View Full Version : Foresight. Question(s)..

2013-05-11, 09:19 AM
I realize that foresight is a powerful spell...

I d like to know which is the cheapest / easiest way to get its effects..

Wand? have a high lvl wiz perma it on you? be the wizard? a continuous or use/day item?

(Why i'm asking? I m in the process of creating a build and this effect will be a Must)

3,5E , no mags , no homebrew

PS: my 1st thought was a perma detect thoughts or item but after reading it carefully i don't think it would be what i want.

PS2: Foresight is kind overkill for what i have in mind, but i couldn't find anything closer to what i want. Which is the abilities:
1)Never get flanked
2)Never be surprised
3)Never loose Dex to Ac
And knowing what/when/how an/all enemies will try to hit me just in time to be able to react.

PS3: I don't need the effect to be up all the time.. it could be "turned on" when i wish and/or when something(i ll choose what that will be, RP-wise) triggers it.
Like 1/day use will be enough but it should last at least 2 hours.

Piggy Knowles
2013-05-11, 09:55 AM
You can avoid ever being flanked with a feat: Shape Soulmeld (Threefold Mask of the Chimera). Find it in Magic of Incarnum. It's nice because even a high level rogue can't foil it. Alternatively, Improved Uncanny Dodge will do the trick, although that's explicitly foiled by a high enough level rogue.

Never lose Dex to AC sounds like Uncanny Dodge's base effect. You can pick that up pretty easily from a variety of classes.

Alternatively, if you're a devil (there aren't many playable devils, though), you can take Brand of the Nine Hells, a fairly easy feat that, if you get branded by Dispater, gives you both abilities.

Immunity to surprise is tougher. There're a few options that I know of that are lower level than Foresight:

1. Dire Tortoise. Always act in the surprise round. It's an (Ex) ability and can be picked up by a high enough level druid's wild shape, or a high level polymorph. Downside is that you have to be a dire tortoise most of the time.

2. Mark of the Stars. Feat found in Dragonmarked (an Eberron book). You are never surprised or flat-footed, and you get a +2 insight bonus on AC and reflex saves. Sounds awesome! Unfortunately, you must have a syberis dragonmark to take the feat, meaning that you're looking at around level 15.

3. Better detection abilities than anyone else. Mindsight (Lords of Madness), Scent, Tremorsense, etc. There are a lot of different ways to gain alternative senses, but as a general rule, if things can't sneak up on you, it's a lot harder to be surprised.

Anyhow, by level 6, a totemist can do this fairly well:

Totemist (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050907a&page=3) 6
1- Shape Soulmeld (Impulse Boots)
6- Mindsight

(If you're an azurin or human or anything, go ahead and add in an extra free feat while you're at it.)

Suggested soulmelds:

CROWN: Shedu Crown (bound)
FEET: Impulse Boots
SOUL: Threefold Mask of the Chimera

That leaves you with one more soulmeld to use however you'd like, and one more chakra bind. Maybe shape the Manticore Belt, and bind it to your totem chakra. Now you have a decent ranged attack, and also a pretty solid bonus to Spot checks.

The net result is:

100' telepathy, and the ability to sense any mind within that area, automatically, no action required on your part.
Uncanny dodge - you retain Dex to AC even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker.
Unable to be flanked, ever.

Not too shabby for a level 6 character and only two feats.

Emperor Tippy
2013-05-11, 02:04 PM
Shapechange into an Air Weird every couple of hours, they get Foresight as an Su ability.

2013-05-11, 05:49 PM
Wand? have a high lvl wiz perma it on you? be the wizard? a continuous or use/day item?

It can't be permanencied, and it wouldn't be especially useful to have it cast on you anyway; you have to be the caster to get the warnings. A wand or 1/day item is probably the best if you can't just self-cast it from your 9ths.