View Full Version : Rune-Based Classes? /Similar?

2013-05-11, 01:32 AM
My internet went off for 4 days so I wrote a baseclass, I just need to know if there are classes in homebrew or not (any edition) that specialize in writing, drawing, painting or generally combat-terrain-marking.

As for the base-class, here's a teaser:
-Psionic Scout/Caster/Scoundrel
-Calls psionic items
-Uses Tome of Battle-esque abilities, attacks, boosts and terrain marking abilities.
-Central weapon is the underrated Sprayer, filled with psychoreactive dust similar to shapesand tech but in much smaller quantities, mixed with paint and/or other alchems.
-Tag Artist, Acrobat, Music and Painting Themed



2013-05-11, 01:47 AM
Player's Guide to Faerūn has the Runecaster prestige class.

Complete Arcane has the Geometer.

I'm sure there's some rules for this sort of thing in AD&D 2E, maybe even 1E, but can't think of any off-hand...

2013-05-11, 02:27 AM
Arcana Evolved has a Runethane, Monte Cook's Transcendence has the Runeblade, and Frost and Fur has the Vitki. All of them work by casting spell-like effects as runes, which are set off when the runes are read, touched or activated by the caster.

Also, Legend's popular around these parts, and it has its Mechanist Savant track, which could also give some ideas in a d20 context. It's not fluffed as runes, but it could work similarly to what you're interested in.

2013-05-11, 11:58 PM
Some interesting concepts in there, most of them highly unappealing, awkward and flat out boring, which is a great sign because creating a psionic rune skilltricker with a ToB maneuver-like system and gramarie flavor? Looks promising and gap-filling.

The mechanist savant had some interesting off-flavor, detection field, runic spread, sentries, enough to ember in the ol' brain tinderpile.

Thanks for the info!

2013-05-12, 01:07 AM
Pathfinder has the Cryptic (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/cryptic).