizes that it's a trick! His mind fights off Orpheus' enchanting magic, and he realizes that he can also save their lives by fighting for them. To demonstrate this, he clocks Orpheus right below the chin with an upward thrust of his scythe. The half-elf bard is overwhelmed by the blow to his glass jaw and drops like a sack of rich, perfectly-manicured potatoes. Wu Xin was too unconscious to realize it, but she was lying unconscious on the same deck as Orpheus! Her friends would be so jealous...if she had friends, instead of crewmates who all hated Orpheus, a kitten, and a laundry list of enemies. Maybe Kitty would be jealous? Orpheus unsuccessfully tries to cast a spell on DragKel, who responds by knocking the bard out with his merciful scythe!

Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
Orpheus cast Suggestion. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/suggestion.htm)

Varia & Gnash: Alerted by Orpheus' words, Gnash turns on his heels from his unconscious target and stalks back around the staircase to greet Varia coming up. With a wicked grin, he spits, "I'll show you Wave Crasher magic! Summon Greataxe!" As he shouts, he brings down his weapon on Varia in a vicious overhead smash. However, attempting to study in libraries where others didn't respect the need for quiet had long ago taught Varia to deal with distraction, frustration, and the devil on her shoulder that suggested silencing any fools who couldn't silence themselves. Despite the pain, she's able to maintain concentration on completing her Call Lightning spell. A thundercloud of her own starts to coalesce in the skies over the Irontooth. Gnash hits Varia for 22 nonlethal damage and attempts to interrupt her spellcasting...but she maintains concentration on her spell, which will complete at the start of her next turn!

Graelyn & Papa Bonu: Graelyn curses his luck at being sent up against a fellow spellcaster, but it seemed like that was how the matchup had shaken out. If anyone stood a chance against his enchantments and illusions, it was usually a fellow magician. Nonetheless, he tries to fascinate Papa Bonu with a whorling pattern of colors around the front of the Irontooth. For all he knew, the crazy medicine man already saw swirling colors everywhere he went, since the magician didn't even bat a tiny eyelash at the spell forming around him. Instead, Bonu raises his hands to the sky once more, sending yet another bolt of lightning streaking directly toward Graelyn. Graelyn unsuccessfully tries to fascinate Bonu with a Hypnotic Pattern, while Bonu sends another lightning bolt at Graelyn that connects for 14 damage!

Chess, Wailwhere, & Arnold: Chess tumbles across the deck, provoking a mook to take a stab at her. However, he pokes at nothing but air as the captain of the Unicorn careens past him and sends a blast of dark energy howling toward Wailwhere. "Oi, poppet, that smarts!" he barks as the blast burns his blubber. He waddles toward Chess and grabs her like a professional wrestler. "We'll have no more of that, then.". Arnold also joins the grapple, smiling all the while. "What it takes to get close to you, darling...ready to surrender yet?". Chess' eldritch blast connects w/ Wailwhere for 17 damage!. Wailwhere grapples Chess, and Arnold joins the grapple!

[roll1] -5 for Stone Power
[roll8] -4 for Power Attack
[roll9] (including +8 for Power Attack)
[roll13] (including -5 penalty for hiding and moving full speed)


2013-07-27, 10:48 AM
James notices Chess' struggles, and runs towards them. "Pandora, we got a sich! Cap'n's being pinned down!" Both swords glisten with a burst of flame, and James stabs into Wailwhere's massive hide, plunging his cauterizing blades beneath the layers of skin.

Activating Burning Blade as a Swift, +1d6+5 Fire Damage.
Since Chess is there, they're flanked, no? If not, then hopefully Pandora can flank, since Distracting Ember only works for one turn.

[roll0] (Assuming Flanked, +2 ATK, +2 from my Stance)

[roll2] (1d6+4 Base, +Sneak Attack, +Maneuver, +Stance)

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-27, 11:23 AM
Feeling distinctly annoyed that his clothing and skin was burning for the second time in as many minutes, Graelyn raised his arm, falconer style and hurled his screeching familiar towards the annoying, crazed shaman: "Kackaw, kill!" Graelyn ordered and was rewarded by the parrot streaking towards Papa Bonu repeating the words as a bloodthirsty mantra: "Kackaw kill, Kackaw kill!" the parrot cried.

Kackaw 'runs' to Z10. Attacks Papa Bonu if able. [roll0]
Damage [roll1] minimum 1.

After the bird had been unleashed, Graelyn hurled up his arms and sent mesmerising colours to assail Papa Bonu once more.

Hypnotic Pattern: [roll2] hd (max 10) affected. DC 19, will negates. Creatures are fascinated.

2013-07-27, 11:30 AM
It had been a long time since Varia had been hit as hard as that, but at least the brute had been attempting to knock her unconscious and not kill her. And now, she thought through the pain, he's about to be on the receiving end of her power. The grey elf held a hand up to the sky as she finished casting her spell, and with a clap of power a bolt of lightning came slamming down on the raging barbarian in front of her.

She then concentrated on a second spell, carefully casting to avoid provoking another attack from the brute. She pulls a miniature dagger from her pack as she finishes, a little sliver of cold iron; and with a wave of her hand, the cold iron vanishes, and the air around her and above her is suddenly filled with dozens and dozens of whirling blades that rip and cut into Gnash. She takes a step back, putting five feet between her and him. "Stay away," she warns Gnash, "Or I'm just going to keep hurting you. Go mess with someone less dangerous."

Lightning Damage to Gnash, Reflex DC 19 for half: [roll0]

Concentration DC 15 to cast defensively: [roll1]

Ring of Blades (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-arcane--55/ring-of-blades--474/) damage, no save: [roll2]

Then she takes a step back.

2013-07-27, 04:42 PM
DragKel goes over to Gnash bearing his fangs, while does he speaks may the gods have mercy on you for I won't! DragKel's scythe seems to flash and it once again looks menacing. With that DragKel breath fire on Gnash but at an angle to where it also catch parts of the ship as well.

[roll0]. Relfex DC same as before. For half damage

Edit: sweet one round till I can breath an element again and pretty high damage

2013-07-29, 10:57 AM
Chess struggles to escape being pinned.

Let go of me!, she shouts. With a flick of her wrist, she drops a wand into her hand, turning it toward her, she speaks a word in infernal, "Knaoka!"

Suddenly, she is covered in grease.

2013-07-29, 02:32 PM
Hearing lightning strikes coming from back on board the unicorn Pandora directs her healing energy towards the only person back on board, Graelyn. Strands of forbearance, give name to your radiance. Pixie Circle!
Pixie circle; [roll0]

After that she turns to where she assumes Blinky is and whispers Blinky,... Help Chess?
Blinky runs up to F 12 and tries to distract atention away from Chess while keeping out of trouble.

2013-07-29, 08:12 PM
Round 9

James: The member of the Heaven Clan steps over the corpse of the foe he's slain, slashing his scimitar viciously at Wailwhere. However, his lunge puts him off-balance, and the blade sinks into the deck instead of the whale-man's hide. James attempts to attack Wailwhere, but misses!

Wailwhere, Arnold, & Chess: The captain and his first mate both gang up in attempting to keep down Captain Chess, and for a moment it seems they're successful. Even the weaker Arnold manages to pin Chess, ignorant of the fact that his monstrous first mate is doing most of the work. They pin her to the deck, and Wailwhere places a massive flipper over Chess' mouth. "It's better to surrender quietly, now," he coos in a soft voice that inspires fear more than anything else. While the captain finds herself pinned and unable to speak, she's able to draw a wand out of her wand bracer. She struggles to activate it and can't flick the wand nor speak its command word. However, the whale's blubbery skin allows Chess a moment to wriggle free of the pin. She's still grappled, but perhaps she can activate the wand now...Arnold and Wailwhere pin Chess, but she's able to escape the pin. She can't activate the wand this turn, but since she's only grappled now maybe she can activate it next turn...

Pandora, Graelyn, & Papa Bonu: Two of the crew's spellcasters send their pets into the fray and focus on their magical prowess. Pandora notices Graelyn's badly charred clothing and hair, and she uses a healing incantation to restore him to health. Determined not to see his handiwork undone, Bonu casts another spell. With much pomp, the medicine man breathes into his hands and forms a ball of pure electricity, which he hurls at Graelyn. The ball of energy connects with a tremendous peel of thunder, leaving Graelyn unable to do much of anything but resist the feeling of the ground trembling beneath him as the thunderclap reverberates through the deck of the Unicorn. However, this powerful magic comes at a price, as Bonu is dazed from the effort as well. Pandora heals Graelyn of 16 HP of damage, but Bonu deals Graelyn another 10 damage (5 electric, 5 sonic) and stuns Graelyn for one round. However, Bonu is dazed from casting a spell Born of the Three Thunders.

Varia, Gnash, and DragKel: Gnash stands menacingly in front of the spellcaster, holding tightly to his greataxe and waiting for her or the other enemies onboard his ship to make a move. Varia obliges, calling a bolt of lightning down from the sky which singes Gnash's tough hide. She tries to cautiously cast another spell, but she is distracted by the components required and draws another attack from Gnash's greataxe. The gigantic blade's blunt side whooshes by her face as she finishes her spell, whipping up a ring of blades around her that immediately kills the two closest sailors.

Gnash is hurt, but still standing and he backs away to face off against the Dragonborn as the caster takes a step back below deck. The dragonborn paladin breathes fire on the water orc, but the barbarian takes the pain and swipes at DragKel with his greataxe. This time, the broad edge of his weapon connects with its target, chiming as it hits DragKel in the breastplate.Varia's lightning bolt deals 5 electricity damage to Gnash and she avoids his attack of opportunity. Varia casts Ring of Blades, killing two mooks outright and dealing 11 damage to Gnash. DragKel's fire breath deals 18 damage to Gnash, who responds with a greataxe attack for 16 nonlethal damage.

[roll5] -4 for dealing nonlethal damage
[roll11] -4 for dealing nonlethal damage


2013-07-29, 09:24 PM
DragKel is unfazed by the Orc's puny attack. Some attack what is this guy trying to do scratch my armor. DragKel then follows the Orc's attack with two of his own with the First DragKel shouts SMITE EVIL!!!!!. with that DragKel's Scythe Glows with a holy Light as it comes down on the Orc with the first attack and the last he tries to jab into the Orc's heart.

First Attack is a smite evil


damage [roll1]



Edit so if both connect total damage 24 this is lethal by the way Dragkel deactivated merciful last round.

also not that it matters first attack was slashing second was piercing damage type.

2013-07-29, 10:20 PM
James growls and goes at it again, ripping his sword out of the deck without concern for its edge, and wailing away at his enemy.
"Is this right? Is this what a hero does?

You see what I did there?

Is he flanked? If so, I'll roll the extra 1d6 in the OOC.


2013-07-30, 10:55 AM
Unable to get the wand to work the first time, Chess tries again. "Knaoka!" she commands. Hopefully this time, the wand will cover her in grease.

(*adding a +10 to the escape check)

2013-07-30, 01:15 PM
Varia adjusts her position to keep forcing the blades whirling around her into as many foes as possible. She was originally going to target the opposing spellcaster, but he seems to have dazed himself thoroughly with an overuse of metamagic; not something she minds in the least. She turns her attention instead to the barbarian in front of her, trying to neutralize the threat before he can neutralize her; she calls down another bolt of lightning on the brute.

Just a note that the Ring of Blades will follow Varia as she moves. She's going to try to five foot step to keep as many enemies and as few allies in the ring as possible.

Ring of Blades damage: [roll0]
Lightning Damage to Gnash: [roll1]

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-07-31, 10:46 AM
Graelyn had completely sobered up by this point in the battle, and exhausted form his use of his arcane power, he resorted to more mundane means, drawing an arrow and shooting at the crazed spellcaster he was facing. kackaw continued to shriek at Papa Bonu before scratching at his face.

Longbow, firing into combat, [roll0] damage [roll1]

Claws: [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2013-07-31, 05:10 PM
Round 10

James & Wailwhere: Undaunted by his prior miss, James redoubles his efforts on attacking the captain's first mate. It's a good thing he does, too, as both of his scimitars cut easily through Wailwhere's thick blubber. "Oi, boyo," Wailwhere grumbles, "leave it out!" One of them cuts just below the creature's fin, causing him to grimace in pain and let go of Chess. Instead, he stomps toward James and begins to squeeze the life out of him. James hits with a critical hit for 20 damage, followed by a regular hit for 15 damage. Wailwhere responds by grappling James!

Gnash, DragKel, Varia, & Pandora: Gnash is foaming at the mouth, desperate to inflict the same lethal force that DragKel was using against him. However, his captain had given an order to take the crew of the Dirty Unicorn alive, and Gnash knew what happened on board the Irontooth to those who didn't follow orders. Usually, Gnash himself was the direct cause of what happened on board the Irontooth to those who didn't follow orders. His first swing goes wide, but his second connects--though he checks his swing.

Varia calls down another bolt of lightning on Gnash, then steps forward to watch her ring of blades bear down on the water orc. Two hapless sailors from the crew of the Irontooth try to sneak up behind Varia, but her blades do not discriminate. The whirring cloud of knives mows down the mooks, dead where they stand. DragKel finishes the job for Varia; his merciful scythe is merciless against the barbarian as it stabs into his stomach. His intestines spill out of his stomach and onto the deck as the mighty warrior dies. As the dragonborn stands over his defeated foe, Pandora sends another stream of magical healing his way. Gnash hits DragKel for 22 nonlethal damage. Varia does 11 electric damage to Gnash with a lightning bolt and 8 damage to him with her Ring of Blades (which also kills two approaching mooks). DragKel successfully smites evil on Gnash for 15 damage, followed by an attack for 9 damage which KILLS GNASH! Pandora heals DragKel for 19 HP.

Graelyn & Papa Bonu: Graelyn shakes off the effects of Bonu's massive spell and decides to change his tactics. Instead of sending another spell back at the medicine man, Graelyn pulls out his longbow. His lack of practice with the weapon shows, though, and his arrow sails harmlessly into the water. Kackaw doesn't have much more luck, as his claw attack snags nothing but air. Meanwhile, Bonu clutches his head and waits for the deep roll of thunder he's hearing to subside. Graelyn and Kackaw both attempt to attack Papa Bonu, but miss. Bonu is dazed this round from casting a spell born of the three thunders.

Arnold & Chess: As his first mate leaves the grapple to focus on his new attacker, Arnold is left to wrestle Chess on his own. He can't lie; it's his preference. He smirks at Pandora, pinning her against the stairs leading up to the helm. He presses a hand over her mouth, intent on keeping her from calling out to her crew or activating any command word magic items. However, the stairs and Arnold's weak biceps don't hold Chess as well as Wailwhere's massive flippers. She's able to wriggle out of the pin and bites Arnold's hand, affording her a few more moments of freedom. "Playing hard to get, eh darling?" he chides. Arnold pins Chess, but she's able to escape the pin and remains grappled instead.

All: As the battle aboard the Irontooth escalates into a full-out brawl, the two ships continue sailing towards a nearby island like two stags with antlers locked galloping toward a common goal as they war with each other. A frightened merchant feverishly works to open the portal in the waters near his dock, and the sign reads Prime Material. No matter what happens in this fight, it looks like they're all heading home one way or another. None of the sailors had gone through a portal with two ships boarding one another, and nobody knew exactly what might happen. Suddenly, from below decks on the Dirty Unicorn, a muted cry is heard: "MMPH!" It seemed as though something was happening with the Dirty Unicorn's unwitting passenger!

[roll3] +4 inspire courage
[roll8] +4 inspire courage
[roll9] +3 inspire courage
[roll10] +4 inspire courage
[roll11] +3 inspire courage


2013-07-31, 09:12 PM
DragKel's mighty Shark has been circling the Irontooth this whole battle till it sees some easy prey looking like it is about to jump off the plank(papa Bonu) . so it rushes of to meet it and jumps from the sea to bite down on the unknowning morsel, pulling it into the sea with herself.

Grapple check


in other words Wavebreaker is grabbing Papa Bonu and pulling him down to the sea with her so she can easily eat him.

DragKel can feel WaveBreaker's Bloodlust and it causes him to start Foaming at the mouth, with acid. DragKel spins around Counterclock wise with the Dirty Unicorn being 12 o'clock. spraying out the acid at Wailwhere.

[roll1] DC reflex 16 for only half but I would imagine this is hard to do while grappling. Also the idea is to also try and hit the last two mooks but hey if not alright.

2013-07-31, 09:22 PM
James grunts and squirms, growling. "Get off me, you undersized whale!" His body smokes for a moment, and then, suddenly, there's a burst of flame! It leaps from his body, curling around the massive figure encircling him, and roaring across the deck in an instant.

Trying to hit both Whale and Arnold with Hatchling's Flame. If possible, not Wu... this would most likely kill her. In fact, if I *will* hit Wu, then I'm not activating it.
[roll0]+4 Stance, +3 Wisdom (@Whale)
[roll1] (@Arnold)

2013-07-31, 11:09 PM
Varia scans the crowd rapidly, her eyes falling on James as a likely source of information. She calls out to him in Common, her voice clear and loud enough to cut through the din of battle. "You, fire-mage! I was held captive on the ship you are assaulting! Who are the priority targets?"

Talking is a free action.

2013-08-01, 01:59 AM
James throws back his trench coat, sweeping it away from his legs in hopes that he can slip out of the blubbery grasp, when, from behind the lumpy chump, is a voice. "Kill the giant whale-man!" He yells, gritting his teeth against the inevitable skin-cracking heat of his technique. "And watch out for fire!" James adds with a grin.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-01, 05:12 AM
Graelyn shakes the rubbishy twig, tempted to throw it overboard. "Fat lot of good that did, Esvar: should have none better than to think she'd have given me a decent weapon for a present."

Graelyn heard some noise coming from below decks, and he suddenly realised he was the only crew member still on the Unicorn. That meant he was... responsible.

Swapping his bow for his rapier, which he'd nicked from Esvar's personal armoury (this wouldn't be dud, that was certain) he moved to the hatch and opened it, looking into the bowels of the ship for a sign of whatever was making the noise.

As Graelyn turned his back on his familiar Kackaw renewed his efforts, trying to be the centre of attention.

Attack Pap Bonu: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-01, 09:50 AM
Varia moves away from the press of the melee, well aware that the spinning blades around her that have proven so effective against the random hostile crew could also kill her potential rescuers. She looks the whale-man up and down, nodding silently to herself. "Agreed; he would make a fine minion once dead." She raises her hand to the air, and another lightning bolt comes down on Wailwhere.

Lightning damage: [roll0], reflex DC 19 for half.

2013-08-01, 12:12 PM
Still struggling against Arnold, Chess notices that Gnash has fallen. Unconscious or dead, she doesn't care.

I've had about enough of you. Chess replied, In case you missed it, we're all still alive. Call off your men before someone else on your crew dies.

She struggles to free a hand and sends an eldritch blast of pure magic directly at him. "You may want us alive. But I have no such compunction."

ranged touch



Ouch...I am so hoping for a really, really low ranged touch...but I suspect that will miss.

2013-08-01, 04:21 PM
Though DragKel can feel WaveBreaker's Blood lust it can't consume him so he tries to have Wailwhere and Arnold Ire become focused on him, by yelling at them, I AM DRAGKEL, DRAGONBORN OF BAHAMUT, I AM THE PALADIN GRIM REAPER, AND COMMANDER OF THE GREY GUARD AND PLATINUM KNIGHTS OF CONIL!!! FACE ME AND DESPAIR!!!

RPing only.

2013-08-02, 01:10 PM
Hearing yelling between James and some other guy(who she reasoned was an enemy) Panodra moves towards the sounds of battle. Removes a knive from her belt and flings it Take that!.... whoever you are.

Pandora moves to F10 and throws dagger at Wailwhere
[roll0] forgot bonus but its a critical miss

2013-08-02, 05:17 PM
Round 11

James & Wailwhere: The mighty seabeast grabs James and attempts to use its massive weight to pin him to the decks. James drops one of his scimitars and balls a fist; with a lightning-fast motion he punches Wailwhere in the jaw. The whale man's skin ripples with the force of the blow, but he simply chuckles as he pins down James. James hits Wailwhere with an unarmed strike for 4 nonlethal damage... but Wailwhere responds by pinning James, rendering him unable to move or talk!

Papa Bonu & Varia: It seemed that Graelyn and his bird were out of options that could cause any real harm to Bonu. Seeing a rival caster not only calling down Mama Ocean's lightning like himself, but also with a maelstrom of metal around her, Bonu decides to focus his attention on Varia as the last of Graelyn's hypnotic pattern fades away. He calls down a lightning bolt on her, but Varia is wise to the ways of the spell and places a hand on the mast in the nick of time. The gigantic pole serves as a ground and reduces the prickling pain of the lightning flowing through her body.

Bonu gazes fiercely at the gray elf, upset that she seemed clever enough to defend herself against his magic (not to mention the fact that she was using it without the proper prayers or offerings). However, his icy stare lingers only so long, as an angelic shark leaps 15 feet into the air as if it had wings. Its many rows of teeth are exposed, and Bonu attempts to poke at the creature with his tiny quarterstaff. The shark simply bites the weapon, which snaps like the twig it is. With another bite, Bonu finds his leg clenched in the shark's unrelenting bite. With a smirk, Varia turns her attention back to the battle on deck and sends a lightning bolt down on Wailwhere. Bonu calls down lightning on Varia, which connects for 5 electricity damage! Kackaw misses Bonu with an attack... but Wave Breaker jumps from the sea and grapples Bonu! Varia hits Wailwhere with a lightning bolt for 12 damage.

Arnold & Chess: Though he was always a weakling, Arnold must have been eating his Wheaties or working with Wailwhere a while because he's now a wealth of wrestling wisdom that Chess won't withstand. He pins her against the steps once more, placing a hand over her mouth and whispering, "Our safe word is 'I surrender,' darling. Just nod if you're ready to give up." Chess responds by trying to splatter his brains with an eldritch blast, but Arnold is able to grab her wrist and place a knee over her forearm before she can zap him. Arnold pins Chess, who is unable to escape the pin!

Pandora & DragKel in the fray: Pandora attempts to throw a battle knife, but there was a large difference between practicing on land and tossing a knife in the thick of battle on a swaying ship. As she feels the wind speed and direction, hears her target's movements, and winds up to throw...the ship hits a wave, bumping the knife right out of her hands and feebly clattering to the deck! DragKel is having better luck, as he breathes a bubbling line of acid over Wailwhere and Arnold. However, the two show tremendous flexibility while wrestling, repositioning their bodies to avoid the worst of it. Two of their hapless mooks aren't as lucky, though. Pandora critically misses with her battle knife, but DragKel's breath weapon deals 7 acid damage to both Wailwhere and Arnold (as well as killing two mooks).

All: Graelyn draws his sister's melee weapon and curses the speed of her slow ship. Looking back toward Ambrosia, he sees her crew working at a fevered pace to close with the two ships, but even at their reduced speeds Esvar's ship is slower than the Irontooth. In fact, he'd be surprised if they joined the fight before the two faster ships disappeared into the portal they were fast approaching. Turning his attention back to the battle at hand, Graelyn descends the stairs from the helm to investigate below decks.

As the beguiler makes it down to the main deck, two small figures emerges from the shadows in the front of the ship. Graelyn instantly recognizes one of them as the gnome that Chess had brought onboard earlier, looking as terrified as he did when the battle began. The other figure keeps to the shadows, but draws near to the gnome and seems to be whispering something in his hear. "aHEM," the gnome nervously clears his throat. "The crew of the Dirty Unicorn is c-c-called to surrender immediately..." he calls in a voice loud enough for those on both ships to hear. "Or else he says he'll--he'll slit my throat? Oh my Garl!" The second figure isn't visible to those onboard the Irontooth, but Graelyn can make out the dark silhouette of another gnome behind the merchant, holding a dagger to the poor creature's neck! Graelyn moves to investigate the sound...and finds that someone has taken the merchant (orange G) hostage! Only Graelyn has line of sight to the hostage taker. Whoever it is, they're using the merchant to provide soft cover.

Rolls:[roll0] boosted by Inspiration


2013-08-03, 08:10 AM
Varia pretends for the moment like she hadn't noticed the commotion on the far deck. The whale-man was one of the more interesting beings she had encountered in a few years, and she was looking forward to being able to reanimate him and study his anatomy at length. She was an excellent healer, but divine magic could kill as well as heal, and she needed to understand both halves of her power if she was to become stronger. She sends another bolt at Wailwhere, wondering how much punishment he can take.

Lightning: [roll0]

2013-08-03, 08:48 AM
DragKel sees the Gnome about to be killed, but he believes that is a lie, Arnold does not want the Unicorns crew killed and the gnome can easily be mistaken as such. he has to worry about himself it is clear the two companies know each other rather well which means they know he is not apart of Chess's crew. he had to protect not only himself, but this new drow that has helped them in the fight. with the last of the peons dead he charges the whale looking creature with a bull rush.

All while DragKel is Charging he can feel the pure joy of the Kill coming from Wavebreaker. looks like you finally found some food old friend.:smallamused:

Bull Rush


WaveBreaker refuses to let go of it prey, he continues to hold the shaman underneath the water while crunches his bones with bite after bite.

Grapple check


Bite [roll3]

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-04, 11:09 AM
Graelyn stared at the shadowy assassin for a moment, racking his brains intensely. After this pause he shook his head: for the life of him he couldn't think of any reason that this threat would work on him.

"Ok," he answered nonchalantly before blasting the pair with a glowing arc of colours.
Kackaw rejoined the fray, having lost his previous target to a ravenous shark, he swooped down on the enemy from above.

Move to M7. Cast Color Spray, Will DC 18 negates.

Kackaw, Move to P7: Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-05, 11:17 AM
Chess is truly starting to feel the frustration of Arnold's pursuit. Cursing fluently in a combination of languages beneath his hand, she struggles to escape the pin.

Escape Artist

2013-08-05, 02:44 PM
Pandora growls and picks up the knife that she had dropped. Second time lucky perhaps? and throws the knife again.

Trying to hit Wailwhere again.

2013-08-05, 09:13 PM
Round 12

James & Wailwhere: James tries to squirm free of Wailwhere's grip, but he is unable to move against the whale's mass. However, Wailwhere suddenly releases him. The creature licks his lips as he wraps both hands around his massive greatsword and says, "Let's have a proper fight, shall we?" He hefts the sword over his head and slams it down into the decks. Even though it misses James, the whale's vitality seems renewed by the challenge. James fails to escape the pin, but Wailwhere releases his grapple on James. He attempts to attack the member of the Heaven Clan, but misses!

Varia & Wailwhere: While he is busy paying attention to his scuffle with James, Varia keeps up her cruel experiment on Wailwhere. She plinks away at him with one lightning bolt after another, hoping to wear him down eventually. While he seems very hurt, his second wind stifles some of the pain of the jolt. Varia hits Wailwhere with another lightning bolt for 6 electric damage!

Pandora & Wailwhere: The blind battle nurse lets loose another battle knife. Luckily for her, this one finds its mark and lodges itself in Wailwhere's spine. He cries out in pain, but remains standing. He seems to be on his last legs--er, flippers? Pandora confirms a critical against Wailwhere for 3 damage!

DragKel & Wailwhere: Not content to leave the kill to the others, DragKel attempts to bull rush Wailwhere backwards. As he crashes toward the whale, Wailwhere takes advantage of an opportunity to swing his sword at DragKel. Luckily for the dragonborn, the blow misses. Unluckily, DragKel bounces feebly off the full-plated Wailwhere, unable to make him budge even one inch. "Come to join the fun, boyo?" Wailwhere asks with a chuckle as blood seeps from the corner of his mighty mouth. DragKel attempts to bull rush Wailwhere, but is unsuccessful. In doing so, he provokes an AoO...which misses!

Papa Bonu, Varia, & Wavebreaker: The medicine man struggles to call down a lightning bolt on the gray elf causing havoc on his ship, but the constant presence of shark teeth around his ankle is too much for him to bear and he can't focus his energies enough to conjure a bolt. Wavebreaker attempts to bite Bonu, but his mouth is already latched around a bony part of the tiny shaman and the creature can't harm him further. Bonu attempts to call lightning on Varia, but is unable to make the Concentration check. Wavebreaker's attack against Bonu misses, but it still has the caster grappled as the two dangle over the bow of the Irontooth!

Arnold & Chess: Arnold hugs Chess tightly, and despite his lack of strength he's able to bear hug her so much it begins to hurt. She struggles back, and she's finally able to escape the captain's pin! Arnold damages Chess for 4 nonlethal damage, but she is able to escape from the pin (though she remains grappled)!

Graelyn, the Merchant, & the Accountant: Graelyn's Vertigo Field spell fades away onboard the Irontooth while he squares off against an immediate threat on the Unicorn. At Graelyn's assent and his move to close with the merchant and the figure holding him hostage, he hears a whispered response: "That is an acceptable cost." A glint of metal flashes for a moment before the blade is drawn across the merchant's throat, and the gnome slumps down dead before his murderer pushes his body overboard and into the sea. For a brief moment before he casts his spell, Graelyn recognizes the voice and sees a small piece of a face peeking out at him: The Accountant! Kackaw attempts to attack the accountant, but is unable to hold onto him with his claws. A bevy of hues bursts from Graelyn's fingertips, and once the spray of colors has settled the sneakiest member of Fitz's crew is nowhere to be seen. The Accountant murders the captive gnomish merchant and his force of will negates Graelyn's spell. Kackaw's attack misses, and the Accountant ducks behind some barrels and hides out of sight!

[roll2] includes -5 stone power, +4 Inspire Courage, +1 Furious Counterstrike
[roll3] includes +3 Inspire Courage, +1 Furious Counterstrike
[roll6] includes +3
[roll11] boosted by Inspiration


2013-08-06, 11:49 AM
DragKel is happy to see a worthy adversary, to basd he had to come in so late into the fight to face him at his true strength. his code suggests to wait for his enemy to be fully prepared but his Grey Guard training suggest the opposite. he goes the sense able choice and attacks the whale creature with the best of his abilities.





ahhh crit miss on the last attack.

WaveBreaker can do little good while hanging on to this man. he needs to get the shaman into the water where he has the advantage. he may as well try to crunch some bones at the same time for good measure.

grapple check to move Papa bonu into the water.





2013-08-06, 03:06 PM
James steps back, surveying the field. Far off the port side, the ocean churns with the powerful tail of a Mako, tearing into the Irontooth's cook. His stomach turns as he can see the blood spilling into the water, splattering against the still-sailing ship with froth and foam.

The glint of steel on their own familiar deck directs his eye to the carnage there: some poor accountant, forced to murder. A gnomish body tumbles down, lurching wildly on the deck towards the edge. As if still alive, the arm catches around one of the posts of the Unicorn's railing, before the eerie jostling of the two ships pitches him down towards the sea. But the merchant doesn't even have the respect of making it there: the ships slam together as he passes by, grinding with unceasing force.

"A proper fight...?" James whispers. Behind his opponent, Gnash lies, dying. On another day, he wouldn't give a care in the world. But this... why? He'd wanted to just leap aboard and steal the apples. Stealing was something a hero could do, right? Sure, sure. But their fighting had led to carnage. It was time to fix that. "Back down, fools!" James whips around, and bellows to the whole crew, doing his best to tailor it to their fears. "Do you want to die here? Die by the hands of the Dirty Unicorn? Let us take the apples and go!"

So, here's my idea: I use Sense Motive on them in order to give a bonus to my Intimidate check.

Sense Motive:

[roll1] (This is without any bonus.)

If y'all could Aid Another, that would be epic. We *might* be able to get everything without killing anyone else...

2013-08-06, 03:28 PM
Yeah I'm heading back... Hospital is forming on the Dirty Unicorn. and starts to move then calls for Blinky to guide her.

Pandora and Blinky are moving as close as possible J9

2013-08-06, 04:34 PM
Chess can't argue with James' logic but still being manhandled by Arnold makes moving a bit difficult. She isn't able to add much to his challenge.

"I'd listen to the man," she manages to say. "It's just apples."

[roll0] - escape artist attempt to escape the grapple.

I'd aid another but I really want free of the dang grapple!

Edit: Or not. :smalleek:

2013-08-06, 05:19 PM
The two Captains' faces are so close their breath tickles the lips of the other other with the memory of better times. While Captain Arnold Fitz and Chess are rolling across the deck in a sexually charged grapple Wu Xin is having the most wonderful dream.

In her dream she's wearing an irory dress and holding a bouquet of paper kosudama flowers. She would have spent months folding those tiny petals and glueing them together. They are kaleidoscopic, yet the stunning array of colours is notherfensive not offensive to the senses. Her hair has been styled in the gentlest of curls by pixies. Her hands tremble with joy and excitement when she walks down the aisle and the theatre where her and Orpheus have chosen to exchange vows fills with the joyous tears of her friends and family.

"Do you Orpheus, take this woman to be your wife?" Pandora asks. She's facing the wrong direction while she officiates, but Wu doesn't even care. She just that happy.
"I do" says dream Orpheus.
"And do you, Wu Xin, take this incredible sexy man to be your husband and love slave?"
"I do" she answers in perfect common.
"Then I now pronounce you man and wife".

The rest of the dream is full of partying and dancing. Everything is perfect. The cake is phenomenal and everyone dances. At the end of the night they retire to the bridal suite to make sweet dream love.

IRL Pics




al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-06, 06:20 PM
"Hmmm," Graelyn mumbles, pleased to have succeeded: the Accountant may have vanished, but likely he fled before Graelyn. What with the Accountant's flight and Bonu no longer hurling lightning at him, Graelyn was feeling pretty pleased: he'd helped the crew of the ship and taken out two of the enemies' most fearsome members. Now he would continue his rampage of terror!

Stepping further back up the ship, Graelyn glanced towards the Vortex: it was pretty close now, maybe he would be better served saving the Unicorn... But then Fitz would escape!

Graelyn blasted Wailwhere with a wave of exhaustion and nausea, hammering against the enemy warrior. "Free yourselves crewmates!" Graelyn calls out, gesturing with his sword.

Whelm, will save DC 18 to ignore. [roll0] non lethal. Unsettling Enchantment imposes -2 to attack rolls and -1 AC regardless of save result.

2013-08-07, 12:15 AM
Varia continues to move to keep her ring of blades connecting with 'enemies' while keeping any 'allies' out of the ring; though for that matter, she is begging to wonder if she chose the correct side to ally with. For now, however, the group seems to have nearly brought down the anthropomorphic whale. Varia calls down another bold on the unfortunate creature, eager to see what he is like once reanimated.

She shifts or moves as appropriate; I'm going to trust you on this, as the combat is getting a little complicated. What is the grey area on the map near Varia? It isn't centered on her, or else I'd assume it was her Ring of Blades.

Call Lightning: [roll0]

2013-08-07, 08:53 AM
Round 13

James & Wailwhere: James studies the crew of the Irontooth, trying to find out what makes them tick. The best he can tell is that, much like almost every other pirate, none of them are particularly fond of dying. He tries to bully them, but his attempts to scare them down are absorbed by Wailwhere's tremendous gut. "Oi, die by the likes of you lot? That's rich, guv!" The whale chuckles a deep belly laugh at James' threat, but his next words are devoid of humor. "Kid gloves are coming off, Cap," he says to Arnold. In reply, his captain simply nods.

A mighty blade strikes down at James with deadly force, and Wailwhere seems to find some kind of odd solace in causing pain to others. He stands up straighter and his wounds seem to be closing. Sailors had spread plenty of rumors about Wailwhere, but the most common one was that he was a lycanthrope who grew stronger by shedding the blood of others. James didn't know if the legend was true, but it seemed he was about to find out. James fails to intimidate Wailwhere, who instead responds by shifting his stance and hitting him for 19 lethal damage.

Martial Lore DC 11 to open:
Wailwhere has changed from the Iron Guard's Glare stance to Martial Spirit, allowing him to heal himself with every successful hit. Also, the strike he used against James was Crusader's Strike, allowing him to heal while damaging his opponent.
Arnold & Chess: Captain Fitz can't do much else beside nod at Wailwhere as he struggles to keep ahold of Chess. He squeezes with all his might, but she's able to pull herself through his arms like a cat who'd rather not be held and petted. While she manages to avoid any further harm, Chess can't manage to shake free of Arnold's grubby mitts. Chess resists Arnold's damaging grapple, but fails to escape and remains grappled!

Papa Bonu & Wavebreaker: The water halfling seems blissfully unaware of the fact that there's a mako trying to make lunch out of him. Instead, he attempts to call down another lightning bolt from one of the two stormclouds hovering over the Irontooth. Luckily for our heroes, the shark makes doing so difficult, and Bonu's unable to do any harm. Wavebreaker proves quite adept at doing harm, slithering off the figurehead of the Irontooth and falling straight into the sea, carrying Papa Bonu with him. Both of them disappear beneath the hull with a loud splash. Bonu is unable to concentrate enough to call down a lightning bolt on Varia, and Wavebreaker succeeds in moving the grapple off the bow and underwater!

Graelyn & Wailwhere: Graelyn's ghostly army of sentinels fades from view, and he's left alone onboard the Dirty Unicorn (or at least, so it seems). Turning his attention back to the clash onboard the Irontooth, he focuses a disrupting enchantment on Wailwhere. The spell assaults Wailwhere's mind far more easily than the attacks of others have assaulted his body; he clutches his head and has to take a moment to stabilize himself, leaving him more open to attack. Wailwhere fails his save against Graelyn's Whelm, taking 7 nonlethal damage and receiving a -2 penalty to attacks as well as a -1 penalty to AC.

Varia & Wailwhere: Varia takes advantage of the opening caused by the spellcaster onboard the other ship, using Wailwhere's moment of weakness to send another lightning bolt flying his way. However, as he clutches at his skull he bends forward. The worst of the bolt crackles inches away from his back, though the edges of the arc of lightning still cause his harm. Varia calls lightning on Wailwhere, dealing 7 damage (as he makes his save).

DragKel & Wailwhere: As his mystical mount makes a meal of the meddling medicine man, DragKel decides to decimate Wailwhere's defenses. He strikes twice at the armored whale of a man; one strike of his scythe catches Wailwhere in the side of his gut, while the other blow misses. The downward slash instead hooks onto the railing of the Irontooth, pulling splinters of wood away as DragKel pulls back. DragKel hits Wailwhere for 8 lethal damage, then misses with his second attack.

Pandora & Wailwhere: Pandora decides to quit while she's ahead and turns tail back to the Unicorn with Blinky. Wailwhere takes advantage of the blind nurse turning her back on him and exacts his revenge. Instead of a measly battle knife in her back, though, he plants his gigantic greatsword. With a vicious two-handed cut, he chops her just inside the shoulder blade. The whale smirks once more, seeming to inch away from death's door with every hit. Pandora moves back to the Dirty Unicorn, but provokes an attack of opportunity from Wailwhere which does 17 lethal damage!

[roll1] including -5 Stone Power, +1 Furious Counterstrike
[roll2] including +1 Furious Counterstrike
[roll12] if original is less than 16


2013-08-07, 03:28 PM
DragKel is no longer happy it is causing to much pain with his temporary crew, while he may not be allied to them in any way they still saved his life when they could have just left him to die. this creature needs to be put down now. he whole scythe starts to glow once again with a stronger intensity of holy anger. with that he sends his first strike down with holy force.

smite evil Piercing damage


regular attack slashing damage

Wavebreaker (Which is a great white not a mako, in the description of a large shark it is compared to a great white, dire are even larger.) can smile the blood coming from Papa Bonu he attacks furiously at the shaman. the hunger of a shark is only stalled its feeding frenzy.

bite attack.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-08, 08:06 AM
Graelyn was feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on: which he knew meant too much magic/not enough rum. Deciding that James could deal with the large whale creature Graelyn hopped over onto the Irontooth's deck (just to prove that he had 'boarded' as well) and then his eyes fell guiltily on the unconscious form of Wu. He really should go and pick her up, especially if their ships got separated. Then again, she really was too muscley for her own good, and Graelyn didn't fancy dragging that across the deck.

Insetad he looked around for something that would be easier to carry, and his eyes alighted on the fallen body of the gnome, Orpheus. A hostage! The Accountant had given him an idea...

Graelyn unceremoniously grabbed the gnome and hoisted him onto his back before attempting to scurry back across the gangplank onto the deck of the Unicorn: he'd get tea and medals for this surely!

Kackaw meanwhile was still attempting to prove that he was the noblest of animals upon these two ships, and having been outclassed by that crazy shark, flew screaming towards the man shaped whale, singing extracts from the famed elven opera, Tuvaea Arandelle, in an attempt to distract the enemy pirate.

Graelyn: Move to L9, attempt to pick up Orpheus and move with him back to the Unicorn. If he weighs up to 31 pounds, Graelyn can move full speed (30ft) between 32 and 82lbs, Graelyn can move 20ft. If he weighs more than that, Graelyn can only drag him 5ft as a full round action.

Kackaw double moves to I11 to help flank Wailwhere.

2013-08-08, 10:59 AM
"What do you think I'm trying to do!" Chess replies to James, frustration evident. Chess racks her brain for something that would give her an edge in this fight.

Finally, hoping a surprise would lead Arnold into letting her go, she leans into the grapple and kisses him fiercely.

Not sure if that counts as an action or not?
[roll0] - escape artist attempt to escape the grapple.

2013-08-08, 01:04 PM
"Gloves off?!" bellows James, his introspection shattered by the battle, "Burn, you mass of flubber!" Taking a deep, gulping, breath, he steps back, and throws himself over the top of Wailwhere. Arcing through the air, the warrior spins, aloft alone for a moment. Then, suddenly, his coat catches on a foot, and he tumbles to the deck, slamming hard. Without warning, the flames building inside him shoot out, and the deck is covered with a desert sirocco.

Using my Move Action to Withdraw 5', (or 5' step if that can be done whilst avoiding an AoO. If so, then I use my move action to pick up my other sword), to square F10 then activating Sudden Leap to go over Wailwhere. I use my Standard action to activate Hatchling's Flame, targeting both Arnold and Wail. Here's to hoping Chess can use the +4 to Reflex from cover to good use... thank goodness the two of them don't get it.

[roll0]. I move that number of feet, over Wailwhere with the intent of hitting square 12I.

[roll1] To avoid the AoO from Wail for leaping over him.

[roll2] They're both flanked, so I get +Sneak Attack, +Stance, +Wisdom.


Also, [roll4] Oddly, that's not a skill I have ranks in.

EDIT: Horrible jump check is horrible. So now I'm back in my original square at G11, then?

2013-08-08, 10:44 PM
Varia calls down her last lightning bolt on the whale-man, and she mentally crosses her fingers and hopes that the powerful spell will have some effect on the giant. She scans the deck again, trying to determine the next-greatest threat after the whale warrior.

Last Call Lightning bolt by my math: [roll0]

2013-08-09, 02:32 PM
Pandora panting and half dead slumps on the deck of the unicorn but before she even hits the ground the wound is all ready healing. She then calls out to Blinky Blinky, help who ever you can but stay out of harms way.

Using Angel Touch to heal 10.5 hit points rounded up to 11.
Also sending Blinky to help Graelyn.

2013-08-09, 04:19 PM
Round 14

James & Wailwhere: James steps back, coiling himself like a spring on the steps. In an instant, he's launching himself off of them, hoping to vault the whaleman. However, he winds up right back where he started as he twists his ankle on the side of the staircase, only clearing about six feet horizontally. Luckily, he's able to contort his clumsy motion into a somersault to distract Wailwhere from attacking him. James pauses only for a moment to retrieve his second scimitar, and he picks it up from the deck just as Wailwhere's blade slams down and splinters the wood next to it.

James looks up at Wailwhere, smirks, and unleashes hell. The whale, his captain, and even Chess are in the path of the flames. Luckily, the fire sails over Wailwhere's head as he's bent down retrieving his sword, instead scalding only his back. Arnold rolls to cover Chess, shielding both of them from the worst of the flames behind the wall running along the staircase.

Wailwhere responds with a mightly bellow, grasping his sword in anger and slashing wildly at James. The blow catches the smaller man in his stomach, pulling at his entrails and exposing them to the salty sea air. As James crumples to the deck, Wailwhere licks the blood from his sword. James takes a 5-foot step, jumps forward 6 feet, and avoids an AoO by tumbling. He activates Hatchling's Flame, which deals 7 fire damage to Arnold & Wailwhere, as well as 7 fire damage to Chess. Wailwhere responds by attacking James for 23 damage. JAMES IS DEAD.

Arnold & Chess: As the flames from James leap over his mane, Arnold wants to make a comment and can't refrain. "Darling," he says, staring deeply into Chess' eyes, "only you can light my fire." Apparently, the cheesy line works, as Chess moves in closer to Arnold even though his squeeze loosens and kisses him! The captain is so shocked that he immediately lets go. "Cease fire," he says in surprise. "If they want parley, cease fire." Arnold fails to damage Chess with his grapple. Her kiss takes him by surprise, and he releases his grapple! While Chess is prone, she is no longer grappled. Arnold offers a truce.

Papa Bonu & Wavebreaker: Of course, all Papa Bonu hears of Arnold's offer to cease fire is SPLASH "garglebawdlenardlezawf", so he keeps trying to summon lightning from the heavens. Unfortunately for him, he's got a little bit of a shark problem, as well as a little bit of a "being underwater" problem. He's unable to concentrate on his spell, but the shoal halfling is easily able to breathe underwater. Wavebreaker tries to bite Bonu, but finds that the amphibious medicine man is in his element when submerged. Bonu twists effortlessly away from Wavebreaker's bite. Bonu fails to maintain concentration on his spell and remains grappled, but Wavebreaker fails to damage Bonu.

Graelyn & Orpheus: Wu Xin would be so proud! Not only is Graelyn starting to take hostages--er, make new friends--just like her, but he picked the best first hostage--er, friend--he possibly could: Orpheus! Graelyn is surprised to see just how much bulk the wimpy little half-elf has, and as he tries to pick up the superstar he realizes that dragging him back to the Unicorn will be slow going. Graelyn boards the Irontooth and starts to lift Orpheus off the deck. He will have to drag the half-elf at a rate of 5 feet per round, using full-round actions to drag him. If another character helps lift, they can both move Orpheus as a move action.

Varia & Wailwhere: The caster maintains her position in the center of the staircase, happily unbothered as her ring of blades swirls and slashes freely around her. She sends a final lightning bolt howling towards Wailwhere, but it seems he has gotten used to the pain. The bolt zaps his sword and funnels into his tongue as he's licking the blade, but he simply grimaces and spits on the ground in response. He looks to be on his last legs, but he's still standing. Varia hits Wailwhere with another lightning bolt for 6 damage!

DragKel & Wailwhere: DragKel takes advantage of Wailwhere's gloating and getting electrocuted to deliver a powerful blow against him. The blow strikes an artery in Wailwhere's leg, causing him to start spurting blood all over the deck. He angrily turns to face DragKel and grumbles, "Why you little..." However, he can't find time to finish his sentence as he's far too busy passing out from loss of blood. Unsatisfied to consider the job done at that point, DragKel echoes the first strike with another swipe of his scythe, harvesting a large chunk of skin from Wailwhere's body. DragKel hits Wailwhere for 15 damage, which renders him unconscious. DragKel follows with another blow for 11 damage, and Wailwhere is currently dying.

Pandora: Back onboard the Unicorn (and hopefully safe from the worst of the scuffle), Pandora pauses to regain her composure. With a quick incantation, she heals herself. However, there's another glint of metal from the shadows, and suddenly a crossbow bolt is flying from the dark straight at Pandora. Whether the Accountant didn't hear Arnold's proposed truce or doesn't care is unclear, but the more important thing is the bolt lodged in Pandora's throat. She gasps for air and collapses to the ground, dying as The Accountant retreats back to the shadows from whence he came. Blinky lets out a low whimper and nudges Pandora with his snout. Pandora heals herself for 11 HP, but then The Accountant snipes her from the shadows for 24 damage. Pandora is dying!

[roll3] if below 15
[roll6] or DragKel if James drops from AoO
[roll7] or DragKel if James drops from AoO
[roll10] including the damned +1 I keep forgetting from Knowledge Devotion
[roll15] if below 16 and not needed above


2013-08-10, 09:36 AM
DragKel is starting to survey the battlefield, first he sees Chess and Arnold's intimate kiss, upon seeing this he can feel the emptiness in him again it was so over whelming it was sure to consume him this time, it was an Emptyness of apathy. Nothing mattered anymore to him. then next he sees how James is cut down followed by Pandora with a knife to her side. the darkside of DragKel's apathy is coming over him, a side that does not care for codes or Vows he wants is everyone around him dead nothing more, that will fill his emptiness even if it is only temporary. mentally he tells WaveBreaker, keep attacking I want that scum sucker dead do not let him live, understood.

Wavebreaker is surprised at how dark those thoughts were but agrees to carry out the order.

DragKel moves to Pandora's side for some reason, despite his emptiness he feel he must help her, it is something that he can't seem to control, with that his hands start to glow with holy light as he places them on top of Pandora's worst wounds.

DragKel then moves to J8 and Lays hands on Pandora. for what is left of my healing abilities which is 13. Don't you die on me to Pandora.

DragKel Then Moves around Pandora to shield her he moves to J6.

2013-08-10, 09:39 AM
Wavebreaker's Attack


2013-08-10, 03:25 PM
Varia looks around at the conflict, and considering the fact that her main target is down and bleeding and everyone else seems dead or stable she drops her longbow on the deck, taking a step back from the conflict. "I am going to abstain from further violence," she calls out to the other combatants.

"Come near me and I'll destroy you, leave me be and we can discuss a truce. I'm going to cast a spell to figure out if that portal is going to thrust us into serious danger or not. If you plan on killing me, let me know so I can factor it into the divination."

Varia is casting Omen of Peril (http://dndtools.eu/spells/races-of-destiny--81/omen-of-peril--3037/) with a 76% chance of accuracy. There may be better spells out there, but I've always found a little Divination to be helpful when a character is abruptly introduced to a new situation.

2013-08-10, 07:20 PM
Pandora's eyelids flicker and her eyes seem to stare blankly at some point behind Drag Kell as the healing spell slowly starting to work. I wasn't planing to she responds. By the way the shot came from behind me so you might want to be careful. Anyway Strands of forbearance, give name to your radiance. Pixie Circle! she finishes with a chant healing both herself and DragKell.

Healing Pandora: [roll0]
Healing DragKell: [roll1]
Use Pandora's healing if I just need to roll once.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-11, 02:00 PM
Graelyn shoves the half elf, cursing the man's human lineage for increasing his weight: no elf would be so rude as to be this heavy.

Kackaw, having helped to bring down the giant whale-beast moved next to the fearsome captain of the Irontooth who was held in a death-embrace with their own captain. "Enough of that," the parrot cried, attempting to break apart the lip-locked lovers.

Graelyn moves to K9, moves Orpheus ahead of him to J9.

Kackaw: attack Arnold: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2013-08-12, 08:56 AM
Chess quickly steps back and readies her fan.

"Seems like our side is winning, Arnold?" She looks around, "At least two of your crew be dead or dying and one more be a prisoner." She frowns as she sees the dead James lying on the ground. "Ye may have gotten one of ours as well." She shakes her head.

She glances at her crew and smiles as she hears Pandora cast healing. 'Give us the apples and we can go on our way, nice and peaceful like."

Her eyes flash momentarily. Bloody Pirates.

OOC - 5 step away from Arnold, readied action to attack with Fan. :)

2013-08-12, 05:07 PM
James: For a while, all is shadow. After a few moments, the shadows begin to coalesce in front of James. They thicken and take shape until James can make out a silhouette. Rather than being simply a dark outline, James can distinguish some of the facial features of his father. "Tried to warn you, Son," his voice whispers from the shadows. "Welcome to the Plane of Shadow." Looking around, James could still distinguish the shapes of his crew and foes fighting, but they looked like little more than a child's line drawing filled in with pure shadowstuff. "Not quite the afterlife you were expecting, I'm sure. I'm guessing you've got questions, aye?"

Papa Bonu & Wavebreaker: After all of their thrashing about, Wavebreaker is finally able to sink his teeth into Bonu. The halfling calls out in pain, but the only sound that escapes his mouth is the bubbling of air rising to the surface. He can't think about casting a spell, striking Wavebreaker, or anything else but the pain of teeth in his ankle. Wavebreaker finally hits Papa Bonu with a bite, dealing him 13 damage!

Graelyn & Orpheus: Graelyn continues to drag Orpheus to the boarding plank, hoping to bring the superstar onboard the Dirty Unicorn as some sort of early birthday present for Wu Xin. It's slow going, but slow and steady wins the race. Granted, the quarts of rum floating through Graelyn's system are making the "steady" part a little more difficult. Meanwhile, Orpheus dreams peacefully about whatever it is a man who already has his wildest dreams met actually dreams about.

Graelyn's familiar fancies himself as some sort of chaperone to this, the bloodiest of all junior high dances. He squawks and flaps his wings as he assaults Arnold, who has the gaul to be waiting patiently for a response from Chess & Company. For all the squawking and flapping, there's not much scratching going on, as his talons furiously claw at the air above Arnold. Graelyn successfully continues to drag Orpheus, but Kackaw's attack against Arnold misses.

Varia: One of the few who stops fighting, Varia lays down her weapon and begins a divining spell. She tosses a set of marked sticks down that clatter against the stairs; as they skitter and fall upon each other, Varia stares at the markings and attempts to peer into the future. Varia lays down her weapon and begins casting a spell...which will complete next round!

DragKel, Pandora, & the Accountant: The dragonborn paladin sees Pandora go down, and it's enough to break his murderous rage for a moment. He makes his way across the plank to the Dirty Unicorn and moves toward the battle nurse to heal her. Along the way, he spies another glint of metal out of the corner of his eye. Before he can even process what it is, another crossbow bolt from the dark is whizzing by his ear, grazing his carotid and causing blood to start slowly spurting from his neck. The shock is enough to make a lesser man freeze in their tracks, but following Bahamut had long made DragKel greater than he could have ever been alone. He applies pressure to his wound and soldiers on.

Once he gets to the dying Pandora, he pours every last ounce of his healing power into bringing her back. It works, and Pandora gasps for air like one pulled from the ocean moments before drowning. She coughs and sputters, but instantly knows what she must do. She makes a quick incantation that heals both her and DragKel. They seemed to be safe for the moment, but there was a lethal threat on board their ship. The Accountant connects with a critical hit that deals 25 damage to DragKel! He avoids the stunning effect of the attack and heals Pandora for 13 HP. In return, Pandora heals both of them for 12 HP each!

Chess & Arnold: Arnold is willing to give Chess the benefit of the doubt. He stands back, daggers at his sides, and waits for her crew to lay down their weapons. The response he receives flummoxes him; instead of seeking parley, it seemed like they wished to continue fighting. "Nice and peaceful like?!" he asks incredulously. "You be kidnapping my guests, killing my crew, and now this damned bird is flapping at me. Ain't a thing peaceful about it, darling!" For some reason, hearing Chess talk like a proper pirate had always brought it out in Arnold as well.

With a wave of his hand, Arnold activates some kind of spell before drawing close to Chess. She reads hostile intent in his action and smacks him with her collapsible fan, but it's not enough to fight him off. "Just know that this hurts me more than it hurts you, darling," he says with a frown before plunging both of his daggers into Chess' kidneys. The immediate, searing pain is enough to send Chess collapsing to the deck. "Hark, crew of the Unicorn!" Arnold calls out. "Your captain be dyin' at my feet. I can heal her, but only under the condition of immediate surrender. What say you?" Chess attacks Arnold for 5 damage, but he responds by making two attacks against Chess for a total of 16 damage. Also, any attacks against Arnold have a 20% miss chance. Chess is dying!

Spellcraft DC 17 to open:
Arnold has activated a spell-like ability of blur.
[roll10] actually against DragKel, forgot that Pandora was dying. My bad.
[roll12] will subtract 1d6 from this, as he's using a different ability. My bad again.


2013-08-13, 10:23 AM
DragKel is to his feet, he scans the deck of the Dirty Unicorn for this frustrating little gnome.

spot check
listen check

he then talks to where only Pandora can hear get back over to the IronTooth it will be safer there understand, and watch out there is a body on the ground right behind us. we need to save the captain follow my lead.

As DragKel Drops his Scythe he communicates to his Shark to let go of the Witch doctor......

DragKel then Drops his scythe while mentally thinking to WaveBreaker, Keep the Healer underwater don't let him raise! we will see these pirates pay for what they have done.

WaveBreakers Grapple Check if Papa Bonu tries to escape

Wavebreaker Attack
[roll3] I didn't forget this time :smalltongue:

(may or may not be changed)

DragKel then Shouts to Captain Arnold alright Captain Heal Chess there does not need to be more blood shed today, also don't you think we should do something about the Portal we are gliding into? I say we weigh anchor and discuss terms. he then wait and Moves only when Pandora does insuring he is Right behind her so she does not get another Crossbow bolt to the back. As DragKel and Pandora pass Grealyn DragKel whispers to Grealyn, Drow follow my lead, it may get us out of this.

2013-08-14, 12:31 PM
Varia finished casting her divination, and she closes her eyes for a moment to take in the meaning behind the motion of the sticks; and to find out if they are in mortal peril due to the portal or some unknown force.

al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-14, 02:50 PM
"And we have your obese singing man!" Graelyn rejoinders, pointing at the hefty half elf with his sword. "Heal the captain and return her to us: and we'll leave your decks: but with your crew gone I doubt you can sail your ship through calm waters let alone a portal! Witch lady," he adds, looking at Varia, "maybe you could brew me a potion for my head..." His hangover was killing him.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2013-08-15, 10:17 AM
DragKel will also order the Skeletons on the Dirty Unicorn to weigh Anchor if Arnold does the same. at that DragKel will only move once he knows Pandora will be safe from the gnome, once this happens he moves to I-9. but to cause this action DragKel tells Arnold, Captain i am agreeing to surrender but i want to know that i and the Dirty Unicorn's crew will not be harm while you and I discuss terms, i will also insure the same thing for you and your crew.

with that DragKel settles to begin negotiations. Captain i am willing to offer myself up as your prisoner on three conditions, i also must have you know taking me prisoner will result in a high monetary gain for you Captain. I am the lead Adviser for the current Gold Dragon Leader, as such they will pay a high ransom for my safe return. Now for me to become your Prisoner i offer these Three terms in exchange:

term 1: All members of the Dirty Unicorn Living or Dead, along with your own grey elf Prisoner will be allowed to return to their ship the Dirty Unicorn, and sail away from here. safely away from you and your crew.

Term # 2: all Apples and Trees stolen from the Lillend are to be given to the Dirty Unicorn for they shall return them to their rightful owners.

Term # 3: Since you will be taking the Dirty Unicorn's Passenger, ergo myself, they will also take your's Orpheus there will accompany the Dirty Unicorn and have control over his fate.

are these terms agreed to captain?

Diplomacy check


DragKel turns to Pandora after her attempt to try and save DragKel, he whispers into her ear, Trust me Pandora.

2013-08-15, 04:26 PM
Pandora carefully manovers her self around the obstacles ready to surrender But then she hears DragKells propaslal of terms
Captain i am willing to offer myself up as your prisoner
She tris to say No! but It comes out as more of a squeak. She takes a breath to regain her composure. No DragKell, Pandora says calmer but still with a note of panic and urgency. She then directs this to Arnold How about this I heal you all? You give us a dozen apples? We call of all attacks and leave okay?

Pandora moves to j10.

2013-08-15, 05:11 PM
The silence on deck is palpable as Varia tries to divine the future and both crews are at a standoff. Varia closes her eyes, and the omen she sees is a flickering flame. It seems at once dangerous and soothing; what could it mean? Meanwhile, Arnold pulls a vial of potion from his pack as DragKel calls out to him, showing the paladin that he intends to make good on his promise. "Anchors!" A few mooks scatter from below decks to do the duties of their fallen comrades, visibly shaken by the sight of so many corpses on deck. "Oh me gods," one whimpers to the other. "they done killed me brudda!" With a whistle, Arnold signals to the Accountant and, somewhere onboard the Unicorn, the hidden gnome drops the anchor of the wingship as well.

Both ships yawn and pitch as the anchors hold them just on this side of the portal. They teeter on the bridge between worlds, the crystalline waters of Thalasia emptying on the other side into some less blue, less fantastic sea on the Material Plane. There are no landmarks visible through the portal, but it was clear they'd be leaving the all-you-can-eat buffets in favor of the normalcy of home. As DragKel begins to discuss terms, Arnold uncorks the bottle and feeds it tenderly to Chess. She comes to, and Varia's vision changes. The flame begins to move away from her as the oracle pans out to show that the flame is in fact a gently flickering candle, illuminating a comfortable chair and a nice mug of tea. It seemed that, at least for the next hour, things were taking a turn for the safe side.

Arnold listens to DragKel's proposal with rapt attention (especially at the mention of monetary gain), chuckling to himself as the dragonborn concludes his terms. "Damn, darling," he chuckles jovially to Chess as he extends a hand to help her to her feet, "you didn't tell me you went and found a lawyer! I'm assuming he's authorized to deal for you, but I'll need your say-so before considering any offers as bonafide."

After Chess groggily responds, Arnold scratches his perfectly square, masculine jawline as he considers DragKel's deal. "Re: your terms, I find the first acceptable. Having already healed your captain, I'll allow you safe egress from my vessel and surrounding waters. Addendum: your nurse will heal up any still breathing among my crew in return for the courtesy I've paid by keeping your captain on this side of the hereafter."

At this point, Graelyn pipes up and shouts something about Fitz's not having a crew and kidnapping Orpheus, which seems to raise Fitz's ire for just a moment. However, the emotion quickly fades and the captain is back to business. "Yyou'll put a cork in that one while we finalize these negotiations and I'll not blast your fan club out of the drink, savvy?" He points one of his daggers toward the middle distance, where Esvar and her crew are feverishly working to bring their elephant of a boat up to speed. None of them are sailors, and they look to be having a terrible time of it, but they're still giving it their all like true heroes tell themselves they should...the fools.

"I find your second condition acceptable as stated. All apples and trees stolen from the lillend are to be returned forthwith upon the last of your crew disembarking from my vessel. Straightforward enough for ya?"

"Amendment to the third," he offers, taking his best improvised stab at the same legalese that DragKel had fluently spouted off. "As having you on board is a risky proposition, let's dispense with the formality of actually accepting you as a prisoner. Instead, simply sign an I.O.U. on behalf of your gold dragon boss and mark it with his signet. I'll still have the ability to collect at my leisure, without the burden of feeding and sheltering you (save to say the anxiety of whether or not a holy man would deem it righteous to cut me like a pig while I sleep). When it comes to Orpheus, it doesn't matter a whale's turd to me if you cart him off; he paid his way in advance. Go wild."

Arnold looks to the members of the Unicorn's crew to gauge their reactions. "Well, what say you all? Do we have a deal?"

Sense Motive DC [roll0] to open:
Given how much Arnold hemmed and hawed about DragKel's first and third conditions, it seems a bit odd that he'd acquiesce so easily to the second.

2013-08-15, 05:23 PM
DragKel Sense Motive


2013-08-15, 05:25 PM
DragKel Diplomacy


What is it you are not telling us captain, i will only give you the I.O.U., as you put it when the Unicorn has the apples and its crew aboard itself.

2013-08-15, 08:40 PM
"Excuse me."

Varia's voice is dry but sharp, and she cuts DragKel off at the end of his sentence. It's clear that she isn't impressed by anything the paladin has to say. "I've had an interesting time slaughtering your crew, but there comes a point at which a woman would like to know why she was abducted instead of just mindlessly harming her captors.

I know almost nothing about any of you, and while I recognize that a Dragonborn of Bahamut is held to certain moral standards by his god, it is just as clear that this particular paladin is playing fast and loose with his oath. Can one or preferably both of you explain what is going on?"

She looks from Arnold to DragKel for a poignent moment before continuing. "I would like to add that I currently have a spell prepared that is capable of completely destroying a large section of hull. I am also able to fly. I am giving you this information so that you can give me the truth with full understanding of what I am able to do to you and your crews."

Hell hath no fury like a Tier One caster scorned.

2013-08-15, 08:51 PM
"Play fast and looses with my code." i just do what i need to insure Good stays in this world, i didn't relish Killing the orc but i had to right!? it is thoughts like this and more that seem to be entering DragKel's mind when the Grey Elf spoke.

My apologies my lady that you where thrown into this fight between us, we simply wish to return property that these "sailors" stole. i didn't wish to see you harmed when we first boarded the ship thus why i Killed the orc if that is playing fast and loose then i must have been in error.

Knowledge Religion Check to see if he know what Varia is since she know what he is.


al'Lan Mandrag
2013-08-16, 06:01 AM
Graelyn grumpily continued to shift Orpheus onto the deck of the Unicorn, embarrassed that his attempts at diplomacy had been ignored so quickly, and that the wizard lady on the other ship was showing him up. "I could blow up a ship as well..." he muttered pettily, "big deal, she can fly! Hey who can't?"

2013-08-17, 09:16 AM
Chess's head was still pounding. Now I know what Graelyn must feel when he's not drunk.

On one hand she felt like she should interject but as best she could figure, between the unknown wizard and the Dragonthing, it looked like she was going to get her crew back to her ship and still come off with the apples. Seemed like a win to her.

So she simply crossed her arms across her chest and waited.

2013-08-18, 05:16 PM
Orpheus was having a very different dream from that of Wu Xin. He dream was more of the terrifying variety that we commonly refer to as nightmares.

In Orpheus' s dream chains, or maybe they were puppet strings, pukled the bard this way and that. Against his will he was runs up against the heel of an enormous boot worn by a malicious music critic. The sea was boiling and the sky pink with violence and bad metaphors. And always from the shadows a fair maiden was watching. Always watching.

But suddenly Orpheus knew that these maiden's eyes in the dark were there to trap him and watch him suffer. For twas no maiden at all, but a demon sent to devour the hearts of men...

2013-08-19, 12:59 PM
Pandora whispers back to DragKel As long as you don't get yourself killed
She then raises her voice and calls to ArnoldCould every one that need healed be arranged very close. I'm afraid I can heal only around a set target point.

2013-08-19, 03:57 PM
Captain Arnold Fitz sheepishly scratches the back of his head as DragKel and Varia pepper the conversation with questions and threats of grand violence. He wasn't quite sure how to react so, for a long moment, he didn't. Chess also stood silently, more from fighting off the pounding drums in the back of her skull and the extreme desire to vomit than any conscious choice on her part.

[roll0] the +2 bonus is from her cavalier "I'll sink both ships and fly away." Nice stuff!

When Arnold finally does speak, he addresses Varia first. "Abducted? Captors? Let me fill in some blanks for you, darling." Even though he seems fearful for the safety of his ship, he's still a charming son of a gun. "We came upon your lifeless form in the middle of a scorched Orchard. Nothing but stumps and rotten leavings as far as the eye could see. Afraid that whatever did that might come back for you, we took you aboard. Being hard up for accommodations and unsure of your intentions, we took precautions. But by no means do I want you to think you were a prisoner onboard the Tooth...more like a guest."

Turning to address DragKel and Chess, he continues. "Yeah, I heard about your apple score and set out to snag a few before you yucks could get here. But it looks like someone beat us both to the punch, drank the whole bowl, and then shattered it on the floor. Here's all we could recover." He retreats down the steps, clattering around below decks as he retrieves the apples.

As Graelyn grumbles and drags Orpheus toward the Unicorn, Pandora offers to heal those who need it in a small radius. Arnold and his crew rally around the dying mass of Wailwhere, and he calls for Graelyn to drag Orpheus back for healing before the Unicorn takes him prisoner. This causes the beguiler to grumble all the more, but luckily a lithe little gnome emerges from the shadows and grabs Orpheus' ankles, wordlessly helping Graelyn slide Orpheus back toward the battle nurse. She heals everyone up, and after a few awkward moments and drawn blades, Arnold explains that a cease fire's been called. It gets a little more awkward when he explains to Orpheus that the pop sensation will be concluding his tour via an express ticket back to the Material Plane on the Dirty Unicorn. The divo protests, but Wailwhere being up and walking around ensures that Arnold is listened to. As Orpheus is carted off, he keeps muttering to himself I always feel like...somebody's watching me... As he's carted by the newly-healed Wu Xin, his eyes go wide. "The maiden!" he calls out, clearly still coming out of his stupor. "Darkness, eyes, and demons inside!"

Arnold returns in a moment with a crate half-full of chewed pieces and overripe fruit. "Guess it dropped off the tree before our mystery guest harvested the whole damned lot. Listen kids, whoever they are...they're out of my league. Means they're a good while outta yours too, savvy? Don't know if this will be enough to make our chef friend pay up, but they're your problem now, fair and square." He heaves the crate into DragKel's chest, and the sickly sweet aroma of appleflesh rises up into the Dragonborn's nose. "Now," Arnold asks matter-of-factly as the last of the Unicorn's crew boards their own ship, "about that I.O.U.?"

@DragKel:You recognize Varia as an archivist. An archivist is a wielder of divine magic, similar to a cleric only in the type and nature of the magic at her command. Indeed, the archivist has more in common with the wizard than she does with the standard servant of the divine, due to the scholarly way in which she collects and maintains her spell selection. Archivists seek out esotericsources of divine lore, wherever those sources might be, securing those secrets for themselves and their fellow scholars.

2013-08-19, 05:02 PM
DragKel nostrils flare, with the smell of the Apples. he is enthralled by the sweet smell. he would not dare eat these over rip pieces of trash, but the smell was a nice reprieve from everything that has happened. it reminds him of his past back when he was with his mother and father and how their apples where considered to rival the Elysium Apples here. if the smell suggested anything His Families Orchard's where far better then these few pieces.

His Eyes then focus again on what is going on, he glares at Whailwhere, but his stare almost always looks like a glare. Pandora Whispers Continue to make him wonder, why would she care about whether or not he dies? but DragKel knows he needs to Finish this Diplomatic Exchange before his adoptive crew can leave. Once Orpheus was safely aboard the Unicorn he ask Chess and Grealyn, Can you two please put the desert one's body on the ship. I will need to Prepare the Body For Resurrection or Burial. And I do apologize for taking over your ship so suddenly you are still captain chess and please stop me if I over step my bounds.

He then Looks to Varia, I again apologize for you being thrown into our fight, will you please allow me to escort you to a city on the Prime Material?

Now he Finally looks at Arnold he goes to the a barrel on the deck and pools out a parchment and a wondrous little device he found from the Gnomes called a Pen. to think the ink is held inside of this little device. with a few quick scribbles on the Parchment he Trifolds it and put the pen away and pulls out a wax stick. he quickly flames it a small blob of Wax is on the letter to seal it, DragKel lifts the pummel of his scythe and presses it against the wax. with the symbol of a Star and some sort of outlined disc. (the symbol is of Bahamut). Here you are Captain thank you for the Honesty. take this to the City of Conil and Present it to Lord Drixtel he will see you get your ransom. (DragKel doesn't know Lord Drixtel is Dead and there is a new leader of the Gold dragons.)

with that DragKel Helps Pandora back on the the ship if Blinky does not help, but before he climbs back to the Dirty Unicorn, he looks between the two ships and sees Papa Bonu climbing his way up. he goes over and offers him a hand.

2013-08-22, 11:34 AM
Varia narrows her eyes at Captain Arnold's remarks, but she releases some of the built-up energy around her, taking some tension out of the air. The grey elf gathers up her bow and spends a moment ensuring that nothing has been left out of her pack, before walking over to Arnold. Her face is impassive, and she moves inside of his arm's reach confidently, placing a light hand on his chest.

"If I ever find out that you have lied to me, or that you had less than innocent motives for abducting me," she whispers to him, leaning forward. "I am going to kill you, reanimate you, and command you to devour your own crew. You seem like a very reasonable man, Arnold. I hope you were telling me the truth."

The archivist holds his gaze for a moment before turning to walk away.

2013-08-23, 02:07 PM
Cursing under her breath Pandora heals the Irontooth's crew. Before turning on her heal hastily and whistling for blinky. When back on board the unicorn she makes a rude gesture towards the Irontooth That was to whoever nearly killed me!

2013-08-23, 04:01 PM
DragKel Helps Pandora back on the the ship if Blinky does not help, but before he climbs back to the Dirty Unicorn, he looks between the two ships and sees Papa Bonu climbing his way up. he goes over and offers him a hand.

As Bonu scampers up the netting on the side of the ship, his already wide eyes go wider still when he sees DragKel standing on the deck of the Irontooth offering him a hand. "Sharkcharmer!" he calls out in fright. "Smooth talkin' Mama Ocean's babies 'til they bite like they've got rabies!" After a few moments of Arnold talking down the medicine man, he crosses his tiny arms in front of his miniscule chest and grimaces at DragKel. "You think everything gon be irie just 'cause of Captain's say-so?" he fumes. "We both be knowin' that's a sight far from the true-true. Coulda killed Papa Bonu, and it takes more than a handshake to heal that wound, Sharkcharmer." Bonu shakes his head, clucks his tongue, and scowls at the Dragonborn all the way back to the Dirty Unicorn.

Varia narrows her eyes at Captain Arnold's remarks, but she releases some of the built-up energy around her, taking some tension out of the air. The grey elf gathers up her bow and spends a moment ensuring that nothing has been left out of her pack, before walking over to Arnold. Her face is impassive, and she moves inside of his arm's reach confidently, placing a light hand on his chest.

"If I ever find out that you have lied to me, or that you had less than innocent motives for abducting me," she whispers to him, leaning forward. "I am going to kill you, reanimate you, and command you to devour your own crew. You seem like a very reasonable man, Arnold. I hope you were telling me the truth."

Arnold's smile doesn't move--hell, he doesn't even blink--during Varia's...threat? promise? Proposition of eternal undead power and a free meal? His grin stays fixed on his face as she turns on her heel back to her ship. "Darling?" he calls after Chess. "That one," he says with a nod to Varia, "she's all yours."

The crew of the Dirty Unicorn collect their dead, their apples, and whatever fragments of their pride are left (some far more than others) and set sail. They don't need to secure any masts or tie up any riggings; simply pulling up their anchor sucks them into the portal as the crew of the Irontooth stays motionless in Elysium, with Esvar's warship off somewhere in the middle distance, trying very much to save a day that was already closer to dusk.

The trip through the portal is much safer and smoother than the ordeal with the vortex that brought them to Elysium, and our fearless soon found themselves back in the same place they had begun. The surf was calm enough that the SS Dirty Unicorn was not jostled; instead, it was like she was sitting atop a mirror, allowing her crew plenty of time for reflection on the chaos they had just been through. The midday sun reflected off the sea in all directions, but it seemed somehow muted compared to the beautiful landscapes and amber rays of Elysium. In the middle of the deck sat the contents of the crew's most recent haul, an uninspiring pile of goods that couldn't even begin to tell the day's story. They had just had themselves a proper adventure.

Thus ends Chapter 3. Please post any reactions, downtime IC chatter, or see the OOC for possible suggestions of what's next.

2013-08-24, 10:36 AM
DragKel is leaning against the port side railing, he is thinking of what to do...... who would want to take the apples from the Lillend, and if they are so strong, who would be willing to help us fight them. Arokh and Rynn maybe, they are immortal after all, thanks to the divine will of IO, no they are probably to busy with there own things, what with Rynn and her airship, and Arokh with the Dagger-Shard Company. Wavebreaker must have followed them through the portal for he can feel her hunger, and longing to return home. with that DragKel Dismisses his friend back to her plane of existence.

as he thinks he looks around at the Crew, by this point he has repaired Jame's armor, and weapons, and made him ready for when they reach a city. DragKel wishes to raise him, but it will have be up to James' friends as to what is done with him. while he made James ready he finally learned his name, by coming across one of his books and finding his name written on the inside page. Property of James Sirocco. it was time he learned the rest of the crews name as well. he first walks over to the his once, grey racial brother and says, I am glad to be done with that fight. I'm DragKel.... as he says this he extends his hand for a shake, and possibly learn the name of this man "formally". after all he did over hear Esvar say it back at the restaurant, but he should be proper and polite, and learn the man's name.

2013-08-26, 07:25 PM
Wu Xin yawns lazily like a cat after she is revived. She stretches and sees that the crew of the Unicorn are undertaking their departure. James' body is loosely hidden from her view, otherwise she would throw herself into wild fits of passionate sobbing. But as fate would have it, her day was going way too well to be ruined by the death of a close friend. When she does spot him, she assumes James is taking a nap, which she an relate to entirely. Adventuring is hard work!

In truth, Wu doesn't even remember the battle or her humiliating loss. The two blows to her brain knocked the knowledge right out of her. All she remembers is... Orpheus. And here he is! What a coincidence!

She approaches Orpheus with a frighteningly disingenuous demure smile and a silken scarf.

난 당신이 내게 올 줄 알았습니다. 우리의 운명은 별에 기록됩니다.
나와 함께 내 사랑을 온다.마사지 발하면서 나를 위해 음악을 연주하고 향수에 당신을 목욕...

Meaning (according to Google translate)

I knew you would come to me. Our destiny is written in the stars.
Come with me, my love. Play music for me while a massage your feet and bathe you in perfumes...

The message may have been lost on poor Orpheus.

Intimidate [roll0] Circumstance bonus?

2013-08-26, 09:51 PM
Is she speaking Elvish?

2013-08-26, 10:33 PM
Is she speaking Elvish?

Or as I've been treating it, "generalized Asian elf language".
You've given me pause though Ragged. Let me know if I cross the line from merely ironic satire to actual encouragement of ignorance.

2013-08-27, 11:36 AM
James slips back to the Mortal Plane from where he stands, and finds himself below decks. "Well, that was an odd experience... "Our" grandchildren, he said? I guess Dalia musta finally gotten married, or something?" He stretches, popping a crick in his back.

Without missing a beat, he jogs up the steps and stands on deck, staring around. Those looking towards him can see...

Also, using my Child of Shadow stance, paired with Hide in Plain sight:
[roll0] This is my hide check, because James doesn't yet realize how much the plane has touched him...

Just so everyone knows, I am level 5 ATM, as a Dark Rogue 1/Swordsage 3.

2013-08-27, 03:20 PM
Upon hearing Papa Bonu's name Pandora lets out an unearthly shriek before trying to re-board the Irontooth to kill him. But Blinky stops and the ship is sucked through the vortex. Sensing she has lost her opportunity for vengeance sinks to the deck and she stabs the knife into the deck in frustration.

2013-08-27, 03:37 PM
DragKel's attempts to be polite and mingle with the crew is cut short when he sees Pandora start stabbing the deck. he moves over to her, well out of her knife range, and asks, Pandora what is wrong, are you alright!? DragKel does not even notice James is back in the land of the living.

2013-08-27, 04:46 PM
Pandora gazes up toward the source of the voice. Recognising it she starts to talk
Ill tell you what's wrong! I just missed no what could be my last chance to get revenge on Papa Bonu. I wish that shark had ate him!

2013-08-27, 07:16 PM
DragKel puts his hand on Pandora's shoulder. his Aura of Good almost seems to pulse. Dear Pandora what is your revenge worth to you. for I would not let you die in claiming it. I wouldn't let Chess die in claiming it. do you not think I am torn for having let you heal James' murderer. I was honor bound to do so. don't punish yourself for what happened, or the ship. I'll do that enough for all of us minus the ship. may the Divine Magister not roll to harshly on us. with that DragKel walks away and goes to the railing of the ship to look at his own reflection.

2013-08-27, 08:43 PM
Varia stands apart from the others, still quite unsure of herself. Her magic had taken her to Elysium, and while she trusted in both Magic and Knowledge she had little trust for those around her. She was deeply alone, despite the fact that there was another elf around; that woman, if she could be described as such, did not seem to have the kind of intellect Varia prided in members of her subrace.

And so when into that thoughtful gaze a dead man walked, she managed to notice him. Her eyes grew wide, and she forced herself to calm down for a moment, calling forth quiet and subtle magic that reached out to the great resources of information that were the underpinnings of reality itself.

When she opens her eyes, James's condition is as clear as day. She walks over to him, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek with a complete disregard for his personal space. "You have been touched by shadow, firewielder. I must say, you are either a profoundly lucky man, or you have a real destiny ahead of you. Perhaps both."

Varia takes a step back, inclining her head politely. "Welcome back. I was saddened by your loss, despite never being able to properly introduce myself. My name is Varia Laetanerath, a scholar and archivist of divine power and knowledge. You may well have saved my life, and for that I am in your debt."

2013-08-28, 10:27 AM
Varia stands apart from the others, still quite unsure of herself. Her magic had taken her to Elysium, and while she trusted in both Magic and Knowledge she had little trust for those around her. She was deeply alone, despite the fact that there was another elf around; that woman, if she could be described as such, did not seem to have the kind of intellect Varia prided in members of her subrace.

And so when into that thoughtful gaze a dead man walked, she managed to notice him. Her eyes grew wide, and she forced herself to calm down for a moment, calling forth quiet and subtle magic that reached out to the great resources of information that were the underpinnings of reality itself.

When she opens her eyes, James's condition is as clear as day. She walks over to him, reaching out a hand to touch his cheek with a complete disregard for his personal space. "You have been touched by shadow, firewielder. I must say, you are either a profoundly lucky man, or you have a real destiny ahead of you. Perhaps both."

Varia takes a step back, inclining her head politely. "Welcome back. I was saddened by your loss, despite never being able to properly introduce myself. My name is Varia Laetanerath, a scholar and archivist of divine power and knowledge. You may well have saved my life, and for that I am in your debt."

"You're... a scholar?" James says, somehow going right to the important things in life, even though that meant ignoring the fact that he was touched by the shadow plane. His voice drops to a whisper. "Does that mean you can get books on this brains-forsaken ship? Please... please..." He's almost begging her now, and is standing quite close. "I've only managed a dozen or so books... and I'm constantly afraid Graelyn will barf in 'em, or someone will burn them for warmth... We live on a terrible ship." He thinks for a moment, checking for both his swords.

"But it would seem that you might make a fantastic, erudite addition to our crew! I certainly welcome you aboard!" He sticks out his hand to shake it... and it completely misses, flying past her arm. "Uh... I appear to be... lighter?" He stares at the void leeching through his veins, replacing his muscles, and twined around bone. "I guess I'm more changed than I thought..."

Truly, 'tis a woeful tale of sadness upon the Dirty Unicorn.

Also, going to the Shadow Plane lost me about 40 pounds. SUCK IT, Weightwatchers!

2013-08-28, 01:34 PM
Ch. 4: Payday

The whole time since leaving Elysium, Chess was standing at the helm and staring at it. The captain was desperately trying to figure out how the damned thing work, but it eluded her. Luckily, she had skeletons for just such occassions. "You there," she calls out to one of them, "steer us back to our port of origin posthaste." Unbeknownst to Chess, the skeleton was Oliver, the devoted servant who had taken a cannonball, been engulfed in the Puke to the point of losing a leg, and had since fashioned a crude pegleg for himself. He silently obliges, mindless enough not to resent his lot in life.

Meanwhile, Wu Xin propositions Orpheus with demands for music and promises of exfoliating massages. He's not sure whether his compliance is required for her to continue with her plan, and figures that acquiescence is the path of least resistance. "My common is spoken further than this language," he replies in her native tongue, "but I am happy to strive to fill your stomach. Music shall be made by my voice if there is a commitment to numbness?" He practically asks the last part, sure that his vocabulary is off. Luckily, he's saved by the bell.

*CLANG* *CLANG* "All hands!" Chess calls as she rings the bell she loved to chastize Wu Xin for touching. Between the bell and alone time with Orpheus, it seemed the Captain was dead set against letting Wu Xin have nice things. "We're sailing back to land...we were asked to deliver apples, and apples we have. Double time!" The crew retraces familiar patterns and resails familiar seas all the way back to a familiar town, wherein they locate a familiar chef and drop a half-crate of unfamiliar apples at his feet.

The wiry little chef turns up his nose at the offering. His beady eyes glare at the crew from behind round-framed glasses that he seemed to wear more for stylistic reasons than optometric ones. He scoffs loudly and clucks, "Ugh, ze Unicorns...how am I zupposed to cook with zees?" he asks, laying it on thick with an accent that had the crew taking bets about its authenticity. "Rubbish! Awful, Unicorns! Offal!" he continues. "Bezides, I have made ozzer arrangements. Your zervices are no longer required, Unicorns." He places his hands on his hips, defiant. Getting him to pay up might take some convincing...as would getting him to stop calling them the Unicorns as if they were some peewee ribbon dancing team.

2013-08-28, 06:12 PM
Wu Xin gasps...
Just like that.
Her hand rests daintily on her breast. She can feel her heart nearly burst out of her chest. Of course he speaks her native tongue! And he does it with such panache. She does feel numb! Their hearts are so in sync. He knows just how she feels... hungry. And in love. And she, in turn, is certain that he feels that same way.

As they sail back to their port of call, Wu Xin twists and contorts his feet in what can only be described as the world's worst foot massage. She probably breaks some of the smaller digits with her absurdly slight and feminine hands. She has the look of a coy school elf, but the bone crunching power of a ogre. While she inadvertently tortures poor Orpheus, convinced that he is enjoying her affections, he sobs and does his darn best to sing for her.

Not saved by the bell. There is no way Wu is going to help sail when she can dote on her new boyfriend instead.

2013-08-30, 01:44 AM
DragKel has not let Orpheus out of his sight since he came on board. he is a prisoner afterall, So when Orpheus limbed over to below deck, when Wu had to do something, DragKel followed. DragKel and Orpheus where alone below deck, before the crew had reached land. of course DragKel would ask kii re wux limbing Orpheus.
he would of course reply sia toes re jikmadator shar kii ornla wux doege ux Bahamuti.

algbo hak si filiik si zklaen irisv wux. si geou nothave sia citar loreat.with that DragKel steps over to Orpheus and uses his last spell of Cure light Wounds on Orpheus to mend his toes.

algbo hak si filiik si zklaen irisv wux. si geou nothave sia citar loreat.

if I even need to roll.

2013-08-30, 12:17 PM
James grins for a moment, before sliding one of his swords out of its scabbard. "Good sir... I suppose you've done some cooking? Perhaps some frying? Maybe cutting some fine, tender, selections of meat?" The man nods, of course. "Good, good... Well... have you ever done... Both? You know, at the same time?" As he speaks, his blade begins to hum. Then, slowly, its glinting takes on an orange color. The perfectly polished, embossed, edges begin to spark. With growing crackle, the air around the sword begins to bend and haze like the burning of a midday sun.

Finally, the first flame bursts forth, leaping in a gout of orange-blue heat. James' grin goes lopsided, almost maniacal. "I've tried it a fe w times before, you know. I assure you, the wounds cauterize pretty quick. No harm done." He turns the sword over, and slides his fingers along the back. "I'm sure you can understand how I feel at being... stiffed... for our work. These are the apples of the orchard that you requested, in addition to a number of equally good apples from Elysium. There is no difference, sir... but there may be a difference in YOU soon."

Activating Burning blade.

[roll0] Before I do this, though, I activate my Shoes of Enlarge Person, and perhaps that'll help?

2013-08-30, 12:26 PM
* back to the Chef*

DragKel Mumbles something under his Breath as he pulls out his Scythe in front of the Chef. it was May the gods have mercy on you. he then stands next to James, who he will talk to later about how he came back. DragKel holds his Scythe like a staff with the blade facing his left, so the chef can clearly see it. he then adds his two sense about what is transpiring here. the Crew of the Dirty Unicorn has brought you, your apples. Now you must pay them the agreed amount in which you promised. if you don't i make no promised of what will happen to you, but i will say this Thieves are one thing, but Gods and their children are a complete different matter.

Intimidate Check

edit well i am not very Intimidating :smallredface:

2013-08-30, 02:43 PM
The motley crew gathers around the snooty lithe chef. His twisted little mustache points and naturally upturned nose amplify his already arrogant and haughty demeanor. The crew of the Dirty Unicorn can hardly believe their ears. In all fairness, they should have been used to working hard and receiving nothing in return by now, but the Dirty Unicorn's crew remain incredulous.


Wu Xin commands in a fierce guttural utterance. She heard something about meat and saw the chef hat and the apples and decided she deserved a delicious meal cooked for her and her new boyfriend/prisoner. She has no knowledge of any contract or repudiated balance owing to the crew, but the words are naturally understood by the chef in that context. To the Chef, "cook the foods", while the strange elf slams her katana into the pier, quite properly means that he better make use of what he has and pay them!

Use my previous intimidate roll to support my friends. Thanks.

2013-08-31, 05:37 PM
Varia stands slightly apart from the group, as she was not involved in the apple-obtaining contract and has not stake in the claim. She does, however, comment quietly to the chef after everyone else has finished speaking. "I would just pay these people off, if I were you. I don't think I have ever encountered a less mentally stable group of people. In their minds, they've done what you wanted. Pay them and spare yourself."

2013-09-02, 01:32 PM
I don't know if you realise... Pandora starts innocently I could... well 'accidentally' and just say I thought I heard a monster because I can't see,


2013-09-03, 08:48 PM
The chef scoffs at DragKel as he tries to be formidable, but the others seem to get the job done. He tosses up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, sacre bleu! Ze Unicorns? More like ze nightmares! I cannot pay you ze original price, but I can pay you half and bake a delicious turnover with ze apples. Fifty perzent would be...five hundred, oui? No need for any cutting except with ze pie server, oui?"

It's clear from his sudden shift in attitude that the crew's intimidating words have had the intended effect. He's clearly scrambling for a solution that protects his hide. However, his prior words nagged at them. What kind of alternative arrangements had he made? He didn't deal with the Unicorn and Fitz didn't have any other apples to deliver...who had snaked in and stolen this job from them? Someone had to pay.

Meanwhile, Orpheus sighs and leans against a nearby handrail in order to take weight off the foot that Wu Xin had "massaged." DragKel's healing had helped the bones, but there was still plenty of soreness when he put any weight on the foot. He nods silent thanks to DragKel, and when he notices Wu Xin looking back at him, he flashes her a feigned smile. He had seen what she could do with her bare hands, and now she was wielding a weapon?! Best to stay on her good side.

2013-09-03, 11:29 PM
DragKel looks at the rest of the crew, he then poofs out a little smoke and states, well I am glad you all were able to finish the job, but I must bring this up. what do we plan to do with Orpheus, I feel we must take him to where he can be judged for his crimes, while in Fitz crew. My Church would more then likely to be willing to submit such judgment, or the Local Authorities . I do however need to head to a Temple of my Father today anyways. I can take him with me if you all so desire.

He says this as the crew sits at a table waiting for the chance to try this chef's pie, and their gold.

2013-09-04, 09:36 AM
"His crimes? He was a passenger on the wrong ship, granted... but we don't know if he committed any crimes!" He thinks for a moment, and leans in. "Besides, he's getting plenty of punishment from Wu right now. We do need to make sure he doesn't die, though."

2013-09-09, 09:48 AM
"Perhaps I'm wrong about Orpheus... but DragKel, you're going to have to explain more of what you mean. I'm not sure what sort of crimes you're insinuating for this musician." He glances down and flinches at the sight of Orpheus' obvious bruises and scars, from his recent treatment.