View Full Version : Above Average Race?

2013-05-12, 12:04 PM
So thinking of using a race that is a bit I think maybe above average?

medium size , 40 speed
+2 con -2 charisma
Low Light Vision
+2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison and disease
+2 Racial Bonus against Death Magic
Can Gain Scent as a feat you can use
1d4 natural attack

Not to bad is it?

2013-05-12, 12:09 PM
Some physical description wouldn't hurt. The only thing I see right now is a block of stats.

They're apparently not to pretty, and from the look of the stat block, they seem to be used to horrible environments full of poisonous things and death effects.

2013-05-12, 12:12 PM
Nezumi are sweet.

2013-05-12, 12:13 PM
The speed is the snagging point I'm seeing. Aside from that, I'm seeing something a bit less powerful than an angry, bearded, axe-wielding midget... but without said midget's biggest drawback.

2013-05-12, 12:57 PM
so more mobile stealth and less quiver in fear XD

Zero grim
2013-05-12, 04:24 PM
these racial abilities seem to be pulled out of hat, without knowing what the race is (perhaps feral sprinting dwarves?) its hard to say if they fit.

this is a +1 race though easily, bonuses to skills saves lose of a mental stat to gain a physical a stat and movement increase.

so what are their favoured classes, their language and perhaps what type of natural attack do they get?

2013-05-12, 05:00 PM
Well the basic story of living in a sort of if evil was a radioactive by product, the creatures live in that sort of environmental immune to it. Hard to explain the 5 rings.

They get a claw that is 1d4

Languages are a smattering of various monster ones, common not included.

favored class rogue

very much +0

2013-05-12, 07:10 PM
+2 Racial Bonus against Death Magic

You should define the sorts of spells that qualify as "death magic". Perhaps you mean necromancy spells?

The Boz
2013-05-12, 07:22 PM
Death magic could be "if Death Ward works against it, this does too"?
The race does seem somewhat strong, but not much more than a dwarf.

2013-05-12, 07:23 PM
Better than the 3.5 Half Elf, not better than the 3.5 Human. It's decent, but not amazing. It depends on what sort of races you're comparing it to. It's probably below a Whisper Gnome (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20040807a&page=3), Human, Strongheart Halfling, Warforged and...probably the Lesser Planetouched, but it'll be better than other races too.

I'd see no problem with including it among the ranks of the LA+0.

2013-05-12, 07:28 PM
Yeah. So you're changing the Nezumi's "Immune to Taint" to a bonus against the vaguely defined "Death Magic". Depending on how "Death Magic" gets defined, the easiest, and broadest definition would probably be "Anything that uses Negative Energy", such as Inflict spells, Enervation, etc, it's strictly better than the Taint Immunity in anything except a Shadowlands Expedition campaign.

Because Taint Immunity doesn't actually protect against any attacks or anything. A "Cloud of Taint" or other Maho abilities, natural attacks of Shadowlands Creatures, etc, still have full effect on Nezumi. They just never gain Taint Points.

Also note that the "Scent" feat has a Prerequisite of 11+ Wisdom and spending one of your Feats on it.

2013-05-12, 08:32 PM
I agree that this is a middle-of-the-pack +0 LA now. Even if you gave them Scent for free they wouldn't rise above the best +0 LA races.

Comparing Nezumi with Scent and Dwarf:

Movement: Nezumi gets 40 foot base, Dwarf has 20 ft but isn't slowed by heavier armors (and hence can Tumble in them). I call it a wash.
Stat adjustments: identical
Senses: Nezumi get Scent and Low-Light vision, Dwarf gets Darkvision 60 ft and Stonecunning. Slight advantage for Dwarf, IMO.
Saves: Nezumi get +2 vs poison, disease, and Death Magic, Dwarves get +2 vs poison and all spells and spell-like abilities. Advanage: Dwarf.
Skills: Nezumi get +2 Hide and Move Silently, Dwarves get +2 to some Appraise and Craft checks. Advantage: Nezumi.
Other: Nezumi get a 1d4 claw attack, Dwarves get weapon familiarity, stability, +1 attacks vs common enemies, +4 AC vs an uncommon enemy. I'm inclined to give this one to the Dwarf, but your mileage may vary.

Definitely not overpowered, and I would surely make Scent not require a feat expenditure.

2013-05-12, 08:33 PM
Either that or you could do what they do with the Serpentine Template and just say "If you have 5 HD, you gain Scent for free" or the like.

2013-05-12, 08:35 PM
Either that or you could do what they do with the Serpentine Template and just say "If you have 5 HD, you gain Scent for free" or the like.

This also works quite well. If it required a feat, I for one would probably never take it.

2013-05-12, 10:26 PM
err what template?

2013-05-12, 11:25 PM
Having a single claw attack by something with two hands feels weird, maybe make it 2 claw attacks that are 1d3 instead?

2013-05-13, 12:00 AM
Having a single claw attack by something with two hands feels weird, maybe make it 2 claw attacks that are 1d3 instead?

Why not? Skarn (Magic of Incarnum) only get one arm spine attack, even though they have spines on both arms.

2013-05-13, 12:17 AM
Thats kinda weird to... lol

2013-05-13, 02:03 AM
err what template?

Serpentine is a +0 LA Template that BoEF (Decent book for the Templates among other things), can be added to any Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid, gives a +2 Str and App, -2 Int and Cha, gives +2 on Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, and Spot, +2 bonus to Cha and App based checks when dealing with reptilian and snake like creatures. Gets Scent if you have 5 HD.

Actually a template I kinda like if I can get it into a game. It's got some slight bonuses. Only really annoying drawback is the ding to Int. Always painful. But for zero levels that can be tossed on anything typical PC wise? Not bad.

2013-05-13, 04:50 AM
Am I right in thinking that this is Nezumi from the Oriental Adventures book? Yes they are strong for a LA +0 race.

2013-05-13, 05:36 AM
Am I right in thinking that this is Nezumi from the Oriental Adventures book? Yes they are strong for a LA +0 race.

Not really, compared to dwarves, whisper gnomes, humans, and warforged anyway(all of which are equal or stronger[human, warforged], and only +0 la).

2013-05-13, 05:47 AM
medium size , 40 speed
+2 con -2 charisma
Low Light Vision
+2 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison and disease
+2 Racial Bonus against Death Magic
Can Gain Scent as a feat you can use
1d4 natural attack

The natural attack is no such thing, it deals 1d4 with an unarmed strike

Compare it to whisper gnome
small size, 30 speed (+1 size bonus to AC & to attacks, +4 size bonus to hide)
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, –2 Strength, –2 Charisma
Low light Vision & Darkvision
Weapon familiarity with (gnome hooked hammers that can be traded per Complete Warrior to) gnomish quick razor
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds & goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus to AC against giant type
+4 racial to hide and move silently
Spell like abilities 1/day silence if CHA 10 or more 1/day ghost sound, mage hand, message

The nezumi aren't strong.

2013-05-13, 09:39 PM
It looks pretty standard to me, most definitely LA0. If you want it to rise above human or strongheart halfling, I see two traits to focus on using. The 40ft move speed has the potential to do some nice things for a rogue-style build, and the natural weapon opens up access to PrCs that demand it. Otherwise, pretty standard and I'd take it largely for flavor reasons.