View Full Version : [PF] Monk Archetypes

2013-05-10, 09:23 AM
So, for a variety of reasons, I've suddenly gotten the urge to play a Monk. Moreover, as best as possible, I want to make a monk that's as effective as possible, while still being well... a monk.

Before I go any further - Yes I'm aware of Unarmed Swordage, yes it's highly effective, no I'm not particularly interested in it for this particular exercise.

So I read Treantmonk's guide and found it quite useful, but... it doesn't really address the various archetypes available to Monks in Pathfinder. For example, the guide emphasizes very heavily that you want to be using Flurry of Blows every possible opportunity (and that you should probably use a combat maneuver when you can't)... all well and good, but how does that mesh with Master of Many Styles, which gives up Flurry of Blows for the ability to use a variety of stances at once?

Does anyone have any actual experience with the various archetypes? If so, how were they for you and would you use them again or would you go baseline Monk instead?

2013-05-10, 09:32 AM
Qinggong and Hungry Ghost are widely regarded as awesome. Together they boost monk to tier 4, maybe low tier 3.

2013-05-10, 09:34 AM
Quingong Monk is pretty much a must in any monk build, since it's highly customizable and stacks with virtually anything.

Zen Archer is excellent, eliminates one of the monk's basic weaknesses (since you get to full-attack with ease when using a bow). Also gives more Wisdom-SADness, solving another typical monk problem. Only real downside is that it might not fit your idea of the typical monk.

Jack Zander
2013-05-10, 09:37 AM
Quingong combined with Hungry Ghost is the only one worth looking at.

2013-05-10, 10:31 AM
There are several archetypes that you can go up to level 6 (Maneuver Master) or 8 (Zen Archer, Sohei, Master of Many Styles) in and do quite fine. Mind, those are the max levels, doing less than those also works. Zen Archer is so much better than normal monk that even though it gains next to nothing useful from levels 9-16, it's still ok to go single classed in it. And yeah, always Qingong Monk, it's just a list of additional options w/o commitments. Not much good there, but there's enough cherries to be picked.

Lots of archetypes are fine for a 1-2 level dip, too. Sohei, MoMS, Maneuver Master, and Monk of the Sacred Mountain are all dip-tastic.

2013-05-10, 03:35 PM
Hrm... Qinggong is definitely high on my list anyway, I find it interesting... Hungry Ghost I can easily see being very useful. Unfortunately the way it's fluffed is a bit of a turn off, unfortunately.

Still, those two are definitely very interesting.

What about Flowing Monk, anyone have any experience with those? I was just looking it over and I can see some potential there, maybe.

2013-05-10, 04:41 PM
Punishing Kick is quite useful for setting up AoO's. Better used when taking out things with poor CMD, such as enemy casters.
Touch of Serenity is awesome for locking down those pesky Rogues with their not-so-great Will Saves.
The best part is, you can use both as part of Flurry of Blows. You can use them in place of any of your melee attacks, however you can only use ability X once per round.
So you open with Punishing Kick, followed by Touch of Serenity. The thing has to make a will save to even try to stand up, try to move, etc.

It is tempting to use your fists, rather than weapons, but weapons are honestly easier to enchant and be more useful.
This allows you to use your Ki-powers through a weapon instead of with a fist. Quite handy. In addition, you can do a Combat Maneuver as a free action, which combo's up very well with Punishing Kick and Touch of Serenity.
This is quite helpful for locking down teleporting bad guys or keeping pesky casters from leaving the scene. Very useful.

Jack Zander
2013-05-10, 07:39 PM
I played a Half-Orc Monk once. It turned out really well, but my stats were 16, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14. Obviously this is not normal, I just rolled very strangely and thought a monk would do well with stats like these.

As a Half-Orc I boosted strength and used a falcion primarily. I combined flowing monk with monk of the sacred mountain and became pretty nasty at not ever being hit with my trip feats. I even used my Cha in conjunction with that one feat that let's you taunt and force attacks on you to become a decent tank for the party. We only played til about level 6 or so, but I had a lot of fun with the build during those levels.

2013-05-10, 08:26 PM
While it is only 10% monk, Maneuver Master Monk 2/Lore Warden Fighter 18 is about the best build you can make in PF if you want to do maneuvers a lot; just FYI.

The Redwolf
2013-05-10, 09:35 PM
Quingong combined with Hungry Ghost is the only one worth looking at.

I played a Half-Orc Monk once. It turned out really well, but my stats were 16, 15, 15, 15, 14, 14. I combined flowing monk with monk of the sacred mountain...

I feel a bit of inconsistency here...