View Full Version : PMA: In the Footsteps of Gods

2013-05-10, 07:43 PM
The Roman Empire ruled for centuries, bolstered by the power of legendary pokemon they had befriended or captured. However, when the latest corrupt emperor began abusing and neglecting his victini, it rebelled, and a simultaneous attack by "barbarian" hordes on the capital itself left the empire in disarray overnight.

Chaos ensued worldwide, as many other dynasties that had been using legendary pokemon as allies or slaves found a small, fiery pokemon would visit their power source late at night and in the morning, the legendary would turn on them, often wreaking much damage before escaping. Many generations later, very few governments larger than a barony remain. There is a collection of powerful legendary pokemon out there that actively hates humanity, and infighting among humans after the collapse still has not died down. Though many calamities have happened in the intervening time, some of the more powerful landed nobles are beginning to consolidate even larger swaths of land underneath their influence.

However, this isn't where our story starts. Our story starts in an inn in Delibird's Respite, where a man is just waking up...

2013-05-10, 07:57 PM
Arayos yawns as he pulls himself to his feet, taking a few moments to go through his normal morning routine. Grabbing his crystal wand and slipping it into the holster woven into his sleeve, he makes his way down to the main room of the inn, hoping to get something to eat - and maybe pick up any news in the area, before heading out. The region should have some useful Pokémon available to harvest - and maybe one to keep for himself.

Perception to see what, if anything, I might overhear: [roll0]

2013-05-10, 08:01 PM
You are distracted as a lump of snow slides down your back through a tiny hole in the ceiling. Food's 100 for you, 25 per mon.

2013-05-10, 08:16 PM
Getting a simple meal for himself and for his Pokémon, Arayos then decides to head out into the town, wanting to get a feel for the area before heading out hunting - and, of course, keeping an ear out for any rumors... or potential customers.

Subtracted ^200 for foods.
Perception to see if I hear anything interesting in town: [roll0]

2013-05-10, 08:25 PM
You were so intent on trying to find something, you fail to notice the snowball that hits you in the back of your head. Maybe you should just try your hand at things...

2013-05-10, 08:45 PM
Scowling as he brushes the remains of the snowball off of the back of his head, Arayos makes his way out into the tundra around the city, in the hopes of seeing what he can find around here.

Wild Roll: [roll0]

2013-05-11, 11:51 AM
Wandering out into the cold, you find tracks of a small beast, bipedal. Following them, you eventually come to a field where small mon with what seem to be blankets to fend off the cold are working together. A quick scan with your wand reveals them to be snorunt.

2013-05-11, 04:26 PM
Snorunt... Arayos thinks to himself as he looks over the group, getting an idea of just how many are there before he proceeds further. Their cloaks could be used as the base for some good cold-weather outfits. Beyond that, best option would probably be mixing blood into metal in order to imbue it with ice-elemental attributes for weapons or armor...

2013-05-13, 08:22 PM
There are currently four snorunts, which you note seem to all be female. Rare enough find for these mon, and opens up new options too, according to your wand.

2013-05-13, 10:59 PM
Aaralyn, you approach the clearing. You had wandered northwest after your departure, getting to know your new flareon and ghost eevee better as you went, as well as soothing the druddigon a bit. Now it won't try to hurt you at least, but it's still fairly sullen, not over the death of its father (loyalty .5, might fight, might throw tantrum, not about to run though). A few hundred feet back by the trail, some tracks caught your interest. Tracking them back, you find yourself looking at a clearing with four snorunts setting something up.

(Blues, Karen, perception to see if you spot each other :smallbiggrin:)

Karen Lynn
2013-05-13, 11:20 PM
Aaralyn examines the Snorunt, watching them, waiting to see what they do while she pets the Flareon she's yet to name.


2013-05-14, 01:42 AM
Arayos nods to himself - might be worth keeping a couple of these girls alive. An Ice type might fill a gap in on his team, and even if not, they're rare enough that it might make a good trade later on. Slipping out one of his unbound crystals with his free hand, he releases Asterope with a wave of his wand as he looks over the group, trying to decide which one would be the best to target.

Perception(Hopefully I get better luck outside of town): [roll0]

2013-05-14, 04:31 PM
Aaralyn, you notice activity on the other side of the glen. Seems you're not the only human this group has caught the attention of. Meanwhile, on Arayos's end, more snow falls in his face. Typical, really.
This group is squabbling over something. What, you cannot really tell what it is from here, you both know it seems shiny.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-14, 04:44 PM
"Well, what's that I see?" I continue to wait, watching the scene play out.

2013-05-15, 01:48 AM
Hmm... not sure what they're so focused on. But I can find out after I deal with them... Focusing on the Snorunt closest to him, he flings the quartz crystal at the creature forcefully, before pulling his bow and nocking an arrow. "Asterope," he calls out, "hit the one farthest to our left with a Thundershock." The Jolteon gives a bark of assent before darting forward within range, and firing a blast of lightning at the indicated target with a cry.

Moving into Pokeball range, and attempting to Capture whichever Snorunt is nearest to me. Using Curve Ball for 5 damage.
Capture Roll:

Moving within 10 of the farthest left Snorunt, and using Thundershock.

Thundershock - AC: v 2 + Special Evasion(Paralyze on 17-20), 1d12+29 Electric Special Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

2013-05-15, 07:02 PM
The pokemon squeal as the attacks hit, before splitting into four more mon each (double team). They begin to scatter away from each other, but the as yet unnamed flareon and Aaralyn can likely put a damper on that...

Karen Lynn
2013-05-15, 10:24 PM
"Vapor, Fluffers, Flareon, corral them in! Keep an eye on that Jolteon!" She draws her bow to length, holding the arrow in place.

2013-05-16, 02:06 PM
Your mon go to circle the crowd, but four mon have trouble keeping twelve in place, especially when several aren't real.

Where did those come from?! A pair of eevees and a flareon burst out of cover from the side, and you hear someone call out. The snorunt are panicking now.

(You guys are all faster, so go ahead. Sorry about the lack of a map, this is meant to be fast. You can catch 2 of the snorunt with a pass each, roll 2 dice, 1d4 each, to figure out if you hit a real one or a fake).

Karen Lynn
2013-05-16, 02:56 PM
"Flareon, use Flame Charge!"


2013-05-16, 05:19 PM
Arayos blinks as the three Pokémon burst out, thinking, How did I miss that someone else was here? Well, they seem to be trying to keep them in place, so may as well take advantage of it.

Picking a target, he looses his arrow at one of the more central Pokémon, before calling out, "Asterope, another Thundershock! Take them down!" The Jolteon replies with a bolt of lightning at different Snorunt, as Arayos watches, waiting to see if any of the real ones were hit.

As I don't have pass moves on Asterope, I'll just be using single attacks.

Arayos: Arms Attack(Crafted Bow) v Snorunt
Target: [roll0]
AC: [roll1] v 8 + Physical Evasion(Due to Double Team)
Damage: [roll2] Normal Physical plus [roll3] on Crit.

Asterope: Thundershock v Snorunt
Target: [roll4]
AC: [roll5] v 4 + Special Evasion(Due to Double Team)(Paralyze on 17-20)
Damage: [roll6] Electric Special plus [roll7] on Crit.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-16, 05:58 PM
Seeing the other person loose an arrow, she will also loose her own.


Karen Lynn
2013-05-16, 06:00 PM
DP crit and forgot d4 roll.

2013-05-16, 06:24 PM
Two disappear, causing the mon to cry out as the backlash hits, but the arrow and the bolt fly true, the arrow felling one and the other looking hurt.
(7 remain)
The remaining mon try to ice their attackers.
[roll0]-powder snow, 2+spec def (all three) Jolteon
[roll2] Eevee
[roll4] Ghost eevee

2013-05-16, 07:57 PM
Arayos quickly pulls another quartz stone, flinging it at the hurt Snorunt, while calling out, "Keep at it, Asterope! Thundershock another one!" The Jolteon fires at another of the Pokémon, trying to identify which of the remaining targets are real.

Arayos - Capture attempt against the hurt(but still conscious) Snorunt.
Capture Roll: [roll0]

Asterope: Thundershock against another Snorunt.
AC: [roll1] v 4 + Special Evasion(Paralyze on 17-20)
Damage: [roll2] Electric Special plus [roll3] on Crit.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-17, 12:39 AM
"Guys! Watch yourself! Take'em down! Flareon, Ember!"

[roll1] if crit [roll2]

[roll5] if crit [roll6]

2013-05-17, 06:44 PM
One disappears into the ball easily enough (snorunt, 16, female, 25% hp). Three more pop, leaving four left, one barely conscious. Panicking more, the snorunts left try to to punch a hole to exit through, aiming for the weakest opposition, the ghost eevee.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-18, 12:34 AM
"Let's see how it goes."

Capture roll:

Curve ball: 4 damage, unresistable
Bean ball
11+: Crit, 8 damage unresistable
17+: +Flinch. Both affect capture rate

Karen Lynn
2013-05-18, 12:51 AM
Double posting. I keep forgetting the d4 roll. >.<

2013-05-20, 11:09 AM
The crystal passes through one, popping it. However, it hits a real snorunt behind it, which also disappears easily. (Female, 16 too). An illusion and a real one remain, and try and run again.
(Call left or right with any attacks, no more 1d4 business)

2013-05-21, 12:51 AM
Arayos nods, seeing the two remaining. "Asterope, hit the one on the left! Thundershock!" He pulls out another crystal as Asterope launches his attack, waiting to see which is the real target before flinging the crystal.

Asterope: Targeting left Snorunt with Thundershock.

AC: [roll0] v 4 + Special Evasion
Damage: [roll1] Electric Special plus [roll2] on Crit.

Arayos: Capture Attempt against real Snorunt(only if identified, doing nothing if Asterope's attack fails) - [roll3]

Karen Lynn
2013-05-21, 01:39 AM
"Vapor! Come back! Fluffers, Flareon, keep'em corralled." Aaralyn will walk out, bow drawn, aiming at the right one.

2013-05-21, 05:37 PM
The last one disappears as the quartz absorbs the final wild snorunt. So now there are four eeveelutions in the open field, Aaralyn's three eying the strange jolteon curiously, and sniffing at him.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-21, 09:28 PM
"C'mon out!" I call. "I've been watching you since before you started. Figured I'd assist your hunt."

2013-05-22, 12:37 AM
Arayos steps forward, Asterope following behind. Shouldering his bow, he waves to the other trainer. "Hello, and thanks for your help! I do appreciate it!" He heads over and picks up his crystals, making a note to look at the Pokémon more thoroughly later, before pulling out his knife and kneeling by the remaining Snorunt, contemplating how he can get the most use from it.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-22, 07:36 AM
"If you need more, you can have the ones I caught. Crystal for crystal." She will unstring her bow and check on Vapor. "You took too many hits out there. Going to have to see about getting you patched up."

2013-05-22, 01:06 PM
"Thanks, but no," he says, not looking up as he sets the knife aside for a moment, pulling out some phials and other tools. "I only worried about catching them at all because the females are fairly rare, and can evolve differently. I'll be looking to sell one of them." As he speaks, he quickly finishes off the Snorunt before starting to drain the blood into the phials, wanting to do that before removing the cloak.

Not sure if I need any type of rolls here or what.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-22, 01:35 PM
"Well, this one's a female. Maybe I'll just sell her. Need a hand at all?" I will start pacing the clearing, listening and looking for others that may be in the area.

After her perimeter search, she'll walk back to him. "Jolteon, huh? How'd that happen?"

2013-05-22, 07:00 PM
(Not going to make you roll things for most butchering jobs. Ones concerning pokemon with strange anatomy will have something, though.)
You find nothing in your perimeter search, as Arayos goes through his grisly work. Seeing their owners are getting along well enough, the eevees begin to socialize, trying to lick the wounds Vapor took.

2013-05-23, 12:54 AM
Continuing his work, Arayos answers, "Asterope's been with me since before I started my travels. Wound up evolving when I got into a tight spot with some flying types - absorbed the power from some materials I had and drove off a whole flock of angry Wingulls." Looking up at her own Pokémon, and smiling as the Jolteon gets acquainted with them, he then asks, "What about you? I recognize the Flareon, but not the other one." He returns to his work after a quick wave of his wand over the spectral Pokémon.

Should I just eyeball component amounts then? Obviously, I'll only get 1 Snorunt cloak, but I'm not sure how much Snorunt Blood I can expect to harvest.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-23, 04:22 PM
"That would be Vapor, one of my Eevees. C'mon back, friend." Aaralyn will recall him and use a potion before letting him out again. [roll0] hp. "Anyways, I'm Aaralyn. Who're you? What they doing out here?" Aaralyn will check the shiny bit they were messing with.

2013-05-23, 04:27 PM
Apparently, fighting over an evolution stone.

2013-05-23, 04:31 PM
"Arayos Vayen. And it was more a matter of seeing what I came across - not looking for any specific components at present," Arayos responds as he finishes with the Snorunt, separating the cloak and rolling it carefully before stowing it and the phials of its blood in the appropriate spots in his pack. "If nothing else, I hope to be able to sell the extra Snorunt I got here - females of the species are pretty rare. As for what I was actually looking for..." Arayos thinks for a moment, before deciding to tell her - she didn't seem to concerned about his rendering of the Snorunt in front of her after all. "Pokémon carry power within them. My family has always been crafters - and one of the things we're taught is to harness that power for our creations. So, I hunt wild Pokémon to harvest for materials - sometimes for specific things, and sometimes I'll just head out to see if I find anything that inspires me. Anyway," he looks at her before asking, "what brought you out here?"

Karen Lynn
2013-05-23, 04:36 PM
She picks up the evo stone(dawn stone, right?), and examines it closely. "That's interesting... Just so long as you only target wilds, or criminal's mons who enjoy committing crimes."

2013-05-23, 04:40 PM
Nodding, Arayos answers, "Yeah. It's traditional in our family to use components of our own Pokémon when they die for something for our own use - a way to keep them with us, sort of. But I don't go after other people's Pokémon." Noticing the Dawn Stone she's holding, he says, "Hmm... that's what they were here for, then?"

Karen Lynn
2013-05-23, 04:43 PM
"I would assume so." Aaralyn eyes Fluffers and Vapor, then looks back at Arayos. "So, do you have claim on the stone, or...?"

2013-05-23, 04:45 PM
Arayos looks at the stone for a moment, before answering, "I could use it - a Froslass would be a useful addition to my own group. If you plan on using it yourself, though, I certainly won't object - though... if not, I'd be willing to make something for you in exchange."

Karen Lynn
2013-05-23, 04:56 PM
"I'd like that. Here. We can figure out the cost later, I'm sure." She hands him the stone and goes to pet her three. "So, either of you decide you want to be a Jolteon?" She smiles at her two Eevees.

2013-05-23, 05:07 PM
Nodding, Arayos says, "Sounds like a plan, then." While she attents to her Eevees, he slots one of the Snorunt's crystals into his wand and calls it forth, smiling at the Pokémon. "Hello, there," he says, holding the Dawn Stone in its view. "You were looking for this, right? Tell you what... I'll be happy to give it to you, if you stick with me. Alright?"

Karen Lynn
2013-05-23, 05:32 PM
"I guess it's about feeding time for these lot. Alright, everybody. Chow time." With that, she'll tap each crystal, calling forth the entirety of her team. She calls out the Druddigon last, ready to return him if need be. She'll divvy up food for the lot of them, checking on Scale.

"Feeling any better?"

Afterwards, she'll ask Arayos if there's a town near enough to stock up on food.
Party time! Fluffers, Flareon, Vapor, Ignis, Sashimi, Scale, Flit, Fisty, and Dancer. Two wands, nine mons. o.o

2013-05-23, 06:13 PM
The snorunt spots its kin and shivers at the dismembered corpse. Not wanting to end up like her, she nods carefully.

Fluffers gives a couple barks, giving a small nod as she occasionally considers that. It's still a very weighty choice, though, at least for them.

2013-05-23, 06:16 PM
Arayos smiles softly at the Pokémon. "Don't worry... I'm not going to hurt you. I'll call you Virgo, I think..." As he touches the stone to the Snorunt, he says to Aaralyn, "Nearest town would be Delibird's Respite - I've actually been staying there for the past couple days, it's not far."

2013-05-23, 08:08 PM
The snorunt sighs, and her eyes close. White steam pours out her mouth as her body shrinks and deforms, billowing and coalescing into a new body a bit above. Soon, the snorunt has become little more than a pile of snow, and above it, Virgo the Froslass opens her eyes for the first time.

2013-05-23, 08:14 PM
Arayos smiles as he observes Virgo's new form. "You truly are beautiful..." he says, softly, before nodding to himself. Taking a moment to scan all of Aaralyn's Pokemon with his wand, he then asks the woman, "So... you want me to show you where the town is, right?"

Karen Lynn
2013-05-24, 04:11 PM
"I do. And maybe find me a buyer for this Snorunt. I've quite a few already."

2013-05-25, 01:00 AM
Arayos nods, and answers, "Yeah, I'll be trying to find a buyer for the second one I caught anyway. Let's go, Virgo..." He recalls the Froslass and begins leading Aaralyn back towards Delibird's Respite.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-25, 01:53 AM
She follows, recalling all but Vapor, Fluffers, and Flare.

2013-05-26, 10:12 PM
You reach Delibird's Respite, and find the healer's hut, run by a pair of people who must be recently finished apprentices. (100 per mon to heal, 25 per status effect).
Would you like to check around for bounties, either man or mon?"

2013-05-27, 12:40 AM
Arayos nods, and says, "I'd be interested in seeing what Pokémon bounties are out there."

Karen Lynn
2013-05-27, 01:16 AM
"As would I. Pokemon can cause a lot more damage. After we clear up any pokemon bounties, let's take the more criminal human ones."

2013-05-27, 01:34 AM
Nodding at Aaralyn, Arayos answers, "Sounds good. I would like to try and meet with the Captain here at some point... if only to see if I can interest him in any of my work."

2013-05-27, 06:57 PM
You two head to the job board, and find a few troublemakers in the area. A pack of crygonals have been waylaying travelers to the southwest (you had to go a bit farther north, into a mountain range, to get here, Aaralyn). In the city, a gang of sneasel have been acting as cutpurses, whether for a human or a stronger one, who knows? Further north, there were rumors of a lake with premier basculin and magikarp, among which is rumors of a strong, yet sad, singing monster. There are more if you wish to read them.

2013-05-28, 12:25 AM
Arayos looks over the jobs, making sure to note the one about the lake, before turning to Aaralyn. "I'd be fine starting with either the Cryogonals or the Sneasels first - while I'd like to take a look at this lake, that one we might be able to wait for."

Karen Lynn
2013-05-28, 04:40 AM
"Agreed. I think we best start with the Sneasels, then take care of the Cryogonals."

2013-05-28, 12:37 PM
Arayos nods, and replies, "That should work quite nicely, I'd say."

2013-05-28, 09:34 PM
Nodding, you both go into the town.
(d20+charisma for rumors, d20+wis to track, or d20+int or the tracker feat from cap spec to determine what locations are likely to be their hideout.)

2013-05-29, 12:10 AM
Arayos thinks for a moment as they head out of the town, going over what he's seen and heard about Delibird's Respite to try and figure out where a group of thieving Sneasels might hide out.

Informed Tracker: [roll0]

Also, we still need the XP from those Snorunts.

Karen Lynn
2013-05-30, 04:42 PM
Aaralyn will look around and try to help Arayos.

2013-05-31, 12:39 PM
(520 experience for the snorunts, by the way)
You look around, and determine that these sneasel aren't hiding in town, but some nearby cave. You also find some tufts of their black fur caught on a recent heist's wall when you go to inspect it. Maybe this could be useful with your impressive array of tracking pokemon?

2013-05-31, 06:10 PM
Arayos nods, picking up the fur, and says, "They'll be hiding out in one of the nearby caves... and since we have four excellent trackers between us, it shouldn't be too difficult to locate them." As he says that, he releases Asterope, and lowers the fur down towards the Jolteon as he says, "Alright, girl... need you to try and track down these Sneasels, alright? Think you can get their trail?"

Tracker: [roll0]

Karen Lynn
2013-05-31, 06:17 PM
Aaralyn will have her Eevee check out the fur, and try to sniff it out as well.
Sorry, didn't get the email ping. >.<

2013-06-01, 10:12 PM
Unfortunately, they fail to pick up the scent.

2013-06-01, 11:47 PM
Arayos frowns, and says, "Having trouble tracking it... think one of your other Eevees might be able to pick up the trail?"

Karen Lynn
2013-06-01, 11:53 PM
"I think Vapor might." Calls out Vapor, returns Fluffers. [roll0]

2013-06-02, 07:34 PM
Vapor does, in fact, find the trail! It yips before leading you through the streets, occasionally phasing through things in the way.

Karen Lynn
2013-06-02, 07:40 PM
"Crap!" She chases after, darting and weaving about as needed to avoid things/people.

2013-06-02, 07:44 PM
Arayos quickly releases Alshain and hops on the Skarmory, saying, "Up!" before calling to Aaralyn, "I'll follow from the air!" and nudging the flying Pokémon into the air, keeping just above the tops of the houses there so he can track the girl and her Pokémon effectively.

2013-06-10, 04:35 PM
(Sorry, had issues getting to notes for a while, so I just winged it where I could. All sorted now.)
You both chase the tiny ghost mon, and are led to the outskirts of town. Vapor stops at what seems to be a dried up well, and yips.

Karen Lynn
2013-06-26, 11:31 PM
"Good job, Vapor. Ignus, Flare, time to play." She returns Vapor and calls out her Growlithe and Flareon, not willing to risk one of her others being gravely injured.

2013-06-27, 12:20 AM
Quickly landing Alshain, Arayos dismounts and recalls the steel-type before releasing Asterope. "Don't have a fire-type myself... I'll have to see about getting one later," he says to Aaralyn.

Karen Lynn
2013-06-28, 11:35 AM
"I have what is possibly two terrible ideas. One, we shout down the well and call them out. Two, I send Ignis and Flare down, throwing fire everywhere."

2013-06-28, 10:05 PM
Thinking for a moment, Arayos replies, "I say we call them out - Sneasels are stealthy, and I wouldn't want to go after them down there."

2013-07-02, 11:04 PM
(So, calling them out then? If so, here we go. If not, disregard this.)
The eeveelutions begin yipping at the cave, trying to taunt them into conflict already. However, it just seems to end with scraping claws echoing around the well...
(Wisdom and tracker rolls, charimsa)

2013-07-04, 04:51 PM
Arayos sighs, saying, "We may not have much of a choice but to go after them..." He releases Asterope once more, hoping the Jolteon can pick up their scent more effectively.

WIS: [roll0]
CHA: [roll1]
Tracker: [roll2]

Karen Lynn
2013-07-10, 01:35 PM
(Sorry, i have to drop this game, amongst many others... Life is pretty much giving me the bird right now.)

2013-07-12, 06:48 PM
You seek about, spotting nothing, but you hear skittering in the darkness. The eeveelutions sniff about the well. Cold wind blows from there, causing them to fall back panickedly.
Seems that they're angry, and you have their attention at the front gate.

2013-07-15, 09:18 PM
Arayos frowns and says, "Looks like I've got your attention, at least... Asterope, let's go." He then heads to the edge of the well, ready to climb down.

Any specific checks needed?

2013-07-20, 11:45 PM
(Give me a dex check, since you're going down)
Beneath your feet, you think you hear the claws scrape and scurry away, apparently either scared or preparing something.

2013-07-21, 01:37 AM
Arayos begins carefully making his way down the well, wary of the Sneasel awaiting him.

DEX: [roll0]

2013-07-26, 04:42 PM
You make it down into the pit, surprised by how much space seems to be around down there. Must've been widened out by wilds at some point.
The sneasels have disappeared from the general vicinity. There are tunnels, North, South, East, West, and up. What would you like to do?

2013-07-27, 01:59 AM
Arayos looks down at Asterope and says, "You still got their scent?"

I feel compelled to point out that I got a 19 on that tracker check.

2013-07-27, 05:48 AM
The scent seems to split up here. Different numbers in each direction. Which way first?
(Trying a dungeon layout, map comes later)

2013-07-28, 01:05 AM
Arayos gives it a moment's thought before pulling out his hunting knife and heading down the northern tunnel - though not before using his knife to scrape an arrow in the wall pointing down that path.

2013-07-31, 09:35 PM
You head down, and the scrapings change pitches. The light begins to fade before you get to he back...
(You may need a glow mon, perceptions, and a map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnI5j6WFT83RdEJ6UVFPWDVYdDVyTk1vYk1vME5xU Gc#gid=8))

2013-08-01, 05:43 PM
Arayos looks around, trying to spot - or hear - signs of movement in the darkness.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-13, 06:49 PM
You don't catch any signs, which is unfortunate as Aaralyn gets a cut on the back, hissing at the sudden stab wound. Now, red blood stains claws in the flareon's light, as more claws sharpen up.

2013-08-13, 11:54 PM
Arayos frowns, gaze darting about for any signs of the attacking Pokémon. "Asterope, keep your eyes open, and get ready to strike the moment you see movement."

Perception: [roll0]

If a target is seen, Asterope will use Quick Attack to hit them and interrupt whatever they might be attempting.

2013-08-19, 06:56 PM
A claw narrowly misses your face as Asterope leaps at it's owner, you not having spotted it, but Asterope able to track the smell of blood spilled. Meanwhile, your partner's flareon sets some fires, evening the field a bit. Three sneasel are int he room with you, two sharpening their claws.
(roll them)

2013-08-25, 03:31 PM
Asterope lunges at one of the Sneasels, while Arayos nods at Aaralyn as she directs her Flareon to provide some light. Pulling out his hunting knife, he looks around, ready to strike at one of the dark-types.

Quick Attack - AC: [roll0] v 2 + Physical Evasion, [roll1] Normal Physical Damage plus [roll2] on Crit.

2013-09-26, 07:45 PM
The sneasel is wounded, but before you guys fight on, you find yourself in...
What the hell is this?
You both are standing in a strange, giant room, tables askew as a fat man in robes is using an overly large and ornate staff to hit a weird, eldritch device that is currently spitting out fire and smoke.
"Dammit work you piece of-aw, Heatran's orbs, no no no!"
Several others begin to appear in the room as well, as the fat man begins moving things about with his mind and cursing more.