View Full Version : Need help with concept

2013-05-10, 03:40 PM
Im running a friend thru a game thats 90% kick in the door style. It is based around the idea that there is a city around a magical tower. The tower is the focus on the game, in which it is the characters go into it and are teleported to a random dungeon and what not. The town and towns people are various race and what not. They dont know how they got there centuries ago, yet they have not advanced much past building a city cause the focus is on the tower.

Its kinda like the playstation game Azure dreams.

The rules ive thrown out is only 5 people can go in, each floor is randomly generated ( via mythweavers dungeon generator ) based on level with each room containing creatures that seem to be themed on the rooms.
I.e. each room is different but they dont match the hallways.
also anything living cant pass past the doorways. they cant teleport out of dungeon with spells. (ive made it a word of power that expells them out)
Each floor is the equivillent of there level , level 1 cr =1 monsters
once the floor is cleared a portal opens up to next level. if they leave and come back the dungeon is reset put open portals are still there. there is a 2 level gap where nothing is on the floor
i.e. is characters are level 5 levels 4,5,6 have creatures

Im just looking for any ideas to help it from being exploited.

This came buy just to see a way to test combat and have easy made session.

2013-05-10, 03:44 PM
The small parts in the story i have made it hinted that the hallways are never matching to stone and woodwork in rooms. Its kind of like everytime they open the door it puts them into a room randomly spread out over the multiverse. So not every room is a situation for combat. The games mystery will be the tower. Im bealiving cause the rooms random im thinking about something with chaos magic. I bealive the big bad guy is going to be someone who tries to tap and drain the magic of the tower , which starts to rip the world apart.

They did try and push someone thru a door way and he vanished. that way they cant try and lure people out the door into hallway and jump them.

2013-05-10, 05:03 PM
Well, really quick I'll link to a thread that might give you ideas for dungeon/trap building, right here.
Ok, so you are having the party run through a morphic, dimension anchored pocket dimension inhabited by random creatures. Will there be areas where the party can rest and recover within the dungeon itself? That is, either a designated area for such a thing or will monsters not have a respawn mechanic once a level has been cleared? I ask this because most players are going to be put off by having to run through levels multiple times (even if they are different every time) whenever they go back to town and will do their best to clear the dungeon in one run. How will the tower's magic interact with certain types of magic like ethereal movement and summoning spells or items like bag's of holding?

The more important question is how are you going to run the mechanics for your love interests? Will each party member have a rival? If the party is all vying for the attention of the same mate, will the town really need five theatres?

2013-05-10, 08:37 PM
Well, really quick I'll link to a thread that might give you ideas for dungeon/trap building, right here.
Ok, so you are having the party run through a morphic, dimension anchored pocket dimension inhabited by random creatures. Will there be areas where the party can rest and recover within the dungeon itself? That is, either a designated area for such a thing or will monsters not have a respawn mechanic once a level has been cleared? I ask this because most players are going to be put off by having to run through levels multiple times (even if they are different every time) whenever they go back to town and will do their best to clear the dungeon in one run. How will the tower's magic interact with certain types of magic like ethereal movement and summoning spells or items like bag's of holding?

The more important question is how are you going to run the mechanics for your love interests? Will each party member have a rival? If the party is all vying for the attention of the same mate, will the town really need five theatres?

When they clear one floor the portal opens to next area i use the term floors as a reference to the idea of traveling to next area. If they leave and come back when they appear on floor one again the floor its self is re randomed but the portal is open so they can just travel forth to next floor they dont have to re clear, also they appear right in front of the portal.

as to resting they can rest in hallways i guess since im thinking of nothing will be accosting them.

Love intrest?

2013-05-10, 08:39 PM
also ethereal magic , will be used but not to get outa the room .
and summoning , the main character is a summoner so im allowing summoning

2013-05-10, 08:40 PM
Why not just have every few floors there is a "rest floor". A small 40x40 with a few bunk beds a firepit and a well. Maybe a desk for the wizard and a small generic alter.

2013-05-10, 09:07 PM
Monsters don't appear on floors already cleared, but the map still changes? Ok, that makes it less bothersome.
The love interest was a joke for those who have played the game. In addition to collecting/fighting monsters you could pursue a number of female love interests who you could woo through gifts, building stuff in town and other stuff.

2013-05-10, 09:44 PM
Monsters don't appear on floors already cleared, but the map still changes? Ok, that makes it less bothersome.
The love interest was a joke for those who have played the game. In addition to collecting/fighting monsters you could pursue a number of female love interests who you could woo through gifts, building stuff in town and other stuff.

that was 100% the pure concept for azure dreams, but his character is not interested in that, the upgrading of the town might be a possiability tho.

im just looking for loop holes ahead of time if your player characters where in this senario what would you do to try an eploit it?