View Full Version : [3.5] What to do next?

2013-05-11, 03:36 PM
My party just finished its main objective; release the Elder Gods into the Material Plane, causing destruction, pain and suffering. It was a really hard mission, but... Now we are being chased by Solars, Good Elder Gods, their aspects, some of the good goods (from almost every pantheon in D&D cosmology and from the pantheons described in Deities and Demigods), some dudes from the Limbo, the Abyss and the upper planes. Mordenkain, kick-ass psions, The Shinning Crusade (an army built specifically to stop the Elder Gods from being released, which obviously failed. They are conformed by Clerics of Good Elder Gods, Paladins and Knights of the Chalice, whose specialization, for the campaign, is to DESTROY the Great Servitor Races). We've destroyed Greyhawk, we leaved destruction through Ravenloft, we practically devastated the Talenta region and its surroundings (from Eberron). We are hated by almost every single good being from the Material Plane, and we don't want to even know what the other planes think of us.

If we were epic or else, we wouldn't care so much, but we are level 9.

If we go anywhere, we will get DESTROYED by Good Elder Gods' aspects or other beings who don't want us on their kingdom/realms. We even had to burry our way to the center of earth for protecting ourselves...

What could my party do next?

We are planning to move on to Rokugan, maybe to expand our deities' horizons, but we are some kind of afraid. Also, we though of moving to DragonLance's continent or else. Maybe to Faerūn. What could you do?

Our party is:

A human fighter, grafted with Umber Hulk body skin with levels of barbarian and Exotic Weapon Master.

A specialist Evoker Elemental Savant human.

A Thaumaturgist archivist human.

And me, an aberrated chameleon rogue/factotum.

What could we possibly do?

How can we get stronger?

2013-05-11, 03:42 PM
You're borked.
Got epic level wizards on your trail... 24 hrs max before you're found and unmade. Travel back in time and stop yourselves from borking yourselves over.

2013-05-11, 03:58 PM
Call pazuzu, get wish, solve problems.


Call your friends evil elder gods (the ones you released) and get protection.

One question though, how is it that a 9th level party can bring chaos, panic and destruction while chased by the whole freaking world? :smallconfused: seems a bit over done for a mid level party...

If you really don't know, ask your DM for a training montage so you can face them

2013-05-11, 04:26 PM
It was funny, because we got loot so hard (from challenges our DM though we wouldn't pass) that we could even do things and get Balors, travel to the Abyss to met Graz'zt and party with him, killing celestials. Partying with Orcus, doing weird stuff on our travels, releasing Fimbulwinter spells on cities to expand horizons of Elder Gods, such things looked like a good idea. Scrolls of 9th level spells, wands and staffs, magic, magic everywhere!

Actually, Epic level Wizards are on our trail, our DM hasn't thrown them at us because of the chaos is being released. But it is just a matter of time (that council of Thai looks dangerous).

Our Elder Gods told us that we need to survive by ourselves, we would get rewards, but first things first, so we must ''survive'' hordes of celestials, gods and stuff. I see it hard. I asked about the Chronomancer idea, ''kind of difficult'' our DM said.

It wasn't ''that'' difficult for 9th level characters because we didn't faced gods directly, we just searched for temples and ''awakened'' them. At the time, demigods with the Anulus apeared and tried to stop us, then a massive battle of good and evil Elder Gods started there, one died, more respawned, meh, usual stuff.

2013-05-11, 07:21 PM
The flip side is that you're probably gonna be on the good sides of every evil being in the planes as well; if your GM wants the game to continue with anything other than "you're f'd", then it's time to form an army of demons, devils, Far Realms monsters, and whatever else.

Otherwise it's basically game over. You're level nine, how did you even pull this off to begin with?

2013-05-11, 07:50 PM
The flip side is that you're probably gonna be on the good sides of every evil being in the planes as well; if your GM wants the game to continue with anything other than "you're f'd", then it's time to form an army of demons, devils, Far Realms monsters, and whatever else.

Otherwise it's basically game over. You're level nine, how did you even pull this off to begin with?

It's interesting that you mention Far Realm monsters, because one Mind Flayer of Thoon arrived when The Chaos started and asked us for quintescence. Funny.

We did bad descisions on desperate circunstances.

We ran a lot.

2013-05-11, 09:25 PM
You could hide out and become a sealed Evil in a Can, for someone to crack open in a few millennia later. Then you just break out and re-do all the evil that's been undone in the intervening time. It's also an excuse for the DM to move you to a new campaign setting, saying a lot has changed since you last walked the omniverse. This could also be accomplished by wandering into the Far Realm (or any weird time plane), then re-entering the normal time stream.

You could dig through your backstory for things you want to do. Maybe you have some relatives who need safeguarding, maybe there's a country or political faction you like, or a war to be won.

You could get the universe's denizens to help you battle the forces of good. For starters, get those elder evils you just broke out of prison to help you out. If the ungrateful little whelps can't even help you eradicate all good, you might as well get to work banishing them again.

You could convert to goodness and start undoing all the evil you've done. Witness the destruction in a way that hits close to home, then dramatically switch sides. But that's unlikely since you're probably playing a murderhobo anyway.