View Full Version : Ways around the barbarians rage limitations?

2013-05-10, 07:46 AM
I would like to be able to use expansion the psionic power while using the goliath barbarian rage variant. Is there anything in any of the books, 3.0/3.5/3.P/Dungeon/Dragon anything, (3rd party as well).

I'm coming up short trying to find anything that allows this.

2013-05-10, 07:58 AM
Psionic Contingency is the only thing I can think of; triggering condition being "if I go into a Rage." If it were an arcane spell, Rage Mage would be an option, but with Psionics...

2013-05-10, 09:33 AM
I would personally let the Instantaneous Rage feat do this. Expansion -> Rage before Expansion takes effect -> Expansion takes effect.

"Your rage begins at any time you wish, even when it's not your turn or when you're surprised. You can activate your rage as a free action in response to another's action. Thus, you can gain the benefits of rage in time to prevent or ameliorate an undesirable event."

The wording sounds similar enough to an Immediate Action that I'd probably allow it, even though you're activating it in response to your own action, not "another's." Ask your DM if this works.

2013-05-10, 09:36 AM
Psionic Contingency is the only thing I can think of; triggering condition being "if I go into a Rage." If it were an arcane spell, Rage Mage would be an option, but with Psionics...

Dang, Psion 6 (OUCH!) LOL. :smallsigh::smallsigh: :smallyuk:

I might ask my DM if the exalted feat righteous fury would allow me to have enough clarity of mind to pull off manifesting powers lol.

I was really hoping I wouldn't need to do that.

I suppose, I could ask him if I could get a permanent tattoo (I think I saw something about those while reading a sword and sorcery psionic book.)

I would personally let the Instantaneous Rage feat do this. Expansion -> Rage before Expansion takes effect -> Expansion takes effect.

"Your rage begins at any time you wish, even when it's not your turn or when you're surprised. You can activate your rage as a free action in response to another's action. Thus, you can gain the benefits of rage in time to prevent or ameliorate an undesirable event."

The wording sounds similar enough to an Immediate Action that I'd probably allow it, even though you're activating it in response to your own action, not "another's." Ask your DM if this works.

Nice find I will look into this!!!

2013-05-10, 09:47 AM
I would personally let the Instantaneous Rage feat do this. Expansion -> Rage before Expansion takes effect -> Expansion takes effect.
Even if that's an immediate action, it still won't work. An immediate action preempts another action. Thus you can go into a rage right when you're going to manifest Expansion, but you haven't manifested anything yet. And you can't manifest anything after that because rage prevents the necessary concentration. Immediate actions don't happen partway through actions, and there's no requirement that the character whose action was preempted has to continue with the action they originally planned. (Or in this case, would be allowed to.)

2013-05-10, 10:43 AM
Even if that's an immediate action, it still won't work. An immediate action preempts another action. Thus you can go into a rage right when you're going to manifest Expansion, but you haven't manifested anything yet. And you can't manifest anything after that because rage prevents the necessary concentration. Immediate actions don't happen partway through actions, and there's no requirement that the character whose action was preempted has to continue with the action they originally planned. (Or in this case, would be allowed to.)

Another ouch! Hopefully the exalted feat is my salvation :P *crosses fingers*

2013-05-10, 12:05 PM
I might ask my DM if the exalted feat righteous fury would allow me to have enough clarity of mind to pull off manifesting powers lol.
You mean Righteous Wrath? That feat doesn't explicitly allow acts requiring concentration (though that's in line with what it does specify), so it would be your individual DM's call.

2013-05-10, 12:22 PM
i'm not familiar with that rage variant; so i'm unsure why you can't just use expansion before you rage.

there's a pathfinder rage power that would let you get it in:

hopefully the link works right

2013-05-10, 12:26 PM
You mean Righteous Wrath? That feat doesn't explicitly allow acts requiring concentration (though that's in line with what it does specify), so it would be your individual DM's call.

yup sorry that's the one. It would seem extremely foolish imo to limit it when it comes out and says it can. Hopefully he will allow it.

I'm the one who brought it to his attention that I can't rage/and manifest after you told me in the Q&A so :P.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-05-10, 12:27 PM
i'm not familiar with that rage variant; so i'm unsure why you can't just use expansion before you rage.

there's a pathfinder rage power that would let you get it in:

hopefully the link works right

As opposed to almost all size increasing mechanics, Mountain rage sets your size to large, so if you were huge before raging, you would actually become smaller. That is why you need to manifest expansion after starting the rage.

2013-05-10, 02:57 PM
Beg the DM to have rage mage (complete warrior) apply to psionics and treat psychometabolism as transmutation?

If your DM allows this: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20031225a
You could relay tattoo an expansion tattoo and then go into rage. When you get to higher level and have a lot more money you could get an inducer tattoo for faster response. I think all this was made during 3.0.

2013-05-10, 03:28 PM
My dm ruled that the exalted feat unlocks the rage for everything. :smallbiggrin:

garguantuan raging barbarian here i come....

2013-05-11, 12:53 PM
Even if that's an immediate action, it still won't work. An immediate action preempts another action. Thus you can go into a rage right when you're going to manifest Expansion, but you haven't manifested anything yet. And you can't manifest anything after that because rage prevents the necessary concentration. Immediate actions don't happen partway through actions, and there's no requirement that the character whose action was preempted has to continue with the action they originally planned. (Or in this case, would be allowed to.)

Can I get a source on the bolded part? Not that I definitely disagree, but I'm not seeing anything in the Immediate Action description that implies this. Wings of Cover has a specific wording to this effect, but I'd like to see the general case.

If you are right, this would seem to make things like Abrupt Jaunt less powerful than people think. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but for example - opponent declares attack, Abrupt Jaunt, opponent decides not to use the interrupted attack, moves 10 feet, kills you anyway. It also means you can't interrupt a full attack between attacks, because it's a single action, which seems a little odd to me.

Also, how the heck does Feather Fall work in this case? Feather Fall must be cast on a freefalling object or creature, but if you're interrupting the action - such as jumping off a ledge, an enemy pushing you over a cliff - then you aren't freefalling when you cast the spell, which means the spell fails. Odd.

2013-05-11, 01:00 PM
Would Linked Power do the trick?

2013-05-11, 09:55 PM
Would Linked Power do the trick?

It might, but I already took the exalted feat, my dm ruled I negate all of out of control aspects of my rage.

In other new, when we got to the end boss it was a huge dragon :)

I won't go into extensive detail, but basically this Huge Mother dragon was not please about us ransacking their home. Since our wizard got to go before me, they places their familiar in line of sight, benign transposition me in its place, the hall way was diagonally and wide enough for me (huge at this point).

I free actioned a true strike potion, with my read drink helm, charged in, didn't get a natural one, I hit with a garguantuan sized dwarven warpike.

The dragon got a pretty bad roll on its bull rush, and knocked that big bastard back almost 75 feet :). If we were not in the opening atrium of the dragon's home it would have hit a wall too.