View Full Version : Disguising an Ambush Drake

2013-05-10, 09:28 PM
after reading another post about good monsters for PCs and seeing people talk about ambush drakes, I got the idea of maybe playing one, one day. However I can see one of the biggest problems being getting my guy to actually be able to go into a town, city, or village without people freaking out and trying to kill the "dragon coming to eat them" so basically what I'm asking is what would be the easiest, most reliable, cheapest, and lowest level able way of disguising the drake as a human or humanoidish figure so he could venture into said city to spend some time.

The Mentalist
2013-05-10, 09:30 PM
Alter Self into Dragonwrought Kobold or one of the races from Races of Dragon?

2013-05-10, 09:45 PM
Kobolds are extinct in the setting I play in, and a half dragon walking into town would probably be just as scary. A spell-scale may work, but I have no idea if they exist or not in the setting.

2013-05-10, 11:05 PM
Max ranks Disguise check, using a Masterwork Disguise Kit for a bonus? If you can get Disguise Self or a similar spell cast on you, that's good too. It's only a -2 for "different race". Mundane disguises are hard to counter.

2013-05-10, 11:17 PM
Provided you have a party who are unlikely to be jerks, pretending to be a dog would probably be easier than pretending to be humanoid.

2013-05-11, 12:42 AM
Spend a few GP on a hireling to pretend to be a druid. You pretend to be an alligator, or fleshraker, or whatever.

If the town guards give you or the hireling any grief, add a sequined vest, pillbox hat, and a fiddle or mandolin for the hireling. Put a couple ranks into Perform: Dance.

2013-05-11, 01:29 AM
If the town guards give you or the hireling any grief, add a sequined vest, pillbox hat, and a fiddle or mandolin for the hireling yourself. Put a couple ranks into Perform: Dance.

Have fancy costumes (complete with suit, dancing shoes, top hat, and cane) for both you and your hirelings, and do a song-and-dance routine. Be the most awesome drake ever. You might not even need a disguise if you just come into town dancing. Just become the famous Dancing Drake, get a tavern named after you, realize you're winning at D&D. Nobody can refuse you, because of how awesome and entertaining you are.

But seriously, you could probably just say you're someone's Animal Companion. Or you pick up a saddle, some saddlebags, and disguise as a pony or wolf.

2013-05-11, 01:47 AM
Not exactly low level, but 6 levels of Dragonfire Adept can get you the Humanoid Shape invocation.

Fouredged Sword
2013-05-11, 10:44 AM
"Ok, listen guys. Put the pitchforks down. Really, I just want to get a pint. Ok, it's a long story. There was a wizard, and a curse, and now I got scales. Please, can we not do the whole 'arg, a dragon' song and dance, just this once?"

Also, you may be able to alter self into a gold dragon. I think there is a feat that lets you gain one SU ability from an assumed form. Take a level of egoist and get the shapechange ACF. Turn into a gold dragon, then use that form to turn into any medium or smaller animal or humanoid. Turn into a humming bird if you want, or a human, or a dog.

2013-05-11, 10:48 AM
"Ok, listen guys. Put the pitchforks down. Really, I just want to get a pint. Ok, it's a long story. There was a wizard, and a curse, and now I got scales. Please, can we not do the whole 'arg, a dragon' song and dance, just this once?"

Also, you may be able to alter self into a gold dragon. I think there is a feat that lets you gain one SU ability from an assumed form. Take a level of egoist and get the shapechange ACF. Turn into a gold dragon, then use that form to turn into any medium or smaller animal or humanoid. Turn into a humming bird if you want, or a human, or a dog.

Metamorphic Transfer is what you're thinking about.

2013-05-11, 10:53 AM
No silverbrow human mentioned yet?