View Full Version : Beauty pageant: best weapon in 3.5

2013-05-10, 10:14 AM
So out of all weapons, wich one is the allround best for any random character?

Not just boring, non-magic weapons. Any weapon, ranged light two handed you name it. Made from any material with any enchantment you want. Non epic. Money is no issue, but remember that a weapon with enchantments that cost more then 200.000 is epic. (magic item compendium, thanks Courier6)

Is the best approach to focus on sheer damage or also include the ability to hurt hard to hit creatures? Include morphing to make it versatile?

What is the best? And why?

2013-05-10, 10:17 AM
For any random character? Whatever it is, it ought to have the Skillful enhancement, to make sure that its wielder can use it.

2013-05-10, 10:34 AM
Morningstar is nice for being a simple weapon that overcomes two types of DR simultaneously and can be wielded twohanded without needing to be.

2013-05-10, 10:41 AM
Heavy repeating crossbow of Quick Loading. Actually, I don't even know if that would achieve what I think it does, but if you threw in some ranged feats, Crossbow Sniper, and the Exotic Weapons Master PrC feature Close-Quarters Ranged Combat would be kind of cool...

2013-05-10, 10:48 AM
Aptitude Great Crossbow with the Hand Crossbow Focus would be better.

2013-05-10, 10:59 AM
Aptitude Great Crossbow with the Hand Crossbow Focus would be better.


that's why I love this site, pick up somethin' new every time I drop by :)

2013-05-10, 11:03 AM
Skillful Sizing Morphing Staff of Mighty Sweeping. It can be any weapon of any type or size, suited for any particular task. Metalline as well for DR.

It is my current weapon on my Wu Jen/Archovist/Incantatrix/Geomancer build. Essentially allows me to turn into a 30metre tall Pit Fiend/Solar with the jaws of a direbear, and unleash hell with a 60 ft radius trip, and set up a Knockback build.

2013-05-10, 11:22 AM
Skillful Sizing Morphing Staff of Mighty Sweeping. It can be any weapon of any type or size, suited for any particular task. Metalline as well for DR.

That certainly takes the prize for usefull in any situation!
Does metalline count as all materials at the same time or do you need to choose? and how much can you switch it out? In case someone suddenly wants to sunder your precious stick of awsome

Uncle Pine
2013-05-10, 12:54 PM
Aptitude Great Crossbow with the Hand Crossbow Focus would be better.

Aptitude double crossbow (Dragon Magazine #349) would actually be better. Add Quickloading, Self-loading, Force and Splitting if you really like heavy machine guns.

2013-05-10, 01:02 PM
Because I have this d12 here and I want to use it in combat sometimes.

2013-05-10, 01:35 PM
+1 Eager Skillful Sizing Hideaway Aquatic Shadowstrike Slow Burst Prismatic Burst Manifester Transmuting Swarmstrike Ghost Touch Vanishing Magebane Everbright Aurorum Spiked Chain of Warning.

(Come on people, if money is no object, then there's no reason not to include Sizing, Hideaway, Aquatic, the MIC version of Shadowstrike, Slow Burst, Prismatic Burst, Manifester, Everbright, or Vanishing. These make the weapon more expensive, but can't push it into Epic territory.)

The hardest part was deciding that Eager, Skillful, Transmuting, Swarmstrike, Ghost Touch, Magebane, and Warning were all more important than Merciful. I wish I could go up to +11 total enhancements. Parrying would be nice too (+13 total). Oh well.

This is a spiked chain that everyone is proficient with, that overcomes all DR after the first hit on a creature. It's not dependent on crit-fishing, but if it does happen to crit, then the target has to save vs. a couple nasty debuffs. (Easy save DCs, but oh well.) Sundered (in spite of immunity to rust/acid)? No problem, put it back together the next round. Works fine against ghosts, swarms, or underwater creatures. Melee isn't really your thing? Well, at least this gives you a +5 or +7 bonus to initiative (depending whether you're wielding it), and can be drawn as a free action if it becomes necessary. Need to keep a hand free? No problem, you're obviously not planning on power attacking, so just shrink the weapon down to one size category smaller than your size, and wield it in one hand (still with reach!) with a -2 attack penalty. Extra nasty against arcane casters, easy to hide in a fold of your cloak in a "civilized" setting, and gives you a teleport effect 1/day.

Uncle Pine
2013-05-10, 01:49 PM
Reading again the word "money" made me remember this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11763.0) brilliant topic.
Short version of it: take a shuriken. Enchant it with whatever kind of property you might remotely need. Profit!

EDIT: Remember that even if you enchant a shuriken to +20 making it an epic weapon, it still costs only 80.000 gp.

2013-05-10, 01:51 PM
+1 Sizing morphing aptitude spellblade (disintegrate) riverine feycraft shuriken as a skeleton, buff up as needed

failing that, ibid but on a kusari-gama

2013-05-10, 02:31 PM
A Glassteel Mecurial greatsword.

Someone on this site made a rideable gauntlet. I wish I still had the link for it.

I was always a fan of Eager, Warning gauntlets, myself.

2013-05-10, 02:42 PM
I believe that'd be Darrin as a spinoff the shield of carpet bombing or somesuch the post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10294124&postcount=5)

2013-05-10, 04:13 PM
Throwing, teleporting, explosive, flaming burst, impact, seeking, blood-seeking, distance, ghost-touch, brilliant energy, impaler spiked gauntlet.

Reach out and touch someone.

2013-05-10, 04:34 PM
Aptitude double crossbow (Dragon Magazine #349) would actually be better. Add Quickloading, Self-loading, Force and Splitting if you really like heavy machine guns.Yeah, but Dragon is rarely allowed as far as I know.


that's why I love this site, pick up somethin' new every time I drop by :)You're welcome! There was a pretty sweet TWF Warblade build that used Great Crossbows, IDR were that went. :smallsmile:

I learned a lot of tricks from here as well. For example...

Reading again the word "money" made me remember this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=11763.0) brilliant topic.
Short version of it: take a shuriken. Enchant it with whatever kind of property you might remotely need. Profit!

EDIT: Remember that even if you enchant a shuriken to +20 making it an epic weapon, it still costs only 80.000 gp.
This pretty much made my day. :smallcool:

2013-05-10, 07:56 PM
Luck blade...

2013-05-10, 08:41 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed having a Vorpal Falchion stacked with the Improved Critical feat. A 1 in 4 chance to critical, which in charging builds is crazy, and a 5% chance to end a fight on one swing (assuming decent BAB to confirm).

Of course there are those that are immune, like oozes, but 25% chance for a crit is solid.

2013-05-10, 08:47 PM
My all time favorite is from a 3rd party book Bastion Press Torn Asunder.

Ogre Maul 2d8 19-20 x3 50lbs B/P MARTIAL weapon that has a really nice effect with it.
Any creature of medium size or smaller that is hit with a crit from this weapon is thrown backwards in addition to the critical damage. They are flung back 10ft and suffer an extra 1d10 damage and must make a Ref DC 12 or be knocked prone. Medium creatures must have a Str of 20 to wield this weapon and small creatures cant wield it at all.

So take that and add the appropriate enchantments to it. Thats my fav.

2013-05-10, 09:47 PM
Where is the Skillful enhancement from, sourcewise?

Edit: Nevermind, found it. (Complete Arcane)

Anyways, some kind of Sizing Staff, for the purposes of being Sun Wukong.

2013-05-10, 10:07 PM
Hmm, if we are talking straight stupid then Arms and Armor had the stuff.

The Weighted Greatsword is 2d8, 18-20/x2 Martial 2-handed weapon.

The Chainblade is a 1d8, 17-20/x2 an exotic 1-handed weapon with reach.

+3 Keen Aptitude Ghost Strike Transmuting Soul Drinking Kaorti Chainblade with Lightning Mace, Oversized two-weapon fighting, TWF feats. Get free attacks whenever you roll a 13-20 with a x4 crit multiplier. Only thing you can't crit normally are elementals and plants. When you crit your opponent is slowed for 3 rounds (DC14 Will negates), 1 negative level, you gain 5 temp HP, +2 morale bonus to dmg, effected by Prismatic Spray (DC20), etc... Blood in the Water Stance too.

Illuminating, Aquatic, Everbright, Hideaway, Shadowstrike, Sizing, Slow Burst, Vanishing, Manifester, Prismatic Burst, Spell Blade, with a Greater Demolition Crystal. These are just GP, no magical plus cost to the item. What is the best spell to be Immune to and able to reflect?

Blood in the Water Stance and Lightning Mace. Every time you crit you will get +1 to hit, +3 to dmg, which is cumulative for the encounter.

You can overcome any DR, threaten a crit on 13-20. On a 13-20 you get another attack roll. If you confirm you get +1 to hit, +3 to dmg, +5 temp hitpoints which stack with themselves, prismatic spray on opponent who is hit, maybe slowed. First crit is for (1d8+3)x4, 2nd for (1d8+6)x4, and so on.

40% of the time you get an additional attack, crits give tons of lovely benefits that get better the more you crit. BAB 20, using Dancing Mongoose for more TWF and all TWF line with Oversized TWF.
Interatives before bonuses are 9 attacks

Infinite money makes crit-fishing builds fun.

2013-05-10, 10:14 PM
Hmm, if we are talking straight stupid then Arms and Armor had the stuff.

The Weighted Greatsword is 2d8, 18-20/x2 Martial 2-handed weapon.

The Chainblade is a 1d8, 17-20/x2 an exotic 1-handed weapon with reach.

+3 Keen Aptitude Ghost Strike Transmuting Soul Drinking Kaorti Chainblade with Lightning Mace, Oversized two-weapon fighting, TWF feats. Get free attacks whenever you roll a 13-20 with a x4 crit multiplier. Only thing you can't crit normally are elementals and plants. When you crit your opponent is slowed for 3 rounds (DC14 Will negates)o, 1 negative level, you gain 5 temp HP, +2 morale bonus to dmg, effected by Prismatic Spray (DC20), etc... Blood in the Water Stance too.

Illuminating, Aquatic, Everbright, Hideaway, Shadowstrike, Sizing, Slow Burst, Vanishing, Manifester, Prismatic Burst, Spell Blade, with a Greater Demolition Crystal. These are just GP, no magical plus cost to the item. What is the best spell to be Immune to and able to reflect?

Blood in the Water Stance and Lightning Mace. Every time you crit you will get +1 to hit, +3 to dmg, which is cumulative for the encounter.

You can overcome any DR, threaten a crit on 13-20. On a 13-20 you get another attack roll. If you confirm you get +1 to hit, +3 to dmg, +5 temp hitpoints which stack with themselves, prismatic spray on opponent who is hit, maybe slowed. First crit is for (1d8+3)x4, 2nd for (1d8+6)x4, and so on.

40% of the time you get an additional attack, crits give tons of lovely benefits that get better the more you crit. BAB 20, using Dancing Mongoose for more TWF and all TWF line with Oversized TWF.
Interatives before bonuses are 9 attacks

Infinite money makes crit-fishing builds fun.

Two of my other favs with the Ogre Maul

2013-05-10, 10:52 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed having a Vorpal Falchion stacked with the Improved Critical feat. A 1 in 4 chance to critical, which in charging builds is crazy, and a 5% chance to end a fight on one swing (assuming decent BAB to confirm).

Of course there are those that are immune, like oozes, but 25% chance for a crit is solid.

For charging, I'd have to say a Valorous Lance with a wand chamber full o' rhino rush. Hop on a horse and lay down some serious damage.

2013-05-10, 11:55 PM
I believe that'd be Darrin as a spinoff the shield of carpet bombing or somesuch the post (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=10294124&postcount=5)

I'd also push for this. I mean...

So, anyway, we've got a colossal-sized 32HD invulnerable animated construct with a 30' fly speed, essentially a 15' x 30' wall of force that obeys our commands. It doesn't make shield bash attacks, but it does have one +25 Slam attack that does 4d6+13 damage.

I'm not sure how he added weapon enchantments on it if it was just a buckler, though. I'm gonna assume he used the Variable property for that.

If that's not valid, then Light Shield will be the base item. If it is, then Gnome Battle Cloak will be the base item. So, here is my take on it, the appropriately named:

"Gnomish Army Knife Cloak":

+5 Called, Daylight, Linked, Variable, Empyreal (shield enh.) // +3 Flying, Defending, Spellstrike, Illuminating, Sizing, Morphing, Eager, Warning, Rusting (weapon enh.) Riverine Gnome Battle Cloak with Greater Crystals of Arrow Deflection and Return

Normally, it looks like a dandy cloak that appears to be made of pressurized water. But what does this thing do? Let's see:

You can use it to disarm opponents
You can use a freaking cloak as a shield
You can change it's size from Fine to Colossal
You can make it into a makeshift tent, or a magic carpet, or a small cloak for your creepy dolls and action figures, or a handkerchief you keep in your pocket when you don't need a shield
You can leave it anywhere in your plane and "call" it out to get it
You can make it glow. Seriously, think about the benefits of that
You can make it glow, and cancel Darkness effects for a noncontinuous 30mins/day.
It grants you a +7 (+2 insight, +5 untyped) to Initiative, and some
You can trade its Shield and Weapon bonus for save bonus (Sacred and Untyped)
You can trade its Weapon bonus to AC bonus (untyped)
You can draw it as a free action as the Quick Draw feat
You can deflect a ranged weapon attack/round as the Deflect Arrows feat
You can potentially rust any metal you encounter indefinitely
You can turn it into a Buckler, Light Shield, Heavy Shield, and Tower Shield of size Fine to Colossal
You can turn it into any 1H or light weapon of size Fine to Colossal
You can turn it into an animated Object
You can talk 3/day for 1 hr. telepathically to people with this same awesome item as you do, along with less awesome people with just an armor or shield with the Linked property.
You can practically have a wall of force (Colossal Tower Shield)
You are wearing a wall of force. For real.
Being made of cloth, you can turn it into a Colossal Flying Animated "Magic Carpet" of Force

You might also be allowed to turn it into a Tablespoon/Fork/Teaspoon/Knife/etc. if you morph it into Shovel/Trident/Bastard Sword etc. and shrink it enough.

I'd take versatility than power all day. :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-11, 02:08 AM
That certainly takes the prize for usefull in any situation!
Does metalline count as all materials at the same time or do you need to choose? and how much can you switch it out? In case someone suddenly wants to sunder your precious stick of awsome

I believe you have to choose a single metal each time you activate. I think the original metalline was almost any metal, but the updated version in MiC is just Silver, Mithral, and Adamant.

Executioners mace 2d6 x3, BP or BS. Made of valorum, so if sundered, you can restore its magic just by rejoining the pieces. Now you can use G.M.Wallop, keen, bludgeoning, your choice.
Metalline and shifting. Shifting isn't too necessary with an executioners mace since you're already doing the different damage types, but it will let you change it to a longspear if you need reach. Metalline is obvious.
Martial if you're using ToB.
Life-drinker weapon, 38k from DMG/SRD. Only use if you're immune to negative energy (soulfire armor from BoED)
0 Wish luckblade. A free reroll is always nice.
Holy/unholy. Or Sacred/Profane. I prefer Holy over sacred, but sacred can be boosted with the synergy enchntments.
Doomburst if using a crit-fishing build.

Here, some useful weapon effects. Avoid the ones with saves that happen immediately, their effect wanes as you level. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=218331

2013-05-11, 02:20 AM
Be sure to add the mundane things!

Dragonlance's super-masterwork stuff, Gloryborn, Acid Washed, Pure Ore, Enhanced Bracing, Hilt Hollow, Folded Metal, Oerthblood, Ornate, Blood Groove, Basket Hilt, Perfect Balance, Razor Sharp, Resilient, Serrated, Dwarvencraft, Oil Chamber, Hizagkuur....

2013-05-11, 02:32 AM
For charging, I'd have to say a Valorous Lance with a wand chamber full o' rhino rush. Hop on a horse and lay down some serious damage.

Oh that is the most optimal, but in my games there just are too few instances where we can fit a horse or similar mount in without considerable issues. We have a lot of urban and dungeon/castles/cave encounters.

The Power Attack + Heedless Charge + Leap Attack + Rhino's Rush can do considerable damage with any two handed weapon, adding the Valorous properties to it or a critical range of a Falchion (especially with Improved Critical) is just the icing at that point. Add in Knockback and watch how far someone can fly. :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-11, 07:35 AM
Oh that is the most optimal, but in my games there just are too few instances where we can fit a horse or similar mount in without considerable issues. We have a lot of urban and dungeon/castles/cave encounters.

Small size. Grab a pony or a wolf.

2013-05-11, 08:56 AM
Small size. Grab a pony or a wolf.

Halfings are bouse like dat! :smallcool:

2013-05-11, 10:46 AM
For just looking terrifying my vote goes to the Sugliin. Terrible mechanically, but imagine a barbarian running at you screaming and waving what is essentially several pairs of sharpened antlers tied to a huge tree branch...

2013-05-11, 02:27 PM
For just looking terrifying my vote goes to the Sugliin. Terrible mechanically, but imagine a barbarian running at you screaming and waving what is essentially several pairs of sharpened antlers tied to a huge tree branch...
I dunno, the antlers on a tree branch doesn't sound intimidating to me. Also, isn't it an exotic weapon to everyone but Neanderthals?

Be sure to add the mundane things!

Dragonlance's super-masterwork stuff, Gloryborn, Acid Washed, Pure Ore, Enhanced Bracing, Hilt Hollow, Folded Metal, Oerthblood, Ornate, Blood Groove, Basket Hilt, Perfect Balance, Razor Sharp, Resilient, Serrated, Dwarvencraft, Oil Chamber, Hizagkuur....
Some of those are in Dragon Mag. Others are DMG2.
I don't recognize the Hizagkuur...

2013-05-11, 02:53 PM
Come on people, if money is no object, then there's no reason not to include Sizing, Hideaway, Aquatic, the MIC version of Shadowstrike, Slow Burst, Prismatic Burst, Manifester, Everbright, or Vanishing. These make the weapon more expensive, but can't push it into Epic territory.
Actually according to magic item compendium page 28 any weapon with enhancements over 200,000 (even things like aquatic, but not masterwork or special materials) is epic.

2013-05-11, 03:11 PM
Actually according to magic item compendium page 28 any weapon with enhancements over 200,000 (even things like aquatic, but not masterwork or special materials) is epic.

All the enchantments together or the cost of the entire weapon? materials can take up al lot of money too...

2013-05-12, 06:53 AM
I mixed and matches some stuff and came out with something is like to call the smashing hammer:

A large Greathorn minotaur warhammer made from a platinum/oerthblood alloy. Dwarvencraft,ornate and acid washed.
With the skillful enchant, Balanced and Impact.

A Large warhammer any medium creature can use (skillful plus balanced) with 3d8 dmg and a 17-20 x4 crit range.
Hardness of 22 and 55 hp per inch the hammer is thick.
total price: 63800 gp
p.s. Ornate because it needs to look impressive

What could i add more to make this cool weapon anyone can use?

2013-05-12, 02:10 PM
Aptitude double crossbow (Dragon Magazine #349) would actually be better. Add Quickloading, Self-loading, Force and Splitting if you really like heavy machine guns.

Why would you need Quickloading and Self-Loading if you've already put Aptitude and Hand Crossbow Focus on it? Seems redundant.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-05-12, 02:26 PM
Shadow Striking (ToM) is strictly superior to metalline if you want to overcome DR, since it automatically adapts (it overcomes DR on the first hit) and can also modify itself to go past Alignment AND Material based DR. it is a +3 enhancement though.

2013-05-12, 02:36 PM
I dunno, the antlers on a tree branch doesn't sound intimidating to me. Also, isn't it an exotic weapon to everyone but Neanderthals?

Some of those are in Dragon Mag. Others are DMG2.
I don't recognize the Hizagkuur...

Actually not even Neanderthals get proficiency, though they *do* get a +1 bonus to hit and damage with it. A little silly.

Uncle Pine
2013-05-12, 02:41 PM
Why would you need Quickloading and Self-Loading if you've already put Aptitude and Hand Crossbow Focus on it? Seems redundant.

I didn't take it. I copy/pasted the weapon from a build of mine that was a little bit feat-starved. However, combining Hand Crossbow Focus and Aptitude is an awesome idea! I'll probably use it in the future, thank you!


Yeah, but Dragon is rarely allowed as far as I know.
The Races of the Dragon web enhancement (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) has double crossbows (hand, heavy and light). However, even if more DMs would probably allow web enhancement rather than Dragon material, the heavy double crossbow deal even more damage than the double crossbow from Dragon magazine. Anyway, still better than great crossbow :smallsmile:

2013-05-12, 02:44 PM
Hand crosbows are one-handed right?
Could you dual wield 2 double hand crosbows of splitting and fire 2*2*2 8 arrows in one round? even it would be a pain to reload?

Uncle Pine
2013-05-12, 02:51 PM
Hand crosbows are one-handed right?
Could you dual wield 2 double hand crosbows of splitting and fire 2*2*2 8 arrows in one round? even it would be a pain to reload?

More than that: if I read the description correctly, you can do iteratives with double crossbows from RotD web enhancement. However, you have to take Quickloading (MIC) if you want to reload them.

2013-05-12, 02:53 PM
Hand crosbows are one-handed right?
Could you dual wield 2 double hand crosbows of splitting and fire 2*2*2 8 arrows in one round? even it would be a pain to reload?

Wouldn't be a pain if you had Hand Crossbow Focus :smallbiggrin:

Also change those regular bolts out for splintering bolts and you've got yourself a shotgun.

2013-05-12, 03:22 PM
Wouldn't be a pain if you had Hand Crossbow Focus :smallbiggrin:

Also change those regular bolts out for splintering bolts and you've got yourself a shotgun.

Holy WOW. does that feat really say free action? So does that allow multiple shots a round (providing 6 or higher BAB)?

I am so having my fighter get that feat just so he can make a matrix quote and go in 'guns' a'blazing...

Where is splintering from?
I saw a homebrew somewhere to get my warforged 2 extra arms. 4 double crosbows, hello shotgun entry :)

Uncle Pine
2013-05-12, 03:22 PM
Wouldn't be a pain if you had Hand Crossbow Focus :smallbiggrin:

Also change those regular bolts out for splintering bolts and you've got yourself a shotgun.

Wait, Hand Crossbow Focus lets you reload hand crossbows as a free action, but you still need a free hand to reload it, unless you opt for Quickloading, don't you?

2013-05-12, 05:42 PM
Holy WOW. does that feat really say free action? So does that allow multiple shots a round (providing 6 or higher BAB)?

I am so having my fighter get that feat just so he can make a matrix quote and go in 'guns' a'blazing...

Where is splintering from?
I saw a homebrew somewhere to get my warforged 2 extra arms. 4 double crosbows, hello shotgun entry :)

Splintering is from the same Dragon Mag that had Double Crossbow. So it was 349 I think?

Wait, Hand Crossbow Focus lets you reload hand crossbows as a free action, but you still need a free hand to reload it, unless you opt for Quickloading, don't you?

Hmmm. I'm not really sure, because you're able to dual wield hand-crossbows already, and I'm not sure if reloading them regularly has a requirement of having a hand free.

2013-05-13, 02:32 AM
Splintering is from the same Dragon Mag that had Double Crossbow. So it was 349 I think?

Hmmm. I'm not really sure, because you're able to dual wield hand-crossbows already, and I'm not sure if reloading them regularly has a requirement of having a hand free.

Found the magazine!
It say's you can shoot, but not load a hand crosbow with one hand. Quickloading or hand crosbow focus makes reloading a free action, but you would still need a hand free to do so.

I can't however find a double hand crosbow. just hand crosbow and a normal double crosbow.

2013-05-13, 05:13 AM
Found the magazine!
It say's you can shoot, but not load a hand crosbow with one hand. Quickloading or hand crosbow focus makes reloading a free action, but you would still need a hand free to do so.

I can't however find a double hand crosbow. just hand crosbow and a normal double crosbow.

Double hand crossbow, double crossbow, and double heavy crossbow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a)

...also the greatpick.

2013-05-13, 05:22 AM
Double hand crossbow, double crossbow, and double heavy crossbow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a)

...also the greatpick.

Cool, thanks mate.

so if i read this correct, you could fire 4 arrows in one round without any feats or special stuff. Just 2 double hand crosbows. You do however take -2 from double firing. and the penalties of 2 handed fighting. All of wich will not matter if you load them up with splintering bolts am i right?

This set up with splitting on both bows and maybe exploding or force will take out a pretty big hole in a gate or wall?

Uncle Pine
2013-05-13, 08:06 AM
I finally remembered how to effectively shoot and recharge while dual-wielding: quickloading (from MIC) and self-loading (from A&EG) are required. Quickloading stores lots of bolts inside an extra-dimensional space, while self-loading pulls back the crossbow's string after firing. This way, you don't have to take a new bolt and recharge the crossbow after each attack.
Unfortunately, Hand Crossbow Focus won't work. It's still a great feat if you want to use one big crossbow, though.

2013-05-13, 09:20 AM
The +1 Warning Whatever deserves an honorable mention. For 8000 GP holding this thing gives you + 5 initiative. Its great if you're a caster and have things you want to do that don't involve poking your weapon at dudes but you would like to go sooner.

2013-05-13, 09:56 AM
I don't know why people keep putting Ghost touch on their weapons, Use Gauntlets of ghost fighting and every weapon you weild has it, saving you a +1 enchantment on your weapon and adding an extra d6 of damage against incorporeal while you are at it.

2013-05-13, 10:55 AM
The +1 Warning Whatever deserves an honorable mention. For 8000 GP holding this thing gives you + 5 initiative. Its great if you're a caster and have things you want to do that don't involve poking your weapon at dudes but you would like to go sooner.

great for anyone. For melee guys getting the first punch can make a big difference too.

I don't know why people keep putting Ghost touch on their weapons, Use Gauntlets of ghost fighting and every weapon you weild has it, saving you a +1 enchantment on your weapon and adding an extra d6 of damage against incorporeal while you are at it.
Maybe they already have something else on there gauntlet? Or only want the enchant on a back up weapon since they don't fight ghosts much?

2013-05-13, 12:26 PM
I don't know why people keep putting Ghost touch on their weapons, Use Gauntlets of ghost fighting and every weapon you weild has it, saving you a +1 enchantment on your weapon and adding an extra d6 of damage against incorporeal while you are at it.

Not familiar with 'em. What source are they from?

2013-05-13, 01:04 PM
I actually like the monk's unarmed strike. Your entire body counts as a weapon, it counts as both natural and manufactured, cannot be disarmed, and if you stack items and effects on it (such as Greater Magic Weapon, necklace of natural weapons, Ancestral Relic, and so on) you can get it up to +50 or so on weapon abilities (and +9 on enhancement bonus) pre-epic without breaking the bank too much.

That, and doing ranged body-slams via throwing and distance and becoming ethereal as a free action at will via ghost touch is pretty amazing.

Actually according to magic item compendium page 28 any weapon with enhancements over 200,000 (even things like aquatic, but not masterwork or special materials) is epic.This is why you get price reductions. Even if the unreduced price would be 200,000 gp, if you can create it for 1/10 the price you don't have to deal with the x10 multiplier until you reach 2,000,000.

2013-05-13, 03:04 PM
Skillful Sizing Morphing Staff of Mighty Sweeping. It can be any weapon of any type or size, suited for any particular task. Metalline as well for DR.

It is my current weapon on my Wu Jen/Archovist/Incantatrix/Geomancer build. Essentially allows me to turn into a 30metre tall Pit Fiend/Solar with the jaws of a direbear, and unleash hell with a 60 ft radius trip, and set up a Knockback build.

Get's my vote for panache! Can we say "Monkey King?"

2013-05-14, 03:33 AM
Not familiar with 'em. What source are they from?

Magic Item Compendium (part of the Wraith's Woe set)

2013-05-14, 10:26 AM
I don't know why people keep putting Ghost touch on their weapons, Use Gauntlets of ghost fighting and every weapon you weild has it, saving you a +1 enchantment on your weapon and adding an extra d6 of damage against incorporeal while you are at it.I do it with the monk's unarmed strike so the monk can be considered corporeal and incorporeal at the same time, at his option.