View Full Version : Please help me plan a Demon Post-Apocalyptic campaign! Meanie Angels too!

2013-05-10, 03:46 PM
Hello everyone,

Odds are my current campaign is over within the first half-hour of my session tomorrow. I have already told all my players to prepare a backup PC just in case.

A little background on my cosmology:
-Humans are almost extinct. They were considered a "plague" by both the savage races and the long-lived raced (Elves, Dwarves, Vampire Counts).
-This world/new setting I have been envisioning for a while is meant to be one of the last worlds in my Material Plane (I run Spelljammer a lot) where Humans managed to hold out the "fall".

About this world/setting specifically:
-When the last five Human gods went into eternal hiding with a handful of Humans under a treaty with the other gods (both good and evil ones), the good gods (Moradin, Corellon, etc) decided, with a heavy heart, that the "Human Plague" could not be allowed to spread again. This last stronghold world of humanity had to be "cleansed" or their children could once again be driven from their Elven Forests or Dwarven Kingdoms.
-To the complete surprise of the evil powers and deities, the good gods unbound their hands on this world and sent down armies of Angels (aka Celestials) onto the planet to open the gates to the Abyss.
-As the planet, especially the Human settlements, were ravaged the armies of Angels stationed themselves around the forests and kingdoms of the Elves, as well as the mountains, valleys, and realms of the Dwarves. There they remain until the "cleansing" is complete, and the call to drive the Demons back into the Abyss is heard from above.

Some Houserules for this world:
-I am giving everything Demon or Demon-related DR vs. Silver.
-While Angels will not hinder, and might even help, members of other races stuck in this mess, they consider any creature aiding a Human (even a Dwarf or Elf) an enemy that must be dealt with.
-This is a Post-Apocalyptic world. D20 Modern weapons and such will be rare, but scattered around as treasure.

What I need:
-ANYTHING Demon or Angel related from the official books, 3rd party, or that you can toss at me from anywhere! Most of the stuff stated out in the official books are too high level to start off with at 1st level and up like I want to.
-Ideas, suggestions, and such for this campaign idea.
-Demon (and maybe Angel) related classes, templates, things revolving around pacts with Demons if possible, and whatnot!
-Again, ideas on how to run such a campaign (new territory to me).

Many Pikas in advance!

2013-05-10, 03:52 PM
Dr /silver or vs silver? Cause if the latter... What good is silver then? Also it'd give certain creatures DR/- effectively.

For pacts: look into vestiges and refluff

Edit: also what happens to half-humans in your setting?

(flavor nitpicking ahead) The flavor of the campaign sounds interesting but with said behavior from the gods: pact breaking with allied deities and genocide of a non-evil race: you might want to bump them 1 south and east in the alignment axis.

2013-05-10, 03:53 PM
Well, you can slap the Celestial or Half-Celestial template on... just about anything, really... to make it angel-themed.

2013-05-10, 03:54 PM
Dr /silver or vs silver? Cause if the latter... What good is silver then? Also it'd give certain creatures DR/- effectively.

LoL. Silly me. Yes, DR/Silver..

And why DR/-? I wanted to give a weakness to them, and I wanted a fluffy feel to it.

For pacts: look into vestiges and refluff

Where do I find those pwease?

2013-05-10, 03:55 PM
Well, you can slap the Celestial or Half-Celestial template on... just about anything, really... to make it angel-themed.

Yes, but I need lighter stuff for the early and lower levels. I also want lots of variety to keep from being predictable, and to keep the game from going stale to the players.

2013-05-10, 03:58 PM
Pact Magic is in the Tome of Magic

If it was DR vs silver fiendish creatures with dr/silver would reduce the damage taken from any weapon

2013-05-10, 04:09 PM
Yes, but I need lighter stuff for the early and lower levels. I also want lots of variety to keep from being predictable, and to keep the game from going stale to the players.

Define lighter. The Celestial Template is CR+0 for anything 3 hit dice or below. Half-Celestial is +1 CR for 5 HD or less, +2 for 6-10 hit dice, and +3 for above that. Both are usable at quite low levels - a Celestial Wolf is CR 1, for instance.

There's an index of D&D critters available for download Here (http://ant.hivemind.net/monsters.html); lots of filters you can use. The Monster Finder (http://monsterfinder.dndrunde.de/) is also handy.

2013-05-10, 05:19 PM
Define lighter. The Celestial Template is CR+0 for anything 3 hit dice or below. Half-Celestial is +1 CR for 5 HD or less, +2 for 6-10 hit dice, and +3 for above that. Both are usable at quite low levels - a Celestial Wolf is CR 1, for instance.

True, but again I imagine that would get old fast. LoL